Marco Aurélio Vannucchi | Getulio Vargas Foundation (Fundação Getulio Vargas) (original) (raw)
Thesis Chapters by Marco Aurélio Vannucchi
The present thesis examines the performance of OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), through its h... more The present thesis examines the performance of OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), through its highest authority, Federal Council, between 1945 and 1964. The public action of the organ, in this period, can be decomposed in three phases. In the middle of the 1940s, Federal Council was deeply engaged in the opposition to the New State. In the 1950s, forced by the changes that reached the advocacy, the organism was centered in an eminently corporate agenda. Finally, in the beginning of 1960s, the Council recovered a strongly politicized posture to fight Goulart administration. Four themes are accentuated in the work: 1.) the profile of OAB elite; 2.) the relationship between OAB and the State; 3.) its relationship with the civil society; 4.) its relationship with the professional category that it represented.
Papers by Marco Aurélio Vannucchi
Revista de História (São Paulo), 2024
O corporativismo institucionalizado pelo regime varguista abriu um importante canal para a expres... more O corporativismo institucionalizado pelo regime varguista abriu um importante canal para a expressão de demandas das classes médias junto ao Estado e aos patrões pela criação de novas instituições, como os sindicatos oficiais e os conselhos profissionais. Essa nova forma de representação política era atravessada simultaneamente por incentivos e restrições ao seu exercício, elementos detalhadamente examinados pelo artigo. O saldo da participação política em chave corporativa das classes médias é avaliado em torno de dois aspectos: ação coletiva e interesses materiais. Em relação ao primeiro, observa-se uma tendência ao insulamento político paralelamente ao fortalecimento organizativo das classes médias. Em relação ao segundo, o corporativismo resultou em diminuição da concorrência profissional e em aquisição de direitos sociais e trabalhistas.
Revista de História (São Paulo), 2024
The corporate organization institutionalized by the Vargas regime opened an important channel for... more The corporate organization institutionalized by the Vargas regime opened an important channel for the middle classes to express their demands to the State and employers through the creation of new institutions, such as official trade unions and professional councils. This new form of political representation was simultaneously intersected by inducements and constraints on their use, elements that will be examined in detail in the article. The balance of the corporate political participation of the middle classes is evaluated in relation to two aspects: collective action and material interests. In relation to the former, a tendency towards political insulation parallel to the organizational strengthening of the middle classes can be observed. Regarding the latter, corporatism resulted in a reduction of professional competition and the acquisition of social and labor rights.
Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos Nouveaux mondes mondes nouveaux - Novo Mundo Mundos Novos - New world New worlds, 2022
This article examines the insertion of the professions in the Brazilian corporatist apparatus cre... more This article examines the insertion of the professions in the Brazilian corporatist apparatus
created from the 1930s onwards, the construction of which was part of the conservative
modernization implemented by the Varguista regime. The corporatism of the professions
involved both the regulation of the professions and the representation of interests, through their
official organs the unions and professional councils. The adhesion of the middle class (among
whom the professions were a prestige sector) was fundamental in giving the new regime
stability, due to the political importance of this social group. The article is empirically based on a
broad documentary repertoire, including official statistics, documents produced by corporate
entities, interviews, newspapers, and government documents.
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2020
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2018
S urgido em meio à ampliação da participação dos setores sociais subalternos na política
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2018
A trajetória acadêmico-profissional de Renato Boschi confunde-se com o processo de institucionali... more A trajetória acadêmico-profissional de Renato Boschi confunde-se com o processo de institucionalização da ciência política no país, para o qual ele deu importantes contribuições. Mineiro nascido em 1947, Boschi integra uma geração de cientistas sociais brasileiros que complementaram sua formação no exterior, cursando a pós-graduação em universidades estadunidenses e europeias. Desde a década de 1970, é professor de instituições prestigiadas,
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2018
Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 2016
Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internaciona... more Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que a publicação original seja corretamente citada.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2022
This article examines the relationship between state and civil society in the first Vargas admini... more This article examines the relationship between state and civil society in the first Vargas administration (1930–1945). It looks at a type of corporatist political incorporation of the business class and urban workers, especially the professions, and seeks to highlight the dynamic and class‐based nature of this process. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, in spite of the predominance of the state in relation to civil society, corporatism implied gains and losses (in different qualities and quantities) for both. Finally, it argues that in a general form in the period studied corporatism resulted in the increase of state control over social groups, but it points to an undesired effect for the state: the contribution of corporatist organisation to the (partial) autonomisation of civil society at the end of the Estado Novo.
Ler História, 2019
The article explores the connection between the building of a support base for the regime establi... more The article explores the connection between the building of a support base for the regime established in Brazil in 1930 and the creation of corporatist institutions, notably the representation of different social groups and official trade unionism. The introduction of these institutions by the regime opened channels for the representation of previously marginalized social groups, or those relegated to a secondary level in relation to intermediation with the state: industries, the middle class, and urban workers. In the National Constituent Assembly held between 1933 and 1934 the regime’s attitudes toward corporatist bodies were debated and met resistance, especially by representatives of the Catholic Church
and state oligarchies. Nevertheless, according to the constitution enacted afterwards and ordinary legislation, the regime was successful in maintaining both the representation of social groups and the corporatist trade union organization. This article is part of the special
theme section on Failed Constitutional Projects in Portugal and Brazil, 20th Century, guest-edited by Paula Borges Santos and Ivo Veiga.
História Unisinos, 2018
Various aspects of the modernization of the Brazilian economy and state have been examined by his... more Various aspects of the modernization of the Brazilian economy and state have been examined by historiography and the social sciences: urbanization, labor relations in the countryside, incorporation of workers in politics, industrialization. This article proposes to analyze a less explored dimension: the impact of these processes on the professions, especially the practice of law. The metamorphoses lawyers went through revolve around three central points: the diversification of working conditions and the political and ideological positions of the professional category; the expansion of the number of lawyers in the labor market; and the demand for a new professional profile. The lawyer
elite, through their entities, responded to the new situation with distinct results. They were successful in guaranteeing social security for lawyers, although they were not capable of preventing the expansion of law courses. Furthermore, they were obliged to accept a union agenda, under the risk of losing legitimacy within the professional category. In addition to the official statistics about teaching and the labor market, the research draws on documents produced by the Brazilian Bar Association, legislation, newspapers, and a book of memoirs.
Tempo, 2019
The state that was formed after the victory of the 1930 Revolution needed to attract the support ... more The state that was formed after the victory of the 1930 Revolution needed to attract the support of social groups to affirm itself. Negotiations with liberal professions involved the expansion of public positions, professional regulations, and a corporatist type of representation of interests. This article is concerned with investigating the latter point. The corporatist mechanism created a direct and permanent channel for the presentation of the demands of the professions to the State, concretized in union entities and professional councils. At the same time, it allowed the State to control this social group, especially after the dictatorship established at the end of 1937. Nevertheless, this control needed continuous updating on the part of the regime and was weakened when the latter entered into crisis, which opened space for part of the corporate apparatus, such as the OAB (the Bar Association) and the Trade Union of Lawyers, to be taken over by opposition forces.
O artigo propõe-se a examinar, tomando a advocacia como base, a existência e a dinâmica de um fen... more O artigo propõe-se a examinar, tomando a advocacia como base, a existência e a dinâmica de um fenômeno aqui denominado " corporativismo de classe média " , que se desenvolveu no Brasil a partir da Revolução de 1930. Tal fenômeno implica-se com outros processos históricos coetâneos, como a implementação do sistema corporativo para os trabalhadores e a burguesia e o alargamento do campo de atuação do Estado brasileiro. Enfoca o decreto que criou a OAB, datado de 18 de novembro de 1930, pelo governo provisório. Ao IAB foi delegada a organização da entidade corporativa. O regulamento da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil foi consolidado pelo decreto n° 22.478, de 1933. Palavras-chave: Corporativismo; classe média; advogados; Era Vargas.
Abogados y corporativismo de la clase media en el Brasil pos 1930
Este articulo propone examinar, a partir de la profesión de abogado, la existencia y la dinámica de un fenómeno que llamaremos aquí " corporativismo de clase media " , que se desarrolló en Brasil a partir de la Revolución de 1930. Este fenómeno fue acompañado por otros procesos históricos concomitantes, como la implementación del sistema corporativista para los trabajadores y la burguesía, o la ampliación del campo de acción del Estado brasileño. Enfoca en particular el decreto de creación del OAB (Orden de los Abogados del Brasil) tomado por el gobierno provisorio el 18 de noviembre 1930. El IAB (Instituto de los Abogados Brasileños) fue encargado de la implementación de este organismo profesional. La reglamentación del Orden de los Abogados del Brasil fue consolidada por el decreto n° 22.478, de 1933.
Lawyers and Corporatism among the middle class in post-1930 Brazil This article takes the practice of law as a basis for an examination of the existence and the dynamics of a phenomenon referred to here as the " corporatism of the middle class " , to have emerged in Brazil after the 1930 Revolution. Such a phenomenon is related to other ongoing historical processes, such as the implementation of the corporatist system for workers and the bourgeoisie, as well as the expansion of the role of the Brazilian state in society. The work focuses on the decree creating the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) dated November 18, 1930, and developed by the provisional government. The setting up of the corporate entity was delegated to the Brazilian Lawyers' Institute (IAB), with the legislation for the OAB consolidated by decree no 22,478 of 1933.
The purpose of this article is to explore one dimension of corporatism related to middle class in... more The purpose of this article is to explore one dimension of corporatism related to middle class in Brazil from the perspective of the dual nature of representation entities. Differently from the situation of the industrial business sector and urban workers, middle class representation in the State was shared by professional associations and unions. In the case of lawyers, the main topic of my study, the relationship between the professional bar and unions was especially conflicting. Representation competition imposed by unions made the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB, acronym in Portuguese for Ordem dos Advogados do Brazil) take a union like agenda. If we consider the middle class political and ideological differentiation process, the existence of two corporate entities made representation more legitimate. The Executive branch, though challenged, avoided the establishment of a representation monopoly for the middle class and especially for lawyers. The study of activities carried out by the Brazilian Bar Association and lawyer’s unions suggests middle class corporatism is closer to a society than a state modality.
Estudos Históricos, 2016
Entrevista com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro concedida a Alexandre Moreli, Bernardo Buarque e Marco A... more Entrevista com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro concedida a Alexandre Moreli, Bernardo Buarque e Marco Aurélio Vannucchi (São Paulo, 6 de julho de 2015)
A trajetória acadêmica de Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, catarinense de Itajaí nascido em 1946, tem-se desenvolvido entre o Brasil e a França. Graduado em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Aix-en-Provence (1970) e doutor em História pela Universidade de Paris X (1986), Alencastro ensinou na Universidade de Paris VIII (1974-1986), na Universidade de Rouen (1977-1986) e, finalmente, na Universidade de Paris IV, ou Paris-Sorbonne (2000-2014). Na Sorbonne, onde é professor emérito, orientou diversas dissertações e teses de alunos brasileiros, franceses e de outras nacionalidades sobre História do Brasil, da América Latina e da África. No Brasil, entre 1986 e 1999, foi professor na UNICAMP e pesquisador do CEBRAP. Atualmente é professor da Escola de Economia de São Paulo (EESP) da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). É autor de uma importante obra sobre o Brasil Colônia e Império, na qual se destaca O trato dos viventes (2000), um estudo sobre a escravidão brasileira enquadrada no espaço do Atlântico Sul. Alencastro também mantém uma atuação como intelectual público, participando da vida política brasileira e do debate sobre temas da atualidade, especialmente por meio da imprensa.
This article examines OAB’s battle, through its highest directive instance, the Federal Council, ... more This article examines OAB’s battle, through its highest directive instance, the Federal Council, against Goulart’s Government. OAB oppositionist operation should be comprised in the civil mobilization scenario which got under way a destabilization campaign towards the Federal Government. After Goulart’s deposition, OAB, as an institution, and the federal counselors individually cooperated on an active basis with the military dictatorship over its early years. It is proposed that OAB’s oppositionism against Goulart’s Government arose out of four factors: federal counselors’ social and economic interests; their politic and partisan bond; the dominant politic culture in the Federal Council; corporate and institutional issues.
Drafts by Marco Aurélio Vannucchi
The aim of this article is to examine the existence and dynamics of a phenomenon called "middle c... more The aim of this article is to examine the existence and dynamics of a phenomenon called "middle class corporatism" that took place in Brazil as of the 1930 Revolution. Middle class corporatism in Brazil is tied to other contemporary history processes, such as the implementation of the corporate system for workers and bourgeoisie and the broadening of Brazilian Government field of work.
Conference Presentations by Marco Aurélio Vannucchi
Je propose d’analyser l’action de l’Ordre des Avocats du Brésil (OAB) dans la période susmentionn... more Je propose d’analyser l’action de l’Ordre des Avocats du Brésil (OAB) dans la période susmentionnée. Deux raisons principales justifient à mon sens l’importance de ce sujet de recherche. En premier lieu, l’OAB occupait déjà une position privilégiée dans la sphère de la société civile, en raison des liens qu’entretenaient les élites juridique et politique au Brésil, mais aussi à cause de l’importance sociale de la catégorie professionnelle qu’elle représentait. En second lieu, cette étude offre des éléments de compréhension quant à l’action politique postérieure à la période analysée, notamment en ce qui concerne le rôle décisif qu’elle a joué lors de la lutte contre la dictature militaire et de la redémocratisation du pays.
The present thesis examines the performance of OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), through its h... more The present thesis examines the performance of OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), through its highest authority, Federal Council, between 1945 and 1964. The public action of the organ, in this period, can be decomposed in three phases. In the middle of the 1940s, Federal Council was deeply engaged in the opposition to the New State. In the 1950s, forced by the changes that reached the advocacy, the organism was centered in an eminently corporate agenda. Finally, in the beginning of 1960s, the Council recovered a strongly politicized posture to fight Goulart administration. Four themes are accentuated in the work: 1.) the profile of OAB elite; 2.) the relationship between OAB and the State; 3.) its relationship with the civil society; 4.) its relationship with the professional category that it represented.
Revista de História (São Paulo), 2024
O corporativismo institucionalizado pelo regime varguista abriu um importante canal para a expres... more O corporativismo institucionalizado pelo regime varguista abriu um importante canal para a expressão de demandas das classes médias junto ao Estado e aos patrões pela criação de novas instituições, como os sindicatos oficiais e os conselhos profissionais. Essa nova forma de representação política era atravessada simultaneamente por incentivos e restrições ao seu exercício, elementos detalhadamente examinados pelo artigo. O saldo da participação política em chave corporativa das classes médias é avaliado em torno de dois aspectos: ação coletiva e interesses materiais. Em relação ao primeiro, observa-se uma tendência ao insulamento político paralelamente ao fortalecimento organizativo das classes médias. Em relação ao segundo, o corporativismo resultou em diminuição da concorrência profissional e em aquisição de direitos sociais e trabalhistas.
Revista de História (São Paulo), 2024
The corporate organization institutionalized by the Vargas regime opened an important channel for... more The corporate organization institutionalized by the Vargas regime opened an important channel for the middle classes to express their demands to the State and employers through the creation of new institutions, such as official trade unions and professional councils. This new form of political representation was simultaneously intersected by inducements and constraints on their use, elements that will be examined in detail in the article. The balance of the corporate political participation of the middle classes is evaluated in relation to two aspects: collective action and material interests. In relation to the former, a tendency towards political insulation parallel to the organizational strengthening of the middle classes can be observed. Regarding the latter, corporatism resulted in a reduction of professional competition and the acquisition of social and labor rights.
Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos Nouveaux mondes mondes nouveaux - Novo Mundo Mundos Novos - New world New worlds, 2022
This article examines the insertion of the professions in the Brazilian corporatist apparatus cre... more This article examines the insertion of the professions in the Brazilian corporatist apparatus
created from the 1930s onwards, the construction of which was part of the conservative
modernization implemented by the Varguista regime. The corporatism of the professions
involved both the regulation of the professions and the representation of interests, through their
official organs the unions and professional councils. The adhesion of the middle class (among
whom the professions were a prestige sector) was fundamental in giving the new regime
stability, due to the political importance of this social group. The article is empirically based on a
broad documentary repertoire, including official statistics, documents produced by corporate
entities, interviews, newspapers, and government documents.
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2020
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2018
S urgido em meio à ampliação da participação dos setores sociais subalternos na política
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2018
A trajetória acadêmico-profissional de Renato Boschi confunde-se com o processo de institucionali... more A trajetória acadêmico-profissional de Renato Boschi confunde-se com o processo de institucionalização da ciência política no país, para o qual ele deu importantes contribuições. Mineiro nascido em 1947, Boschi integra uma geração de cientistas sociais brasileiros que complementaram sua formação no exterior, cursando a pós-graduação em universidades estadunidenses e europeias. Desde a década de 1970, é professor de instituições prestigiadas,
Estudos Históricos (Rio de Janeiro), 2018
Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 2016
Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internaciona... more Este artigo está licenciado sob forma de uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que a publicação original seja corretamente citada.
Bulletin of Latin American Research, 2022
This article examines the relationship between state and civil society in the first Vargas admini... more This article examines the relationship between state and civil society in the first Vargas administration (1930–1945). It looks at a type of corporatist political incorporation of the business class and urban workers, especially the professions, and seeks to highlight the dynamic and class‐based nature of this process. Furthermore, it demonstrates that, in spite of the predominance of the state in relation to civil society, corporatism implied gains and losses (in different qualities and quantities) for both. Finally, it argues that in a general form in the period studied corporatism resulted in the increase of state control over social groups, but it points to an undesired effect for the state: the contribution of corporatist organisation to the (partial) autonomisation of civil society at the end of the Estado Novo.
Ler História, 2019
The article explores the connection between the building of a support base for the regime establi... more The article explores the connection between the building of a support base for the regime established in Brazil in 1930 and the creation of corporatist institutions, notably the representation of different social groups and official trade unionism. The introduction of these institutions by the regime opened channels for the representation of previously marginalized social groups, or those relegated to a secondary level in relation to intermediation with the state: industries, the middle class, and urban workers. In the National Constituent Assembly held between 1933 and 1934 the regime’s attitudes toward corporatist bodies were debated and met resistance, especially by representatives of the Catholic Church
and state oligarchies. Nevertheless, according to the constitution enacted afterwards and ordinary legislation, the regime was successful in maintaining both the representation of social groups and the corporatist trade union organization. This article is part of the special
theme section on Failed Constitutional Projects in Portugal and Brazil, 20th Century, guest-edited by Paula Borges Santos and Ivo Veiga.
História Unisinos, 2018
Various aspects of the modernization of the Brazilian economy and state have been examined by his... more Various aspects of the modernization of the Brazilian economy and state have been examined by historiography and the social sciences: urbanization, labor relations in the countryside, incorporation of workers in politics, industrialization. This article proposes to analyze a less explored dimension: the impact of these processes on the professions, especially the practice of law. The metamorphoses lawyers went through revolve around three central points: the diversification of working conditions and the political and ideological positions of the professional category; the expansion of the number of lawyers in the labor market; and the demand for a new professional profile. The lawyer
elite, through their entities, responded to the new situation with distinct results. They were successful in guaranteeing social security for lawyers, although they were not capable of preventing the expansion of law courses. Furthermore, they were obliged to accept a union agenda, under the risk of losing legitimacy within the professional category. In addition to the official statistics about teaching and the labor market, the research draws on documents produced by the Brazilian Bar Association, legislation, newspapers, and a book of memoirs.
Tempo, 2019
The state that was formed after the victory of the 1930 Revolution needed to attract the support ... more The state that was formed after the victory of the 1930 Revolution needed to attract the support of social groups to affirm itself. Negotiations with liberal professions involved the expansion of public positions, professional regulations, and a corporatist type of representation of interests. This article is concerned with investigating the latter point. The corporatist mechanism created a direct and permanent channel for the presentation of the demands of the professions to the State, concretized in union entities and professional councils. At the same time, it allowed the State to control this social group, especially after the dictatorship established at the end of 1937. Nevertheless, this control needed continuous updating on the part of the regime and was weakened when the latter entered into crisis, which opened space for part of the corporate apparatus, such as the OAB (the Bar Association) and the Trade Union of Lawyers, to be taken over by opposition forces.
O artigo propõe-se a examinar, tomando a advocacia como base, a existência e a dinâmica de um fen... more O artigo propõe-se a examinar, tomando a advocacia como base, a existência e a dinâmica de um fenômeno aqui denominado " corporativismo de classe média " , que se desenvolveu no Brasil a partir da Revolução de 1930. Tal fenômeno implica-se com outros processos históricos coetâneos, como a implementação do sistema corporativo para os trabalhadores e a burguesia e o alargamento do campo de atuação do Estado brasileiro. Enfoca o decreto que criou a OAB, datado de 18 de novembro de 1930, pelo governo provisório. Ao IAB foi delegada a organização da entidade corporativa. O regulamento da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil foi consolidado pelo decreto n° 22.478, de 1933. Palavras-chave: Corporativismo; classe média; advogados; Era Vargas.
Abogados y corporativismo de la clase media en el Brasil pos 1930
Este articulo propone examinar, a partir de la profesión de abogado, la existencia y la dinámica de un fenómeno que llamaremos aquí " corporativismo de clase media " , que se desarrolló en Brasil a partir de la Revolución de 1930. Este fenómeno fue acompañado por otros procesos históricos concomitantes, como la implementación del sistema corporativista para los trabajadores y la burguesía, o la ampliación del campo de acción del Estado brasileño. Enfoca en particular el decreto de creación del OAB (Orden de los Abogados del Brasil) tomado por el gobierno provisorio el 18 de noviembre 1930. El IAB (Instituto de los Abogados Brasileños) fue encargado de la implementación de este organismo profesional. La reglamentación del Orden de los Abogados del Brasil fue consolidada por el decreto n° 22.478, de 1933.
Lawyers and Corporatism among the middle class in post-1930 Brazil This article takes the practice of law as a basis for an examination of the existence and the dynamics of a phenomenon referred to here as the " corporatism of the middle class " , to have emerged in Brazil after the 1930 Revolution. Such a phenomenon is related to other ongoing historical processes, such as the implementation of the corporatist system for workers and the bourgeoisie, as well as the expansion of the role of the Brazilian state in society. The work focuses on the decree creating the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) dated November 18, 1930, and developed by the provisional government. The setting up of the corporate entity was delegated to the Brazilian Lawyers' Institute (IAB), with the legislation for the OAB consolidated by decree no 22,478 of 1933.
The purpose of this article is to explore one dimension of corporatism related to middle class in... more The purpose of this article is to explore one dimension of corporatism related to middle class in Brazil from the perspective of the dual nature of representation entities. Differently from the situation of the industrial business sector and urban workers, middle class representation in the State was shared by professional associations and unions. In the case of lawyers, the main topic of my study, the relationship between the professional bar and unions was especially conflicting. Representation competition imposed by unions made the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB, acronym in Portuguese for Ordem dos Advogados do Brazil) take a union like agenda. If we consider the middle class political and ideological differentiation process, the existence of two corporate entities made representation more legitimate. The Executive branch, though challenged, avoided the establishment of a representation monopoly for the middle class and especially for lawyers. The study of activities carried out by the Brazilian Bar Association and lawyer’s unions suggests middle class corporatism is closer to a society than a state modality.
Estudos Históricos, 2016
Entrevista com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro concedida a Alexandre Moreli, Bernardo Buarque e Marco A... more Entrevista com Luiz Felipe de Alencastro concedida a Alexandre Moreli, Bernardo Buarque e Marco Aurélio Vannucchi (São Paulo, 6 de julho de 2015)
A trajetória acadêmica de Luiz Felipe de Alencastro, catarinense de Itajaí nascido em 1946, tem-se desenvolvido entre o Brasil e a França. Graduado em Ciência Política pela Universidade de Aix-en-Provence (1970) e doutor em História pela Universidade de Paris X (1986), Alencastro ensinou na Universidade de Paris VIII (1974-1986), na Universidade de Rouen (1977-1986) e, finalmente, na Universidade de Paris IV, ou Paris-Sorbonne (2000-2014). Na Sorbonne, onde é professor emérito, orientou diversas dissertações e teses de alunos brasileiros, franceses e de outras nacionalidades sobre História do Brasil, da América Latina e da África. No Brasil, entre 1986 e 1999, foi professor na UNICAMP e pesquisador do CEBRAP. Atualmente é professor da Escola de Economia de São Paulo (EESP) da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV). É autor de uma importante obra sobre o Brasil Colônia e Império, na qual se destaca O trato dos viventes (2000), um estudo sobre a escravidão brasileira enquadrada no espaço do Atlântico Sul. Alencastro também mantém uma atuação como intelectual público, participando da vida política brasileira e do debate sobre temas da atualidade, especialmente por meio da imprensa.
This article examines OAB’s battle, through its highest directive instance, the Federal Council, ... more This article examines OAB’s battle, through its highest directive instance, the Federal Council, against Goulart’s Government. OAB oppositionist operation should be comprised in the civil mobilization scenario which got under way a destabilization campaign towards the Federal Government. After Goulart’s deposition, OAB, as an institution, and the federal counselors individually cooperated on an active basis with the military dictatorship over its early years. It is proposed that OAB’s oppositionism against Goulart’s Government arose out of four factors: federal counselors’ social and economic interests; their politic and partisan bond; the dominant politic culture in the Federal Council; corporate and institutional issues.
The aim of this article is to examine the existence and dynamics of a phenomenon called "middle c... more The aim of this article is to examine the existence and dynamics of a phenomenon called "middle class corporatism" that took place in Brazil as of the 1930 Revolution. Middle class corporatism in Brazil is tied to other contemporary history processes, such as the implementation of the corporate system for workers and bourgeoisie and the broadening of Brazilian Government field of work.
Je propose d’analyser l’action de l’Ordre des Avocats du Brésil (OAB) dans la période susmentionn... more Je propose d’analyser l’action de l’Ordre des Avocats du Brésil (OAB) dans la période susmentionnée. Deux raisons principales justifient à mon sens l’importance de ce sujet de recherche. En premier lieu, l’OAB occupait déjà une position privilégiée dans la sphère de la société civile, en raison des liens qu’entretenaient les élites juridique et politique au Brésil, mais aussi à cause de l’importance sociale de la catégorie professionnelle qu’elle représentait. En second lieu, cette étude offre des éléments de compréhension quant à l’action politique postérieure à la période analysée, notamment en ce qui concerne le rôle décisif qu’elle a joué lors de la lutte contre la dictature militaire et de la redémocratisation du pays.
Corporativismo: ideias e práticas, 2023
A Era Vargas (1930-1945), 2021
A Era Vargas (1930-1945), v. 2, 2021
A Era Vargas (1930-1945), v. 1, 2021
The Brazilian Revolution of 1930. The Legacy of Getúlio Vargas Revisited., 2021
O que há de novo sobre o Estado Novo?, 2019
Corporativismos ibéricos e latino-americanos, 2019
O livro pretende apresentar uma abordagem mais global e variada do corporativismo, especialmente ... more O livro pretende apresentar uma abordagem mais global e variada do corporativismo, especialmente naquelas regiões onde sua apropriação mostrou-se particularmente profícua e original: a América Latina e a Europa ibérica.
Fontes 26 4 Primeira entrevista com o ministro Luís Roberto Barroso 28 Apresentação, religião e o... more Fontes 26 4 Primeira entrevista com o ministro Luís Roberto Barroso 28 Apresentação, religião e origens familiares 29 Mudança de Vassouras para o Rio de Janeiro 33 Vida escolar: do primário ao vestibular e intercâmbio 35 Escolha pela faculdade de Direito, ingresso na Uerj e participação no movimento estudantil da faculdade 42 Ditadura militar, redemocratização e convicções políticas 48 Escolha pela Uerj, relações lá estabelecidas e a opção pelo concurso para seleção de professores na Uerj 53 Entrada na Uerj como professor 58 O despertar para o direito constitucional 63 Juristas que influenciaram a sua formação 66 Participação na "autonomização" do direito constitucional enquanto categoria jurídica 68 Atuação como advogado: casos da anencefalia, união homoafetiva, células-tronco embrionárias e nepotismo 71 Atuação como advogado: caso Cesare Battisti 76 5 Segunda entrevista com o ministro Luís Roberto Barroso 80 Experiência no LL.M., Yale -EUA, assessoria para o governador Brizola, do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e retorno à Procuradoria do Estado do RJ 81 Atuação como advogado no Andrade & Fichtner e a criação de seu próprio escritório 84 Alunos que marcaram a sua trajetória, processo de montagem do escritório e viagens acadêmicas nas férias 86 Processo de sondagem e nomeação ao STF 87 Sabatina no Senado Federal 95 Atuação como parecerista, doutrinador e a distinção entre as funções do advogado e magistrado 97 Montagem do gabinete no STF 102 Recepção pelos colegas no STF 104 Características enquanto ministro e escolha do nome no STF 106 Ação Penal nº 470: embate com o ministro Joaquim Barbosa e julgamento técnico e político 108 Relação com a imprensa 115 TV Justiça 121 Caso Donadon 124 6 Equipe do projeto 128 Apresentação Joaquim Falcão, Diretor da FGV DIREITO RIO
Prefácio Andrei Koerner Apresentação Fabiano Engelmann Para uma sociologia política das Institu... more Prefácio
Andrei Koerner
Fabiano Engelmann
Para uma sociologia política das Instituições judiciais
Fabiano Engelmann (UFRGS)
O poder Judiciário um objeto central da ciência política
Antoine Vauchez (Un. Paris 1 )
Em Que Ponto Estamos? Agendas de Pesquisa sobre o Supremo Tribunal Federal no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos
Luciano Da Ros (UFRGS)
A elite jurídica e sua política: a trajetória jurídico-profissional dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (1988-2013) Fernando de Castro Fontainha (IESP), Carlos Victor Santos(PUCrio), Amanda Martins Soares de Oliveira (FGVRio)
A noção de campo jurídico para o estudo dos agentes, práticas e instituições judiciais
Frederico de Almeida (UNICAMP)
Direito e história social: a historiografia acerca da Justiça doTrabalho no Brasil Marco Aurélio Vannucchi (FGV/CPDOC), Alisson Droppa(UNICAMP) e Clarice Speranza (UFPel)
Doutrinas jurídicas como objeto das ciências sociais: publicismo e política no Império brasileiro
Luciana Rodrigues Penna(UFRGS) e Fabiano Engelmann(UFRGS)
Judiciário e política na América latina: Elementos para uma análise histórico-politica de Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Colômbia e Venezuela
Fabiano Engelmann(UFRGS) e Júlia Veiga Vieira Mancio Bandeira (UFRGS)
Entre direito e ciências sociais: retorno sobre a história do movimento Law & Society
Antoine Vauchez (Un. Paris-1)
Movimentos sociais, direito e poder Judiciário: um encontro teórico
Fabiola Fanti (CEBRAP)
Prefácio Andrei Koerner Apresentação Fabiano Engelmann Para uma sociologia política das Instituiç... more Prefácio Andrei Koerner Apresentação Fabiano Engelmann Para uma sociologia política das Instituições judiciais Fabiano Engelmann (UFRGS) O poder Judiciário um objeto central da ciência política Antoine Vauchez (Un. Paris 1 ) Em Que Ponto Estamos? Agendas de Pesquisa sobre o Supremo Tribunal Federal no Brasil e nos Estados Unidos Luciano Da Ros (UFRGS) A elite jurídica e sua política: a trajetória jurídico-profissional dos ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal (1988-2013) Fernando de Castro Fontainha (IESP), Carlos Victor Santos(PUCrio), Amanda Martins Soares de Oliveira (FGVRio) A noção de campo jurídico para o estudo dos agentes, práticas e instituições judiciais Frederico de Almeida (UNICAMP) Direito e história social: a historiografia acerca da Justiça doTrabalho no Brasil Marco Aurélio Vannucchi (FGV/CPDOC), Alisson Droppa(UNICAMP) e Clarice Speranza (UFPel) Doutrinas jurídicas como objeto das ciências sociais: publicismo e política no Império brasileiro Luciana Rodrigues Penna(UFRGS) e Fabiano Engelmann(UFRGS) Judiciário e política na América latina: Elementos para uma análise histórico-politica de Argentina, Brasil, Chile e Colômbia e Venezuela Fabiano Engelmann(UFRGS) e Júlia Veiga Vieira Mancio Bandeira (UFRGS) Entre direito e ciências sociais: retorno sobre a história do movimento Law & Society Antoine Vauchez (Un. Paris-1) Movimentos sociais, direito e poder Judiciário: um encontro teórico Fabiola Fanti (CEBRAP)