Slovenia (original) (raw)


Map of Slovenia Hear National Anthem "Zdravljica" (A Toast) Text of National Anthem Adopted 27 Sep 1989 Constitution (23 Dec 1991)
Capital: Ljubljana (Lubiana 1941-1943; Laibach 1335-1809, 1813-1918; Illyria: Laybach 1809-1813; Krain [Kranj] ...-1335) (Drava: Ljubljana 1929-1941) Currency: Euro (EUR); 8 Oct 1992 - 31 Dec 2006 Tolar (SIT); 1991-1992 Slovenia Tolar Bons (SIB); 1918-1991 Yugoslav Dinar (YUD); 1944-45 Slovenia Laibach Lira (SIL); 1941-44 Italian Lira (ITL) National Holiday: 25 Jun (1991) Dan Dr�avnosti (Statehood Day) Population: 2,102,678 (2019) 524,453 (1910, Carniola)
GDP: 71.2billion(2017)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:71.2 billion (2017) Exports: 71.2billion(2017)Exports:32.14 billion (2017) Imports: $30.38 billion (2017) Ethnic groups: Slovene 83.1%, Serb 2%, Croat 1.8%, Bosniak 1.1%, other or unspecified 12% (2002)
Total Active Armed Forces: 7,200 (2010) Merchant marine: 8 ships (2018) Religions: Roman Catholic 57.8%, Muslim 2.4%, Eastern Orthodox 2.3%, Protestant 0.8%, non-religious 10.2%, other or unspecified 26.5% (2002)
International Organizations/Treaties: ACS (observer), AG, ANT, APM, BIS, BSEC (dialogue partner), BTWC, CCM, CD, CE, CEI, CERN (associate), CTBT, CWC, EAPC, EBRD, ECB, EIB, EMU, ENMOD, ESA (associate), ESCR, EU, Euratom, Eutelsat, FAO, IADB, IAEA, IBRD, ICAO, ICC, ICCt, ICRM, ICSID, IDA, IFC, IFRCS, IHO, ILO, IMF, IMO, Interpol, IOC, IOM, IPU, IRENA, ISA, ISO, ITU, MIGA, NAM (guest), NATO, NEA, NPT, NSG, NTBT, OAS (observer), OECD, OIF (observer), OPCW, OS, OSCE, OST, PAM, PCA, SECP, SELEC, UN, UNCLOS, UNCTAD, UNESCO, UNFCC, UNFCC-KP, UNFCC-PA, UNHCR, UNIDO, UNWTO, UPU, WA, WCO, WHO, WIPO, WMO, WTO, ZC
Slovenia Index Chronology 6th cent. Slavic ancestors of present-day Slovenes settle in the East Alpine area (at the time under Langobard [Lombard] suzerainty). Eventually a polity based on Carinthia and encompassing Slovenia is formed. c.745 Carinthia voluntarily submits to Duchy of Bavaria in exchange for protection against the Avars. Oct 788 Frankish rule in Bavaria, thereby replacing Bavarian suzerainty with Frankish suzerainty, represented by the margrave of Friuli. Feb 828 Carinthia annexed as Carantanian March (Marca Carantana), native rulers replaced by Frankish margraves attached to Bavaria. Aug 843 Along with Bavaria, part of East Frankish kingdom. Nov 876 - Mar 882 Part of independent Frankish kingdom of Bavaria. Mar 882 East Frankish rule restored. Jul 976 Carinthia, and Slovenia with it, separated from Bavaria as the Duchy of Carinthia. 1040/54 Slovenia separated from Carinthia as two marches - March of Carniola (Marca Carniolae / Creina marcha) and the Windic Mark (Marca Vendica) - that are soon combined. 11 Jun 1077 - 1245 Territories of Friuli in the east and Carniola are placed under suzerainty of AquileiaPatriarchate, (with interruptions). Separate margraves are still appointed until 1122. 1112 First record mentions Ljubljana as Castrum Laibach. 5 Apr 1229 - 15 Jun 1246 Fiefs of the bishop of Freising in possession of the duke of Austria, who from 1230 styles himself Carniolae dominus ("Lord of Carniola"). Nov 1270 Part of the lands of Austria. 1279 - 2 Apr 1335 Pledged to the Counts of Tirol and G�rz. 27 Dec 1282 Habsburg dynasty established (Habsburg-Lothringen dynasty from 29 Nov 1780). 27 Jul 1365 Duchy of Carniola (Herzogtum Krain). 9 Nov 1456 Princely County of Cilli (Celje) inherited by the Habsburgs. 23 May 1809 French occupation. 14 Oct 1809 - 29 Sep 1813 Annexed by France. 25 Dec 1809 Divided into provinces of Laybach (Laibach), Neustadtl (Novo Mesto), and Adelsberg (Postoina) as part of the Illyrian Provinces. 15 Apr 1811 Provinces abolished; creation of Intendance Carniole. 29 Sep 1813 Austria re-occupies Laibach. 30 May 1814 Krain (Carniola) formally restored to Austria. 3 Aug 1816 Part of Illyrian Kingdom (K�nigreich Illyrien) within Austria as part of_Landesgubernium in dem_ K�nigreiche Illyrien zu Laibach (see Austrian crownlands). 1 Jan 1850 Krain a separate crownland. 15 Nov 1860 - 25 Apr 1861 Administered by the governor of K�stenland. 21 Dec 1867 Part of "Austrian half" of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (i.e. of the "Kingdoms and Lands Represented in the Imperial Diet"). 29 Oct 1918 Proclamation of the establishment of the State of the Slovenes, Croats and Serbs (see Croatia). 31 Oct 1918 End of Austrian rule; autonomous Slovene state government (to Jul 1921). 1 Dec 1918 Part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (later Yugoslavia). 29 May 1919 - 5 Jun 1919 Prekmurje declares independence from Hungary. 10 Sep 1919 Austria formally renounces claim to Slovenia by Treaty of Saint Germain-en-Laye. 4 Oct 1929 Part of Dravska banovina (Banate of the Drava), within Yugoslavia. 8 Apr 1941 Italy, Germany and from 11 Apr 1941 Hungary invade. 8 Apr 1941 - 9 May 1945 Germany occupies Maribor and northern Slovenia (the German area [�tajerska, Gorenjska, Me�i�ka] is attached/integrated to, but not formally annexed to Germany), respectively named as the Areas of Chief of Civil Administration (CdZ-Gebiet) in Lower Styria and in Carinthia and Carniola. 11 Apr 1941 - 19 Mar 1944 Prekmurje area annexed to Hungary, from 19 Mar 1944, it is occupied by Germany. 5 May 1941 - 9 Sep 1943 Italian occupied Ljubljana area is annexed to Italy as Lubiana province. 9 Sep 1943 - 9 May 1945 Italian Lubiana is occupied by Germany, and on 22 Sep 1943, it is organized as Laibach province (which is subordinated the Operationszone Adriatisches K�stenland [see Trieste under Italy]) 23 Sep 1943 - 28 Apr 1945 Laibach province is nominally part of the Italian Social Republic. 29 Nov 1943 Re-incorporation into Yugoslavia declared in opposition to occupation. 19 Feb 1944 Declared part of Yugoslavia (Slovenia [_Slovenija_]). 3 May 1945 - 9 May 1945 National State of Slovenia (Narodna dr�ava Slovenija) as part of Yugoslavia, declared by an assembly convened in Ljubljana (not recognized by German occupiers). 29 Nov 1945 Part of Yugoslavia (Slovenia [_Slovenija_]). 31 Jan 1946 People's Republic of Slovenia (Ljudska republika Slovenija). 7 Apr 1963 Socialist Republic of Slovenia (Socialistična republika Slovenija)(within Yugoslavia). 8 Mar 1990 Republic of Slovenia (Republika Slovenija). 2 Jul 1990 Declaration of state sovereignty. 25 Jun 1991 Independence declared. 8 Jul 1991 - 8 Oct 1991 Independence suspended. 1 May 2004 Part of European Union.
Socialist Republic of Slovenia (1943-1990)
Prekmurje Republic (1919)
Historic Maps of Slovenia
Map of Krain (Carniola)

Lords (title Carniolae Dominus/Herr ze Chrain) Nov 1270 - 27 Jul 1365 the rulers of Austria
Dukes (title Dux Carniolae/ Herzog zu Krain)
27 Jul 1365 - 14 Oct 1809 the rulers of Austria
14 Oct 1809 - 29 Sep 1813 annexed to France
29 Sep 1813 - 31 Oct 1918 the rulers of Austria
Landeshauptleute (State captains)
1245 - 1261 Alexander II von Grimschitz
1261 - 1270 Rudelinus von Birnbaum (Pirnbaum)
1270 - 1271 Ulrich von Towers (Taufers)
1271 - 1273 Ulrich von D�rrenholz (d. 1273)
1273 - 1277 Ulrich Schenk von Habsbach
1277 - 1278 Meinhard Graf von G�rz und (b. 1238 - d. 1295)
1278 - 1300 Ulrich Graf von Hainburg
1300 - 1309 Meinhard I Graf von Ortenburg
1309 - 1331 Stefan von Frangepan (Frankopan)
Graf zu Vegel, Modrusch und Zengg
1331 - 1335 Meinhard II Graf von Ortenburg
1335 - 1350 Friedrich von Sannegg (Seunegk) (b. c.1300 - d. 1359/60)
(from 1341, Friedrich I Graf von Cilli)
1350 - 1351 Herdegen (Hardeg) I von Pettau (d. 1352)
1351 - 1353 Johann (II) Ribi von Lenzburg, (b. 1310/20 - d. 1374)
Bischof von Gurk
1353 - 1355 Hartnid IV von Weisseneck
1355 - 1358 Rudolf von Liechtenstein
1358 - 1360 Otto IV Graf von Ortenburg (d. 1370)
1360 - 1365 Leuthold II von Stadeck (Stattegg)(d. 1367)
1365 - 1367 Ulrich I Graf von Cilli (Cilly) (b. 1331 - d. 1368)
1367 - 1385 Conrad II Kraygh (or Kreigh)
1385 - 1389 Hugo von Tybein (Duino) (d. 1399)
1389 - 1390 Wilhelm Graf von Cilli (Cilly) (d. 1392)
1390 - 1400 Hermann II Graf von Cilli (Cilly) (b. c.1365 - d. 1435)
1400 - 1405 Hans Neudecker
1405 - 1407 Seifried von Gallenberg
1407 - 1412 Jacob von Stubenberg
1412 - 1414 Wilhelm von Rabenstein
Feb 1414 - 1422 Ulrich Schenk von Osterwitz (d. 1429)
(1st time)
1422 - 1425 Heinrich IV Graf von G�rz (b. c.1375 - d. 1454)
1425 - 1428 Georg von Auersperg (d. 1428)
1428 - 1429 Ulrich Schenk von Osterwitz (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1429 - 1437 Jobst (Jost) Schenk von Osterwitz (d. af.1455)
1437 - 1443 Stephan III Graf von Frangepan (b. 140. - d. 1481?)
1443 - 1444 Ulrich III Graf von Schaunberg (d. 1484)
(1st time)
1444 - 1449 Trojan Graf von Frangepan
1449 - 1451 Georg von Tschernembl (d. 1480)
1451 - 1463 Ulrich III Graf von Schaunberg (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1463 - 1466 Sigmund von Sebriach (1st time) (d. 1482)
1466 - 1469 Andreas von Hohenwart (d. 1469)
1469 - 1482 Sigmund von Sebriach (2nd time) (s.a.)
1482 - 1503 Wilhelm von Auersperg (b. 145. - d. 1506)
1503 - 1527 Johann von Auersperg (b. 1480 - d. 1529)
1527 - 1529 Veit von Thurn und Valsassina, (b. 1471 - d. 1547)
Freiherr zu Creutz
1529 - 1529 Joseph Freiherr von Lamberg (b. 1489 - d. 1554)
(1st time)(acting)
1529 - 1530 Christoph von Rauber, Bischof (b. c.1466 - d. 1536)
zu Laibach
1530 - 30 Jan 1538 Hans Katzianer (Cazianer), (b. 1491 - d. 1539)
Freiherr zu Katzenstein
30 Jan 1538 - 1538 Georg von M�ndorff (acting)
1538 - 1544 Niclas Juritschitz, Freiherr zu (b. 1490 - d. 1545?)
G�nss (G�ntz) (= Nikola Juri�ić)
1544 - 20 Oct 1554 Joseph von Lamberg Freiherr von (s.a.)
Ortenegg (Ornek) und Ottenstein
(2nd time)
20 Oct 1554 - 1554 Jacob von Lamberg (acting) (b. 15.. - d. 1569?)
1554 - 1557 Johann Weltzer von Spiegelberg (b. 14.. - d. 1557)
1557 - 1566 Jacob von Lamberg (b. 15.. - d. 1566)
(acting to 1 Aug 1558)
1566 - 22 Sep 1575 Herbard (Herwart) Freiherr zu (b. 1528 - d. 1575)
22 Sep 1575 - 1576 Hanns (Johann) Joseph Freiherr
von Eck (acting)
1576 - 7 Aug 1581 Weickard (Weikhard) Freiherr zu (b. 1533 - d. 1581)
7 Aug 1581 - 1585 Christoph Freiherr zu Auersperg (b. 1550 - d. 1592)
1585 - 1592 Johann Ambros Graf von Thurn und (b. 1537 - d. 1621)
1592 - 1593 Johann Freiherr von Cobentzl zu (d. 1598?)
Prossegk (Cobenzl zu Prossegg)
1593 - 8 Jun 1601 Georg Freiherr von Lenkowitsch (b. 15.. - d. 1601)
(= Juraj Lenković)
8 Jun 1601 - 1602 Johann Gutmann (acting)
1602 - 18 Oct 1634 Johann Ulrich Freiherr von (b. 1568 - d. 1634)
Eggenberg (from 31 Aug 1623,
F�rst zu Eggenberg; also from
15 Apr 1628, Herzog zu Krumau)
18 Oct 1634 - 1635 Heinrich Paradeiser (acting)
1635 - 19 Feb 1649 Johann Anton I F�rst zu (b. 1610 - d. 1649)
Eggenberg, Herzog zu Krumau
19 Feb 1649 - 28 Apr 1673 Wolfgang Engelbrecht Graf von (b. 1610 - d. 1673)
Auersperg (acting to 1649)
28 Apr 1673 - 17 May 1674 Eberhard Leopold Ursini Graf von (b. 1614 - d. 1680)
Blagay (acting)
17 May 1674 - 16 Nov 1692 Johann Seifried F�rst von (b. 1644 - d. 1713)
16 Nov 1692 - 16 Jan 1715 Johann Anton II Joseph F�rst von (b. 1669 - d. 1716)
Eggenberg (from 5 Oct 1713 F�rst
zu Eggenberg, Herzog zu Krumau)
16 Jan 1715 - May 1722 Johann Caspar Graf von Cobenzl (b. 1664 - d. 1742)
May 1722 - 21 Feb 1734 Wolf Weikhard Graf von Gallenberg (b. 1669 - d. 1734)
(acting to 18 Mar 1723)
21 Feb 1734 - 23 Nov 1734 Franz Anton Josef Valentin Graf (b. 1696 - d. 1762)
von Auersperg (1st time)(acting)
23 Nov 1734 - 1742 Corbinian Graf von Saurau (b. 1692 - d. 1761)
7 Jan 1743 - 1759 Franz Anton Josef Valentin Graf (s.a.)
von Auersperg (2nd time)
Pr�sident der Repr�sentation und Kammer
(President of the Representation and Chamber)
1747 - 1760 Johann Graf von Herberstein (b. 1706 - d. 1771)
1760 - 1773 Heinrich Graf von Auersperg (b. 1721 - d. 1793)
1760 - 1773 Joseph Freiherr von Brigido (b. 1733 - d. 1817)
(acting for Auersperg)
1773 - 1774 Vinzenz Orsini Graf von Rosenberg (b. 1722 - d. 1794)
1774 - 1776 .... (acting)
1776 - 1781 Franz Adam Graf von Lamberg (b. 1730 - d. 1803)
1782 - 30 Dec 1791 Joseph Maria Graf von Auersperg (b. 1729 - d. 1793)
30 Dec 1791 - 19 Sep 1795 Johann Jakob Graf von Gaisruck (b. 1739 - d. 1801)
19 Sep 1795 - 1 Oct 1796 Joseph Freiherr van der Mark
1 Oct 1796 - 6 Mar 1799 Georg Jacob Graf Hohenwart zu (b. 1724 - d. 1808)
Gerlachstein (1st time)(acting)
6 Mar 1799 - 1 Jul 1801 Franz Joseph Johann Nepomucen (b. 1753 - d. 1801)
Graf von Wurmbrand-Stuppach
5 Sep 1801 - 1 Oct 1802 Johann Baptist Graf von Brandis (b. 17.. - d. 1826)
1 Oct 1802 - 7 Jul 1803 Georg Jacob Graf Hohenwart zu (s.a.)
Gerlachstein (2nd time)(acting)
7 Jul 1803 - 28 Mar 1808 Johann Nepomuk Graf zu (b. 1757 - d. 1809)
28 Mar 1808 - 18 Jul 1808 Franz Xaver Freiherr von(b. 1743 - d. 1832)
Lichtenberg-Janeschitz (1st time)
18 Jul 1808 - 6 Jan 1809 Bernhard Anton Maria Vincenz (b. 1756 - d. 1817)
Freiherr von Rossetti zu
Roseneck (Rosenegg)
6 Jan 1809 - 28 Jul 1809 Johann Nepomuk Graf von Brandis (b. 1753 - d. 18..)28 Jul 1809 - 2 Feb 1810 Franz Xaver Freiherr von (s.a.)
Lichtenberg-Janeschitz (2nd time)
French Commanders
23 May 1809 - 3 Jun 1809 Jacques �tienne Joseph Alexandre (b. 1765 - d. 1840)
3 Jun 1809 - 1809 Auguste Fr�d�ric Louis Viesse de
Marmont, duc de Raguse (b. 1774 - d. 1852)
Governor-general (of the provinces of Carinthia, Carniola, and Istria and the territories of Fiume and Trieste) 28 Jul 1809 - 1809 Louis, comte Baraguey d'Hilliers (b. 1764 - d. 1813)
Intendants of Basse-Carniole (at Neustadtl)
1809 Louis Alexandre Nadal (acting)
27 May 1809 - 26 Nov 1809 Louis Joubert (b. 1762 - d. 1812)
Nov 1809 - 28 Aug 1810 Achille Charles Stanislas �mile (b. 1781 - d. 1869)
Le Tonnelier de Breteuil
28 Aug 1810 - Dec 1810 Giovanni Wilcher
1810 - 1 Jan 1811 Auguste Petit de Beauverger (b. 1782 - d. 1858) 1 Jan 1811 - 1811 Gottfried Adrian von Warburg
Intendants of Haute-Carniole (at Laybach)
14 Jul 1809 - Sep 1810 Fran�ois Marie Fargues (b. 1785 - d. 1861)
Sep 1810 - 1811 Johann Baptist Anton Maria Thomas
Freiherr Baselli von S�ssenberg (b. 1763 - d. 1843) 1 Jan 1811 - 1811 Giovanni Wilcher (Janez Vilhar)
Intendants of Carniole
27 Jun 1811 - 1812 Louis Toussaint de La Moussaye (b. 1779 - d. 1854)
9 Apr 1812 - 29 Sep 1813 Alexandre Jean Denis Rouen des (b. 1779 - d. 1871)
Austrian Commanding general of the Inner Austrian army
29 Sep 1813 - 13 Oct 1813 Johann Karl Freiherr von Hiller (b. 1748 - d. 1819)
Austrian Provisional Civil and Military G overnor of Illyria
13 Oct 1813 - 18 Mar 1815 Christoph Freiherr von Lattermann (b. 1753 - d. 1835)
Landes-Gouverneure in dem K�nigreiche Illyrien zu Laibach
18 Mar 1815 - 3 Jan 1817 Franz Xaver Ritter Frad von (b. 1767 - d. 18..)
Fradeneck (Fraydenegg) (acting)
3 Jan 1817 - 20 Jan 1818 Julius Graf von Strassoldo (b. 1771 - d. 1830)
(Giulio, conte di Strassoldo)
20 Jan 1818 - 9 May 1818 Franz Seraphin Ritter von Ebenau
9 May 1818 - 26 Apr 1819 Carl Borrom�us Graf von Inzaghy (b. 1777 - d. 1856)
26 Apr 1819 - 30 Sep 1822 Joseph Graf Sw�erts-Spork (Sporck)(b. 1756 - d. 1823)
1 Oct 1822 - 24 Dec 1840 Joseph Camillo Freiherr von (b. 1779 - d. 1846)
Schmidburg24 Dec 1840 - 21 Apr 1841 Carl Joseph Anton Graf zu (b. 1779 - d. 1873)
Welsperg, Raitenau und Prim�r
(acting [for Schmidburg to 24 Dec 1840)
21 Apr 1841 - 9 Jul 1847 Joseph Freiherr von Weingarten (b. 1786 - d. 1855)
9 Jul 1847 - 6 Feb 1848 Andreas Graf von Hohenwart (b. 1794 - d. 1881)
6 Feb 1848 - 31 Dec 1849 Leopold Welser Graf von (b. 1793 - d. 1874)
Statthalter_ 1 Jan 1850 - 14 Nov 1860 Gustav Ignaz Graf Chorinsky (b. 1806 - d. 1873)
Freiherr von Ledske
15 Nov 1860 - 24 Apr 1861 the Statthalter of K�stenland

25 Apr 1861 - 23 Jul 1862 Karl Alexander Ullepitsch Edler (b. 1811 - d. 1862)
von Krainfels
23 Jul 1862 - 30 Oct 1862 Josef Roth (acting)
30 Oct 1862 - 19 Nov 1865 Johann Nepomuk Freiherr von (b. 1809 - d. 1883)
19 Nov 1865 - 9 May 1867 Eduard Freiherr von Bach (acting) (b. 1815 - d. 1884)
Landespr�sidenten (Slovene De�elni predsedniki)
9 May 1867 - Jun 1871 Sigmund Conrad Edler von (b. 1821 - d. 1898)
Jun 1871 - 10 Jul 1872 Karl Wurzbach von Tannenberg (b. 1806 - d. 1886)
(from 27 Jun 1872, Karl Freiherr Wurzbachvon Tannenberg)
10 Jul 1872 - 19 Mar 1874 Alexander Graf Auersperg (b. 1834 - d. 1874)
26 Jan 1874 - 20 Jul 1874 Klemens Wenzel Lothar Prinz von (b. 1837 - d. 1904)
(acting [for Auersperg to 19 Mar 1874])
20 Jul 1874 - 18 Dec 1877 Bohuslav Ritter von Widmann (b. 1836 - d. 1888)
(acting to 1 Jun 1875)
18 Dec 1877 - 23 Apr 1878 Anton Sch�ppl Ritter von (b. 1814 - d. 1888)
Sonnwalden (1st time)(acting)23 Apr 1878 - 8 Apr 1880 Franz Ritter Kallina von Urbanow (b. 1820 - d. 1880)
8 Apr 1880 - 4 May 1880 Anton Sch�ppl Ritter von (s.a.)
Sonnwalden (2nd time)(acting)4 May 1880 - 26 Oct 1892 Andreas von Winkler (b. 1825 - d. 1916)
(from 8 May 1883, Andreas Freiherr von Winkler)
26 Oct 1892 - Oct 1905 Viktor Freiherr von Hein (b. 1850 - d. 1914)
(acting to 1893)
Oct 1905 - May 1916 Theodor Freiherr Schwarz von (b. 1854 - d. 1932)
May 1916 - 31 Oct 1918 Heinrich Graf Attems Freiherr (b. 1858 - d. 1937)
auf Heiligenkreuz
President of the National Government of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs in Ljubljana
31 Oct 1918 - 24 Jan 1919 Josip Pogačnik (b. 1866 - d. 1932) SLS
Presidents of the Regional Government of Slovenia
24 Jan 1919 - 6 Nov 1919 Janko Brejc (1st time) (b. 1869 - d. 1934) SLS
7 Nov 1919 - 25 Feb 1920 Gregor �erjav (b. 1882 - d. 1929) JDS
25 Feb 1920 - 14 Dec 1920 Janko Brejc (2nd time) (s.a.) Non-party
14 Dec 1920 - 26 Feb 1921 Leonidas "Leonid" Pitamic (acting)(b. 1885 - d. 1971) SLS
26 Feb 1921 - 2 Aug 1921 Vilko Baltič (b. 1878 - d. 1959) JDS
2 Aug 1921 - 29 Mar 1923 Ivan Hribar (b. 1851 - d. 1941) Non-party
Bans of the the Drava
9 Oct 1929 - 4 Dec 1930 Du�an Sernec (b. 1882 - d. 1952) SLS
4 Dec 1930 - 8 Feb 1935 Drago Maru�ič (b. 1884 - d. 1964) Non-party
8 Feb 1935 - 10 Sep 1935 Dinko (Dominik) Puc (b. 1879 - d. 1945) DS
10 Sep 1935 - 16 Apr 1941 Marko Natlačen (b. 1886 - d. 1942) SLS (from 8-17 Apr 1941, also president of Slovene National Council)
German Chiefs of the Civil administration in Lower Styria ( Untersteiermark)
8 Apr 1941 - 14 Apr 1941 Hans-Wolfgang Reinhard (b. 1888 - d. 1950) Mil
(commander of LI Army Corps 2nd Army)
15 Apr 1941 - 8 May 1945 Siegfried Uiberreither (b. 1908 - d. 1984) NSDAP
German **Chiefs of Civil administration in Carinthia and the Carniola (K�rntens und der Krain)
15 Apr 1941 - 27 Nov 1941 Wladimir von Pawlowski (b. 1891 - d. 1961) NSDAP
28 Nov 1941 - 7 May 1945 Friedrich Rainer (b. 1903 - d. 1947) NSDAP
Italian Commander (of the 11th Corps 2nd Army)(in Lubiana)
11 Apr 1941 - 5 May 1941 Mario Robotti (b. 1882 - d. 1955) Mil
High Commissioners (to 5 May 1941 Civil Commissioner) of Lubiana Province
20 Apr 1941 - 15 Jun 1943 Emilio Grazioli (1st time) (b. 1899 - d. 1969) PNF
15 Jun 1943 - 12 Aug 1943 Giuseppe Lombrassa (b. 1906 - d. 1966) PNF
12 Aug 1943 - 9 Sep 1943 Riccardo Moizo (b. 1877 - d. 1962) Mil
(German prisoner to 10 Oct 1943; dismissed by PNF 1 Oct 1943)
1 Oct 1943 - 26 Oct 1943 Emilio Grazioli (2nd time) (s.a.) PFR
(named by Italian Social Rep., Germans prevent appointment)
German Commander (of the 71st Infantry division) 9 Sep 1943 - 21 Sep 1943 Wilhelm Raapke (b. 1896 - d. 1970) Mil
President of the German Provincial Administration of Laibach 22 Sep 1943 - 5 May 1945 Leon "Leo" Rupnik (b. 1880 - d. 1946) Mil/Non-party
President of the National Committee for Slovenia
3 May 1945 - 9 May 1945 Jo�e Basaj (in dissidence) (b. 1887 - d. 1973) SLS
President of the Presidency
10 May 1990 - 23 Dec 1992 Milan Kučan (b. 1941) Non-party
23 Dec 1992 - 22 Dec 2002 Milan Kučan (s.a.) Non-party
23 Dec 2002 - 22 Dec 2007 Janez Drnov�ek (b. 1950 - d. 2008) LDS;2006 Ind
23 Dec 2007 - 22 Dec 2012 Danilo T�rk (b. 1952) Non-party
23 Dec 2012 - 22 Dec 2022 Borut Pahor (b. 1963) SD
23 Dec 2022 - Nata�a Pirc Musar (f) (b. 1968) Non-party

Landeshauptleute (in Slovene: De�elni Glavarji)
15 Nov 1860 - 6 Apr 1861 Karl Sigmund Graf Hohenwart (b. 1824 - d. 1899)
6 Apr 1861 - 19 Nov 1866 Anton Freiherr von Codelli von (b. 1800 - d. 1883)
19 Nov 1866 - 7 Jun 1871 Karl Wurzbach von Tannenberg (s.a.)
7 Jun 1871 - 14 Sep 1871 Johann Bleiweis (1st time)(acting)(b. 1808 - d. 1881) NK
14 Aug 1871 - 18 Dec 1871 Radoslav Razlag (b. 1826 - d. 1880) NL
18 Dec 1871 - 3 Jul 1872 Alexander Graf Auersperg (s.a.) VP
3 Jul 1872 - 5 Nov 1872 Johann Bleiweis (2nd time)(acting)(s.a.) NK
5 Nov 1872 - 30 Apr 1881 Friedrich Ritter Kaltenegger von (b. 1820 - d. 1892)
30 Apr 1881 - 22 Sep 1881 Karl Deschmann (Karel De�man) (b. 1821 - d. 1889) VP
22 Sep 1881 - 23 Jul 1888 Gustav Graf Thurn und Valsassina (b. 1836 - d. 1888)
23 Jul 1888 - 3 Sep 1888 Johann Murnik (Ivan Murnik) (b. 1839 - d. 1913)
(1st time)(acting)
3 Sep 1888 - 17 Mar 1891 Joseph Poklukar (Josip Poklukar) (b. 1837 - d. 1891)
17 Mar 1891 - 12 Aug 1891 Johann Murnik (2nd time)(acting) (s.a.)
12 Aug 1891 - 27 Mar 1908 Otto von Detela (b. 1839 - d. 1917) SLS
(from 30 Nov 1898, Otto Edler von Detela)
27 Mar 1908 - 29 Dec 1911 Franz Edler von �uklje (b. 1849 - d. 1935) SLS
29 Dec 1911 - 17 Jan 1912 Eugen Lampe (acting) (b. 1874 - d. 1918) SLS?
17 Jan 1912 - 25 Oct 1918 Ivan �uster�ič (b. 1863 - d. 1925) SLS
25 Oct 1918 - 31 Oct 1918 Karl Triller (acting) (b. 1862 - d. 1926) SLS?**Chairman of the National Council for Slovenia and Istria
17 Aug 1918 - 31 Oct 1918 Josip Pogačnik (in dissidence) (s.a.) SLS
Presidents of the Consultative Council of Lubiana Province 26 May 1941 - 10 Sep 1941 Marko Natlačen (s.a.) SLS
10 Sep 1941 - 3 Jun 1942 Vacant
3 Jun 1942 - 22 Sep 1943 Leon "Lev" Rupnik (s.a.) Non-party
C hairman of the Executive Council
16 May 1990 - 23 Jan 1992 Alojz "Lojze" Peterle (b. 1948) SKD
Prime ministers
23 Jan 1992 - 14 May 1992 Alojz "Lojze" Peterle (s.a.) SKD
14 May 1992 - 7 Jun 2000 Janez Drnov�ek (1st time) (s.a.) LDS
7 Jun 2000 - 30 Nov 2000 Andrej Bajuk (b. 1943 - d. 2011) SLS;
Aug 2000 NSi
30 Nov 2000 - 19 Dec 2002 Janez Drnov�ek (2nd time) (s.a.) LDS
19 Dec 2002 - 3 Dec 2004 Anton "Tone" Rop (b. 1960) LDS
3 Dec 2004 - 21 Nov 2008 Janez Jan�a (1st time) (b. 1958) SDS
21 Nov 2008 - 10 Feb 2012 Borut Pahor (s.a.) SD
10 Feb 2012 - 20 Mar 2013 Janez Jan�a (2nd time) (s.a.) SDS
20 Mar 2013 - 18 Sep 2014 Alenka Bratu�ek (f) (b. 1970) PS;2014 ZAB
18 Sep 2014 - 13 Sep 2018 Miro Cerar (b. 1963) SMC
13 Sep 2018 - 3 Mar 2020 Marjan �arec (b. 1977) LMS
3 Mar 2020 - 25 May 2022 Janez Jan�a (3rd time) (s.a.) SDS
25 May 2022 - Robert Golob (b. 1967) GS

**Noble Titles: comte, _graf_= count; freiherr = baron; duc, herzog = duke; f�rst, prinz = prince; ritter = knight.

Territorial Disputes: Since the breakup of Yugoslavia in the early 1990s, Croatia and Slovenia have each claimed sovereignty over Piran Bay and four villages, and Slovenia has objected to Croatia's claim of an exclusive economic zone in the Adriatic Sea; in 2009, however Croatia and Slovenia signed a binding international arbitration agreement to define their disputed land and maritime borders, which led Slovenia to lift its objections to Croatia joining the EU; in Jun 2017 the arbitration panel issued a ruling on the border that Croatia has not implemented; as a member state that forms part of the EU's external border, Slovenia has implemented the strict Schengen border rules to curb illegal migration and commerce through southeastern Europe while encouraging close cross-border ties with Croatia.

Party abbreviations: GS = Gibanje Svoboda (Movement for Freedom, center-left, social liberal, green liberal, progressive, pro-European, est.8 May 2021); Ind = Independent; LDS = Liberalna DemokracijaSlovenije (Liberal Democracy of Slovenia, liberal, est.12 Mar 1994); LMS = Lista Marjana �arca (List of Marjan �arec, populist, social liberal, centrist, est.31 May 2014); NSi = Nova Slovenija - Kr�čanska LjudskaStranka (New Slovenia - Christian People's Party, christian democratic,split from SKD, est.4 Aug 2000); PS = Pozitivna Slovenija (Positive Slovenia, center-left, former LZJ-PS, est.21 Jan 2012); SD = Socialni Demokrati (Social Democrats, social democratic, former SDP, 29 May 1993-2 Apr 2005 named Zdru�ena ListaSocialnih Demokratov[United List of Social Democrats], est.1993);SDS = Slovenska DemokratskaStranka (Slovenian Democratic Party, social-democratic, est.16 Feb 1989); SLS = Slovenska Ljudska Stranka (Slovenian People's Party, conservative, 1905-1945, May 1988-2000, united with SKD as SLS-SKD 15 Apr 2000-2002; from May 2002 as SLS); SMC =Stranka Mira Cerarja (Party of Miro Cerar, center-left, est.2 Jun 2014); SNS= Slovenska Nacionalna Stranka (Slovenian National Party, populist, Slovene nationalist, Eurosceptic, est.17 Mar 1991); ZAB = Zavezni�tvo Alenke Bratu�ek (Alliance of Alenka Bratu�ek, center-left, Alenka Bratu�ek personalist, split from PS, est.31 May 2014); M il = Military;
- Former Parties: DS = Demokratska Stranka (Democratic Party, liberal, 1924-1945); JDS = Jugoslovanska Demokratska Stranka (Yugoslav Democratic Party, liberal, 1918-1924, then DS); LZJ-PS = Lista Zorana Jankovića�Pozitivna Slovenija (Zoran Jankovic List � Positive Slovenia, center-left, 22 Oct 2011-21 Jan 2012, renamed PS); NK = National-klerikal (National Clerical, Austrian conservative); NL = National-liberal (National Liberal, Austrian conservative liberal);NSDAP = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party, German Nazi fascist, 1920-1945, only legal party in Laibach 1941-1945); PFR = Partito Fascista Repubblicano (Republican Fascist Party, Italian fascist, former PNF, only legal party in Italian Social Republic, former PNF, 13 Sep 1943-28 Apr 1945); PNF = Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party, Italian fascist, nationalist, authoritarian, 9 Nov 1921-27 Jul 1943, only legal party in Lubiana Apr 1941-25 Jul 1943); SDP = Stranka Demokratične Prenove (Party of Democratic Renewal, former ZKS, Feb 1990-1993); SKD = Slovenski Kr�čanski Demokrati (Slovene Christian Democrats, 12 May 1988-15 Apr 2000, united with SLS); VP = Verfassungspartei (Constitution Party, Austrian constitutional liberal, 1861-1896); ZKS =Zveza Komunistov Slovenije (League of Communists of Slovenia, communist, state party, former KPS, 1952-Feb 1990, renamedSDP)

Socialist Republic of Slovenia

[Flag of Slovenian                         Liberation Front 1943-1947 (Yugoslavia)] 3 Oct 1943 - 18 Jan 1947 [Flag of SR Slovenia                         1947-1991 (Yugoslavia)] 18 Jan 1947 - 25 Jun 1991

16 Sep 1941 Slovenian National Liberation Committee (Slovenski Narodnoosvobodilni Odbor) of the Liberation Front of the Slovene
Nation (Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenskega Naroda)(OFS) formed, in
opposition to occupation.
16 Sep 1943 OFS Presidium proclaims the incorporation of Primorska in a 'free
and united Slovenia within a free and democratic Yugoslavia.'
3 Oct 1943 Liberation Front of the Slovenian People (Osvobodilna fronta slovenskega naroda) formed, in opposition to occupation.
19 Feb 1944 Slovenia (Slovenija); also in official use Federal Slovenia
(Federalna Slovenija)(withinYugoslavia); under the Slovenian
People's Liberation Council, in opposition to occupation.
31 Jan 1946 People's Republic of Slovenia (Ljudska republika Slovenija).
20 Feb 1946 Name of the state is approved in accordance with a law passed by
the Slovene National Liberation Council.
7 Apr 1963 Socialist Republic of Slovenia (Socialistična republika Slovenija)
(within Yugoslavia).
8 Mar 1990 Republic of Slovenia (Republika Slovenija).
2 Jul 1990 Declaration of state sovereignty.
25 Jun 1991 Independence declared.

Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Slovenia
(from 7 Nov 1952, League of Communists of Slovenia)
1937 - 1945 Franc "Luka" Lesko�ek (b. 1897 - d. 1983)
1945 - 1946 Boris Kidrič (b. 1912 - d. 1953)
1946 - 1966 Miha Marinko (b. 1900 - d. 1983)
**Presidents of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia Oct 1966 - Dec 1968 Albert Jakopič "Kajtimir" (b. 1914 - d. 1996)
Dec 1968 - Apr 1982 France Popit (b. 1921 - d. 2013) Apr 1982 - Apr 1986 Andrej Marinc (b. 1930)
**Presidents of the Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia Apr 1986 - Dec 1989 Milan Kučan (b. 1941)
Dec 1989 - May 1990 Ciril Ribičič (b. 1947)

**Presidents of the Executive Committee Slovenian National Liberation Committee 15 Sep 1941 - 15 Jan 1943 Josip (Jo�e) Rus (b. 1893 - d. 1985) OFS
15 Jan 1943 - 3 Oct 1943 Josip Vidmar (b. 1895 - d. 1992) OFS
Chairman of the Liberation Front of the Slovenian People
3 Oct 1943 - 19 Feb 1944 Josip Vidmar (s.a.) OFS
President of the Presidency of the Slovenian National Liberation Council
19 Feb 1944 - 19 Nov 1946 Josip Vidmar (s.a.) OFS
Presidents of the People'sConstituent Assembly
18 Nov 1946 Josip Vidmar (s.a.) OFS
18 Nov 1946 - 19 Nov 1946 Oton �upančič (acting) (b. 1878 - d. 1949) OFS
19 Nov 1946 Bogdan Osolnik (acting) (b. 1920 - d. 2019) OFS
19 Nov 1946 Ferdo Kozak (b. 1894 - d. 1957) OFS
President of the Presidium of the People's Constituent Assembly
19 Nov 1946 - 16 Jan 1947 Josip Vidmar (s.a.) OFS
President of the Presidium of the National Assembly
16 Jan 1947 - 30 Jan 1953 Josip Vidmar (s.a.) OFS
Presidents of the National Assembly
30 Jan 1953 - 16 Dec 1953 Ferdo Kozak (s.a.) OFS
16 Dec 1953 - 9 Jun 1962 Miha Marinko (s.a.) KPS
9 Jun 1962 - 25 Jun 1963 Vida (Bernot) Tom�ič (f) (b. 1913 - d. 1998) ZKS
Presidents of the Assembly
25 Jun 1963 - 9 May 1967 Ivan "Matija" Maček (b. 1908 - d. 1993) ZKS
9 May 1967 - 9 May 1974 Sergej Kraigher (b. 1914 - d. 2001) ZKS
Presidents of the Presidency
9 May 1974 - 23 May 1979 Sergej Kraigher (s.a.) ZKS
23 May 1979 - 7 May 1984 Viktor Avbelj "Rudi" (b. 1914 - d. 1993) ZKS
7 May 1984 - 6 May 1988 France Popit (s.a.) ZKS
6 May 1988 - 10 May 1990 Janez Stanovnik (b. 1922 - d. 2020) ZKS;1990 SDP
10 May 1990 - 23 Dec 1992 Milan Kučan (s.a.) Non-party

Minister for Slovenia (part of Yugoslav government)
7 Mar 1945 - 10 May 1945 Edvard Kocbek (b. 1904 - d. 1981) OFS
President of the People's Government 10 May 1945 - 30 Jan 1946 Boris Kidrič (s.a.) KPS
Presidents of the Government (Prime ministers)
30 Jan 1946 - 17 Jun 1946 Boris Kidrič (s.a.) KPS
17 Jun 1946 - 30 Jan 1953 Miha Marinko (s.a.) KPS;1952 ZKS
Presidents of the Executive Council of the Assembly
30 Jan 1953 - 15 Dec 1953 Miha Marinko (s.a.) ZKS
15 Dec 1953 - 25 Jun 1962 Boris Kraigher (b. 1914 - d. 1967) ZKS
25 Jun 1962 - 29 Apr 1965 Viktor Avbelj "Rudi" (s.a.) ZKS
29 Apr 1965 - 9 May 1967 Janko Smole (b. 1921 - d. 2010) ZKS
9 May 1967 - 27 Nov 1972 Stane Kavčič (b. 1919 - d. 1987) ZKS
27 Nov 1972 - 9 May 1978 Andrej Marinc (s.a.) ZKS
9 May 1978 - Jul 1980 Anton Vratu�a (b. 1915 - d. 2017) ZKS
Jul 1980 - 23 May 1984 Janez Zemljarič (b. 1928 - d. 2022) ZKS
23 May 1984 - 16 May 1990 Du�an �inigoj (b. 1933 - d. 2024) ZKS;1990 SDP

Party abbreviations: ZKS = Zveza Komunistov Slovenije (League of Communists of Slovenia, communist, state party, 1952-Feb 1990, renamed SDP); SDP = Stranka Demokratične Prenove (Party of Democratic Renewal, former ZKS, Feb 1990-29 May 1993, renamed ZLSD);
- Former parties: KPS = Komunistična Partija Slovenije (Communist party of Slovenia, communist, from 1945 state party, 12 Apr 1919-1921, 18 Apr 1937-1952, renamed ZKS); OFS = Osvobodilna Fronta Slovenskega Naroda (Liberation Front of the Slovene Nation, Slovene anti-Fascist resistance, from 28 Feb 1943 Communist leading role, 26 Apr 1941-27 Apr 1953)


Map of Prekmurje Capital: Murska Sobota (Muraszombat) Population:100,000 (1919)

Dec 1918 Prekmurje briefly occupied by the Serb, Croat and Slovene State,
but it is restored to Hungary.
29 May 1919 Independence proclaimed as the Republic of Prekmurje (Republika
Prekmurje; also in use Murska Republika and Republika Slovenska okroglina).
5 Jun 1919 Dissolved by Hungary.
12 Aug 1919 Incorporated into Serb, Croat and Slovene State (later Yugoslavia),
(from this point it follows Slovenia).
11 Apr 1941 - 19 Mar 1944 Prekmurje area annexed to Hungary.

President (at Murska Sobota/Muraszombat)
29 May 1919 - 5 Jun 1919 Viljem (Vilmo�) Tkalec (b. 1894 - d. 1950)
(Vilmos Tk�lecz)

� Ben Cahoon