Mirjana Tešić | University of Belgrade (original) (raw)
Papers by Mirjana Tešić
This study investigated the effects of urbanization on the spatial distribution, sources, and lev... more This study investigated the effects of urbanization on the spatial distribution, sources, and levels of heavy metals pollution in urban soils of the city of Belgrade. A total of 126 composite topsoil (0–10 cm) and subsoil (10–40 cm) samples was collected within four urban zones (central, suburban, external, and rural) of Belgrade and analysed for content, spatial distribution, sources, and pollution indices using statistical methods including descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Concentration levels of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and nickel (Ni) in the soil of urban zones in Belgrade were found to be significantly higher in the central and suburban zones compared to the external and rural ones. The spatial variance and the general trend of heavy metals accumulation in the soil were found to be along the urban–rural gradient. The topsoil concentration levels for the same elements were higher compared to the subso...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Имајући у виду да су земљишта у градовима изложена различитим антропогеним притисцима и загађивањ... more Имајући у виду да су земљишта у градовима изложена различитим антропогеним притисцима и загађивању различитим полутантима, истраживања у овој докторској дисертацији су усмерена на проучавање физичких и хемијских карактеристика земљишта у Београду и одређивање садржаја тешких метала Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr и Ni у слојевима земљишта 0-10cm и 10-40cm. За истраживања су изабране различите урбане зоне (централна, приградска, спољна и рубна) и различити тип коришћења земљишта (паркови, индустријски комплекси, саобраћајна чворишта и урбане шуме) у граду. Истраживања су показала да степен урбанизације града и тип коришћења земљишта мењају механички састав земљишта и изазивају промене у pH вредности, садржају лако приступачног облика P и K и присуства CaCO3. У односу на степен урбанизације концентрације тешких метала опадају по градијенту од централне и приградске зоне ка земљиштима у спољној и рубној зони града. У односу на тип коришћења земљишта концентрације ових елемената расту по градијенту ...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018
Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identit... more Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identity. In the past decades, landscape visual quality issues have become increasingly significant in the contemporary approach in road infrastructure planning. At the same time, the European Landscape Convention provides a means of achieving "land-scape democracy" and promotes improved public participation in the spatial and urban planning as well as in road planning. The visual quality assessment which takes into account the aesthetic demands of public perception has evolved into a required study for green infrastructure planning where roadside greenspace has an important role. This paper presents the results of assessing the visual quality through holistic approach which combines quantitative public preference surveys and landscape features inventories. The main direction is to predict visual quality based on the presence of quantifiable biophysical structure of the green spaces along urban roads. The different types of urban biotopes, with various biophysical structure, were the spatial units for the survey. An application based on 38 roadside green spaces in the metropolitan area of Belgrade is presented. On the basis of the visual quality assessment and preferences of urban users, the results will be useful to improvement modality for decision making support and public participation in the processes of urban landscape planning.
Economics (Bijeljina), Dec 1, 2016
Uspjeh savremenog preduzeća zavisi ne samo od njegove sposobnosti da razvija dobar proizvod/uslug... more Uspjeh savremenog preduzeća zavisi ne samo od njegove sposobnosti da razvija dobar proizvod/uslugu, da formira adekvatne cijene i svoju ponudu učini dostupnom kupcima, već i od načina komuniciranja sa ciljnom javnošću. Za menadžment savremenog preduzeća, uključujući i mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP), veliki je izazov da sve poslovne aktivnosti obavlja na pravi način i da dodaje vrijednost za koju su zainteresovani različiti stejkholderi. U posljednje vrijeme, veoma su značajni i informaciono-komunikacioni sistemi u Novoj ekonomiji jer je brz tehnološki progres u sektoru IKT pokrenuo proces stvaranja Nove ekonomije, novog rasta i razvoja privrede. Uspješno upravljanje se sve više zasniva na interaktivnom komuniciranju i prilagođavanju sistema marketing komuniciranja novim tehnologijama, a sve to doprinosi efikasnijem poslovanju konkretnog preduzeća. The success of the modern enterprise depends not only on its ability to develop a good product / service, to form an adequate price and your offer makes available to customers, but also on how to communicate with the target audience. For the management of modern enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is a major challenge that all activities are carried out in a proper manner and that adds value to which the various interested stakeholders. In recent times, are very important, and information and communication systems in the new economy because the rapid technological progress in the ICT sector started the process of creating a new economy, a new growth and economic development. Successful management is increasingly based on interactive communication and the adopting of marketing communication new technologies, all of which contribute to more efficient business for a company.
Turizam, 2009
Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological... more Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological potential of green spaces, their capacity to enhance urban life through micro-climate mitigation, and their original attractiveness, represent the source from which their tourist potential is derived. Consequently, continuous increase in plant quantity and constant expansion of their existence to greenless zones and territories, commonly defined as gray or gray-green zones, is compulsory. Green spaces of central part of old Belgrade situated on the right banks of the rivers Sava and Danube are by all criteria in the category of top tourist rank, and the same goes for this whole area with numerous attractive points within. However, this zone-the territory of three central urban municipalities (Savski Venac, Stari Grad, and Vračar)-holds numerous neglected spaces, deserted corridors and backyards, river bank segments and other sites covered with weed, debris left from past and recent bombardments, parking lots and half-devastated green stripes along residential blocks. Starting with the assumption that many of these can be qualitatively renewed and professionally greenscaped, paper describes their proper development into different categories of green spaces, important structural elements of Belgrade green infrastructure.
Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological... more Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological potential of green spaces, their capacity to enhance urban life through micro-climate mitigation, and their original attractiveness, represent the source from which their tourist potential is derived. Consequently, continuous increase in plant quantity and constant expansion of their existence to greenless zones and territories, commonly defined as gray or gray-green zones, is compulsory. Green spaces of central part of old Belgrade situated on the right banks of the rivers Sava and Danube are by all criteria in the category of top tourist rank, and the same goes for this whole area with numerous attractive points within. However, this zone-the territory of three central urban municipalities (Savski Venac, Stari Grad, and Vračar)-holds numerous neglected spaces, deserted corridors and backyards, river bank segments and other sites covered with weed, debris left from past and recent bombardments, parking lots and half-devastated green stripes along residential blocks. Starting with the assumption that many of these can be qualitatively renewed and professionally greenscaped, paper describes their proper development into different categories of green spaces, important structural elements of Belgrade green infrastructure.
Turizam, 2009
Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological... more Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological potential of green spaces, their capacity to enhance urban life through micro-climate mitigation, and their original attractiveness, represent the source from which their tourist potential is derived. Consequently, continuous increase in plant quantity and constant expansion of their existence to greenless zones and territories, commonly defined as gray or gray-green zones, is compulsory. Green spaces of central part of old Belgrade situated on the right banks of the rivers Sava and Danube are by all criteria in the category of top tourist rank, and the same goes for this whole area with numerous attractive points within. However, this zone-the territory of three central urban municipalities (Savski Venac, Stari Grad, and Vračar)-holds numerous neglected spaces, deserted corridors and backyards, river bank segments and other sites covered with weed, debris left from past and recent bombardments, parking lots and half-devastated green stripes along residential blocks. Starting with the assumption that many of these can be qualitatively renewed and professionally greenscaped, paper describes their proper development into different categories of green spaces, important structural elements of Belgrade green infrastructure.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019
Automotive traffic in cities is considered one of the permanent and key sources of various types ... more Automotive traffic in cities is considered one of the permanent and key sources of various types of pollution in the urban environment. Urban roads have a particularly negative impact on the climate of the city. Large areas under asphalt cause overheating of cities, as a result of increased temperature and decreased air humidity, thus affecting the overall urban comfort. Roadside green spaces are elements of the city structure that directly contribute to the mitigation of negative consequences produced by the city traffic. Plant material, as part of green spaces, significantly contributes to the improvement of environmental quality, above all, benefiting the urban microclimate. The information on the plant cover of green spaces (the percentage share, especially of woody plant material) and their dendrological structure for the intensity of air temperature and humidity modification as the most important climate characteristics of the city are of great importance in the process of planning and management of urban green spaces. This paper investigates the impact of plant cover and dendro-logical structure of roadside green spaces in the area of Belgrade on the modification of air temperature and humidity in the immediate urban environment. The results and conclusions of this paper provide guidelines for the process of planning, management, design and establishment of roadside green spaces in order to adapt cities to climate change.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2020
The negative influence of automobile traffic in the urban environment is manifested in emissions ... more The negative influence of automobile traffic in the urban environment is manifested in emissions of various air pollutants (dust, soot, smog and other), expansion of urban heat island, decreased humidity, increased wind speed and other. Urban green spaces and especially the ones near roads with heavy traffic, covered with various plant material, can have a major role in suppressing the environmental consequences (influence on microclimate conditions, absorption of different pollutants, reduction of wind speed and other) caused by the traffic. The wind is an important environmental factor that has a direct effect on people and other environmental factors that together influence the state of the city's comfort. Strong and long-lasting winds, on the other hand, can be an important factor for city safety. In the paper, we start from the assumption that roadside green spaces have a positive effect on wind speed reduction in the nearby area and that the size of that effect depends on the cover, dendrology structure and the size of green space. The research has been conducted on five representative green spaces along the main traffic roads in the area of New Belgrade, a municipality of Serbian capital, Belgrade. Results show that: roadside green spaces, with surface areas ranging from 0.7-1.4ha, have positive impact on wind speed reduction, reducing it by 0.5-1.5m/s in the nearby urban surroundings; amount of influence of those green spaces on wind speed reduction depends on dendrological structure and coverage of green space; intensity of wind speed reduction is not proportionate to the size of those green spaces. The results of this paper can be used for planning and es-tablihment, as well as for maintaining this category of green spaces in the city.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018
Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identit... more Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identity. In the past decades, landscape visual quality issues have become increasingly significant in the contemporary approach in road infrastructure planning. At the same time, the European Landscape Convention provides a means of achieving “landscape democracy” and promotes improved public participation in the spatial and urban planning as well as in road planning. The visual quality assessment which takes into account the aesthetic demands of public perception has evolved into a required study for green infrastructure planning where roadside green space has an important role. This paper presents the results of assessing the visual quality through holistic approach which combines quantitative public preference surveys and landscape features inventories. The main direction is to predict visual quality based on the presence of quantifiable biophysical structure of the green spaces along urban roads. The different types of urban biotopes, with various biophysical structure, were the spatial units for the survey. An application based on 38 roadside green spaces in the metropolitan area of Belgrade is presented. On the basis of the visual quality assessment and preferences of urban users, the results will be useful to improvement modality for decision making support and public participation in the processes of urban landscape planning.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019
In terms of the preservation and conservation of the soils, including those in the urban green sp... more In terms of the preservation and conservation of the soils, including those in the urban green spaces, the great emphasis is laid on the improvement of the landscape engineering techniques, in fact on exploring the possibility of using plants (especially woody species) for binding, strengthening and protection of urban soil material from degradation, loss, baring, rinsing, pollution etc. This paper presents a review of complexity of the woody plants use in stabilization and strengthening of soil materials and ground construction when establishing in the various types of urban green spaces, in order to improve the protection strengthening techniques of the urban soils. By defining the main problems of the woody plants application for the ground construction stabilization on the urban green spaces, this paper systematize guidelines about what is special within the landscape engineering approach in the application of the bio-technical methods in urban areas.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018
Automobile traffic, which is considered one of the permanent major sources of various types of po... more Automobile traffic, which is considered one of the permanent major sources of various types of pollution in the urban environment, gives a special contribution to urban ecological problems. The establishment of roadside green spaces can greatly reduce the negative ecological consequences that urban traffic produces. In the process of planning and management of urban green spaces, information on the types of biophysical structures of the green spaces and their characteristics in relation to the degree of modification of unfavorable ecological factors are of great importance. This paper investigates the impact of the type of biophysical structure of green roadside spaces in the area of Belgrade on the ecological factors with the highest impact on people's quality of life in the city, including air temperature, air humidity, the urban noise level and wind speed. The results and conclusions of this paper are part of a research of the adaptive design, which provides guidelines for the planning of urban landscape development in the conditions of unpredictable climate change.
This study investigated the effects of urbanization on the spatial distribution, sources, and lev... more This study investigated the effects of urbanization on the spatial distribution, sources, and levels of heavy metals pollution in urban soils of the city of Belgrade. A total of 126 composite topsoil (0–10 cm) and subsoil (10–40 cm) samples was collected within four urban zones (central, suburban, external, and rural) of Belgrade and analysed for content, spatial distribution, sources, and pollution indices using statistical methods including descriptive statistics, correlation matrix, and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Concentration levels of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), and nickel (Ni) in the soil of urban zones in Belgrade were found to be significantly higher in the central and suburban zones compared to the external and rural ones. The spatial variance and the general trend of heavy metals accumulation in the soil were found to be along the urban–rural gradient. The topsoil concentration levels for the same elements were higher compared to the subso...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Имајући у виду да су земљишта у градовима изложена различитим антропогеним притисцима и загађивањ... more Имајући у виду да су земљишта у градовима изложена различитим антропогеним притисцима и загађивању различитим полутантима, истраживања у овој докторској дисертацији су усмерена на проучавање физичких и хемијских карактеристика земљишта у Београду и одређивање садржаја тешких метала Zn, Cu, Cd, Pb, Cr и Ni у слојевима земљишта 0-10cm и 10-40cm. За истраживања су изабране различите урбане зоне (централна, приградска, спољна и рубна) и различити тип коришћења земљишта (паркови, индустријски комплекси, саобраћајна чворишта и урбане шуме) у граду. Истраживања су показала да степен урбанизације града и тип коришћења земљишта мењају механички састав земљишта и изазивају промене у pH вредности, садржају лако приступачног облика P и K и присуства CaCO3. У односу на степен урбанизације концентрације тешких метала опадају по градијенту од централне и приградске зоне ка земљиштима у спољној и рубној зони града. У односу на тип коришћења земљишта концентрације ових елемената расту по градијенту ...
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018
Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identit... more Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identity. In the past decades, landscape visual quality issues have become increasingly significant in the contemporary approach in road infrastructure planning. At the same time, the European Landscape Convention provides a means of achieving "land-scape democracy" and promotes improved public participation in the spatial and urban planning as well as in road planning. The visual quality assessment which takes into account the aesthetic demands of public perception has evolved into a required study for green infrastructure planning where roadside greenspace has an important role. This paper presents the results of assessing the visual quality through holistic approach which combines quantitative public preference surveys and landscape features inventories. The main direction is to predict visual quality based on the presence of quantifiable biophysical structure of the green spaces along urban roads. The different types of urban biotopes, with various biophysical structure, were the spatial units for the survey. An application based on 38 roadside green spaces in the metropolitan area of Belgrade is presented. On the basis of the visual quality assessment and preferences of urban users, the results will be useful to improvement modality for decision making support and public participation in the processes of urban landscape planning.
Economics (Bijeljina), Dec 1, 2016
Uspjeh savremenog preduzeća zavisi ne samo od njegove sposobnosti da razvija dobar proizvod/uslug... more Uspjeh savremenog preduzeća zavisi ne samo od njegove sposobnosti da razvija dobar proizvod/uslugu, da formira adekvatne cijene i svoju ponudu učini dostupnom kupcima, već i od načina komuniciranja sa ciljnom javnošću. Za menadžment savremenog preduzeća, uključujući i mala i srednja preduzeća (MSP), veliki je izazov da sve poslovne aktivnosti obavlja na pravi način i da dodaje vrijednost za koju su zainteresovani različiti stejkholderi. U posljednje vrijeme, veoma su značajni i informaciono-komunikacioni sistemi u Novoj ekonomiji jer je brz tehnološki progres u sektoru IKT pokrenuo proces stvaranja Nove ekonomije, novog rasta i razvoja privrede. Uspješno upravljanje se sve više zasniva na interaktivnom komuniciranju i prilagođavanju sistema marketing komuniciranja novim tehnologijama, a sve to doprinosi efikasnijem poslovanju konkretnog preduzeća. The success of the modern enterprise depends not only on its ability to develop a good product / service, to form an adequate price and your offer makes available to customers, but also on how to communicate with the target audience. For the management of modern enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), is a major challenge that all activities are carried out in a proper manner and that adds value to which the various interested stakeholders. In recent times, are very important, and information and communication systems in the new economy because the rapid technological progress in the ICT sector started the process of creating a new economy, a new growth and economic development. Successful management is increasingly based on interactive communication and the adopting of marketing communication new technologies, all of which contribute to more efficient business for a company.
Turizam, 2009
Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological... more Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological potential of green spaces, their capacity to enhance urban life through micro-climate mitigation, and their original attractiveness, represent the source from which their tourist potential is derived. Consequently, continuous increase in plant quantity and constant expansion of their existence to greenless zones and territories, commonly defined as gray or gray-green zones, is compulsory. Green spaces of central part of old Belgrade situated on the right banks of the rivers Sava and Danube are by all criteria in the category of top tourist rank, and the same goes for this whole area with numerous attractive points within. However, this zone-the territory of three central urban municipalities (Savski Venac, Stari Grad, and Vračar)-holds numerous neglected spaces, deserted corridors and backyards, river bank segments and other sites covered with weed, debris left from past and recent bombardments, parking lots and half-devastated green stripes along residential blocks. Starting with the assumption that many of these can be qualitatively renewed and professionally greenscaped, paper describes their proper development into different categories of green spaces, important structural elements of Belgrade green infrastructure.
Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological... more Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological potential of green spaces, their capacity to enhance urban life through micro-climate mitigation, and their original attractiveness, represent the source from which their tourist potential is derived. Consequently, continuous increase in plant quantity and constant expansion of their existence to greenless zones and territories, commonly defined as gray or gray-green zones, is compulsory. Green spaces of central part of old Belgrade situated on the right banks of the rivers Sava and Danube are by all criteria in the category of top tourist rank, and the same goes for this whole area with numerous attractive points within. However, this zone-the territory of three central urban municipalities (Savski Venac, Stari Grad, and Vračar)-holds numerous neglected spaces, deserted corridors and backyards, river bank segments and other sites covered with weed, debris left from past and recent bombardments, parking lots and half-devastated green stripes along residential blocks. Starting with the assumption that many of these can be qualitatively renewed and professionally greenscaped, paper describes their proper development into different categories of green spaces, important structural elements of Belgrade green infrastructure.
Turizam, 2009
Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological... more Urban green spaces traditionally represent areas where tourists gladly pause and rest. Ecological potential of green spaces, their capacity to enhance urban life through micro-climate mitigation, and their original attractiveness, represent the source from which their tourist potential is derived. Consequently, continuous increase in plant quantity and constant expansion of their existence to greenless zones and territories, commonly defined as gray or gray-green zones, is compulsory. Green spaces of central part of old Belgrade situated on the right banks of the rivers Sava and Danube are by all criteria in the category of top tourist rank, and the same goes for this whole area with numerous attractive points within. However, this zone-the territory of three central urban municipalities (Savski Venac, Stari Grad, and Vračar)-holds numerous neglected spaces, deserted corridors and backyards, river bank segments and other sites covered with weed, debris left from past and recent bombardments, parking lots and half-devastated green stripes along residential blocks. Starting with the assumption that many of these can be qualitatively renewed and professionally greenscaped, paper describes their proper development into different categories of green spaces, important structural elements of Belgrade green infrastructure.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019
Automotive traffic in cities is considered one of the permanent and key sources of various types ... more Automotive traffic in cities is considered one of the permanent and key sources of various types of pollution in the urban environment. Urban roads have a particularly negative impact on the climate of the city. Large areas under asphalt cause overheating of cities, as a result of increased temperature and decreased air humidity, thus affecting the overall urban comfort. Roadside green spaces are elements of the city structure that directly contribute to the mitigation of negative consequences produced by the city traffic. Plant material, as part of green spaces, significantly contributes to the improvement of environmental quality, above all, benefiting the urban microclimate. The information on the plant cover of green spaces (the percentage share, especially of woody plant material) and their dendrological structure for the intensity of air temperature and humidity modification as the most important climate characteristics of the city are of great importance in the process of planning and management of urban green spaces. This paper investigates the impact of plant cover and dendro-logical structure of roadside green spaces in the area of Belgrade on the modification of air temperature and humidity in the immediate urban environment. The results and conclusions of this paper provide guidelines for the process of planning, management, design and establishment of roadside green spaces in order to adapt cities to climate change.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2020
The negative influence of automobile traffic in the urban environment is manifested in emissions ... more The negative influence of automobile traffic in the urban environment is manifested in emissions of various air pollutants (dust, soot, smog and other), expansion of urban heat island, decreased humidity, increased wind speed and other. Urban green spaces and especially the ones near roads with heavy traffic, covered with various plant material, can have a major role in suppressing the environmental consequences (influence on microclimate conditions, absorption of different pollutants, reduction of wind speed and other) caused by the traffic. The wind is an important environmental factor that has a direct effect on people and other environmental factors that together influence the state of the city's comfort. Strong and long-lasting winds, on the other hand, can be an important factor for city safety. In the paper, we start from the assumption that roadside green spaces have a positive effect on wind speed reduction in the nearby area and that the size of that effect depends on the cover, dendrology structure and the size of green space. The research has been conducted on five representative green spaces along the main traffic roads in the area of New Belgrade, a municipality of Serbian capital, Belgrade. Results show that: roadside green spaces, with surface areas ranging from 0.7-1.4ha, have positive impact on wind speed reduction, reducing it by 0.5-1.5m/s in the nearby urban surroundings; amount of influence of those green spaces on wind speed reduction depends on dendrological structure and coverage of green space; intensity of wind speed reduction is not proportionate to the size of those green spaces. The results of this paper can be used for planning and es-tablihment, as well as for maintaining this category of green spaces in the city.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018
Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identit... more Road infrastructure is a dominant element of urban landscapes which influences its visual identity. In the past decades, landscape visual quality issues have become increasingly significant in the contemporary approach in road infrastructure planning. At the same time, the European Landscape Convention provides a means of achieving “landscape democracy” and promotes improved public participation in the spatial and urban planning as well as in road planning. The visual quality assessment which takes into account the aesthetic demands of public perception has evolved into a required study for green infrastructure planning where roadside green space has an important role. This paper presents the results of assessing the visual quality through holistic approach which combines quantitative public preference surveys and landscape features inventories. The main direction is to predict visual quality based on the presence of quantifiable biophysical structure of the green spaces along urban roads. The different types of urban biotopes, with various biophysical structure, were the spatial units for the survey. An application based on 38 roadside green spaces in the metropolitan area of Belgrade is presented. On the basis of the visual quality assessment and preferences of urban users, the results will be useful to improvement modality for decision making support and public participation in the processes of urban landscape planning.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2019
In terms of the preservation and conservation of the soils, including those in the urban green sp... more In terms of the preservation and conservation of the soils, including those in the urban green spaces, the great emphasis is laid on the improvement of the landscape engineering techniques, in fact on exploring the possibility of using plants (especially woody species) for binding, strengthening and protection of urban soil material from degradation, loss, baring, rinsing, pollution etc. This paper presents a review of complexity of the woody plants use in stabilization and strengthening of soil materials and ground construction when establishing in the various types of urban green spaces, in order to improve the protection strengthening techniques of the urban soils. By defining the main problems of the woody plants application for the ground construction stabilization on the urban green spaces, this paper systematize guidelines about what is special within the landscape engineering approach in the application of the bio-technical methods in urban areas.
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018
Automobile traffic, which is considered one of the permanent major sources of various types of po... more Automobile traffic, which is considered one of the permanent major sources of various types of pollution in the urban environment, gives a special contribution to urban ecological problems. The establishment of roadside green spaces can greatly reduce the negative ecological consequences that urban traffic produces. In the process of planning and management of urban green spaces, information on the types of biophysical structures of the green spaces and their characteristics in relation to the degree of modification of unfavorable ecological factors are of great importance. This paper investigates the impact of the type of biophysical structure of green roadside spaces in the area of Belgrade on the ecological factors with the highest impact on people's quality of life in the city, including air temperature, air humidity, the urban noise level and wind speed. The results and conclusions of this paper are part of a research of the adaptive design, which provides guidelines for the planning of urban landscape development in the conditions of unpredictable climate change.