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money used to secure or finance real estate - EDR日英対訳辞書


a banking facility called {real estate bank} - EDR日英対訳辞書


Insurance, financial affairs, monetary affairs, real estate affairs. - 特許庁


Insurance, financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. - 特許庁


第36類 保険,財政業務。金融業務。不動産業務例文帳に追加

Class 36 Insurance, financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. - 特許庁



Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. - 特許庁


Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. - 特許庁


Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs. - 特許庁

36 保険。財務業務。金融業務。不動産業務例文帳に追加

36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs - 特許庁



(2) Financial measures for small and medium realtors - 経済産業省


4 .中小不動産業者に対する金融措置例文帳に追加

4. Financial measures for small and medium realtors - 経済産業省

4 .中小不動産業者に対する金融措置(継続)(p.223参照)例文帳に追加

Chapter 5 Other measures for SMEs - 経済産業省


Real estate investment trusts and other real estate-related funds are financial products based on the investment of funds collected from a broad range of investors, including individual investors, mainly in real estate (including financial products backed by real estate as the underlying assets; the same shall apply in VI). - 金融庁


The global financial crisis has given a negative impact on tourism in Dubai, real estate markets and the financial sector. - 経済産業省


As we have seen thus far, then, the financial environment faced by SMEs is changing as a result of the actions of financial institutions, such as the introduction of financial methods that do not depend on real estate security, due to the development of financial technology in recent years. - 経済産業省


Considering the situation of the real estate securitization market after the financial crisis and the revision of the government's urban redevelopment policies, there is a need to stimulate Japan's real estate market by promoting acquisition, development and renovation of real estate using securitization techniques. - 金融庁


To provide a real estate security management system capable of enabling a user to collect all necessary information, efficiently correspond to the updating of data and efficiently output necessary business forms as to a real estate security management system for performing the management or the like of real estate security in a financial institution or the like. - 特許庁


A newRegional Regeneration Support Program” was launched by the Real Estate Transaction Modernization Center Foundation, which continues to provide guarantees of loans to fund joint initiatives pursued by small and medium realtors in order to supplement the credit and facilitate financing of small and medium realtors. - 経済産業省


A realtor requests preliminary review of a housing loan to a financial institution through a website for realtors which is provided by the web server 104. - 特許庁


In fact, compared to the traditional finance business model, the originate-to-distribute business model is generally more sensitive to fluctuations in the prices of real estate since credit is granted with a heavy dependence on real estate prices46. - 経済産業省


As the risks arising from asymmetry of information are becoming increasingly difficult to cover relying on real estate security alone, financial enterprises need to ease this asymmetry by means other than such security. - 経済産業省

ロ 当該特定資産に有価証券及び不動産以外の政令で定める資産が含まれる場合 政令で定める金融商品取引業者例文帳に追加

(b) When assets other than the Securities and Real Property specified by a Cabinet Order are included in the Specified Assets: A Financial Instruments Business Operator as specified by a Cabinet Order. - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


As I always say, the FSA never instructs financial institutions to curb loans to the real estate industry, for example. - 金融庁


UAE also received significant influence from the downsized international trade and financial markets and the drop of real estate prices. - 経済産業省


Capital inflow from the world promotes the development of finance and real estate services, and many employers are engaged in these kinds of business (see Figure 3-1-3-13). - 経済産業省


Part of these overseas funds flow into real estate and consumer finance, and as a result, it is suggested they gave rise to housing booms in the respective countries. - 経済産業省


In the Conference on Analyzing the Financial Situation in Shanghai 2004, the People’s Bank of China Shanghai Branch noted that the amount of new loans in the property sector by Shanghai’s financial institutions reached 102.3 billion yuan, 20.4 billion yuan higher than the previous year, accounting for 76% of the total amount of new loans. Given that a disproportionate amount of bank loans has concentrated in the property sector, the People’s Bank of China warned that there is a potential risk that a bubble will form in the property market. - 経済産業省


To provide a program, a system, and a method by which easy initial investigation and easy understanding of the environmental risk of a land are realized, when a real estate company purchases the land and when a real estate appraiser or a financial institution evaluates the land. - 特許庁


However, with the occurrence of the world economic crisis, the housing and real estate bubble, which had brought about this favorable cycle, collapsed. Households and companies whose asset values were decreased due to the fall of real estate prices were left with huge debts, and the financial institutions were saddled with massive bad loans. - 経済産業省

まず、我が国サービス産業のうち、労働生産性が顕著に伸びている金融仲介業、通信業、卸売業及び不動産業の各業種を見ると、不動産業を除き、TFPの上昇、IT 資本蓄積及び非 IT 資本蓄積のいずれもが労働生産性の上昇に寄与している。例文帳に追加

First, among Japanese service sector, there is a remarkable labor productivity growth in industries such as financial intermediation, communications, wholesale, and real estate. With the exception of the real estate industry, there are contributions to the higher labor productivity from all of these factors: higher TFP, IT capital deepening, and non-IT capital deepening. - 経済産業省


Loans will be provided to small and medium realtors for equipment funds by government-affiliated financial institutions for SMEs, and the Real Estate Transaction Modernization Center Foundation will provide loan guarantees and interest coverage for funds for joint projects, including a fund for the smooth implementation of joint projects by small and medium realtors (a new fund for FY2007), joint facility funds, and funds for cooperation among business associations. - 経済産業省


While the global financial markets have remained in a state of turmoil since last year, the U.S. real estate and housing market has also been slumping. As a result, concern is growing about the management conditions of U.S. regional financial institutions, whose provision of credit is concentrated on loans to the real estate and housing industries and on mortgage loans. - 金融庁


Thirdly,-this is in response to allegations that the FSA's inspection and supervision are affecting loans to real estate-related sectors-we are making it clear, through our Web site, for example, that the FSA never issues instructions for curbing loans to particular business sectors. - 金融庁


For this reason, region-based relationship banking will be promoted further, including by efforts toward better understanding of the “Supplement to the Financial Inspection Manual: Treatment of Classifications Regarding Credits to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises,” promotion of loans not depending exceedingly on mortgage collateral and personal guarantee, nurturing of venture business, and promotion of corporate restructuring. - 金融庁


Of course, the FSA never asks or instructs financial institutions to curb loans to the real estate industry or any other specific industry, and it has issued a reminder to this effect on its web site. - 金融庁


United States of America was still suffering from high unemployment rate and continued economic downturn in the real estate market. Due to this reason, the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) terminated its additional monetary easing policy at the end of June as initially planned, but any immediate effect on it’s hitherto tightened monetary policy is not expected. - 経済産業省


The sharp fall in the value of home currencies increased the foreign debts of financial institutions and companies that were borrowing in foreign currencies, including the U.S. dollar. The rapid outflow of foreign capital lead to a significant decline in the value of real estate and stock prices; this, combined with the increase in bad debts and concerns over the repayment of foreign debts, triggered the financial crisis. - 経済産業省

イ 当該特定資産に不動産が含まれる場合 宅地建物取引業法第三条第一項の免許及び同法第五十条の二第一項の認可を受けている金融商品取引業者例文帳に追加

(a) When Real Property is included in the Specified Assets: A Financial Instruments Business Operator who has obtained the license under Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act and authorization under Article 50-2 of that Act; and - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

一 登録投資法人が投資の対象とする資産に不動産が含まれる場合 宅地建物取引業法第三条第一項の免許を受けている金融商品取引業者例文帳に追加

(i) In cases where Real Property shall be one of the assets subject to investment by a Registered Investment Corporation: A Financial Instruments Business Operator that has obtained a license as set forth in Article 3, paragraph (1) of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act; - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム

二 登録投資法人が主として不動産に対する投資として運用することを目的とする場合 宅地建物取引業法第五十条の二第一項の認可を受けている金融商品取引業者例文帳に追加

(ii) In cases where the purpose of a Registered Investment Corporation is to invest mainly in Real Property: A Financial Instruments Business Operator who has obtained authorization set forth in Article 50-2, paragraph (1) of the Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act; and - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


A. An application from a trust company, etc., for a certificate for the reduction of the real estate acquisition tax and the certificate to be issued by the FSA Commissioner shall be in accordance with the format specified in the Attached List of Formats VI-15. - 金融庁


In this way, the Japanese economy has been changing significantly. - 金融庁


Considering that views on real estate-related investment and loans, which you are asking me about, are something that should be up to individual businesses to determine on their own, I will refrain from making official comments in my capacity of the Minister for Financial Services. - 金融庁


A log analysis system 40 analyzes the table TB2 and notifies only the user satisfying the fixed condition of the existence of the real estate company associated with this financial institution. - 特許庁


The CHP mortgage may be structured to include financial protection in the event that one or more structures of the real property is damaged by a catastrophe such as a hurricane or earthquake. - 特許庁


A method may include receiving a CHP mortgage application and data from an owner with typical mortgage industry application data such as owner financial information, real property identification, the amount of loan, and the like. - 特許庁


To provide a system and method which reduces the burden on realtors and financial institutions and more quickly informs a purchase applicant of the result of preliminary review, with respect to an application for housing loan preliminary review. - 特許庁


To efficiently perform negotiation up to the conclusion of agreement by making the negotiation unitary in real estate transactions such as home buying among respective parties concerned including an actually related financial institution, etc. - 特許庁


Securitization36 technologies, which were developed primarily in the United States, have transformed a number of assets into financial products, including: (a) movable property (receivable,inventories, etc.) held by corporations, (b) monetary claims (housing loan, etc.), and (c) real estate. - 経済産業省



A vicious circle is formed: falling real estate prices lead to a recession or the like, and the effects of this are amplified by the existence of financial systems that are dependent on these prices (negative financial accelerator). - 経済産業省

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