The Encyclopedia of Arda - Sauron (original) (raw)

Dates In Middle-earth for many thousands of years before the first rising of the Sun, banished 25 March III 3019 (endured at least 16,000 years, and probably much longer) Location Originally commanded Angband, and later the isle of Tol-in-Gaurhoth; from the Second Age Sauron was most associated with the Dark Land of Mordor, though for much of the Third Age he occupied Dol Guldur in Mirkwood Origins One of the Ainur corrupted to the service of Melkor Race Division Settlements Pronunciation sow'ron ('ow' as in 'now') Meaning 'The Abhorred' Other names Annatar, Artano, Aulendil, Gorthaur; originally known as Mairon, the Admirable1 Titles Base Master of Treachery, The Black Hand, Black Master, The Black One, The Cruel, The Dark Lord, The Dark Power, The Deceiver, The Enemy, King of Men, Lord of Barad-dûr, Lord of the Black Land, Lord of the Dark Tower, Lord of the Earth, Lord of Gifts, Lord of Mordor, Lord of the Ring, The Lord of the Rings, The Nameless Enemy, The Nameless One, The Necromancer, The One Enemy, The Power of the Black Land, The Red Eye, Ringlord, The Ring-maker, The Sorcerer, The Terrible, The Unnamed Indexes: Ainur Alphabetical: S About this entry: Updated 22 August 2015 Updates planned: 1 The Second Dark Lord "Of old there was Sauron the Maia..." The Silimarillion Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age Originally a Maia of Aulë's people, Sauron was early corrupted by Melkor and became his most trusted lieutenant. In the Wars of Beleriand, Sauron was the most feared of Morgoth's servants, but after the War of Wrath and the expulsion of the first Dark Lord, Sauron rose to become the greatest enemy of Elves and Men in the Second and Third Ages. Origins and Ancient History Sauron was one of the mightiest (perhaps the mightiest) of the Maiar, and in the beginning of days he served Aulë the Smith. From Aulë he learnt much of forging and making, knowledge that he would make use of many thousands of years later when he built the Barad-dûr and forged the One Ring. In the earliest days, Melkor seduced Sauron and took him into his own service, and Sauron became the greatest and most trusted of his followers. While Utumno still stood in the dark North of the world, Sauron was given command of Melkor's lesser fortress of Angband. At length, the Valar assaulted Melkor and took him in chains back to Valinor, but Sauron escaped, and remained in Middle-earth. After Melkor’s Return While Melkor was captive in Aman, Angband was made ready for his return, and it must be assumed that Sauron had a large part in this work. After the Darkening of Valinor, Melkor returned indeed to Middle-earth, and took up his abode in Angband. Soon after, he travelled for a while into the eastern lands to seek the newly-awakened Men leaving Sauron in command of his forces once again. Though Sauron doubtless continued his evil works in the service of his lord, we hear nothing of these for many centuries after the return of Morgoth, until the days after the Dagor Bragollach. For two years after the Dagor Bragollach itself, Finrod's tower of Minas Tirith had guarded the Pass of Sirion against Morgoth's forces. In I 457, Sauron himself came against the tower; he cast a spell of fear upon the Elves who held it, and they were slain or fled back to Finrod in Nargothrond. Sauron then took Minas Tirith to dwell in, and watched the Pass of Sirion himself from its topmost tower. The isle on which it stood, which had been called Tol Sirion, was renamed Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves. After the Dagor Bragollach, the last remnant of the House of Bëor became a scattered people. Barahir, its lord, took shelter in the uplands of Dorthonion at Tarn Aeluin with his son Beren and eleven others and was hidden for a while from Morgoth. Sauron was sent to find and destroy this desperate band of outlaws. This he did by capturing Gorlim, one of Barahir's followers, and using his sorcery he discovered the outlaws' camp, and destroyed all of Barahir's band but his son Beren. Beren himself fled southwards through the treacherous paths of Ered Gorgoroth, and Sauron's army of werewolves failed to capture him. Fate drove Beren into Sauron's hands eventually, though: some years later as he travelled northward on the Quest of the Silmaril, Sauron captured him with Finrod and their companions and imprisoned them in Tol-in-Gaurhoth. Sauron knew nothing of Beren's quest, but sensing some danger to himself or his master, he sent wolves out throughout the lands of the Elves. Meanwhile, he flung Beren, Finrod and their companions into a deep pit. There they were devoured one after the other by one of his werewolves, and eventually all were lost but Beren. As the werewolf slew Finrod, though, Lúthien came upon Sauron's Isle with Huan, the Hound of Valinor. Sauron sent wolf after wolf to investigate Lúthien's song, and each was slain in turn by Huan. At last, he sent the mighty wolf Draugluin, and he too was mortally wounded by Huan, but with his dying breath he returned to Sauron and warned him of the danger. So Sauron went himself to one of his greatest defeats. He took the form known as Wolf-Sauron, the shape of a mighty werewolf, and went out to meet his foes. First, he attacked Lúthien, but under her enchantment he stumbled, and Huan sprang upon him. Though he shifted shape and struggled, he could not escape; at last he yielded the tower to Lúthien and Huan released him. He fled eastward then to Dorthonion, where he dwelt in the dark pine forests of Taur-nu-Fuin. Sauron in the Second Age After the War of Wrath and the defeat of his master Morgoth, Sauron fled for a time into the East of the world.2 A period of one thousand years followed in which Sauron was not seen in the west of Middle-earth. As the first millennium of the Second Age turned, Sauron came back. He took the fenced and mountainous land of Mordor, and there began building his mighty Dark Tower of Barad-dûr. The beginning of Sauron's reign as Dark Lord can be dated from this time: he set himself no less a goal than the conquest of Middle-earth, and perhaps even of Númenor itself. For six hundred years, he pursued a dual strategy. In the guise of Annatar, the Lord of Gifts, he tutored the Elves of Eregion, teaching them the secret things that only a Maia of Aulë's people could know. From his lore, the Rings of Power were forged, but while he worked with the Elves, he continued the fortification of Mordor to make it an unassailable stronghold. In the fire-mountain of Orodruin, he secretly forged the One Ring. This was to be the first stroke in his conquest of the west - a device by which he could know, and control, the thoughts of the bearers of the other Rings. His plan failed, though: the Elves became aware of his malevolent presence, and took off their Rings. Angered by this setback, Sauron loosed the hordes of Mordor, six hundred years in the building, and overran Eriador, destroying the land of Eregion where the Rings were made. The Elves called on Númenor for aid, though, and the army of Tar-Minastir put Sauron's forces to rout. After this reverse, Sauron sought instead to build power in the eastern countries, and left the Westlands in peace for many centuries. When Ar-Pharazôn usurped the throne of Númenor in II 3255, he saw Sauron's growing eastern kingdom as a threat. Building and equipping a mighty fleet, he sailed for Middle-earth, and landed at Umbar, to the south of the Mouths of Anduin. Ar-Pharazôn demanded that Sauron submit to his authority and, seeing that the might of the Númenóreans far outstripped his own, and conceiving of a means to overthrow his enemies by subtlety rather than force, Sauron agreed. The Shapes of Sauron All of the Ainur had the ability to change their form, but none held so many different shapes as Sauron. During the First Age, his accustomed form seems to have been that of a dark sorcerer, commanding a host of evil things, and especially werewolves and their kind. He shifted form many times in his existence, though, especially during his duel with Huan; among the shapes he wore were: Wolf-Sauron. This was the monstrous wolf-shape he chose when he went forth from his fortress on Tol-in-Gaurhoth to battle with Huan.During the battle, he changed his form to that of a serpent in his struggles to escape.Finally, after Huan released him, he became a great vampire, and fled into the East, 'dripping blood from his throat upon the trees'.3 Further Reading From the FAQ: What did Sauron look like? Notes 1 The familiar name Sauron, the 'Abhorred', was an insulting name given to their Enemy by the Elves. Clearly this was not Sauron's original name, and in notes quoted in the journal Parma Eldalamberon (17), we have a reference from Tolkien giving the name used by Sauron himself in former days. This was Mairon, translated 'the Admirable' (also used in the form Tar-mairon, 'King Excellent'). Sauron was said to have maintained this name throughout much of history, until after the Downfall of Númenor. 2 It is very noticeable that there is no mention of Sauron taking part in the War of Wrath. After the loss of his Isle, he fled to Dorthonion, and the next we hear of him is then after the War, when he parleyed with Eönwë, the captain of the Valar's forces. The simple fact that Sauron survived Morgoth's obliteration is very telling, and strongly suggests that he must not have taken an active part himself. This is consistent with what we know of Sauron's character - he preferred to work from behind the scenes, manipulating events to his favour rather than acting directly. On the rare occasions where he went into battle himself, he was always defeated. This perhaps helps to explain his decision in the later Second Age not to offer battle to the armies of Númenor. Sauron's desire to work from the shadows is most strongly represented in The Lord of the Rings itself: although he gives his name to that book, and is of pivotal importance to the plot, he never makes a physical appearance. 3 This quote comes from The Silmarillion, 19 Of Beren and Lúthien, and hints at a peculiar characteristic of the Ainur's shape-changing abilities. Injuries sustained in one form - in this case wounds from the battle with Huan - seem to persist to other forms. We see this again in The Lord of the Rings; Gollum says (in IV 3 The Black Gate is Closed) 'He has only four [fingers] on the Black Hand'. This is a reference to Isildur's cutting the Ring from his hand at the end of the Second Age, but Gollum is speaking at the end of the Third. Though Sauron had built himself a new form since his defeat, he could not, it seems, recreate his lost finger. See also... Accursed Years, Aiwendil, Aman, Amandil, Amarië, Amon Amarth, Amon Lanc, Anborn, Ancient Darkness, Angband, Angelimir, Angmar, Angrist, Annatar, Ants, [See the full list...]Ar-Pharazôn, Araglas, Aragorn Elessar, Aragorn I, Aragost, Arahad I, Artano, Arthad, Ash Mountains, Aulendil, Awakening of Men, Azog, Balrogs, Ban of the Valar, Barad-dûr, Baragund, Barahir, Bard II, Base Master of Treachery, Bats, Battle of Dagorlad, Battle of Dale, Battle of the Bragollach, Battle of the Field of Gondor, Battle of the Gwathló, Battle of the Hornburg, Battle of the Peak, Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Battle Plain, Beleg, Bent World, Big Bosses, Bird-tamer, Black Captain, Black Country, Black Gate, Black Gates, Black Hand, Black Master, Black Men, Black Númenóreans, Black One, Black Pit, Black Pits, Black Riders, Black Speech, Black Years, Blade that was Broken, Blue Wizards, Bow of Bregor, Cair Andros, Captain of Sauron, Captain of the Host of the West, Carchost, Cave-trolls, Caves of the Forgotten, Celebrían, Celegorm, Chambers of Fire, Chieftain of the Ringwraiths, Cirith Dúath, Ciryatur, City Gate, City of the Corsairs, Company of the Ring, Cormallen, Council of Elrond, Council of the Wise, Cracks of Doom, Cross-roads, Dagnir, Dark Elves, Dark Land, Dark Lord, Dark Mountains, Dark Plague, Dark Power, Dark Throne, Dark Tower, Dark Years, Days of Flight, Days of Men, Days of the Rings, Dead City, Dead Men, Dead Tree, Deep Elves, Denethor I, Denethor II, Disaster of the Gladden Fields, Dol Guldur, Doom of Men, Downfall of Barad-dûr, Draugluin, Durin’s Bane, Eagles of the North, East Anórien, East Osgiliath, East-borders, Eastgate of the Bridge, Eastlands of Middle-earth, Ecthelion II, Eilinel, Elendil, Elrond, Elu Thingol, Elven-rings, Elvenesse, Elves of Eregion, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Lórinand, Elves of the Wood, Elvish World, Emyn Duir, Emyn-nu-Fuin, Enemy, Enemy of Sauron, Entwives, Eradan, Eregion, Ereinion Gil-galad, Erestor, Evening Star, Evil Eye, Eye of Barad-dûr, Eye of Mordor, Eye of Sauron, Fading Years, Fall of Barad-dûr, Fall of Sauron, Fallen King, Far Harad, Faramir, Fell Riders, Fellowship of the Ring, Fengel, Fimbrethil, Finrod Felagund, Fire of Doom, Fire-mountain, Five Wizards, Flame of the West, Flame of Udûn, Forelithe, Forest of the Great Fear, Forest under Night, Forest under Nightshade, Fortress of Sauron, Fourth Age, Free Folk, Free Lords, Free Peoples, Friend of the Noldor, Friend-of-Men, Fuinur, Galadriel, Gamgee Family, Gandalf, Gate of Gondor, Gate of Mordor, Gates of Moria, Ghosts, Giver of Freedom, Glamdring, Glóin, Gollum, Gollum’s Ring, Gondorians, Gorlim the Unhappy, Gorthaur, Gothmog, Great Armament, Great Battle, Great Eagles, Great Enemy, Great Eye, Great Haven, Great Isle, Great King, Great Ring, Great Rings, Great Signal, Great Tower, Great War of the Ring, Green Hills, Guardian of the Third Ring, Guild of Weaponsmiths, Gwaith-i-Mírdain, Hadhodrond, Half-elven, Half-orcs, Hammer of the Underworld, Harad, Haradrim, Harding, Haunted Pass, Haven of Umbar, Haven-finder, Heir of Isildur, Hell-hawks, Henneth Annûn, Herubrand, Herumor, High Nazgûl, High Up, High-captain of Angband, Hill of Hearing, Hill-trolls, Hirgon, Holman Greenhand, Holy Ones, Hope, Horsebreeders, Horsemen of Rohan, Host of the West, Hound of Sauron, Hound of Valinor, Hounds, House of Elros, House of Fëanor, House of the Mírdain, Huan, Húrin I, Húrin the Tall, Isenmouthe, Isildur, Isildur’s Bane, Isildur’s Heir, Isle of Werewolves, Ithil-stone, Ithryn Luin, Khamûl, Khazad-dûm, King of all the Dúnedain, King of Angmar, King of Arnor, King of Durin’s Folk, King of Gondor, King of Khazad-dûm, King of Kings, King of Men, King of Númenor, King of Rohan, King of the Mountains, King of the Nine Riders, King of the Númenóreans, King of the Sea, King of the World, Kingdom of Dáin, King’s Court, Lady of the Shield-arm, Lady of the Wood, Lake Núrnen, Land of Shadow, Last Alliance of Elves and Men, Last of the Seven, Lay of Leithian, Legolas Greenleaf, Lidless Eye, Lieutenant of the Tower of Barad-dûr, Line of Kings, Loeg Ningloron, Lond Daer Enedh, Longbeards, Lóni, Lord of All, Lord of Andúnië, Lord of Barad-dûr, Lord of Gifts, Lord of Isengard, Lord of Mordor, Lord of the Black Land, Lord of the Dark, Lord of the Dark Tower, Lord of the Darkness, Lord of the Earth, Lord of the Glittering Caves, Lord of the Nazgûl, Lord of the Ring, Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Ringwraiths, Lords of the West, Lugbúrz, Lúthien Tinúviel, Magic Ring, Máhanaxar, Maiar, Mallor, Mar-nu-Falmar, Mariner-king, Master, Master Bag, Master-ring, Men of Darkness, Men of Dorthonion, Men of Eriador, Men of Gondor, Men of the Mountains, Men of the Sea, Men of the West, Men out of the South, Meneldil, Meneldur, Mere of Dead Faces, Messenger of Mordor, Middle Days, Minas Tirith, Minastir, Mírdain, Mirkwood, Mistress of Magic, Misty Mountains, Morannon, Mordor, Mordor-orcs, Morgoth, Morgul Valley, Morgul-host, Morgul-king, Morgul-lord, Morgul-way, Morgul-wounds, Mountains of Iron, Mountains of Mirkwood, Mountains of Shadow, Mouth of Sauron, Naked Hill, Nameless Enemy, Nameless Land, Nameless One, Narchost, Narrow Land, Narya, Nazgûl, Nazgûl Lord, Nazgûl of Dol Guldur, Necromancer, Nimloth, Nine Riders, Nine Rings, Nine Ringwraiths, Nine Servants, Nine-fingered, Noldor of Eregion, Northern Line, Northern Orcs, Númenor, Númenórean Realms, Nurn, Oathbreakers, Olog-hai, Olórin, One Ring, Orc-hunters, Orcs of Barad-dûr, Orcs of Dol Guldur, Orcs of Mordor, Orcs of the Eye, Orcs of the Misty Mountains, Orcs of the Red Eye, Orcs of the White Hand, Orkish, Orodruin, Orthanc-stone, Ost-in-Edhil, Ostoher, Outside, Palantíri, People of Narog, People of the Jewel-smiths, Phantoms, Pillar of the Heavens, Power of the Black Land, Powers of the World, Prince of Dol Amroth, Radagast, Ragnor, Rammas Echor, Red Eye, Revised Calendar, Rhosgobel, Rhûn, Ring of Adamant, Ring of Barahir, Ring of Doom, Ring of Durin, Ring of Isildur, Ring of Power, Ring of Rings, Ring of Sapphire, Ring of the Enemy, Ring of Thrór, Ring of Water, Ring-bearers, Ring-finder, Ring-inscription, Ring-maker, Ringlord, Rings of Power, Ringwraiths, Ringwraiths of Dol Guldur, Rivendell, River Anduin, River Baranduin, Robbers of the North, Ruin of Beleriand, Ruler of Gondor, Rulers of Arda, Ruling Steward, Sammath Naur, Saruman, Sauron’s Isle, Sauron’s Road, Scroll of Isildur, Sea of Núrnen, Search of the Ents, Second Age, Second Chief, Second Gate, Seeing-stones, Senya, Serpents, Seven Hoards, Seven Rings, Seven Stones, Shadow, Shadow of Fear, Shadow of the East, Shadowy Mountains, Shield-barrier, Ship of Long-foam, Siege of Barad-dûr, Siege of Gondor, Silent Hill, Silvan Elves, Silver Tree, Sirannon, Skin-changers, Slag-hills, Sleepless Dead, Song of Parting, Sons of Elrond, Sorcerer, Sorcerer of Dol Guldur, South-realm, Spear of Gil-galad, Spiders, Stairs of Cirith Ungol, Star-watcher, Steward of Gondor, Stewards’ Reckoning, Stone of Anor, Stone of Erech, Stone of Minas Tirith, Stone of Orthanc, Stones of Gondor, Stoors of the Angle, Storm of Mordor, Straight Way, Sunset, Sutherland, Swan-knights, Sword Reforged, Tale of the Ring, Tar-Anárion, Tar-Calmacil, Tar-Ciryatan, Tar-Minastir, Tar-Míriel, Tar-Telperiën, Taur-nu-Fuin, Teeth of Mordor, The Black Easterling, The Cruel, The Darkness, The Dawnless Day, The Downfallen, The East, The Fair, ‘The Fall of Gil-galad’, The Five, The Forest, The Free, The Gift, The Golden, The Great, The Guardians, The Highway, The Lords, The Maker, The Moon, The Mountain, The Nine, The Questioner, The Red, The Rider, The Ring, The South, The Sun, The Terrible, The Tree, The Twilight, The Unhappy, The Unnamed, The Wise, Third Age, Third Ring, Thorin III Stonehelm, Thráin II, Three Jewels, Three Keepers, Three Rings, Thrór’s Map, Thuringwethil, Tol Sirion, Tol-in-Gaurhoth, Tomb of Elendil, Tower of Anor, Tower of Cirith Ungol, Tower of Orthanc, Tower of the Sun, Tower-gate, Towers of Gondor, Towers of the Black Gate, Towers of the Teeth, Trolls, Turgon, Túrin I, Turuphanto, Udûn, Udûn, Úlairi, Undying Lands, Uruk-hai, Valley of Saruman, Valley of the Wraiths, Vampires, Variags, Vice-regent of Eriador, Vilya, Wainriders, Wainriders of Rhovanion, War of the Alliance, War of the Elves and Sauron, War of the Last Alliance, War of the Powers, War of the Ring, Watch-towers of the Morannon, Watchful Peace, Werewolves, West Wind, West-shores, White Council, White Lady, White Messenger, White Mountains, White Rider, White Ring, White Ship, White Tower, White Tree of Isildur, White Tree of Minas Anor, White Tree of Minas Tirith, White Tree of Númenor, White Tree of the Eldar, Wídfara, Wild Men, Window of the Eye, Window of the Sunset, Winged Creatures, Winged Messenger, Winged Nazgûl, Winged Terrors, Witch-lord of Angmar, Witch-realm of Angmar, Wizards, Wolf-Sauron, Wolfhounds, Wolves, Wood of Greenleaves, Wood-demons, Woodland Realm, Wraith-king, Wraith-lord, Wraiths, Years of the Sun, Younger Days Indexes: Alphabetical: S Ainur About this entry: Updated 22 August 2015 Updates planned: 1 For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. 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