To feel rewarding - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


For key persons, this response was followed by "do not feel work content is rewarding or enjoyable," while for key person candidates this response was followed by "want to move to a workplace where I can advance my career."例文帳に追加

次いで、キーパーソンは「仕事内容にやりがいや楽しみを感じられないから」、キーパーソン候補者は「さらにキャリアアップできる職場に移りたいから」となっている。 - 経済産業省

Key persons and key person candidates state their reasons for continuing employment as being that they "feel work is rewarding" and are "able to manifest my specialty." Many key person candidates also cited the "possibility for self-growth" as a reason例文帳に追加

~キーパーソンやキーパーソンの候補者は、「仕事のやりがい」や「自分の専門性の発揮」を継続勤務の理由として挙げている。キーパーソン候補者については、「自己成長の可能性」を挙げる人も多い~ - 経済産業省

Although there are many people in consumer-oriented services that continue to work because they feel the work is rewarding and/or enjoyable, some people leave because they feel that their career within the enterprise is not clear and does not tie into personal development or realization of abilities. It can be inferred that this ties into a higher leaving rate than that for corporate-oriented services.例文帳に追加

対消費者向けサービスにおいては、仕事に対してやりがいや楽しみを感じて仕事を続けている者が多い一方、企業内でのキャリアパスが明確ではなく、自身の成長や能力発揮につながらないと感じて離職が生じ、対事業者向けサービスよりも高い離職率につながっている状況がうかがえる。 - 経済産業省


The most common reason for continuous employment among key persons and key person candidates with high intentions to remain at the same enterprise was that they "feel the work content is rewarding and enjoyable" with nearly 50% of responses for both key persons and key person candidates. This was followed by, "At my current organization I can fully utilize my specialized knowledge and know-how" with about 40% of responses for both groups.例文帳に追加

定着意向の高いキーパーソンやその候補者自身の継続勤務の理由については、「仕事内容にやりがいや楽しみを感じているから」と回答した割合がともに5割近く最も高くなっており、次いで「自分の専門性や知識・ノウハウが十分に生かせる組織だから」がともに4割程度となっている。 - 経済産業省
