Anti-Masonic Examples: The Freemasonry Watch Website (original) (raw)

Freemasonry Watch

As explained below, both the individual who created the 'Freemasonry Watch' website and the hidden identity now too embarrassed by his racism to reappear in the alt.freemasonry newsgroup where he used the moniker of "St. John the Sublime Reformer" are Canadian. In the wake of the Attack on America on 9/11, "Watchy" could be found - as usual - spouting hate and dissent. What shame he brings to the wonderful Canadian people who stood shoulder to shoulder with those in the US at that tragic time.

Anonymity sometimes provides an opportunity for the truth to be told. Anonymity, however, can also allow lies and deceit to masquerade as truth - and does so without accountability.

Paranoia in extremis

Today many of the anti-Masonic websites found littered about the world-wide web - particularly those ripe with paranoia - are linked to the so-called "Freemasonry Watch" website that first appeared around 2000. It has become a beacon for those seeking to find the worst in mankind. Linking all sorts of news feeds keying on particular words, it feeds on misrepresentation and misinformation in a twisted attempt to tie Freemasonry to all of the ills of mankind. The site's owner - a Canadian with ties to a fringe political party - has an enormous amount of material decrying the imagined evils of the American government and tries to paint the picture that everyone is somehow a Mason. Pictures of presidents, vice-presidents, heads of US government bodies, and more are shown alongside screeds about imagined (or actual) misdeeds in an attempt to smear both them and Freemasonry by a common association that perceives the other is bad.

Such childish rhetoric would be laughable were it not so readily consumed by those without the ability to appreciate the deceptive trap into which they've fallen.

Begging for attention

When we first posted this page about his website - and even to this day - the only person who ever commented about our not having 'noticed' the Freemasonry Watch website was the site's creator who hides behind anonymity. For some time, the excellent website about anti-Masonry from the Grand Lodge of British Columbia has had material specifically refuting a number of their most egregious claims and to us, the 'Freemasonry Watch' site seemed such a transparent bunch of 'codswallop' that we felt it wasn't worth even commenting on. However, he taunted that wewere somehow "cowardly" because we did not waste time/energy on debunking a site whose absurdity was so readily apparent - but here we are.

In fact we think that ANY visitor to that site who had even a modicum of discernmentcould see that Freemasonry Watch is simply a hate-based site with specious arguments and links to other sites of hatred. Further, the alt.freemasonry newsgroup participants would regularly and consistently identify "Watchy" as the same hidden identity as the self-created "Saint John the Sublime Reformer", well-documented as a racist, anti-Semite, liar, and forger.

Here's what the website had to say about it:

Animal cruelty and deliberate lies

An excellent exampleof obfuscation in order to show Freemasonry in a bad light are the stories the site regularly flaunts dealing with protests about mistreatment of animals at local Shrine Circuses. Needless to say, the Freemasonry Watch website totally ignores the fact that such protests occur at every circusREGARDLESS of sponsor, Shriners or not, in every state/province throughout North America and that such protests are usually far more vehement against the commercial companies' offerings than the ones against the Shrine events, specifically because the Shrine puts in considerable extra care to see that all animals in their shows are treated in the most humane manner possible. Does it seem honest to present such slanted material? Well, for an avid anti-Mason and liar....

In other instances, deliberate lies are posted. Here's an interesting example from the earliest days of the Freemasonry Watch website, back to a time when online discussion occurred mostly on a thing called 'Usenet' (something like a discussion group - back in the days before avatars, online graphics, etc.); we'll add our comments in red.


Subject: Welcome to ALT.FREEMASONRY

Alt.freemasonry (on USENET) is an unmoderated newsgroup for the discussion of freemasonry.

It is an unmoderated newsgroup for the discussion of *anything* that the masons want. This freedom does not however apply to nonmasons.

Nonmasons are only allowed to ask short questions and are required to accept whatever response is given to them by the Masons.

(Masonicinfo Note: How ludicrous! If a newsgroup is unmoderated, how can the subject be restrained or the length of anyone's questions be limited? Further, if questions only were allowed, how is it that Freemasonry Watch and the posting predecessor of "Saint John the Sublime Reformer" were allowed to post megabytes of diatribes? "...required to accept..." We wonder if some information could be provided as to how this is enforced.)

If they persist in their questioning they will suddenly start receiving unsolicited e-mails from Masons in this newsgroup seeking their personal identity, address, and telephone number.

(If a questioner is interested in joining Freemasonry, a Mason might readily send an e-mail asking for such information in order that personal contact be made. Joining Freemasonry isn't something that's done anonymously on the internet....)

One of the "e-m@sons" who does this regularly is "MasonTruth".

They say that they need this information to have a lodge in their area contact you to answer your "concerns".

(Masonicinfo Note: Brother Manny Blanco of California - who uses his name in all of his posts but whose e-mail address is "MasonTruth" - has phoned prospective candidates all over North America at his own cost. He has also made phone calls to various Grand Lodges as well as local lodge Secretaries in order to put questioners in contact with the appropriate party. To perform such acts of interest, kindness, and consideration is obviously an anathema to those like "Freemasonry Watch" who hide in darkness and refuse to reveal their identity to anyone.)

In reality this is nothing more than blatant intimidation and veiled threat tactics.

This is normally enough to scare off the inquiring "cowan".

This is what is really going on in that newsgroup.

(Masonicinfo Note: And, of course, there is no such proof of these claims and not one single person has ever indicated that Manny's efforts - or those of anyone else - were unwanted. Many, in fact, have returned to the newsgroup to publicly thank Manny and others for having taken the 'extra step' in answering their questions and addressing any concerns they may have had.)

Freemasonry uses cult tactics to intimidate its critics into silence.

(Masonicinfo Note: See our page here about the absurdity of the claim that Freemasonry is a cult or uses similar tactics.)

If this fails, the alt.freemasonry enforcers will use their network in the industry to identify the poster and then the rest of the "brethren" will deluge this questioners i.s.p. with fraudulent accusations about alleged harrassment for "denigrating" their "gentle brotherhood" by refusing to accept their "truthful answers".

This has happened time after time after time in that newsgroup.

(Masonicinfo Note: Yet - despite repeated pleas for proof of such a charge, no evidence has ever been forthcoming. Anti-Masons have regularly complained to the internet service providers of Masons and some Masons have complained about the racism and anti-Semitism found on the sites of anti-Masons.)

That is why so many of the posters who are critical of freemasonry use anonymous posting blinds to hide their personal information.

Masons will use anything and do anything to "get a grip" on their perceived enemies.

You do not believe?

Then try it and see how quickly you lose your e-mail accounts and isp services.

Later these "moral men" will even boast of their conquests in that newsgroup.

(Masonicinfo Note: No, we do not believe. Freemasonry Watch can provide NO proof of these slanderous charges. They are typical of the many that are made on that website....)

This is the real face of Masonry and is repeated every day throughout the land on the internet, as well as in business, political, personal, and social life.

Freemasonry is a danger to freedom of expression and it gives only lip service to the law and constitution.

Author Unknown.

(Masonicinfo Note: "Author Unknown"???? Freemasonry Watch places a slanderous and inaccurate essay on his website complete with a message from Manny Blanco and yet they have no idea who the author is? Does this make a single bit of sense? We urge you to consider such foolishness as you examine the other claims made by this.... person....)

He loves to hate

"Freemasonry Watch" loves to denigrate Masonry and Masons - Masons in particular! A message of mine used without permission on that website serves as a perfect example - and it also serves as a wonderful example of how critical elements on a given topic are removed or altered to suit the preconceived theme. In this example, "Freemasonry Watch" had attempted to provoke by posting a supposed news article from 1991 about about someone who ostensibly was going to sue the Shrine because he'd supposedly been deceived. Specifically, the supposed news quotation (unvalidated by any other source and unknown by anyone we could locate) indicated that the gentleman had joined the Shrine to receive "universal enlightenment", something ludicrous on its face. Notice below how key elements of a message of mine have been removed - and note in particular which elements they are!

Is this just heated rhetoric? No, it's a series of deliberate lies designed to scare and intimidate. Nothing more; nothing less. And typical of the entire website....

One we noted with great hilarity is the claim which s/he makes to the effect that "King and others claim to operate a widespread network within the millions strong Masonic "Fraternity" where "Intelligence Reports" submitted by Masonic Lodges and Freemasons are used to "track" known or suspected "Anti-Activity". Of course, no such network exists and no such claim was ever made. Integrity and accuracy are simply not the hallmarks of the Freemasonry Watch website....

Wednesday, July 25, 2001 3:56 PM alt.freemasonry Re: Would-Be Shriner Says He Was Subjected to Painful Initiation Rites In article <7LA77.11407$A4.1303614@news20.>, Bryan Hayes wrote: > Few questions: > Why would someone who believes in Freemasonry and its teachings > file a lawsuit against his own? Who knows. If he was so stupid as to think he'd find some secret to the universe in the Shrine, he'd also do something like filing a law suite for having strawberries and cream in his underwear I suppose. {Guffaw} The few people who don't appreciate the horse-play of the Shrine initiation usually just walk away quietly. There's always the exception however. When I joined the Shrine, it was a three day event. 'Hazing' started at 6 pm on Friday, went all through the night and ended at the banquet the next evening. On the other hand, there were pauses where you were forcefully reminded of why you were there...(Note the convenient deletion here) No fooling, every one of them in suits and ties and perfectly sober. Of course, ten minutes later I was rolling an egg down the hotel hallway with my nose.... {BWG}. The crowning 'glory' of the whole thing was the 'slave auction' on that Friday night with the candidates being 'sold' to various groups of bidders....(Note the convenient deletion here) The highest price was paid for _ME_! {Big Grin} Needless to say, the 'slave masters' wanted to get their money's worth of laughs and I tried to comply... (Note the convenient deletion here) Regards, Ed King -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. *** Note how King perversely claims copyright of public usenet postings archived by Google, Dejanews, and thousands of I.S.P. providers in a blatant attempt to intimidate those who might want to document the hatred and misinformation he spews out daily in alt.freemasonry (Please note: We had used no bold fonting in our message while Freemasonry Watch has chosen to do so....)  > Why would someone who believes in Freemasonry and its teachings > file a lawsuit against his own? Who knows. If he was so stupid as to think he'd find some secret to the universe in the Shrine, he'd also do something like filing a law suite for having strawberries and cream in his underwear I suppose. The few people who don't appreciate the horse-play of the Shrine initiation usually just walk away quietly. There's always the exception however. When I joined the Shrine, it was a three day event. 'Hazing' started at 6 pm on Friday, went all through the night and ended at the banquet the next evening. On the other hand, there were pauses where you were forcefully reminded of why you were there: things such as having to talk extemporaneously to a group of men WELL your senior about why you were a Mason. No fooling, every one of them in suits and ties and perfectly sober. Of course, ten minutes later I was rolling an egg down the hotel hallway with my nose.... . The crowning 'glory' of the whole thing was the 'slave auction' on that Friday night with the candidates being 'sold' to various groups of bidders and ALL profits going to the Shrine hospitals. The highest price was paid for _ME_! Needless to say, the 'slave masters' wanted to get their money's worth of laughs and I tried to comply. In the process, I'd like to think we helped a needy child. Regards,Ed King -- Anti-Masonry: Points of View Internet newsgroup posting. Copyright 2001. All rights reserved. And obviously, the posting of this message directly violates copyright law. In Watchy's attempt to embarass, he conveniently eliminates key and complimentary elements about the Shrine initiation, i.e. that it's all in fun and ALL done for charitable purposes, the likes of which "Watchy" is so consistently jealous!

Making the Connection

How do we tie the Freemasonry Watch website owner - who goes to GREAT lengths to hide their identity - to "St. John", the racist and liar, when he has publicly denied such a connection? Consider, if you will, just a few bits of forensic evidence from speech patterns of both identities. The ONLY poster to the Usenet alt.freemasonry newsgroup who used the following bizarre and unusual wordswas the anonymous "Saint John" and the posts from various anonymous remailers which purported to be from the creator of the Freemasonry Watch website. Let's take a look:

bullet Kinglet - an attempt to denigrate this site's author;
bullet Monkey Blanco - an puerile attempt to denigrate one of the most kind and gentle individuals to be found anywhere, Brother Manny Blanco, whom both the "Saint" and "Watchy" seem to despise because of the way human kindness exudes from him at all times - and it may very well be an expression of "St. John's" racist tendencies as well;
bullet King Hate - the Freemasonry Watch identity often seems unable to use anything other than personal insult (while all the time claiming that others are doing the insulting!). This appellation was often used by both the self-created "Saint" who is now exposed and - typical of anti-Masons caught in their lies - has vanished. It is now a regular staple of "Watchy". Coincidence?
bullet Karnak - A reference to a skit on the Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson. Again, there have only ever been two uses of this reference in the history of the Usenet alt.freemasonry and it's was used on the Freemasonry Watch website as well. When's the last time you heard this word - and what are the odds of both that poster AND the Freemasonry Watch website creator having the same vocabulary?
bullet Masonism - Both the self-created "Saint" and the creator of the Freemasonry Watch website seem to think that invention of words somehow gives them more recognition as erudite thinkers.
bullet Duffus - Again, referring to the need for insults, this one comes ONLY (and with this spelling) from the two amazingly similar hidden identities!
bullet Strange Bird - Only two people have used this insult. Guess which two....
bullet Canard - Masonic leader Roger Firestone who frequently chastised the self-created "Saint" had used this term once. From then on, it was regularly used by the "Saint" and is now a staple of "Watchy" - and no other online anti-Mason it seems! How odd, eh?
bullet Jimbo - Used when addressing Mason Jim Bennie, known to live and work in the same area as the "Saint".
bullet Diamond Jim - Again referring to Jim Bennie with whom both 'Watchy' and 'St. John' seem to have a fixation as explained below.

TEN VERY unique words/phrases, used by only two posters over a ten year period (up through the year 2000) plus years and hundreds of thousands of postings in the alt.freemasonry newsgroup. What are the odds, eh?

But for those who're not totally convinced, take a look at some additional examples:

bullet the regular, frequent use of the phrase "a slip" (which with both the self-created "Saint" and the Freemasonry Watch website owner was done nearly always as a rejoinder to a statement made by a Mason even though what was written had been done deliberately)
bullet Constant accusations that Masons are "diverting the discourse", a staple of the "Saint's" rants;
bullet regular references to Albert Pike as a "slaver" (without any justification, of course) - an epithet no one else uses with regularity (i.e. with each description of Mr. Pike);
bullet knowledge of the employer and on-air duties of Vancouver resident Jim Bennie, a radio broadcaster there. The self-Created "Saint" had acknowledged that he was living in that area and although "Watchy" will not indicate a place of residence, she/he seemed to know the radio call sign where Jim works and what Jim is doing from time to time, something that's not posted publicly on the alt.freemasonry newsgroup. What are the odds, eh?

And then there's this: most of those who post anti-Masonic material struggle to use even basic English, not always because English isn't their first language. The Freemasonry Watch webmaster and the self-created "Saint", however, seem to make constant and repeated reference to Masons and Masonry as "occultic" - again, unlike other posters who might use it once or twice and then drop it in favor of other attacks - or correct English usage.

And the strange coincidences keep coming: within a day or so of our making the existence of this particular web page known, posts from the clandestine "Freemasonry Watch" were suddenly marked as "no archive" thus keeping them from being recorded in the Deja News/Google records. How peculiar that after more than a year, the covert 'FW' would at that particular moment decide that her/his posts were not worthy of long-term record - just when anyone could for themselves do a linguistic analysis.... It's another of those things which seem to so neatly link the racist liar and forger 'Sainty' with this present individual....

We also find it interesting that on the Freemasonry Watch website he refers to only ONE similarity (one of his favorites - "diverting the discourse" ) which is NOT one of the TEN we've noted.

And, of course, there's the fact that the book about the KKK by Lester which the self-created "Saint" and "Freemasonry Watch" both quoted so regularlywas stolen from the Vancouver library. Surely just another coincidence...???

Another similarity between the two is the propensity to select a certain incident in history and then try to re-write the information surrounding it. The "Saint" first attempted this while trying to prove that she/he could solve the Kennedy Assassination conundrum - with the Masons in collusion as the answer. After having been soundly ridiculed by those far more familiar with the details of the case, he moved on to attempting to claim a connection between Freemasonry and the KKK through use of an imagined New York Times article. There were other examples: those two spring to mind. Now, FW claims that the Taxil Hoax was really an invention by Masons to protect Albert Pike. You can read about that bit of foolishness here. Similar attempts at re-writing history are the stock-in-trade of both!

And just one other similarity on which to muse is the constant whine that everything written by Freemasons is a "personal attack". It defies logic to explain how someone who posts anonymously could be 'personally attacked' but logic is not a strong suit when it comes to the Freemasonry Watch website creator. A typical exchange will often go like this:

Mason poster: "By the way, I sign my real name. What about you?"

Anonymous Freemasonry Watch: "More personal attacks."

Is the Freemasonry Watch website creator the same liar, forger, racist and anti-Semite who had previously posted as "St. John"? Consider all of the similarities outlined above and decide for yourself!

But regardless: do you trust someone who can't even tell you their name? If Masons were as all-powerful as this individual's website asserts, wouldn't you think someone would have looked him up during the past decade? Such a joke....

Please note that "Watchy" is NOT the same individual as anti-Mason Mark Flynn whose "Watcher" website is described here.

Updated 31 March 2006 with some typos fixed in November 2014.

Rewriting History
Watchy's Diversions

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