New arsenate minerals from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. XVI. Yurgensonite, K2SnTiO2(AsO4)2, the first natural tin arsenate, and the katiarsite–yurgensonite isomorphous series | Mineralogical Magazine | Cambridge Core (original) (raw)


The new mineral yurgensonite, ideally K2SnTiO2(AsO4)2, the first natural arsenate with species-defining tin, and the continuous isomorphous series between yurgensonite and katiarsite KTiO(AsO4) are described from sublimates of the Arsenatnaya fumarole at the Second scoria cone of the Northern Breakthrough of the Great Tolbachik Fissure Eruption, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. Yurgensonite and a Sn-bearing variety of katiarsite are associated closely with one another and with badalovite, pansnerite, yurmarinite, achyrophanite, arsenatrotitanite, hatertite, khrenovite, svabite, sanidine, hematite, cassiterite, rutile and aphthitalite-group sulfates. Yurgensonite occurs as sword-shaped crystals up to 0.01 mm × 0.05 mm × 1 mm or acicular to hair-like individuals up to 1 mm long, typically forming radial aggregates up to 2 mm across. It is transparent, colourless, white or pale beige, with vitreous lustre. The mineral is brittle, cleavage was not observed. Dcalc is 3.877 g cm-3. Yurgensonite is optically biaxial (–), α = 1.764(6), β = 1.780(6), γ = 1.792(6) and 2Vmeas. is large. Chemical composition (wt.%, electron-microprobe; holotype) is: Na2O 0.51, K2O 16.27, Rb2O 0.12, Al2O3 0.26, Fe2O3 4.33, SiO2 0.29, TiO2 10.17, SnO2 22.01, P2O5 0.14, V2O5 0.19, As2O5 40.20, Sb2O5 4.88, SO3 0.28, total 99.65. The empirical formula based on 10 O apfu is (K1.92Na0.09Rb0.01)Σ2.02(Sn0.81Ti0.71Fe3+0.30Sb5+0.17Al0.03)Σ2.02(As1.945Si0.03S0.02P0.01V0.01)Σ2.015O10. Yurgensonite is orthorhombic, Pna21, a = 13.2681(6), b = 6.6209(3), c = 10.8113(5) Å, V = 949.74(7) Å3 and Z = 4. The crystal structure was solved from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data, R = 5.02%. Yurgensonite belongs to the KTP-structure type. It is a Ti,Sn-ordered analogue of katiarsite. The structure contains chains of corner-linked alternating crystallographically non-equivalent octahedra M(1) and M(2). In yurgensonite, Sn4+ prevails in the M(2)O6 octahedron whereas the M(1) site is Ti4+-dominant. The new mineral is named in honour of the Russian mineralogist, geochemist and specialist in studies of ore deposits Professor Georgiy Aleksandrovich Yurgenson (born 1935).


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