The Encyclopedia of Arda - Melkor (original) (raw)

Dates Descended into Arda at its beginning; banished from the world at the end of the First Age Race Settlements Originally dwelt in Utumno and later, after his Captivity and return to Middle-earth, established himself at Angband. Pronunciation me'lkorr (the final r sound should be pronounced, as emphasised by 'rr' here) Meaning '(He who) arises in might' Other names Titles Bauglir, Black King, Craven, Dark King, Dark Lord, Dark Power of the North, The Enemy, Enemy of Men and Elves, Evil of the North, Giver of Freedom, Great Enemy, Great Shadow, King of the World, Lord of All, Lord of the Dark, Lord of the Darkness, Lord of Men, Lord of Middle-earth, Marrer of Middle-earth, Master of the Fates of Arda, Master of Lies, Power of the North, Power of Terror and of Hate Note Melkor is the true name of the first Dark Lord, and is used for him from his beginning until his theft of the Silmarils; events of that period are described in this entry, but for events after his return to Middle-earth, see the entry for Morgoth Bauglir Indexes: Ainur Alphabetical: M About this entry: Updated 31 January 1998 Updates planned: 17 Mightiest of the dwellers in Arda Said to be the mightiest dweller in Arda, Melkor was of the same order of the Valar and equal in power to Manwë himself, who was Melkor's brother in the mind of Ilúvatar. While the Valar descended into Arda to order and govern wisely, though, Melkor sought power for himself alone, and sought to bend all things to his own will. All that the Valar made, Melkor looked to destroy; long before the Elves awoke, he threw down the Lamps of the Valar, destroying their dwelling in Almaren. They removed to Valinor, and fearing for the coming Elves, made war on Melkor and imprisoned him for three ages. By the time he was released, the Elves had come to Valinor; Melkor turned back to his evil ways; slaying Finwë and stealing the Silmarils, he destroyed the Two Trees of Valinor and fled back to his ancient fortress of Angband in the North of Middle-earth. See also... Ainur, Almaren, Aman, Anar, Ancient Darkness, Angainor, Angband, Aratar, Arda Marred, Astaldo, Aulë, Aulendil, Avari, Avathar, Awakening of Men, [See the full list...]Balrogs, Battle of the Powers, Bauglir, Belegûr, Belegurth, Béma, Black Foe of the World, Captivity of Melkor, Change of the World, Cloud of Ungoliant, Corollairë, Coron Oiolairë, Culúrien, Dagor Dagorath, Dark Enemy, Dark Lord, Darkening of Valinor, Days of Bliss, Daystar, Deep Elves, Demons, Dimbar, Downfall of Melkor, Dwarves, Eastlands of Middle-earth, Eglador, Eldar of Eressëa, Eldar of the West, Eldar of Valinor, Eldest Days, Eldest of Trees, Elemmírë, Elendil, Elf-kings, Elu Thingol, Elven-halls, Elves, Elves beyond the Sea, Enemies Beyond the Sea, Ered Engrin, Exile of the Noldor, Exiles, Fëanor, Finwë, First Battle, First War, Flame Imperishable, Flight of the Noldor, Gabilgathol, Galadriel, Giver of Freedom, Golden Tree, Gothmog, Grave of the Children of Húrin, Great Darkness, Great Echo, Great Enemy, Great Gulf, Great Jewels, Great Lake, Great Music, Great Song, Green Mound, Guarded Realm, Guarded Realm, Halls of Awaiting, Hells of Iron, Hiding of Valinor, High Folk of the West, High King of Arda, High Ones of Arda, Hildor, Hill of Ilmarin, Hithaeglir, Holy Ones, House of Ransom, Huntsman of the Valar, Hyarmentir, Illuin, Imperishable Flame, Iron Mountains, King of Men, King of the Elves, Lady of the Stars, Lament for the Two Trees, Lammoth, Lamps of the Valar, Last Battle, Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr, Light in the West, Light of Aman, Little Kingdom, Long Night, Lord of All, Lord of the Darkness, Lord of the West, Lords of the Valar, Lords of the West, Máhanaxar, Maiar, Maiar of the Sea, Malinalda, Marrer of Middle-earth, Marring of Arda, Master of the Fates of Arda, Menelmacar, Menelvagor, Middle-earth, Misty Mountains, Mordor, Morgoth, Mountain Wall, Mountains of Aman, Mountains of Defence, Mountains of Iron, Mountains of the East, Narrow Ice, Nienna, Night-fearers, Noldor, Noontide of Valinor, Nurtalë Valinóreva, Opening Hour, Orcs, Ormal, Outer Lands, Outer Void, Outside, Pass of Light, Peace of Arda, Pelóri, People of the Great Journey, Power of Terror and of Hate, Power of the North, Powers of Arda, Powers of the World, Queens of the Valar, Return of the Noldor, Ring of Doom, River Mindeb, Rulers of Arda, Salmar, Sauron, Second Prophecy of Mandos, Second Spring of Arda, Secondborn, Self-cursed, Sickle of the Valar, Silmarils, Sleep of Yavanna, Spiders, Spirit of Fire, Spring of Arda, Taniquetil, The Dispossessed, The End, The Great, The Hunter, The Light, The Maker, The Powers, The Rider, The Sheen, The Smith, The Song, The Strong, The Sun, The Unwilling, The Valiant, Third Theme, Three Jewels, Three Kindreds, Thuringwethil, Timeless Halls, Towers of Mist, Trees of Silver and Gold, Trolls, Tulkas, Two Trees of the Valar, Two Trees of Valinor, Udûn, Udûn, Ulmo, Unchaining of Melkor, Ungoliant, Unlight, Unrest of the Noldor, Utumno, Valacirca, Valar, Valaraukar, Valier, Valinor, Valley of Dreadful Death, Valmar, Void, Wain, Walls of Night, Walls of the World, War of the Great Jewels, War of the Jewels, War of the Powers, Water of Awakening, Years of the Sun, Years of the Trees Indexes: Alphabetical: M Ainur About this entry: Updated 31 January 1998 Updates planned: 17 For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. 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