Irena Calic | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
Papers by Irena Calic
Acta agriculturae Serbica
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a cultivated species used for animal nutrition. The aim of this research was the assessment of the diversity of 46 red clover accessions based on morpho-productive traits. The traits were investigated according to the UPOV descriptors for red clover-number of internodes, number of branches, stem length, stem thickness, middle leaflet length, middle leaflet width, green matter yield and dry matter yield. The principal components analysis (PCA) explained 74% of the variance of the standardized data and showed relationships between 46 red clover accessions and eight morpho-productive traits, associations among traits and performance of accessions. Among the determined Euclidean distances, the smallest value was obtained for the accessions Rotra and Titus (0.048), the largest value was 1.099 for a pair of NCPGRU2 and Čortanovci accessions, and the average value was 0.380. Two clusters of 46 r...
Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high qu... more Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high quality forage for livestock feed. This study assesses a diverse red clover collection for agronomic value, forage quality and antioxidant activity in relation to status (cultivar vs natural population) and ploidy level (diploid or tetraploid) for the purpose of diversity study and for identification of potential heterotic groups and classification of accessions according to the results of analyses. Objectives. The aims of this research were to: i) explore agronomic traits, forage quality, and antioxidant activity in relation to status and ploidy level; ii) assess trait associations and the possibility of indirect selection; iii) cluster red clover accessions with regard to forage quality and antioxidant activity. Method. Red clover was represented by 46 accessions, the cultivars and natural populations of diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) ploidy levels from 17 countries, which were collect...
Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ., 2022
Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high qu... more Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high quality forage for livestock feed. This study assesses of a diverse red clover collection for agronomic value, forage quality and antioxidant activity in relation to status (cultivar vs natural population) and ploidy level (diploid or tetraploid) for the purpose of diversity study and for identification of potential heterotic groups and classification of accessions according to the results of analyses. Objectives. The aims of this research were to: i) explore agronomic traits, forage quality, and antioxidant activity in relation to status and ploidy level; ii) assess trait associations and the possibility of indirect selection; iii) cluster red clover accessions with regard to forage quality and antioxidant activity. Method. Red clover was represented by 46 accessions, the cultivars and natural populations of diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) ploidy levels from 17 countries, which were collected and preserved in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The following traits were determined from the two-year field trial at Rimski Šančevi, Serbia: plant height (PH), internodes number (IN), green mass yield (GMY), dry matter yield (DMY), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV) and antioxidant activity. All accessions were characterized in the second cut of the second year of life when 20-25% of flowers appeared. Results. The cultivars had higher values for PH, IN, GMY, DMY, DDM, DMI, and RFV. The tetraploid accessions had higher values for IN, GMY, DMY, CP, NDF and DDM. The natural populations and diploid accessions had 39.9% and 21.9% smaller antioxidant capacity, respectively. The antioxidant capacity was positively associated with RFV, DDM, DMI, PH, IN, GMY and DMY, but negatively with ADF and NDF. Conclusions. The grouping of red clover accessions based on forage quality parameters and antioxidant activity was represented by five clusters. High-quality cultivars had a shorter length of internodes and a good leaf to stem ratio with a high leaf proportion.
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 2022
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a cultivated species used for animal nutrition. The aim of this research was the assessment of the diversity of 46 red clover accessions based on morphoproductive traits. The traits were investigated according to the UPOV descriptors for red clover-number of internodes, number of branches, stem length, stem thickness, middle leaflet length, middle leaflet width, green matter yield and dry matter yield. The principal components analysis (PCA) explained 74% of the variance of the standardized data and showed relationships between 46 red clover accessions and eight morpho-productive traits, associations among traits and performance of accessions. Among the determined Euclidean distances, the smallest value was obtained for the accessions Rotra and Titus (0.048), the largest value was 1.099 for a pair of NCPGRU2 and Čortanovci accessions, and the average value was 0.380. Two clusters of 46 red clover accessions were separated in the dendrogram based upon UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic mean) for eight morpho-productive traits. The first cluster included two subclusters, while the second cluster contained four subclusters. The grouping of the accessions from the red clover collection by the UPGMA cluster analysis can be linked to the geographical origin of the accessions: central and southern Europe for three subclusters and northeastern Europe for one subcluster.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 2022
Red clover is an important perennial fodrage legume and a rich source of highly nutritional volum... more Red clover is an important perennial fodrage legume and a rich source of highly nutritional voluminous forage for livestock feed, which is continuously improved by plant breeding efforts that rely significantly on trait correlation studies. A two-year field trial was conducted at Rimski Sancevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. The aim of this research was to assess correlations of important morpho-agronomic traits and forage quality properties of 46 red clover accessions of diverse origins. The highest Spearman?s correlation coefficient (0.97, p<0.01) was found between the branch number and internode number per stem in the first experimental year. The green mass yield and the dry matter yield in both years had very high (0.95, p<0.01) and high (0.86, p<0.01) correlations, respectively. The stem height and internode number per stem had intermediate correlations in both years (0.68, p<0.01, and 0.50, p<0.01, respectively), and stem height exhibited an intermediate correlation with gr...
Genetika, 2018
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly ... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly used as a source of animal food. The present research aimed at assessment of genetic diversity based on morphological markers, through the analyses of five morphological markers in a collection of 46 red clover genotypes. These morphological markers were screened according to the UPOV descriptor (2001) in the trial laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The traits analyzed and investigated were: time of flowering, growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks. The average value of Shannon's diversity index for five morphological markers amounted 0.711. Homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) of the same five descriptors accounted for 71.2% of the total variation of the standardized data, with the first and second axis explaining 38.4% and 32.8% of the morphological variability, respectively. Based on this analyses all red clover genoty...
Chilean journal of agricultural research, 2017
Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this... more Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this important forage legume. The objective of this study was microsatellite characterization of the accessions from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Molecular evaluation of 46 red clover genotypes was performed by applying the set of 14 primer pairs of microsatellite markers. These primer pairs amplified a total of 187 alleles, with an average of 13.36 alleles per locus and average polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.306. The minimum values of Dice genetic distances based on polymorphism of microsatellite markers were found among genotypes NCPGRU2 and NCPGRU5 (0.311) and the highest values of genetic distances were determined for a couple of genotypes Violeta and BGR2 (0.933). The average genetic distance between all pairs of genotypes amounted 0.587. The results of the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were consistent with the results obtained on the basis of cluster analysis, except that the PCoA allocated another four genotypes. There was no relationship between groups of genotypes formed by the use of cluster analyses and PCoA with their geographical origin. Analysis of molecular variance of 46 red clover genotypes by the status and ploidy level was significant, but it also suggested a weak genetic differentiation of groups formed on the basis of those characteristics. Observed groups of genotypes, according to the cluster analyses and PCoA of microsatellite data, could be used in future breeding programs for the selection of germplasm.
Genetika, 2014
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the main forage species from temperate regions and i... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the main forage species from temperate regions and it's originated in Eurasia where wild-type populations are found in the Caucasus Mountains. Considerable variation for this crop has been recorded for few molecular variations. The identification and understanding of molecular genetic diversity in red clover accessions will help in effective genetic conservation along with efficient breeding programs in this crop. This study has shown molecular diversity using microsatellite markers in red clover accessions from around of the world. In this investigation, 40 genotypes have been selected and analyzed using 15 SSR primers. These primer pairs amplified 1146 polymorphic loci among the genotypes screened. The number of fragments amplified by each SSR primer combination varied from 24 for RCS3681 to 109 for RCS1729 with an average value of 80.78 per primer combination. The SSR marker data was further analyzed using cluster algorithms and Pr...
Book of abstracts 9th SYMPOSIUM with international participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2019
Book of abstracts IV Symposium of the Section of the breeding of organisms of the Serbian genetic society
Ag ri cul tural Re search In sti tute of the Hun gar ian Acad emy Of Sci ences (HAS), Martonvásár... more Ag ri cul tural Re search In sti tute of the Hun gar ian Acad emy Of Sci ences (HAS), Martonvásár, Hun gary Jedan od osnovnih nau~nih zadataka Poljoprivrednog Instituta Ma|arske akademije nauka je ispitivanje svojstava p{enice i kukuruza i otkrivanje njihove biohemijske i geneti~ke osnove. Ste~ena znanja se zatim primenjuju u oplemenjivanju biljaka. Posled njih deset godina, pored konvencionalnih selekcionih metoda, zna~ajnu ulogu su imale moderne biotehnlolo{ke metode (npr. geneti~ke modifikacije ili genske transformacije) koje, pored ostalog, omogu}avaju analizu pojedinih gena. Razvoj geneti~ki modi fikovanih biljaka zavisi od dostopnosti pouzdanih tehnika za trans fer gena prilago|enjih lokalnim laboratoriskim uslovima. Eksperimenti sa re porter genima (npr. gusA i gfp) ili bar selektivnim marker genom, omogu~avaju pra}enje uspe{nosti geneti~kih transfor macija jednopstavnom bojenom reakcijom ili prisustvom rezistentosti na her bi cide. "Korisni" geni mogu biti preneti samo nakon optimizacije metodologije, koja se mora izvesti pojedina~no za svaku biljnu vrstu namenjenu za geneti~ku modifikaciju (u na{em slu~aju p{enica, je~am i kukuruz). U Martonvásár-u cilj geneti~kih modifikaciija je pobolj{anje agronomskih svojstava i otpornosti na uslove spolja{nje sredine ovih bilja ka, i delimi~no modifikacija kvaliteta hleba i hranjivih vrednosti koji zadovoljavaja zahteve prera|iva~ke industrije.
pomoć markera (MAS), identifi kaciju sorata i zaštitu prava oplemenjivača. Ključne reči: genetičk... more pomoć markera (MAS), identifi kaciju sorata i zaštitu prava oplemenjivača. Ključne reči: genetički markeri, oplemenjivanje, višegodišnje leguminoze Uvod Korišćenje molekularno-genetičkih tehnika za-jedno sa konvencionalnim oplemenjivanjem po-većalo je efi kasnost i preciznost oplemenjivanja mnogih poljoprivrednih biljaka (Collard & Mac-kill 2008). Trenutno sve komercijalno dostupne sorte vi-šegodišnjih krmnih leguminoza (lucerka, crvena detelina, bela deteline, žuti zvezdan) jesu sinte-tici, stvoreni putem međuukrštanja odabranih roditelja tokom četiri do šest generacija (Wood-fi eld & Brummer 2001). S tim u vezi su metode oplemenjivanja višegodišnjih krmnih leguminoza zasnovane isključivo na metodama selekcije u polusrodstvu, uključujući intercrossing odabranih roditelja u cilju proizvodnje sintetičkih sorti (Hill et al. 1988). Prisustvo heterozisa kod krmnih leguminoza dovelo je do značajne diskusije o mogućnostima razvoja hibridnih sorti. Primena hibridnog sistema oplemenjivanja ...
Molecular characterization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions of the Serbian genebank by S... more Molecular characterization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions of the Serbian genebank by SSR fingerprinting. Genetika, Vol 45, No. 1, 167-180. Molecular diversity of 145 barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare L.) accessions from the Serbian GenBank was assessed by single sequence repeats (SSR) markers. A set of 15 SSRs, covering all chromosomes of the diploid barley genome with 2-3 SSR markers per chromosome, with a range of 4-18 alleles per locus were used. In total, 15 loci and 119 alleles were detected, with an average of 7.93 alleles per locus. The Polymorphic information content value ranged from 0.220 to 0.782 with a mean value of 0.534. Regarding the growth habit and row type groups, gene diversity was comparatively higher for the spring (0.616) and six-rowed accessions (0.616) than for the winter and two-rowed accessions (0.322 and 0.478, respectively). Analysis of molecular variance showed that all sources of variation were significant (P < 0.01), but the between-...
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an important forage legume in Libya. The genetic diversity of nin... more Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an important forage legume in Libya. The genetic diversity of nine alfalfa domesti- cated varietal populations was studied using thirteen RAPD primer combinations. The number of polymorphic fragments detected per primer combination ranged from 8 to 46 bands with an average of 24 bands. The number of polymorphic bands detected was from 6 (Atalia population) to 37 (Gabsia population). The lowest genetic distance was 0.058 and the highest was 0.655. The average genetic distance was (0.356). The dendrogram based on Ward's minimum variance cluster - ing method grouped the nine populations into the two main clusters. The first group included Fazania, Atalia, Masratia, Zawia, Denamo Ferade and Arezona. The second group was composed of Tagoria, Gabsia and Wade Alrabeh. The sim- plicity of RAPD assays for detection of genetic polymorphisms is confirmed in our study, and results can be utilized in breeding practice.
Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, ... more Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, longevity, resistance to diseases and pests, resistance to limiting abiotic conditions and polyploidy is more efficient and precise if genetic markers are used. Estimates based on isozyme polymorphism may underestimate overall levels of genetic variation because they are sampling only coding regions of DNA that may be conserved to maintain the function of the enzymes. The complete coverage of a genome can be achieved only by the use of molecular variability indicators (DNA polymorphism), i.e. molecular markers. Molecular markers are independent of environmental influences and can be detected in all plant development stages. The main aspects of genetic markers use in perennial legumes breeding are: germplasm characterisation, genetic linkage mapping, QTL analysis, marker assisted selection (MAS), variety identification and protection of plant breeders' rights.
The present work aimed to select drought tolerant barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars through i... more The present work aimed to select drought tolerant barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars through identification of stress genes responsible for drought tolerance. Several barley genotypes were tested for drought resistance using specific molecular markers, nine out of all the genotypes were chosen for this study; five out of them were drought resistant (ALEXES, Giza 121, Giza 122, Giza 123 and Giza 128) and four were drought sensitive (Jazan, Qassim, Giza 123 and Giza 2000). The presence of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins genes was correlated with the drought tolerance in the studied cultivars; hence, this gene confers drought tolerance trait. Drought stress responses such as reduced plant height, number of leaves, tillers and leaf area were noted in all genotypes under water stress conditions as compared to the normally irrigated ones. In order to characterize their genomes, the studied barley cultivars were further analyzed using 10 simple sequence repeats (SSR) and 11 intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) primers. The resulted SSR (19 markers) and ISSR (39 markers) were analyzed using NTSYS-pc program for addressing the phylogenetic relationships of the studied genotypes.
Book of abstracts -10th SYMPOSIUM with international Participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2021
Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике ... more Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and technological development Republic of Serbia Програм X СИМПОЗИЈУМА са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи"
Book of abstracts -10th SYMPOSIUM with international Participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2021
Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике ... more Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and technological development Republic of Serbia Програм X СИМПОЗИЈУМА са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи"
Book of abstracts - 9th SYMPOSIUM with international participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2019
IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPO... more IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPOSIUM with international participation "Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production"
Book of abstracts 9th SYMPOSIUM with international participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production , 2019
IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPO... more IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPOSIUM with international participation "Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production"
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2019”, 2019
Acta agriculturae Serbica
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a cultivated species used for animal nutrition. The aim of this research was the assessment of the diversity of 46 red clover accessions based on morpho-productive traits. The traits were investigated according to the UPOV descriptors for red clover-number of internodes, number of branches, stem length, stem thickness, middle leaflet length, middle leaflet width, green matter yield and dry matter yield. The principal components analysis (PCA) explained 74% of the variance of the standardized data and showed relationships between 46 red clover accessions and eight morpho-productive traits, associations among traits and performance of accessions. Among the determined Euclidean distances, the smallest value was obtained for the accessions Rotra and Titus (0.048), the largest value was 1.099 for a pair of NCPGRU2 and Čortanovci accessions, and the average value was 0.380. Two clusters of 46 r...
Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high qu... more Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high quality forage for livestock feed. This study assesses a diverse red clover collection for agronomic value, forage quality and antioxidant activity in relation to status (cultivar vs natural population) and ploidy level (diploid or tetraploid) for the purpose of diversity study and for identification of potential heterotic groups and classification of accessions according to the results of analyses. Objectives. The aims of this research were to: i) explore agronomic traits, forage quality, and antioxidant activity in relation to status and ploidy level; ii) assess trait associations and the possibility of indirect selection; iii) cluster red clover accessions with regard to forage quality and antioxidant activity. Method. Red clover was represented by 46 accessions, the cultivars and natural populations of diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) ploidy levels from 17 countries, which were collect...
Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ., 2022
Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high qu... more Description of the subject. Red clover is an important forage legume and a rich source of high quality forage for livestock feed. This study assesses of a diverse red clover collection for agronomic value, forage quality and antioxidant activity in relation to status (cultivar vs natural population) and ploidy level (diploid or tetraploid) for the purpose of diversity study and for identification of potential heterotic groups and classification of accessions according to the results of analyses. Objectives. The aims of this research were to: i) explore agronomic traits, forage quality, and antioxidant activity in relation to status and ploidy level; ii) assess trait associations and the possibility of indirect selection; iii) cluster red clover accessions with regard to forage quality and antioxidant activity. Method. Red clover was represented by 46 accessions, the cultivars and natural populations of diploid (2n) and tetraploid (4n) ploidy levels from 17 countries, which were collected and preserved in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. The following traits were determined from the two-year field trial at Rimski Šančevi, Serbia: plant height (PH), internodes number (IN), green mass yield (GMY), dry matter yield (DMY), crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), digestible dry matter (DDM), dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV) and antioxidant activity. All accessions were characterized in the second cut of the second year of life when 20-25% of flowers appeared. Results. The cultivars had higher values for PH, IN, GMY, DMY, DDM, DMI, and RFV. The tetraploid accessions had higher values for IN, GMY, DMY, CP, NDF and DDM. The natural populations and diploid accessions had 39.9% and 21.9% smaller antioxidant capacity, respectively. The antioxidant capacity was positively associated with RFV, DDM, DMI, PH, IN, GMY and DMY, but negatively with ADF and NDF. Conclusions. The grouping of red clover accessions based on forage quality parameters and antioxidant activity was represented by five clusters. High-quality cultivars had a shorter length of internodes and a good leaf to stem ratio with a high leaf proportion.
Acta Agriculturae Serbica, 2022
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is a meadow and pasture species in natural habitats and also a cultivated species used for animal nutrition. The aim of this research was the assessment of the diversity of 46 red clover accessions based on morphoproductive traits. The traits were investigated according to the UPOV descriptors for red clover-number of internodes, number of branches, stem length, stem thickness, middle leaflet length, middle leaflet width, green matter yield and dry matter yield. The principal components analysis (PCA) explained 74% of the variance of the standardized data and showed relationships between 46 red clover accessions and eight morpho-productive traits, associations among traits and performance of accessions. Among the determined Euclidean distances, the smallest value was obtained for the accessions Rotra and Titus (0.048), the largest value was 1.099 for a pair of NCPGRU2 and Čortanovci accessions, and the average value was 0.380. Two clusters of 46 red clover accessions were separated in the dendrogram based upon UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic mean) for eight morpho-productive traits. The first cluster included two subclusters, while the second cluster contained four subclusters. The grouping of the accessions from the red clover collection by the UPGMA cluster analysis can be linked to the geographical origin of the accessions: central and southern Europe for three subclusters and northeastern Europe for one subcluster.
Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Belgrade, 2022
Red clover is an important perennial fodrage legume and a rich source of highly nutritional volum... more Red clover is an important perennial fodrage legume and a rich source of highly nutritional voluminous forage for livestock feed, which is continuously improved by plant breeding efforts that rely significantly on trait correlation studies. A two-year field trial was conducted at Rimski Sancevi, Novi Sad, Serbia. The aim of this research was to assess correlations of important morpho-agronomic traits and forage quality properties of 46 red clover accessions of diverse origins. The highest Spearman?s correlation coefficient (0.97, p<0.01) was found between the branch number and internode number per stem in the first experimental year. The green mass yield and the dry matter yield in both years had very high (0.95, p<0.01) and high (0.86, p<0.01) correlations, respectively. The stem height and internode number per stem had intermediate correlations in both years (0.68, p<0.01, and 0.50, p<0.01, respectively), and stem height exhibited an intermediate correlation with gr...
Genetika, 2018
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly ... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is an important forage legume of temperate regions dominantly used as a source of animal food. The present research aimed at assessment of genetic diversity based on morphological markers, through the analyses of five morphological markers in a collection of 46 red clover genotypes. These morphological markers were screened according to the UPOV descriptor (2001) in the trial laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The traits analyzed and investigated were: time of flowering, growth habit, density of hairs, leaf color and intensity of white marks. The average value of Shannon's diversity index for five morphological markers amounted 0.711. Homogeneity analysis (HOMALS) of the same five descriptors accounted for 71.2% of the total variation of the standardized data, with the first and second axis explaining 38.4% and 32.8% of the morphological variability, respectively. Based on this analyses all red clover genoty...
Chilean journal of agricultural research, 2017
Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this... more Genetic resources of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) are the basis for the improvement of this important forage legume. The objective of this study was microsatellite characterization of the accessions from the collection of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad, Serbia. Molecular evaluation of 46 red clover genotypes was performed by applying the set of 14 primer pairs of microsatellite markers. These primer pairs amplified a total of 187 alleles, with an average of 13.36 alleles per locus and average polymorphism information content (PIC) value was 0.306. The minimum values of Dice genetic distances based on polymorphism of microsatellite markers were found among genotypes NCPGRU2 and NCPGRU5 (0.311) and the highest values of genetic distances were determined for a couple of genotypes Violeta and BGR2 (0.933). The average genetic distance between all pairs of genotypes amounted 0.587. The results of the principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) were consistent with the results obtained on the basis of cluster analysis, except that the PCoA allocated another four genotypes. There was no relationship between groups of genotypes formed by the use of cluster analyses and PCoA with their geographical origin. Analysis of molecular variance of 46 red clover genotypes by the status and ploidy level was significant, but it also suggested a weak genetic differentiation of groups formed on the basis of those characteristics. Observed groups of genotypes, according to the cluster analyses and PCoA of microsatellite data, could be used in future breeding programs for the selection of germplasm.
Genetika, 2014
Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the main forage species from temperate regions and i... more Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the main forage species from temperate regions and it's originated in Eurasia where wild-type populations are found in the Caucasus Mountains. Considerable variation for this crop has been recorded for few molecular variations. The identification and understanding of molecular genetic diversity in red clover accessions will help in effective genetic conservation along with efficient breeding programs in this crop. This study has shown molecular diversity using microsatellite markers in red clover accessions from around of the world. In this investigation, 40 genotypes have been selected and analyzed using 15 SSR primers. These primer pairs amplified 1146 polymorphic loci among the genotypes screened. The number of fragments amplified by each SSR primer combination varied from 24 for RCS3681 to 109 for RCS1729 with an average value of 80.78 per primer combination. The SSR marker data was further analyzed using cluster algorithms and Pr...
Book of abstracts 9th SYMPOSIUM with international participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2019
Book of abstracts IV Symposium of the Section of the breeding of organisms of the Serbian genetic society
Ag ri cul tural Re search In sti tute of the Hun gar ian Acad emy Of Sci ences (HAS), Martonvásár... more Ag ri cul tural Re search In sti tute of the Hun gar ian Acad emy Of Sci ences (HAS), Martonvásár, Hun gary Jedan od osnovnih nau~nih zadataka Poljoprivrednog Instituta Ma|arske akademije nauka je ispitivanje svojstava p{enice i kukuruza i otkrivanje njihove biohemijske i geneti~ke osnove. Ste~ena znanja se zatim primenjuju u oplemenjivanju biljaka. Posled njih deset godina, pored konvencionalnih selekcionih metoda, zna~ajnu ulogu su imale moderne biotehnlolo{ke metode (npr. geneti~ke modifikacije ili genske transformacije) koje, pored ostalog, omogu}avaju analizu pojedinih gena. Razvoj geneti~ki modi fikovanih biljaka zavisi od dostopnosti pouzdanih tehnika za trans fer gena prilago|enjih lokalnim laboratoriskim uslovima. Eksperimenti sa re porter genima (npr. gusA i gfp) ili bar selektivnim marker genom, omogu~avaju pra}enje uspe{nosti geneti~kih transfor macija jednopstavnom bojenom reakcijom ili prisustvom rezistentosti na her bi cide. "Korisni" geni mogu biti preneti samo nakon optimizacije metodologije, koja se mora izvesti pojedina~no za svaku biljnu vrstu namenjenu za geneti~ku modifikaciju (u na{em slu~aju p{enica, je~am i kukuruz). U Martonvásár-u cilj geneti~kih modifikaciija je pobolj{anje agronomskih svojstava i otpornosti na uslove spolja{nje sredine ovih bilja ka, i delimi~no modifikacija kvaliteta hleba i hranjivih vrednosti koji zadovoljavaja zahteve prera|iva~ke industrije.
pomoć markera (MAS), identifi kaciju sorata i zaštitu prava oplemenjivača. Ključne reči: genetičk... more pomoć markera (MAS), identifi kaciju sorata i zaštitu prava oplemenjivača. Ključne reči: genetički markeri, oplemenjivanje, višegodišnje leguminoze Uvod Korišćenje molekularno-genetičkih tehnika za-jedno sa konvencionalnim oplemenjivanjem po-većalo je efi kasnost i preciznost oplemenjivanja mnogih poljoprivrednih biljaka (Collard & Mac-kill 2008). Trenutno sve komercijalno dostupne sorte vi-šegodišnjih krmnih leguminoza (lucerka, crvena detelina, bela deteline, žuti zvezdan) jesu sinte-tici, stvoreni putem međuukrštanja odabranih roditelja tokom četiri do šest generacija (Wood-fi eld & Brummer 2001). S tim u vezi su metode oplemenjivanja višegodišnjih krmnih leguminoza zasnovane isključivo na metodama selekcije u polusrodstvu, uključujući intercrossing odabranih roditelja u cilju proizvodnje sintetičkih sorti (Hill et al. 1988). Prisustvo heterozisa kod krmnih leguminoza dovelo je do značajne diskusije o mogućnostima razvoja hibridnih sorti. Primena hibridnog sistema oplemenjivanja ...
Molecular characterization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions of the Serbian genebank by S... more Molecular characterization of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) accessions of the Serbian genebank by SSR fingerprinting. Genetika, Vol 45, No. 1, 167-180. Molecular diversity of 145 barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare L.) accessions from the Serbian GenBank was assessed by single sequence repeats (SSR) markers. A set of 15 SSRs, covering all chromosomes of the diploid barley genome with 2-3 SSR markers per chromosome, with a range of 4-18 alleles per locus were used. In total, 15 loci and 119 alleles were detected, with an average of 7.93 alleles per locus. The Polymorphic information content value ranged from 0.220 to 0.782 with a mean value of 0.534. Regarding the growth habit and row type groups, gene diversity was comparatively higher for the spring (0.616) and six-rowed accessions (0.616) than for the winter and two-rowed accessions (0.322 and 0.478, respectively). Analysis of molecular variance showed that all sources of variation were significant (P < 0.01), but the between-...
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an important forage legume in Libya. The genetic diversity of nin... more Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is an important forage legume in Libya. The genetic diversity of nine alfalfa domesti- cated varietal populations was studied using thirteen RAPD primer combinations. The number of polymorphic fragments detected per primer combination ranged from 8 to 46 bands with an average of 24 bands. The number of polymorphic bands detected was from 6 (Atalia population) to 37 (Gabsia population). The lowest genetic distance was 0.058 and the highest was 0.655. The average genetic distance was (0.356). The dendrogram based on Ward's minimum variance cluster - ing method grouped the nine populations into the two main clusters. The first group included Fazania, Atalia, Masratia, Zawia, Denamo Ferade and Arezona. The second group was composed of Tagoria, Gabsia and Wade Alrabeh. The sim- plicity of RAPD assays for detection of genetic polymorphisms is confirmed in our study, and results can be utilized in breeding practice.
Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, ... more Breeding of perennial legumes for many agronomic important traits like grain yield, persistence, longevity, resistance to diseases and pests, resistance to limiting abiotic conditions and polyploidy is more efficient and precise if genetic markers are used. Estimates based on isozyme polymorphism may underestimate overall levels of genetic variation because they are sampling only coding regions of DNA that may be conserved to maintain the function of the enzymes. The complete coverage of a genome can be achieved only by the use of molecular variability indicators (DNA polymorphism), i.e. molecular markers. Molecular markers are independent of environmental influences and can be detected in all plant development stages. The main aspects of genetic markers use in perennial legumes breeding are: germplasm characterisation, genetic linkage mapping, QTL analysis, marker assisted selection (MAS), variety identification and protection of plant breeders' rights.
The present work aimed to select drought tolerant barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars through i... more The present work aimed to select drought tolerant barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars through identification of stress genes responsible for drought tolerance. Several barley genotypes were tested for drought resistance using specific molecular markers, nine out of all the genotypes were chosen for this study; five out of them were drought resistant (ALEXES, Giza 121, Giza 122, Giza 123 and Giza 128) and four were drought sensitive (Jazan, Qassim, Giza 123 and Giza 2000). The presence of late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins genes was correlated with the drought tolerance in the studied cultivars; hence, this gene confers drought tolerance trait. Drought stress responses such as reduced plant height, number of leaves, tillers and leaf area were noted in all genotypes under water stress conditions as compared to the normally irrigated ones. In order to characterize their genomes, the studied barley cultivars were further analyzed using 10 simple sequence repeats (SSR) and 11 intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) primers. The resulted SSR (19 markers) and ISSR (39 markers) were analyzed using NTSYS-pc program for addressing the phylogenetic relationships of the studied genotypes.
Book of abstracts -10th SYMPOSIUM with international Participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2021
Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике ... more Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and technological development Republic of Serbia Програм X СИМПОЗИЈУМА са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи"
Book of abstracts -10th SYMPOSIUM with international Participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2021
Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике ... more Организацију Симпозијума помогло је Министарство просвете, науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије Supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and technological development Republic of Serbia Програм X СИМПОЗИЈУМА са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи"
Book of abstracts - 9th SYMPOSIUM with international participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production, 2019
IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPO... more IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPOSIUM with international participation "Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production"
Book of abstracts 9th SYMPOSIUM with international participation Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production , 2019
IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPO... more IX СИМПОЗИЈУМ са међународним учешћем "Иновације у ратарској и повртарској производњи" 9 th SYMPOSIUM with international participation "Innovations in Crop and Vegetable Production"
BOOK OF ABSTRACTS X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2019”, 2019