新技術革新室 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



First, on innovative technology development, we want to develop technologies through international cooperation which enable both economic growth and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to be achieved at the same time.発音を聞く - 経済産業省


In June 2007, China announced the“China’s National Climate Change Programme,” which aims to reduce the city’s greenhouse gas emissions. The program has the following guiding principles: ① To address climate change within the framework of sustainable developmentTo place equal emphasis on both adaptation and mitigationTo rely on the advancement and innovation of science and technology ④ To follow the principle ofCommon but differentiated responsibilities” - 経済産業省


Subsequently, former Prime Minister Fukuda made a statement on international environmental cooperation. With an understanding that the world must keep striving to improve energy efficiency until innovative technologies that can drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions are developed and can become practically usable, he stated that Japan will help transfer its advanced environmental technologies to many countries to contribute to improving the global energy efficiency. He proposed that the world share the common goal of improving the global energy efficiency by 30% by 2020. - 経済産業省


さらに、2008年1月にスイスのダボスで行われた世界経済フォーラム年次総会(ダボス会議)での特別講演において、福田内閣総理大臣が、「クールアース推進構想」を提示し、その構想を現実的な行動に導くための手段として、世界に京都議定書の第一約束期間後の世界全体の温効果ガス削減に向けた枠組みづくりに向けた「ポスト京都フレームワーク」、世界全体の温効果ガス削減のための「国際環境協力」、長期的な革新 技術開発と低炭素社会への転換に向けた「イノベーション」の3つを提案した。例文帳に追加

Moreover, the Cool Earth Promotion Programme was presented in a special speech delivered by former Prime Minister Fukuda at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting (Davos Conference) in Davos, Switzerland in January 2008. Three proposals were made to the world as practical tools to implement the program, namely, Post Kyoto Framework to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions in the subsequent periods after the first commitment period, international environmental cooperation towards reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions, and innovation, including long-term targets in developing innovative technologies and shifting to a low carbon society. - 経済産業省
