Denis Sukhino-Khomenko | University of Gothenburg (original) (raw)
Abstracts by Denis Sukhino-Khomenko
Eastern Europe in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the 32nd Pashuto Conference,, Mar 19, 2020
This text examines a recent historiographical debate on the Norwegian politiogenesis that unfolde... more This text examines a recent historiographical debate on the Norwegian politiogenesis that unfolded between Sverre Bagge and Hans Jacob Orning in the journal "Historisk Historisk tidsskrift (Norge)". The review of the polemics is complimented by an analysis of the two positions and collation thereof against a wider historiographical background.
...мы хотели бы представить на ваш суд анонс готовящегося нами нового издания перевода одного люб... more ...мы хотели бы представить на ваш суд анонс готовящегося нами нового издания перевода одного любопытного английского памятника рубежа тысячелетий, который известен как «Коллоквиум» Эльфрика. Наша работа нацелена на помещение «Коллоквиума» именно в английский контекст и контекст сочинений Эльфрика, а также подготовку критического перевода. За основу мы решили взять рукопись С как наиболее близкую к протографу, но надеемся, что сможем включить также и разночтения с рукописью R. Ещё одним важным параметром мы считаем сверку с древнеанглийскими глоссами. Таким образом, мы надеемся, что сможем опубликовать не билингву, а трилингву: латинский текст с указанием разночтений, оригинальный английский текст глосс, не переработанных Генри Суитом, и наш русский перевод с латыни с указаниями на отличия в глоссах.
The paper is the announce of a future translation of Ælfric's "Colloquy." The centrepiece of our enterprise, unlike our Russian predecessors, is assessing "Colloquy" as a source for its own sake. We are going to try preparing a new full translation of the Latin text, OE glosses, and a Russian translation in accordance with both.
Доклад на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносо... more Доклад на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов-2017».
В докладе рассматриваются историографический поиск и выделение высшего слоя нетитулованной англо-саксонской светской элиты накануне Нормандского Завоевания (1066 г.) по материалам XII века. Последовательно разбираются и критикуются попытки в рамках конституционной истории (Р. Рид и Д. Рофф) и аграрной истории (У. Стаббс и П. Кларк). Докладчик приходит к выводу, что данные гипотезы не подтверждаются известными источниками (Книга Страшного Суда и нормандские переводы англо-саксонского права XII в.) при непредвзятом анализе и требуют насильного прочтения известных текстов. В заключении делается предположение, что подобные построения – это отражение современных представлений об устройстве общества (в том числе и английского), где относительно чётко выделяются имущественные классы.
A presentation at the 24th international academic student and young researcher's conference "Lomonosov-2017".
The presentation analyses the historiographical search for an upper layer of the titleless Anglo-Saxon lay elite on the eve of the Norman Conquest (1066). The presentation's consecutive study reveals the flaws in the constitutional (by R. Reid and D. Roffe) and agrarian (W. Stubbs and P. Clarke) approaches to the problem. The author finds that such hypotheses do not find support from the extant sources (the Domesday Book and Norman translation of the Anglo-Saxon law) when reading without any preconceived notions. The conclusion supposes that this kind of search might be a reflection of the modern-day view of the society (including the English one) as composed of more or less clearly defined classes.
In the diploma thesis, defended in 2013, my main academic interest was fo-cused on the elucidatio... more In the diploma thesis, defended in 2013, my main academic interest was fo-cused on the elucidation of the evolution of the thegnly class (OE þegnas) in 10 th-century England in time and its composition.
Дихотомия «простолюдины и знать» в раннесредневековых социальных представлениях англо-саксов и скандинавов
В докладе анализируется строфа "karlfolk ok sva jarla" из "Откровенных вис" скальда Сигвата Торда... more В докладе анализируется строфа "karlfolk ok sva jarla" из "Откровенных вис" скальда Сигвата Тордарсона (ок. 995-1045) в свете параллелей с англо-саксонской формулой "ge ceorle ge eorle". Представляется, что тема взаимовлияний англо-саксов и скандинавов в области социальных воззрений требует дополнительных исследований.
This paper analyses skald Sighvat Thordarson's stanza "karlfolk ok sva jarla" from his "Bersoeglisvisur" in connection with the Anglo-Saxon formula "ge ceorle ge eorle". It appears that there's a need for further research on the mutual influences of the Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians in the sphere of the social views.
Репрезентативность англо-саксонских королевских жалованных грамот X-XI вв. / Representativeness of the royal Anglo-Saxon charters of the 10-11th century., 2015
В докладе ставится принципиальный вопрос о возможности использования корпуса англо-саксонских гра... more В докладе ставится принципиальный вопрос о возможности использования корпуса англо-саксонских грамот в статистической перспективе.
In this paper, a principal question is raised of whether it is possible to use the extant Anglo-Saxon diplomatic corpus as a statistical source.
С. Кейнс (S. Keynes) и Р. Лав (R. Love) «Корабль эрла Годвина» (Earl’s Godwine ship) / An Abstract to ‘Earl's Godwine ship’ (an article by S. Keynes and R. Love)., 2012
Сжатый реферат на статью С. Кейнса (S. Keyns) и Р. Лав (R. Love) «Корабль эрла Годвина» (Anglo-Sa... more Сжатый реферат на статью С. Кейнса (S. Keyns) и Р. Лав (R. Love) «Корабль эрла Годвина» (Anglo-Saxon England / Volume 38 / December 2009, pp 185-223).
This is a review of the article ‘Earl's Godwine ship’ by S. Keynes and R. Love (Anglo-Saxon England. Vol. 38, December 2009, pp 185-223).
Первое плавание Охтхере: спорные вопросы. / The first voyage of Ohthere: to some controversial questions., 2011
В докладе анализируется география первого путешествия норвежца Оттара/Охтхере (Ohthere), рассказ ... more В докладе анализируется география первого путешествия норвежца Оттара/Охтхере (Ohthere), рассказ о котором был записан при дворе Альфреда Великого в конце IX в., и делается вывод, что Охтхере скорее всего побывал в Архангельском краю, а не на Кольском полуострове.
This paper analyses a Norseman Ottar/Ohthere's first journey's geography. The conclusion has it that Ohthere most likely visited the Arkhangelsk region, not the Kola Peninsula.
Articles by Denis Sukhino-Khomenko
Государи и грамоты: Введение в дипломатику королевского акта в раннесредневековой Англии, Dec 6, 2022
The paper is an introduction in the diplomatic of royal charters in pre-1066 England. The paper c... more The paper is an introduction in the diplomatic of royal charters in pre-1066 England. The paper comprises a terminological introduction, an overview of the history of the publication, study, and the main scholarly discussions concerning Anglo-Saxon charters from the 16th and up to the early 21st century (including the present situation with electronic databases of Anglo-Saxon charters, and the Soviet and Russian tradition of study and translating of those documents), overviews of the form, content, history, and the main issues of study of the two categories of Anglo-Saxon royal acta: diplomas and writs (including such issues as the origin of both diplomas and writs, the nature of bookland, boundary clauses, witnesses lists, the use of languages, the potential of the charters as a source for the history of economy and ideology, and a number of others), and, finally, an attempt to sum up the data on the practical functioning of royal charters (from their composing to their practical uses).
Горят ли рукописи? Репрезентативность корпуса королевских жалованных грамот поздней донормандской Англии (871–1066 гг.): постановка вопроса, Dec 6, 2022
This article addresses the problem of the representativeness of the surviving corpus of English p... more This article addresses the problem of the representativeness of the surviving corpus of English pre-Norman royal diplomas. For historical reasons, the analysis focuses on diplomas generated between the reigns of Alfred the Great and Edward the Confessor (871– 1066). More specifically, the numerical, geographical, and chronological aspects are discussed. This research spotlights a peculiarly pronounced correlation between the ethno-political division of Lowland Britain into the “Danelaw” and “Greater Wessex”, as well as between the sum total of charters for a given region and the number of archives in it. The article then asks whether the archival and chronological distribution of the extant royal acta can be considered objective. The data available leave room for potential mass losses in the documentary material to the degree of significant distortions in the extant sample. However, when put together, indirect evidence tips the balance in favour of the corpus’ at least relative chronological and geographical representativeness, even if the said losses distorted it to a lesser or greater degree.
«Пожалования во спасение души» и «дружеские приветствия» королей: Несколько английских грамот VII–XI вв. (текст, перевод, комментарий), Dec 6, 2022
The present publication is a collection of selected texts (five Latin and one Old English) and Ru... more The present publication is a collection of selected texts (five Latin and one Old English) and Russian translations (made for the first time) of six Anglo-Saxon acta of the 7th–11th centuries: four royal diplomas (S 8, 44, 92, 447), one decree of an ecclesiastical synod (S 1434), and one royal writ (S 1088). The text and the translation of each document is preceded by a short legend, informantion about the archive in which the document has been preserved, its manuscripts and publications, a brief overview of the document’s historical significance as well as a commentary concerning language, terminology, realities, and personalia. The facsimiles of the documents extant in single-sheet parchment originals are included (published by kind permission of the Council of the British Library). The publication aims to illustrate the diversity of English pre-Norman acta and can be regarded as a supplement to the overview of history and historiogpraphy of Anglo-Saxon royal acta (by D. V. Sukhino-Khomenko and T. V. Guimon) published in the present issue.
Scandia debatt: 'Nomen est omen': Historical Onomasticon Contested in Light of Ethical Challenges, Dec 3, 2021
Under de senaste årtionden, har termen, och etnonymen "Anglo-Saxon" återexaminerats i historiefor... more Under de senaste årtionden, har termen, och etnonymen "Anglo-Saxon" återexaminerats i historieforskning. Sedan 2019 har diskussionen tagit fart då den dåvarande International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS) röstade för att ändra sitt namn. Detta steg, tillsammans med en del reaktioner, ledde till en gruppering i "pro-" och "anti-" Anglo-Saxonists. Syftet med den här debattartikeln är att sammanfatta denna dispyt och hur situationen ser ut två år senare, samt att ställa metodologiska och övriga mer allmänna frågor i detta sammanhang.
«Thrymsa, a coin [not] in circulation in northern England»: Source criticism of archbishop Wulfstan’s Norðleoda laga and its monetary systems in the way of social history (England, 10–11th centuries), Sep 18, 2021
NB: noticed typos/mistakes: - Page 9: "of Malmsbury", read: "of Malmesbury". Page 10: "The ear... more NB: noticed typos/mistakes:
- Page 9: "of Malmsbury", read: "of Malmesbury".
Page 10: "The early Épinal-Erfurt Glossary use", read: "The early Épinal-Erfurt Glossary uses".
- Page 15: "See also the references in footnote 54", read: "See also the references in footnote 55".
- Page 18: "See also references in footnote 79", read: "See also references in footnote 80".
- Page 28, footnote 28: "see footnote 70", read: "see footnote 71".
- Page 28, footnote 28: "Scandinavian mitigation", read: "Scandinavian mediation".
This article spotlights the thrymsa (OE þryms/trimsa/tryms) as a supposed monetary unit in pre-Norman England and the importance this individual case study may hold for research in early medieval English social history. In the main, Anglo-Saxon monetary system was meticulously reconstructed by Henry Chadwick (1905), but in it the thrymsa appears an anomaly, as it gets only a few mentions in independent sources over the whole documented Old English period. Due to various correspondences in the texts (as, dragma, ¼ stater, (⅓?) solidus, three pence) establishing the thrymsa’s exact value stops at the etymological stage (< Lat. trēmis(sis)). On the face of its marginality, numismatists are for most part little interested in the thrymsa. Nevertheless, its presence in the so-called Norðleoda laga («The Laws of the Northern People», element in York archbishop Wufstan’s (d. 1023) «Compilation on status» believed to contain older material) as the expression of the sums of wergilds has given rise to interpretations of these wergilds with far reaching implications. The article offers an original explanation of the reasons for the thrymsa’s presence and function in the Norðleoda laga. Departing from modern textual analysis of Wulfstan’s works, the author arrives at two consecutive conclusions: first, as an early loan from Latin thrymsa never assumed a stable value in the English monetary system likely due to the quick disappearance of coins of this name from circulation; second, Wulfstan deliberately used this term for stylistic reasons and archaization of the text as part of his ideology of an «orderly society». Some immediate consequences of this interpretation can be, first, a reappreciation of the Norðleoda laga’s source potential, and, second, retiring this text as a primary source at face value for studies in social history. This particular case study may further illustrate the ever-present necessity for a textual and source criticism in monetary history when the latter is taken as a steppingstone for broader historical conclusions and interpretations.
«Англо саксонская схизма»: терминологическая дискуссия в англоязычном медиа-пространстве и вызовы сообщества медиевистов, Aug 2021
Статья исследует публичную дискуссию по вопросу о допустимости академического использования терми... more Статья исследует публичную дискуссию по вопросу о допустимости академического использования термина «Anglo-Saxon». После выхода М. Рамбаран-Ольм из Международного Общества англо-саксонистов в сентябре 2019 г. медиевистическое сообщество раскололось. Критики термина «Anglo-Saxon» апеллируют к его расовым коннотациям и злоупотреблениям, защитники – к его историчности и устоявшейся традиции. Размежевание во многом связано с географией и локальным общественным дискурсом. Примирение сторон вряд ли достижимо в ближайшем будущем.
(размещено с письменного согласия редакции издания).
The article aims at summarizing the recent debate concerning the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’ in the academic discourse. Following the resignation of Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm from the (former) International Society of Anglo-Saxonists in September 2019, the English-speaking medieval scholarly community split into critics of the continuous use of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ and its defenders. The former appeal to the term’s racist connotations and misuse, the latter point out the historical adequacy and long-standing tradition. The divide has a lot to do with geography and regional public discourses. No reconciliation seems likely in the nearest future.
The interpretation of the lexeme þegn has led to a long-standing controversy in the study of the ... more The interpretation of the lexeme þegn has led to a long-standing controversy in the study of the late-Viking Age rune stones. It is recorded in 46 commemorative inscriptions in Denmark and Western Sweden, 34 of which adhere to a pronounced pattern. The debate goes back to seminal articles by Svend Aakjaer (1927) and Karl Martin Nielsen (1945). The former author argued that the lexeme should be read as "king's retainer, vassal"; the latter dispelled this notion as ungrounded and stuck with the later recorded meaning, "free man in general", not infrequently attested in, for example, the skaldic verse. Since rune stones are our only contemporary native literary source on social structures in the Viking Age, resolving the question of the lexical meaning of the runic thegns is highly desirable. Regretfully, in the absence of newer source material, the debate has until now been recycling the same considerations first put forth decades ago. While hesitating to pass the final verdict, I argue for acknowledging the lexeme's polysemic nature. A possible way out of the argumentative loop could be found in, first, refraining from the monarchocentric Old English texts and, second, contextual analysis of the þegn's occurrences in other less frequently cited Old English texts pertaining to the Scandinavian part of England. If confirmed, these insights may also be utilised in further source criticism of the Old Norse literary legacy.
L’interprétation du lexème þegn donne lieu à une ancienne polémique dans l’étude des pierres runiques de la fin de l’ère Viking. Il est retrouvé dans 46 inscriptions commémoratives au Danemark et en Suède occidentale, dont 34 qui suivent un modèle précis. Le débat s’est construit autour de deux articles-phare, l’un écrit par Svend Aakjær en 1927 et l’autre par Karl Martin Nielsen en 1945. Le premier auteur avance que le lexème devrait être entendu comme « vassal du roi ». Le deuxième trouve cette interprétation infondée et lui préfère une signification retrouvée ultérieurement, celle de « citoyen libre », qui se retrouve d’ailleurs souvent confirmé, par exemple dans le vers scalde. Puisque les pierres runiques sont notre seule source écrite autochtone et contemporaine sur les structures sociales de l’ère Viking, il serait très souhaitable qu’on puisse résoudre la question de la signification du lexème þegn. Malheureusement, en l’absence de sources plus récentes, le débat n’a cessé de ressasser les mêmes arguments, avancés il y a déjà plusieurs décennies. Bien que réticent à exercer un jugement final, je plaide pour que la nature polysémique du lexème soit acceptée. Une possible voie de sortie des ces débats stériles pourrait se trouver d’abord en accordant moins d’importance aux textes en vieil anglais, peu cités jusqu’alors, consacrés à la partie scandinave de l’Angleterre. S’ils venaient à être confirmés, ces renseignements pourraient aussi être utilisés dans l’études d’autres sources du patrimoine littéraire vieux norrois.
The article addresses the possibilities for a methodological reassessment of the phenomenon of th... more The article addresses the possibilities for a methodological reassessment of the phenomenon of the thegns in England and Scandinavia in the late Viking Age (ca. 900–1066). The historiographical overview reveals that the thegns have never been examined for their own sake, and that the recent developments in source studies open new methodological prospects in anthropological research. The case study of the thegns hopes to outline some of them.
Over the recent decades, historians and archaeologists alike have greatly enhanced modern underst... more Over the recent decades, historians and archaeologists alike have greatly enhanced modern understanding of the urban development in early medieval Britain. However, as of now, there seems to be a lack of a meta-analytical synthesis of the collected information, i.e. scholars have so far not put forward any concise framework to collate this information with, the need for which is especially acute in the light of the multifaceted Anglo-Scandinavian interaction. For instance, the contribution of the Danish settlement to the English urban landscape has on multiple occasions been emphasised, but it remains hard to evaluate in the absence of a comparison with both native Scandinavian urban development and parallel late Anglo-Saxon urbanisation.
The suggested paper aims at presenting one of the possible typologies of the post-Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian urban centres and communities up until the beginning of the High Middle Ages. The expected framework, built on the firm chronological principle, shall categorise them on the basis of:
1. origins: (post-)Roman settlements, early Anglo-Saxon wīcas/emporia, later Scandinavian fortresses, West Saxon burhs, etc.;
2. functions: royal centres, territorial capitals, commercial hubs, etc.;
3. regionality: Southern England, Western Mercia, and the Danelaw.
Of a special interest is the integration of the pre-existing urban settlements in the Danelaw into the West Saxon administrative system, particularly when compared to the parallel process in English Mercia to the west.
It is anticipated that the resultant analytical scheme can find application beyond the British Isles and can contribute to the multidisciplinary Scandinavian research just as much.
Historiographical Wishful Thinking and Debates on Some Early Medieval Social Phenomena in the North Sea Region [Digital Resource], Mar 31, 2018
This article interrogates certain historiographical trends of constructing self-sufficient models... more This article interrogates certain historiographical trends of constructing self-sufficient models of explanation for essentially unrelated data in the primary sources. For a case study the essay spotlights the protracted examination of the early medieval social group of thegns (OE/ON þegn). Attention is drawn to the influential articles by Svend Aakjær, Rachel R. Reid, and David Roffe. Aakjær’s main thesis was that Viking-Age thegns and drengs (ON drengr) known from the Scandinavian runic inscriptions used to be members of royal retinue(s), just like they were strata of landed nobility in England. Rachel Reid drew an institutional parallel between the Anglo-Saxon king’s thegns and medieval barons, and David Roffe augmented this later view by suggesting a continuity in 11th-century landholding patterns. The author hypothesises that the inherent flaw of such models lies in an unconscious confirmation bias when dealing with the source material. By addressing the primary sources directly, the author seeks to demonstrate that some of these views suffered from a lack of empirical data already at the inception. Though contextualising his polemics in modern historiography, in his criticism the author relies on the ad fontes method rather than the wisdom of hindsight. The article also aims to tackle the circulation of the self-sufficient models of this sort in subsequent historiography, as well as to identify plausible origins of prominence and consequences. The author hopes to relate this individual case study to a broader context of medieval research, thereby offering a feasible model of its application to further topics.
Check out the Towns, Apr 2019
This is my small contribution for the 2019 April issue of the popular youth journal 'Dig into His... more This is my small contribution for the 2019 April issue of the popular youth journal 'Dig into History', published by Cricket Media and supervised by Rosalie F. Baker. The kind invitation to write this essay came from Matthew Delveaux (Boston College).
This PDF was uploaded courtesy to Rosalie F. Baker
Eastern Europe in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages: XXX Jubilee Readings Dedicated to the Memory of Vladimir Pashuto, Apr 17, 2018
In his letter to Æthelheard (archbishop of Canterbury) and Ceolwulf (bishop of Lindsey) about Hri... more In his letter to Æthelheard (archbishop of Canterbury) and Ceolwulf (bishop of Lindsey) about Hringstan, an Anglo-Saxon exile in Francia, written at the close of the 8th century, Charlemagne briefly summarised the motivations for a contemporary noble person to flee: “It is better to live in exile than to perish, to serve in a foreign land than to die in one’s own” (Whitelock 1979. P. 849). Two centuries later, driving political and familial rivals into exile appears to have remained a viable method in the contest for power throughout Northern and Eastern Europe. Among others, two English expatriates in particular have attracted interest from historians: Edward the Exile (d. 1057) and Gytha (d. 1098/1107), daughter of Harold son of Godwine, who found themselves temporarily or permanently at the Russian court.
Eastern Europe in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages: Proceedings of the 32nd Pashuto Conference,, Mar 19, 2020
This text examines a recent historiographical debate on the Norwegian politiogenesis that unfolde... more This text examines a recent historiographical debate on the Norwegian politiogenesis that unfolded between Sverre Bagge and Hans Jacob Orning in the journal "Historisk Historisk tidsskrift (Norge)". The review of the polemics is complimented by an analysis of the two positions and collation thereof against a wider historiographical background.
...мы хотели бы представить на ваш суд анонс готовящегося нами нового издания перевода одного люб... more ...мы хотели бы представить на ваш суд анонс готовящегося нами нового издания перевода одного любопытного английского памятника рубежа тысячелетий, который известен как «Коллоквиум» Эльфрика. Наша работа нацелена на помещение «Коллоквиума» именно в английский контекст и контекст сочинений Эльфрика, а также подготовку критического перевода. За основу мы решили взять рукопись С как наиболее близкую к протографу, но надеемся, что сможем включить также и разночтения с рукописью R. Ещё одним важным параметром мы считаем сверку с древнеанглийскими глоссами. Таким образом, мы надеемся, что сможем опубликовать не билингву, а трилингву: латинский текст с указанием разночтений, оригинальный английский текст глосс, не переработанных Генри Суитом, и наш русский перевод с латыни с указаниями на отличия в глоссах.
The paper is the announce of a future translation of Ælfric's "Colloquy." The centrepiece of our enterprise, unlike our Russian predecessors, is assessing "Colloquy" as a source for its own sake. We are going to try preparing a new full translation of the Latin text, OE glosses, and a Russian translation in accordance with both.
Доклад на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносо... more Доклад на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов-2017».
В докладе рассматриваются историографический поиск и выделение высшего слоя нетитулованной англо-саксонской светской элиты накануне Нормандского Завоевания (1066 г.) по материалам XII века. Последовательно разбираются и критикуются попытки в рамках конституционной истории (Р. Рид и Д. Рофф) и аграрной истории (У. Стаббс и П. Кларк). Докладчик приходит к выводу, что данные гипотезы не подтверждаются известными источниками (Книга Страшного Суда и нормандские переводы англо-саксонского права XII в.) при непредвзятом анализе и требуют насильного прочтения известных текстов. В заключении делается предположение, что подобные построения – это отражение современных представлений об устройстве общества (в том числе и английского), где относительно чётко выделяются имущественные классы.
A presentation at the 24th international academic student and young researcher's conference "Lomonosov-2017".
The presentation analyses the historiographical search for an upper layer of the titleless Anglo-Saxon lay elite on the eve of the Norman Conquest (1066). The presentation's consecutive study reveals the flaws in the constitutional (by R. Reid and D. Roffe) and agrarian (W. Stubbs and P. Clarke) approaches to the problem. The author finds that such hypotheses do not find support from the extant sources (the Domesday Book and Norman translation of the Anglo-Saxon law) when reading without any preconceived notions. The conclusion supposes that this kind of search might be a reflection of the modern-day view of the society (including the English one) as composed of more or less clearly defined classes.
In the diploma thesis, defended in 2013, my main academic interest was fo-cused on the elucidatio... more In the diploma thesis, defended in 2013, my main academic interest was fo-cused on the elucidation of the evolution of the thegnly class (OE þegnas) in 10 th-century England in time and its composition.
Дихотомия «простолюдины и знать» в раннесредневековых социальных представлениях англо-саксов и скандинавов
В докладе анализируется строфа "karlfolk ok sva jarla" из "Откровенных вис" скальда Сигвата Торда... more В докладе анализируется строфа "karlfolk ok sva jarla" из "Откровенных вис" скальда Сигвата Тордарсона (ок. 995-1045) в свете параллелей с англо-саксонской формулой "ge ceorle ge eorle". Представляется, что тема взаимовлияний англо-саксов и скандинавов в области социальных воззрений требует дополнительных исследований.
This paper analyses skald Sighvat Thordarson's stanza "karlfolk ok sva jarla" from his "Bersoeglisvisur" in connection with the Anglo-Saxon formula "ge ceorle ge eorle". It appears that there's a need for further research on the mutual influences of the Anglo-Saxons and Scandinavians in the sphere of the social views.
Репрезентативность англо-саксонских королевских жалованных грамот X-XI вв. / Representativeness of the royal Anglo-Saxon charters of the 10-11th century., 2015
В докладе ставится принципиальный вопрос о возможности использования корпуса англо-саксонских гра... more В докладе ставится принципиальный вопрос о возможности использования корпуса англо-саксонских грамот в статистической перспективе.
In this paper, a principal question is raised of whether it is possible to use the extant Anglo-Saxon diplomatic corpus as a statistical source.
С. Кейнс (S. Keynes) и Р. Лав (R. Love) «Корабль эрла Годвина» (Earl’s Godwine ship) / An Abstract to ‘Earl's Godwine ship’ (an article by S. Keynes and R. Love)., 2012
Сжатый реферат на статью С. Кейнса (S. Keyns) и Р. Лав (R. Love) «Корабль эрла Годвина» (Anglo-Sa... more Сжатый реферат на статью С. Кейнса (S. Keyns) и Р. Лав (R. Love) «Корабль эрла Годвина» (Anglo-Saxon England / Volume 38 / December 2009, pp 185-223).
This is a review of the article ‘Earl's Godwine ship’ by S. Keynes and R. Love (Anglo-Saxon England. Vol. 38, December 2009, pp 185-223).
Первое плавание Охтхере: спорные вопросы. / The first voyage of Ohthere: to some controversial questions., 2011
В докладе анализируется география первого путешествия норвежца Оттара/Охтхере (Ohthere), рассказ ... more В докладе анализируется география первого путешествия норвежца Оттара/Охтхере (Ohthere), рассказ о котором был записан при дворе Альфреда Великого в конце IX в., и делается вывод, что Охтхере скорее всего побывал в Архангельском краю, а не на Кольском полуострове.
This paper analyses a Norseman Ottar/Ohthere's first journey's geography. The conclusion has it that Ohthere most likely visited the Arkhangelsk region, not the Kola Peninsula.
Государи и грамоты: Введение в дипломатику королевского акта в раннесредневековой Англии, Dec 6, 2022
The paper is an introduction in the diplomatic of royal charters in pre-1066 England. The paper c... more The paper is an introduction in the diplomatic of royal charters in pre-1066 England. The paper comprises a terminological introduction, an overview of the history of the publication, study, and the main scholarly discussions concerning Anglo-Saxon charters from the 16th and up to the early 21st century (including the present situation with electronic databases of Anglo-Saxon charters, and the Soviet and Russian tradition of study and translating of those documents), overviews of the form, content, history, and the main issues of study of the two categories of Anglo-Saxon royal acta: diplomas and writs (including such issues as the origin of both diplomas and writs, the nature of bookland, boundary clauses, witnesses lists, the use of languages, the potential of the charters as a source for the history of economy and ideology, and a number of others), and, finally, an attempt to sum up the data on the practical functioning of royal charters (from their composing to their practical uses).
Горят ли рукописи? Репрезентативность корпуса королевских жалованных грамот поздней донормандской Англии (871–1066 гг.): постановка вопроса, Dec 6, 2022
This article addresses the problem of the representativeness of the surviving corpus of English p... more This article addresses the problem of the representativeness of the surviving corpus of English pre-Norman royal diplomas. For historical reasons, the analysis focuses on diplomas generated between the reigns of Alfred the Great and Edward the Confessor (871– 1066). More specifically, the numerical, geographical, and chronological aspects are discussed. This research spotlights a peculiarly pronounced correlation between the ethno-political division of Lowland Britain into the “Danelaw” and “Greater Wessex”, as well as between the sum total of charters for a given region and the number of archives in it. The article then asks whether the archival and chronological distribution of the extant royal acta can be considered objective. The data available leave room for potential mass losses in the documentary material to the degree of significant distortions in the extant sample. However, when put together, indirect evidence tips the balance in favour of the corpus’ at least relative chronological and geographical representativeness, even if the said losses distorted it to a lesser or greater degree.
«Пожалования во спасение души» и «дружеские приветствия» королей: Несколько английских грамот VII–XI вв. (текст, перевод, комментарий), Dec 6, 2022
The present publication is a collection of selected texts (five Latin and one Old English) and Ru... more The present publication is a collection of selected texts (five Latin and one Old English) and Russian translations (made for the first time) of six Anglo-Saxon acta of the 7th–11th centuries: four royal diplomas (S 8, 44, 92, 447), one decree of an ecclesiastical synod (S 1434), and one royal writ (S 1088). The text and the translation of each document is preceded by a short legend, informantion about the archive in which the document has been preserved, its manuscripts and publications, a brief overview of the document’s historical significance as well as a commentary concerning language, terminology, realities, and personalia. The facsimiles of the documents extant in single-sheet parchment originals are included (published by kind permission of the Council of the British Library). The publication aims to illustrate the diversity of English pre-Norman acta and can be regarded as a supplement to the overview of history and historiogpraphy of Anglo-Saxon royal acta (by D. V. Sukhino-Khomenko and T. V. Guimon) published in the present issue.
Scandia debatt: 'Nomen est omen': Historical Onomasticon Contested in Light of Ethical Challenges, Dec 3, 2021
Under de senaste årtionden, har termen, och etnonymen "Anglo-Saxon" återexaminerats i historiefor... more Under de senaste årtionden, har termen, och etnonymen "Anglo-Saxon" återexaminerats i historieforskning. Sedan 2019 har diskussionen tagit fart då den dåvarande International Society of Anglo-Saxonists (ISAS) röstade för att ändra sitt namn. Detta steg, tillsammans med en del reaktioner, ledde till en gruppering i "pro-" och "anti-" Anglo-Saxonists. Syftet med den här debattartikeln är att sammanfatta denna dispyt och hur situationen ser ut två år senare, samt att ställa metodologiska och övriga mer allmänna frågor i detta sammanhang.
«Thrymsa, a coin [not] in circulation in northern England»: Source criticism of archbishop Wulfstan’s Norðleoda laga and its monetary systems in the way of social history (England, 10–11th centuries), Sep 18, 2021
NB: noticed typos/mistakes: - Page 9: "of Malmsbury", read: "of Malmesbury". Page 10: "The ear... more NB: noticed typos/mistakes:
- Page 9: "of Malmsbury", read: "of Malmesbury".
Page 10: "The early Épinal-Erfurt Glossary use", read: "The early Épinal-Erfurt Glossary uses".
- Page 15: "See also the references in footnote 54", read: "See also the references in footnote 55".
- Page 18: "See also references in footnote 79", read: "See also references in footnote 80".
- Page 28, footnote 28: "see footnote 70", read: "see footnote 71".
- Page 28, footnote 28: "Scandinavian mitigation", read: "Scandinavian mediation".
This article spotlights the thrymsa (OE þryms/trimsa/tryms) as a supposed monetary unit in pre-Norman England and the importance this individual case study may hold for research in early medieval English social history. In the main, Anglo-Saxon monetary system was meticulously reconstructed by Henry Chadwick (1905), but in it the thrymsa appears an anomaly, as it gets only a few mentions in independent sources over the whole documented Old English period. Due to various correspondences in the texts (as, dragma, ¼ stater, (⅓?) solidus, three pence) establishing the thrymsa’s exact value stops at the etymological stage (< Lat. trēmis(sis)). On the face of its marginality, numismatists are for most part little interested in the thrymsa. Nevertheless, its presence in the so-called Norðleoda laga («The Laws of the Northern People», element in York archbishop Wufstan’s (d. 1023) «Compilation on status» believed to contain older material) as the expression of the sums of wergilds has given rise to interpretations of these wergilds with far reaching implications. The article offers an original explanation of the reasons for the thrymsa’s presence and function in the Norðleoda laga. Departing from modern textual analysis of Wulfstan’s works, the author arrives at two consecutive conclusions: first, as an early loan from Latin thrymsa never assumed a stable value in the English monetary system likely due to the quick disappearance of coins of this name from circulation; second, Wulfstan deliberately used this term for stylistic reasons and archaization of the text as part of his ideology of an «orderly society». Some immediate consequences of this interpretation can be, first, a reappreciation of the Norðleoda laga’s source potential, and, second, retiring this text as a primary source at face value for studies in social history. This particular case study may further illustrate the ever-present necessity for a textual and source criticism in monetary history when the latter is taken as a steppingstone for broader historical conclusions and interpretations.
«Англо саксонская схизма»: терминологическая дискуссия в англоязычном медиа-пространстве и вызовы сообщества медиевистов, Aug 2021
Статья исследует публичную дискуссию по вопросу о допустимости академического использования терми... more Статья исследует публичную дискуссию по вопросу о допустимости академического использования термина «Anglo-Saxon». После выхода М. Рамбаран-Ольм из Международного Общества англо-саксонистов в сентябре 2019 г. медиевистическое сообщество раскололось. Критики термина «Anglo-Saxon» апеллируют к его расовым коннотациям и злоупотреблениям, защитники – к его историчности и устоявшейся традиции. Размежевание во многом связано с географией и локальным общественным дискурсом. Примирение сторон вряд ли достижимо в ближайшем будущем.
(размещено с письменного согласия редакции издания).
The article aims at summarizing the recent debate concerning the term ‘Anglo-Saxon’ in the academic discourse. Following the resignation of Dr Mary Rambaran-Olm from the (former) International Society of Anglo-Saxonists in September 2019, the English-speaking medieval scholarly community split into critics of the continuous use of ‘Anglo-Saxon’ and its defenders. The former appeal to the term’s racist connotations and misuse, the latter point out the historical adequacy and long-standing tradition. The divide has a lot to do with geography and regional public discourses. No reconciliation seems likely in the nearest future.
The interpretation of the lexeme þegn has led to a long-standing controversy in the study of the ... more The interpretation of the lexeme þegn has led to a long-standing controversy in the study of the late-Viking Age rune stones. It is recorded in 46 commemorative inscriptions in Denmark and Western Sweden, 34 of which adhere to a pronounced pattern. The debate goes back to seminal articles by Svend Aakjaer (1927) and Karl Martin Nielsen (1945). The former author argued that the lexeme should be read as "king's retainer, vassal"; the latter dispelled this notion as ungrounded and stuck with the later recorded meaning, "free man in general", not infrequently attested in, for example, the skaldic verse. Since rune stones are our only contemporary native literary source on social structures in the Viking Age, resolving the question of the lexical meaning of the runic thegns is highly desirable. Regretfully, in the absence of newer source material, the debate has until now been recycling the same considerations first put forth decades ago. While hesitating to pass the final verdict, I argue for acknowledging the lexeme's polysemic nature. A possible way out of the argumentative loop could be found in, first, refraining from the monarchocentric Old English texts and, second, contextual analysis of the þegn's occurrences in other less frequently cited Old English texts pertaining to the Scandinavian part of England. If confirmed, these insights may also be utilised in further source criticism of the Old Norse literary legacy.
L’interprétation du lexème þegn donne lieu à une ancienne polémique dans l’étude des pierres runiques de la fin de l’ère Viking. Il est retrouvé dans 46 inscriptions commémoratives au Danemark et en Suède occidentale, dont 34 qui suivent un modèle précis. Le débat s’est construit autour de deux articles-phare, l’un écrit par Svend Aakjær en 1927 et l’autre par Karl Martin Nielsen en 1945. Le premier auteur avance que le lexème devrait être entendu comme « vassal du roi ». Le deuxième trouve cette interprétation infondée et lui préfère une signification retrouvée ultérieurement, celle de « citoyen libre », qui se retrouve d’ailleurs souvent confirmé, par exemple dans le vers scalde. Puisque les pierres runiques sont notre seule source écrite autochtone et contemporaine sur les structures sociales de l’ère Viking, il serait très souhaitable qu’on puisse résoudre la question de la signification du lexème þegn. Malheureusement, en l’absence de sources plus récentes, le débat n’a cessé de ressasser les mêmes arguments, avancés il y a déjà plusieurs décennies. Bien que réticent à exercer un jugement final, je plaide pour que la nature polysémique du lexème soit acceptée. Une possible voie de sortie des ces débats stériles pourrait se trouver d’abord en accordant moins d’importance aux textes en vieil anglais, peu cités jusqu’alors, consacrés à la partie scandinave de l’Angleterre. S’ils venaient à être confirmés, ces renseignements pourraient aussi être utilisés dans l’études d’autres sources du patrimoine littéraire vieux norrois.
The article addresses the possibilities for a methodological reassessment of the phenomenon of th... more The article addresses the possibilities for a methodological reassessment of the phenomenon of the thegns in England and Scandinavia in the late Viking Age (ca. 900–1066). The historiographical overview reveals that the thegns have never been examined for their own sake, and that the recent developments in source studies open new methodological prospects in anthropological research. The case study of the thegns hopes to outline some of them.
Over the recent decades, historians and archaeologists alike have greatly enhanced modern underst... more Over the recent decades, historians and archaeologists alike have greatly enhanced modern understanding of the urban development in early medieval Britain. However, as of now, there seems to be a lack of a meta-analytical synthesis of the collected information, i.e. scholars have so far not put forward any concise framework to collate this information with, the need for which is especially acute in the light of the multifaceted Anglo-Scandinavian interaction. For instance, the contribution of the Danish settlement to the English urban landscape has on multiple occasions been emphasised, but it remains hard to evaluate in the absence of a comparison with both native Scandinavian urban development and parallel late Anglo-Saxon urbanisation.
The suggested paper aims at presenting one of the possible typologies of the post-Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian urban centres and communities up until the beginning of the High Middle Ages. The expected framework, built on the firm chronological principle, shall categorise them on the basis of:
1. origins: (post-)Roman settlements, early Anglo-Saxon wīcas/emporia, later Scandinavian fortresses, West Saxon burhs, etc.;
2. functions: royal centres, territorial capitals, commercial hubs, etc.;
3. regionality: Southern England, Western Mercia, and the Danelaw.
Of a special interest is the integration of the pre-existing urban settlements in the Danelaw into the West Saxon administrative system, particularly when compared to the parallel process in English Mercia to the west.
It is anticipated that the resultant analytical scheme can find application beyond the British Isles and can contribute to the multidisciplinary Scandinavian research just as much.
Historiographical Wishful Thinking and Debates on Some Early Medieval Social Phenomena in the North Sea Region [Digital Resource], Mar 31, 2018
This article interrogates certain historiographical trends of constructing self-sufficient models... more This article interrogates certain historiographical trends of constructing self-sufficient models of explanation for essentially unrelated data in the primary sources. For a case study the essay spotlights the protracted examination of the early medieval social group of thegns (OE/ON þegn). Attention is drawn to the influential articles by Svend Aakjær, Rachel R. Reid, and David Roffe. Aakjær’s main thesis was that Viking-Age thegns and drengs (ON drengr) known from the Scandinavian runic inscriptions used to be members of royal retinue(s), just like they were strata of landed nobility in England. Rachel Reid drew an institutional parallel between the Anglo-Saxon king’s thegns and medieval barons, and David Roffe augmented this later view by suggesting a continuity in 11th-century landholding patterns. The author hypothesises that the inherent flaw of such models lies in an unconscious confirmation bias when dealing with the source material. By addressing the primary sources directly, the author seeks to demonstrate that some of these views suffered from a lack of empirical data already at the inception. Though contextualising his polemics in modern historiography, in his criticism the author relies on the ad fontes method rather than the wisdom of hindsight. The article also aims to tackle the circulation of the self-sufficient models of this sort in subsequent historiography, as well as to identify plausible origins of prominence and consequences. The author hopes to relate this individual case study to a broader context of medieval research, thereby offering a feasible model of its application to further topics.
Check out the Towns, Apr 2019
This is my small contribution for the 2019 April issue of the popular youth journal 'Dig into His... more This is my small contribution for the 2019 April issue of the popular youth journal 'Dig into History', published by Cricket Media and supervised by Rosalie F. Baker. The kind invitation to write this essay came from Matthew Delveaux (Boston College).
This PDF was uploaded courtesy to Rosalie F. Baker
Eastern Europe in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages: XXX Jubilee Readings Dedicated to the Memory of Vladimir Pashuto, Apr 17, 2018
In his letter to Æthelheard (archbishop of Canterbury) and Ceolwulf (bishop of Lindsey) about Hri... more In his letter to Æthelheard (archbishop of Canterbury) and Ceolwulf (bishop of Lindsey) about Hringstan, an Anglo-Saxon exile in Francia, written at the close of the 8th century, Charlemagne briefly summarised the motivations for a contemporary noble person to flee: “It is better to live in exile than to perish, to serve in a foreign land than to die in one’s own” (Whitelock 1979. P. 849). Two centuries later, driving political and familial rivals into exile appears to have remained a viable method in the contest for power throughout Northern and Eastern Europe. Among others, two English expatriates in particular have attracted interest from historians: Edward the Exile (d. 1057) and Gytha (d. 1098/1107), daughter of Harold son of Godwine, who found themselves temporarily or permanently at the Russian court.
Получатели, топография и динамика производства англо-саксонских королевских грамот в свете статистики (900–1066 гг.) , Apr 22, 2016
В данных тезисах доклада на XXVIII Пашутинских чтениях предлагается первичное обобщение полученно... more В данных тезисах доклада на XXVIII Пашутинских чтениях предлагается первичное обобщение полученной статистики англо-саксонских королевских грамот (diplomas) по трём главным критериям: группы получателей, динамки производство и география пожалований.
The material of this paper, presented at the 28th Pashuto conference (Institute of world History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow), is the primary results of the processed statistics of the Anglo-Saxon royal diplomas. The three key points for analysis were the groups of the grantees, production dynamics and geographical distribution of the charters.
К вопросу о хронологическом распределении англо-саксонских грамот XI в.
В докладе речь идёт о реальном или мнимом упадке производства грамот в XI в. в свете статистическ... more В докладе речь идёт о реальном или мнимом упадке производства грамот в XI в. в свете статистических данных, полученных за последнее время при помощи метода статистического анализа.
This paper deals with the real or seeming decline in the production of the Anglo-Saxon royal diplomas in the 11th century in the light of recently acquired statistical data.
Sociology of late Anglo-Saxon thegns: from ‘servants’ to ‘highborn’?, 2016
This paper, submitted for the Ph.D. and post-doctoral training school "The Dynamic Middle Ages II... more This paper, submitted for the Ph.D. and post-doctoral training school "The Dynamic Middle Ages II, examines the position of the so-called ‘thegns’ in late Anglo-Saxon society. It is noteworthy that this field has a long tradition of research, but the role of the thegns in political structures of the time has always stood in the centre. The current research's view tilts its angle, namely, it discusses the question of this social phenomenon's emergence and development.
Эволюция и трансформация социальной категории «тэн» в донормандской Англии (конец IX — начало XI вв.) / The evolution and transformation of the “thegnly” class in pre-Norman England (from the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 11th century)., 2015
В статье представлен анализ изменений, связанных с англо-саксонской категорией «тэнов» на протяже... more В статье представлен анализ изменений, связанных с англо-саксонской категорией «тэнов» на протяжении Х века. Основной упор сделан на работу с памятниками древнеанглийского законодательства и на особенности происхождения источников. Автор стремится показать неоднородность тэнства как социальной группы в разных областях страны, а также её эволюцию во времени.
The article presents an analysis of the transformation of the Anglo-Saxon cate-gory of “thegns” during the 10th century. The main emphasis is placed on authentic sources work. A special stress is put on the heterogeneity of the ‘thegns’ as a social group and their unequal position in early English society both in time and space.
Сухино-Хоменко Д. В. Рецензия на: Molyneaux G. The Formation of the English Kingdom in the Tenth Century. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. XV + 302 p. [Электронный ресурс] // Vox medii aevi. 2020. Vol. 1–2(6–7). С. 289–295, Dec 29, 2020
Рецензируемая работа профессора Джона Найлза является не первым, но, как представляется, до сих п... more Рецензируемая работа профессора Джона Найлза является не первым, но, как представляется, до сих пор наиболее последовательным концептуальным историографическим обобщением исследований в области англо-саксонистики до начала XX в. Выводя ее начала еще от средневековых хронистов, автор на протяжении почти 350 страниц знакомит читателя с ее основными вехами и доводит свое изложение до 1901 г. Написанная легким, доступным языком книга следует хронологическому принципу подачи материала, в связи с чем его объем возрастает к конечным главам. Отдельным достоинством монографии, несомненно, являются экскурсы в отдельные частные сюжеты и коллизии из истории дисциплины, скрашивающие общее повествование. Несмотря на его некоторую монотонность, однако, его нельзя охарактеризовать как простое сухое энциклопедическое перечисление имен авторов и названий их работ; напротив, Дж. Найлз выделяет общие темы и проблематизирует изучаемый им материал, отчего книга приобретает некоторые жанровые признаки нарратива, впрочем, без излишнего уклона в телеологию. Из менее сильных сторон труда Найлза рецензент отмечает имплицитную приверженность автора к распространенному в зарубежном академическом сообществе пониманию англо-саксонистики как в первую очередь отрасли филологии, вследствие чего в монографии несколько затушевана историческая составляющая данной дисциплины. Несмотря на данную критику, исследование Дж. Найлза, несомненно, является важным вкладом в историографию раннесредневековой Англии, особенно в свете в целом недоразработанности данной проблематики.
John Niles’ monograph under review is not the first but, as it stands, by far the most coherent historiographical overview of the Anglo-Saxon studies up until the beginning of the 20th century. Starting off from the medieval chroniclers’ narratives, over the next 350 pages the author introduces his readers to the major stages in the development of the said studies and concludes in the year 1901. Easily read and well-written, the book follows the chronological principle, hence the scope of the surveys naturally broadens by the final chapters. A major achievement of Niles’ work are the colourful vignettes at the end of each chapter that highlight individual matters and curiosities in the history of the discipline. Despite a certain monotony of the main text, the latter does not read as a lifeless encyclopaedic enumeration of the authors’ names and works. On the contrary, professor Niles singles out general topics and problematises his material, which lends the book some narrative features, though not strictly teleological. A less strong side of his research, we believe, is Niles’ implicit adherence to the common among the English-speaking academics treatment of the Anglo-Saxon studies as primarily a branch of philology, and for this reason the text to a certain extent downplays the historical component in its exposition. In spite of this criticism, John Niles’ book is undoubtedly a profound contribution to the historiography of early medieval England, especially in light of the generally timid interest for this subject
The Question. История., 2016
Это ответ, который я писал для сайта Here is an answer I gave for
The Question. История., 2016
Это небольшой ответ, данный мною на сайте Here is a little answer I gave for theq... more Это небольшой ответ, данный мною на сайте
Here is a little answer I gave for
The Question. История., 2016
Это ответ, который я написал для сайта Here is an answer I gave for www.thequ...[ more ](;)Это ответ, который я написал для сайта
Here is an answer I gave for
This is the presentation that I give within the course "Medeltidens Europa" at the University of ... more This is the presentation that I give within the course "Medeltidens Europa" at the University of Gothenburg. The 60-minute lecture (40+20 minutes) is followed by group work in which students try their hand in medieval source criticism and analysing artwork.
В этой лекции рассказывается о принципах организации научных конференций и о стратегиях поведения... more В этой лекции рассказывается о принципах организации научных конференций и о стратегиях поведения для извлечения максимального результата из участия в научных мероприятиях.
В этой лекции предлагаются некоторые советы к работе над и улучшению академического английского.
В этой лекции речь идёт о составлении заявок и схемах написания тезисов для научных мероприятий, ... more В этой лекции речь идёт о составлении заявок и схемах написания тезисов для научных мероприятий, а также даются практические советы, примеры и библиография по отдельным гуманитарным специальностям.
В этой лекции с привлечением большого количества примеров разбираются трудности, которые могут во... more В этой лекции с привлечением большого количества примеров разбираются трудности, которые могут возникать у среднестатистического россиянина при академических поездках за рубеж в заполнении анкет и составлении резюме.
This is the second of the three presentations that I give within the course "Vikingatida och mede... more This is the second of the three presentations that I give within the course "Vikingatida och medeltida skandinavisk historia" at the University of Gothenburg. The 60-minute lecture (40+20 minutes) is followed by group work in which students anchor the new information by demonstrating the main stages of the Viking eastward expansion on the map.
This is the second of the three presentations that I give within the course "Vikingatida och mede... more This is the second of the three presentations that I give within the course "Vikingatida och medeltida skandinavisk historia" at the University of Gothenburg. The 60-minute lecture (40+20 minutes) is followed by group work in which students anchor the new information by demonstrating the main stages of the Viking westward expansion on the map.
This is the first of the three presentations that I give within the course "Vikingatida och medel... more This is the first of the three presentations that I give within the course "Vikingatida och medeltida skandinavisk historia" at the University of Gothenburg. The 60-minute lecture (40+20 minutes) is followed by group work in which students try their hand in source criticism, working on excerpts on the Battles of Stamford Bridge and Hastings from two written sources.
This paper was presented in the Intensive Danish Course at the Sprogcenter IA in February 2016, a... more This paper was presented in the Intensive Danish Course at the Sprogcenter IA in February 2016, and it speaks about the influence "The Seventh Seal" of Ingmar Bergman exerted upon the modern mass culture and film industry.
This presentation was delivered in the "Runedask og vikingetiden" course at the University of Cop... more This presentation was delivered in the "Runedask og vikingetiden" course at the University of Copenhagen on February 15, 2016.
This is the overview of my Ph.D. project, presented to Gillian Fellows-Jensen and Niels Lund by m... more This is the overview of my Ph.D. project, presented to Gillian Fellows-Jensen and Niels Lund by me on November 1, 2015.
The presentation was delivered in the "Fornaldarsögur and historiography" course at the Universit... more The presentation was delivered in the "Fornaldarsögur and historiography" course at the University of Copenhagen on October 30th 2015.
This presentation was delivered in the "East Norse. Texts and artifacts" course at the University... more This presentation was delivered in the "East Norse. Texts and artifacts" course at the University of Copenhagen on October 12, 2015
Circumstantial Thegns and the Runic Studies, 2019
This is my presentation from the 13th Runic Council, "Runes in Western Sweden", held at the Unive... more This is my presentation from the 13th Runic Council, "Runes in Western Sweden", held at the University of Gothenburg on October 11th, 2019.
Across modern Denmark (province of Jutland, islands of Funen, Lolland, and Bornholm) and Sweden (provinces of Väster- and Östergötland, Småland, Skåne, and Södermanland) are scattered half a hundred of runic commemorations of certain thegns (ON þegn). The personal designation þegn has hitherto been translated both as a high-ranking officer in the king’s retinue and as a landholding yeoman. In the absence of a satisfactory context, when interpreting those inscriptions scholars had to largely rely on the external evidence, such as contemporary circulation of the same lexeme in Old English, the skaldic verse, and later Old Norse literary and legal prose.
The current contribution to the heldagsrunråd avoids bringing forward new explanations of who or what the runic thegns were, as this shall be an integral part of the author’s future PhD thesis, but instead aims at raising a number of more fundamental questions surrounding the relevant corpus. These include but are not limited to:
1. Are the previous datings of the rune stones in question (very often established in the first half of the 20th century but for the Swedish corpus improved by Anne Sofie Gräslund’s stylistic datings) still valid?
2. Are there contextual or linguistic features in the þegn-stones corpus which can reinforce these datings?
3. What can be deduced from the surrounding runic context of the individual þegn-inscription, such as the names of the rune-carvers, family members, and other textual content, artistic features etc., in the modern research?
4. Finally, are there any caveats in quoting the Samnordisk runtextdatabas on these inscriptions?
In my talk, I should like to point out some peculiarities and puzzles I have found as a non-runic scholar, but I hope heldagsrunråd’s contribution can help me improve this section in my PhD thesis, scheduled to be defended here in Göteborg in autumn 2021. My presentation will be in English but the dissussion may also be in Danish or Swedish.
Early Medieval Urban Centres in Britain: A Comparative Typological Model From a Diachronic Perspective, Mar 21, 2019
Over the recent decades, historians and archaeologists alike have greatly enhanced mod-ern unders... more Over the recent decades, historians and archaeologists alike have greatly enhanced mod-ern understanding of the urban development in early medieval Britain. However, as of now, there seems to be a lack of a meta-analytical synthesis of the collected information, i.e. scholars have so far not put forward any concise framework to collate this information with, the need for which is especially acute in the light of the multifaceted Anglo-Scandinavian interaction in the 9–11th centuries. For instance, the contribution of the Danish settlement for the English urban landscape has on multiple occasions been emphasised, but it is hard to evaluate in the absence of a comparison with both native Scandinavian urban development and parallel late Anglo-Saxon urbanisation.
The suggested paper aims at presenting one of the possible typologies of the post-Roman, Anglo-Saxon, and Scandinavian urban centres and communities up until the beginning of the High Middle Ages. The expected framework, built on the firm chronological principle, shall categorise them:
1. on the basis of origins: (post-)Roman settlements, early Anglo-Saxon wīcas/emporia, later Scandinavian fortresses, West Saxon burhs, etc.;
2. on the basis of functions: royal centres, territorial capitals, commercial hubs, etc.;
3. on the regional basis: Southern England, Western Mercia, and the Danelaw.
Of a special interest is the integration of the pre-existing Danelaw urban settlements into the West Saxon administrative system, particularly when compared with the parallel process in Eng-lish Mercia to the west.
This paper was delivered at Svenska historikermötet 2019 at the Linnaeus University (Växjö). In i... more This paper was delivered at Svenska historikermötet 2019 at the Linnaeus University (Växjö). In it, I briefly touch upon the problem of an Anglo-Saxon thegn's wergild composition and how it may confer knew knowledge about the Anglo-Saxon society as a whole. My tentative conclusion is that contrary to the popular belief, (West Saxon) thegns were entitled to the 1,200-shilling wergild only from the 10th century onwards, though the very social group of the 'twelfhundimenn' had existed at least from the late 7th century in Wessex. It is probable that we can witness a conscious attempt at social engineering on the part of the royal legislators' (or Archbishop Wulfstan of York), whereby a) the de facto aristocratic thegnly stratum was merged with the hitherto legally recognised West Saxon nobility, b) the West Saxon legal 6-to-1 wergild ratio might have been imposed outside Wessex after the political integration of Mercia and Northumbria in the 10th century.
The premise of the presentation is the assumption that the hitherto established etymology of the ... more The premise of the presentation is the assumption that the hitherto established etymology of the OE/ON word þegn (also OHG and OS thegan) is linguistically improbable and thus needs a revision. The article offers historical evidence in support of Guus Kroonen’s recent claim of that þegn is not connected to the Ancient Greek lexeme for “a child,” τέκνον (< PIE *tek-no), and instead stems from PGmc *þegjan- “to request,” thus ab initio denoting a “retainer.” If Kroonen’s surmise is correct, it might have some implications for historical research, though it is argued throughout this essay not to substitute the latter with sheer linguistics.
...мы хотели бы представить на ваш суд анонс готовящегося нами нового издания перевода одного люб... more ...мы хотели бы представить на ваш суд анонс готовящегося нами нового издания перевода одного любопытного английского памятника рубежа тысячелетий, который известен как «Коллоквиум» Эльфрика. Наша работа нацелена на помещение «Коллоквиума» именно в английский контекст и контекст сочинений Эльфрика, а также подготовку критического перевода. За основу мы решили взять рукопись С как наиболее близкую к протографу, но надеемся, что сможем включить также и разночтения с рукописью R. Ещё одним важным параметром мы считаем сверку с древнеанглийскими глоссами. Таким образом, мы надеемся, что сможем опубликовать не билингву, а трилингву: латинский текст с указанием разночтений, оригинальный английский текст глосс, не переработанных Генри Суитом, и наш русский перевод с латыни с указаниями на отличия в глоссах. The paper is the announce of a future translation of Ælfric's "Colloquy." The centrepiece of our enterprise, unlike our Russian predecessors, is assessing "Colloquy" as a source for its own sake. We are going to try preparing a new full translation of the Latin text, OE glosses, and a Russian translation in accordance with both.
Презентация доклада на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учё... more Презентация доклада на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов-2017».
В докладе рассматриваются историографический поиск и выделение высшего слоя нетитулованной англо-саксонской светской элиты накануне Нормандского Завоевания (1066 г.) по материалам XII века. Последовательно разбираются и критикуются попытки в рамках конституционной истории (Р. Рид и Д. Рофф) и аграрной истории (У. Стаббс и П. Кларк). Докладчик приходит к выводу, что данные гипотезы не подтверждаются известными источниками (Книга Страшного Суда и нормандские переводы англо-саксонского права XII в.) при непредвзятом анализе и требуют насильного прочтения известных текстов. В заключении делается предположение, что подобные построения – это отражение современных представлений об устройстве общества (в том числе и английского), где относительно чётко выделяются имущественные классы.
A PowerPoint presentation at the 24th international academic student and young researcher's conference "Lomonosov-2017".
The presentation analyses the historiographical search for an upper layer of the titleless Anglo-Saxon lay elite on the eve of the Norman Conquest (1066). The presentation's consecutive study reveals the flaws in the constitutional (by R. Reid and D. Roffe) and agrarian (W. Stubbs and P. Clarke) approaches to the problem. The author finds that such hypotheses do not find support from the extant sources (the Domesday Book and Norman translation of the Anglo-Saxon law) when reading without any preconceived notions. The conclusion supposes that this kind of search might be a reflection of the modern-day view of the society (including the English one) as composed of more or less clearly defined classes.
This is my presentation at the international PhD and post-doctoral training school "Dynamic Middl... more This is my presentation at the international PhD and post-doctoral training school "Dynamic Middle Ages II" (Düsseldorf, September 2016)
The topic I touched upon deals with the Anglo-Saxon charters (royal diplomas) of the 10th and 11th centuries. I intended to pay special attention to the political and cultural circumstances of their production, as well as to raise some thought-provoking questions, concerning the statistics.
You can also find a simplified visualisation of the royal lineage of the period at
This presentation was given at the "Viking World: Diversity and Change" conference in Nottingham ... more This presentation was given at the "Viking World: Diversity and Change" conference in Nottingham on July 2nd, 2016.
This talk addresses the problem of the possible social interraction between the Anglo-Saxon and Scandinavians. It is a development of the author's previous pursue of the topic, presented at the Student Symposium on Viking and Medieval Scandinavian Subjects 2016 (Aarhus University) in March of that same year.
Compared to the talk in Aarhus, this presentation puts an emphasis on the historiographical situation and suggests a novel methodological approach. Additionally, it touches on the possibility of the Old English influence upon the Old Norse in the usage of the word "thegn". Finally, following the further research, carried out since March, it proposes the Danelaw as a possible contact zone rather than a region of a confined Scandinavian influence.
This presentation was delivered at the Student Symposium on the Viking and Medieval Scandinavian ... more This presentation was delivered at the Student Symposium on the Viking and Medieval Scandinavian Subjects on March 18th 2016 in Århus (Denmark)
Эта презентация - доклад на студенческом симпозиуме в г. Орхус (Дания), посвящённом исследованиям эпохи викингов и средних веков в Скандинавии, прочитанный 18 марта 2016 г.
Диалог со временем, Aug 17, 2021
GRAPHOSPHAERA: Writing and Written Practices, 2022
GRAPHOSPHAERA: Writing and Written Practices, 2022
This article addresses the problem of the representativeness of the surviving corpus of English p... more This article addresses the problem of the representativeness of the surviving corpus of English pre-Norman royal diplomas. For historical reasons, the analysis focuses on diplomas generated between the reigns of Alfred the Great and Edward the Confessor (871– 1066). More specifically, the numerical, geographical, and chronological aspects are dis- cussed. This research spotlights a peculiarly pronounced correlation between the ethno-political division of Lowland Britain into the “Danelaw” and “Greater Wessex”, as well as between the sum total of charters for a given region and the number of archives in it. The article then asks whether the archival and chronological distribution of the extant royal acta can be considered objective. The data available leave room for potential mass losses in the documentary material to the degree of significant distortions in the extant sample. However, when put together, indirect evidence tips the balance in favour of the corpus’ at least relative chronological and geographical representativeness, even if the said losses distorted it to a lesser or greater degree.
This text examines a recent historiographical debate on the Norwegian politiogenesis that unfolde... more This text examines a recent historiographical debate on the Norwegian politiogenesis that unfolded between Sverre Bagge and Hans Jacob Orning in the journal "Historisk Historisk tidsskrift (Norge)". The review of the polemics is complimented by an analysis of the two positions and collation thereof against a wider historiographical background.
This article spotlights the thrymsa (OE þryms/trimsa/tryms) as a supposed monetary unit in pre-No... more This article spotlights the thrymsa (OE þryms/trimsa/tryms) as a supposed monetary unit in pre-Norman England and the importance this individual case study may hold for research in early medieval English social history. In the main, Anglo-Saxon monetary system was meticulously reconstructed by Henry Chadwick (1905), but in it the thrymsa appears an anomaly, as it gets only a few mentions in independent sources over the whole documented Old English period. Due to various correspondences in the texts (as, dragma, ¼ stater, (⅓?) solidus, three pence) establishing the thrymsa's exact value stops at the etymological stage (< Lat. trēmis(sis)). On the face of its marginality, numismatists are for most part little interested in the thrymsa.Nevertheless, its presence in the so-called Norðleoda laga («The Laws of the Northern People», element in York archbishop Wufstan's (d. 1023) «Compilation on status» believed to contain older material) as the expression of the sums of wergilds...
History: Journal of Education and Science
History: Journal of Education and Science
Vox medii aevi. 2018. Vol. 2(3). P. 38–69.
Denis Sukhino-Khomenko PhD-student at Department of Historical Studies, the University of Gothen... more Denis Sukhino-Khomenko
PhD-student at Department of Historical Studies, the University of Gothenburg (Sweden)
Historiographical Wishful Thinking and Debates on Some Early Medieval Social Phenomena in the North Sea Region
This article interrogates certain historiographical trends of constructing self-sufficient models of explanation for essentially unrelated data in the primary sources. For a case study the essay spotlights the protracted examination of the early medieval social group of thegns (OE/ON þegn). Attention is drawn to the influential articles by SvendAakjær, Rachel R. Reid, and David Roffe. Aakjær’s main thesis was that Viking-Age thegns and drengs (ON drengr) known from the Scandinavian runic inscriptions used to be members of royal retinue(s), just like they were strata of landed nobility in England. Rachel Reid drew an institutional parallel between the Anglo-Saxon king’s thegns and medieval barons, and David Roffe augmented this later view by suggesting a continuity in 11th-century landholding patterns. The author hypothesises that the inherent flaw of such models lies in an unconscious confirmation bias when dealing with the source material. By addressing the primary sources directly, the author seeks to demonstrate that some of these views suffered from a lack of empirical data already at the inception. Though contextualising his polemics in modern historiography, in his criticism the author relies on the ad fontes method rather than the wisdom of hindsight. The article also aims to tackle the circulation of the self-sufficient models of this sort in subsequent historiography, as well as to identify plausible origins of prominence and consequences. The author hopes to relate this individual case study to a broader context of medieval research, thereby offering a feasible model of its application to further topics.
Key words: Baron; Historiography; King Cnut; Runic Inscriptions; Thegn.
Сухино-Хоменко Денис Владимирович
PhD-студент Института исторических исследований, Университет Гетеборга (Швеция)
Проблема принятия желаемого за действительное в историографии и споры о некоторых социальных явлениях в раннесредневековой Англии и Скандинавии
Статья посвящена разбору отдельных историографических тенденций, связанных с конструированием самодостаточных объяснительных моделей для описания внутренне не связанных между собой сведений в первоисточниках. В качестве иллюстрации в центре исследования стоят три примера изучения раннесредневековой социальной группы тэнов (др. англ. / др. сканд. þegn) в историографии XX в. Отмечается, что главная проблема подобных моделей заключается в неосознанном когнитивном искажении (англ.confirmationbias) при работе с оригинальными текстами: предвзятом прочтении, игнорировании противоречащих фактов, недостаточном внимании к происхождению памятников. Обращаясь напрямую к первоисточникам и минуя сложившуюся историографическую традицию, автор стремится показать, что некоторые из подобных далеко идущих выводов страдали от недостатка эмпирических доказательств уже на момент публикации. При активном вовлечении наработок современной историографии предлагаемая критика высказывается не с позиций «послезнания», а исходя из принципа adfontes. В статье предпринята попытка исследования бытования такого рода самодостаточных моделей в последующей историографии с указанием на его возможные причины и последствия. Автор выражает надежду, что подобное частное исследование может найти более широкое применение в современной медиевистике.
Ключевые слова: барон; историография; Кнут Великий; рунические надписи; тэн.
Thegns around the North Sea: Elite, Nobility, Aristocracy of the Late Viking Age, Sep 20, 2024
This cross-disciplinary doctoral thesis examines thegns (OE/ON þegn) in late pre-Norman England a... more This cross-disciplinary doctoral thesis examines thegns (OE/ON þegn) in late pre-Norman England and Viking-Age Scandinavia, departing from the problem of interpreting thegns commemorated in 45 runic inscriptions from around 1000 AD. The thesis highlights that thegns’ socio-conceptual roles stemmed from concrete historical processes and changing social meanings. Studying them provides insights into the social order and interconnectedness of the North Sea region. The dissertation comprises five research chapters, five accessory vignettes for historical context, and two excursuses into related but not decisive matters.
CHAPTER 1 presents the problem and research questions on: 1) social structures communicated through OE/ON þegn; 2) power distribution illuminated by thegns’ socio-economic and political conditions; 3) interactions between England and Scandinavia that follows from the answer to the former two questions. The chapter also charts the historical and theoretical background, methodology, and study design. It emphasises the need to sidestep the few and potentially problematic sources and to instead use digital language corpora for a maximum range of contextualised meanings of OE/ON þegn.
CHAPTER 2 outlines the historiographical background, summarising previous scholarship and potential hurdles in interpretation of primary sources: Archbishop Wulfstan of York’s texts in England; post-Viking-Age English sources and native toponymic material in Scandinavia.
CHAPTER 3 establishes that OE þegn always connoted non-humiliating service by a free man to a lord, usually a king. Through royal co-optation during the studied period, the term evolved to denote lay landowning aristocratic elites. This process involved tenurial and interpersonal relationships, which in the monarchocentric discourse attracted the name “bookland” for the landed property and “thegn” for its owner. The chapter wavers to definitively pronounce if such elites internalised the thegnly identity as a master status and became a historical ontology. With that, the chapter concludes by offering a new possible reading of Wulfstan’s writings.
CHAPTER 4 shows that ON þegn rarely meant “servant” and instead denoted lay elites and/or kings’ junior partners, and that Scandinavian kings sought to turn the former into the latter. The chapter argues that their common trait was an economic powerbase in ancestral landed property, the “odal”. The chapter explores the hǫldar status group associated with “odal” and the thegnly elites’ transition from royal liegemen to subjects through an expanding royal lordship. The chapter concludes by interpreting runic thegns as local magnates rather than immediate royal agents.
CHAPTER 5 summarises the conclusions, positing that pre-Conquest England’s social order was strongly affected by a monarchocentric discourse, unlike in Scandinavia. The chapter emphasises recognising the bias in the term “thegn”, especially in England, and that in Scandinavia, senses imbued in ON þegn appear independent of each other and irreducible to one “core” meaning, unlike in England. The chapter harmonises these conclusions by suggesting that thanks to a closely knit socio-conceptual space, social ideas traversed the North-Sea region. A possibility is entertained that due to significant interactions at the turn of the 9th–10th and 10th–11th centuries, Old Norse inherited late OE þegn senses in received forms and adapted them to local social conditions, the results of which, among others, got engraved in the 45 runic inscriptions in question.
155 printed: "western third of the “Greater” Wessex" read: "western third of “Greater” Wessex"
158 printed: "six historical counties" read: "six historic counties"
165 printed: "Darlington in favour of must" read: "Darlington in favour of Styrr must"
170 printed: "9201" read: "920"
170 printed: "yields no addition information" read: "yields no additional information"
171 printed: "hēafodman" [×2] read: "hēafodmann"
172 printed: "who pointed Dr Blair’s article to me" read: "who pointed out Dr Blair’s article to me"
172 printed: "reiterating (Sukhino-Khomenko and Guimon" read: "reiterating: Sukhino-Khomenko and Guimon"
274 printed: "Rättegångsbalken, V" read: "Rättegångsbalken V"