Rajna Sosic Klindzic | University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences [Filozofski fakultet] (original) (raw)


Papers by Rajna Sosic Klindzic

Research paper thumbnail of Starčevačka kultura/The Starčevo Culture

Darovi zemlje - neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava/Gifts of the Earth - The Neolithic between the Sava, Drava and Danube. (Eds.) Balen, J; Hršak, T; Šošić-Klindžić, R., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Circles and ceramics through the centuries: Characteristics of Neolithic Sopot culture settlements

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 2019

The paper presents the results of archaeological research at eight sites of Sopot culture in the ... more The paper presents the results of archaeological research at eight sites of Sopot culture in the area north of the town of Đakovo. The sites are in various stages of investigation – from aerial remote sensing and reconnaissance, to archaeological excavation and the application of the magnetic survey. It has been established through recent research that the sites of the Sopot culture are of a much larger scale and of a much more complex structure than previously thought, and it is proposed to re-evaluate the current interpretations. All settlements are enclosed by one or more ditches, except for the Đakovo – Grabrovac/Ciglana settlement for which it is not possible to determine whether it had a ditch, since most of the site was removed by the activities of the brickworks during the 20th century. The fndings from eight settlements were analysed typologically and chronologically in the context of other sites of Sopot culture in Slavonia.

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Research paper thumbnail of A rare find of bone beads from the Late Bronze Age cemetery in the Southern Carpathian Basin

Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 2016

Barice-Gređani group was first defined on a basis of cemetery finds from cemetery Barice near Gor... more Barice-Gređani group was first defined on a basis of cemetery finds from cemetery Barice near Gornja Orahovica and it was long known in literature as a group of Barice-Gređani type cemeteries. That was supported by a number of excavated and published cemeteries and lack of settlement research in Slavonian and Bosnian Posavina was present at that time. The first material from settlement of Barice-Gređani group was partially published in late 1980s. A numerous new settlements and cemeteries of Urnfield Culture were discovered and excavated in last 30 years due to intensive building of
infrastructure, organising museum networks and monument protection system. In that light it is now possible to reinterpret older finds and make more complex contextualisation of Barice-Gređani group burial ritual. Three bone beads found in burial 16 belong to rare finds in the cemeteries of Barice-Gređani group. Only two cemeteries except Mačkovac from area that covers group Barice-Gređani have similar worked bone finds. Bone objects are exposed to funeral pyre together
with deceased in all excavated contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of First Excavation at Pavlova pećina site

Opuscula Archaeologica Radovi Arheološkog …, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Projekt “Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka”: sažetak 1. godine istraživanja The Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise Project: a summary of th...

Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju

Članak donosi izvještaj prve godine istraživanja na projektu Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu... more Članak donosi izvještaj prve godine istraživanja na projektu Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Provedena su probna iskopavanja Matetine pećine kod Kaštela, rekognosciranja zaleđa Kaštela, a nastavljena su ranije započeta istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici kod Benkovca i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić. U metode dokumentiranja uvedeno je 3D fotografiranje, a u istraživanje električna rezistentna tomografija. The paper reports on the first year of research on the project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic - towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. Trial excavations were carried out in the Matetina pećina cave near Kaštela, field survey was conducted in the hinterland of Kaštela, and the investigations continued in Velika pećina cave in Kličevica and at the unde...

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Research paper thumbnail of RADIOLARITES and RADIOLARIAN CHERTS in NORTHERN CROATIA–a possible sources for the production of artifacts

electronic form only:: DA

Page 1. 1 CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HRVATSKI GEOLOŠKI INSTITUT Budapest, October 29th 2009 1909 ... more Page 1. 1 CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HRVATSKI GEOLOŠKI INSTITUT Budapest, October 29th 2009 1909 - 2009 RADIOLARITES and RADIOLARIAN CHERTS in NORTHERN CROATIA – a possible sources for the production of artifacts ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cijepani litički materijal s ranoneolitičkog nalazišta Zadubravlje

Prilozi Instituta za …, Jan 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Chipped stone assemblage from the Early Neolithic site of Zadubravlje

Prilozi Instituta za …, Jan 1, 2010

The paper presents the results of the lithic analysis of chipped stone artefacts from a Starčevo ... more The paper presents the results of the lithic analysis of chipped stone artefacts from a Starčevo culture site at Zadubravlje. Blanks for tool production (flakes, blades and bladelets) were produced at the site itself, mostly on the...

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Books by Rajna Sosic Klindzic

Research paper thumbnail of Darovi zemlje - neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava/Gifts of the Earth - The Neolithic between the Sava, Drava and Danube. (Eds.) Balen, J; Hršak, T; Šošić-Klindžić, R.

by Tomislav Hršak, Rajna Sosic Klindzic, Lea Čataj, Jacqueline Balen, Alenka Tomaž, Penny Bickle, Boban Tripkovic, Sinisa Radovic, Kelly Reed, Dusan Boric, Marcel Buric, and Maja Pasarić

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Research paper thumbnail of Uvod u teorijsku arheologiju - stvaraoci i pravci u 20. stoljeću

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Research paper thumbnail of Starčevačka kultura/The Starčevo Culture

Darovi zemlje - neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava/Gifts of the Earth - The Neolithic between the Sava, Drava and Danube. (Eds.) Balen, J; Hršak, T; Šošić-Klindžić, R., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Circles and ceramics through the centuries: Characteristics of Neolithic Sopot culture settlements

Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu, 2019

The paper presents the results of archaeological research at eight sites of Sopot culture in the ... more The paper presents the results of archaeological research at eight sites of Sopot culture in the area north of the town of Đakovo. The sites are in various stages of investigation – from aerial remote sensing and reconnaissance, to archaeological excavation and the application of the magnetic survey. It has been established through recent research that the sites of the Sopot culture are of a much larger scale and of a much more complex structure than previously thought, and it is proposed to re-evaluate the current interpretations. All settlements are enclosed by one or more ditches, except for the Đakovo – Grabrovac/Ciglana settlement for which it is not possible to determine whether it had a ditch, since most of the site was removed by the activities of the brickworks during the 20th century. The fndings from eight settlements were analysed typologically and chronologically in the context of other sites of Sopot culture in Slavonia.

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Research paper thumbnail of A rare find of bone beads from the Late Bronze Age cemetery in the Southern Carpathian Basin

Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, 2016

Barice-Gređani group was first defined on a basis of cemetery finds from cemetery Barice near Gor... more Barice-Gređani group was first defined on a basis of cemetery finds from cemetery Barice near Gornja Orahovica and it was long known in literature as a group of Barice-Gređani type cemeteries. That was supported by a number of excavated and published cemeteries and lack of settlement research in Slavonian and Bosnian Posavina was present at that time. The first material from settlement of Barice-Gređani group was partially published in late 1980s. A numerous new settlements and cemeteries of Urnfield Culture were discovered and excavated in last 30 years due to intensive building of
infrastructure, organising museum networks and monument protection system. In that light it is now possible to reinterpret older finds and make more complex contextualisation of Barice-Gređani group burial ritual. Three bone beads found in burial 16 belong to rare finds in the cemeteries of Barice-Gređani group. Only two cemeteries except Mačkovac from area that covers group Barice-Gređani have similar worked bone finds. Bone objects are exposed to funeral pyre together
with deceased in all excavated contexts.

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Research paper thumbnail of First Excavation at Pavlova pećina site

Opuscula Archaeologica Radovi Arheološkog …, 2004

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Research paper thumbnail of Projekt “Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka”: sažetak 1. godine istraživanja The Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic – towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise Project: a summary of th...

Prilozi Instituta za Arheologiju

Članak donosi izvještaj prve godine istraživanja na projektu Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu... more Članak donosi izvještaj prve godine istraživanja na projektu Kasni musterijen na istočnom Jadranu – temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka koji financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost. Provedena su probna iskopavanja Matetine pećine kod Kaštela, rekognosciranja zaleđa Kaštela, a nastavljena su ranije započeta istraživanja Velike pećine u Kličevici kod Benkovca i podvodnoga paleolitičkog nalazišta Kaštel Štafilić. U metode dokumentiranja uvedeno je 3D fotografiranje, a u istraživanje električna rezistentna tomografija. The paper reports on the first year of research on the project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic - towards understanding of late Neanderthals’ identity and their demise, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. Trial excavations were carried out in the Matetina pećina cave near Kaštela, field survey was conducted in the hinterland of Kaštela, and the investigations continued in Velika pećina cave in Kličevica and at the unde...

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Research paper thumbnail of RADIOLARITES and RADIOLARIAN CHERTS in NORTHERN CROATIA–a possible sources for the production of artifacts

electronic form only:: DA

Page 1. 1 CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HRVATSKI GEOLOŠKI INSTITUT Budapest, October 29th 2009 1909 ... more Page 1. 1 CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY HRVATSKI GEOLOŠKI INSTITUT Budapest, October 29th 2009 1909 - 2009 RADIOLARITES and RADIOLARIAN CHERTS in NORTHERN CROATIA – a possible sources for the production of artifacts ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cijepani litički materijal s ranoneolitičkog nalazišta Zadubravlje

Prilozi Instituta za …, Jan 1, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Chipped stone assemblage from the Early Neolithic site of Zadubravlje

Prilozi Instituta za …, Jan 1, 2010

The paper presents the results of the lithic analysis of chipped stone artefacts from a Starčevo ... more The paper presents the results of the lithic analysis of chipped stone artefacts from a Starčevo culture site at Zadubravlje. Blanks for tool production (flakes, blades and bladelets) were produced at the site itself, mostly on the...

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Research paper thumbnail of Darovi zemlje - neolitik između Save, Drave i Dunava/Gifts of the Earth - The Neolithic between the Sava, Drava and Danube. (Eds.) Balen, J; Hršak, T; Šošić-Klindžić, R.

by Tomislav Hršak, Rajna Sosic Klindzic, Lea Čataj, Jacqueline Balen, Alenka Tomaž, Penny Bickle, Boban Tripkovic, Sinisa Radovic, Kelly Reed, Dusan Boric, Marcel Buric, and Maja Pasarić

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Research paper thumbnail of Uvod u teorijsku arheologiju - stvaraoci i pravci u 20. stoljeću

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