Austria (original) (raw)


[Austria                                     Archduchy Flag c.1230-1786] c.1230 - 20 Mar 1786 Archduchy of Austria [Austria                                   Naval Ensign, c.1686-1786] c.1686 - 20 Mar 1786 Naval Ensign (officially adopted 29 Nov 1749) [Austria Naval and Merchant                                     Ensign, 1786-1918] 20 Mar 1786 - 1 Aug 1869 Austria National Ensign; 1 Aug 1869 - 12 Nov 1918 Naval Ensign [Austrian Landesfarben                                     1804-1918] 11 Aug 1804 - 11 Nov 1918 Imperial Flag Austrian Empire
[Austria-Hungary National Civil                                     Flag, 1869-1918] 6 Mar 1869 - 12 Nov 1918 Austria-Hungary National Civil Flag [Austria civil ensign,                                     1918-1938] in use 12 Nov 1918 - 21 Oct 1919; 21 Oct 1919 - 13 Mar 1938 Civil Ensign [Austria State Flag,                                     1919-1934] 21 Oct 1919 - 1 May 1934 State Flag [Austria State Flag 1934-1938] 1 May 1934 -13 Mar 1938 State Flag
[Third                                     Reich 1933-1945 (Germany)] 13 Mar 1938 - 30 Apr 1945 [Austria] Adopted 1 May 1945 (confirmed 1984) [Austria                                     State Flag, since 1945] Adopted 1 May 1945 State Flag
Map of Austria Hear National Anthem "Bundeshyme" (Federal Hymn) Adopted 25 Feb 1947 Former Anthem "Deutsch-�sterreich" (German-Austria) (1920-1929) ----------------------------------- Former Anthem "Sei gesegnet ohne Ende" (Be Blessed Without End) (1929-13 Mar 1938) Constitution (1920-1934, from 1 May 1945)
Capital: Vienna (Wien) (Melk 976-1089; Gars c.1089-c.1095; Tulln c.1095-1113; Klosterneuburg 1113-1145) Currency: Euro (EUR); 1947 - 1 Jan 2002 Austrian Schilling (ATS); 1944-45 Austria Allied Military Schillings (ATM); 1938-1945 German Reichsmark (DER); 1923-1938 & 1945-1947 Austria Old Schilling (ATO); 1918-1923 Austrian Kronen (ATK); 1892-1918 Austro- Hungarian Kronen (ATK); 1857-1892 Austro-Hungarian Gulden (ATG); 1753-1857 Austrian Convention Gulden (ATP) 1524-1753 Austrian Gulden (XATA) National Holiday: 26 Oct (1955) Nationalfeiertag (National Day) (1956-1964 named Tag der Fahne [Day of the Flag]) ------------------------------------ 1919-1934: 12 Nov (1918) Nationalfeiertag (National Day); 1934-1937: 1 May (1934) Proklamation der Verfassung (Proclamation of the Constitution) Population: 8,793,370 (2018)
GDP: 441billion(2017)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:441 billion (2017) Exports: 441billion(2017)Exports:156.7 billion (2017) Imports: $158.1 billion (2017) Ethnic Groups: Austrian 84.2%, German 2.1% (includes Croatians, Slovenes, Serbs, and Bosniaks), Serbian 1.4%, Turkish 1.3%, Romanian 1.2%, Bosnian or Herzegovinian 1.1%, other 10.8% (2018) note: data represent population by nationality
Total Active Armed Forces: 22,400 (2018) Merchant marine: 1 ship (2017) Religions: Roman Catholic 60.4%, Protestant 3.8%, Muslim 7.3%, Orthodox Christian 2.4%, Pentecostal 0.3%, other Christian 0.8%, Buddhist 0.1%, Jewish 0.1%, other 0.2%, none/atheist 18.2%, unknown 6.4% (2015)
International Organizations/Treaties: ADB (nonregional), AfDB (nonregional), AG, AIIB (nonregional),ANT, APM, BIS, BSEC (observer), BTWC, CCM, CD, CE, CERN, CTBT, CWC, DC, EAPC, EBRD, ECB, EIB, EMU, ENMOD, ESA, ESCR, EU, Euratom, Eutelsat, FAO, FATF, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICCt, ICRM, ICSID, IDA, IEA, IFAD, IFC, IFRCS, IGAD (partner), ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, IRENA, ISA, ISO, ITSO, ITU, ITUC, MIGA, Moon, MTCR, NAM (guest), NEA, NPT, NSG, NTBT, OAS (observer), OECD, OIF (observer), OPCW, OSCE, OST, Paris Club, PCA, PFP, SELEC (observer), UN, UNCLOS, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFCC, UNFCC-KP,UNFCC-PA,UNHCR, UNIDO, UNWTO, UPU, WA, WCO, WFTU, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, ZC
Austria Index Chronology c.15 BC - c.400 AD Part of the Roman Empire. c.400 - 454 Ruled by the Huns. 454 - 489 Rugians (Rugii) rule. 489 - 2 Apr 568 Lombard (Langobard) rule (see Italy). 2 Apr 568 - 799 Avar rule. 799 - 4 Jul 907Frankish rule as the Marca Orientalis. 4 Jul 907 - Sep 955 Hungarian rule. Sep 955 - 17 Sep 1156 Part of Bavaria and organized as the Marca O rientalis from Jul 976 under Babenberg dynasty. 1 Nov 996 First recorded use of modern name for Austria (Ostarr�chi). 17 Sep 1156 Duchy of Austria (Herzogtum �sterreich), elevated by the Privilegium Minus, independent of the Duchy of Bavaria; under Babenberg dynasty until 15 Jun 1246. Jan 1237 - Dec 1239 Imperial administration. Apr 1247 - 6 Dec 1251 Imperial administration. 6 Dec 1251 - 21 Nov 1276 Bohemian rule. 21 Nov 1276 - 27 Dec 1282 Imperial administration. 27 Dec 1282 Habsburg (from 29 Nov 1780, Habsburg-Lothringen) dynasty established. 1 Jun 1283 Primogeniture established. 25 Sep 1379 Division into Albertine (in Nieder�sterreich_and Ober�sterreich) and Leopoldine lines (in K�rnten, Steiermark, Tirol, Vorlande, Krain, and_Istrien) (ratified 17 Jan 1380); both lines are styled Herzog zu �sterreich("Duke of Austria"). 10 Oct 1386 Division is suspended, senior family members govern during the rulers minorities. 22 Nov 1395 Joint rule, with division of income only (Mutschierung), by the Treaty of Hollenburg. 6 Jan 1453 Archduchy of Austria (Erzherzogtum �sterreich); later in official use in full: Archduchy of Austria above and below the Enns (Erzherzogtum �sterreich ob und unter der Enns); from this date Archdukes are continually elected Holy Roman Emperor (except 1741-1745)(see under Germany). 23 Nov 1457 Inherited by Leopoldine Line upon extinction of Albertine Line. 29 Jan 1485 - 1 Jun 1485 Hungarian siege of Vienna. 1 Jun 1485 - 6 Apr 1490 Occupied by Hungary. 23 Oct 1526 Bohemia, and from 16 Dec 1526 Hungary, in personal union with Austria. 27 Sep 1529 � 15 Oct 1529 First Ottoman siege of Vienna. 17 Jul 1683 - 12 Sep 1683 Second Ottoman siege of Vienna. 11 Aug 1804 _Kaiserthum �sterreich_� 13 Nov 1805 - 12 Jan 1806 French occupation of Vienna. 6 Aug 1806 Holy Roman Empire dissolved. 12 May 1809 - 20 Nov 1809 French occupation of Vienna. 20 Jun 1815 - 24 Aug 1866 Austria a member of the German Confederation� (see under Germany). 20 Mar 1848 Responsible government introduced. 21 Dec 1867 "Austrian" half of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, officially styled Die im Reichsrat vertretenen K�nigreiche und L�nder_� ("The Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Council"); informally known from its inception as_�sterreich (Austria). 14 Nov 1868 Term "Austro-Hungarian Monarchy" (�sterreichisch - Ungarische Monarchie /Osztr�k-Magyar Monarchia) is given official sanction. 11 Oct 1915 First official use of the style Austria (�sterreich) by passing of an Imperial Rescript. 16 Oct 1918 Emperor Karl I signs the V�lkermanifest ("The Peoples Manifesto"), through which the Austrian Empire is to be reorganized into a federal state (not effected). 28 Oct 1918 Czechoslovak State declares independence. 30 Oct 1918 Provisional National Assembly assumes the supreme power of the State of German-Austria (Staat Deutsch�sterreich) in accordance with a resolution passed by the Provisional National Assembly. 31 Oct 1918 Slovene National Council in Ljubljana (Laibach) proclaims entry into the Slovene, Croat, and Serb State. 31 Oct 1918 Hungary declares end of personal union with Austria. 1 Nov 1918 Ukrainian state (in Galicia) declares independence. 11 Nov 1918 Emperor Karl I relinquishes participation in all affairs of state in Austria. 12 Nov 1918 State of German-Austria (Staat Deutsch�sterreich) (also in official use: Republik Deutsch�sterreich, and Deutsch�sterreichische Republik). German-Austria is proclaimed a democratic republic as part of a projected German Republic. 12 Nov 1918 End of Habsburg dynastic rule by the decision of the Provisional National Assembly of the State of German -Austria. 10 Apr 1919 All titles of nobility and rights abolished.10 Sep 1919 In Treaty of St. Germain-en-Laye Austria recognizes independence of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, the Yugoslav state, and cedes Carniola (Slovenia), Dalmatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina to the Yugoslav state, Bukovina to Romania and Southern Tyrol, Trient, G�rz (Gorizia), Istria and Trieste to Italy; and Austria is forbidden from union with Germany (treaty ratified on 16 Jul 1920). 23 Oct 1919 Republic of Austria (Republik �sterreich). 1 May 1934 Federal State of Austria (Bundesstaat �sterreich). 13 Mar 1938 Annexed to Germany, as the State of Austria (Land �sterreich), colloquially called "Ostmark"; it is dissolved into separate Reichsgaue 1 May 1939. From 8 Apr 1942, the name for the seven Reichsgaue was Danubian and Alpine Reichsgaue(Alpen- und Donau-Reichsgaue)(seeAustria States). 10 Apr 1938 Annexation ratified by plebiscite, 99.73% approve. 13 Apr 1945 - 27 Jul 1955 Allied occupation (Vienna 13 Apr 1945, Innsbruck 3 May 1945, Salzburg 5 May 1945, Graz 8 May 1945). 27 Apr 1945 Republic of Austria (Republik �sterreich)(restored). 1 Jan 1995 Part of European Union.
States (since 1918)
Crown Lands (to 1918)
Joint Imperial Government (1867-1918)
Allied Occupation (1945-1955)

Frankish Prefects (to c.856 also styled Confinii Comes [Counts of the Border])
799 - 802 Goteram (b. 7.. - d. 802?)
802 - 806 Werinher (Werner) (b. c.760 - d. 814)
806 - c.808 Albirih (Alberich)
c.808 - c.810 Gotafrid (Gottfried) (b. 7.. - d. c.823?)
c.810 - c.832 Gerold (b. 78. - d. af.838)
c.832 - 856 Ratbot (Radbod, Radpot)
856 - May? 863 Karlmann (b. c.830 - d. 880)
May? 863 - Apr 865 Gundachar (b. 8.. - d. 869)
Apr 865 - Nov? 876 Karlmann (b. c.830 - d. 880)
Nov? 876 - 25 Dec 887 Arnolf (Arnulf) (b. c.850 - d. 899)
25 Dec 887 - May? 898 Aribo (1st time) (b. 84. - d. af.909)
May? 898 - Sep? 898 Liutpold (b. 85. - d. 907)
Sep? 898 - 4 Jul 907 Aribo (2nd time) (s.a.)
Margraves (title M archio)Sep? 955 - Jul 976 Burchard (Burkhard) (b. 91. - d. c.982)
Jul 976 - 10 Jul 994 Liutpold I "der Durchlauchtigte" (b. c.923 - d. 994)
10 Jul 994 - 23 Jun 1018 Heinrich I "der Starke" (b. c.965 - d. 1018)
23 Jun 1018 - 26 May 1055 Adalbert "der Siegreiche" (b. c.985 - d. 1055)
26 May 1055 - 9 Jun 1075 Ernst "der Tapfere" (b. 1027 - d. 1075)
9 Jun 1075 - 12 Oct 1095 Liutpold II "der Sch�ne" (b. c.1051 - d. 1095)
Jul 1081 - 1084 Wratizlaw II (dux Boemorum) (b. c.1032 - d. 1092)
(Vratislav II, duke of Bohemia)

12 Oct 1095 - 15 Nov 1136 Liutpold III "der Heilige" (b. 1073 - d. 1136)
15 Nov 1136 - 18 Oct 1141 Liutpold IV "der Grossherzige" (b. c.1108 - d. 1141)
18 Oct 1141 - 17 Sep 1156 Heinrich II "Jasomirgott" (b. c.1114 - d. 1177)
Dukes 17 Sep 1156 - 13 Jan 1177 Heinrich II "Jasomirgott" (s.a.)
13 Jan 1177 - 31 Dec 1194 Liutpold V "der Tugendreiche" (b. c.1157 - d. 1194)
31 Dec 1194 - 16 Apr 1198 Fridrich I "der Katholische" (b. 1175 - d. 1198)
16 Apr 1198 - 28 Jul 1230 Liutpold VI "der Glorreiche" (b. c.1176 - d. 1230)
28 Jul 1230 - Jan 1237 Fridrich II "der Streitbare" (b. 1210? - d. 1246)
(1st time)
Imperial Vicars for Austria and Styria Apr? 1237 - 5 Jun 1237 Ekbert, Graf zu Meran, Bischof (b. af.1173 - d. 1237)
zu Bamberg
5 Jun 1237 - Oct 1237 Vacant
Oct 1237 - Dec 1239 Otto, Graf zu Eberstein (1st time) (d. 1279)
Duke s �

Dec 1239 - 15 Jun 1246 Fridrich II "der Streitbare" (s.a.)
(2nd time)
15 Jun 1246 - 6 Dec 1251 Gertrud (Gertrudis) (f) -Duchess (b. 1226 - d. 1288)
Jul? 1246 - 3 Jan 1247 Wladizlaw, marchio Moraviae -Regent(b. 122. - d. 1247)
(Vladislav V, margrave of Moravia)
1248 - 4 Oct 1250 Hermann, Markgraf zu Baden (b. c.1220 - d. 1250)
Imperial Vicars for Austria and Styria
Apr 1247 - 1248 Otto, Graf zu Eberstein (2nd time) (s.a.)
1248 - 6 Dec 1251 Otto, Herzog zu Bayern (b. 1206 - d. 1253)
6 Dec 1251 - 21 Nov 1276 Premizl Otakar (b. 1230/33 - d. 1278)(from 25 Dec 1261, King Přemysl Otakar of Bohemia)

Imperial Vicars over Austria and Styria
21 Nov 1276 - Jun 1278 Ludwig, Herzog zu Bayern (b. 1229 - d. 1294)
Jun 1278 - May 1281 Vacant
May 1281 - 27 Dec 1282 Albrecht Graf zu Habsburg und (b. 1248 - d. 1308)
Kyburg, Landgraf von Elsass
Duke s �

27 Dec 1282 - 1 May 1308 Albrecht I (= Graf zu Habsburg) (s.a.)
- jointly with -
27 Dec 1282 - 1 Jun 1283 Rudolf II (b. 1271 - d. 1290)
1 May 1308 - 13 Jan 1330 Friedrich III "der Sch�ne" (b. 1286 - d. 1330)
1 May 1308 - 28 Feb 1326 Leopold I -Co-ruler (b. 1290 - d. 1326)
"der Glorw�rdige" (in the Vorlande)
28 Feb 1326 - 20 Jul 1358 Albrecht II "der Weise" (b. 1298 - d. 1358)
(co-ruler in the Vorlande to 13 Jan 1330)
13 Jan 1330 - 16 Feb 1339 Otto "der Fr�hliche" -Co-ruler (b. 1301 - d. 1339)
(in the Vorlande)
16 Feb 1339 - 10 Aug 1344 Leopold II (titular only) (b. 1328 - d. 1344)
16 Feb 1339 - 11 Dec 1344 Friedrich IV (titular only) (b. 1327 - d. 1344)
20 Jul 1358 - 27 Jul 1365 Rudolf IV "der Stifter" (b. 1339 - d. 1365)
18 Nov 1364 - 29 Aug 1395 Albrecht III (b. 1348 - d. 1395)
(co-ruler to 27 Jul 1365)
18 Nov 1364 - 25 Sep 1379 Leopold III "der Biedere" -Co-ruler(b. 1351 - d. 1386)
(in Tyrol)
29 Aug 1395 - 14 Sep 1404 Albrecht IV (b. 1377 - d. 1404)
29 Aug 1395 - 22 Nov 1395 Wilhelm "der Freundliche" -Regen t (b. 1370 - d. 1406)
22 Nov 1395 - 14 Sep 1404 Wilhelm "der Freundliche" -Co-ruler(s.a.)
14 Sep 1404 - 27 Oct 1439 Albrecht V (b. 1397 - d. 1439)
14 Sep 1404 - 15 Jul 1406 Wilhelm "der Freundliche" -Regent (s.a.)
15 Jul 1406 - 3 Jun 1411 Leopold IV "der Stolze" -Regent (b. 1371 - d. 1411)
13 Mar 1409 - 30 Oct 1411 Ernst II "der Eiserne" -Regent (b. 1377 - d. 1424)
27 Oct 1439 - 22 Feb 1440 Friedrich V (1st time) (acting) (b. 1415 - d. 1493)
22 Feb 1440 - 23 Nov 1457 Ladislaus "Postumus" (b. 1440 - d. 1457)
22 Feb 1440 - 4 Sep 1452 Friedrich V -Regent (s.a.)
23 Nov 1457 - 2 Dec 1462 Friedrich V "der Friedfertige" (s.a.)

(2nd time)
27 Jun 1458 - 2 Dec 1463 Albrecht VI "der Freigebige" (b. 1418 - d. 1463)
(co-ruler to 2 Dec 1462 in �sterreich ob der Enns)
2 Dec 1463 - 19 Aug 1493 Friedrich V (b. 1415 - d. 1493)
(Holy Roman Emperor Friedrich III)
1 Jun 1485 - 6 Apr 1490 Matthias Corvinus (in dissidence) (b. 1443 - d. 1490)
(M�ty�s Hunyadi Korvin, king of Hungary)
Archduke s �

19 Aug 1493 - 12 Jan 1519 Maximilian I "der letzte Ritter" (b. 1459 - d. 1519)
12 Jan 1519 - 28 Apr 1521 Karl I (b. 1500 - d. 1558)
(Holy Roman Emperor Karl V)
28 Apr 1521 - 25 Jul 1564 Ferdinand I (b. 1503 - d. 1564)
25 Jul 1564 - 12 Oct 1576 Maximilian II (b. 1527 - d. 1576)
12 Oct 1576 - 20 Jan 1612 Rudolf V (b. 1552 - d. 1612)
(Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II)
20 Jan 1612 - 20 Mar 1619 Matthias (b. 1557 - d. 1619)
(acting for Rudolf from 1593)
(Holy Roman Emperor Matthias II)
20 Mar 1619 - 15 Feb 1637 Ferdinand II (b. 1578 - d. 1637)
(Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand III)
15 Feb 1637 - 2 Apr 1657 Ferdinand III (b. 1608 - d. 1657)
(Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand IV)
2 Apr 1657 - 5 May 1705 Leopold V (b. 1640 - d. 1705)
(Holy Roman Emperor Leopold I)
5 May 1705 - 17 Apr 1711 Joseph I (b. 1678 - d. 1711)
17 Apr 1711 - 20 Oct 1740 Karl III (b. 1685 - d. 1740)
(Holy Roman Emperor Karl VI)
20 Oct 1740 - 29 Nov 1780 Maria Theresia -Archduchess (b. 1717 - d. 1780)
21 Nov 1740 - 18 Aug 1765 Franz I Stephan -Co-ruler (b. 1708 - d. 1765)
(Grand Duke of Tuscany Francesco II)

23 Sep 1765 - 20 Feb 1790 Joseph II (b. 1741 - d. 1790)
(co-ruler to 29 Nov 1780)
20 Feb 1790 - 1 Mar 1792 Leopold II (b. 1747 - d. 1792)
1 Mar 1792 - 11 Aug 1804 Franz I (b. 1768 - d. 1835)
(Holy Roman Emperor Franz II)

Emperor s �

11 Aug 1804 - 2 Mar 1835 Franz I (s.a.)

2 Mar 1835 - 2 Dec 1848 Ferdinand I "der G�tige" (b. 1793 - d. 1875)

(Austrian Archduke Ferdinand IV)

4 Mar 1835 - 4 Apr 1848 Ludwig Erzherzog von (b. 1784 - d. 1864) Con

�sterreich -Regent

(chairman of the state conference; de facto

regent for intermittently insane Ferdinand I)

25 Jun 1848 - 2 Dec 1848 Johann Erzherzog von (b. 1782 - d. 1859)

�sterreich -Regent

2 Dec 1848 - 21 Nov 1916 Franz Joseph I (b. 1830 - d. 1916)

21 Nov 1916 - 12 Nov 1918 Karl I (b. 1887 - d. 1922)

(Austrian Archduke Karl IV)


12 Nov 1918 - 4 Mar 1919 Directory of the Council of State

- Franz Dinghofer (b. 1873 - d. 1956) Non-party

- Johann Nepomuk Hauser (b. 1866 - d. 1927) CSP

- Karl Seitz (b. 1869 - d. 1950) SDAP

(chair rotating weekly)

4 Mar 1919 - 5 Mar 1919 Anton David (b. 1849 - d. 1924) SDAP

(president by age of the Constituent National Assembly)

5 Mar 1919 - 9 Dec 1920 Karl Seitz (s.a.) SDAP

(president of the Constituent National Assembly

to 23 Nov 1919, then acting president)

9 Dec 1920 - 10 Dec 1928 Michael Hainisch (b. 1858 - d. 1940) Non-party

10 Dec 1928 - 13 Mar 1938 Wilhelm Miklas (b. 1872 - d. 1956) CSP/Non-party

13 Mar 1938 (hours) Arthur Seyss-Inquart (acting) (b. 1892 - d. 1946) NS

13 Mar 1938 - 13 Apr 1945 annexed to Germany

Reichsstatthalter in �sterreich

15 Mar 1938 - 30 Apr 1939 Arthur Seyss-Inquart (s.a.) NS


27 Apr 1945 - 31 Dec 1950 Karl Renner (b. 1870 - d. 1950) SP�/Non-party

(chairman of the Political Cabinet Council

of the Provisional Government to 20 Dec 1945)

31 Dec 1950 - 21 Jun 1951 Leopold Figl (acting) (b. 1902 - d. 1965) �VP

21 Jun 1951 - 4 Jan 1957 Theodor K�rner (b. 1873 - d. 1957) SP�/Non-party

4 Jan 1957 - 22 May 1957 Julius Raab (acting) (b. 1891 - d. 1964) �VP

22 May 1957 - 28 Feb 1965 Adolf Sch�rf (b. 1890 - d. 1965) SP�/Non-party

28 Feb 1965 - 9 Jun 1965 Josef Klaus (acting) (b. 1910 - d. 2001) �VP

9 Jun 1965 - 24 Apr 1974 Franz Jonas (b. 1899 - d. 1974) SP�/Non-party

24 Apr 1974 - 8 Jul 1974 Bruno Kreisky (acting) (b. 1911 - d. 1990) SP�

8 Jul 1974 - 8 Jul 1986 Rudolf Kirchschl�ger (b. 1915 - d. 2000) Non-party

8 Jul 1986 - 8 Jul 1992 Kurt Josef Waldheim (b. 1918 - d. 2007) Non-party

8 Jul 1992 - 6 Jul 2004 Thomas Klestil (b. 1932 - d. 2004) �VP/Non-party

5 Jul 2004 - 6 Jul 2004 Wolfgang Sch�ssel (b. 1945) �VP

(acting for Klestil)

6 Jul 2004 - 8 Jul 2004 Collegium

- Andreas Khol (b. 1941) �VP
(chairman ex-officio)

- Barbara Prammer, geb. Thaller (f)(b. 1954 - d. 2014) SP�
- Thomas Prinzhorn (b. 1943) FP�


8 Jul 2004 - 8 Jul 2016 Heinz Fischer (b. 1938) SP�/Non-party

8 Jul 2016 - 26 Jan 2017 Collegium
- Doris Bures (f) (b. 1962) SP�

(chairman ex-officio)

- Karlheinz Kopf (b. 1957) �VP

- Norbert Hofer (b. 1971) FP�


26 Jan 2017 - Alexander Van der Bellen (b. 1944) Grn

**Imperial Court Chancellors for the Austrian Hereditary Countries (�sterreichische Hofkanzler)Apr? 1620 - Mar? 1637 Johann Baptist Verda (b. 1582 � d. 1648)
(from 5 May 1623, Johann Baptist
Verda Freiherr von Verdenberg; from
8 Nov 1630, Johann Baptist Verda
Graf von Verdenberg zu Namiest)
2 Apr 1637 - Aug 1656 Johann Matthias Pricklmayr (b. 1589 � d. 1657)
(from 9 Jan 1648, Johann Matthias
Pricklmayr Freiherr von Goldegg)
16 Sep 1656 - 11 Nov 1665 Hans Joachim Graf von Sinzendorf (b. 1620 � d. 1665)
8 Mar 1667 - 28 Feb 1683 Johann Paul Hocher Freiherr von (b. 1616 � d. 1683)
Hohenburg und Hohenkr�n
1 Mar 1683 - 25 Oct 1693 Theodor Heinrich Athlet Freiherr (b. 1637 � d. 1693)
von Strattmann (from 30 Sep 1685, Theodor
Heinrich Athlet Graf von Strattmann)
13 Feb 1694 - 3 Jun 1705 Julius Friedrich Graf Bucellini (b. 1639 � d. 1712)
Chancellor s�

3 Jun 1705 - 8 Jan 1715 Johann Friedrich Graf von Seilern (b. 1646 - d. 1715)
8 Jan 1715 - 8 Feb 1742 Philipp Ludwig Graf von (b. 1671 - d. 1742)
Sinzendorf und Thannhausen
8 Feb 1742 - 15 Feb 1742 Johann Friedrich Graf von Seilern (b. 1675 - d. 1751)
15 Feb 1742 - 13 May 1753 Corfitz Anton Graf von Ulfeld (b. 1699 - d. 1769)
13 May 1753 - 19 Aug 1792 Wenzel Anton Graf zu Kaunitz- (s.a.)
Rittberg (from 8 Apr 1764, Wenzel
Anton F�rst zu Kaunitz, Graf zu Rittberg)
19 Aug 1792 - 30 Mar 1793 Johann Philipp Graf von Cobenzl (b. 1741 - d. 1810)
30 Mar 1793 - 28 Sep 1800 Johann Amadeus Franz de Paula (b. 1736 - d. 1818)
Freiherr von Thugut
5 Oct 1800 � 30 Nov 1805 Franz de Paula Carl Graf von (b. 1736 � d. 1806)
24 Dec 1805 - 4 Oct 1809 Johann Philipp Graf zu Stadion- (b. 1787 - d. 1862)
Thannhausen und Warthausen
8 Oct 1809 - 13 Mar 1848 Clemens Wenzel Lothar Graf von (b. 1773 - d. 1859) Con
Metternich-Winneburg (from 20 Oct

1813, Clemens Wenzel Lothar F�rst

von Metternich-Winneburg)

13 Mar 1848 - 20 Mar 1848 Carl Borrom�us Graf von Inzaghy (b. 1777 - d. 1856) Con
(Inzaghi) (acting)

**Directing Ministers of Stat e�
10 May 1749 - 11 Sep 1765 Friedrich Wilhelm Graf von (b. 1702 - d. 1765)
11 Sep 1765 - 2 Sep 1766 Wenzel Anton F�rst zu Kaunitz, (b. 1711 - d. 1794)
Graf zu Rittberg (Rietberg)
2 Sep 1766 - 15 Dec 1771 Georg Adam F�rst von Starhemberg (b. 1724 - d. 1807)
15 Dec 1771 - 17 Nov 1792 Carl Friderich Graf von Hatzfeld (b. 1718 - d. 1793)
zu Gleichen
17 Nov 1792 - 7 Jun 1808 Leopold Krakowsky Graf von (b. 1727 - d. 1809)
7 Jun 1808 - 7 Dec 1809 Carl Graf von Zinzendorf und (b. 1739 - d. 1813)
7 Dec 1809 - 26 Nov 1818 Joseph Graf von Colloredo (b. 1735 - d. 1818)
26 Nov 1818 - 28 Sep 1826 Carl Graf von Zichy zu Vasonyke� (b. 1753 - d. 1826)
29 Sep 1826 - 20 Mar 1848 Franz Anton Graf von Kolowrat-
Liebsteinsky (b. 1778 - d. 1861) Lib

Military and Civil Commander of the Capital

14 Mar 1848 - 20 Mar 1848 Alfred Candidus Ferdinand F�rst (b. 1787 - d. 1862) Mil

zu Windisch-Graetz

Prime minister s�

20 Mar 1848 - 18 Apr 1848 Franz Anton Graf Kolowrat- (s.a.) Lib


31 Mar 1848 - 4 May 1848 Karl Ludwig Graf Ficquelmont (b. 1777 - d. 1857) Mil

(acting for Kolowrat to 18 Apr 1848)

4 May 1848 - 9 Jul 1848 Franz Xaver Freiherr von (b. 1786 - d. 1862) Lib

Pillersdorff (acting)

9 Jul 1848 - 18 Jul 1848 Anton Freiherr von Doblhoff-Dier (b. 1800 - d. 1872) Lib


18 Jul 1848 - 21 Nov 1848 Johann Philipp Freiherr von (b. 1773 - d. 1858) Non-party


21 Nov 1848 - 5 Apr 1852 Felix F�rst zu Schwarzenberg (b. 1800 - d. 1852) Mil

5 Apr 1852 - 11 Apr 1852 Alexander Bach (acting)(b. 1813 - d. 1893) Con

11 Apr 1852 - 17 May 1859 Karl Ferdinand Graf von (b. 1797 - d. 1865) Non-party


17 May 1859 - 4 Feb 1861 Johann Bernhard Graf von Rechberg (b. 1806 - d. 1899) Non-party

und Rothenl�wen

4 Feb 1861 - 27 Jul 1865 Rainer Ferdinand Erzherzog von (b. 1827 - d. 1913) Non-party


26 Jun 1865 - 27 Jul 1865 Alexander Graf von Mensdorff- (b. 1813 - d. 1871) Lib

Pouilly (acting for Rainer)

27 Jul 1865 - 7 Feb 1867 Richard Graf Belcredi (b. 1823 - d. 1902) Non-party

Ministers of State (Staatsminister)
20 Oct 1860 - 13 Dec 1860 Agenor Romuald Graf Goluchowski (b. 1812 - d. 1875) Non-party
13 Dec 1860 - 27 Jul 1865 Anton Ritter von Schmerling (b. 1805 - d. 1893) Lib
27 Jul 1865 - 7 Feb 1867 Richard Graf Belcredi (s.a.) Non-party

Prime minister s�

7 Feb 1867 - 30 Dec 1867 Friedrich Ferdinand Freiherr (b. 1809 - d. 1886) Non-party

von Beust

30 Dec 1867 - 24 Sep 1868 Karl Wilhelm F�rst von Auersperg, (b. 1814 - d. 1890) Lib

Herzog von Gottschee

24 Sep 1868 - 15 Jan 1870 Eduard Graf Taaffe (1st time) (b. 1833 - d. 1895) Lib

(acting to 17 Apr 1869)

15 Jan 1870 - 1 Feb 1870 Ignaz Edler von Plener (b. 1810 - d. 1908) Lib

1 Feb 1870 - 12 Apr 1870 Leopold Hasner Ritter von Artha (b. 1818 - d. 1891) Lib

12 Apr 1870 - 6 Feb 1871 Alfred Josef Graf Potocki (b. 1822 - d. 1889) Non-party

6 Feb 1871 - 30 Oct 1871 Karl Sigmund Graf Hohenwart (b. 1824 - d. 1899) Con


30 Oct 1871 - 25 Nov 1871 Ludwig Freiherr von Holzgethan (b. 1810 - d. 1876) Non-party


25 Nov 1871 - 15 Feb 1879 Adolf Wilhelm Daniel F�rst (b. 1821 - d. 1885) Lib


15 Feb 1879 - 12 Aug 1879 Karl Anton Franz von Stremayr (b. 1823 - d. 1904) Lib


12 Aug 1879 - 11 Nov 1893 Eduard Graf Taaffe (2nd time) (s.a.) Lib

11 Nov 1893 - 19 Jun 1895 Alfred August F�rst zu (b. 1851 - d. 1927) Con


19 Jun 1895 - 29 Sep 1895 Erich Graf von Kielmansegg (b. 1847 - d. 1923) Non-party


29 Sep 1895 - 30 Nov 1897 Kasimir Felix Graf Badeni (b. 1846 - d. 1909) Non-party

30 Nov 1897 - 7 Mar 1898 Paul Gautsch Freiherr von (b. 1851 - d. 1918) Non-party

Frankenthurn (1st time)

7 Mar 1898 - 2 Oct 1899 Franz Anton Graf von Thun und (b. 1847 - d. 1916) Non-party


2 Oct 1899 - 21 Dec 1899 Manfred Alexander Graf von Clary (b. 1852 - d. 1928) Non-party

und Aldringen

21 Dec 1899 - 18 Jan 1900 Heinrich Franz Ferdinand Ritter (b. 1844 - d. 1930) Non-party

von Wittek (acting)

18 Jan 1900 - 31 Dec 1904 Ernest von Koerber (1st time) (b. 1850 - d. 1919) Lib

31 Dec 1904 - 2 May 1906 Paul Gautsch Freiherr von (s.a.) Non-party

Frankenthurn (2nd time)

2 May 1906 - 2 Jun 1906 Konrad Prinz zu Hohenlohe- (b. 1863 - d. 1918) Non-party


2 Jun 1906 - 15 Nov 1908 Max Wladimir Freiherr von Beck (b. 1854 - d. 1943) Non-party

15 Nov 1908 - 28 Jun 1911 Richard Freiherr von Bienerth (b. 1863 - d. 1918) Non-party

28 Jun 1911 - 3 Nov 1911 Paul Freiherr Gautsch von (s.a.) Non-party

Frankenthurn (3rd time)

3 Nov 1911 - 21 Oct 1916 Karl Graf St�rgkh (b. 1859 - d. 1916) Non-party

21 Oct 1916 - 28 Oct 1916 Friedrich Robert Freiherr von (b. 1852 - d. 1926) Mil

Georgi (acting)

28 Oct 1916 - 20 Dec 1916 Ernest von Koerber (2nd time) (s.a.) Lib

20 Dec 1916 - 23 Jun 1917 Heinrich Karl Graf Clam-Martinic (b. 1863 - d. 1932) Non-party

23 Jun 1917 - 25 Jul 1918 Ernst Wilhelm Seidler Ritter von (b. 1862 - d. 1931) Non-party


25 Jul 1918 - 27 Oct 1918 Max Hussarek Freiherr von Heinlein (b. 1865 - d. 1935) CSP

27 Oct 1918 - 12 Nov 1918 Heinrich Lammasch (b. 1853 - d. 1920) Lib

Chancellor s�

12 Nov 1918 - 7 Jul 1920 Karl Renner (1st time) (s.a.) SDAP

7 Jul 1920 - 21 Jun 1921 Michael Mayr (b. 1864 - d. 1922) CSP

21 Jun 1921 - 26 Jan 1922 Johann Schober (1st time) (b. 1874 - d. 1932) Non-party

26 Jan 1922 - 27 Jan 1922 Walter Breisky (b. 1871 - d. 1944) Non-party

27 Jan 1922 - 31 May 1922 Johann Schober (2nd time) (s.a.) Non-party

31 May 1922 - 20 Nov 1924 Ignaz Seipel (1st time) (b. 1876 - d. 1932) CSP

20 Nov 1924 - 20 Oct 1926 Rudolf Ramek (b. 1881 - d. 1941) CSP

20 Oct 1926 - 4 May 1929 Ignaz Seipel (2nd time) (s.a.) CSP

4 May 1929 - 26 Sep 1929 Ernst Streeruwitz (b. 1874 - d. 1952) CSP

26 Sep 1929 - 30 Sep 1930 Johann Schober (3rd time) (s.a.) Non-party

30 Sep 1930 - 4 Dec 1930 Karl Vaugoin (b. 1873 - d. 1949) CSP

4 Dec 1930 - 20 Jun 1931 Otto Ender (b. 1875 - d. 1960) CSP

20 Jun 1931 - 20 May 1932 Karl Buresch (b. 1878 - d. 1936) CSP

20 May 1932 - 25 Jul 1934 Engelbert Dollfuss (b. 1892 - d. 1934) CS;1934 VF

(from 1 May 1934 also styled Bundesf�hrer [Federal Leader])

25 Jul 1934 - 26 Jul 1934 Kurt Schuschnigg (1st time) (b. 1897 - d. 1977) VF


26 Jul 1934 - 30 Jul 1934 Ernst R�diger Starhemberg (acting) (b. 1899 - d. 1956) VF

30 Jul 1934 - 11 Mar 1938 Kurt Schuschnigg (2nd time) (s.a.) VF

(also styled Bundesf�hrer)

11 Mar 1938 - 15 Mar 1938 Arthur Seyss-Inquart (s.a.) NS

13 Mar 1938 - 13 Apr 1945 **annexed to Germany

Leader of the Austrian State Government
15 Mar 1938 - 30 Apr 1939 Arthur Seyss-Inquart (s.a.) NS

Chancellor s

27 Apr 1945 - 20 Dec 1945 Karl Renner (2nd time) (s.a.) SP�

20 Dec 1945 - 2 Apr 1953 Leopold Figl (s.a.) �VP

2 Apr 1953 - 11 Apr 1961 Julius Raab (s.a.) �VP

11 Apr 1961 - 2 Apr 1964 Alfons Gorbach (b. 1898 - d. 1972) �VP

2 Apr 1964 - 21 Apr 1970 Josef Klaus (s.a.) �VP

21 Apr 1970 - 24 May 1983 Bruno Kreisky (s.a.) SP�

24 May 1983 - 16 Jun 1986 Alfred Sinowatz (b. 1929 - d. 2008) SP�

16 Jun 1986 - 28 Jan 1997 Franz Vranitzky (b. 1937) SP�

28 Jan 1997 - 4 Feb 2000 Viktor Klima (b. 1947) SP�

4 Feb 2000 - 11 Jan 2007 Wolfgang Sch�ssel (s.a.) �VP

11 Jan 2007 - 2 Dec 2008 Alfred Gusenbauer (b. 1960) SP�

2 Dec 2008 - 9 May 2016 Werner Faymann (b. 1960) SP�

9 May 2016 - 17 May 2016 Reinhold Mitterlehner (acting) (b. 1955) �VP
17 May 2016 - 18 Dec 2017 Christian Kern (b. 1966) SP�

18 Dec 2017 - 28 May 2019 Sebastian Kurz (1st time) (b. 1986) �VP

28 May 2019 - 3 Jun 2019 Hartwig L�ger (acting) (b. 1965) �VP

3 Jun 2019 - 7 Jan 2020 Brigitte Bierlein (f) (b. 1949 - d. 2024) Non-party

7 Jan 2020 - 11 Oct 2021 Sebastian Kurz (2nd time) (s.a.) �VP

11 Oct 2021 - 6 Dec 2021 Alexander Schallenberg (b. 1969) �VP

6 Dec 2021 - Karl Nehammer (b. 1972) �VP

Coordinator of the NSDAP in Austria (Kommissarischer Leiter der NSDAP in �sterreich) 15 Mar 1938 - 31 Mar 1940 Josef B�rckel (b. 1895 - d. 1944) NS

Reichskommissar for the Reunification of Austria with the German Reich

(Reichskommissar f�r die Wiedervereinigung �sterreichs mit dem Deutschen Reich)

23 Apr 1938 - 31 Mar 1940 Josef B�rckel (s.a.) NS

Common Government of Austria-Hungary

Map Austria-Hungary Hear National Anthem "Die Kaiserlied" (Emperor's Song) ("Die Kaiserhymne" 1797-1854) Texts of National Anthem (12 Feb 1797-12 Nov 1918) Constitution (21 Dec 1867)
Capitals: Vienna and Budapest Currency: 1892-1918 Austro- Hungarian Krone/Korona (ATK); 1857-1892 Austro-Hungarian Gulden/Forint (ATG) National Holiday 1849 - 1916: 18 Aug (1830) Kaiserfest [Kaiserfeier] (Emperor Franz Josef I Birthday Celebration) Population: 51,390,223 (1910) (Cisleithania: 28,571,934 Transleithania: 20,886,487 Bosnia-Herzeg.: 1,931,802) 36,950,401 (1840)
GDP: Austria: 635 million Krone (1910) Hungary: 490 million Korona (1910) Exports: 551.4million(1915)∗∗Imports∗∗:551.4 million (1915) Imports: 551.4million(1915)Imports:403.2 million (1915) Ethnic Groups: German 24%, Hungarian 20%, Czech 13%, Polish 10%, Ruthenian 8%, Romanian 6%, Croat 5%, Slovak 4%, Serb 4%, Slovene 3%, Italian 3% (1910) (Cisleithania 55.6% [German 35.6%, Czech 23%, Poles 17.8%, Ruthenian 12.6%, Slovenes 4.5%, Serb and Croats 2.8%, Italian 2.7%, Romanian 1%, other 0.02%]; Transleithania 40.6% [Hungarian 48.1%, Romanian 14.1%, German 9.8%, Slovak 9.4%, Croat 8.8%, Serb 5.3%, Ruthenian 2.3%, others 2.2%]; Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.8%)
Total Armed Forces: 2,500,000 (1914) Merchant marine: 433 (1914) Religions: Roman Catholic 76.6%, Protestant 8.9%, Orthodox 8.7%, Jews 4.4%, Muslim 1.3%, other 0.1% (1910) (Cisleithania - Roman Catholic 90.9%, Protestant 2.1%, Orthodox 2.3%, Jews 4.7%; Transleithania - Roman Catholic 61.8%, Protestant 19%, Orthodox 14.3%, Jews 4.9%; Bosnia - Roman Catholic 22.9%, Protestant 0.3%, Orthodox 43.5%, Jews 0.6% Muslim 32.7%)
International Organizations/Treaties: CED, ICRM, IOC, IMO, IPU, ITU, PCA, UIBPIP, UPU

E mperors and King s �
30 Dec 1867 - 12 Nov 1918 the Emperors of Austria

Imperial Chancellor, Minister of the Imperial Household and of Foreign Affairs
30 Dec 1867 - 8 Nov 1871 Friedrich Ferdinand Graf von Beust (s.a.)
Ministers for the Imperial and Royal House and for Foreign Affairs 14 Nov 1871 - 2 Oct 1879 Gyula Graf Andr�ssy von Cs�k Szent (b. 1823 - d. 1890)
Kir�ly und Krazna-Horka "der �ltere"
(= Gyula gr�f Andr�ssy cs�kszentkir�lyi �s krasznahorkai)
8 Oct 1879 - 10 Oct 1881 Heinrich Karl Freiherr von (b. 1828 - d. 1881)
20 Nov 1881 - 2 May 1895 Gustav Sigmund Graf K�lnoky von (b. 1823 - d. 1898)
(= Guszt�v Zsigmond gr�f K�lnokykőr�spataki)
16 May 1895 - 24 Oct 1906 Agenor Graf Gołuchowski von (b. 1859 - d. 1921)
24 Oct 1906 - 17 Feb 1912 Alois Freiherr Lexa von Aehrenthal (b. 1854 - d. 1912)
(from 17 Aug 1909, Alois Graf Lexa von Aehrenthal)
17 Feb 1912 - 13 Jan 1915 Leopold Graf Berchtold von und zu (b. 1863 - d. 1942)
Ungarschitz, Fratting und Pullitz
13 Jan 1915 - 22 Dec 1916 Stephan Freiherr Buri�n von Rajecz (b. 1851 - d. 1922)
(1st time) (= Istv�n b�r� Buri�n rajeci)
22 Dec 1916 - 16 Apr 1918 Ottokar Graf Czernin von und zu (b. 1872 - d. 1932)
16 Apr 1918 - 24 Oct 1918 Stephan Freiherr Buri�n von Rajecz (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Oct 1918 - 2 Nov 1918 Gyula Graf Andr�ssy von Cs�k Szent (b. 1860 - d. 1929)
Kir�ly und Krazna-Horka "der J�ngere"
(= Gyula gr�f Andr�ssy cs�kszentkir�lyi �s krasznahorkai)
2 Nov 1918 - 12 Nov 1918 Ludwig Freiherr von Flotow (acting)(b. 1867 - d. 1948)

Noble titles: Edler/Edle = Noble; Erzherzog/Erzherzogin = Archduke/Archduchess; Freiherr/Freifrau = Baron/Baroness; _F�rst/F�rstin_= Prince/Princess; Graf/Gr�fin = Count/Countess;_Grossherzog/Grossherzogin= Grand Duke/Grand Duchess; Herzog/Herzogin = Duke/Duchess; Kaiser/Kaiserin = Emperor/Empress; K�nig/K�nigin = King/Queen; Landgraf/Landgr�fin = Landgrave/Landgravine; _Markgraf/Markgr�fin = Margrave/Margravine; Prinz/Prinzessin = Prince/Princess; _Reichsgraf/Reichsgr�fin_= Imperial Count/Countess; Ritter = Knight.

Party abbreviations: FP� = Freiheitliche Partei �sterreichs (Austrian Freedom Party, conservative, nationalist, populist, from 1989 Eurosceptic, est.1956); Grn = Die Gr�nen � Die Gr�ne Alternative or Die Gr�nen (The Greens � The Green Alternative, ecologist, center-left, est.1993);�VP = �sterreichische Volkspartei (Austrian People's Party, center-right, est.1945); SP� = Sozialdemokratische Partei �sterreichs (Social-Democratic Party of Austria, social-democratic, until 15 Jun 1991 named Socialist Party of Austria [Sozialistische Partei �sterreichs], former SDAP, est.1945); Mil = Military;

- Former parties: Con =Konservativ (Conservative, 1848-1918); CSP = Christlichsoziale Partei (Christian Social Party, right-wing conservative, 1895-1907 as Catholic People's Party [Katholische Volkspartei], 1907-1934, merged into VF); Lib = Liberal (Liberal, 1867-79 as German Liberal Party [Deutschliberale Partei], 1848-1918);NS = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi fascist, German nationalist, xenophobic, banned 19 Jun 1933 - 13 Mar 1938, only legal party 15 Mar 1938 - May 1945); SDAP = Sozialdemokratische Abeiterpartei (Social Democratic Labor Party, social-democratic, 1888-12 Feb 1934);VF = Vaterl�ndische Front (Fatherland's [Patriotic] Front, Austrian nationalist, clerical fascist, corporatist, 1 May 1934 - 13 Mar 1938 only legal party, 1933-1938)

Allied Military Government of Austria

13 Apr 1945 Vienna surrenders to Soviets (Vienna is under separate
four power Allied occupation 1945-1955).
Jul 1945 Austria under joint four power Allied occupation.
11 Sep 1945 Allied control council formed.
27 Jul 1955 Allied occupation ends, Austrian sovereignty restored.

American Zone

[US flag]

High commissioners
5 Jul 1945 - 16 May 1947 Mark W. Clark (b. 1896 - d. 1984)
17 May 1947 - 19 Sep 1950 Geoffrey Keyes (b. 1888 - d. 1967)
20 Sep 1950 - 17 Jul 1952 Walter J. Donnelly (b. 1896 - d. 1970)
17 Jul 1952 - 27 Jul 1955 Llewellyn E. Thompson, Jr. (b. 1904 - d. 1972)

British Zone

[United Kingdom flag]

High commissioners
Jul 1945 - Mar 1946 Sir Richard Loudon McCreery (b. 1898 - d. 1967)
Mar 1946 - Oct 1947 Sir James Stuart Steele (b. 1894 - d. 1975)
Oct 1947 - 1 Jan 1950 Sir Alexander Galloway (b. 1899 - d. 1977)
1 Jan 1950 - 1 Aug 1950 Sir John Winterton (b. 1898 - d. 1987)
1 Aug 1950 - 5 Feb 1954 Sir Harold Caccia (b. 1905 - d. 1990)
5 Feb 1954 - 27 Jul 1955 Sir Geoffrey Wallinger (b. 1903 - d. 1979)

French Zone


High commissioners
8 Jul 1945 - 30 Sep 1950 Marie �mile Antoine B�thouart (b. 1889 - d. 1982)
Oct 1950 - Sep 1954 Joseph �mile F�lix Jean Payart (b. 1892 - d. 1969)
Oct 1954 - Feb 1955 Jean Michel Henri Chauvel (b. 1897 - d. 1979)
Feb 1955 - Jun 1955 Roger Lalouette (acting) (b. 1904 - d. 1980)
3 Jun 1955 - 27 Jul 1955 Fran�ois Seydoux Fornier de (b. 1905 - d. 1981)

Soviet Zone

[Flag of USSR]

Military governor
13 Apr 1945 - Jul 1945 Fyodor Ivanovich Tolbukhin (b. 1894 - d. 1949)
High commissioners
Jul 1945 - 25 Apr 1946 Ivan Stepanovich Konev (b. 1897 - d. 1973)
10 May 1946 - 2 Apr 1949 Vladimir Vasilyevich Kurasov (b. 1897 - d. 1973)
4 May 1949 - 7 Jun 1953 Vladimir Petrovich Sviridov (b. 1898 - d. 1963)
7 Jun 1953 - 27 Jul 1955 Ivan Ivanovich Ilyichev (b. 1905 - d. 1983)

�Polity styles:

11 Aug 1804 - 21 Dec 1867: Kaisertum �sterreich ("Empire of Austria") was a term that had no Constitutional status before 25 Apr 1848, and had dynastic rather than territorial import - it was deliberately preferred to Kaiserreich. It was intended to encompass all the hereditary possessions of the Haus �sterreich ("House of Austria"), and was so defined in the Constitution of 7 Mar 1849; in the Constitution of 25 Apr 1848 it was similarly used, but excluded the "Hungarian" and "Lombardo-Venetian" possessions.

21 Dec 1867 - 11 Nov 1918: Die im Reichsrat vertretenen K�nigreiche und L�nder - this polity was informally known from its inception as �sterreich ("Austria"); this usage received official recognition in passing in an Imperial Rescript of 11 Oct 1915. It and A Magyar szent korona orsz�gok = L�nder der ungarischen heiligen Krone ("Lands of the Holy Hungarian Crown") were the two components of the �sterreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie = Osztr�k-Magyar Monarchia ("Austro-Hungarian Monarchy"), a term given official sanction 14 Nov 1868.

�Style of the rulers:
(a) 17 Sep 1156 - 16 Apr 1198 (in Latin): Dux Austriae; (in German) Herczog czu Ostarich ("Duke of Austria");
(b) 16 Apr 1198 - Jan 1237, Dec 1239 - Apr 1247 (in Latin): Dux Austriae et Styriae; (in German): Herczog czu Ostarich und czu Steyeren ("Duke of Austria and of Styria");
(c) 27 Dec 1282 - 2 May 1335: Herczog ze �sterreich und ze Steyr, Herr ze Chrain; (in Latin): Dux Austriae et Styriae, Dominus Carniolae ("Duke of Austria and of Styria, Lord of Carniola");
(d) 2 May 1335 - 27 Jul 1365: Herczog ze �sterreich, ze Steyr und ze Kernden, Herr ze Chrain; (in Latin): Dux Austriae, Styriae et Karinthiae, Dominus Carniolae ("Duke of Austria, Styria and Carinthia, Lord of Carniola");
(e) 27 Jul 1365 - 19 Aug 1493: Herczog ze �sterreich, ze Steir, ze Kernden und ze Krain, Graf ze Tyrol; (in Latin): Dux Austriae, Stiriae, Karinthiae et Carniolae, Comes Tyrolis ("Duke of Austria, of Styria, of Carinthia and of Carniola, Count of Tyrol");
(f) 19 Aug 1493 - 11 Aug 1804: Ertzhertzog zu �sterreich, Hertzog zu Steyr, zu K�rnden, zu Crain, Graf zu Tirol ("Archduke of Austria, Duke of Styria, of Carinthia, of Carniola, Count of Tyrol");
(g) 11 Aug 1804 - 11 Nov 1918: Kaiser von �sterreich, K�nig zu Ungarn und B�heim, etc., Erzherzog zu �sterreich, etc. ("Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, etc., Archduke of Austria, etc."), in short V_on Gottes Gnaden, Kaiser von �sterreich ("by the grace of God, Emperor of Austria");
(h) Typical long form including effective and titular titles (variants occur) 1848-1868: Von Gottes Gnaden, Kaiser von �sterreich; K�nig von Ungarn und B�hmen, K�nig der Lombardei und Venedigs (_"K�nig der Lombardei und Venedigs
" removed from 3 Oct 1866), von Dalmatien, Kroatien, Slavonien, Galizien, Lodomerien und Illyrien; K�nig von Jerusalem, etc.; Erzherzog von �sterreich, Grossherzog von Toskana(from 16 Nov 1846 und Krakau);Herzog von Lothringen, von Salzburg, von Steier, K�rnten, Krain (from 8 Mar 1849 und der Bukowina); Grossf�rst von Siebenb�rgen; Markgraf von M�hren; Herzog von Ober- und Niederschlesien, von Modena, Parma, Piacenza und Guastalla, von Auschwitz und Zator, von Teschen, Friaul, Ragusa und Zara; Gef�rsteter Graf von Habsburg, von Tyrol, von Kyburg, G�rz und Gradisca; F�rst von Trient und Brixen; Markgraf von Ober- und Niederlausitz und in Istrien; Graf von Hohenembs, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg etc.; Herr von Triest, von Cattaro und auf der Windischen Mark (from 18 Nov 1849_Grosswojwod der Wojwodschaft Serbien_), etc. etc. ("By the grace of God, Emperor of Austria; King of Hungary and Bohemia, King of Lombardy and Venice ["King of Lombardy and Venetia" removed from 3 Oct 1866], of Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Galitzia, Lodomeria and Illyria; King of Jerusalem, etc.; Archduke of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany [from 16 Nov 1846 and Cracow]; Duke of Lorraine, Salzburg, of Styria, Carinthia, Carniola [from 4 Mar 1849 and Bukovina]; Grand Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of Moravia; Duke of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla, of Auschwitz [Oświęcim] and Zator, of Teschen [Cieszyn], Friuli, Ragusa [Dubrovnik] and Zara [Zadar]; princely Count of Habsburg, of Tyrol, of Kyburg, Gorizia and Gradisca; Prince of Trent [Trento] and Brixen [Bressanone]; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia and in Istria; Count of Hohenembs, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg, etc.; Lord of Trieste, of Cattaro [Kotor], and in the Wendish Mark [from 18 Nov 1849 Grand Voivode of the Voivodeship of Serbia], etc. etc.);
(i) Typical long form including effective and titular titles (variants occur) 1868-1918 (in German): Von Gottes Gnaden Kaiser von �sterreich, Apostolischer K�nig von Ungarn, K�nig von B�hmen, Dalmatien, Kroatien, Slavonien und Galizien, Lodomerien und Illyrien, K�nig von Jerusalem, etc.; Erzherzog von �sterreich, Grossherzog von Toscana und Krakau, Herzog von Lothringen und von Salzburg, von Steiermark, von K�rnten, Krain und der Bukowina; Grossf�rst von Siebenb�rgen; Markgraf von M�hren; Herzog von Ober- und Niederschlesien, von Modena, Parma, Piacenza und Guastalla, von Auschwitz und Zator, von Teschen, Friaul, Ragusa und Zara; Gef�rsteter Graf von Habsburg und Tirol, von Kyburg, G�rz und Gradiska; F�rst von Trient und von Brixen; Markgraf von Ober- und Niederlausitz und in Istrien; Graf von Hohenems, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg etc.; Herr von Triest, von Cattaro und auf der Windischen Mark; Grosswojwod der Wojwodschaft Serbien, etc.; Kaiserliche und Apostolische Majest�t; (in Hungarian) Isten kegyelm�ből Ausztriai cs�sz�r, Magyarorsz�g Apostoli Kir�lya, Cseh, Dalm�t, Horv�t-Szlavonorsz�gok, Galicia, Lodom�ria, R�ma, Szerb, K�n �s Bolg�rorsz�gok, �gy Illyria, Jeruzs�lem stb. kir�lya, Ausztria főhercege, Toscana �s Krak� nagyhercege, Lotharingia, Salzburg, Steyer, Koront�n, Krajna �s Bukovina hercege, Erd�ly nagyfejedelme, Morvai őrgr�f, Fel- �s Al-Sl�zia, Modena, Parma, Piacenza, Guastalla, Osviecim �s Z�tor, Teschen, Friaul, Raguza �s Z�ra stb. hercege, Habsburg, Tyrol, Kyburg, G�re �s Gradiska gr�fja, Trient �s Brixen fejedelme, Fel- �s Al-Luzsica s Istria őrgr�fja, Hohenembs, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg stb. gr�fja, Triest, Kattaro �s a Szl�v őrgr�fs�g ura stb., Cs�sz�ri �s apostoli Majesty; ("By the grace of God, Emperor of Austria, Apostolic King of Hungary, King of Bohemia, Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, and Galitzia, Lodomeria and Illyria, King of Jerusalem, etc.; Archduke of Austria, Grand Duke of Tuscany and Cracow, Duke of Lorraine and of Salzburg, of Styria, of Carinthia, Carniola and the Bukovina; Grand Prince of Transylvania; Margrave of Moravia; Duke of Upper and Lower Silesia, of Modena, Parma, Piacenza, and Guastalla, of Auschwitz [Oświęcim] and Zator, of Teschen [Cieszyn], Friuli, Ragusa [Dubrovnik] and Zara [Zadar]; Princely Count of Habsburg and Tyrol, of Kyburg, Gorizia and Gradisca; Prince of Trent [Trento] and Brixen [Bressanone]; Margrave of Upper and Lower Lusatia and in Istria; Count of Hohenems, Feldkirch, Bregenz, Sonnenberg, etc.; Lord of Trieste, of Cattaro [Kotor], and in the Wendish Mark; Grand Voivode of the Voivodina of Serbia, etc.; Imperial and Apostolic Majesty").�From 1749 to 1848 there were essentially two chiefs of government. The Directing Ministers of State for InteriorAffairs and the Chancellors in charge of Foreign Affairs. These were equal in status, but eventually the Chancellors evolved as the leading force of the government. On 20 Mar 1848, the post of Prime minister was officially inaugurated.
(a) full title of Directing Ministers of State for Interior Affairswere:
10 May 1749 - 31 Dec 1761: Praesident des Directorii in Publicis & Cameralibus ("President of the Directory in Public and Financial Matters");
1 Jan 1762 - 15 Dec 1771: Dirigirender Staats-Minister in Inl�ndischen Gesch�ften ("Directing Minister of State in Domestic Affairs");
15 Dec 1771 - 17 Nov 1792 and 7 May 1796 - 7 Jun 1808: Dirigirender erster Staats-Minister in Inl�ndischen Gesch�ften ("First Directing Minister of State in Domestic Affairs");
17 Nov 1792 - 7 May 1796: Oberster Directorial-Minister ("Supreme Directorial Minister");
7 Jul 1808 - 20 Mar 1848: Dirigirender Minister im Staats- und Conferenz-Rath f�r die inl�ndischen Gesch�ften ("Directing Ministers in the State Council and Conference for Domestic Affairs");
(b) full title of Chancellors for Foreign Affairs were:
3 Jun 1705 - 15 Feb 1742: Erste Hof-Cantzler ("First Court Chancellor");
15 Feb 1742 - 13 May 1753: Geheimer Hof- und Staats-Canzler ("Privy Court and State Chancellor");
13 May 1753 - 1765: Hof- und Staats-Canzler der Ausw�rtigen Gesch�fte ("Court and State Chancellor for Foreign Affairs");
1765 - 30 Mar 1793: Haus-, Hof- und Staats-Canzler der Ausw�rtigen Gesch�fte ("House, Court and State Chancellor for Foreign Affairs");
30 Mar 1793 - 25 May 1821: Minister der Ausw�rtigen Gesch�fte ("Minister for Foreign Affairs");
25 May 1821 - 20 Mar 1848: Haus-, Hof- und Staats-Kanzler ("House, Court and State Chancellor");
(d) 1848 - 1918: prime ministers formal title - 20 Mar - 21 Nov 1848 Provisorischer Minister-Pr�sident des Ministerrathes ("Provisional Minister President [Prime Minister] of the Council of Ministers"); 21 Nov 1848 - 7 Feb 1867 Minister-Pr�sident des Ministerrathes ("Minister President [Prime Minister] of the Council of Ministers"); 7 Feb 1867 - 30 Dec 1867 Pr�sident des Ministerrathes ("President of the Council of Ministers"); 30 Dec 1867 - 25 Nov 1871 Pr�sident des Ministerrathes f�r die im Reichsrathe vertretenen K�nigreiche und L�nder ("President of the Council of Ministers for the Kingdoms and States represented in the Imperial Council"); 25 Nov 1871 - 28 Oct 1916 Ministerpr�sident f�r die im Reichsrate vertretenen K�nigreiche und L�nder ("Prime Minister for the Kingdoms and States represented in the Imperial Council"); 28 Oct 1916 - 12 Nov 1918 �sterreichischer Ministerpr�sident ("Austrian Prime Ministers");
(e) from 1918, prime ministers formal title: Staatskanzler (State Chancellor) 12 Nov 1918 - 10 Nov 1920 and 27 Apr - 20 Dec 1945; Bundeskanzler (Federal Chancellor) 10 Nov 1920 - 15 Mar 1938 and from 20 Dec 1945; Vorsitzender im Kabinett (Chairman in the Cabinet) 7 Jul 1920 - 10 Nov 1920;
F�hrer der sterreichischen Landesregierung (Leader of the Austrian State government) 13 Mar 1938 - 30 Sep 1939,

� Ben Cahoon