What do you dream? (original) (raw)
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inDream Discussions' LiveJournal:
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Sunday, November 30th, 2008 | |
_5:48 am_[bookofmirrors] |
Dream The first part of the dream that I remember is being in what seemed to me like Warsaw (Indiana). I was outside, talking to my dad, I think, and Murke was with me. I had planned on doing a few things, but my dad said I oughta take a walk and indicated a direction I should go in. There was something specific I was supposed to do on the walk, but I don't remember what. So, I headed out, Murke with me. On the way to wherever it was we were going, Murke suddenly took off into some guy's garage, and leaped down a hole in the floor. The guy and I followed him. He had ended up in a room full of birds, and was in some sort of semi-open cage full of larger birds (pheasant-like, kinda), and was trying to eat a yellow/green parakeet. It got to the point where we had to get him to spit it out (he'd swallowed it whole, Sylvester-style). Anyway, that being done, I ended up starting a conversation with the guy and all the other people who were in this basement room. The guy was older, but all the other people were youngish. The conversation was a bit on the radical side. Turns out they were a group of people who were pretty liberal, living in an area that was predominantly conservative. The conversation ranged about several things in that vein. I remember at one point, someone told someone else not to sit so close to a particular window/ledge, and there seemed to be a warning involved, but no one thought much of it. Later, when I got to talking, and was sitting in the same place, and had gotten up, one of the women there looked back into the screen of of the window and said something like "Oh, that's not good". For some reason, this got everyone's attention, and they ended up pulling this thing out of the space between the window and the screen. It looked like a dog's chew-toy, like some sort of malformed lobster-like thing, but for some reason, it disturbed people. Like it was a toy or something that had been around a while, but it was suddenly somehow different, and sinister. Like it might have some form of evil sentience. A few people tried a few things, but they all seemed to want it destroyed. For some reason, they all seemed reluctant to do it, and I ended up being the one to "kill" the possibly-alive thing. I ended up stomping on it, and tearing it into several pieces. While it didn't technically react to this, it did seem to "die", and got pale and sick-looking (or at least its parts did). The people seemed a bit disconcerted at the thoroughness of the job I was doing, but I'd seen enough horror movies and done enough gaming to know that the job had better be done right the first time. One of the guys in the room checked out the pieces, and it turned out there were lumpy things on the inside that might have been some rudimentary organs, and what looked like a simple circulatory system (yellow). The guy ended up calling and leaving a message with some doctor and telling him about what they found. Maybe the doctor had given it to them to begin with? I was unclear on this. Then, Murke and I left (they were somewhat amazed that he would come when I called and follow me like a dog), although we ended up in a room with more people, possibly the same people, because we were talking about the shared experience with the lobster thing. The setting was supposed to be a shamanic class, and Carla came in, drumming, and we told her briefly about what had happened. She was sprinkling some sand/dust out of a little pouch, which became empty, and she explained how she refilled it, and demonstrated, and said that we were going to go to the spirits to find out what the deal was with the creature. Next thing I knew, I was walking next to a big highway. Murke was gone. I ended up crossing the highway with some difficulty, noting that it was hot enough to burn my feet, and I was barefoot. I finally made it to the other side, where there was grass, and kept walking, having no idea where I was or how I had gotten there. I made my way to a row of what appeared to be themed restaurants, where there was this weird song and dance thing going on. I ended up inside the last one, and happened to see Mike Bloom inside (I used to work with him at EGL), and went to him quietly, and asked him if I was still in Georgia. He asked if I knew what day it was, and I started to get even more worried. I'm not sure if either of the questions were answered, but the impression I got was that it had been a couple of days, and I was in Georgia, but no longer in metro Atlanta (which is weird, since the first part of my dream felt like Indiana). I asked about calling someone, and he said that he actually had a number that I was supposed to call if I was found, and gave it to me. It had the name of someone I'd never heard of. I told him that I couldn't call the number, and pulled him close, so I could urgently whisper the story of what had happened, and how the last thing I remembered was being about to find out something about the strange creature, and asked him if he could understand why I could never ever call the number of the person. He did understand, and I felt safe. I got the impression that the people who came around asking about me had been in Atlanta, and it was just a weird fluke that he and I were in this remote place. I think I was about to ask him for some money so I could go away and try to figure this whole thing out, but then I woke up. Current Mood: ![]() |
Friday, December 29th, 2006 | |
_2:20 pm_[girlie_glamour] |
help anaylize this :) Yep, last night I dreamt this, it was pretty weird because...it didn't make any sense and felt like a real movie going on! So here how it goes...First, I ordered a dress by the computor and soon enough I see this guy let's call him Daniel {he is a guy that I know for real life, however in real life I hate his gutts...}He sees me online and then says hi, and I say hi back and while we were chatting he mentions that I am beautiful two times, which does make me a bit happy (according to the dream). However, then I chat with my other best friend and I tell her about Daniel finding me beautiful two times (on the computor) and that I was surprised, out of no where I see her and she has no reaction when I'm like shocked....Then I see myself in a bus, and in the bus there's a classroom, and the teacher is lecturing, and me taking notes. But during break I'm sitting beside a girl whose supposed to be my best friend but in real life she's an actress and we're chatting about the guy calling me beautiful. After taking notes, I sit by myself and take pictures of the landscapes quickly so my pictures don't appear blurry. However, while I took pictures I suddenly saw the bus "driving" across cheetas, lions and other dangerous animals, but the "driving" actually felt like flying, I felt like the bus was rather flying, which freaked me out but made me feel a bit safe. Slowly when I got off the bus I missed my luggage and school books, I freak, but my best friend (actress) seems cool and smiley. However, she tells me that she kept my stuff as a trick to see me freak out, After a while going around the village I get lost and I see another classmate going home, however I find my other classmates together. We then go to a candy shop and get the place messy and buy things. (Comment on this) |
Monday, August 7th, 2006 | |
_11:45 am_[paperflowers279] |
marriage? xposted Before the dream I wrote a letter to the guy I like (telling him my feelings) who lives across the country from me. I called my friend to ask her if I should send it and read it a few times and went to bed deliberating on itIn the dream I had sent the letter and had somehow (this part was vague) communicated with this guy and we were going to get married. I'm almost eighteen, so...yeah, a little young to be marrying and I've never planned on getting married. This was sort of in the back of my mind during the whole dream. Anyway, so I got there in my dress and I wasn't supposed to see him until we went up to the altar or whatever and we were just sitting in the pews. I left for a while and (this part was vague too) I think I went to a hat shop owned by an annoying girl from my school. Anyway, so I came back and the ceremony was over - they had done it without me (the bride!) because I was gone. He and I just sort of did a pretend ceremony by ourselves after that but basically everybody had gone. There was some sort of reception afterward that I don't really remember. When I woke up I was like "huh, that's weird...I just talked about how I didn't want to get married on a recent livejournal post...oh wait...I'm not married...I didn't even send the letter yet! What does it meeean? (Comment on this) |
Thursday, July 6th, 2006 | |
_3:30 pm_[quietwar] |
Before I get into my dream, I have to get into a brief summary of how I met the guy who had a dream and our errr... friendship. About 3-4 days ago my friend Rachel introduced me to him... and after I was dropped off told me that he wanted to let me know he was in love with me. i am 17 and he is 20. After that he became freakishly obsessed with me, smelling things I've touched and asking more about me to my friend Rachel. He then did cocaine the day after we met at this birthday party and would go into loud bouts of "i hate her i hate her" & "im in love with her i need to leave the country". And it's now the 4th day and he's calling me and saying "either we go out or I kill myself" and is agressive and tries guilt-tripping me into being with him and won't take no for an answer. He's also called me murderous, a liar, and goes into either he "really loves me" or "hates me" whenever i make a point against him. We've only met 3 times.Ok so now this is the dream he told me he had.He's driving and there's a dog (labrador) that's running towards his car so he runs it over and looks into his rear-view mirror to see that he's actually ran over me.what the FUCK could this possibly mean? (7 Comments |Comment on this) |
Sunday, June 18th, 2006 | |
_8:36 pm_[pale_lamb] |
Please tell me what you think this dream means!I was running around my school looking for my friends, and I found them and they were playing with water guns. Then I got a water gun but there was no water left so we went into a classroom to ask a teacher for water and the man I love was in there, and he was laying on a table mumbling. I put my water gun down and sat beside him and I was stroking his hair and we all thought he was drunk, and then his wife came in and said he had some kind of illness and then his head turned into a dog head but he still had a human body. His shirt was all the sudden off so I started stroking his back and his wife was just looking at me and then another person came in and asked what was wrong with him, and I told her that he had an illness. Then I woke up! (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Friday, April 7th, 2006 | |
_4:44 pm_[antediluvianann] |
Hey! I just joined and wanted to throw out this dream : basically, I was growing teeth! I've read that losing teeth is a pretty common dream sign, but growing them? LIke more than normal! Any thoughts? Thanks! (1 Comment |Comment on this) |
Thursday, January 5th, 2006 | |
_10:53 am_[nocturnia] |
Really weird things in dreams I dream a lot.I have a condition called fibromyalgia which means that I don't go into deep sleep, I get stuck in dreaming sleep.As a result, I have a LOT of dreams.I've had one really odd thing for ages though in dreams; sometimes I'll dream of something really mundane, like a carrot, but it will be absolutely terrifying. And I'll wake up screaming as though I'd had the worst nightmare ever.Does anyone else get that?Also; recently, I've been having the opposite; I'll dream of stuff that should terrify me and I should wake up screaming, but I don't, and it doesn't feel scary at all.The latter worries me the most; I know I should be sickened by the stuff, but it doesn't bother me.These things are really confusing me, can anyone shed any light on them?X-Posted Current Mood: ![]() |
Thursday, July 28th, 2005 | |
_6:44 am_[bookofmirrors] |
Dreams Since we didn't have enough gas to run errands yesterday, we came home right after our appointment. Glenn and I spent some time together, had some lunch, and I laid down to read for a while. I got tired pretty quickly, and went to sleep early.And dreamt just about constantly the whole time. Lots of little vignettes.One that I know I don't remember, the first one.The next one I remember was set somewhere where my parents lived (I know this because of the house, but since they've built the same house about 4 times, I couldn't tell city), although they weren't home. Naia was there, and ![]() |
Friday, July 22nd, 2005 | |
_5:00 am_[teh_bombshell] |
Weird dreams - need help interpreting. ( Background info and my 2 dreams from last nightCollapse ) (Comment on this) |
Wednesday, July 20th, 2005 | |
_12:19 pm_[missvic] |
newbie Hi All, I'm new here, I sussed out a few dream livejournals before I came here and this seems to be the most helpful. First a bit of background info, my name is Vic, I'm 23 from Melbourne, Australia. I've always been a dreamer. I've had themes that reaccur in dreams for years and years. I'm often blessed with the strangest dreams, some of which end up in my work as a writer. The last couple of nights I've had some great dreams and I thought I'd share with some fellow dreamers. Please tell me what you think these mean. ( dream 1Collapse ) ( Dream 2Collapse ) Current Mood: ![]() |
Friday, July 8th, 2005 | |
_3:55 pm_[eilanwhiteswan] |
Dreams I rarely ever post about my dreams because most of my dreams are just plain bizarre and make no sense at all and usually mean nothing except an over active imagination or stress from whatever is going on in my life at the time. However, I'm curious if anyone has any input on some of the dreams I've been having lately....( Dream #1Collapse ) **( Dreams #2Collapse )I know all this sounds weird, and it's probably more of my weird dreams from my over imaginative mind. I just wondered if anyone had anything similar happen or any opinions.( John's DreamCollapse )**Any ideas or am I looking for something that's probably not there? Current Mood: ![]() |
Thursday, June 30th, 2005 | |
_7:57 pm_[sarafrancheska] |
i need help interpreting these dreams because they are very similar and i feel like they might mean something.the first one i had a couple weeks ago i vaguely remember, but i do remember there was a blast of fire shooting from town to the front of my house, and it was killing everyone. the fire always stopped before it got to my house, so most people were traveling east to get away. me and my sister and my mom was traveling, and i was really worried about my dad because he was staying in town where the fire directly hit. well, one day, me and my sister were driving to town to get a pop, and on the way back east to the place where we were staying, i asked heaven to stop by our house to see if dad was there, she wouldnt because she was scared the fire would happen again, so she just dropped me off. i walked in and my pappaw was sitting at the counter and he looked really old and sickly, way different than he usually does, which really stood out in my mind. i asked him if he had seen my dad, and he had a look on his face that seemed disturbed, and said he hated to tell me but he (my dad) had just killed hisself because he couldnt find me, my sister, and my mom, he thought we were dead, so he wanted to die too. this is really weird to me because my mom and dad are divorced. what do u all think this means?my other dream was just last nite. me and my sister was driving this road from another city that we drive regularly, we spotted a HUGE forest fire on the way and it was spreading very quickly. firefighters were around trying to put the fire out and everything. when we started driving through town, we seen that the houses were catching on fire. and this one house in particular had fireworks shooting out of it, like maybe they bought some for the fourth of july and left them in their house and the fire was making them go off. i also seen bullets flying everywhere from that house like the fire was making the guns go off too. me and heaven both had our windows down but it never occured to us to roll them up even though i thought something could fly in the window and hit us, nothing ever flew in though. when we got home, i was really scared and hoping the fire would stop before it got to our house. i also remember getting a phone call from someone and they said that the fire made guns go off in one persons house. so when the fire got close to our house, the creek that circles the house stopped it from reaching us. and unstead of grass in our yard, it was all gravel, as if someone had put it there so the fire couldnt get to us. then, an old friend of mine who i hadnt talked to since elementry schools mother called and asked to come over. i went in my moms room to ask and my cousin becky was in there eating my mom out! she jumped off her and they acted kinda normal, not embarrassed at all, and she was like sure she can come over. when she got here i asked her if her house burned down and she said yeah. the next thing i know i am on the phone with my bf who is in the marines and stationed in north carolina and telling him that the forest fire started close to his house. he was just like well im gna call home and ask mom if the house burned down. that was the end of my dream. can anyone tell me if these 2 dreams are related??? im really really wanting to know. and what does fire mean in a dream? its seems almost recurring!!! burdening me badly. please help (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Saturday, May 21st, 2005 | |
_4:45 pm_[lily123321] | Need some help with interpretation-- Recurring Dream. Hey guys,I've been having a recurring theme in my dreams for years now... its not like I have t his dream everytime iI dream b ut I have it often enough. I should add that I am only 20 yrs old.In my dreams I am just pregnant. Most of the time its kind of like I just got pregnant-- and I am still living my ordinary life-- living with my parents and going to school.usually... somehow my parents aren't angry or upset or distressed by the situation... they dont even behave like its something out of the ordinary. Anyway, regardless of the fact that my parents seen indifferent to the situation I am completey freaked out and keep wondering how I'll ever have a life or get married with that kind of baggage.Today... the dream was a little bit different. i was pregnant... and I actually gave birth... in the dreamed I just assumed that it was my first b/f's child (by the way we never had sex... this was really upsetting)... and I was upset because I wanted to have an abortion apparently but I didn't because I was too afraid to tell my parents. I wanted to give it up for adoption... Also it looked alot like my family members and I was ashamed that it was evident that it was mine.Also I should say that I was having these dreamsm long before i ever became sexually active... which, didn't happen till just recently. I dont know if that helps any...HELP GUYS! Current Mood: ![]() |
Monday, May 16th, 2005 | |
_10:34 pm_[dragonslayer] |
Terrifying Dream I just had the worst dream ever. It was really terrifying. I must warn you that it contains graphic.. um violence isn't really the word. Accidental death is about right I suppose. For me one of the most terrifying things is how specific it is to my life right now. I've also explained all the connections to my life thatI saw. ( Read more...Collapse ) Current Mood: Prophetic..? (Comment on this) |
Saturday, March 5th, 2005 | |
_11:42 pm_[_mascarasnake] |
In utero I had excessive dreams involving pregnancy a few weeks ago. This one however was by far the strangest.My friend wasput on house arrest and I was forbidden from speaking to him. (For more info on that you can look at my journal.) All is well now, but I had this dream about him while we were on our hiatus. In my dream, he had already gone to trial and everything worked out fine. I was also madly and deeply in love with him, and couldn't wait to see him again. I met him somewhere, and he was holding a baby. He looked miserable.I asked him who's baby it was and he said it was his. I became horribly depressed because I knew then that I couldn't have him. He told me about how he met this girl, and they basically just used each other for sex.He gother pregnant and now he's afather. I didn't know what to say, so I asked him if he was hoping for a boy or a girl. He said he was hoping for an abortion and walked away. Then I became a spectator, and I saw him playingwith his baby. The baby stumbled into his lap and laughed, and my friend smiled. Then he frownedand became visibly upset.Then I woke up. That dream pissed meoff.And this spacebar is sort of broken, so I'm sorry if this sucked to read. (Comment on this) |
Thursday, March 3rd, 2005 | |
_2:19 pm_[_mascarasnake] |
New I had a pretty wacky dream, I hope this entertains you, at the very least. Oh, and I'm new, names Theresa, and I'm pleased to sort of meet everyone.( Knitting machinesCollapse ) (Comment on this) |
Thursday, February 17th, 2005 | |
_9:39 pm_[michellyaqua13] |
any ideas? i'm new here, so i'll say a little about myself. i'm michelle, i'm 18, and this LJ account is for my dream journal (most posts are friends-only); my real journal is michellyaqua12. i was in another dream interpretation community for a while, but people hardly ever comment there (except me), so i decided to join some others to find a more active one where i can get some help occasionally.( what do you make of this?Collapse )thanks to whoever helps, and i'll try to comment on/interpret your dreams whenever i can. ♥ (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
Wednesday, February 9th, 2005 | |
_5:15 pm_[citizengotto] |
a newbie hey, this is my first post, i just joined. i started looking for this community after my sometimes boyfriend emailed me about a dream he'd had last night. we'd like someone to help interpret it for us. some background: we met through a mutual friend in june of 2002 while he was visiting her from Pennslyvania. we hooked up while he was in town, kept in touch and the next thing i knew he was flying out to see me. then, about 6 months later, he'd dumped me as quickly as we got together. around November we started talking again and he came back out to see me 2wks ago; now he's planning on moving to chicago to be with me. anyway, theres the readers digest version of our history. what follows is copied and pasted directly from his email. its sort of sexual in nature at first, so consider yourself warned. (and we're both boys...in case that bothers you. though it really shouldnt)( Read more...Collapse ) Current Mood: ![]() |
Wednesday, January 26th, 2005 | |
_4:26 pm_[scotishseminole] |
Hi! Im a newbie! Heres my background in a nutshell. I am 18 years old, and a freshman at Florida State University. I have been dating my current boyfriend, Jacob, for 2 years and 3 months. We started dating my junior- his senior year of high school. Frankie is an ex-boyfriend. We dated on and off from about 7th grade till 10th grade. He was my first love. He used to call all the time, but Jacob didnt like that too much, so I told him to stop calling and I havent talked to him in 5 or 6 months. So heres my dream:I was walking with Jacob at a carnival or something. Then he turned into my girlfriends. So we were walking and I see Frankie leaning against his truck with a few of his friends. I start to freak out a little, since I havent seen him in so long. So my friends are like "Are you going to go talk to him?" and I say "No. I dont think its a good idea." Even though I really want to talk to him. So my girlfriends and I keep walking along, but I guess Frankie sees me. So he starts calling my name out. I say to my friends "Should I go?" and they all say "YES!! GO TALK TO HIM NOW!!" So I walk over to him and we just smile and look into each others eyes for a minute, not saying anything. Then he says "Man, Amber, I have missed you soooo much." And he pulls me close by my waist and kisses me passionately. So we kiss for awhile. It was one of those very real dreams. So then I wake up and my first thought is "What the heck am I doing waking up next to Jacob!?!" and my second thought is "I cant believe I just thought that!!" I cant stop thinking about Frankie, and my gut feeling is telling me I need to call him and talk to him. Its not feelings like maybe I still love him, I just feel like I need to talk to him. Jacob would kill me if he knew I was going to call him. What does this dream mean, and what should I do???!!! Help! Please! Current Mood: ![]() |
Thursday, January 20th, 2005 | |
_3:59 pm_[hazard77506] |
Artemis???? Background: Mother of 3 kids, multiple marriages, age 31, plump but not obese, professional at work, biker girl when in the company of friends, religious preference: paganCurrently have a live in boyfriend who just took custody of his 12 y/o daughter, her mom just got picked up on 20 counts, some involve child abandonment, possession of crack, traffic warrants... etc... She'll be in jail a while...My weird dream :I am journeying on foot, feels like a quest, winter time in the forests of what looks like Canada or Pacific Northwest. Scenery is breath taking. I am dressed in winter garb, could be mistaken as an extra from Braveheart... Not garbed in clothing of a current time period anyways...I am accompanied by another person, a man....also on this same quest... not sure what the purpose of the quest is... But it ultimately leads us to a cavern where the representation or spirit appears to us ... claims to be "The Goddess". She warms us and heals small wounds gotten in our passage...I am instructed to be faithful companion with this man in his next quest.... to have sexual relations with him if possible. That part seems important, but I don't know why...We leave cavern again to traverse this forested area... mostly on foot, but some parts involve me looking out a train window at snowy scenery???? Weird stuff.. Despite availability and loveliness this man takes no interest in me sexually during our passages..Time elapses and we are again back at the cavern with the "Goddess". Our Mission, what ever it was, is accomplished... I am dismayed that I have been unable to provide sexual comfort to my male companion. The Goddess turns to me and says that my times of trail are over and that I am ready to grow into my destiny... that I am to become Artemis... holy maiden huntress.... I shed my robes and look as I did in my early 20's only more beautiful and strong and almost iridescently white skinned... I walk out of the cavern ...which is now mounted impossibly far up a cliff face... (the man beckons me to his bed as I walk by, he is ready for me now, but I walk by him and feel sorrow for him, as it is too late for him to have me now....I reach the edge of the cave face in the cliff and dive off in an impossibly graceful way.... to a deep cold lake being fed by a nearby waterfall...Upon breaching the lake and resurfacing I wake up.....WHAT THE HECK IS THIS DREAM ABOUT?????? (2 Comments |Comment on this) |
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