震災から1年 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


輸送用機器の輸出は、昨の第1・第2 四半期までは震災の影響から落ち込みが最も大きかったものの、その後急速に回復し、直近の2012 1 四半期の輸出に対しては大きくプラスに寄与(前同期比▲ 1.6%のうち、寄与度は+2.1%ポイント)するまでになっている。例文帳に追加

Although exports of transportation equipment experienced the largest decline in the first and second quarters of 2011 due to the impact of the earthquake, this later recovered quickly to the extent of making a significant positive contribution to exports in the first quarter of 2012 (out of a 1.6% decline from the same period of the previous year, its contribution was 2.1% point). - 経済産業省

四半期ごとの動きをみると、201 1 4 ~ 6 月期には東日本大震災の影響もあり、前同期比1.1%減と一時的に減少し、その後、7 ~ 9 月期からは弱い動きで増加が続いていたが、20127 ~ 9 月期は再び減少に転じた。例文帳に追加

As for the transition on a quarterlybasis, the extra working hours temporarily decreased in the period from April to June 2011, by 1 .1% on theyear-to-year basis, partly due to the impact of the Great East Japan Earthquake, then gradually increased from theperiod from July to September, and again turned into decrease in the period from July to September 2012 . - 厚生労働省


On July 20, 1996, about one and half years after the earthquake, when Kobe City began to show signs of gradual restoration, another revision of the timetable was made, where train services to Kobe during the day time were extended to Suma, aiming at expanding demand, was highly welcomed by beach goers amid the sea-bathing season.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

1995 117日に発生した阪神・淡路大震災では、京阪神緩行線は震源(朝霧駅沖の明石海峡)から武庫川(甲子園口~立花間)まで激甚被災地を貫いて走っていたことから、神戸市内を中心に強烈なダメージを受けた。例文帳に追加

The Keihanshin Local Line, running through the center of the urban site of Kobe City, suffered great damage from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on January 17, 1995, since it ran through the seriously hit area, from epicenter (in the Akashi Strait off the coast of Asaka Station) to Muko-gawa River (between Koshien Station and Tachibana Station).発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

遺族金の支給、労働保険料の免除の特例等「死亡」を要件とする遺族金等について、1後の民法の失踪宣告を待たずに、震災 から3か月間行方不明であれば、これを支給できることとすることや、労働保険料等の免除の特例等を定めた「東日本大震災に対処するための特別の財政援助及び助成に関する法律」等が公布施行、同日付で都道府県労働局あて通知(平成235月2日)例文帳に追加

Special provisions on the payment of survivors' pension benefits and the exemption of labour insurance premiums ? The Prefectural Labour Bureaus were notified that survivors' pension benefits, whose provision required the fact of "death," could be paid without the declaration of disappearance being filed after 1 year under the civil law, if the person had been missing for 3 months since the earthquake. Furthermore the "Law related to the special financial assistance and grants to deal with the Great East Japan Earthquake" that stipulates the special provisions on the exemption of labour insurance premiums were officially announced and enforced, and notified to the Prefectural Labour Bureaus on the same date. (May 2, 2011) - 厚生労働省

間もなく東日本大震災の発生から 1 を迎える時でございまして、ちょうどあの日、参議院の決算委員会の中継中だったと思いますけれども、2万人近い方々が命をなくす、あるいは、(行方)不明になられたわけでございます。例文帳に追加

It will soon be one year since the Great East Japan Earthquake took place. The earthquake occurred while a session of the House of Councillors' Audit Committee was being aired live. Nearly 20,000 people were killed or left missing.発音を聞く - 金融庁

1922(大正1 1 )「マキノ映画製作所」と名称を変え、1923(大正12)9月1日の関東大震災で製作中止に追い込まれた大活から内田吐夢ら、国際活映から環歌子や阪東妻三郎が参加し、20前後の若いスタッフたちの自由な発想で作ったリアルな剣戟が人気をよぶ。例文帳に追加

The next year, in 1922, the company changed its name to 'Makino Eiga Seisakusho (Makino Film Studio)' and, after the Great Kanto Earthquake of September 1, 1923 Tomu UCHIDA and others from Daikatsu and Utako TAMAKI and Tsumasaburo BANDO from Kokusai Katsuei which were forced to suspend their productions, joined and its realistic sword fights, produced by young and creative staff around twenty years old, became popular.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


63 201 1 版通商白書において、先の震災がグローバルサプライチェーンに与える影響を分析する中で、業種ごとの在庫水準の違いや在庫の持ち方等のSCM の違いについての分析を行っており、タイでの今回のケースもその結論とおおむね整合的である(201 1 版通商白書 第4 章第 2 節 1(. 2)「在庫管理の在り方からみたグローバルサプライチェーンの意味」参照)。例文帳に追加

63 The 2011 White Paper on International Economy and Trade analyzed the differences in SCM by types of business, such as differences in inventory level and inventory pattern, to assess the impact of the2011 earthquake in Japan on the global supply chains. The flood case in Thailand is reasonably consistent with its results (Chapter IV-2-1- (2) "A meaning of the global supply-chain judging from the situation of the inventory control," 2011 White Paper on International Economy and Trade). - 経済産業省
