Muminov Ashirbek | The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (original) (raw)
Papers by Muminov Ashirbek
II. Uluslararası Türkistan’dan Anadolu’ya İrfan Geleneği: Abdal Ata Sempozyumu, 2024
In Kazakhstan, Yasawian studies are carried out in many directions and with the participation of ... more In Kazakhstan, Yasawian studies are carried out in many directions and with the participation of many researchers. This presentation will cover three topics: 1) Divan-i Hikmat; 2) the Genealogy of Ahmad Yasawi and 3) the epigraphic inscriptions of the Shaykh’s mausoleum.
Proceedings of the 18th International Academician Ubaydulla Karimov Conference of Young Orientalists: Current Conditions of the Preservation and Research of Ancient Written Sources, 2024
The at-Tarazi family has significant importance for the study of Islamic civilization in Central ... more The at-Tarazi family has significant importance for the study of Islamic civilization in Central Asia from several points of view. Firstly, the founder of the family – a famous political figure, scholar-theologian, major trader Abu Nasr Mubashshir at-Tarazi (1897–1978), who was an active participant and direct witness to many events of the 1910–1920s in Central Asia. Secondly, he and members of his large family, particularly his son Nasrallah at-Tarazi (1922–2002), made their feasible contribution to the development of friendly relations between Central Asian countries with Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, raising its image in the Muslim world. Finally, it is a subtle channel for communicating new development trends and changes that are taking place in the Muslim world.
Proceedings of the International Conference: Reassessing the Heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, October 2023, Turkistan, Kazakhstan , 2024
The purpose of this article is to study the activities of the Kokand khans (1710-1876), natives f... more The purpose of this article is to study the activities of the Kokand khans (1710-1876), natives from the Turkic Ming tribe, in developing their sacred genealogy (shajara, nasab-nama), its popularization and how this aspect of the nation-building policy influenced the content and nature of local written monuments, which were newly created or transformed in this era.
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present” , 2024
The Paper analyzes the role of the Bukharan scholar in establishment a new current in the history... more The Paper analyzes the role of the Bukharan scholar in establishment a new current in the history of Islamic disciplines.
Abstracta Iranica, 2001
Revue bibliographique pour le domaine irano-aryen Volume 22 | 2001 Comptes rendus des publication... more Revue bibliographique pour le domaine irano-aryen Volume 22 | 2001 Comptes rendus des publications de 1999
Turbat - Ismail Ata: Aniz ben Aqiqat, 2017
The text contains the Kazakh translation of the 14th centuries version of the narrative about the... more The text contains the Kazakh translation of the 14th centuries version of the narrative about the Islamization of Central Asia.
Eurasian Journal of Religious studies, 2015
Му ми нов А.К. Ран ний пе ри од в эво лю ции ма ту ри дитс ко го уче ния Ран няя эво лю ция ма ту... more Му ми нов А.К. Ран ний пе ри од в эво лю ции ма ту ри дитс ко го уче ния Ран няя эво лю ция ма ту ри дитс ко го уче ния в Са мар кан де ос тает ся ма ло исс ле до ван ной те мой. Раз ра бот ка те мы во мно гом за ви сит от вве де ния в научный обо рот но вых ис точ ни ков, сре ди ко то рых ру ко пис ные яв ляют ся глав ны ми. Дан ная статья пос вя ще на исс ле до ва нию на чаль но го пе ри ода раз ви тия ма ту ри дитс кой теоло гии в Цент раль ной Азии. Клю че вые сло ва: Цент раль ная Азия, Са мар канд, Ма ту ри ди, ма ту ри дитс кая теоло гия. Muminov A.K. The early period in evolution of the Maturidi doctrine Early evolution of the maturidi doctrine in Samarkand remains the lowstudied subject. Development of a subject in many respects depends on introduction to a scientific turn of new sources among which hand written are main. This article is devoted to research of an initial stage of development of maturidi theology in Central Asia.
Golden Horde Review, 2021
Research objective and materials: This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the w... more Research objective and materials: This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the work carried out on the sources used by Vladimir Tiesenhausen in the compiling the Arabic volume of the “Collection of Materials Relating to the History of the Golden Horde”. Results and novelty of the research: A comparative study of texts extracted by Vladimir G. Tiesenhausen in 1884, with their new editions, presented the following picture: one group of publications represents academic editions with quality translations, accompanied by professionally executed commentaries. Another part of the sources was published based on one part of existing copies. As practice shows, sometimes the older and complete copies of published works remained out of coverage in such publications; their existing editions are not taken into account. The third group of sources is composed of works that remain in manuscript form to the present day. One such work – “al-‘Aylam al-zakhir fi akhbar al-awa’il wa-l-aw...
Муминов А.К., Утепбергенова У.А. Письменные памятники и традиционный ислам в Казахстане // «Ұлы Даланың діни тұлғалары және рухани бірегейлік мәселесі» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары / Жауапты редактор Палтөре Ықтияр Молдатөреұлы. Алматы: «Нұр-Мүбарак» баспасы, 2023. , 2023
The Paper analyses the written monuments for Studying the history of Islamic culture in Kazakhstan.
Issues of Creating the Basis of the Spiritual Heritage and III Renaissance, 2023
The publication is devoted to the analysis of the creative activity of the Islamic scholar Shovos... more The publication is devoted to the analysis of the creative activity of the Islamic scholar Shovosil Ziyedov. It is important for young Islamic scholars who begin their journey in the study of the written culture of Islam.
Les principes de composition du présent catalogue, déjà utilisés pour notre catalogue de Qarshi p... more Les principes de composition du présent catalogue, déjà utilisés pour notre catalogue de Qarshi publié dans la même série (2004), ont été adoptés pour faire valoir l'originalité du fonds, pour préserver son intégrité en tant que collection fixe, ainsi que pour refléter un ...
8/21, 2015
The article in Kazakh analizes the narratives on Islamic gigant heros in Central Asian popular li... more The article in Kazakh analizes the narratives on Islamic gigant heros in Central Asian popular literature and sacred places' culture.
Zebuniso Kamalova, Aiitmamat Kariev, Saidbek Boltabayev (eds.). “The Role of Kokand Khanate in the Development of Statehood and It’s Place in the Cultural Heritage of the Turkic Peoples” (June, 7-10, 2022, Khokand): Proceedings Book., 2022
In most cases, private collections reveal a large number of collections of documents issued to re... more In most cases, private collections reveal a large number of collections of documents issued to representatives of sacred families in the historical territory of the Kokand Khanate (1710–1876). Their search, discovery, publication and comparative study have intensified recently. This publication attempts to analyze the content of such documentary collections in comparison with the sacred genealogy of the Kokand khans.
Le fonds des manuscrits orientaux du Musee regional de Qarshi a ete decouvert en 1998 a l'occ... more Le fonds des manuscrits orientaux du Musee regional de Qarshi a ete decouvert en 1998 a l'occasion d'une prospection scientifique dans la vallee du Qashqa-Daryâ; La region avait constituee au XIXe et au debut du XXe siecle une mosaique de petites cours locales pratiquement independantes du pouvoir central de l'emirat de Boukhara. Le fonds du Musee de Qarshi est constitue des manuscrits en arabe, en persan, et en turc oriental. Le catalogue est precede d'une introduction retracant l'histoire de la constitution du fonds, ses principales caracteristiques codicologiques, son contenu et sa composition, et donne une premiere analyse des milieux locaux des artisans du livre et de la production locale des manuscrits.
The article attempts to highlight the little-known aspects of the activities of the Kokand khans ... more The article attempts to highlight the little-known aspects of the activities of the Kokand khans (1710–1876) in developing, asserting and popularizing their Sayyid origin. Under Sayyid Umar Khan (1810–1822), to construct their sacred genealogy, they used the genealogical line of the Central Asian descendants of Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya (d. 700–701), the third son of Caliph ‘Ali (656–661). It is known that the origin of the eponym of the Sufi brotherhood of Yasawiya, Ahmad Yasawi (died in 1166–1167), also belongs to this line. Such a cultural policy and practice of the authorities in the territories subject to the Kokand Khanate in the 19th century led to the formation and existence of a new range of concepts, rituals, ceremonies, norms in the political, social, cultural life of the region. As Professor Devin DeWeis has established, in medieval Central Asia, sometimes the shajara (tree of biological origin) of a certain person could be perceived as his silsila (chain of spiritual succession) in Sufism. Written sources that appeared in the era of Kokand dominance, late phenomena and manifestations of spiritual life, in the absence of a critical attitude, can be perceived as old traditions coming from medieval history, the very origins of the history of the Sufi brotherhood Yasawiya.
Écrit et culture en Asie centrale et dans le monde turco-iranien, Xe-XIXe siècles, 2009
Publication analyzes new manuscripts from the Library of Khoja Muhammad Parsa, Bukhara.
Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 2019
The period in the history of Kazakhstan between the middle XIX – middle XX centuries, when signif... more The period in the history of Kazakhstan between the middle XIX – middle XX centuries, when significant transformations in the Kazakh Muslim community took place, is of great academic interest for researchers. Among the little-studied historical processes, which were under way in Kazakhstan, could be mentioned: (1) the interaction of Muslim and Russian (Orthodox) civilizations; (2) the awakening of the followers of the traditional Islamic school; (3) the initiation and dissemination of the ideas of Islamic modernism (Jadidism) and Islamic fundamentalism (Salafism) in local Muslim communities etc. However the use of well-known Russian official documents as the main and only sources for new investigations could lead to one-sided conclusions, as that was shown in the well-known review by Prof. Devin DeWeese.
II. Uluslararası Türkistan’dan Anadolu’ya İrfan Geleneği: Abdal Ata Sempozyumu, 2024
In Kazakhstan, Yasawian studies are carried out in many directions and with the participation of ... more In Kazakhstan, Yasawian studies are carried out in many directions and with the participation of many researchers. This presentation will cover three topics: 1) Divan-i Hikmat; 2) the Genealogy of Ahmad Yasawi and 3) the epigraphic inscriptions of the Shaykh’s mausoleum.
Proceedings of the 18th International Academician Ubaydulla Karimov Conference of Young Orientalists: Current Conditions of the Preservation and Research of Ancient Written Sources, 2024
The at-Tarazi family has significant importance for the study of Islamic civilization in Central ... more The at-Tarazi family has significant importance for the study of Islamic civilization in Central Asia from several points of view. Firstly, the founder of the family – a famous political figure, scholar-theologian, major trader Abu Nasr Mubashshir at-Tarazi (1897–1978), who was an active participant and direct witness to many events of the 1910–1920s in Central Asia. Secondly, he and members of his large family, particularly his son Nasrallah at-Tarazi (1922–2002), made their feasible contribution to the development of friendly relations between Central Asian countries with Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt, raising its image in the Muslim world. Finally, it is a subtle channel for communicating new development trends and changes that are taking place in the Muslim world.
Proceedings of the International Conference: Reassessing the Heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, October 2023, Turkistan, Kazakhstan , 2024
The purpose of this article is to study the activities of the Kokand khans (1710-1876), natives f... more The purpose of this article is to study the activities of the Kokand khans (1710-1876), natives from the Turkic Ming tribe, in developing their sacred genealogy (shajara, nasab-nama), its popularization and how this aspect of the nation-building policy influenced the content and nature of local written monuments, which were newly created or transformed in this era.
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Practical Conference “Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present” , 2024
The Paper analyzes the role of the Bukharan scholar in establishment a new current in the history... more The Paper analyzes the role of the Bukharan scholar in establishment a new current in the history of Islamic disciplines.
Abstracta Iranica, 2001
Revue bibliographique pour le domaine irano-aryen Volume 22 | 2001 Comptes rendus des publication... more Revue bibliographique pour le domaine irano-aryen Volume 22 | 2001 Comptes rendus des publications de 1999
Turbat - Ismail Ata: Aniz ben Aqiqat, 2017
The text contains the Kazakh translation of the 14th centuries version of the narrative about the... more The text contains the Kazakh translation of the 14th centuries version of the narrative about the Islamization of Central Asia.
Eurasian Journal of Religious studies, 2015
Му ми нов А.К. Ран ний пе ри од в эво лю ции ма ту ри дитс ко го уче ния Ран няя эво лю ция ма ту... more Му ми нов А.К. Ран ний пе ри од в эво лю ции ма ту ри дитс ко го уче ния Ран няя эво лю ция ма ту ри дитс ко го уче ния в Са мар кан де ос тает ся ма ло исс ле до ван ной те мой. Раз ра бот ка те мы во мно гом за ви сит от вве де ния в научный обо рот но вых ис точ ни ков, сре ди ко то рых ру ко пис ные яв ляют ся глав ны ми. Дан ная статья пос вя ще на исс ле до ва нию на чаль но го пе ри ода раз ви тия ма ту ри дитс кой теоло гии в Цент раль ной Азии. Клю че вые сло ва: Цент раль ная Азия, Са мар канд, Ма ту ри ди, ма ту ри дитс кая теоло гия. Muminov A.K. The early period in evolution of the Maturidi doctrine Early evolution of the maturidi doctrine in Samarkand remains the lowstudied subject. Development of a subject in many respects depends on introduction to a scientific turn of new sources among which hand written are main. This article is devoted to research of an initial stage of development of maturidi theology in Central Asia.
Golden Horde Review, 2021
Research objective and materials: This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the w... more Research objective and materials: This article is devoted to the analysis of the results of the work carried out on the sources used by Vladimir Tiesenhausen in the compiling the Arabic volume of the “Collection of Materials Relating to the History of the Golden Horde”. Results and novelty of the research: A comparative study of texts extracted by Vladimir G. Tiesenhausen in 1884, with their new editions, presented the following picture: one group of publications represents academic editions with quality translations, accompanied by professionally executed commentaries. Another part of the sources was published based on one part of existing copies. As practice shows, sometimes the older and complete copies of published works remained out of coverage in such publications; their existing editions are not taken into account. The third group of sources is composed of works that remain in manuscript form to the present day. One such work – “al-‘Aylam al-zakhir fi akhbar al-awa’il wa-l-aw...
Муминов А.К., Утепбергенова У.А. Письменные памятники и традиционный ислам в Казахстане // «Ұлы Даланың діни тұлғалары және рухани бірегейлік мәселесі» атты халықаралық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференция материалдары / Жауапты редактор Палтөре Ықтияр Молдатөреұлы. Алматы: «Нұр-Мүбарак» баспасы, 2023. , 2023
The Paper analyses the written monuments for Studying the history of Islamic culture in Kazakhstan.
Issues of Creating the Basis of the Spiritual Heritage and III Renaissance, 2023
The publication is devoted to the analysis of the creative activity of the Islamic scholar Shovos... more The publication is devoted to the analysis of the creative activity of the Islamic scholar Shovosil Ziyedov. It is important for young Islamic scholars who begin their journey in the study of the written culture of Islam.
Les principes de composition du présent catalogue, déjà utilisés pour notre catalogue de Qarshi p... more Les principes de composition du présent catalogue, déjà utilisés pour notre catalogue de Qarshi publié dans la même série (2004), ont été adoptés pour faire valoir l'originalité du fonds, pour préserver son intégrité en tant que collection fixe, ainsi que pour refléter un ...
8/21, 2015
The article in Kazakh analizes the narratives on Islamic gigant heros in Central Asian popular li... more The article in Kazakh analizes the narratives on Islamic gigant heros in Central Asian popular literature and sacred places' culture.
Zebuniso Kamalova, Aiitmamat Kariev, Saidbek Boltabayev (eds.). “The Role of Kokand Khanate in the Development of Statehood and It’s Place in the Cultural Heritage of the Turkic Peoples” (June, 7-10, 2022, Khokand): Proceedings Book., 2022
In most cases, private collections reveal a large number of collections of documents issued to re... more In most cases, private collections reveal a large number of collections of documents issued to representatives of sacred families in the historical territory of the Kokand Khanate (1710–1876). Their search, discovery, publication and comparative study have intensified recently. This publication attempts to analyze the content of such documentary collections in comparison with the sacred genealogy of the Kokand khans.
Le fonds des manuscrits orientaux du Musee regional de Qarshi a ete decouvert en 1998 a l'occ... more Le fonds des manuscrits orientaux du Musee regional de Qarshi a ete decouvert en 1998 a l'occasion d'une prospection scientifique dans la vallee du Qashqa-Daryâ; La region avait constituee au XIXe et au debut du XXe siecle une mosaique de petites cours locales pratiquement independantes du pouvoir central de l'emirat de Boukhara. Le fonds du Musee de Qarshi est constitue des manuscrits en arabe, en persan, et en turc oriental. Le catalogue est precede d'une introduction retracant l'histoire de la constitution du fonds, ses principales caracteristiques codicologiques, son contenu et sa composition, et donne une premiere analyse des milieux locaux des artisans du livre et de la production locale des manuscrits.
The article attempts to highlight the little-known aspects of the activities of the Kokand khans ... more The article attempts to highlight the little-known aspects of the activities of the Kokand khans (1710–1876) in developing, asserting and popularizing their Sayyid origin. Under Sayyid Umar Khan (1810–1822), to construct their sacred genealogy, they used the genealogical line of the Central Asian descendants of Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyya (d. 700–701), the third son of Caliph ‘Ali (656–661). It is known that the origin of the eponym of the Sufi brotherhood of Yasawiya, Ahmad Yasawi (died in 1166–1167), also belongs to this line. Such a cultural policy and practice of the authorities in the territories subject to the Kokand Khanate in the 19th century led to the formation and existence of a new range of concepts, rituals, ceremonies, norms in the political, social, cultural life of the region. As Professor Devin DeWeis has established, in medieval Central Asia, sometimes the shajara (tree of biological origin) of a certain person could be perceived as his silsila (chain of spiritual succession) in Sufism. Written sources that appeared in the era of Kokand dominance, late phenomena and manifestations of spiritual life, in the absence of a critical attitude, can be perceived as old traditions coming from medieval history, the very origins of the history of the Sufi brotherhood Yasawiya.
Écrit et culture en Asie centrale et dans le monde turco-iranien, Xe-XIXe siècles, 2009
Publication analyzes new manuscripts from the Library of Khoja Muhammad Parsa, Bukhara.
Asiatische Studien - Études Asiatiques, 2019
The period in the history of Kazakhstan between the middle XIX – middle XX centuries, when signif... more The period in the history of Kazakhstan between the middle XIX – middle XX centuries, when significant transformations in the Kazakh Muslim community took place, is of great academic interest for researchers. Among the little-studied historical processes, which were under way in Kazakhstan, could be mentioned: (1) the interaction of Muslim and Russian (Orthodox) civilizations; (2) the awakening of the followers of the traditional Islamic school; (3) the initiation and dissemination of the ideas of Islamic modernism (Jadidism) and Islamic fundamentalism (Salafism) in local Muslim communities etc. However the use of well-known Russian official documents as the main and only sources for new investigations could lead to one-sided conclusions, as that was shown in the well-known review by Prof. Devin DeWeese.
Saduaqas Ghilmani and the Great Steppe Scholars, 2024
The book contains papers by 102 authors, prepared on the basis of their presentations at the join... more The book contains papers by 102 authors, prepared on the basis of their presentations at the joint international conference organized by the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) and L. N. Gumilev Eurasian National University. It was dedicated to the memory of the great Kazakh Islamic figure and scholar Saduaqas Ghilmani (1890-1972).
Proceedings of the 18th International Academician Ubaydulla Karimov Conference of Young Orientalists: Current Conditions of the Preservation and Research of Ancient Written Sources, August 2022: Tashkent, 2024
The book contains 70 research articles prepared on the basis of materials from a joint internatio... more The book contains 70 research articles prepared on the basis of materials from a joint international conference of the Research Center for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) and Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences. Most of the authors are members of the Society of Young Scholars named after Academician Ubaydulla Karimov, have academic success and extensive experience in their fields.
Islamic Civilisation in the Great Steppe, 2022
This book is comprised of 50 scientific articles based on the materials of the international conf... more This book is comprised of 50 scientific articles based on the materials of the international conference. It was organized and conducted by IRCICA in cooperation with R. B. Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty in March 2017.
The first chapter includes articles by leading researchers of Kazakhstan in the field of studying the monuments of Islamic civilization in the Aral-Caspian region. The main focus is on the identification, registration, and primary study of new centers, where inscriptions in Arabic script are concentrated. Heuristic studies have helped to identify about 400 memorial and cult complexes, where monuments of Islamic epigraphy have been preserved. The articles set further tasks for the in-depth study, preservation and preparation for publication of these sources on the history of Islamic civilization in the region.
Articles on the study of newly discovered written sources on the history of Islamic civilization in the Great Steppe makes up the second chapter. The new material that is extracted from them is of interest for research in the fields of Islamic history, archeology, sphragistics, diplomacy, folklore, and manuscript heritage.
The third chapter contains articles on several areas of the historiography of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, which were studied by the famous Kazakh scholar Timur Kasymovich Beisembiev (1955–2016). Of particular interest are the works on the history and culture of the Kokand Khanate (1710–1876). At the end of the book, there are descriptions of the private archive of Dr. Beisembiev, who devoted his whole life to collecting, classifying and studying written sources on the history and culture of Islamic civilization in the Great Steppe, particularly in the Kokand historiography.
Zamanimizda bolghan ghulamalarding ghumir tarikhdari, 2013
The work being presented here is of Saduaqas Chïlmani (1890-1972), a Kazakh Islamic scholar. He s... more The work being presented here is of Saduaqas Chïlmani (1890-1972), a Kazakh Islamic scholar. He spent his life in two different eras during the history of the Kazakh people - in the Imperial Russian and Soviet. From 1952 until 1972, Ghïlmani headed the Kazakhstani section of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan (SADUM) as Qazi of Kazakhstan. He left a rich heritage, estimated at over 60 titles. These include poetry, as well as historical, linguistic and theological works. Ghïlmani was also engaged in translating theological works from Arabic into Kazakh. Among his works, his biographical dictionary of Kazakh ‘ulama, Zamanïmïzda bolghan ghŭlamalardïng ömĭr tarikhtarï (the Biographies of the Islamic Scholars of Our Times) occupies a special place. It contains biographies of 50 religious figures and scholars from northern Kazakhstan who lived in the 19th and 20th centuries. The publication of this work has been made on the basis of the unique manuscript of the work, which is the author’s autograph. Its translation from Kazakh into English includes scholarly commentary based on his rich archive, as well as his other works and memoirs.
Knizhnoe sobranie na arabskom shrifte Natsional'nogo Tsentra, 2021
This catalogue is the first systematic description of books and manuscripts in Arabic script from... more This catalogue is the first systematic description of books and manuscripts in Arabic script from the collection of the National Center for Manuscripts and Rare Books. The catalogue of books and manuscripts in Arabic script contains a brief scientific description and paleographic characteristics of each book, as well as an assessment of the historical and cultural significance of the most valuable copies. The catalogue is designed and intended for researchers, historians, philosophers and a wide range of readers interested in the history of the manuscript book.
Ezhelgi tarikhting tamyrshysy, 2020
Festschrift Volume contains the articles in Islamic studies by authors from different institution... more Festschrift Volume contains the articles in Islamic studies by authors from different institutions.
Qozha Ahmet Yasawi Hikmetteri Qolzhazba Katalogi , 2006
Catalogue "Qozha Ahmet Yasawi Hikmetteri Qolzhazba Katalogi" contains descriptions of 300 manusc... more Catalogue "Qozha Ahmet Yasawi Hikmetteri Qolzhazba Katalogi" contains descriptions of 300 manuscripts with Hikmats from the holdings of the Institute of Oriental Studies, Academy of Sciences, Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.
Nauchnoe nasledie khanafitskikh uchenykh Tsentral'noi Azii i Kazakhstana, 2018
The monograph is dedicated to the identification and study of the main works of scholars of the H... more The monograph is dedicated to the identification and study of the main works of scholars of the Hanafi school in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.
Istoriia Kazakhstana v arabskikh istochnikakh, tom 1, 2005
New edition of Tiezenhausen "Sbornik materialov, otnosiashchikhsia k istorii Zolotoi Ordy" with t... more New edition of Tiezenhausen "Sbornik materialov, otnosiashchikhsia k istorii Zolotoi Ordy" with the commentaries and corrections
Islamdyq rukhanilyq pen ratsionaldyq zhane ethno-madeni dasturler, 2016
Proceedings of the Conference, 2016 held in Astana, Kazakhstan
Muminov A., Kumekov B., Sultonov U., Shukhovtsov V., Kenzhetayev D., Kabylova A., Utepbergenova U., Aibasov A. Istoricheskie Dokumenty Mavzoleia Khodzha Akhmada Iasavi. Astana: Master Po, 2017., 2017
Three funds hold the documents concerning the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmad Yasawi are under investiga... more Three funds hold the documents concerning the Mausoleum of Khoja Ahmad Yasawi are under investigation in this monography.
Epitaphs of Muslim Scholars in Samarkand (10th-14th Centuries), 2019
The book contains texts in Arabic script of 239 epitaphs of Central Asian scholars who lived from... more The book contains texts in Arabic script of 239 epitaphs of Central Asian scholars who lived from the 10th to 14th centuries with their representations, translations into Russian and commentaries. It includes an introductory article, detailed scholarly indices, a glossary, bibliography, and other illustrations.
The Book contains the Proceedings of the Conference on the Legacy of Ahmad Yasawi.
Islamic Culture in Kazakhstan, Apr 17, 2017
Monography on Momaqan Aliyev (1897-1969), official imam in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan in Soviet time. ... more Monography on Momaqan Aliyev (1897-1969), official imam in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan in Soviet time. It was written on the basis of his heritage (library, private archives, photo album), oral information of his descendants. The main aim in this research was investigating Momaqan Aliyev’s life, works, his positions, to define his adaptation process to political changes.
Shaqpaq-Ata: Inscriptions of the Underground Mosque and Necropolis
The texts of the Arabic inscriptions of the Shaqpaq-Ata complex are being published for the first... more The texts of the Arabic inscriptions of the Shaqpaq-Ata complex are being published for the first time in the series “Epigraphic Monuments of Kazakhstan”. The complex is located in Tubqaraghan district in Manghistau Province. 225 inscriptions are included in the album. Each inscription is accompanied by a photograph, printed text, and commentary to the translation. The album includes a research section (Introduction) and indices.
The present work is devoted to study the role and significance of Hanafi theologians in the histo... more The present work is devoted to study the role and significance of Hanafi theologians in the history of Central Asia in the VIII–XV centuries. It was based on the material of the unpublished work by the Ottoman scholar Mahmud ibn Sulayman al-Kafawi (d. 989/1581), “al-Kata’ib a‘lam akhyar min fuqaha’ madhhab al-Nu‘man al-Mukhtar” (“Categories of Outstanding Men in the Theological School of al-Nu‘man the Chosen”).
It shows the key role of theologians in Hanafi Islam, the processes of interaction with the local cultural traditions, its adaptation in a region with a diverse ethnic structure, especially in economy, culture, customs and beliefs. Also the history of the theological school of Central Asia is traced, which gave many great names of outstanding works in the development of Islamic civilization.
The book is intended for historians, orientalists, theologians and a wide range of readers interested in the history of Islamic civilization in Central Asia.
The monograph is devoted to the work by Saduaqas Ghïlmani (1890–1972), the former qadi of Kazakhs... more The monograph is devoted to the work by Saduaqas Ghïlmani (1890–1972), the former qadi of Kazakhstan in 1952-1972. The basis for the research is “Work against the slanders and false interpretations of the Koran. It presents the facsimile text of the autograph, preserved in a private collection of the authors’ descendants.
Монография рассматривает советский период ислама в Казахстане. Автор монографии раскрывает аспект... more Монография рассматривает советский период ислама в Казахстане. Автор монографии раскрывает аспекты адаптации религии к атеистическому режиму, в частности, стратегии выживания.
Programme, 2021
An international conference “New Perspectives for the Study of Islamic Culture, History and Art i... more An international conference “New Perspectives for the Study of Islamic Culture, History and Art in Uzbekistan” was organized by IRCICA and Al-Biruni Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhan Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, on 28 May 2021. The conference was dedicated to the memory of Academician Ubaydulla Karimov. It was attended by scholars and researchers from various countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation, Turkey, USA, and Uzbekistan itself. The conference was held online and off-line. A total of 85 papers were presented, in 7 parallel sessions.
Abstracts, 2020
It contains the abstracts of presentations made on February 13, 2020 in Bishkek at the Internatio... more It contains the abstracts of presentations made on February 13, 2020 in Bishkek at the International Workshop "Status of Contemporary Research on Islamic History, Art and Culture in Kyrgyzstan".
Ezheilgi tarithting tamyrshysy, 2020
It contains the titles of Ashirbek Muminov's publications made during 1984-2019 with the indicati... more It contains the titles of Ashirbek Muminov's publications made during 1984-2019 with the indication of addresses to free access.
Programme of the II international workshop titled “Manuscript Collections in Kazakhstan: Preservation and Research,” October 24, 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2024
The purpose of the II International Workshop was to get acquainted with the current state of manu... more The purpose of the II International Workshop was to get acquainted with the current state of manuscripts and rare books in Arabic script, stored in various funds of the Republic of Kazakhstan, to evaluate the present and future of their research, to share the latest international achievements in the study of manuscript heritage, to exchange experience in preservation and restoration, introduction of new data and findings into scientific circulation and exchange of opinions with the representatives of renowned scientific centers and universities.
Programme of the International Conference “Husam ad-din as-Sighnaqi: His Followers in the Golden Horde”, 23 October 2024, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 2024
The conference series aims to further explore the legacy of Husam ad-din as-Sighnaqi, his school ... more The conference series aims to further explore the legacy of Husam ad-din as-Sighnaqi, his school and its traditions with contributions from both Kazakh and international researchers.
Programme of the 5th Conference "Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present" (3 October 2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan), 2024
The Programme of the 5th Conference "Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present" (3 O... more The Programme of the 5th Conference "Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present" (3 October 2024, Tashkent, Uzbekistan)
Programme, 2024
The Programme of the International Workshop Titled: “Epigraphical Monuments in Arabic Script of t... more The Programme of the International Workshop Titled: “Epigraphical Monuments in Arabic Script of the Golden Horde and Its Successors”, organized by IRCICA, Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies and Aqtobe Akimat. It is the key part of the project “Continuity and Transformation in the Traditions and Culture of Post-Golden Horde Societies (Comparative Study of Epigraphic Monuments from the West of Kazakhstan, Volga-Ural, Dagestan, Khorezm Regions)” (IRN: BR18574063).
Central Asian Manuscripts in the Mongol and Timurid empires (13th to 15th centuries), 2024
NoMansLand Conference "Central Asian Manuscripts in the Mongol and Timurid empires (13th to 15th ... more NoMansLand Conference "Central Asian Manuscripts in the Mongol and Timurid empires (13th to 15th centuries)" in Uzbekistan 2024 with the collaboration of the Bukhari Institute, the State University of Samarkand and the Beruni Institute.
Program-II.International Symposium on Wisdom Tradition from Turkestan to Anatolia: Abdal Ata, 2024
The role of the wisdom tradition in the Turkification and Islamization of Anatolia Understanding ... more The role of the wisdom tradition in the Turkification and Islamization of Anatolia
Understanding of tolerance in Anatolian wisdom and contributions to the experience of living together
The missions of zawiyas and Sufi figures in the Middle Ages and their effects on social life
Sufi texts from the Middle Ages (analyses in terms of content, language, form, etc.)
In terms of Faith Tourism, lodges, zawiyas, and tombs; Abdal Ata Masjid and Tomb
The etymology and history of the words Ata and Abdal
Abdal Ata's life and his views on religion and Sufism
Abdal Ata Zawiyah's Development Throughout History
The physical and architectural construction of Abdal Ata’s Zawiyah, as well as its historical significance
The Social, Economic, and Cultural Structure of Abdal Ata’s Zawiyah
The impact of Abdal Ata and his zawiyah on the social, economic, religious, and cultural life of Çorum
Historical, social, economic, and demographic structure of Abdal Ata’s village (Yanack&Yakack)
Sufi groups and persons active in Anatolia during the Abdal Ata period include:
Sects and Sufi figures active in and around Çorum
Migration and settlement activities in the region including Çorum in the Middle Ages
Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present, 2023
“IRCICA Chair for Islamic History and Source Studies” at the International Islamic Academy of Uzb... more “IRCICA Chair for Islamic History and Source Studies” at the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and IRCICA will coordinate the International Conference on “Islamic Civilization in Central Asia: Past and Present” on Monday, 16 October 2023 at 2 p.m. Tashkent Time and accessible via Zoom. Papers will be presented under the following themes: “Islamic culture and art in the Central Asian region”; “The spiritual and scientific heritage of Central Asian scholars”, “Epigraphy and architecture of historical monuments”, “Commonality and diversity of customs and traditions in Central Asia”.
Reassessing the Heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi, 2023
Program of the International Conference “Reassessing the Heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi” to be or... more Program of the International Conference “Reassessing the Heritage of Khoja Ahmet Yasawi” to be organized jointly by the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve “Aziret Sultan” and Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) on October 10-11, 2023 in Turkistan City, Republic of Kazakhstan. Researchers from 7 countries (France, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Türkiye, Uzbekistan) will take part in the conference.
ИРСИКА-ның халықаралық каллиграфия байқауларында
жүлдеге ие болған жұмыстардың үлгілері
Samples of award-winning works from IRCICA International Calligraphy Competitions
Manuscript Collections in Kazakhstan: Preservation and Research, 2023
Nur-Mubarak Egyptian University of Islamic Culture, in collaboration with the Research Centre for... more Nur-Mubarak Egyptian University of Islamic Culture, in collaboration with the Research Centre for Islamic History, Art and Culture (IRCICA) as subsidiary organ of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation holds an international workshop entitled “Manuscript Collections in Kazakhstan: Preservation and Research” on May 19-20, 2023, in Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The training will cover a broad range of library work in abroad and the country, as well as insig... more The training will cover a broad range of library work in abroad and the country, as well as insight into new trends in library management, technological aspects of library work, analysis of modern cataloging practices, and working with photo archive documents in the case of IRCICA.
Exchange of knowledge and experience among organizations in establishing the Center of Islamic Civilization's manuscript fund and promoting best practices in the conservation and restoration of manuscripts, lithographic works, and archival documents.
Program, 2022
International Forum, 2022
International Forum "Central Asia - Center of Islamic Art" is organized on November 1-3, 2022 in ... more International Forum "Central Asia - Center of Islamic Art" is organized on November 1-3, 2022 in Samarkand by Imam Bukhari Internatonal Scientific-Research Center, IRCICA and the Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The plan for this second portion is to provide a general overview of Sufism in Central Asia and t... more The plan for this second portion is to provide a general overview of Sufism in Central Asia and then focus on the Yasawiyya path. Discussions will range from the emergence of the first tariqahs in Central Asia until the 19th century, centered around the five most prevalent tariqas of Central Asia, namely the Khojagan, Kubrawiyya, Naqshbandiyya, Tayfuriyya/‘Isqhiyya, Qadiriyya and Yasawiyya paths. What effect did these tariqas have on the environment around them? What were their teachings and practices and what effect did it have on the people? What is the heritage, literary and otherwise, that remains for us to study? What was the shape of their influence on the spiritual realm of people?
Prospectus: This international conference will be organized in two parts, held simultaneously. Th... more Prospectus:
This international conference will be organized in two parts, held simultaneously. The “Preservation of Objects of Historical and Cultural Heritage” sessions will focus on the architectural and archaeological aspects of the mausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and its surroundings. The second portion will focus on “The Role of the Spiritual Heritage of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi in Turkic Culture, Philosophy, and Literature” wherein academicians will speak on both the historical and contemporary aspects of Sufi Studies centered around Khoja Ahmed Yasawi and the Yasawiyya path.
Islamic Civilisation in Central Asia: Past and Present, 2022
It contains the Program of the Conference
The Role of Sufi Brotherhoods in the Social Life of Central Asia, 2022
The Program of the İnternational on-line conference to be held ın Samarkand on September 22, 2022.
Program, 2022
Program of the Conference, 4-5 August, 2022
Program, 2022
Program of the International Conference