The Encyclopedia of Arda - The Sun (original) (raw)

Dates First rose in I 1 (the beginning of the Years of the Sun) Location The lower regions of Ilmen Origins The last flower of Laurelin, mounted in a vessel by Aulë, and set aloft by Varda Other names Titles Indexes: Alphabetical: S Others About this entry: Updated 10 June 2003 This entry is complete Laurelin’s last fruit After the Darkening of Valinor, with the aid of Yavanna and Nienna, the dying Trees of the Valar produced a last single flower, and a last single fruit. Of these, the fruit was borne by Laurelin, the Golden Tree. Filled with radiant fire, it was hallowed by Manwë, and set in a vessel made by Aulë and his people. To pilot the vessel, the Valar chose a fire-spirit of the Maiar: the maiden known as Arien, who took on the form of a naked flame before guiding the newly made Sun aloft. The sun-maiden guided her charge into the skies above Valinor beyond the Western Sea, and so the first sunrise was in the West, not the east as it is today. In Middle-earth, the Elves had dwelt in darkness beneath the stars since Melkor destroyed the Lamps of the Valar long ages before. Now at last the Hither Lands were filled with brilliant light, bringing new life to the lands, and new hope to the Elves. As the Sun rose in the West, the first Men awoke in the eastern lands of Middle-earth, and the first thing they saw was the shining new light. Many of them followed the light across the Earth towards the western lands, and some eventually found their way into Beleriand to become the fathers of the Edain. Because of the time of their awakening, Men were known to the Elves as the Children of the Sun. While Middle-earth stirred under the new light, Morgoth was dismayed by it, and for a while his power was checked. Even in the Third Age, most of the Orcs could not venture abroad in sunlight, and it was even powerful enough to turn Trolls to stone, though eventually both Sauron and Saruman found ways to overcome this. After the first sunrise in the West, Varda had planned for the Sun, and its companion the Moon, to remain forever in a nightless sky. She was persuaded against this by Lórien and Estë, and at last called the Sun back into Valinor: for those east of the Great Sea, this was the first sunset. From that time onward, the Sun descended each evening into the depths of the Outer Sea, and passed beneath the world, to rise again in the eastern sky as she does to this day. See also... Alcarinquë, Alqualondë, Aman, Anar, Anardil, Anarríma, Anarya, Anor, Arien, Aulë, Avathar, Awakening of Men, Balrogs, Battle of the Hornburg, Battle of the Pelennor Fields, [See the full list...]Battle-under-Stars, Change of the World, Child of the Twilight, Children of the Sun, Coranar, Crown of Durin, Culúrien, Curtain of Henneth Annûn, Dagor Dagorath, Dark Lord, Darkening of Valinor, Daystar, Dead Tree, Door of Night, Durin’s Day, Dwarves, East Anórien, East-mountains, Eglador, Eithel Ivrin, Elanor, Eldar of Hithlum, Eldest Days, Eledhrim, Elessar of Eärendil, Elu Thingol, Elves, Elves of Beleriand, Elvish World, Empty Lands, Eöl, Evening Star, Ever-eve, Faelivrin, Falathrim, Firith, First Age, Flame of Anor, Flame of the West, Flower of Silver, Gabilgathol, Gasping Dust, Gates of Morning, Gates of Summer, Goblin-men, Golden Gate, Golden Tree, Gollum, Gonnhirrim, Great Darkness, Green Mound, Guarded Realm, Heart of Fire, Hells of Iron, High King of the Noldor, Hildórien, Hill of Guard, Horses, House of the Golden Flower, Ilmen, Isildur, Jewels of Fëanor, Khamûl, Lady of the Stars, Land of the Girdle, Larks, Last Battle, Laurelin, Light in the West, Light of Aman, Long Night, Longbeards, Lord of Lothlórien, Maggot-folk, Máhanaxar, Maiar, Malinalda, Men, Men of the Three Houses, Mereth Aderthad, Middle-days, Morgoth, Morrowdim, Mundburg, Nahar, Narbeleth, Nárië, Narquelië, Narrow Ice, Narsilion, Narvinyë, Narwain, Nether Darkness, Nienna, Night-fearers, Nórui, Opening Hour, Oranor, Orcs, Orcs of the White Hand, Outer Lands, Outer Void, Over-heaven, Pass of Light, People of the Great Journey, People of the Stars, Powers of the World, Quellë, Rainbow Cleft, Ramdal, Rána, Return of the Noldor, River Anduin, Second Age, Second Battle, Second Prophecy of Mandos, Second Spring of Arda, Secondborn, Seven Gates of Gondolin, Shadow of the East, Silvan Elves, Singollo, Sixth Gate, Sleep of Yavanna, Soldier-orcs, Song of the Sun and Moon, Soronúmë, Spiders, Stone-city, Stone-trolls, Straight Way, Sunday, Sunlending, Sunnendei, Sunset, Sword Reforged, Tale of Grief, Taras-ness, The Dawnless Day, The End, The Ever-young, The Firmament, The Light, The Maker, The Moon, The Sheen, The Smith, The Three Hunters, The Twilight, The Wayward, Third Age, Third Battle, Tol Eressëa, Tom, Tower of Anor, Tower of Guard, Tower of the Setting Sun, Tower of the Sun, Trees of Silver and Gold, Troll-holes, Two Kindreds, Two Trees of the Valar, Two Trees of Valinor, Uruk-hai, Valley of Dreadful Death, Valmar, Vána, Vanyar, Vása, Walls of the World, War of the Jewels, Wars of Beleriand, Water of Awakening, White Face, White Tree of Númenor, Wild Men, William ‘Bill’ Huggins, Window of the Sunset, Window on the West, Woodland Realm, Years of the Sun, Years of the Trees, Yellow Face Indexes: Alphabetical: S Others About this entry: Updated 10 June 2003 This entry is complete For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. 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