Anti-Masonic Examples: The Others (M-Z) (original) (raw)

The Others (M-Z)

Here's the continuation - in alphabetical order - of the 'minor' anti-Masons....

bullet Stan and Elizabeth Madrak - Self-described as "Demon-Busters", it's hard to recall when we've seen such an aggressive 'religious' web site. Finding threats to Christianity at every turn, it's not particularly surprising that they'd also jump on the anti-Masonic bandwagon. Curiously, they note on every page that they're not racist. Why would one need to make such a statement unless.... Take a peek at their web site and decide for yourself. Oh, and they're also convinced that chemtrails are being sprayed by the government on their new home in Mississippi and they also encourage you to burn certain books and tapes they think are bad for you! ..........
bullet Paul Malcomson - The Loyal Orange Lodge and/or the Independent Orange Order don't seem to be quite enough for Mr. Malcomson's rage. He also climbs on the anti-Masonic bandwagon as well and is convinced - although he can't prove it - that Freemasonry and Orange are somehow all part of an anti-Christian plot, apparently initiated by governments around the world. His so-called "evangelical truth" website will provide you with lots of information about his beliefs. ...............
bullet Willie Martin - Runs the "Jew Watch" website - associated with the racist neo-Nazi Stormfront organization. You can read some of his screeds here. Freemasonry can certainly be judged by its enemies! ...............
bullet Noel McDonald - Convinced that Australia is all wrong, Mr. McDonald apparently believes that Freemasons who were government leaders are part of the cause of the country's supposedly many problems so rails against them at hiswebsite. To support his claims, Mr. McDonald, clearly oblivious to its comedy, uses a quote: "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free." - Johann W. von Goethe. That quote is from - you guessed it - a Freemason! ...............
bullet Hugh McFarland - Claiming to be a Past Master but never indicating the lodge to which he supposedly belonged, Mr. McFarland wrote an e-Book titled "I was Hoodwinked - How I slipped the Freemasons grip". We think it's the public that's being hoodwinked here as Mr. McFarland now collects on his publishing scheme by selling another fantasy titled "Sell 100,000 eBooks by letting it be read for free?" that can be found on DOZENS of websites as being 'legitimate advice'.Did Mr. McFarland REALLY sell 100,000 eBooks - or even 1/1000th that number? Like other 'how-to' books, it's not necessary that the author have actually achieved what he tells you how to do. (Remember the old saw: 'Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach.'?) That aside, we earlier wrote, "Curiously, his anti-Masonic book is no longer for sale even onhis website. How ironic that he ostensibly was able to garner so much cash and yet, after only a year or so, no longer sells the single work that brought him that fortune if not fame." As is typical with anti-Masons profiled here, Mr. McFarland did a flip-flop in an effort to prove us wrong and now is making money yet again - or so he claims. Of course he's also claimed since 2007 that the book would be available free "soon".... Why did he stop selling his book? Who knows. He wants everyone to think that he's important by writing that I've "...devoted quite a bit of space on his website". OK. If you think that these two paragraphs out of nearly two million words on this site is 'quite a bit', then you probably will love the 'truthful' facts in Mr. McFarland's book. Also in response to our comments here, he's created a full page of pseudonymous praise. It is to laugh. Here's a link for you to see how many places Mr. McFarland has convinced that he's telling the truth (you'll get a couple of pages of this hokum in the book with everyone too afraid to be identified apparently). Nothing seems to sell like a Masonic 'expos�' so despite his whining about what we'd written, you'd think he'd be thrilled with the additional notoriety he's gotten from this profile. Of course the enigmatic Mr. McFarland still manages to evade the point that he has not disclosed where and when (or if) he was a Freemason. Afraid of the black helicopters or, perhaps, that we'll find out his story was all made up? Time will tell.... ..........
bullet Steve McHenry - A Ready Mix truck driver whose blog seems to love finding others' damning material about literally EVERYTHING. Freemasonry consumes a small portion of his interest as he ignores copyright laws (claiming use in full to be covered under the 'fair use' doctrine because he's 'educating') to steal essays that rely on absurdities and falsehoods. It appears that he does this feeling it will somehow prove his devout religiosity. We'd hope that Google will eventually crack down on bloggers who do this using their free services but meanwhile, we must conclude that Mr. McHenry is anti-Masonic based on his willingness to copy and paste such lies. Then again, maybe he doesn't have a clue - which is at least true for his interpretations of copyright law! (After adding this, Mr. McHenry wrote to us saying "By the way, my grandfather, whom I had the utmost love and respect for, was a Mason, a member of the Fraternal Order of Knights, and a Shriner. My grandmother was a member of the Eastern Star, so I don't think that it's all black magic and secret ceremonies." Castigate and condemn organizations that were important to loved ones: what a curious way to show love and respect - but clearly his attempt to draw traffic to his blog so he'll get something from the many ads tops any familial emotions. Sad really. ..........
bullet Thomas C. McKenney - A retired Lieutenant Colonel, United States Marine Corps and Anti-Masonic author. You can read about the fraud he and former Mason Jim Shaw perpetrated to discredit Freemasonry on this page. McKenney is also a prominent figure in the totally discredited book about Vietnam War deserter Robert Garwood. While great attention has been paid to Garwood, we wonder about the seemingly far-fetched claims of McKenney as to his being a US military assassin. Could his 'recollection' of military assignments be similarly 'inflated' just as was that of his friend and co-author, Jim Shaw? You can read a very intriguing review of this book with reference to Mr. McKenny's role thereinhere. (Scroll down to "Footnotes Please!) We found it curious, frankly, to see the liars and frauds Mr. McKenney seems to bond with. ..........
bullet David J. Meyer - Poor Mr. Meyer: he's convinced that the Illuminati (and all those Masons) are running the world. Nothing original here, folks: religious fantasies relating to current politics - and nobody in the government ever does anything right, ever! We found it amusing that Mr. Meyer imagines that because he learned about astrology and palm-reading between the ages of 13 and 19, he had somehow become a "witch". He seems to have (at least partially) found his way out of puberty though and sometime between then and age 25, when he claims to have been 'ordained' by the United Pentecostal Church. We're not quite sure if the reference on his website is to the United Pentecostal Church International but if you're interested in his denomination's ostensibly "rigorous" requirements for ordination, you can click here. (Basically, you have to read a half-dozen of the books they publish by long-dead authors thus avoiding royalties. Most are by David Bernard who published an anti-Masonic expose in the late 1800s!) You should also be aware that a goodly number of other anti-masons listed on our site think that THEY - the Pentecostals - are false preachers! Mr. Meyer apparently had a falling out with them and simply started his own church. His 'Last Trumpet Ministries' is a study in gross paranoia but you can learn all about his visions just as soon as he finds a news story that will allow him to claim that he foresaw it all! Truly amazing! ..........
bullet Rick Miesel - An ultra-fundamentalist self-claimed Baptist who created the web-based 'Bible Discernment Ministries'. Freemasonry is but one of his many targets. Using tired ploys like quotes from Manley Hall (whom he describes as "one of the greatest authorities on Masonry" but failing to mention that the writings of Hall he quotes were penned he was 21 - some 30 years before he became a Mason) and from Lynn Perkins (who took great pains to explain that his writings were his personal opinions), he flails at Masons and Masonry and many other things. You can read Miesel's anti-Masonic discourse here. ..........
bullet Robert E. Miner - Mr. Miner has written: "I, too, was a Master Mason who had never followed the admonishment given to me when I received the Bible in the lodge: "Masonry admonishes each of its votaries to diligently search the Scriptures, for therein they will find the way to everlasting life." Finally, due to the love and prayers of a friend, and the working of the Holy Spirit as I read the Word of God, I was set free from sin and made alive to Christ! This is no secret! And all the world should about it! I thank God for those who are sharing truth for the unbeliever to find God's intended relationship with Him in Jesus Christ, and for those who are educating the Church about the things done in darkness so that the Church may lead others into the True Light. May God bless this ministry as it seeks to glorify Him and win others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ." Frankly, we find that 'testimony' a bit strange. Mr. Miner admits that he didn't follow a teaching of Freemasonry but when he discovers faith accidentally through another means, condemns the fraternity for his own shortcomings. Darkness? In Freemasonry? Hardly! If things were done in such darkness, how is it that everyone who is not a member seems to know so much? Further, though, there was nothing in the organization which should have impeded his relationship with Jesus; strange that he should think there was, particularly in light of the admonishment given to ALL Masons to study the Scriptures! ..........
bullet Gordon "Jack" Mohr - Died July 17, 2003. This former US Army Lt. Col. from Arkansas was a Christian Identity adherent and a proponent of hate. He argued that the anti-Semitic proven forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, were absolutely the truth. He promoted a hatred for anyone and anything not white-Christian in both race and belief. A 'work' of his can be found here and a Judgment by the US 9th District Court of Appeals about him. As just a short example of his erudite prose, "Masonry has an outward semblance of loyalty towards the Bible and God; but is based on lies and deception. * Freemasonry is founded on Jewish "Pantheism" or the deification and worship of unregenerated man (the supremacy of man) rather than God. * Masonic symbols secretly stand for things other than what they appear to be -- such as sex and satan worship. Masonic oaths involve more than what most Masons think. * Freemasonry is at the forefront of the one-world movement. * The moral standard of Freemasonry is very similar to Judaism since they come from the same un-Godly source." ..........
bullet Stan Monteith - This physician ostensibly has spent some 40 years researching the supposed covert Illuminati movements that he thinks have shaped the twentieth century. He claims to be one of the world's leading authorities on Professor Caroll Quigley - former U.S. President Clinton's mentor. He also claims to know some "covert motivation" of those working to create world government with special emphasis on the supposed "Rhodes Scholar" secret society which Cecil Rhodes created in 1891. In addition, he claims to know true origin of communism and socialism and, of course, ties all kinds of groups together including the Federal Reserve System, international finance, tax-exempt foundations, the Jesuits, the Lucius Trust, the Masons, the Skull and Bones & Theosophy Society, Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosicrucians, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Bildebergers, the Trilateral Commission, and more. You can find out more about his radio program and read his vitriolic newsletters at his 'Radio Liberty' web site. ...............
bullet Robert A. Morey - He founded an organization called 'The California Institute of Apologetics" and then turned his attention on the web to condemning Islam when that became fashionable. Previously (1990) he published a book condemning Freemasonry titled "The Origins and Teachings of Freemasonry" (now out of print). His arguments are the standard ones used by anti-Masons who believe that Freemasonry is a religion and his 'Cultbusters' website (now owned by someone else) was simply inflammatory rhetoric. ...............
bullet Alan Morrison - A graduate of the evangelical Free Church of Scotland college (with a faculty of less than 10) run by the Free Church of Scotland (not to be confused with the MANY other schismatic groups that have separated from them), Mr. Morrison now runs another of those 'internet ministries' where he maintains the standard 'Can a Christian be a Mason' discourse based on false assumptions and incorrect Biblical interpretations. We found his testimony quite interesting: a 'sixties hippie', he wandered through all sorts of trials and tribulations before hearing a Mozart chorale which finally made his commitment to Jesus Christ meaningful. We wonder if the man who so easily speaks against Freemasonry on his website realizes that this religious experience that caused him to stop his car and cry was thanks to a very dedicated Mason who wrote MANY musical pieces for his Masonic brothers...! ...............
bullet Bruce-Eddie Segrum - Another of those who use Freemasonry in an attempt to separate folks from their money, this individual has created something related to Tarot and is advertising that it'll provide you with "deeper secrets". Uh-huh. Here's no secret: some unknown person using e-mail and anti-Masonic rants isn't going to help you understand the universe any more than a good dog. Maybe he'll make a million more sales broadcasting about how we were 'afraid' of his 'truths'. ...............
bullet Lynne Moss-Sharman - This Canadian resident claims to have been a survivor of (US) CIA mind control experimentation and cult ritual abuse. She gives lectures on "...the alleged links between CIA MKULTRA and secret societies (Masons, OTO, etc.)". You can read some clips about herhere as well as on her own web site here. You can also read an interview with her here in which she darkly hints that anyone involved in mind control must be involved in Freemasonry (of course, right?). She also attempts to discredit the Scottish Rite's schizophrenia research project as part of some lurid mind control manipulation process. (Why is it always "alleged"? We wonder....).......... uparrow1.gif (962 bytes) Return to top
bullet Adnan Oktar (who writes under the name of Harun Yahya) - Who needs proof that Freemasonry is responsible for everything, including world emphasis on the Darwinian theory of evolution? Not this anti-Mason: his screeds are, simply, screeds - about Freemasonry supporting Luciferism etc. etc. ad infinitum. (Science, it seems, is controlled by the evil Freemasons and Jews....) Mr. Oktar has spent some time in a mental hospital and if you've got a couple of hours in your life to kill, you might want to read all about it here. (The words 'Methink he doth protest too much.' will likely come to mind quickly. A couple of his quotes should serve to give you some measure of the man. "When we draw attention to foremost companies and the wealthiest businessman in the world, we see at once that these are freemasons. 85% of the economic power in the world is gathered under the monopoly of freemasons. Owners of large holdings and holders of considerable capital as well as prominent investors are all freemasons. This situation doesn�t change in Muslim countries." (Link) Railing against the war in Iran, he writes, " This game of freemasons is due to be failed. Muslims, Christians and Jews are sincere devotees who believe in one Allah, the Hereafter, angels, Heaven and Hell. By Allah�s leave, Muslims, Jews and Christians will spoil this game of the antichrist in unity, annihilate the biggest weapon of the antichrist�the freemasonry, Darwinism, materialism, atheism, fascism, communism." (Link) You can read one of his anti-Masonic screeds here. A UK humanist publication (see here) reports that he's liable to be spending some time in prison, talks of sex scandals and more - things he disputes most vigorously. Their summary: " He is a deluded megalomaniac who has artfully exploited the global resurgence of religious sentiment to cheat us all. A ludicrous man for ludicrous times." ...............
bullet Karl C. Priest wrote to this site in 2010 asking, oh so innocently, about whether a person who held "Mother Earth" or "even Satan" as their Diety could become a Mason. I could smell it a mile away as a set up but, rather than be tagged as an intolerant, decided that I'd answer - particularly because he said that he'd rather get his information from a Mason than an anti-Masonic website. Can we spell "Liars for Jesus"? I answered Mr. Priest but also asked him to explain why he wanted this particular information. He evaded and claimed that I wasn't answering him except with more questions. (Warning bells ringing louder!!!) I then went to great length to explain the various steps taken towards becoming a Mason and why a person would WANT to become a Mason if their belief system was so diametrically opposite to its teachings. His response was that he had no idea but he wanted to know what Masons would do - and also admitted that he didn't know Masons took their obligations on a Holy Book, generally the Bible. (Lying or stupid? You'll have to decide on that one after you read the rest.) He also wanted me to tell which of several hundred religious beliefs would be acceptable and which not. (Is this guy writing a book or just a lonesome loser with nothing to do in life? Hang on....) He told me about Satan being, to some, a Supreme Being (created by God but supreme? Interesting.) He suggested I use Google to which I replied that they came onto the web a couple of years after my website but that they were a great help. I should have followed through on that thought a little more. Seeing that he was unwilling to deal with the reality of life but was intent on creating fictitious lose-lose scenarios, I wrote that I wasn't going to play his game any more. His reply? "I think that you are in a corner and your weasel ways have led you there. If you will not answer simple straight forward questions you must have something to hide." Now that piqued my curiosity and a short Google search produced - you could probably never guess - a website that Mr. Priest runs all about creationism. Oh, and you'll never guess what else. Maybe you will, actually:a link to Larry Kunk's tax evasion scheme of prostelytizing to Freemasons and another to the fabricator Duane Washum and his 4-5 imaginary ex-Masons for Jesus and he adds with such authority "The non-Christian religion of Freemasonry". So much for getting his facts from a Mason, eh? Another person happy to prostitute himself and, as the saying goes, "lie like a rug" in order to be more important in the eyes of those around him who are SO blind they cannot see. A "Liar for Jesus" who'll now brag about how he 'bested' an important Mason in a debate. You can read here how important Mr. Priest thinks he is as he brags using a chess analogy of how he was able to 'check-mate' others. ..........
bullet Michael Jerome Pardo - It seems to us that if Mr. Pardo doesn't have an opinion on it, it doesn't exist and can't be imagined. His 'Universalway' site has his essays about virtually everything under the sun and his site takes many swipes against Freemasonry. In order to garner attention, he has posted provocative messages to the alt.freemasonry newsgroup with such questions as "Does Masonry support the mutilation of babies?" Take a peek at his website and you'll likely come away with the same conclusion we've drawn: Mr. Pardo should 'get a life'! ...............
bullet Revd. David Pawson - During the early 1970's, tape copies of a series of programs about cults, probably in 1969, received wide distribution. Using the tactics of many of his predecessors, Pawson claimed impartiality while obviously having pre-determined the outcome of his 'study'. Mason Christopher Haffner published a booklet titled "Freemasonry as a Cult" in which the claims made by Pawson (who refused to allow his remarks to be printed) were refuted. ...............
bullet Eric Jon Phelps - Here's a clue for readers: if they rant about George Bush (either of them) being a Mason, then they simply don't know what they're talking about and anything they write can be pretty much discredited. After all, if the biographer of a very well-known figure gets the date and place of his/her subject's birth wrong, what would you think about their ability to tell an accurate story? And so, a simple trip toMr. Phelp's website where not only the Bush family but other non-Masons are given Masonic membership (Kissinger and more) should be enough (if the paranoid rantings aren't) to show how foolish his claims are. References to "Masonic Jewish Zionists" might also alert you to some pretty obvious racist hatred. We always think it's so very amazing when folks with NO contacts, no experience, no... well, no ANYTHING expect others to believe they've solved the deepest, innermost secrets of world domination. What's even more amazing is that some people actually believe them! ..........
bullet Jim Prange (Pseudonym: Alex Parma) - Mr. Prange - using his credentials as a former newspaper reviewer of video games and his extensive knowledge gained through playing in a band - has concluded that the Masons are planting secret messages (from the reptile race) in crop circles while they're simultaneously poisoning the water supply. Using such impeccable sources asDavid Icke, Jim Marrs, andWilliam Cooper (there's more than a bit of irony there, folks!), he has convinced himself that there's a huge conspiracy he's uncovered in Howell, Michigan. Perhaps Mr. Prange and his imaginary friend Mr. Parma have found an alternative to drinking that water.... You can find his rantingshere. (P.S. for Mr. Prange/Parma/whoever: the Philalethes (using the correct spelling, unlike you) Society is a research society and not a "public relations group". They publish a bi-monthly magazine of about 30 pages that only goes to members and subscribers. Sorry, but not surprised, you were unable to figure out what their purpose was despite what it says on their website! I'll let your characterization of my portraying you as a "loonie" go unchallenged. See post here for the background to this added comment - without, alas, any explanation of how he's managed to avoid our poisoned water.) ...............
bullet Timothy Prankerd - Author of a work called "The Wigged Mafia", this individual claims to have some major problem with the justice system of the UK - and seems convinced that Masons are part and parcel of his many claimed problems. You can read about these trials and tribulations in avery exhaustive web site which now seems to have disappeared. We'll continue to search for his 'Wigged Mafia' site as time allows...........
bullet Greg Pudwill - Self-appointed as 'Director' of what appeared to be solely an internet website disguised as an organization named the Center for Cult Research Institute that now seems to have disappeared from existence. We had enjoyed pointing out that Greg's photo in front of photo of a book shelf was about as contrived as his claims against Freemasonry. Like many of those who think they'll find fame and funds from condemning Freemasonry, Greg is now forgotten and his web platform has disappeared........... uparrow1.gif (962 bytes)Return to top
bullet Zander Raines - Once a staple of the Compuserve forums, Zander became an employee of a state affiliate of the Christian Coalition. An affable individual, he would invariably welcom all into his ongoing discussions although it seemed to this author that the words he used belied his true feelings. Using extensive Biblical and other quotes, Mr. Raines portrayed himself as a knowledgeable individual, particularly in scriptural matters, yet when his 'missionary reports' about the evils being done toward Christians were challenged, he seemed to consistently disappear rather than provide a response. Mr. Raines regularly condemned Freemasonry, presenting unsubstantiated information from others as fact and - when challenged - had no answer. We found it particularly amusing that those individuals from the past to whom he pointed as shining examples of good were - about 9 out of 10 times - Freemasons!!! We always wondered why someone so obviously 'taken' with the leadership and good example of Freemasons would choose to condemn them at every turn. We'd point you to Zander's home page where he at one time was emoting on the evils of Freemasonry but it's gone now and doesn't seem to have a replacement. ...............
bullet Robert Randall - Having been a college newspaper editor, we understand it's a tough job to allow freedom of expression while simultaneously ensuring accuracy and coherence of thought. We also know it's not terribly difficult to separate puerile rants from actual editorial matter - and that one of the roles of an academic advisor to a paper is to do just that. Apparently they don't understand those things at the Adams State College's South Coloradan where frothing rants, totally devoid of reality, are given reign. If you're going to allow religious-intolerant, conspiracy nuts like Mr. Randall try to become a celebrity while spouting lies, one would think that the commentary section would at least have a disclaimer (as most other college papers do) stating that opinions are not that of the school or of the paper. And are they really that desperate that they're forced to use tripe like this? I wonder what Mr. Randall will be when he grows up.... ...............
bullet Raybert - Sorry, we can't give you a full name here since this online personality didn't want anyone to know who he really was although an AOL profile identified him as Raymond Newbert. An online 'buddy' of Greg Lambert, it was odd that they would appear simultaneously - almost as if they were one. Raybert regularly stirred up controversy on America Online prior to moving to usnet newsgroups. Here's a message posted in August, 1998 on the alt.freemasonry newsgroup to give you the 'flavor' of his thoughts. We've left in the numerous typos; they're a staple of a Raybert post (ironically, just as they are in Greg Lambert's.... How strange!). "In my research, I have found that the masonic lodge is out to distroy all forms of religion, from within, and bring about a one world religion. Their religion. This I do not agree with. And I will do all I can to prevent it. If masonry wants to be a religion, that's fine with me. (Masonicinfo note: Wait a minute! First he says it's not okay but then it is? Think you're confused now, huh? Read on!) But I have seen much evidence that masons are members of say, a Christian Church. Are preacher or elders and yet they admit that they are Witches. (MasonicInfo Note: Folks are still waiting for that proof, Raybert!) They say that the bible is not God's word. They say it is nothing but man's work. They say that what is written in it is not true. Only stories made up by men. (Masonicinfo Note: This sounds a bit like an argument about scriptural inerrancy rather than one about Witches, doesn't it?) Now, a person like this, that is a member and hierarchy of a Christian Church is teaching others religion. What exactly are they teaching them. Not Christianity! In my opinion, the lodge has infeltrated all forms of religions and is pushing the occult, pagan mystery religions, which they are taught and brainwashed into beliving in the masonic degree work and the masonic literature. You can pick up any book written by any masonic author and they compare the ancient mystry religions of (most of the time) (Masonicinfo note: Any book by any author - but only most of the time. Aha!) Egypt with Christianity and tell the readers that these mystery religions are the true religion. (Masonicinfo Note: Comparing mystery religions with Christianity has what to do with Masonry again? We're confused!) They tell the reader that these pagan mystery religions had two worships. One for the masses and one for the initiates. The tell the readers that only the initiates learned the true religion. They tell the reader that masonry teaches the true religion. (Masonicinfo Note: No they don't, Raybert, but some will say it's RELIGIOUS! There's a difference between being religious and being a religion. You can't find one single Masonic author who thinks Masonry is a religion, but then again, you already know that don't you?) Most masonic authors admit that masonry is a religion and that it is the true religion. Anyway, you get the point. (Masonicinfo Note: No, not at all, thanks!) I am against anyone out to distroy any religion. (Masonicinfo Note: Wait a minute. He says that Masonry is a religion, that he's against anyone out to "distroy" any religion, but he wants to destroy Masonry. Does this mean he's against himself? Hmmmm...) And that, IMHO, is exactly what the lodge is trying to do. Their agenda. Now the masons will say I am lying and that I am nuts. The problem is that it is all out there for anyone to see if you know where to look. All it takes is the effort to look. Their worst enemy is their own masonic authors. That is why, when I quote one of them, I give the book title and page. That way, anyone that wants the truth, can see for themselves." (Masonicinfo Note: Yes, you do - quoting snippets totally out of context and then hacking up the spelling....) We'll spare you any more. Suffice it to say that whenever Raybert is shown the fallacy in his statements, he cried that he was being attacked by the Masons. Raybert also posted on the alt.conspiracy newsgroup from time to time. In mid-March, 1999 he advised - in response to someone's rant about government intervention in something, "There is a simple answer for this. STOP SENDING THE FEDERAL MAFIA ANY FUNDS!!!!!!!! Find out how to do this the legal way at: . Free yourself and stop the Federal Mafia!" Raybert, apparently, also supports civil disobedience/illegal activity by not paying US taxes - illegally! With the IRS taking an aggressive stance on tax protestors, we wonder if Raybert's disappearance may have been related to their prosecutions of scoff-laws. ...............
bullet Michael E. Rippie - His website seems an interesting combination of his religious beliefs and his attempts to sell Amsoil synthetic lubricants. He has posted on alt.conspiracy that Freemasons are the source of all the world's problems. Strange things.... ...............
bullet David Roblee - There are anti-Masons whose fantasize that their idealistic (often bizarre) beliefs are hampered or infringed upon in some way by Freemasonry. (The claim is generally made against 'Freemasonry' as an organization rather than 'a Freemason'.) An intriguing example of this seems to be Mr. Roblee whose internet postings often made reference to his being a resident of North Pole, Alaska - a suburb of Fairbanks. Mr. Roblee has run for local political office and garnered almost a 22% vote. He has written that Freemasons make money and thus somehow have created the problems of capitalism. His solution? Freemasons should rally behind his cause to totally eliminate money! Eliminate money? Yep, it's as simple as that but the strangeness doesn't stop there. He's written, for example, "Oh please... doctors create disease in order to sell drugs to mitigate the effects of the diseases that doctors create. Doctors dispense drugs." ...............
bullet Scott Roeder, the Kansas City man accused of killing Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller, and his associates apparently had split off from a Bible study group because, as reported in the Kansas City Star, "... because the leaders did not want to hear their talk about Freemasons and other �secret societies.� According to the news report, Rabbi Shmuel Wolkenfeld said he hadn�t seen them for several years. "He said the group also espoused conspiracy theories � including an assertion that Prince Charles is the Antichrist � and that eventually, he and the elders had to �uninvite� two of Roeder�s friends." So now the conspiracy theorists will rail that this was a setup by Freemasonry probably. ...............
bullet Don Rogers - Claiming to have been "Helping the spiritually oppressed since 1965", Mr. Rogers uses his web site to ostensibly receive referrals from churches, counselors, therapists and organizations yet, interestingly, there's no mention of his credentials! The links page on his web site shows a healthy hatred of Freemasonry, Mormonism, New Age, and the rest of the standard 'evils' named by Christian intolerants. ...............
bullet Shella Roma, a mother from Oldham, England, who produced and distributed a leaflet inciting people to commit terrorist acts, referring to conspiracies and suggesting that 9/11 was an 'inside job' and took place to benefit the Freemasons. Between October, 2007 and January, 2009, she urged readers to go abroad to fight a jihad or holy war, supporting the acts of Osama Bin Laden. Encouraging killing of Masons earned her Roma received a three-year community order with a two-year supervision requirement. We're sure she's going to be a great role model wherever she winds up performing this service. News stories here and here. ..........
bullet Ehsanul Islam Sadequee - Convicted in August, 2009 of four counts of providing material support to terrorism and supporting a foreign terrorist organization, this 23 year old Georgia (US) man had attempted to join the Taliban and was attempting to foster acts of terrorism. Prosecutors proved to a jury that he'd taken videos of the Pentagon and the Capitol (along with a Masonic Temple in Northern Virginia because of his belief that Masons are devil worshippers!) and had sent them to suspected terrorists overseas. Claiming that his chatter about jihad was "empty talk" by immature youth, his immaturity showed through when he chose to represent himself. According to new reports "He asked witnesses about the relationship between Superman and the antichrist and probed them on the role of Freemasons." The judge was not amused. Mr. Sadequee, a naturalized US citizen, now faces 60 years in prison. ...............
bullet John Salvi - You may recognize this name. He was a hairdressing school dropout whose savage attack on a family planning clinic in Boston on December 30, 1994 resulted in the death of two and injuries to five people. Salvi later pumped 23 bullets into a Norfolk, Virginia window before his capture. He was convinced that the Freemasons were plotting to destroy the Catholic Church and ranted about such matters at his trial although such ravings of an obviously disturbed person were greatly underreported. He subsequently committed suicide while in prison. ...............
bullet John Salza - Some folks never tire of trotting out various Papal edicts from three hundred years ago and trying to make you conform to their world-view which would simultaneously condemn things like public education and 'humanism' (the right to think for yourself!). Mr. Salza is one of those. Apparently only AFTER he figured out his religion (Roman Catholicism) did he discover that he had a conflict. He was, for a short period of time (3 years), according to his own account, very active. (In fact, reading his account of his activities is nothing short of breathtaking!) Like a couple of others who've left and become hyper-religious, Mr. Salza includes Freemasonry among the many 'religious' topics he feels he's capable of interpreting for those of us of lesser capability. You can find an interesting review of Mr. Salza's book written by our friend Bro. David Julianhere. And, if you'd like, you can download not only the original 64 page review but another 100 pages by Mr. Salza attempting to re-explain his position (it's a PDF - fair warning!). Of course unless you're a 100% by-the-book Roman Catholic, you'll find Mr. Salza's writing to be... well, probably foolish! If you don't share his religious beliefs down to the last comma, you're going to be spending a long time in Hell! There's another good book review here as well. Mr. Salza's has explanations on perhaps thousands of the most minute details of Catholic beliefs at his website. One wonders on what authority Mr. Salza provides his theological proclamations - but he seems pretty secure in his infallibility. Look out, Benedict: looks like you've got some pretty heavy competition! Here's what Masonic author Chris Hodapp had to say about him: Salza is a major self-promoter whose book is doing pretty well. He's doing the lecture circuit, along with appearing on Catholic cable TV shows. He's an attorney and a self-taught interpreter of Canon law. He also runs very close to the Traditionalist Catholic. or Sedevacantist, movement (Sedevacantists believe that there has not been a true pope since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, and they reject the reforms of the Second Vatican Council, Vatican II). Salza strictly applies the exact wording of papal pronouncements and decisions to his life. He also makes the argument that the Earth is the center of the solar system and the universe, because that was well stated by more than three bulls and encyclicals. As a result, there are no nuances or shading to his arguments. Freemasonry is evil and an abomination because Pope Clement XII said so several hundred years ago. Never mind what he witnessed firsthand as a lodge officer. ...............
bullet Richard A. Salzer (Rich Salzer) - I buy a LOT of books from Amazon; reading absolutely consumes me. It's truly sad to find that a regular reviewer (7,893rd as of July, 2008) is a rabid anti-Semite, Masonophobe, historical revisionist and Holocaust denier. People will be people and not everyone seems to have the facilities to separate fact from fantasy but this guy is WAY beyond the pale! He finds his heroes amongst some of the others we've profiled here likeJack Mohr. You can see Mr. Salzer's profile on Amazon here and find him at the podium of a meeting of the Institute of Historical Revisionism here along with other Holocaust deniers. You'll note in his Amazon reviews how he calls particular attention to a person's race (he particularly likes to note when a person is "black"). He's self-published a book titled "New World Order Expose" and brags that his father and uncle were also Revisionists. Apparently hate runs in the family. It's hardly a wonder that Mr. Salzer hates Masons too but what's very disturbing is that he may actually influence book sales through his bigoted and hate-oriented Amazon reviews! Note: Certainly NOT to be confused with a medical professional of the same name! ...............
bullet Phil Serpico - This California-based owner of a website proclaims himself to be the second generation of a family-run business selling an "alternate source of facts". Formerly/sometimes known as the Christian Book Club, these folks are identified (by the respected Stop-the-Hate.Org) as a religion-based hate group and from their book offerings, it appears that their bias is moving rapidly towards militia activities as well. ...............
bullet Stoney Shaw - This Southern Baptist pastor apparently had a major problem with his first church - and has decided to blame all of his problems on the 'witchcraft' of Freemasonry, taking no responsibility (it would appear) for any errors he may have made. As regularly occurs with such charges made by anti-Masons, no specifics are offered for verification and we must rely only on this individual's perception of events. What made him so bitter? Well, it's impossible to know - but certainly he's found support from the web site where you can read about his unsupported claims. ..........
bullet William Bryan Sorens - Claims that the Masonic concept of "universality" supports homosexuals! You can read one of these essays on the racist website of the American Nationalist Union................
bullet Fritz Springmeier - (also known as Victor E. Schoff and possibly several other aliases). At 45, this individual's connection with anti-Masonry is best demonstrated with his book "Bloodlines of the Illuminati". As is sometimes typical, though, it's not only the anti-Masonic stuff that gets these folks into trouble. Mr. Springmeier was reportedly active in "Christian Patriot" organizations (the self-proclaimed 'militias' whose ideas include such non-Christian concepts as white racism) and in March, 2001 was arrested for possession, manufacture and distribution of controlled substances. We take no delight in the problems of others but it should seem clear to even the most casual observer that SO many of those who speak against Freemasonry are themselves involved in violence, anti-establishment behavior, and actions which threaten others. Needless to say, those like Springmeier will claim that it's all part of some "New World Order plot" to keep them from telling what they claim is the 'truth'. Update - March, 2001: Springmeier is now widely acknowledged to be a member of a white supremacist group. He and his wife Patricia (46) have been accused of first degree manufacture and distribution of a controlled substance. During the raid by state and federal authorities, 50 marijuana plants and assorted automatic weapons were found. You can find a plethora of stuff about him on the web by clickinghere or you can read some of his work here.Update II - November, 2003: Mr. Springmeier, it appears, will have the next nine years in US Federal Prison to figure out those bloodlines. Apparently the Illuminati forced him to rob a bank and set off a pipe bomb and now - curiously - are prosecuting him for that activity. It's all a plot to keep him quiet.... OBVIOUSLY!...................
bullet Tim Stine - Using his Web TV account from Pennsylvania, this individual wants to convince others of his total patriotism. The Masons are, of course, included in his fantasies about those who seek to deprive him of his freedom. Here's his neatly summarized 'blurb': "What is a Militia ? Defenders of Liberty & Freedom, and the Constitutional Republic. Against Tyrants ! Foreign and Domestic ! Death to the United Nations New World Order, and it's Global Socialism, actually a Evil Oligarchy of the Superrich. We must Declare our Independence from the U.N. New World Order ! Or forever lose our freedom. We Must Resist.".......... uparrow1.gif (962 bytes)Return to top
bullet Joe Stirling - Convinced that the Masons are following him day and night, Joe shows his level of maturity by referring to 'Freekmasons' and loves to be the center of attention. He providesextensive information on how to foil those who are following him and/or using a GPS system. From Glasgow, Scotland, he's quite proud that he's 'making a difference' in the war against Freemasonry. What? You've never heard of him? That's OK. We've been tracking anti-Masons, including many 'bit-players' but he wasn't even on our radar until he wrote to us begging to be noticed. It's tough when someone's only life is getting attention like this. Joe has some interesting ranting at a site titled Murdering Masons which claims he's a prisoner in his own home but doesn't explain how/when people can follow him if that's the case. Oblivious to contradictions, there's no indication as to why anyone should care. Apparently there's nothing on television so all of the Masons are focusing on him: all of the Masons who are - in his mind - all of the police, judiciary, legislature, and more. Mr. Stirling has written to this site: "Your website is sponsored by masonic terrorist money." The folks who pay me to work all week long on everything BUT this website will be quite surprised. Oh, and he also has some kind of relationship with Tony Gosling who's fronting a website for him. It should be noted too that Joe apparently thinks EVERYONE is against him, including those who he says support him. They're all Masons. Every single one of them. It's all a fix to get him. Can we spell 'rampant paranoia'? Read the post from Chrism on one of Joe's favorite haunts (birds of a feather, eh?), the discussion board of theDavid Icke website. And Joe DOES love his fantasy minutiae. Here's a bit he was sending around in a message to folks during 2008: More SF expose; Masons are mad about the colour Blue. This is the dominant colour (Royal Blue) in Freemasonry. Anonymous FMs said look in the front or rear of their gardens and you will find Blue ceramic plant-pots or Blue bird baths/feeders. Or Blue vehicle, Blue clothes pegs (yes we've got it on video) Police (boys in Blue), Blue house numbers at their home or business. Blue background to their business signs or adverts. Blue painted gates and doors. The Masons normally have something Blue (at front/rear of house) that lets other pretend brothers know they are Masons. Blue items on car dash/rear shelf (no parking ticket). Checkout Blue Blanket. Don't forget to checkout their vehicle registration, very relevant. Also look for a Rose etched or imprinted on their glass doors. An Owl or Lion or Horned symbols. An arch (Royal Arch Degree) on top of their doors. An arch or half round above their doors in the shape of the sun-rays, i.e. it represents their Masonic Sun-god. Connections to a sports club who's predominant colour is Blue. These findings do not imply that these are Masons, just connect this and the other Masonic icons, symbols and numbers. If you are not sure, contact us at SF. The other colours the Masons love are Yellow or Gold. Yellow represents the colour of their Sun God, Sun Rays, and Sun Light, etc. Gold is the most noble of metals (more FM tosh). The new chosen colour for English Masonry (instead of their black tie image) is light/dark Blue and Gold. Scotland's Masons still wear a Black Ties to their meetings. As above, do your own investigations and let SF know your findings. We will pass this info on to everyone, victim or not. You should do the same." No further comment needed from us! ..........
bullet Kevin Strom - A 'white supremacist', Strom is one of those seeking recognition through hatred. De facto, he accepts and endorses the horrid forgery Protocols and strives to promote his message of hate. His web site is here. ...............
bullet Bill Sudduth - A representative of the so-called "U S Reformation Prayer Network", Mr. Sudduth is their "...specialist on Freemasonry". The organization must be in really tough shape to use this individual's 'teachings'. He makes SUCH bizarre claims that they could even deceive some - his obvious goal. Mr. Sudduth says that that a wife of a Mason approaches another wife, for example, and that the first thing a Mason must do is sign a paper authorizing a Masonic funeral which, in time, will be performed whether the family wishes it to be or not. HOGWASH! But, as icing on the cake, he pulls out the long-discredited Pike/Lucifer claim to buttress his stupidity. This one's a complete and total joke, folks. Read his ramblings here (part one seems to have been taken down, perhaps because it was even more egregious and full of lies). The powerless whining that the evil Masons have all the power - oh, my! ...............
bullet Harmon Taylor - This individual was one of the several Grand Chaplains of the Grand Lodge of New York in the 1983-1984 term of officers. Now his 'Testimony' regularly circulates on the Internet. One newsgroup poster from New York has stated publicly that Taylor was seeking additional Masonic honors but when thwarted in that attempt, became resentful and is using his (former) position to embarrass the Grand Lodge of New York. After over 20 years, it's difficult to get facts on this. Masonic author Allen Roberts had identified Mr. Taylor as being a Methodist minister but other reports say he was self-ordained. Mr. Taylor's claims mirror those of the anti-Masonic religious objectors before him and provide no new material. Curiously, he does not explain why/how he could have become a "Grand Chaplain" without having even a clue of the supposed inconsistencies with Christianity about which he rails - particularly since he had to have been active as a Mason for a reasonable period of time before being honored with that office. Often on the web, there'll be some vague reference to an ex-Mason who was a Grand Chaplain: he's the SOLE guy! Out of the hundreds of thousands who've held that office in various Grand Lodges around the world over the past three centuries, ONLY HE has found these inconsistencies. ...............
bullet Roger Thibault - A New World Order extremist and self-proclaimed Catholic, this individual is another of those who has an opinion about literally everything and thinks everyone will agree. Politics, religion, whatever; you can find his 'take' on it on his web site. Freemasonry is, in his mind, part of the many, many, many world problems he worries about. His Yellowstone Information web site (defunct for a time but now - dare we say it? - resurrected) but his earlier rants against Jews along with hawking the book he wrote is now gone. He railed against President Clinton in the site's earlier incantation and now complains bitterly about President Bush. In each case, he incorrectly identified them as Masons! We've got one of his earlier quotes on our page about Militias; it's pretty enlightening. ...............
bullet John Todd - . ..........
bullet Michael Merritt Tozer - Following in the footsteps of well-known anti-Semites and Masonophobes (Hoffman, Fahey, and more), Mr. Tozer is frequently found writing book reviews on Amazon where he attempts to discredit anything that has to do with Freemasonry. Prolific in his prose and acerbic in his commentary, it's easy to overlook interesting books because of the prejudice and bias of this individual's comments. He brags about his having been a U.S. Naval Officer but we'd suspect that the back story may be the fact that he's no longer one based on his noxious hatred of Jews and non-Catholics. Mr. Tozer identifies himself as a book author. One reviewer on Amazon wrote of his work 'Swan Haven', "Ghastly Vanity Press Production -This dog is certainly not worth your money. The plot is ludicrous; the writing is pompous and flatulent; the prose is virtually unreadable." Now just to be fair, there are two other reviews: one from the anonymous 'A Customer' and the other 'A. Tozier' (yeah, really) as the ONLY review that identity has ever written. As of August, 2009, Mr. Tozer's review readers gave him a 62% helpfulness rating on his 224 reviews. Pretty sad. ..........
bullet Steven Tsoukalas - A speaker on the anti-Masonic circuit (such as it is), this individual purportedly has written and lectured on a "...wide variety of cult movements." Although he ostensibly has a Master of Divinity degree, his employment is apparently playing with a band at weddings etc. We wonder, of course, whether at those events he speaks out against the 'blessings' by religious authorities knowing that there must those of mixed faith in attendance. One would think that his religious beliefs would preclude 'unequal yoking' through his presence but.... We've reviewed his book, Masonic Rites and Wrongs here and added some comments there as well. Over the years we've heard from a number of those who've known Steven. We've got quite a file on this and suffice it to say, the comments are not particularly flattering. ...............
bullet Pastor David Turner - An Orange, Texas pastor of a Southern Baptist church, he's enamored by Larry Kunk and his foolishness, taking to heart the idea that Mormons and Masons are deceived. Based on his infrequent blog posts, it would appear that his ideas given to him from Divine Inspiration aren't all that well received by his parish. Here's thechurch website. ...............
bullet Corr Uilleand - A self-proclaimed "Modern Day Druid" (whatever that means), this individual has spent FAR too much time with David Icke's stuff - even to the point of copying a bunch of his material onto MSN! ...............
bullet Steve (and Mary) Van Nattan - We think that he got it right when he describes himself as "Jack Ass in General" on his web site. Mr. VanNattan has an opinion on nearly everything and wants everyone to know about them all at his online effort, Balaam's Ass. In his section on Freemasonry, one of the many, many 'cults' he writes about, he states "Here is a bar from a Masonic page. This shows that Freemasonry willingly invites all pagans and Luciferians to participate fully. You will note the five pointed star is inverted in the Baphomet or luciferian position. Other symbols represent all manner of pagan religions." msnsymbl.gif (11979 bytes) There's that bar - and you can view for yourself the symbols involved. You can also read more about "Baphomet" here. Update: Since we wrote our material on Mr. Van Nattan, something interesting has happened. He has gone through our site and harvested a goodly number of our links and descriptions of anti-Masons and - despite our totally discrediting and debunking those frauds and liars - is using them to support his own bizarre claims. Typical of anti-Masons, he engages in taking material out of context for his self-serving ends. Jesus wept. And aFurther Update: Viewing Mr. Van Nattan's site now provides us with this very interesting quote: "NOTICE; ALL CONTROVERSY HAS BEEN DROPPED OR MODIFIED TO GET US OFF OF THE BULL'S EYE WITH REGARDS TO THE HATE CRIMES ACT." It would appear, then, that Mr. Van Nattan admits that he's been preaching hate all along - and now (finally) understands that there are laws in the United States against his egregious behavior. Or maybe he's just become more convinced that it's a Masonic conspiracy.... Pretty interesting, we think! We also find it hilariously funny that whenever a website goes away, Mr. VanNatten claims "They dropped this page to hide from me!" Apparently his pious modesty does have its bounds. Remember, friends: if you change your website or shut it down for any reason (health, the free service went away, or whatever), Mr. VanNattan will happily take credit for making it happen. Such a POWERFUL person.... Oh, and did we mention that his website is now 'Blessed Quietness' rather than that donkey address? Was that because he was running from himself perhaps - or just law enforcement....??? Still Further (2014) Update: A visit back to Mr. VanNattan's website now fails to show any evidence whatsoever of his previous fevered rants. It is, in fact, a very docile business-oriented site with a folksy/homey appeal. Is it maturity or perhaps a realization that his prior positions were as full of holes as Swiss cheese? Who knows? (Who cares, really!) .......... uparrow1.gif (962 bytes)Return to top
bullet Richard Vizzutti - Mr. Vizzutti seems to spend most of his energy attempting to prove via Usenet postings and the internet that the Canadian government is spraying chemicals on him and his neighbors in the small Western Canadian rural town of Powell River. Additionally, he has taken a number of swipes at Freemasonry and has made internet posts linking Masons with all sorts of conspiracies, all of which he admits is speculation on his part.Dreamweaver4 MagicHe acknowledges that he has only an 8th grade education and can't - for the life of him - understand why those contrails in the sky are there over his tiny hamlet, despite it being less than 275 miles away from and on a primary air routes of one of the world's busiest airports, Seattle-Tacoma (SEATAC) where we think there might be more than just one or two people going to and coming from the home of Microsoft, Boeing Aircraft and a few other tiny businesses in that 'neck of the woods'. Mr. Vizzutti's ability to grasp concepts of flight and weather can be regularly witnessed on the alt.conspiracy newsgroup. Recently we bought a book which made us think of him: picture above. (It's for a software program named, of all things, "Dreamweaver"!) When all commercial airline flights in the US and Canada were stopped after the events of 9/11, Mr. Vizzutti loudly assured everyone that the secret sprayings would continue. All - every single one - of the contrails he used to see all the time vanished however, thus debunking his spraying theories. As a result, he's been forced to find a new interest - and has totally abandoned his chemtrails foolishness. Now he's 'into' fallen angels and aliens from outer space, mixed with world domination stuff! He's created another exhaustive website where he offers spiritual assistance to those who want it and will do speaking tours - but only to Vancouver! This switch in bizarre theories is something seen in a large segment of anti-Masons: they bob around from one attention-getting activity to another in a desperate search for self-worth and exterior recognition. Oh, and if you don't blink your eyes very much and have double letters in your name, you too might be one of those fallen angels - according to Mr. Vizzutti! ...............
bullet William C. Walter - Supposedly believing in 'individual rights', this individual spent time in both the Army and Air Force. He now seems convinced that only individual freedom is important. Making statements like "Therefore, let it be known that on this 27th day of April, 1996, is hereby formed THE NATIONAL ORDER for RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (NOROB). It's members in good standing to be identified as RESTORATIONISTS. Right now it has a membership of one: ME!", he also engages in rants about the great conspiracy involving - who else? - the Masons. Liberally using the word "Shepple" (often a code-word for anti-Semitic activity as well), we found it interesting that one of the illustrations he uses to point out his belief that people should see the oncoming threat is that of Paul Revere - a Freemason who, together with other Freemasons, warned of the coming British troop movement. Revere was also a Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts! Those US patriotic analogies always seem to fall apart somewhere.... . Take a look for yourself at his web site and read his (undocumented and ludicrous) claims that Freemasonry has controlled the world since well before Christ's birth. ...............
bullet James K. Warner - Editor of the racist and anti-Semitic "Christian Defense League" newsletter. The vileness of the hatred supported by this organization has been condemned by religious leaders throughout the country - and Freemasons are continually identified as part of the New World Order/Jewish conspiracy. ...............
bullet Jon Watkins - Claiming that he's 'exposing Satanism', this individual rails against everything from Masonry to Country & Western music. He'd love to have you support his 'ministry' with a non-deductible donation since he doesn't want the government controlling what he can say (and according to him, they do!). We found his diatribe against Masons interesting: he makes up things (the fig leaf as an imitation of Adam's shame, for example) and then derides the organization for it. Curious way to go about condemnations.... ...............
bullet Robert Tom Weaver - If one ever wanted to see an entire person's life on the web, this is a good place to start. Weaver will tell you all about his childhood, his vacations, his work record and his "Christian intolerance" for Freemasonry. Using the standard rhetoric which assumes that the fraternity is a religion, Weaver brings in the usual quotations from Pike etc. If you've got a lot of time on your hands, check out his "Inside the Scroll". .......... uparrow1.gif (962 bytes)Return to top
bullet Ken Webber - Having no educational credentials in economics but nevertheless believing himself to be an expert in the subject, Ken feels Freemasonry is evil because it hasn't spoken out against the evils he sees in the world's financial systems. Although he's unable to cite specific instances of Masonic involvement in the creation of the economy under which he lives (apparently without particular problems), he rails viciously about the failure of Masonry to destroy what he proclaims is an evil and ungodly world economy. (Does this make any sense at all? Not to us....) He can't explain why he doesn't hate other fraternities or organizations who have no interest in economic matters for their lack of action (those darn Odd Fellows should bear SOME blame, don't you think? And what about the Grange???) and he can make only vague statements like "All of the people who founded the modern economic system were Masons". You can read all about Ken's theories (if you don't doze off) at his web site. ..........
bullet Charles Douglas Wehner - He once wrote: "The Internet is a rumour-mill, with one person of dubious accuracy taking the word of an anonymous publisher and on the strength of that, publishing again." but his internet newsgroup ravings show that he's never quite internalized that thought. While many anti-Masons are convinced that the fraternity is to blame for everything, Mr. Wehner takes this to a new level - and to him, EVERYONE with power of any kind is a Mason. He reports having incurable Addison's Disease and devotes time and energy to belittling the medical establishment for their errors in its treatment. His website has a number of fascinating things (don't be concerned about that picture of him with his tongue out: he's showing you his Addison's) but, strangely, no anti-Masonic rants appear there. Bi-lingual and clearly learned, we do have to wonder about some of his claims, though, like this: "In 1980 I stopped a world inflation caused by the Duke of Kent and his Freemasons in England. I also saved the US economy, and Freemason REAGAN had his press puppets describe this triumph as REAGANOMICS. Five years later, I saved the British economy. Freemason MARGARET THATCHER (Yes - they LIE - there are women Masons) had the word THATCHEROMICS spread about. So two out-and-out CROOKS were bickering over who should get the credit for a policy that belonged to NEITHER. Now I am a refugee in Europe, after the British government stole my house, my antiques, my possessions - even the family photos - and tried to kill me." Full post here - and this wasn't posted as a joke, folks: this guy is SERIOUS! It is good to know, though, who we can thank for saving us from paying too much at the store.... ..........
bullet John Whitley - Another of the conspiracy theorists, Whitley has for some time had a web site featuring all sorts of strange things. The casual observer from a year or two ago might have assumed that he was just one of those folks who was interested in 'spiritualism' but in more recent months, his true motives have become far more apparent. Railing about the 'new millennium' and the problems with the change in centuries, the Illuminati and Freemasonry become part of his increasingly shrill 'warning'. He was quite eager to sell Year2000 food packages, jumping on the train of 'profit from others' misery' although his predictions didn't quite seem to pan out. P.T.Barnum seems to have had it right..............
bullet Charles W. (Charlie) Wiley - Very often given credit by Larry Kunk for having started the "Ministry to Masons" conference, there's precious little online about this individual except for his supposed claims about the incompatibility of Freemasonry and Christianity as reported on the Ephesian's web site. Is he real or a figment of Mr. Kunk's imagination? Either way, Mr. Wiley is portrayed as strong in his hatred wrapped in the banner of his religious beliefs........... uparrow1.gif (962 bytes)Return to top
bullet George & Rita Williams - It's really embarrassing when there are such glaring errors in reasoning that the base on which any and all of their premises are built. The 'Cephas Ministry' folks show this in amazingly clear detail. Because a cross and crown symbol (also used by the Masonic Knights Templars and a symbol centuries old) appears on a memorial to the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses, they conclude that he must be a 33rd Degree Mason! Truly amazing, particularly since being a Masonic Knights Templar has no connection whatsoever to being a member of the Masonic Scottish Rite where the 33rd Degree is an honorary one reserved for a very few. (It's somewhat akin to concluding that a person is a farmer because they walk out of a store with vegetables!) Like a lot of anti-Masons, they'll be more than happy to sell you a pile of k00k books though. Of course, the comical part of this is that one of their recommendations - "The Boy Who Cried Wolf - The Book That Breaks Masonic Silence" is actually a VERY goodpro-Masonic book (see our review here!). So eager to condemn Freemasonry, they haven't even read what they recommend and they judge - obviously - based on title only. It is to laugh.... ...............
bullet Matthew Williams - Another of the conspiracy theory group, this individual is from the United Kingdom where he attempts to ascribe all sorts of weird and unusual demonic symbology to the crest of the United Grand Lodge of England. ...............
bullet Dore Williamson - Dore (who tells us that her name is pronounced as in "glory") Williamson comes to anti-Masonry with a long history of being accorded the apparently well-deserved moniker of 'internet k00k'. Several unconnected websites have 'honored' her as such while others have noted her frequent and rather bizarre claims. You can find a number of references to her with a Google searchhere. Ms. Williamson's general online 'haunts' seem to be the religiously-oriented newsgroups although it's clear that she is not adverse to 'branching out' when the 'spirit moves her'. With several failed end-of-the-world predictions going back several years to her credit, she recently turned to what she described as a "study" of Freemasonry. She reports relying on a grand total of 6 books and 2 videotapes (from the History Channel!) for her research. The results are what she apparently THINKS is in those books rather than their actual contents. For her further study, she posted a number of accusatory "questions" to the alt.freemasonry newsgroup but seemed genuinely confused when Masons reacted negatively to her "When did you stop beating your wife?" format. (Dore knows, she says, that Freemasons worship Lucifer; she simply can't quite figure out in which degree that begins! This baiting reflects an individual's beliefs relating to Freemasonry that are bound to be as bizarre as those she holds about religion. Because Ms. Williamson claims that God speaks directly through (not just 'to') her (no kidding, folks), she's pronounced herself as the fourth part of the Godhead. In reality, if her claims were true, God has indeed been wrong several times when God spoke through her to tell us all about the world's end - and those 'mistakes' are all recorded for posterity on the internet. Supporting Trinitarianism, Ms. Williamson has also claimed on occasion to be the Christ.... Her theological determinations are, it would appear, based on her self-taught theology rather than from her position as an actual prophet or deity - or a college-taught scholar. She reports that she never has and does not now belong to any religious denomination and it seems likely that based on her sometimes claim that she herself is the Christ, she would be unwelcome in any such environment. She's got a websitethat seems to specialize in weird interpretations and 75 word paragraphs. For most people, hearing/reading someone claim that they're speaking on behalf of God (or, in fact, ARE God), tends to marginalize anything else they might have to say and so while Ms. Williamson may think she's God, we don't. Her portrayal of Freemasonry as 'demonic' (or whatever else she's ranting about today) is just more of her internet hokum!.................
bullet Winrod Family - We often point to the behavior of Masons when compared and contrasted with that of anti-Masons. An interesting example presented itself with the arrest in Missouri of Rev. Gordon Winrod, his son Stephan and his daughter Carol for kidnapping. The former Lutheran minister was suspended from ministerial functions by the Missouri Synod of the Lutheran Church. Subsequently Winrod was named National Chaplain of the racist and anti-Semitic National States Rights Party (NSRP) whom he left in 1962 to devote full-time to his attacks against Jews and Masons as the cause of America's social and economic problems. Following in his father's footsteps (Gerald B. Winrod, author of "The Jewish Assault on Christianity" published in 1935), he authored such tracts as "Freemasonry: Jewish Front" and "Wake Up America". His son David continues this line of hatred in Alaska. You can read about the Winrod clan on the ADL web site. Click on the search button and enter the name 'Winrod' for more examples of his hatred! ...............
bullet John Yonge - In his many long rants trying to explain his beliefs in 'pre-tribulationism', this author sets himself as arbiter of religious theory and more. A brief quote from one of his many writings will provide you with a glimpse of his 'take' on things: "You do realize that Masons are all over the world using these sorts of symbols, and have been for centuries, and while they do in fact reflect the anti-Christ in ways, you cannot use such symbolism to identify the anti-Christ because so many use the same symbols. By the same sort of reasoning, I could proclaim a rock musician to be the anti-Christ just because he has a "666" and a red dragon on his record cover. The Masonic training in Prince Charles might get him to doing things that are quite anti-Christian, but so what? The fellow down your street and around the corner a bit is also a high-level Mason participating in the same sort of occultic ceremonies and training his mind in the same way. I understand that the eagle on the dollar bill has 32 feathers on one side and 33 on the other, where these would represent the highest degrees in Masonry. This sort of thing is wide-spread, so ignore it when it comes to identifying the anti-Christ." Read his religious theories yourself right here (as of 1/1/2014, link no longer works). ..........

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