半べそ - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



To solve the problem about the fact that the periphery of a semiconductor substrate is less cleaned than its center in a conventional cleaning method, and this fact causes notable troubles with an increase of the semiconductor substrate in area or diameter. - 特許庁


The interest-bearing debt redemption period of SMEs was 11.0 years as the end of the fourth quarter of 2005, considerably less than the post-bubble peak (in the first quarter of 1994) of 18.5 years.発音を聞く - 経済産業省


To provide a method for producing noodles of thin grade, by which noodles composed of dried noodles or half-cooked noodles of thin grade having excellent palatability and flavor and a high commercial value comparable with those of hand-rolled thin white vermicelli are continuously produced by mechanical noodle production in a short time. - 特許庁


A plurality of electrode pads are arranged on a semiconductor chip, wires connecting respective electrode pads and corresponding internal terminals are combined in the direction of current flow, and wire bonding is performed, such that the wires are substantially parallel and have the substantially same length in each set of wires. - 特許庁


A nitride semiconductor element 40 includes a low-temperature deposition buffer layer 42 containing AlN on a substrate 41, a first nitride semiconductor single-crystal layer 43 containing the AlN with a first AlN molar fraction, and a second nitride semiconductor single-crystal layer 44 which contains the AlN with a second AlN molar fraction, and the second molar fraction is larger than the first one. - 特許庁


This photoelectric converter has a glass substrate 1, a lower electrode layer 2 formed above the glass substrate 1 and semiconductor layers 3 and 4 formed on the lower electrode layer 2. - 特許庁


To provide an organic compound capable of forming such a self-assembled monolayer film as to be suitable for forming a thin electrical insulating layer on an appropriate base material and suitable for forming a semiconductor layer. - 特許庁



With the abundant food supplies and aging farming population, in the early 1960's, cultivation of soba declined but, in 1984, 'Kuichi Soba no Kai' (Kuichi Soba Society) was formed by volunteers with an intent to revive Sanbe soba based on the idea of local consumption of locally produced products whereby soba farming and processing were brought back to life.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
