Anastasia Felcher | Central European University (original) (raw)

Articles & Chapters by Anastasia Felcher

Research paper thumbnail of 2024: The Divided Legacies of 9 May in Moldova

Cultures of History Forum, 2024

How has the commemoration of the end of World War II turned into a high-profile political spectac... more How has the commemoration of the end of World War II turned into a high-profile political spectacle in Moldova in the 2020s? The article explores the divisions over history and memory that fuel the confrontational dynamics of the 9 May holiday in the country. Although it has adopted an anti-Russian stance post-February 2022 and is moving towards European integration, Victory Day sentiments still hold strong mobilisation potential that Russia and its political protégés seek to exploit.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Jewish Lives in the Cold War and Beyond: The Blinken OSA Archivum Jewish Studies Collection

S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, 2023

The Blinken OSA Archivum Jewish Studies Collection (the Archivum) at Central European University ... more The Blinken OSA Archivum Jewish Studies Collection (the Archivum) at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary holds an important archival collection about Jewish lives in East-Central Europe, with a highlight on the Cold War and beyond: the 1990s. Neither community archives, nor archives of Jewish institutions, the Archivum highlights overlooked histories of Jewish communities that the official media behind the Iron Curtain didn't make public for political reasons.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: Thirty Years of Discontent: Memory Confrontation Regarding the Transnistrian Conflict on the Banks of the Dniester River

Constructing Memory: Central and Eastern Europe in the New Geopolitical Reality, edited by Hanna Bazhenova, 2022

The 1990–92 armed conflict on the Dniester River, also known as the Transnistrian Conflict (or, i... more The 1990–92 armed conflict on the Dniester River, also known as the Transnistrian Conflict (or, in rare cases, as Transnistrian War), is one of the conflicts that accompanied the collapse of the USSR. In comparison to the armed conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia or Nagorno-Karabakh that took place around the same time, the conflict in Transnistria stands out. Its particular qualities impact and to a cer- tain extent define the memory culture surrounding it.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: Alexander Pushkin as Foreign Heritage: Transformation and Cultural Disintegration in Post-Soviet Societies

CAS Sofia Working Paper Series, 2022

This paper discusses how post-communist transformation impacted public discourse and action on cu... more This paper discusses how post-communist transformation impacted public discourse and action on cultural heritage related to a specific ethnic group in three formerly multicultural cities in the newly independent East European states: Chişinău in Moldova, Odessa in Ukraine, and Vilnius in Lithuania. By looking at post-1989/91 uses of monuments, memorial sites and museums dedicated to the Russian national poet Alexander Pushkin in these cities, the paper examines multilevel social functions of cultural heritage. It covers a period of three decades from 1989/91 to 2019. Each decade signaled a specific shift in treating the poet and the sites related to him as overlooked, contested, or foreign heritage. The paper traces diverse strategies that various cultural and social actors and groups used throughout these decades to either overcome or adjust to this shift under the rapidly changing political, social, and demographic conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: The 1990-92 Armed Conflict at the Dniester River: Continuous Memory Confrontation

Cultures of History Forum, 2022

The thirtieth anniversary of the armed conflict at the Dniester River in 1992 in Moldova this yea... more The thirtieth anniversary of the armed conflict at the Dniester River in 1992 in Moldova this year has been heavily overshadowed by Russia's war against Ukraine. The article retraces the conflict and its public memorialization on both sides of the river through different stages and discusses the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the 'frozen conflict' and its settlement.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022:  New Sites of Worship: Sovietization and Literary Museums in Western Borderlands, 1940–1979

TRANSFORMING AUTHOR MUSEUMS. From Sites of Pilgrimage to Cultural Hubs Edited by Ulrike Spring, Johan Schimanski and Thea Aarbakke. Berghan Books, 199-228, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020:  В поисках прошлого: мемориальный ландшафт непризнанной ПМР

ПОЛИТИКА ПАМЯТИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИИ И СТРАНАХ ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ Акторы, институты, нарративы, 2020 - Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму с... more - Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму современной политики памяти в России и Восточной Европе. В ней рассказано о том, как прошлое используется в политических целях в различных регионах России — от Калининграда до Забайкалья, а также в Белоруссии, Украине, Молдове и непризнанных республиках Донбасса и Приднестровья. Анализируется деятельность самых разных мнемонических акторов — от Русской православной церкви и Российского военно-исторического общества до «Последнего адреса», от парков «Россия — моя история» до «Бессмертного полка». Среди авторов книги — как ведущие российские и зарубежные специалисты в изучении политики памяти, так и молодые исследователи. Книга, подготовленная в Центре по изучению культурной памяти и символической политики Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, будет интересна преподавателям и студентам, а также широкому кругу читателей — всем, кто интересуется проблемами исторической памяти и политического использования прошлого в наше время.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020: Мемориальные музеи г. Кишинева как институты  политики памяти: негибкость и конкуренция в условиях разделенного общества

ПОЛИТИКА ПАМЯТИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИИ И СТРАНАХ ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ Акторы, институты, нарративы, 2020 Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму со... more
Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму современной политики памяти в России и Восточной Европе. В ней рассказано о том, как прошлое используется в политических целях в различных регионах России — от Калининграда до Забайкалья, а также в Белоруссии, Украине, Молдове и непризнанных республиках Донбасса и Приднестровья. Анализируется деятельность самых разных мнемонических акторов — от Русской православной церкви и Российского военно-исторического общества до «Последнего адреса», от парков «Россия — моя история» до «Бессмертного полка». Среди авторов книги — как ведущие российские и зарубежные специалисты в изучении политики памяти, так и молодые исследователи. Книга, подготовленная в Центре по изучению культурной памяти и символической политики Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, будет интересна преподавателям и студентам, а также широкому кругу читателей — всем, кто интересуется проблемами исторической памяти и политического использования прошлого в наше время.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020: Recent Public Discourses on Anti-Jewish Violence in Moldovan History, 1991-2019

Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 34, Issue 1, Spring 2020, Pages 80–100, 2020

Efforts to commemorate the victims of the 1903 Chişinǎu (Kishinev) pogrom and the Holocaust in Be... more Efforts to commemorate the victims of the 1903 Chişinǎu (Kishinev) pogrom and the Holocaust in Bessarabia and Transnistria have achieved varying degrees of success in the Republic of Moldova. Gaining public recognition for these experiences has proven a convoluted process. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the local Community has led an enduring memorialization campaign, which has steadily evolved with the shifting political climate. Though Community representatives have at times had a fraught relationship with Moldovan officials, they have continuously sought official acknowledgment of their efforts. This article analyzes how both the government and the Jewish Community have handled memory in public spaces and the local media of Chişinǎu.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019: Thinking Differently, Acting Separately? Heritage Discourse and Heritage Treatment in Chişinău

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 2019

This article compares how multi‐ethnic heritage is conceptualized and how it is treated in realit... more This article compares how multi‐ethnic heritage is
conceptualized and how it is treated in reality. Focusing on the case
of Chişinău—a borderland city that was once known for its cultural
diversity—the article examines the complex nature of opinions
about the city’s multicultural heritage expressed by representatives
of its cultural elite and collected as an interview corpus in 2012.
Then, the article looks at several recent heritage projects in
Chişinău and beyond (2010–2018) and analyzes to what extent the
heritage discourse is realized in practice, in a context where the
emergence of an approach focused on reconciliation and the
promotion of diversity is only a very recent development.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018: Of Their Own Design: Curatorial Solutions to Commemorate the Shoah in Museums across Eastern Europe

Controluce, Counterlight, Gegenlicht: arte e museologia della Shoah, nuovi contributi. Paolo Coen (a cura di), 2018

Book abstract: L'arte e il Museo rappresentano due settori all'avanguardia nella ricerca e nella ... more Book abstract:
L'arte e il Museo rappresentano due settori all'avanguardia nella ricerca e nella trasmissione della Memoria della Shoah. Esattamente queste due frontiere disciplinari si occupano fra l'altro dei molti e diversi modi in cui la Memoria stessa è vista, comunicata o percepita. Il libro, frutto di uno studio durato molti anni, accoglie contributi di specialisti fra i più accreditati nei due temi: persone, situazioni e realtà nuove e a tratti sorprendenti aiutano il lettore a comprendere meglio i volti, le sembianze della Memoria della Shoah nel mondo di oggi e di domani.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018: Исследования наследия и политики памяти - в поисках общих подходов

Политическая Наука / Political science (RU), 2018

В статье представлен обзор исследований наследия, а также анализ конкретных ситуаций (case studie... more В статье представлен обзор исследований наследия, а также анализ конкретных ситуаций (case studies) и методов, одинаково актуальных для изучения наследия и политики памяти. Авторы, заложившие основы дисциплины Heritage Studies, настаивали на том, что прошлое является конструктом, которое в виде наследия повсеместно используется в идеологических и коммерческих целях. Оставаясь верными данному методологическому принципу, работы последних лет значительно расширили понятийный аппарат дисциплины. Восточная Европа представляет интерес для исследований на пересечении наследия и политики памяти как регион с высокой концентрацией конкурирующих нарративов. Однако, как видно из публикаций последних лет, предложить общую рамку развития ситуации с наследием в регионе все еще представляется неразрешимой задачей.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018: Alexander Pushkin in Bessarabia: literature and identity politics in the periphery

National Identities, 2018

This article aims to determine the mechanism of heritage-making in a borderland in the European p... more This article aims to determine the mechanism of heritage-making in
a borderland in the European periphery. It aims to reveal a bond
between heritage making and the politics of identity. The case
study is the memory about the three-year exile of Pushkin in
Bessarabia, a southern region of the Russian Empire. The article
covers how Pushkin steadily became a significant symbolic
resource in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I
argue that every time the borderland changed its rulers, along
with nationality policies, the memory of Pushkin’s exile was
subjected to preferred means of identity politics towards local

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015: Small Exhibits, Major Steps: four post-Soviet Jewish Museums

East European Jewish Affairs, Nov 20, 2015

The small-scale Jewish museums in Chișinău (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine), Lviv (Ukraine), and Minsk... more The small-scale Jewish museums in Chișinău (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine), Lviv (Ukraine), and Minsk (Belarus) narrate the history of once flourishing Jewish communities, and document their disappearance. Their permanent collections, which consist of the private belongings that emigrating Jewish families gave them in the early 1990s, are the basis for their exhibitions. These museums opened in the early 2000s under the auspices of local Jewish cultural and charitable organizations. They are not state museums and lack a solid financial foundation and stable professional curatorial team. Much depends on the personal vision of their directors. Despite both limited exhibition space and locations not frequented by tourists, these museums are important agents of memory and identity for local Jewish and non-Jewish audiences, as well as for international visitors.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016: PhD dissertation: Beyond the trauma: new perspectives for preservation,  management and museum representation of  Jewish cultural heritage in post-Soviet cities

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

The thesis is based on three starting points. The first is on the acknowledgment of the lamentabl... more The thesis is based on three starting points. The first is on the acknowledgment of the lamentable condition of buildings of Jewish-related heritage in cities with a multicultural past across the present-day former Soviet Union. The second is on the acknowledgment of a slow process of gradual recognition of these traces as examples of tangible heritage and a provisional resource for heritage commodification. The third is the on the acknowledgment of ‘heritage’, ‘memory’ and ‘space’ as phenomena that are subject to manipulation on various levels.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the understanding of what constitutes national heritage in the newly-appeared independent states has confirmed to correspond with the interpretations and values of national histories. In managerial terms, some immovable heritage of ethnic minorities has been returned to the symbolic successors of previous owners. This defined provisional sources of funding for the partial renovation of this heritage, as well as its use. The remaining sites, the majority of which are monuments protected by the state, most frequently stay unattended. In order to design policy recommendations to improve the situation, a complex understanding of factors that influence heritage protection, interpretation, and promotion in the post-Soviet space is needed.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2012: Public Festivities and the Making of a National Poet: a Case Study of Alexander Pushkin's Biography in 1899 and 1937

European Review of History / Revue europeenne d'histoire. Special Issue: The politics of contested narratives: biographical approaches to modern European history , Oct 16, 2012

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the political application of the biography of a person... more The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the political application of the biography of a person who has canonical status in Russian culture, such as a national poet. Alexander Pushkin (1799–1837), generally regarded as the founder of the Russian literary language, obtained supreme status in the Russian cultural space. Over a period of two centuries, the perception of his person and literary legacy experienced several waves of reappraisal in order to be adjusted to the ideological needs of the state regime. Pushkin's biography became one of the crucial components for strengthening the ‘proper’ image of the poet as it was manipulated through a careful selection of facts from his life story. The surge of interest in and the growth of public attention to Pushkin's figure took place in the context of anniversaries, which entailed propagandising a simplified version of the poet's image ‘for the mass use’. Two anniversary celebrations, which took place under different political regimes, are the focus of this essay: 1899 and 1937. The author analyses a number of texts published on the occasion of both jubilee events that expressed the ‘official’ interpretation of the poet's biography in order to illustrate how the plausible features of social behaviour were communicated with the help of the ‘proper’ image of the national poet.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011: Argumente pentru necesitatea abordării interdisciplinare în сomparativistica modernă

The Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2011

În acest articol sunt prezentate argumente în susţinerea abordării interdisciplinare în domeniul ... more În acest articol sunt prezentate argumente în susţinerea abordării interdisciplinare în domeniul studiilor comparative ale textelor literare. În primul rând, este vorba de adaptarea principiilor metodologice ale unui şir de discipline aliate – istorie, antropologie culturală, psihologie
etnică şi alte ştiinţe social-umaniste. Anume abordarea aceasta a făcut posibilă depăşirea unei crize sistemice în literatura comparată, discuţiile despre această criză având loc la nivel internaţional doar cu câteva decenii în urmă.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011: ‘Literary Conquest’ of Imperial Frontiers: Bessarabia and the Caucasus ‘discovered’ by A. Pushkin

The Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2011

In the current paper well-known pieces of fiction, The Prisoner of the Caucasus (1820–1821) and T... more In the current paper well-known pieces of fiction, The
Prisoner of the Caucasus (1820–1821) and The Gypsies
(1824) authored by A. Pushkin are considered as one of legitimization
tools for the discourse of a civilizing mission
of the Romanov Empire regarding the territories of the
Caucasus and Bessarabia. In the paper there are emphasized
similar motifs in the plots of both Pushkin’s poems
when he describes the space of action, as well as there are
cited several similar trends in the historiography concerning
the interpretation of these texts.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2010: Воспоминания о Пушкине в Бессарабии: опыт типологизации

The Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2010

В статье предпринимается попытка типологизировать обширный материал воспоминаний "очевидцев" о пр... more В статье предпринимается попытка типологизировать обширный материал воспоминаний "очевидцев" о пребывании А.С. Пушкина в Бессарабии исходя из критерия колоритности создаваемого образа. Получившиеся в результате 5 типов пушкинских "портретов" системно отражают взгляд на фигуру поэта в мемуарах современников.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2008: Пушкин как трикстер, или некоторые мифологические соответствия

Anthropological Studies in Moldova, annex to Stratum Plus journal for Archaeology and Anthropology, 2008

Felcher A. Pushkin as a Trickster, or some Mythological Equivalences. It is well known that a ... more Felcher A. Pushkin as a Trickster, or some Mythological Equivalences.

It is well known that a number of modern culture’s imageries are narrowly interwoven with the characters of classical mythology. The author suggests an idea that such an interweaving is possible for Alexander Pushkin, the Russian top-poet. There are numbered different examples of characters which could possibly
correspond with Pushkin. But the most striking “claimant” to this place is the trickster. The author suggests to compare Pushkin’s behavior during the selected period of his life (1921-23/4) with the behavior of the trickster. She collected several examples from Pushkin's biography and memoirs that could confirm the suggested model. Her analysis shows that Pushkin’s image may correspond with the trickster's image according to a number of features.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2024: The Divided Legacies of 9 May in Moldova

Cultures of History Forum, 2024

How has the commemoration of the end of World War II turned into a high-profile political spectac... more How has the commemoration of the end of World War II turned into a high-profile political spectacle in Moldova in the 2020s? The article explores the divisions over history and memory that fuel the confrontational dynamics of the 9 May holiday in the country. Although it has adopted an anti-Russian stance post-February 2022 and is moving towards European integration, Victory Day sentiments still hold strong mobilisation potential that Russia and its political protégés seek to exploit.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Jewish Lives in the Cold War and Beyond: The Blinken OSA Archivum Jewish Studies Collection

S:I.M.O.N. – Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation, 2023

The Blinken OSA Archivum Jewish Studies Collection (the Archivum) at Central European University ... more The Blinken OSA Archivum Jewish Studies Collection (the Archivum) at Central European University (CEU) in Budapest, Hungary holds an important archival collection about Jewish lives in East-Central Europe, with a highlight on the Cold War and beyond: the 1990s. Neither community archives, nor archives of Jewish institutions, the Archivum highlights overlooked histories of Jewish communities that the official media behind the Iron Curtain didn't make public for political reasons.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: Thirty Years of Discontent: Memory Confrontation Regarding the Transnistrian Conflict on the Banks of the Dniester River

Constructing Memory: Central and Eastern Europe in the New Geopolitical Reality, edited by Hanna Bazhenova, 2022

The 1990–92 armed conflict on the Dniester River, also known as the Transnistrian Conflict (or, i... more The 1990–92 armed conflict on the Dniester River, also known as the Transnistrian Conflict (or, in rare cases, as Transnistrian War), is one of the conflicts that accompanied the collapse of the USSR. In comparison to the armed conflicts in Abkhazia, South Ossetia or Nagorno-Karabakh that took place around the same time, the conflict in Transnistria stands out. Its particular qualities impact and to a cer- tain extent define the memory culture surrounding it.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: Alexander Pushkin as Foreign Heritage: Transformation and Cultural Disintegration in Post-Soviet Societies

CAS Sofia Working Paper Series, 2022

This paper discusses how post-communist transformation impacted public discourse and action on cu... more This paper discusses how post-communist transformation impacted public discourse and action on cultural heritage related to a specific ethnic group in three formerly multicultural cities in the newly independent East European states: Chişinău in Moldova, Odessa in Ukraine, and Vilnius in Lithuania. By looking at post-1989/91 uses of monuments, memorial sites and museums dedicated to the Russian national poet Alexander Pushkin in these cities, the paper examines multilevel social functions of cultural heritage. It covers a period of three decades from 1989/91 to 2019. Each decade signaled a specific shift in treating the poet and the sites related to him as overlooked, contested, or foreign heritage. The paper traces diverse strategies that various cultural and social actors and groups used throughout these decades to either overcome or adjust to this shift under the rapidly changing political, social, and demographic conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: The 1990-92 Armed Conflict at the Dniester River: Continuous Memory Confrontation

Cultures of History Forum, 2022

The thirtieth anniversary of the armed conflict at the Dniester River in 1992 in Moldova this yea... more The thirtieth anniversary of the armed conflict at the Dniester River in 1992 in Moldova this year has been heavily overshadowed by Russia's war against Ukraine. The article retraces the conflict and its public memorialization on both sides of the river through different stages and discusses the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the 'frozen conflict' and its settlement.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022:  New Sites of Worship: Sovietization and Literary Museums in Western Borderlands, 1940–1979

TRANSFORMING AUTHOR MUSEUMS. From Sites of Pilgrimage to Cultural Hubs Edited by Ulrike Spring, Johan Schimanski and Thea Aarbakke. Berghan Books, 199-228, 2022

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020:  В поисках прошлого: мемориальный ландшафт непризнанной ПМР

ПОЛИТИКА ПАМЯТИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИИ И СТРАНАХ ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ Акторы, институты, нарративы, 2020 - Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму с... more - Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму современной политики памяти в России и Восточной Европе. В ней рассказано о том, как прошлое используется в политических целях в различных регионах России — от Калининграда до Забайкалья, а также в Белоруссии, Украине, Молдове и непризнанных республиках Донбасса и Приднестровья. Анализируется деятельность самых разных мнемонических акторов — от Русской православной церкви и Российского военно-исторического общества до «Последнего адреса», от парков «Россия — моя история» до «Бессмертного полка». Среди авторов книги — как ведущие российские и зарубежные специалисты в изучении политики памяти, так и молодые исследователи. Книга, подготовленная в Центре по изучению культурной памяти и символической политики Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, будет интересна преподавателям и студентам, а также широкому кругу читателей — всем, кто интересуется проблемами исторической памяти и политического использования прошлого в наше время.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020: Мемориальные музеи г. Кишинева как институты  политики памяти: негибкость и конкуренция в условиях разделенного общества

ПОЛИТИКА ПАМЯТИ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ РОССИИ И СТРАНАХ ВОСТОЧНОЙ ЕВРОПЫ Акторы, институты, нарративы, 2020 Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму со... more
Эта книга дает наиболее полную на сегодня панораму современной политики памяти в России и Восточной Европе. В ней рассказано о том, как прошлое используется в политических целях в различных регионах России — от Калининграда до Забайкалья, а также в Белоруссии, Украине, Молдове и непризнанных республиках Донбасса и Приднестровья. Анализируется деятельность самых разных мнемонических акторов — от Русской православной церкви и Российского военно-исторического общества до «Последнего адреса», от парков «Россия — моя история» до «Бессмертного полка». Среди авторов книги — как ведущие российские и зарубежные специалисты в изучении политики памяти, так и молодые исследователи. Книга, подготовленная в Центре по изучению культурной памяти и символической политики Европейского университета в Санкт-Петербурге, будет интересна преподавателям и студентам, а также широкому кругу читателей — всем, кто интересуется проблемами исторической памяти и политического использования прошлого в наше время.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2020: Recent Public Discourses on Anti-Jewish Violence in Moldovan History, 1991-2019

Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Volume 34, Issue 1, Spring 2020, Pages 80–100, 2020

Efforts to commemorate the victims of the 1903 Chişinǎu (Kishinev) pogrom and the Holocaust in Be... more Efforts to commemorate the victims of the 1903 Chişinǎu (Kishinev) pogrom and the Holocaust in Bessarabia and Transnistria have achieved varying degrees of success in the Republic of Moldova. Gaining public recognition for these experiences has proven a convoluted process. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the local Community has led an enduring memorialization campaign, which has steadily evolved with the shifting political climate. Though Community representatives have at times had a fraught relationship with Moldovan officials, they have continuously sought official acknowledgment of their efforts. This article analyzes how both the government and the Jewish Community have handled memory in public spaces and the local media of Chişinǎu.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2019: Thinking Differently, Acting Separately? Heritage Discourse and Heritage Treatment in Chişinău

Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, 2019

This article compares how multi‐ethnic heritage is conceptualized and how it is treated in realit... more This article compares how multi‐ethnic heritage is
conceptualized and how it is treated in reality. Focusing on the case
of Chişinău—a borderland city that was once known for its cultural
diversity—the article examines the complex nature of opinions
about the city’s multicultural heritage expressed by representatives
of its cultural elite and collected as an interview corpus in 2012.
Then, the article looks at several recent heritage projects in
Chişinău and beyond (2010–2018) and analyzes to what extent the
heritage discourse is realized in practice, in a context where the
emergence of an approach focused on reconciliation and the
promotion of diversity is only a very recent development.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018: Of Their Own Design: Curatorial Solutions to Commemorate the Shoah in Museums across Eastern Europe

Controluce, Counterlight, Gegenlicht: arte e museologia della Shoah, nuovi contributi. Paolo Coen (a cura di), 2018

Book abstract: L'arte e il Museo rappresentano due settori all'avanguardia nella ricerca e nella ... more Book abstract:
L'arte e il Museo rappresentano due settori all'avanguardia nella ricerca e nella trasmissione della Memoria della Shoah. Esattamente queste due frontiere disciplinari si occupano fra l'altro dei molti e diversi modi in cui la Memoria stessa è vista, comunicata o percepita. Il libro, frutto di uno studio durato molti anni, accoglie contributi di specialisti fra i più accreditati nei due temi: persone, situazioni e realtà nuove e a tratti sorprendenti aiutano il lettore a comprendere meglio i volti, le sembianze della Memoria della Shoah nel mondo di oggi e di domani.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018: Исследования наследия и политики памяти - в поисках общих подходов

Политическая Наука / Political science (RU), 2018

В статье представлен обзор исследований наследия, а также анализ конкретных ситуаций (case studie... more В статье представлен обзор исследований наследия, а также анализ конкретных ситуаций (case studies) и методов, одинаково актуальных для изучения наследия и политики памяти. Авторы, заложившие основы дисциплины Heritage Studies, настаивали на том, что прошлое является конструктом, которое в виде наследия повсеместно используется в идеологических и коммерческих целях. Оставаясь верными данному методологическому принципу, работы последних лет значительно расширили понятийный аппарат дисциплины. Восточная Европа представляет интерес для исследований на пересечении наследия и политики памяти как регион с высокой концентрацией конкурирующих нарративов. Однако, как видно из публикаций последних лет, предложить общую рамку развития ситуации с наследием в регионе все еще представляется неразрешимой задачей.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2018: Alexander Pushkin in Bessarabia: literature and identity politics in the periphery

National Identities, 2018

This article aims to determine the mechanism of heritage-making in a borderland in the European p... more This article aims to determine the mechanism of heritage-making in
a borderland in the European periphery. It aims to reveal a bond
between heritage making and the politics of identity. The case
study is the memory about the three-year exile of Pushkin in
Bessarabia, a southern region of the Russian Empire. The article
covers how Pushkin steadily became a significant symbolic
resource in the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries. I
argue that every time the borderland changed its rulers, along
with nationality policies, the memory of Pushkin’s exile was
subjected to preferred means of identity politics towards local

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Research paper thumbnail of 2015: Small Exhibits, Major Steps: four post-Soviet Jewish Museums

East European Jewish Affairs, Nov 20, 2015

The small-scale Jewish museums in Chișinău (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine), Lviv (Ukraine), and Minsk... more The small-scale Jewish museums in Chișinău (Moldova), Odessa (Ukraine), Lviv (Ukraine), and Minsk (Belarus) narrate the history of once flourishing Jewish communities, and document their disappearance. Their permanent collections, which consist of the private belongings that emigrating Jewish families gave them in the early 1990s, are the basis for their exhibitions. These museums opened in the early 2000s under the auspices of local Jewish cultural and charitable organizations. They are not state museums and lack a solid financial foundation and stable professional curatorial team. Much depends on the personal vision of their directors. Despite both limited exhibition space and locations not frequented by tourists, these museums are important agents of memory and identity for local Jewish and non-Jewish audiences, as well as for international visitors.

Research paper thumbnail of 2016: PhD dissertation: Beyond the trauma: new perspectives for preservation,  management and museum representation of  Jewish cultural heritage in post-Soviet cities

IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

The thesis is based on three starting points. The first is on the acknowledgment of the lamentabl... more The thesis is based on three starting points. The first is on the acknowledgment of the lamentable condition of buildings of Jewish-related heritage in cities with a multicultural past across the present-day former Soviet Union. The second is on the acknowledgment of a slow process of gradual recognition of these traces as examples of tangible heritage and a provisional resource for heritage commodification. The third is the on the acknowledgment of ‘heritage’, ‘memory’ and ‘space’ as phenomena that are subject to manipulation on various levels.
After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the understanding of what constitutes national heritage in the newly-appeared independent states has confirmed to correspond with the interpretations and values of national histories. In managerial terms, some immovable heritage of ethnic minorities has been returned to the symbolic successors of previous owners. This defined provisional sources of funding for the partial renovation of this heritage, as well as its use. The remaining sites, the majority of which are monuments protected by the state, most frequently stay unattended. In order to design policy recommendations to improve the situation, a complex understanding of factors that influence heritage protection, interpretation, and promotion in the post-Soviet space is needed.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2012: Public Festivities and the Making of a National Poet: a Case Study of Alexander Pushkin's Biography in 1899 and 1937

European Review of History / Revue europeenne d'histoire. Special Issue: The politics of contested narratives: biographical approaches to modern European history , Oct 16, 2012

The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the political application of the biography of a person... more The purpose of this essay is to illustrate the political application of the biography of a person who has canonical status in Russian culture, such as a national poet. Alexander Pushkin (1799–1837), generally regarded as the founder of the Russian literary language, obtained supreme status in the Russian cultural space. Over a period of two centuries, the perception of his person and literary legacy experienced several waves of reappraisal in order to be adjusted to the ideological needs of the state regime. Pushkin's biography became one of the crucial components for strengthening the ‘proper’ image of the poet as it was manipulated through a careful selection of facts from his life story. The surge of interest in and the growth of public attention to Pushkin's figure took place in the context of anniversaries, which entailed propagandising a simplified version of the poet's image ‘for the mass use’. Two anniversary celebrations, which took place under different political regimes, are the focus of this essay: 1899 and 1937. The author analyses a number of texts published on the occasion of both jubilee events that expressed the ‘official’ interpretation of the poet's biography in order to illustrate how the plausible features of social behaviour were communicated with the help of the ‘proper’ image of the national poet.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011: Argumente pentru necesitatea abordării interdisciplinare în сomparativistica modernă

The Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2011

În acest articol sunt prezentate argumente în susţinerea abordării interdisciplinare în domeniul ... more În acest articol sunt prezentate argumente în susţinerea abordării interdisciplinare în domeniul studiilor comparative ale textelor literare. În primul rând, este vorba de adaptarea principiilor metodologice ale unui şir de discipline aliate – istorie, antropologie culturală, psihologie
etnică şi alte ştiinţe social-umaniste. Anume abordarea aceasta a făcut posibilă depăşirea unei crize sistemice în literatura comparată, discuţiile despre această criză având loc la nivel internaţional doar cu câteva decenii în urmă.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011: ‘Literary Conquest’ of Imperial Frontiers: Bessarabia and the Caucasus ‘discovered’ by A. Pushkin

The Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2011

In the current paper well-known pieces of fiction, The Prisoner of the Caucasus (1820–1821) and T... more In the current paper well-known pieces of fiction, The
Prisoner of the Caucasus (1820–1821) and The Gypsies
(1824) authored by A. Pushkin are considered as one of legitimization
tools for the discourse of a civilizing mission
of the Romanov Empire regarding the territories of the
Caucasus and Bessarabia. In the paper there are emphasized
similar motifs in the plots of both Pushkin’s poems
when he describes the space of action, as well as there are
cited several similar trends in the historiography concerning
the interpretation of these texts.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2010: Воспоминания о Пушкине в Бессарабии: опыт типологизации

The Journal of Ethnology and Culturology, 2010

В статье предпринимается попытка типологизировать обширный материал воспоминаний "очевидцев" о пр... more В статье предпринимается попытка типологизировать обширный материал воспоминаний "очевидцев" о пребывании А.С. Пушкина в Бессарабии исходя из критерия колоритности создаваемого образа. Получившиеся в результате 5 типов пушкинских "портретов" системно отражают взгляд на фигуру поэта в мемуарах современников.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2008: Пушкин как трикстер, или некоторые мифологические соответствия

Anthropological Studies in Moldova, annex to Stratum Plus journal for Archaeology and Anthropology, 2008

Felcher A. Pushkin as a Trickster, or some Mythological Equivalences. It is well known that a ... more Felcher A. Pushkin as a Trickster, or some Mythological Equivalences.

It is well known that a number of modern culture’s imageries are narrowly interwoven with the characters of classical mythology. The author suggests an idea that such an interweaving is possible for Alexander Pushkin, the Russian top-poet. There are numbered different examples of characters which could possibly
correspond with Pushkin. But the most striking “claimant” to this place is the trickster. The author suggests to compare Pushkin’s behavior during the selected period of his life (1921-23/4) with the behavior of the trickster. She collected several examples from Pushkin's biography and memoirs that could confirm the suggested model. Her analysis shows that Pushkin’s image may correspond with the trickster's image according to a number of features.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Protesting at Babyn Yar

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2023

One death site in Eastern Europe stands out for such decades-long contestations; Babyn Yar, a rav... more One death site in Eastern Europe stands out for such decades-long contestations; Babyn Yar, a ravine in Kyiv, where German soldiers killed 33,771 Jews in 36 hours between September 29 and 30, 1941, and continued murdering more than 100,000 more people—Jews, Romani, the mentally ill, Soviet POWs, and Ukrainian communists—until 1944. In spring 2022, a Russian missile hit the area near what is today a Holocaust memorial; besides causing international outrage, the incident connected past and current war crimes.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Khrushchev in Hungary: How Isolated Eastern Leaders Reinforced Each Other

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2023

What do we primarily remember Nikita Khrushchev for? We may remember the 1953-1964 leader of the ... more What do we primarily remember Nikita Khrushchev for? We may remember the 1953-1964 leader of the Soviet Union for introducing a number of reform policies, on the one hand: de-Stalinization (see his Secret Speech at the 20th Congress of the Communist Party in 1956, condemning Stalin), the relatively short period of "relaxed repression" and censorship known as the Thaw, or peaceful coexistence with other nations, including those in the West. On the other hand, we cannot speak about Khrushschev without mentioning the intervention crushing the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, or the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, to say the least.
Revisiting his career through the archival documents held at the Blinken OSA Archivum, one discovers plenty of minor episodes that the analysts working at the Munich headquarters of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) did, however, consider important. Through press clippings compiled at the RFE/RL Research Institute, we will recall two official visits the Soviet leader paid to Budapest, and examine how Western journalists interpreted these political events on the other side of the Iron Curtain.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Toward a World Without Weapons and Violence: Mikhail Gorbachev Died 1 Year Ago

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2023

A year ago today, on August 30, 2022, Mikhail Gorbachev, final leader of the Soviet Union between... more A year ago today, on August 30, 2022, Mikhail Gorbachev, final leader of the Soviet Union between 1985 and 1991, died in a Moscow hospital at the age of 91. Named Man of the Decade by the Time Magazine in 1990, Gorbachev was and remains to be highly popular in the West for restructuring the USSR’s political and economic system (perestroika) and the liberal reforms that touched previously prohibited topics about the country’s silenced past ( glasnost’). At home in Russia, however, opinions about him and his legacy are divided.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Toward a Nuclear Archive: from Peaceful Atom to the Long Shadow of Chernobyl

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2023

37 years ago, an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant caused a radioactive cloud that sp... more 37 years ago, an accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant caused a radioactive cloud that spread over a large area in Europe, with the western parts of the Soviet Union-today's Belarus, Ukraine, and Russia-receiving the strongest portion of it. More than eight million people were exposed to radiation leading to death, diseases, and despair.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: Afterlives of the Murdered Poets – Radio Liberty on the Fate of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2022

2022 marks the 70th anniversary of one of the most infamous events in post-WWII Soviet Jewish his... more 2022 marks the 70th anniversary of one of the most infamous events in post-WWII Soviet Jewish history. On the night between August 12 and 13, 1952, known as the Night of the Murdered Poets, 13 members of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee (JAC)—intellectuals, scientists, Yiddish poets and writers, all Soviet citizens of Jewish origin—were executed in Moscow’s Lubyanka prison. The victims were charged with espionage against the Soviet state and “nationalist activity,” which meant treason. Under arrest since the late 1940s, they were continuously interrogated and tortured, which made them falsely confess to their alleged crimes. Their execution in 1952, paired with the Doctors’ plot (a.k.a the case of saboteur doctors) and other alleged conspiracies of a disguised anti-Semitic campaign in the Soviet Union of 1948–1953, was a culmination of Stalinist persecution of Soviet Jews: their lives, their culture, and their position in the society.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: "The Sakharov Case" and Western Communist Parties

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2022

Even though the Cold War was a multipolar and multi-aspect geopolitical tension between rival sup... more Even though the Cold War was a multipolar and multi-aspect geopolitical tension between rival superpowers and their allies, when referring to the postwar world order, one most often thinks about the strictly defined positions of the United States and the Soviet Union, non-aligned and satellite countries. Contrary to this, archival material at the Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives, including the most recently processed series on non-ruling Communist parties, reveal the complexity of agencies and agendas within every ideological and geopolitical block, monolithic at first glance.

Research paper thumbnail of 2022: A “Sudden Transition“ Images of Independent Ukraine

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2022

In two chapters, we revisit the milestones of the Ukrainian democratic transition following 1989.... more In two chapters, we revisit the milestones of the Ukrainian democratic transition following 1989. The first part, through archival television footage, recounted the country’s path to state sovereignty. Now we explore how Ukraine in 1991 declared its independence, and how in 1992 celebrated its first anniversary.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: A “Sudden Transition“ Images of Sovereign Ukraine

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2022

In two chapters, we revisit the milestones of the Ukrainian democratic transition following 1989.... more In two chapters, we revisit the milestones of the Ukrainian democratic transition following 1989. The first part explores the social movements and events that defined the country’s path toward state sovereignty, and later independence. We look at these decisive years through archival material held at Blinken OSA. In this counter-archive, the vast holdings on the Cold War anticipate a large collection on democratic transition in Central and Eastern Europe.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2022: Soviet Dead End: Solving the Wallenberg Mystery in the Cold War

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2022

Seventy-seven years ago today, on January 17, 1945, a Swedish diplomat sent as a special envoy to... more Seventy-seven years ago today, on January 17, 1945, a Swedish diplomat sent as a special envoy to Nazi-occupied Budapest with a mission to rescue Jews from extermination, was detained by the Red Army on suspicion of espionage. The diplomat was Raoul Wallenberg, a businessman and a member of a banking and industrial family; he was never again seen alive. Over the six months the 32-year-old Wallenberg spent in Budapest before his arrest, he issued several thousand protective passports that prevented Hungarian Jews from being deported to death camps across Europe. He also sheltered Jews in buildings designated as Swedish territory. Overall, Wallenberg is credited for saving thousands of Jews from starvation and imminent death. His disappearance in 1945 immediately drew international attention, and his continuous absence became a mystery. With the Cold War unfolding, the Wallenberg case reinforced tensions between two opposing political blocks separated by the Iron Curtain.

Research paper thumbnail of 2021: A Massacre under Khrushchev. Novocherkassk Shooting on Screen, on Air and on Banners

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2021

In September 2021, the latest movie by highly acclaimed Russian director Andrey Konchalovsky, Dea... more In September 2021, the latest movie by highly acclaimed Russian director Andrey Konchalovsky, Dear Comrades! premiered in Hungary. The film depicts the heart-rending story of the 1962 Novocherkassk shooting. Public knowledge on the mass protest and its brutal dispersion was suppressed in the USSR before the regime change; in Russia today, it is facing the risk of quieting again.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021: What Do Archives Reveal about the Birth of Democracy in Russia?

Blinken OSA Archivum blog, 2021

The USSR held the first partially free nationwide legislative elections in its history between Ma... more The USSR held the first partially free nationwide legislative elections in its history between March 26 and May 21, 1989, electing the country's new highest authority, the Congress of People's Deputies. A massive political enterprise accompanied with unprecedented, though numerically very limited, variety of candidates' platforms, the elections mobilized citizens-and voters-across the entire country. Voter turnout exceeded 90%.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2017: «Горячее лето в Бендерах»: топография памяти и приднестровский конфликт, 2017

Страдание и непрощение: локальная память на оселке травмы

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Research paper thumbnail of 2017: Еврейский Кишинев, который мы потеряли, 2017

Чтобы увидеть еврейский Кишинев, сегодня интересующемуся следует заранее знать, что еврейский кул... more Чтобы увидеть еврейский Кишинев, сегодня интересующемуся следует заранее знать, что еврейский культурный центр «Кедем» находится в буквальном смысле слова за стеной бывшей Дровяной синагоги (стена и часть подвала – единственное, что от нее осталось). Что заброшенное здание напротив заброшенного стадиона – бывшая Сенная синагога. Наконец, что оплот русской культуры – русский драматический театр им. А. Чехова – бывшая Хоральная синагога. Удручающая история попытки восстановления и нынешнее состояние здания бывшей синагоги Рава Цирельсона и иешивы «Маген Давид» также, к сожалению, показательны. Фото еврейского кладбища в Кишиневе и т.н. Погребальной синагоги уже стали классической иллюстрацией к статьям и блогам о пренебрежении к памяти. Сегодня еврейский Кишинев – это – если еще не ушедшая, то уходящая натура, хотя он вовсе не обязательно должен таковым оставаться.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2016: Печной горшок, «Санта‑еврей» и спрятанная Тора

Лехаим, 2016

Несмотря на скромные размеры, ограничения в средствах, спонтанность собирания коллекций и отсутст... more Несмотря на скромные размеры, ограничения в средствах, спонтанность собирания коллекций и отсутствие государственной регистрации, камерные еврейские музеи выполняют те же функции, что и «официальные» музеи, — документировать, сохранять, исследовать и вещать. Повествуя об истории некогда процветавших еврейских общин и документируя их исчезновение «изнутри», такие музеи являются важными агентами и «проводниками» памяти и идентичности для местной еврейской и нееврейской аудитории, а также для иностранных гостей. Кроме того, они аккумулируют интимную — семейную и индивидуальную — память, так как основой их постоянных коллекций стали личные вещи евреев-эмигрантов, отданные на хранение еще в начале
1990-х. Появление таких музеев в начале 2000-х указывает на осознание необходимости «запечатлеть уходящую натуру», равно как и на ностальгию по еврейским музеям, существовавшим в ряде городов до Второй мировой войны. Такие локальные музеи очень восприимчивы к глобальным тенденциям экспонирования еврейской истории — и результат этого виден быстрее, нежели в музеях государственных, для которых само появление еврейской экспозиции — большой шаг вперед.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2016: Between Muse and Politics: Pushkin Museum-­house in Chisinau and the (un)Making of Heritage, Jan 30, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of CEU AY2023-24 Fall: CHSP5087 The Power of Images: Memory, Heritage and Visual Culture

Course description for the AY 2023-24 Fall Term elective course "The Power of Images: Memory, Her... more Course description for the AY 2023-24 Fall Term elective course "The Power of Images: Memory, Heritage and Visual Culture"

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Research paper thumbnail of CEU AY2022-23 Winter: CHSP5075 Academic Field Trip Seminar

Course description for CEU AY2022-23 mandatory course at Cultural heritage Studies Program CHSP50... more Course description for CEU AY2022-23 mandatory course at Cultural heritage Studies Program CHSP5075 Academic Field Trip Seminar

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Research paper thumbnail of CEU AY2022-23 Winter: CHSP5086 Cultural Heritage and Memory Studies: Global Encounters

Course description for CEU Winter term AY 2022-23 elective course "Cultural Heritage and Memory S... more Course description for CEU Winter term AY 2022-23 elective course "Cultural Heritage and Memory Studies: Global Encounters"

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Research paper thumbnail of 2011-2014: Memory Treatment and Urban Planning in L'viv, Chernivtsi, Chisinau and Wroclaw

The Research Project 'Memory of Vanished Population Groups in today's East-Central European Urban... more The Research Project 'Memory of Vanished Population Groups in today's East-Central European Urban Environments. Memory Treatment and Urban Planning in L'viv, Chernivtsi, Chisinau, and Wroclaw' has been implemented in 2011-2014 by the Center for European Studies at Lund University together with local experts in the cities of interest. This project explored the complex role, which the built environment plays in collective memory of 4 East-Central European cities: L'viv and Chernivtsi in Ukraine Chisinau in Moldova and Wroclaw in Poland, and how this memory functions. All 4 cities have been hit by genocide and expulsions during and after WWII, they all underwent changes of national boundaries and communist dictatorships, dissociated from the earlier national affiliation. Those political and ideological forces aimed to change the identity of the cities, to erase or reinterpret historical traces and urban cultural heritage. A reconciliation between expelled and seeled population groups is a manner of recognition of the vanished population groups' contribution to the history, cultural heritage and identity of the cities.
The project's concern is how the old urban environments are being treated at the urban planning level and by the current city dwellers of L'viv, Chernivtsi, Chisinau, and Wroclaw. The work included inventories of the built environment and its use before 1939, its treatment in urban planning and in memories of city dwellers (by current city population and local intellectuals). At the same time, it has been the project's interest to collect and reflect on the knowledge and attitudes among the postwar city population on the vanished population groups and their built environment.
The study covered the communist and post-communist era, ending with conclusions for future development. In 2011-2014 research group from the Center for European Studies, Lund University, together with partners (specialists and experts from L'viv, Chernivtsi, Chisinau and Wroclaw) have carried out an extensive research, which included on-site inventories, study of written sources, museum and archival materials, surveys, interviews with city dwellers, local intellectuals and decision-makers. Data collection and its interpretation allowed to register built environment of vanished population groups once lived in all 4 cities; to understand how this environment (buildings, streets, squares, etc.) is being managed today and treated within city planning; to collect resident's knowledge and memories on vanished population groups and environment they once lived in and to reflect on attitude of local elites to once multinational urban landscape and its current changes.

See Publications for preliminary and forthcoming results of the research See Working Materials page for some examples of archival findings and/or work in progress
See Events and Milestones for the team's fieldwork, meetings and conferences
See Gallery for photo reports on all 4 cities and project's events.
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Research paper thumbnail of Difficult Heritage and Memory in the Making

by Mindaugas Kelpša, Magdalena Waligórska, Stsiapan Stureika, Anastasiya Astapova, Uladzimir Valodzin, Anastasia Felcher, Nadzeya Charapan, Ilay Halpern, Aleksandra Kubica, Tatsiana Kasataya, and etta grotrian

The website presents the documentation of our itinerant summer school held in Lithuania and Belar... more The website presents the documentation of our itinerant summer school held in Lithuania and Belarus 1-12 August 2016, with texts, projects, photos and films of our participants, realized in the villages of Medininkai and Halshany. Authors are an international group of PhD students and post-docs specializing on the region. The second edition of the summer school is planned for 2017.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Lecture at DISLL, University of Padua: "LANGUAGE OF TRAUMA IN SOVIET JEWISH SAMIZDAT PERIODICALS"

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Research paper thumbnail of 2023: Lecture at VWI, Vienna "DEBATES ON THE HOLOCAUST IN JEWISH SAMIZDAT"

Anastasia FELCHER
The lecture is an attempt to understand the interplay between uncensored media, Jewish nationalism and Holocaust remembrance under the restrictive conditions of Soviet state policy, memory politics and the cult of victory during World War II. It aims to explore the cultural afterlife of the Holocaust in the post-1945 Soviet Union as it appeared on the pages of Soviet Jewish Samizdat periodicals. These versatile clandestine periodicals unsystematically "published" non-conformist political and cultural-literary works in the Soviet Union, from the late 1960s to the late 1980s. Distributed through unofficial channels and read in secrecy, the samizdat periodicals supported the Jewish struggle to emigrate from the Soviet Union. Moreover, these texts stimulated interest in Jewish heritage and revival among Jewish readerships. By closely reading more than a hundred issues of the uncensored periodicals, this lecture intends to reveal political and memorial functions of bringing traumatic pasts to pages of clandestine texts on the Jewish subjects. By doing so, the lecture targets a better understanding of various alternative channels through which Soviet Jews had a chance to discuss the Holocaust as an integral part of their identity and their collective Jewish experience behind the Iron Curtain.
Commented by Irina SHCHERBAKOVA

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Research paper thumbnail of 2017: лекция в Zpațiu / Zpace, Кишинев: "КАК ЛИТЕРАТУРА (НЕ) СОХРАНЯЕТ АРХИТЕКТУРНОЕ НАСЛЕДИЕ: ПУШКИНСКАЯ ГОРКА В КИШИНЕВЕ"

Лекция посвящена истории взаимодействия и взаимовлияния литературы и городского пространства на п... more Лекция посвящена истории взаимодействия и взаимовлияния литературы и городского пространства на примере отдельно взятой части города Кишинева. Благодаря присутствию в 1820-х гг. в городе русского поэта Александра Пушкина, ряд локаций, связанных с его именем (или даже их отсутствие), стали местами памяти уже в 19 в. Эти места были сконцентрированы в историческом центре города, включая городской парк с его легендами. После WWII «Пушкинский Кишинев» сместился к открывшемуся в 1948 г. дому-музею поэта, который, в свою очередь, находился в зоне «Пушкинской Горки». Присутствие данного дома – объекта высочайшей культурной ценности и посещаемости в Советском каноне, однако, не спасло от разрушения окружающую историческую застройку, которая вплоть до конца 1970-х не считалась ценной и заслуживающей сохранения. Лекция прослеживает становления идеи «Пушкинской Горки» как объекта русского и местного наследия, начиная от 2-й половины 19 века вплоть до сегодня.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2021: Documenting Jewish Lives in the Cold War. Evidence from behind the Iron Curtain and beyond

Precarious Archives, Precarious Voices. Expanding Jewish Narratives from the Margins, 2021 Presentation for the VWI (Vienna) workshop "Precarious Ar... more

Presentation for the VWI (Vienna) workshop "Precarious Archives, Precarious Voices. Expanding Jewish Narratives from the Margins" (November 17-19, 2021).

November 17, 2021, panel "Methods and Materials: Digital Approaches" (15:30 - 17:00 CET).

The paper reviews an extensive and diversified archival collection on Jewish lives in Central and Southeast Europe held at the Blinken Open Society Archives at CEU in Budapest. The Blinken OSA has been preserving and collecting archival materials on Central and Southeast European Jewish history since the Archives were established in 1995. Today, the collection contains circa 2100 folders/items in 366 archival containers, covering the early 1930s and the Hungarian Holocaust from 1941-1945 through the post-1989 decade. The collection uniquely includes samizdat documents and pairs facts with knowledge production about the Jewish populations. The collection brings together official and underground primary sources of Jews as an ethnic, religious, and intellectual community. Originally compiled by the Radio Free
Europe / Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) Research Institute and the Open Media Research Institute (OMRI), the collection contains news agency releases, research reports, national radio, and television monitoring transcripts, radio broadcast transcripts, as well as newspaper clippings from Central, Southeast European [including Soviet] and Western press. The material covers information on Jews as a minority group, anti-Semitism, nationalism, Jewish associations, societies, unions and organizations, Judaism, religious holidays, Zionism, emigration, refuseniks, protests, Jewish samizdat, and Jewish revival in Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia, and the Soviet Union. Reviewing the thematic and geographic distribution of the Judaica collection, the paper addresses the principles, according to which the RFE/RL and OMRI collected and labeled the documents on Central and Southeast European Jewish lives after WWII. By doing so, the paper highlights major but also overlooked narratives that are to be found in the Blinken OSA Judaica collection. The paper also informs on the latest efforts of the archival specialists at the Blinken OSA to re-analyze and re-catalog the Judaica collection to make it more accessible for students, researchers, professionals, genealogists, and Jewish organizations worldwide.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2017: Review of "Greetings, Pushkin! Stalinist Cultural Politics and the Russian National Bard" by Jonathan Brooks Platt

Ab Imperio, 2017

Jonathan Brooks Platt, Greetings, Pushkin! Stalinist Cultural Politics and the Russian National B... more Jonathan Brooks Platt, Greetings, Pushkin! Stalinist Cultural Politics and the Russian National Bard (Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2016). 365 pp., ills. Bibliography. Index. ISBN: 978-0-8229-6415-5.

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Research paper thumbnail of 2014: Reportage: Regional Seminar for Excellence in Teaching "Social Mobility and Modernization in Eastern Europe in the 20th Century"

PLURAL. History, Culture, Society, 2014

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[Research paper thumbnail of 2013: Review of "Культурное наследие в глобальном мире [Cultural Heritage in the Global World]" by Rasa Čepaitienė](

PLURAL. History. Culture. Society, 2013

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