Sergey Zozulia | Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)

Papers by Sergey Zozulia

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Новиков В.В. Загадочные изделия с зооморфными окончаниями из Гнёздова // Край Смоленский. № 11. 2024. С. 17-20.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Коллекции из Тимерёвского, Михайловского и Петровского археологических комплексов в собрании Государственного исторического музея

// Археология: история и перспективы : XI межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред. А.Е... more // Археология: история и перспективы : XI межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред. А.Е. Леонтьева. – Ярославль: ГАУК ЯО «ЯГИАХМЗ», ИА РАН, 2024. С. 66–83.

Research paper thumbnail of Шашерина Л.В., Новиков В.В., Мурашёва В.В., Зозуля С.С., Панин А.В. Строение поймы верхнего Днепра в районе археологического комплекса Гнёздово // XXXVII пленум Геоморфологической комиссии Российской академии наук. Иркутск, 2023. С. 352–356.

L.V. Shasherina, V.V. Novikov, V.V. Murasheva, S.S. Zozulya, A.V. Panin THE STRUCTURE OF THE ... more L.V. Shasherina, V.V. Novikov, V.V. Murasheva, S.S. Zozulya, A.V. Panin

THE STRUCTURE OF THE UPPER DNEPR FLOOD PLAIN IN THE AREA OF THE GNEZDOVO ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEX // XXXVII Plenum of the Geomorphological Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Irkutsk, 2023. P. 352–356.

Abstract. New data on the structure of the Dnieper floodplain in the vicinity of the early medieval archaeological site of Gnezdovo allow us to supplement our understanding of the landform development history. The combination of the results of the floodplain geomorphological profiling is supplemented by a new DEM based on airborne laser scanning (LiDAR). The wok is important in terms of reconstructions of landscapes of the historical past, as well as the search for geomorphological surfaces on which human may have settled.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Седых В.Н. История исследования курганного могильника у деревни Большое Тимерёво. К 150-летию изучения памятника // Археологические вести. Вып. 39. СПб., 2023. С. 267–278.

S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the vi... more S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo. To the 150th anniversary of the studies at the site // Archaeological news. 39. Saint-Petersburg, 2023. P. 267–278.

The history of the investigation of the burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo in Yaroslavl Oblast begins on May 25, 1972, with excavations of the Finnish researcher Johannes Reinhold Aspelin who uncovered two mounds (Fig. 1). By the 150th anniversary of the ÿrst archaeological explorations it seems necessary to sum up some results of the investigations of the necropolis. Following J. Aspelin, a search for Merya skulls was conducted in the beginning of the august of 1878 by A. I. Kelsiyev for the Anthropological Exhibition expected in Moscow. He exca-vated 34 burials (Fig. 2, 1). Fairly scarce information is available about two interments near the western edge of the cemetery excavated on August 15, 1887, by participants of the VII Archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (Fig. 2, 2). Fourteen kurgans were explored on August 22–25 of 1900 by the prominent Yaroslavl researcher I. A. Tikhomirov (Fig. 3, 1). ¡e mounds of two burials were excavated in 1908 by I. S. Abramov (Fig. 3, 2); one burial was investigated by the lieutenant colonel I. M. Novitskiy on September 2, 1912, and two other kurgans — on May 3 of 1913 (Fig. 3, 3). ¡e last pre-war works were investigations by Ya. V. Stankevich who excavated 26 burials in 1938–1939 (Fig. 4, 1). Two stages of the explorations by an expedition headed by M. V. Fechner from the State Historical Museum (Mos-cow) came to be the most extensive works over the entire history of the studies of the necropolis: 282 mounds were excavated in 1959–1961 and still other 96 in 1974–1978 (Fig. 4, 2). In 1973, 1976 and 1984–1990, the investigations in the territory of the burial ground were conducted by an expedition of the Leningrad State University under the direction of I. V. Dubov, later under V. N. Sedykh (Fig. 5, 1, 2). In total, 17 burials had been excavated including the kurgans disturbed by tillage (Fig. 6).
Thus by now we possess data on 480 kurgans investigated over the entire history of the excavations of the cem-etery near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo (Table 1). ¡e absolute majority of the mounds are localized in the plan drawn in 1959 and supplemented during the subsequent years (Fig. 7). Despite the so long history of the studies at the necropolis, the large-scale excavations of 1960–1970s, the inclusion of the site into the administrative area of the modern city of Yaroslavl and the active economic development of this territory, the burial ground near the former village of Bolshoye Timerevo still has good perspectives for archaeological exploration.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Залогина А.А. Литейная форма с изображением хищной птицы из раскопок А.Н. Кирпичникова в Старой Ладоге и вопросы её интерпретации // Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Вып. 1. Старая Ладога, 2022. С. 82–86.

Research paper thumbnail of Пескова А.А., Кононович А.Ю., Зозуля С.С. Паникадило из «церкви на берегу Волхова» (по материалам архива ИИМК РАН и коллекции ГИМ) // Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Вып. 1. Старая Ладога, 2022. С. 21–28.

Research paper thumbnail of Пескова А.А., Кононович А.Ю., Зозуля С.С. Ювелирные украшения в литургическом убранстве древнерусской церкви (по материалам раскопок Н.Е. Бранденбурга в Старой Ладоге в 1887 г.) // Stratum plus. 2022. № 5. С. 177–202.

A. A. Peskova, A. Yu. Kononovich, S. S. Zozulia Jewelry in the liturgical decoration of the Old ... more A. A. Peskova, A. Yu. Kononovich, S. S. Zozulia
Jewelry in the liturgical decoration of the Old Russian church (Based on materials from excavations by N. E. Brandenburg in Staraya Ladoga in 1887)
It is the first full publication of the whole stock of finds from the ruins of the Church of the Savior in Staraya Ladoga (N. E. Brandenburg, 1886—1887), rare in composition and significance, which has been kept in the State Historical Museum for more than a hundred years. The finds were discovered on the floor under the collapsed arches in the central part of the temple, the construction of which dates back to the middle of the 12 th —the first half of the 13 th century, the estimated time of destruction is the 16th century. It included intact chandeliers and two candlesticks, as well as jewelry. The latter, as it was possible to establish, were elements of the precious decoration of the icon, which enhanced the sacred expressiveness of a especially revered icon, but also of the architectural space of the temple. An analysis of these materials showed that this ensemble of church decoration items was formed mainly in the 13 th—14 th centuries and remained there until the time of the collapse of the temple.

Research paper thumbnail of Orfinskaya O. & Zozulya S. Textiles from the Chorna Mohyla collection of the State Historical Museum // A VIKING CENTRY CHERNIHIV AREA FROM 900 TO 1000 AD. Paris, 2022. P. 173–198.

Finds of tenth-century Rus textiles are rather rare, finds originating from such high-status barr... more Finds of tenth-century Rus textiles are rather rare, finds originating from such high-status barrows as Chorna Mohyla are even more unique. For over a century this material evaded the attention of researchers until, in 1979, Maria Fechner presented a set of fragments that were alleged to be from the burial in Chernihiv. Conflicting facts about the collection from the Chorna Mohyla barrow make it possible to doubt the origin of these textiles. We present the history of artefacts after their excavations, recent C14 dates and technological aspects of manufacture that can shed light on the nature of these fragments.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Каинов С.Ю. Мечи типа «W» на территории Древней Руси // Археологические вести. 36. СПб. 2022. С. 107-129. Swords of type W in the territory of Old Rus

By now, 17 finds of type W swords after the typology of Jan Petersen are known throughout the ter... more By now, 17 finds of type W swords after the typology of Jan Petersen are known throughout the territory of North and East Europe. The ornamental features allow the researchers to distinguish two major variants of type W swords: variant 1 with a zigzag decoration and variant 2 with a circular pattern. It is of note that not all of the known swords correspond to these two variants. The further treatment (firstly of the Norwegian material) possibly will allow us to identify still several other types. Swords of type W had influenced the emergence of hybrid examples of the sword hilts — “W/E” and “I/W”. Perhaps the general morphology and technology of the manufacture of type W swords were the basis for emergence of the new types of the sword grips decorated with a guilloche, geometric and zoomorphic patterns. Within the territory of what is now Russia and Ukraine, four finds of type W swords are known. Two items (Timerevo — barrow 100 and Shestovitsa — barrow 42) are represented by complete swords, one (Timerevo, barrow 287) by the pommel and the guard, and still another one (Cherkassy) by a pommel attached to a blade with
a guard of another type. Some items of grave goods, the numismatic evidence and the inhumation rite in wooden chambers suggest the most probable date of burials in barrow 100 of Timerevo and barrow 42 at Shestovitsa within the limits of the last quarter of the 10th century. This fact, in turn, raises the question as to the correctness of the proposed
by Jan Petersen dating of this type to only the first half of the 10th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Шашерина Л.В., Стефутин С.А., Зозуля С.С., Карпова Ю.О. Геоморфологические условия формирования раннесредневековых поселений в Днепро-Двинском регионе, Северо-Запад Европейской России // Геоморфология. 2022. Т. 53. № 3. С. 124–143. (in eng.)

Наиболее активные изменения рельефа на Северо-Западе европейской части России в последние тысячел... more Наиболее активные изменения рельефа на Северо-Западе европейской части России в последние тысячелетия происходили в связи с геоморфологической деятельностью рек. Реконструкция этих изменений имеет большое значение для изучения археологических памятников позднего голоцена, многие из которых располагаются на дне речных долин. Выполненные исследования на двух ключевых объектах-Шниткино (долина р. Торопы, бассейн р. Западная Двина) и Гнездово (долина верхнего Днепра)-помогли установить облик локального рельефа в раннем средневековье. Было изучено геолого-геоморфологическое строение участков долин, выполнено радиоуглеродное датирование отложений. Изученные раннесредневековые поселения были основаны на берегах озер нестаричного типа, достаточно многочисленных в речных долинах Днепро-Двинского региона. Механизм образования озер различался в связи с различиями в послеледниковой истории речных долин: в ледниковой зоне это могли быть остаточные озера, ведущие начало от более крупных послеледниковых озер (озеро Шниткино в долине р. Торопы), за пределами границы последнего оледенения-озера, связанные с деятельностью рек (озера Камыши и Бездонка в долине верхнего Днепра). Установлено, что в период средневекового климатического оптимума (VIII-XII вв.) высота паводков и половодий была ниже, чем сейчас, что позволило заселить поймы рек, обычно затапливаемые половодьем. Реконструирована динамика речных долин в позднем голоцене. В развитии речных долин в целом преобладали процессы аккумуляции. Аккумуляция наносов на речных поймах прерывалась при снижении высоты паводков, как во время средневекового потепления климата, и возобновлялась при изменениях гидрологического режима в сторону роста паводков (Малый ледниковый период XIV-XIX вв.).

Research paper thumbnail of Бобров Л.А., Зозуля С.С. Панцирные пластины из раскопок В.В. Радлова в собрании Государственного исторического музея // Вестник НГУ. Серия: История, филология. 2022. Т. 21, № 5: Археология и этнография. С. 115–130.

Leonid A. Bobrov, Sergey S. Zozulya Armour Plates from the Excavations of V.V. Radlov in the Col... more Leonid A. Bobrov, Sergey S. Zozulya
Armour Plates from the Excavations of V.V. Radlov in the Collectiona of the State Historical Museum.
The paper focuses on the armor plates stored in the funds of the State Historical Museum (SHM). They come from the burial mound excavated by V. V. Radlov in the Prichulym region in 1863.
The set consists of 30 plates on which the remains of the organic basis of the armor are fixed. All plates of the series have a prominent (tier-like) surface, 29 of them are equipped with five iron rivets located in a cross. Two plates had buckles that tightened the cut of the shell (only one of them is preserved). The inner layer of the organic base of the armor was made of leather, while the outer layer was made of red woolen fabric. The design features make it pos- sible to classify the armor as lamellar-sewn (lamellar-riveted) shells with internal armor, which were known among the Russians and Turks as “kuyak” (from Mong. “Huyag”), and among the Europeans as “brigandine”. Based on the
typological analysis carried out, it was established that the plates were made by Oirat or South Siberian craftsmen of the 17th – mid-18th centuries, which is confirmed by the find of the Russian copper coins of the first half of the 17th century in one of the burial mounds. Apparently, the SHM plates did not constitute a self-consistent protective el- ement, but were cut off from a larger piece of armor (presumably a bib or back plate). The armor itself could have been cut in the form of a “cuirass” with one or two lateral cuts. Cut in the form of “cataphracts”, “vest” or swing “robe” is less likely.
Plates from the Prichulym region can be used as a standard for dating and attribution of similar plates from the territory of Central Asia and South Siberia.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Исследования в Днепровской курганной группе Гнездовского археологического комплекса в 2017 году // Гнездовский археологический комплекс: Материалы и исследования. Вып. 2. Труды ГИМ. М., 2021. Вып. 215.

Zozulya S.S. Research of the Dneprovskaya burial mounds group of the Gnezdovo archaeological comp... more Zozulya S.S. Research of the Dneprovskaya burial mounds group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex in 2017
Two mounds from the Dneprovskaya group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex were excavated in 2017. Mound Dn-59 held a modest-sized chamber grave with few grave goods and contained evidence of wooden structures. An unusual characteristic of this grave was the orientation of the burial chamber. While most burial chambers in Gnezdovo tended to be dug so as to align with the east-west direction, this particular burial chamber was rotated 48 degrees to the south. The burial most likely occurred towards the end of fall or beginning of winter.
Burial Dn-60 held a primary cremation. The mound sits on the lower end of the spectrum of mound sizes in Gnezdovo. It covered the remains of a small pyre, which had been disturbed by a hole dug by grave robbers. This burial also contained few grave goods.
The scant and unremarkable archaeological finds from these two burials make them difficult to date. Judging by the burial rite, a coin (dating from 932-961 A.D.) and the presence of only wheel-made pottery , it is possible to conclude that like most of the burial mounds in Gnezdovo, these two mounds date to the mid to second half of the 10th century. Due to the fact that Dn-59 held a chamber grave, this estimate can be extended to include the beginning of the 11th century.
The text of this article is supplemented by 3 documents, containing the results of a scientific analysis of the archaeological materials gathered during the excavation of burial Dn-59 and of the cremated remains from mound Dn-60.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С., Шевцов А., Мурашева В. Позолоченный дирхем из Гнездова // Край Смоленский. 2020. № 12

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Раскопки Ярославского кадетского корпуса курганного могильника у села Михайловское в 1910 году // Экспедыцыя працягласцю у жыццё : зблонiк навуковых артыкулау памяци Аляксандра Плавiнскага / уклад. i навук. рэд.: М.А. Плавiнскi, В.М. Сiдаровiч. - Мiнск: Колорград, 2021.

Zozulia Sergey Yaroslavl Cadet Corps’ excavation in Mikhailovskoe burial mounds group in 1910. Th... more Zozulia Sergey Yaroslavl Cadet Corps’ excavation in Mikhailovskoe burial mounds group in 1910.
The article describes the results of burial mounds excavations near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo and the village of Mikhailovskoe, carried out by the Yaroslavl Cadet Corps between 1908 and 1913. Information about these works in historiography is rather concise and often incorrect. The present work introduces into scientific circulation the existing archival materials and a collection from the excavations of the 1910 mound in the necropolis near the village Mikhailovskoe. Rather poor and typical inventory for the “mounds of the Yaroslavl Volga Region” found in the burial indicates that the mound could contain a pair burial made in the X century.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Кононович А.Ю. Исследования И.С. Абрамова курганных могильников в Ярославском уезде Ярославской губернии в 1908 году

// Славянские древности VIII-XI веков на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. К ... more // Славянские древности VIII-XI веков на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. К 60-летию со дня рождения А.В. Григорьева / ред. А.М. Воронцов, А.М. Колоколов. - Тула: Гос. музей-заповедник "Куликово поле", 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Раскопки на селище Петровского археологического комплекса в 1963 году

// Археология : история и перспективы: Девятая межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред... more // Археология : история и перспективы: Девятая межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред. А. Е. Леонтьева. — Ярославль : ГАУК Ярославской области «Ярославский государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник», 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Орфинская О.В., Зозуля С.С. Текстиль из кургана Черная могила // Российская археология. 2020. № 4.

Olga V. Orfinskaya, Sergey S. Zozulya Textiles from the Chernaya mogila mound The article present... more Olga V. Orfinskaya, Sergey S. Zozulya Textiles from the Chernaya mogila mound
The article presents the results of studying textiles and gold thread from the Chernaya Mogila mound excavated by D.Ya. Samokvasov in 1872–1873. The findings did not attract the researchers’ attention for more than 100 years after the field work. It was first published by M.V. Fekhner only in 1979. The complex fate of the collection and a number of contradictory facts suggest doubts as to the origin of textile objects from the aforementioned funerary complex. At the moment, the Chernaya Mogila collection from the funds of the State Historical Museum includes two easels with fabric fragments decorated with appliqués and embroidery known in historiography as perhaps the earliest cases of gold embroidery in Rus.

Research paper thumbnail of Шашерина Л.В., Бронникова М.А., Зозуля С.С., Панин А.В. Строение и условия освоения долины Днепра в районе Днепровской курганной группы Гнездовского археологического комплекса

// Труды VI (XXII) Всероссийского археологического съезда в Самаре. В 3-х т. / Отв. ред. А.П. Дер... more // Труды VI (XXII) Всероссийского археологического съезда в Самаре. В 3-х т. / Отв. ред. А.П. Деревянко, Н.А. Макаров, О.Д. Молчанов. - Самара: СГСПУ, 2020. Т. II.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Кононович А.Ю. Исследования некрополя Петровского археологического комплекса слушателями Археологического института в 1880 г. // Археологические вести. Вып. 28. СПб., 2020.

Zozulya S.S., Kononovich A.Yu. Investigations of the Petrovskoye archaeological complex by studen... more Zozulya S.S., Kononovich A.Yu. Investigations of the Petrovskoye archaeological complex by students of the Arhaeological Institute in 1880.
The kurgan cemetery of the late 9th — mid-11th century near the village of Petrovskoye of Yaroslavl Oblast and District is renowned because it is almost completely studied and the materials of excavations here were promptly published by their authors. This paper presents the results of the first excavations conducted in the area of the Petrovskoye archaeological complex but so far not scientifically published. These investigations were carried out by the Director and students of the Saint Petersburg Archaeological Institute in July 12–13, 1880. Seven mounds were excavated. The absence of reporting documents and the complicated fate of the collection of finds have led to the loss of principally important data, such as the location of the mounds within the territory of the burial ground, plans and sections of the barrows, and descriptions of the state of preservation of the burial complexes. It is now unknown whether there were drawings and photos made during the excavations. The main source of information was a brief publication by Nikolay V. Kalachov, Director of the Archaeological Institute, describing in general the results of the investigations, and a newspaper story by one of the participants of the excavations. The history of the transferences of the collection obtained from excavations of 1880 turns out to be rather complicated: possibly, the finds from the excavations at Petrovskoye were passed to the Cabinet of Antiquities of the University and afterwards were transferred to the collection of the State Hermitage where 43 finds are now kept. This paper presents the history of the investigation of the Petrovskoye cemetery, the circumstances of the excavations of 1880; an analysis of the location of kurgans investigated by the Archaeological Institute was conducted and all the known data on the excavations are brought together; also an examination of the grave goods preserved in the collection of the State Hermitage is presented. The finds from the burials comprise both the fairly well known types of objects from Old-Russian burials and unique artefacts from the cemetery under consideration. The aggregate of the data obtained allows us to compile a table where the known dimensions of the mounds are presented, as well as the presumed rite of the burials, and the finds with the numbers according to the inventory list of the collection of the State Heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Орфинская О.В., Зозуля С.С. Пряденые, плетеные и тканые изделия из могильника Большое Тимерево в собрании Государственного исторического музея // Genesis: исторические исследования. 2020. № 6.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Новиков В.В. Загадочные изделия с зооморфными окончаниями из Гнёздова // Край Смоленский. № 11. 2024. С. 17-20.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Коллекции из Тимерёвского, Михайловского и Петровского археологических комплексов в собрании Государственного исторического музея

// Археология: история и перспективы : XI межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред. А.Е... more // Археология: история и перспективы : XI межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред. А.Е. Леонтьева. – Ярославль: ГАУК ЯО «ЯГИАХМЗ», ИА РАН, 2024. С. 66–83.

Research paper thumbnail of Шашерина Л.В., Новиков В.В., Мурашёва В.В., Зозуля С.С., Панин А.В. Строение поймы верхнего Днепра в районе археологического комплекса Гнёздово // XXXVII пленум Геоморфологической комиссии Российской академии наук. Иркутск, 2023. С. 352–356.

L.V. Shasherina, V.V. Novikov, V.V. Murasheva, S.S. Zozulya, A.V. Panin THE STRUCTURE OF THE ... more L.V. Shasherina, V.V. Novikov, V.V. Murasheva, S.S. Zozulya, A.V. Panin

THE STRUCTURE OF THE UPPER DNEPR FLOOD PLAIN IN THE AREA OF THE GNEZDOVO ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEX // XXXVII Plenum of the Geomorphological Commission of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Irkutsk, 2023. P. 352–356.

Abstract. New data on the structure of the Dnieper floodplain in the vicinity of the early medieval archaeological site of Gnezdovo allow us to supplement our understanding of the landform development history. The combination of the results of the floodplain geomorphological profiling is supplemented by a new DEM based on airborne laser scanning (LiDAR). The wok is important in terms of reconstructions of landscapes of the historical past, as well as the search for geomorphological surfaces on which human may have settled.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Седых В.Н. История исследования курганного могильника у деревни Большое Тимерёво. К 150-летию изучения памятника // Археологические вести. Вып. 39. СПб., 2023. С. 267–278.

S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the vi... more S. S. Zozulya, V. N. Sedykh. The history of investigation of the kurgan burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo. To the 150th anniversary of the studies at the site // Archaeological news. 39. Saint-Petersburg, 2023. P. 267–278.

The history of the investigation of the burial ground near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo in Yaroslavl Oblast begins on May 25, 1972, with excavations of the Finnish researcher Johannes Reinhold Aspelin who uncovered two mounds (Fig. 1). By the 150th anniversary of the ÿrst archaeological explorations it seems necessary to sum up some results of the investigations of the necropolis. Following J. Aspelin, a search for Merya skulls was conducted in the beginning of the august of 1878 by A. I. Kelsiyev for the Anthropological Exhibition expected in Moscow. He exca-vated 34 burials (Fig. 2, 1). Fairly scarce information is available about two interments near the western edge of the cemetery excavated on August 15, 1887, by participants of the VII Archaeological Congress in Yaroslavl (Fig. 2, 2). Fourteen kurgans were explored on August 22–25 of 1900 by the prominent Yaroslavl researcher I. A. Tikhomirov (Fig. 3, 1). ¡e mounds of two burials were excavated in 1908 by I. S. Abramov (Fig. 3, 2); one burial was investigated by the lieutenant colonel I. M. Novitskiy on September 2, 1912, and two other kurgans — on May 3 of 1913 (Fig. 3, 3). ¡e last pre-war works were investigations by Ya. V. Stankevich who excavated 26 burials in 1938–1939 (Fig. 4, 1). Two stages of the explorations by an expedition headed by M. V. Fechner from the State Historical Museum (Mos-cow) came to be the most extensive works over the entire history of the studies of the necropolis: 282 mounds were excavated in 1959–1961 and still other 96 in 1974–1978 (Fig. 4, 2). In 1973, 1976 and 1984–1990, the investigations in the territory of the burial ground were conducted by an expedition of the Leningrad State University under the direction of I. V. Dubov, later under V. N. Sedykh (Fig. 5, 1, 2). In total, 17 burials had been excavated including the kurgans disturbed by tillage (Fig. 6).
Thus by now we possess data on 480 kurgans investigated over the entire history of the excavations of the cem-etery near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo (Table 1). ¡e absolute majority of the mounds are localized in the plan drawn in 1959 and supplemented during the subsequent years (Fig. 7). Despite the so long history of the studies at the necropolis, the large-scale excavations of 1960–1970s, the inclusion of the site into the administrative area of the modern city of Yaroslavl and the active economic development of this territory, the burial ground near the former village of Bolshoye Timerevo still has good perspectives for archaeological exploration.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Залогина А.А. Литейная форма с изображением хищной птицы из раскопок А.Н. Кирпичникова в Старой Ладоге и вопросы её интерпретации // Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Вып. 1. Старая Ладога, 2022. С. 82–86.

Research paper thumbnail of Пескова А.А., Кононович А.Ю., Зозуля С.С. Паникадило из «церкви на берегу Волхова» (по материалам архива ИИМК РАН и коллекции ГИМ) // Ладожские чтения. История, археология, искусство. Вып. 1. Старая Ладога, 2022. С. 21–28.

Research paper thumbnail of Пескова А.А., Кононович А.Ю., Зозуля С.С. Ювелирные украшения в литургическом убранстве древнерусской церкви (по материалам раскопок Н.Е. Бранденбурга в Старой Ладоге в 1887 г.) // Stratum plus. 2022. № 5. С. 177–202.

A. A. Peskova, A. Yu. Kononovich, S. S. Zozulia Jewelry in the liturgical decoration of the Old ... more A. A. Peskova, A. Yu. Kononovich, S. S. Zozulia
Jewelry in the liturgical decoration of the Old Russian church (Based on materials from excavations by N. E. Brandenburg in Staraya Ladoga in 1887)
It is the first full publication of the whole stock of finds from the ruins of the Church of the Savior in Staraya Ladoga (N. E. Brandenburg, 1886—1887), rare in composition and significance, which has been kept in the State Historical Museum for more than a hundred years. The finds were discovered on the floor under the collapsed arches in the central part of the temple, the construction of which dates back to the middle of the 12 th —the first half of the 13 th century, the estimated time of destruction is the 16th century. It included intact chandeliers and two candlesticks, as well as jewelry. The latter, as it was possible to establish, were elements of the precious decoration of the icon, which enhanced the sacred expressiveness of a especially revered icon, but also of the architectural space of the temple. An analysis of these materials showed that this ensemble of church decoration items was formed mainly in the 13 th—14 th centuries and remained there until the time of the collapse of the temple.

Research paper thumbnail of Orfinskaya O. & Zozulya S. Textiles from the Chorna Mohyla collection of the State Historical Museum // A VIKING CENTRY CHERNIHIV AREA FROM 900 TO 1000 AD. Paris, 2022. P. 173–198.

Finds of tenth-century Rus textiles are rather rare, finds originating from such high-status barr... more Finds of tenth-century Rus textiles are rather rare, finds originating from such high-status barrows as Chorna Mohyla are even more unique. For over a century this material evaded the attention of researchers until, in 1979, Maria Fechner presented a set of fragments that were alleged to be from the burial in Chernihiv. Conflicting facts about the collection from the Chorna Mohyla barrow make it possible to doubt the origin of these textiles. We present the history of artefacts after their excavations, recent C14 dates and technological aspects of manufacture that can shed light on the nature of these fragments.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Каинов С.Ю. Мечи типа «W» на территории Древней Руси // Археологические вести. 36. СПб. 2022. С. 107-129. Swords of type W in the territory of Old Rus

By now, 17 finds of type W swords after the typology of Jan Petersen are known throughout the ter... more By now, 17 finds of type W swords after the typology of Jan Petersen are known throughout the territory of North and East Europe. The ornamental features allow the researchers to distinguish two major variants of type W swords: variant 1 with a zigzag decoration and variant 2 with a circular pattern. It is of note that not all of the known swords correspond to these two variants. The further treatment (firstly of the Norwegian material) possibly will allow us to identify still several other types. Swords of type W had influenced the emergence of hybrid examples of the sword hilts — “W/E” and “I/W”. Perhaps the general morphology and technology of the manufacture of type W swords were the basis for emergence of the new types of the sword grips decorated with a guilloche, geometric and zoomorphic patterns. Within the territory of what is now Russia and Ukraine, four finds of type W swords are known. Two items (Timerevo — barrow 100 and Shestovitsa — barrow 42) are represented by complete swords, one (Timerevo, barrow 287) by the pommel and the guard, and still another one (Cherkassy) by a pommel attached to a blade with
a guard of another type. Some items of grave goods, the numismatic evidence and the inhumation rite in wooden chambers suggest the most probable date of burials in barrow 100 of Timerevo and barrow 42 at Shestovitsa within the limits of the last quarter of the 10th century. This fact, in turn, raises the question as to the correctness of the proposed
by Jan Petersen dating of this type to only the first half of the 10th century.

Research paper thumbnail of Шашерина Л.В., Стефутин С.А., Зозуля С.С., Карпова Ю.О. Геоморфологические условия формирования раннесредневековых поселений в Днепро-Двинском регионе, Северо-Запад Европейской России // Геоморфология. 2022. Т. 53. № 3. С. 124–143. (in eng.)

Наиболее активные изменения рельефа на Северо-Западе европейской части России в последние тысячел... more Наиболее активные изменения рельефа на Северо-Западе европейской части России в последние тысячелетия происходили в связи с геоморфологической деятельностью рек. Реконструкция этих изменений имеет большое значение для изучения археологических памятников позднего голоцена, многие из которых располагаются на дне речных долин. Выполненные исследования на двух ключевых объектах-Шниткино (долина р. Торопы, бассейн р. Западная Двина) и Гнездово (долина верхнего Днепра)-помогли установить облик локального рельефа в раннем средневековье. Было изучено геолого-геоморфологическое строение участков долин, выполнено радиоуглеродное датирование отложений. Изученные раннесредневековые поселения были основаны на берегах озер нестаричного типа, достаточно многочисленных в речных долинах Днепро-Двинского региона. Механизм образования озер различался в связи с различиями в послеледниковой истории речных долин: в ледниковой зоне это могли быть остаточные озера, ведущие начало от более крупных послеледниковых озер (озеро Шниткино в долине р. Торопы), за пределами границы последнего оледенения-озера, связанные с деятельностью рек (озера Камыши и Бездонка в долине верхнего Днепра). Установлено, что в период средневекового климатического оптимума (VIII-XII вв.) высота паводков и половодий была ниже, чем сейчас, что позволило заселить поймы рек, обычно затапливаемые половодьем. Реконструирована динамика речных долин в позднем голоцене. В развитии речных долин в целом преобладали процессы аккумуляции. Аккумуляция наносов на речных поймах прерывалась при снижении высоты паводков, как во время средневекового потепления климата, и возобновлялась при изменениях гидрологического режима в сторону роста паводков (Малый ледниковый период XIV-XIX вв.).

Research paper thumbnail of Бобров Л.А., Зозуля С.С. Панцирные пластины из раскопок В.В. Радлова в собрании Государственного исторического музея // Вестник НГУ. Серия: История, филология. 2022. Т. 21, № 5: Археология и этнография. С. 115–130.

Leonid A. Bobrov, Sergey S. Zozulya Armour Plates from the Excavations of V.V. Radlov in the Col... more Leonid A. Bobrov, Sergey S. Zozulya
Armour Plates from the Excavations of V.V. Radlov in the Collectiona of the State Historical Museum.
The paper focuses on the armor plates stored in the funds of the State Historical Museum (SHM). They come from the burial mound excavated by V. V. Radlov in the Prichulym region in 1863.
The set consists of 30 plates on which the remains of the organic basis of the armor are fixed. All plates of the series have a prominent (tier-like) surface, 29 of them are equipped with five iron rivets located in a cross. Two plates had buckles that tightened the cut of the shell (only one of them is preserved). The inner layer of the organic base of the armor was made of leather, while the outer layer was made of red woolen fabric. The design features make it pos- sible to classify the armor as lamellar-sewn (lamellar-riveted) shells with internal armor, which were known among the Russians and Turks as “kuyak” (from Mong. “Huyag”), and among the Europeans as “brigandine”. Based on the
typological analysis carried out, it was established that the plates were made by Oirat or South Siberian craftsmen of the 17th – mid-18th centuries, which is confirmed by the find of the Russian copper coins of the first half of the 17th century in one of the burial mounds. Apparently, the SHM plates did not constitute a self-consistent protective el- ement, but were cut off from a larger piece of armor (presumably a bib or back plate). The armor itself could have been cut in the form of a “cuirass” with one or two lateral cuts. Cut in the form of “cataphracts”, “vest” or swing “robe” is less likely.
Plates from the Prichulym region can be used as a standard for dating and attribution of similar plates from the territory of Central Asia and South Siberia.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Исследования в Днепровской курганной группе Гнездовского археологического комплекса в 2017 году // Гнездовский археологический комплекс: Материалы и исследования. Вып. 2. Труды ГИМ. М., 2021. Вып. 215.

Zozulya S.S. Research of the Dneprovskaya burial mounds group of the Gnezdovo archaeological comp... more Zozulya S.S. Research of the Dneprovskaya burial mounds group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex in 2017
Two mounds from the Dneprovskaya group of the Gnezdovo archaeological complex were excavated in 2017. Mound Dn-59 held a modest-sized chamber grave with few grave goods and contained evidence of wooden structures. An unusual characteristic of this grave was the orientation of the burial chamber. While most burial chambers in Gnezdovo tended to be dug so as to align with the east-west direction, this particular burial chamber was rotated 48 degrees to the south. The burial most likely occurred towards the end of fall or beginning of winter.
Burial Dn-60 held a primary cremation. The mound sits on the lower end of the spectrum of mound sizes in Gnezdovo. It covered the remains of a small pyre, which had been disturbed by a hole dug by grave robbers. This burial also contained few grave goods.
The scant and unremarkable archaeological finds from these two burials make them difficult to date. Judging by the burial rite, a coin (dating from 932-961 A.D.) and the presence of only wheel-made pottery , it is possible to conclude that like most of the burial mounds in Gnezdovo, these two mounds date to the mid to second half of the 10th century. Due to the fact that Dn-59 held a chamber grave, this estimate can be extended to include the beginning of the 11th century.
The text of this article is supplemented by 3 documents, containing the results of a scientific analysis of the archaeological materials gathered during the excavation of burial Dn-59 and of the cremated remains from mound Dn-60.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С., Шевцов А., Мурашева В. Позолоченный дирхем из Гнездова // Край Смоленский. 2020. № 12

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Раскопки Ярославского кадетского корпуса курганного могильника у села Михайловское в 1910 году // Экспедыцыя працягласцю у жыццё : зблонiк навуковых артыкулау памяци Аляксандра Плавiнскага / уклад. i навук. рэд.: М.А. Плавiнскi, В.М. Сiдаровiч. - Мiнск: Колорград, 2021.

Zozulia Sergey Yaroslavl Cadet Corps’ excavation in Mikhailovskoe burial mounds group in 1910. Th... more Zozulia Sergey Yaroslavl Cadet Corps’ excavation in Mikhailovskoe burial mounds group in 1910.
The article describes the results of burial mounds excavations near the village of Bolshoye Timerevo and the village of Mikhailovskoe, carried out by the Yaroslavl Cadet Corps between 1908 and 1913. Information about these works in historiography is rather concise and often incorrect. The present work introduces into scientific circulation the existing archival materials and a collection from the excavations of the 1910 mound in the necropolis near the village Mikhailovskoe. Rather poor and typical inventory for the “mounds of the Yaroslavl Volga Region” found in the burial indicates that the mound could contain a pair burial made in the X century.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Кононович А.Ю. Исследования И.С. Абрамова курганных могильников в Ярославском уезде Ярославской губернии в 1908 году

// Славянские древности VIII-XI веков на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. К ... more // Славянские древности VIII-XI веков на территории лесной и лесостепной зон Восточной Европы. К 60-летию со дня рождения А.В. Григорьева / ред. А.М. Воронцов, А.М. Колоколов. - Тула: Гос. музей-заповедник "Куликово поле", 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Раскопки на селище Петровского археологического комплекса в 1963 году

// Археология : история и перспективы: Девятая межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред... more // Археология : история и перспективы: Девятая межрегиональная конференция : сб. статей / под ред. А. Е. Леонтьева. — Ярославль : ГАУК Ярославской области «Ярославский государственный историко-архитектурный и художественный музей-заповедник», 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Орфинская О.В., Зозуля С.С. Текстиль из кургана Черная могила // Российская археология. 2020. № 4.

Olga V. Orfinskaya, Sergey S. Zozulya Textiles from the Chernaya mogila mound The article present... more Olga V. Orfinskaya, Sergey S. Zozulya Textiles from the Chernaya mogila mound
The article presents the results of studying textiles and gold thread from the Chernaya Mogila mound excavated by D.Ya. Samokvasov in 1872–1873. The findings did not attract the researchers’ attention for more than 100 years after the field work. It was first published by M.V. Fekhner only in 1979. The complex fate of the collection and a number of contradictory facts suggest doubts as to the origin of textile objects from the aforementioned funerary complex. At the moment, the Chernaya Mogila collection from the funds of the State Historical Museum includes two easels with fabric fragments decorated with appliqués and embroidery known in historiography as perhaps the earliest cases of gold embroidery in Rus.

Research paper thumbnail of Шашерина Л.В., Бронникова М.А., Зозуля С.С., Панин А.В. Строение и условия освоения долины Днепра в районе Днепровской курганной группы Гнездовского археологического комплекса

// Труды VI (XXII) Всероссийского археологического съезда в Самаре. В 3-х т. / Отв. ред. А.П. Дер... more // Труды VI (XXII) Всероссийского археологического съезда в Самаре. В 3-х т. / Отв. ред. А.П. Деревянко, Н.А. Макаров, О.Д. Молчанов. - Самара: СГСПУ, 2020. Т. II.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С., Кононович А.Ю. Исследования некрополя Петровского археологического комплекса слушателями Археологического института в 1880 г. // Археологические вести. Вып. 28. СПб., 2020.

Zozulya S.S., Kononovich A.Yu. Investigations of the Petrovskoye archaeological complex by studen... more Zozulya S.S., Kononovich A.Yu. Investigations of the Petrovskoye archaeological complex by students of the Arhaeological Institute in 1880.
The kurgan cemetery of the late 9th — mid-11th century near the village of Petrovskoye of Yaroslavl Oblast and District is renowned because it is almost completely studied and the materials of excavations here were promptly published by their authors. This paper presents the results of the first excavations conducted in the area of the Petrovskoye archaeological complex but so far not scientifically published. These investigations were carried out by the Director and students of the Saint Petersburg Archaeological Institute in July 12–13, 1880. Seven mounds were excavated. The absence of reporting documents and the complicated fate of the collection of finds have led to the loss of principally important data, such as the location of the mounds within the territory of the burial ground, plans and sections of the barrows, and descriptions of the state of preservation of the burial complexes. It is now unknown whether there were drawings and photos made during the excavations. The main source of information was a brief publication by Nikolay V. Kalachov, Director of the Archaeological Institute, describing in general the results of the investigations, and a newspaper story by one of the participants of the excavations. The history of the transferences of the collection obtained from excavations of 1880 turns out to be rather complicated: possibly, the finds from the excavations at Petrovskoye were passed to the Cabinet of Antiquities of the University and afterwards were transferred to the collection of the State Hermitage where 43 finds are now kept. This paper presents the history of the investigation of the Petrovskoye cemetery, the circumstances of the excavations of 1880; an analysis of the location of kurgans investigated by the Archaeological Institute was conducted and all the known data on the excavations are brought together; also an examination of the grave goods preserved in the collection of the State Hermitage is presented. The finds from the burials comprise both the fairly well known types of objects from Old-Russian burials and unique artefacts from the cemetery under consideration. The aggregate of the data obtained allows us to compile a table where the known dimensions of the mounds are presented, as well as the presumed rite of the burials, and the finds with the numbers according to the inventory list of the collection of the State Heritage.

Research paper thumbnail of Орфинская О.В., Зозуля С.С. Пряденые, плетеные и тканые изделия из могильника Большое Тимерево в собрании Государственного исторического музея // Genesis: исторические исследования. 2020. № 6.

Research paper thumbnail of Гнёздово. 150 лет исследований памятника. Тезисы докладов научной конференции. Москва, 13-15 ноября 2024 г.

Research paper thumbnail of Гнездовский археологический комплекс. Материалы и исследования. Вып. 2. Труды Государственного исторического музея. Вып. 215. М., 2021.

Research paper thumbnail of Гнёздовский археологический комплекс. Материалы и исследования. Выпуск 1. 2018.

by Sergei Kainov, Sergey Zozulia, Наталья Ениосова, Anna Dementyeva, Vasily Novikov, Tatiana Shvedchikova, Olga (Ольга) Orfinskaya (Орфинская), Vladimir Petrukhin, Alexandr Fetisov, Aleksey Shchavelev, Alexey Shevtsov, and Svetlana Ruzanova

Research paper thumbnail of Нумизматические чтения Государственного Исторического музея 2018 года. К 100-летию отдела нумизматики Государственного исторического музея. Москва, 27 и 28 ноября 2018 г. М., 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Нумизматические чтения Государственного Исторического музея 2017 года. Москва, 23 и 24 ноября 2017 г. Материалы докладов и сообщений. Памяти Татьяны Юрьевны Стукаловой (17.12.1958--16.01.2017). М., 2017

Нумизматические чтения Государственного Исторического музея 2017 года. Москва, 23 и 24 ноября 2017 г. Материалы докладов и сообщений. Памяти Татьяны Юрьевны Стукаловой (17.12.1958--16.01.2017). М., 2017, 2017

Сборник материалов "Нумизматических чтений ГИМ 2017 года" посвящён памяти Т.Ю. Стукаловой - специ... more Сборник материалов "Нумизматических чтений ГИМ 2017 года" посвящён памяти Т.Ю. Стукаловой - специалиста по западноевропейской нумизматике, сотруднице Отдела нумизматики ГИМ. Он включает материалы к докладам по античной, византийской, восточной, западноевропейской и русской нумизматике, а также исследования по бонистике, фалеристике, медальерному искусству и истории нумизматики.

Research paper thumbnail of Военная археология. Вып. 4 / Military Archaeology. Vol. 4

The introduced fourth volume of our miscellany "Military Archaeology" (Acta Archaeologiae Militar... more The introduced fourth volume of our miscellany "Military Archaeology" (Acta Archaeologiae Militaris) contains articles that deal with a broad historical spectrum from the late laten epoch to modern history. Along with this it contains publications of materials from the Second Weaponry Conference of the Kulikovo field which was initiated by the Problems council "Military Archaeology" in 2014. The seminar "Military Archaeology" was created in 2001 at the Moscow Museum of Archaeology and was the first specialized military archaeology institution in Russia. Two years later it obtained the status of a Problems council at the State Historical Museum. Since 2015 our scientific group is under the aegis of the Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Science in the status of the scientific seminar "Military Archaeology".Since the creation of the seminar four miscellanies and two monographies were published. /

Представленный вашему вниманию четвертый выпуск сборника статей "Военная археология" (Acta Archaeologiae Militaris), содержит в себе работы, затрагивающие широкий исторический диапазон от эпохи «позднего латена» до Нового времени. Одновременно он является публикацией материалов второй оружиеведческой конференции на Куликовом поле, которая проводилась по инициативе Проблемного совета «Военная археология» в 2014 г.
Семинар «Военная археология» был создан в 2001 г. в рамках Музея археологии города Москвы и являлся первым в России специализированным военно-археологическим учреждением. Через два года он получил статус Проблемного совета при Государственном Историческом Музее. С 2015 г. наше научное объединение существует под эгидой Института археологии РАН в качестве научного семинара «Военная археология».
За годы существования семинара было подготовлено четыре сборника и две монографии.

Research paper thumbnail of Военная археология. Сборник материалов Проблемного совета "Военная археология" при Государственном историческом музее. Вып. 3. - М.: МедиаМир; Тула: Куликово поле, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Славяне и иные языци... К юбилею Натальи Германовны Недошивиной. Труды ГИМ. Вып. 198. М., 2014.

Сборник научных трудов подготовлен к юбилею известного специалиста в области археологии средневек... more Сборник научных трудов подготовлен к юбилею известного специалиста в области археологии средневековой Руси и хранителя археологических коллекций Н.Г. Недошивиной, работающей в Историческом музее более 55 лет. В нем впервые представлены неизвестные ранее археологические памятники и категории материалов и предложены атрибуции выявленных в коллекциях предметов, дополняющих источниковую базу по периодам становления Древнерусского государства, его развития и более позднего времени. Авторами сборника, помимо сотрудников ГИМ, стали представители крупных научных организаций Москвы, С.-Петербурга, Пскова и Новгорода.

Research paper thumbnail of Образы времени: Из истории древнего искусства. К 80-летию С.В. Студзицкой. Труды ГИМ. Вып. 189. М., 2012.

by Sergey Zozulia, Ekaterina Kashina, Elmira Ibragimova, Elena Novikova, Veronika Murasheva, Svetlana Ruzanova, Наталья Ениосова, Sergei Kainov, Anna Kadiewa, Natalia Petrova, and Sergey Stefutin

Сборник посвящен заслуженному сотруднику Исторического музея, ведущему специалисту по искусству м... more Сборник посвящен заслуженному сотруднику Исторического музея, ведущему специалисту по искусству малых форм Сибири эпохи неолита и бронзы - С.В. Студзицкой. Представленные в сборнике статьи посвящены изучению древнего искусства от предметов мелкой пластики до декоративно-прикладного искусства, начиная с эпохи неолита-энеолита до раннего средневековья. В научный оборот впервые вводятся новые находки археологических экспедиций ГИМ, а также предметы их фондов музея. Интерпретация их на современном уровне позволяет поставить ряд проблем межкультурного взаимодействия разных племен и народов, развития идеологических представлений в древности, социальной и культурной атрибуции отдельных комплексов.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С. С. Тимерёвский археологический комплекс // Научно-образовательный портал «Большая российская энциклопедия». 2023. № 12.

The article presents the results of a 150-year archaeological study of the Timerovo archaeologica... more The article presents the results of a 150-year archaeological study of the Timerovo archaeological complex. Remarkable finds from the burials and the settlement's area undoubtedly demonstrate the site’s unique nature. The size and other characteristics of the structures revealed during the survey of the settlement allow us to regard it as the center of a local settlement network.

Тимерёвский археологи́ческий ко́мплекс, комплекс археологических памятников эпохи становления Древнерусского государства на берегах реки Сечка (приток Которосли, впадающей в Волгу), приблизительно в 0,5 км к юго-западу от современной границы г. Ярославль. Включает неукреплённое поселение и курганный могильник на правом берегу Сечки, селище и 2 курганные группы на левом берегу Сечки, 3 клада арабских дирхемов. Изучались в основном памятники на правом берегу: жилая застройка, производственные объекты, среди погребений трупосожжения преобладают над трупоположениями. Среди находок – предметы вооружения, украшения, западноевропейские денарии, арабские дирхемы, орудия труда, глиняные «лапы» и кольца. Тимерёвский археологический комплекс рассматривается в качестве центра местной округи. При этом неукреплённый характер и другие особенности поселения не позволяют считать его протогородом.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Тимеревское поселение и могильник // Большая российская энциклопедия. Т. 32. М., 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of Недошивина Н.Г., Зозуля С.С. Тимерево // Древняя Русь в средневековом мире: энциклопедия / Институт всеобщей истории РАН; Под общей ред. Е.А. Мельниковой, В.Я. Петрухина.-М.:Ладомир, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Недошивина Н.Г., Зозуля С.С. Михайловское // Древняя Русь в средневековом мире: энциклопедия / Институт всеобщей истории РАН; Под общей ред. Е.А. Мельниковой, В.Я. Петрухина.-М.:Ладомир, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Петровское // Древняя Русь в средневековом мире: энциклопедия / Институт всеобщей истории РАН; Под общей ред. Е.А. Мельниковой, В.Я. Петрухина.-М.:Ладомир, 2014.

Research paper thumbnail of Хвощинская Н.В., Зозуля С.С., Кузнецова В.Н., Полигаев В.Л. Предметы вооружения из раскопок Рюрикова городища (по материалам 2023 и 2024 гг.)

Стендовый доклад на конференции «СЕВЕРНАЯ РУСЬ ОТ ДРЕВНОСТИ К СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЮ» К 75-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РО... more Стендовый доклад на конференции «СЕВЕРНАЯ РУСЬ ОТ ДРЕВНОСТИ К СРЕДНЕВЕКОВЬЮ» К 75-ЛЕТИЮ СО ДНЯ РОЖДЕНИЯ ЕВГЕНИЯ НИКОЛАЕВИЧА НОСОВА (1949–2019)", Санкт-Петербург, 29–31 октября 2024 г.

Research paper thumbnail of Каинов С.Ю., Зозуля С.С. Наконечники ножен мечей из Большого Тимерева и Михайловского

Стендовый доклад на международной научной конференции "Воинские традиции в археологическом контек... more Стендовый доклад на международной научной конференции "Воинские традиции в археологическом контексте: от позднего Латена до позднего средневековья" памяти Анатолия Николаевича Кирпичникова и 20-летию основания семинара "Военная археология" при ИА РАН. 24-28 ноября 2021 г.

Research paper thumbnail of Зозуля С.С. Два средневековых шлема из собрания Государственного исторического музея. Воинские традиции в археологическом контексте: от позднего латена до позднего средневековья. С. Монастырщино, 23-26 ноября 2017 г.

Стендовый доклад на конференции "Воинские традиции в археологическом контексте: от позднего латен... more Стендовый доклад на конференции "Воинские традиции в археологическом контексте: от позднего латена до позднего средневековья".

Research paper thumbnail of Захаров С.Д., Зозуля С.С. Тимерево. Итоги нового этапа полевых исследований. V (XXII) Всероссийский археологический съезд. Барнаул-Белокуриха. 2017.

Стендовый доклад на V (XXI) Всероссийском археологическом съезде в 2017 году