Y. Ivanenko | Fondazione Santa Lucia (original) (raw)

Papers by Y. Ivanenko

Research paper thumbnail of Analisi quantitativa del cammino: sviluppo di una nuova metodologia, applicazioni cliniche riabilitative

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consig... more Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

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Research paper thumbnail of O40Interaction forces and step synchronization during side-by-side walking with hand contact

Gait & Posture, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The many roles of vision during walking

Vision can improve bipedal upright stability during standing and locomotion. However, during loco... more Vision can improve bipedal upright stability during standing and locomotion. However, during locomotion, vision supports additional behaviors such as gait cycle modulation, navigation, and obstacle avoidance. Here, we investigate how the multiple roles of vision are reflected in the dynamics of trunk control as the neural control problem changes from a fixed to a moving base of support. Subjects were presented with either low- or high-amplitude broadband visual stimuli during standing posture or while walking on a treadmill at 1 km/h and 5 km/h. Frequency response functions between visual scene motion (input) and trunk kinematics (output) revealed little or no change in the gain of trunk orientation in the standing posture and walking conditions. However, a dramatic increase in gain was observed in trunk (hip and shoulder) horizontal displacement from posture to locomotion. Such increases in gain may be interpreted as an increased coupling to visual scene motion. However, we believe that the increased gain reflects a decrease in stability due to a change of the control problem from standing to locomotion. Indeed, keeping the body upright with the use of vision during walking is complicated by the additional locomotor processes at work. Unlike during standing, vision plays many roles during locomotion, providing information for upright stability as well as body position relative to the external environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Function dictates the phase dependence of vision during human locomotion.

In human and animal locomotion, sensory input is thought to be processed in a phase dependent man... more In human and animal locomotion, sensory input is thought to be processed in a phase dependent manner. Here we use full-field transient visual scene motion towards or away from subjects walking on a treadmill. Perturbations were presented at three phases of walking to test 1) whether phase dependence is observed for visual input, and 2) if the nature of phase dependence differs across body segments. Results demonstrated that trunk responses to approaching perturbations were only weakly phase dependent and instead depended primarily on the delay from the perturbation. Recording of kinematic and muscle responses from both right and left lower limb allowed the analysis of 6 distinct phases of perturbation effects. In contrast to the trunk, leg responses were strongly phase dependent. Leg responses during the same gait cycle as the perturbation exhibited gating, occurring only when perturbations were applied in mid stance. In contrast, during the post-perturbation gait cycle, leg responses occurred at similar response phases of the gait cycle over a range of perturbation phases. These distinct responses reflect modulation of trunk orientation for upright equilibrium and modulation of leg segments for both hazard accommodation/avoidance and positional maintenance on the treadmill. Overall, these results support the idea that the phase dependence of responses to visual scene motion is determined by different functional tasks during walking.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Spinal Central Pattern Generators to Cortical Network: Integrated BCI for Walking Rehabilitation

Neural Plasticity, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Time course of gaze influences on postural responses to neck proprioceptive and galvanic vestibular stimulation in humans

Neuroscience Letters, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual control of trunk translation and orientation during locomotion

Experimental Brain Research, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatial orientation in humans: perception of angular whole-body displacements in two-dimensional trajectories

Experimental Brain Research, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comparison of the Effects of Visual-Scene Motion on Walking and Standing and the Role of Stability

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of gaze on postural responses to neck proprioceptive and vestibular stimulation in humans

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Research paper thumbnail of Plasticity and modular control of locomotor patterns in neurological disorders with motor deficits

Human locomotor movements exhibit considerable variability and are highly complex in terms of bot... more Human locomotor movements exhibit considerable variability and are highly complex in terms of both neural activation and biomechanical output. The building blocks with which the central nervous system constructs these motor patterns can be preserved in patients with various sensory-motor disorders. In particular, several studies highlighted a modular burst-like organization of the muscle activity. Here we review and discuss this issue with a particular emphasis on the various examples of adaptation of locomotor patterns in patients (with large fiber neuropathy, amputees, stroke and spinal cord injury). The results highlight plasticity and different solutions to reorganize muscle patterns in both peripheral and central nervous system lesions. The findings are discussed in a general context of compensatory gait mechanisms, spatiotemporal architecture and modularity of the locomotor program.

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Research paper thumbnail of Motor Control Programs and Walking

The question of how the central nervous system coordinates muscle activity is central to an under... more The question of how the central nervous system coordinates muscle activity is central to an understanding
of motor control. The authors argue that motor programs may be considered as a characteristic timing of
muscle activations linked to specific kinematic events. In particular, muscle activity occurring during human
locomotion can be accounted for by five basic temporal components in a variety of locomotion conditions.
Spatiotemporal maps of spinal cord motoneuron activation also show discrete periods of activity. Furthermore,
the coordination of locomotion with voluntary tasks is accomplished through a superposition of motor
programs or activation timings that are separately associated with each task. As a consequence, the selection
of muscle synergies appears to be downstream from the processes that generate activation timings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Independent Walking in Toddlers

Surprisingly, despite millions of years of bipedal walking evolution, the gravity-related pendulu... more Surprisingly, despite millions of years of bipedal walking evolution, the gravity-related pendulum mechanism of walking does not seem to be implemented at the onset of independent walking, requiring each toddler to develop it. We discuss the precursor of the mature locomotor pattern in infants as an optimal starting point strategy for gait maturation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Locomotor body scheme

The concept of body schema has been introduced and widely discussed in the literature to explain ... more The concept of body schema has been introduced and widely discussed in the literature to explain various clinical observations and distortions in the body and space representation. Here we address the role of body schema related information in multi-joint limb motion. The processing of proprioceptive information may differ significantly in static and dynamic conditions since in the latter case the control system may employ specific dynamic rules and constraints. Accordingly, the perception of movement, e.g., estimation of step length and walking distance, may rely on a priori knowledge about intrinsic dynamics of limb segment motion and inherent relationships between gait parameters and body proportions. The findings are discussed in the general framework of space and body movement representation and suggest the existence of a dynamic locomotor body schema used for controlling step length and path estimation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Locomotor-Like Leg Movements Evoked by Rhythmic Arm Movements in Humans

Motion of the upper limbs is often coupled to that of the lower limbs in human bipedal locomotion... more Motion of the upper limbs is often coupled to that of the lower limbs in human bipedal locomotion. It is unclear, however, whether the functional coupling between upper and lower limbs is bi-directional, i.e. whether arm movements can affect the lumbosacral locomotor circuitry. Here we tested the effects of voluntary rhythmic arm movements on the lower limbs. Participants lay horizontally on their side with each leg suspended in an unloading exoskeleton. They moved their arms on an overhead treadmill as if they walked on their hands. Hand-walking in the antero-posterior direction resulted in significant locomotor-like movements of the legs in 58% of the participants. We further investigated quantitatively the responses in a subset of the responsive subjects. We found that the electromyographic (EMG) activity of proximal leg muscles was modulated over each cycle with a timing similar to that of normal locomotion. The frequency of kinematic and EMG oscillations in the legs typically differed from that of arm oscillations. The effect of hand-walking was direction specific since medio-lateral arm movements did not evoke appreciably leg air-stepping. Using externally imposed trunk movements and biomechanical modelling, we ruled out that the leg movements associated with hand-walking were mainly due to the mechanical transmission of trunk oscillations. EMG activity in hamstring muscles associated with hand-walking often continued when the leg movements were transiently blocked by the experimenter or following the termination of arm movements. The present results reinforce the idea that there exists a functional neural coupling between arm and legs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Humans Running in Place on Water at Simulated Reduced Gravity

Background: On Earth only a few legged species, such as water strider insects, some aquatic birds... more Background: On Earth only a few legged species, such as water strider insects, some aquatic birds and lizards, can run on water. For most other species, including humans, this is precluded by body size and proportions, lack of appropriate appendages, and limited muscle power. However, if gravity is reduced to less than Earth's gravity, running on water should require less muscle power. Here we use a hydrodynamic model to predict the gravity levels at which humans should be able to run on water. We test these predictions in the laboratory using a reduced gravity simulator.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trunk orientation, stability, and quadrupedalism

Interesting cases of human quadrupedalism described by Tan and Colleagues (2005–2012) have attrac... more Interesting cases of human quadrupedalism described by Tan and Colleagues (2005–2012) have attracted the attention of geneticists, neurologists, and anthropologists. Since his first publications in 2005, the main attention has focused on the genetic aspects of disorders that lead to quadrupedalism within an evolutionary framework. In recent years this area has undergone a convincing critique (Downey, 2010) and ended with a call ". .. to move in a different direction. .. away from thinking solely in terms of genetic abnormality and evolutionary atavism. " We consider quadrupedalism as a " natural experiment " that may contribute to our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms underlying our balance system and our tendency toward normal (upright) posture. Bipedalism necessitates a number of characteristics that distinguish us from our ancestors and present-day mammals, including: size and shape of the bones of the foot, structure of the axial and proximal musculature, and the orientation of the human body and head. In this review we address the results of experimental studies on the mechanisms that stabilize the body in healthy people, as well as how these mechanisms may be disturbed in various forms of clinical pathology. These disturbances are related primarily to automatic rather than voluntary control of posture and suggest that human quadrupedalism is a behavior that can result from adaptive processes triggered by disorders in postural tone and environmental cues. These results will serve as a starting point for comparing and contrasting bi-and quadrupedalism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation during voluntary and non-voluntary stepping movements in humans

• Air-stepping can be used as a model for investigating rhythmogenesis/CPG in humans. • We compar... more • Air-stepping can be used as a model for investigating rhythmogenesis/CPG in humans. • We compared voluntary and non-voluntary (vibration-induced) stepping. • We examined MEPs in response to TMS of the motor cortex and H-reflex. • We found greater responsiveness to central/sensory inputs during voluntary stepping. • Findings support engagement of supraspinal motor areas in CPG-modulating therapies. a b s t r a c t Here, we compared motor evoked potentials (MEP) in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex and the H-reflex during voluntary and vibration-induced air-stepping movements in humans. Both the MEPs (in mm biceps femoris, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior) and H-reflex (in m soleus) were significantly smaller during vibration-induced cyclic leg movements at matched amplitudes of angular motion and muscle activity. These findings highlight differences between voluntary and non-voluntary activation of the spinal pattern generator circuitry in humans, presumably due to an extra facilitatory effect of voluntary control/triggering of stepping on spinal motoneurons and interneurons. The results support the idea of active engagement of supraspinal motor areas in developing central pattern generator-modulating therapies.

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Research paper thumbnail of HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE Control of leg movements driven by EMG activity of shoulder muscles

During human walking, there exists a functional neural coupling between arms and legs, and betwee... more During human walking, there exists a functional neural coupling between arms and legs, and between cervical and lumbosacral pattern generators. Here, we present a novel approach for associating the electromyographic (EMG) activity from upper limb muscles with leg kinematics. Our methodology takes advantage of the high involvement of shoulder muscles in most locomotor-related movements and of the natural coordination between arms and legs. Nine healthy subjects were asked to walk at different constant and variable speeds (3–5 km/h), while EMG activity of shoulder (deltoid) muscles and the kinematics of walking were recorded. To ensure a high level of EMG activity in deltoid, the subjects performed slightly larger arm swinging than they usually do. The temporal structure of the burst-like EMG activity was used to predict the spatiotemporal kinematic pattern of the forthcoming step. A comparison of actual and predicted stride leg kinematics showed a high degree of correspondence (r > 0.9). This algorithm has been also implemented in pilot experiments for controlling avatar walking in a virtual reality setup and an exoskeleton during over-ground stepping. The proposed approach may have important implications for the design of human–machine interfaces and neuroprosthetic technologies such as those of assistive lower limb exoskeletons.

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Research paper thumbnail of EMG patterns during assisted walking in the exoskeleton

Neuroprosthetic technology and robotic exoskeletons are being developed to facilitate stepping, r... more Neuroprosthetic technology and robotic exoskeletons are being developed to facilitate stepping, reduce muscle efforts, and promote motor recovery. Nevertheless, the guidance forces of an exoskeleton may influence the sensory inputs, sensorimotor interactions and resulting muscle activity patterns during stepping. The aim of this study was to report the muscle activation patterns in a sample of intact and injured subjects while walking with a robotic exoskeleton and, in particular, to quantify the level of muscle activity during assisted gait. We recorded electromyographic (EMG) activity of different leg and arm muscles during overground walking in an exoskeleton in six healthy individuals and four spinal cord injury (SCI) participants. In SCI patients, EMG activity of the upper limb muscles was augmented while activation of leg muscles was typically small. Contrary to our expectations, however, in neurologically intact subjects, EMG activity of leg muscles was similar or even larger during exoskeleton-assisted walking compared to normal overground walking. In addition, significant variations in the EMG waveforms were found across different walking conditions. The most variable pattern was observed in the hamstring muscles. Overall, the results are consistent with a non-linear reorganization of the locomotor output when using the robotic stepping devices. The findings may contribute to our understanding of human-machine interactions and adaptation of locomotor activity patterns.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analisi quantitativa del cammino: sviluppo di una nuova metodologia, applicazioni cliniche riabilitative

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consig... more Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

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Research paper thumbnail of O40Interaction forces and step synchronization during side-by-side walking with hand contact

Gait & Posture, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of The many roles of vision during walking

Vision can improve bipedal upright stability during standing and locomotion. However, during loco... more Vision can improve bipedal upright stability during standing and locomotion. However, during locomotion, vision supports additional behaviors such as gait cycle modulation, navigation, and obstacle avoidance. Here, we investigate how the multiple roles of vision are reflected in the dynamics of trunk control as the neural control problem changes from a fixed to a moving base of support. Subjects were presented with either low- or high-amplitude broadband visual stimuli during standing posture or while walking on a treadmill at 1 km/h and 5 km/h. Frequency response functions between visual scene motion (input) and trunk kinematics (output) revealed little or no change in the gain of trunk orientation in the standing posture and walking conditions. However, a dramatic increase in gain was observed in trunk (hip and shoulder) horizontal displacement from posture to locomotion. Such increases in gain may be interpreted as an increased coupling to visual scene motion. However, we believe that the increased gain reflects a decrease in stability due to a change of the control problem from standing to locomotion. Indeed, keeping the body upright with the use of vision during walking is complicated by the additional locomotor processes at work. Unlike during standing, vision plays many roles during locomotion, providing information for upright stability as well as body position relative to the external environment.

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Research paper thumbnail of Function dictates the phase dependence of vision during human locomotion.

In human and animal locomotion, sensory input is thought to be processed in a phase dependent man... more In human and animal locomotion, sensory input is thought to be processed in a phase dependent manner. Here we use full-field transient visual scene motion towards or away from subjects walking on a treadmill. Perturbations were presented at three phases of walking to test 1) whether phase dependence is observed for visual input, and 2) if the nature of phase dependence differs across body segments. Results demonstrated that trunk responses to approaching perturbations were only weakly phase dependent and instead depended primarily on the delay from the perturbation. Recording of kinematic and muscle responses from both right and left lower limb allowed the analysis of 6 distinct phases of perturbation effects. In contrast to the trunk, leg responses were strongly phase dependent. Leg responses during the same gait cycle as the perturbation exhibited gating, occurring only when perturbations were applied in mid stance. In contrast, during the post-perturbation gait cycle, leg responses occurred at similar response phases of the gait cycle over a range of perturbation phases. These distinct responses reflect modulation of trunk orientation for upright equilibrium and modulation of leg segments for both hazard accommodation/avoidance and positional maintenance on the treadmill. Overall, these results support the idea that the phase dependence of responses to visual scene motion is determined by different functional tasks during walking.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Spinal Central Pattern Generators to Cortical Network: Integrated BCI for Walking Rehabilitation

Neural Plasticity, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of Time course of gaze influences on postural responses to neck proprioceptive and galvanic vestibular stimulation in humans

Neuroscience Letters, 1999

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Research paper thumbnail of Visual control of trunk translation and orientation during locomotion

Experimental Brain Research, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatial orientation in humans: perception of angular whole-body displacements in two-dimensional trajectories

Experimental Brain Research, 1997

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Research paper thumbnail of A Comparison of the Effects of Visual-Scene Motion on Walking and Standing and the Role of Stability

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Research paper thumbnail of Effect of gaze on postural responses to neck proprioceptive and vestibular stimulation in humans

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Research paper thumbnail of Plasticity and modular control of locomotor patterns in neurological disorders with motor deficits

Human locomotor movements exhibit considerable variability and are highly complex in terms of bot... more Human locomotor movements exhibit considerable variability and are highly complex in terms of both neural activation and biomechanical output. The building blocks with which the central nervous system constructs these motor patterns can be preserved in patients with various sensory-motor disorders. In particular, several studies highlighted a modular burst-like organization of the muscle activity. Here we review and discuss this issue with a particular emphasis on the various examples of adaptation of locomotor patterns in patients (with large fiber neuropathy, amputees, stroke and spinal cord injury). The results highlight plasticity and different solutions to reorganize muscle patterns in both peripheral and central nervous system lesions. The findings are discussed in a general context of compensatory gait mechanisms, spatiotemporal architecture and modularity of the locomotor program.

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Research paper thumbnail of Motor Control Programs and Walking

The question of how the central nervous system coordinates muscle activity is central to an under... more The question of how the central nervous system coordinates muscle activity is central to an understanding
of motor control. The authors argue that motor programs may be considered as a characteristic timing of
muscle activations linked to specific kinematic events. In particular, muscle activity occurring during human
locomotion can be accounted for by five basic temporal components in a variety of locomotion conditions.
Spatiotemporal maps of spinal cord motoneuron activation also show discrete periods of activity. Furthermore,
the coordination of locomotion with voluntary tasks is accomplished through a superposition of motor
programs or activation timings that are separately associated with each task. As a consequence, the selection
of muscle synergies appears to be downstream from the processes that generate activation timings.

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Research paper thumbnail of Development of Independent Walking in Toddlers

Surprisingly, despite millions of years of bipedal walking evolution, the gravity-related pendulu... more Surprisingly, despite millions of years of bipedal walking evolution, the gravity-related pendulum mechanism of walking does not seem to be implemented at the onset of independent walking, requiring each toddler to develop it. We discuss the precursor of the mature locomotor pattern in infants as an optimal starting point strategy for gait maturation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Locomotor body scheme

The concept of body schema has been introduced and widely discussed in the literature to explain ... more The concept of body schema has been introduced and widely discussed in the literature to explain various clinical observations and distortions in the body and space representation. Here we address the role of body schema related information in multi-joint limb motion. The processing of proprioceptive information may differ significantly in static and dynamic conditions since in the latter case the control system may employ specific dynamic rules and constraints. Accordingly, the perception of movement, e.g., estimation of step length and walking distance, may rely on a priori knowledge about intrinsic dynamics of limb segment motion and inherent relationships between gait parameters and body proportions. The findings are discussed in the general framework of space and body movement representation and suggest the existence of a dynamic locomotor body schema used for controlling step length and path estimation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Locomotor-Like Leg Movements Evoked by Rhythmic Arm Movements in Humans

Motion of the upper limbs is often coupled to that of the lower limbs in human bipedal locomotion... more Motion of the upper limbs is often coupled to that of the lower limbs in human bipedal locomotion. It is unclear, however, whether the functional coupling between upper and lower limbs is bi-directional, i.e. whether arm movements can affect the lumbosacral locomotor circuitry. Here we tested the effects of voluntary rhythmic arm movements on the lower limbs. Participants lay horizontally on their side with each leg suspended in an unloading exoskeleton. They moved their arms on an overhead treadmill as if they walked on their hands. Hand-walking in the antero-posterior direction resulted in significant locomotor-like movements of the legs in 58% of the participants. We further investigated quantitatively the responses in a subset of the responsive subjects. We found that the electromyographic (EMG) activity of proximal leg muscles was modulated over each cycle with a timing similar to that of normal locomotion. The frequency of kinematic and EMG oscillations in the legs typically differed from that of arm oscillations. The effect of hand-walking was direction specific since medio-lateral arm movements did not evoke appreciably leg air-stepping. Using externally imposed trunk movements and biomechanical modelling, we ruled out that the leg movements associated with hand-walking were mainly due to the mechanical transmission of trunk oscillations. EMG activity in hamstring muscles associated with hand-walking often continued when the leg movements were transiently blocked by the experimenter or following the termination of arm movements. The present results reinforce the idea that there exists a functional neural coupling between arm and legs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Humans Running in Place on Water at Simulated Reduced Gravity

Background: On Earth only a few legged species, such as water strider insects, some aquatic birds... more Background: On Earth only a few legged species, such as water strider insects, some aquatic birds and lizards, can run on water. For most other species, including humans, this is precluded by body size and proportions, lack of appropriate appendages, and limited muscle power. However, if gravity is reduced to less than Earth's gravity, running on water should require less muscle power. Here we use a hydrodynamic model to predict the gravity levels at which humans should be able to run on water. We test these predictions in the laboratory using a reduced gravity simulator.

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Research paper thumbnail of Trunk orientation, stability, and quadrupedalism

Interesting cases of human quadrupedalism described by Tan and Colleagues (2005–2012) have attrac... more Interesting cases of human quadrupedalism described by Tan and Colleagues (2005–2012) have attracted the attention of geneticists, neurologists, and anthropologists. Since his first publications in 2005, the main attention has focused on the genetic aspects of disorders that lead to quadrupedalism within an evolutionary framework. In recent years this area has undergone a convincing critique (Downey, 2010) and ended with a call ". .. to move in a different direction. .. away from thinking solely in terms of genetic abnormality and evolutionary atavism. " We consider quadrupedalism as a " natural experiment " that may contribute to our knowledge of the physiological mechanisms underlying our balance system and our tendency toward normal (upright) posture. Bipedalism necessitates a number of characteristics that distinguish us from our ancestors and present-day mammals, including: size and shape of the bones of the foot, structure of the axial and proximal musculature, and the orientation of the human body and head. In this review we address the results of experimental studies on the mechanisms that stabilize the body in healthy people, as well as how these mechanisms may be disturbed in various forms of clinical pathology. These disturbances are related primarily to automatic rather than voluntary control of posture and suggest that human quadrupedalism is a behavior that can result from adaptive processes triggered by disorders in postural tone and environmental cues. These results will serve as a starting point for comparing and contrasting bi-and quadrupedalism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation during voluntary and non-voluntary stepping movements in humans

• Air-stepping can be used as a model for investigating rhythmogenesis/CPG in humans. • We compar... more • Air-stepping can be used as a model for investigating rhythmogenesis/CPG in humans. • We compared voluntary and non-voluntary (vibration-induced) stepping. • We examined MEPs in response to TMS of the motor cortex and H-reflex. • We found greater responsiveness to central/sensory inputs during voluntary stepping. • Findings support engagement of supraspinal motor areas in CPG-modulating therapies. a b s t r a c t Here, we compared motor evoked potentials (MEP) in response to transcranial magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex and the H-reflex during voluntary and vibration-induced air-stepping movements in humans. Both the MEPs (in mm biceps femoris, rectus femoris and tibialis anterior) and H-reflex (in m soleus) were significantly smaller during vibration-induced cyclic leg movements at matched amplitudes of angular motion and muscle activity. These findings highlight differences between voluntary and non-voluntary activation of the spinal pattern generator circuitry in humans, presumably due to an extra facilitatory effect of voluntary control/triggering of stepping on spinal motoneurons and interneurons. The results support the idea of active engagement of supraspinal motor areas in developing central pattern generator-modulating therapies.

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Research paper thumbnail of HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE Control of leg movements driven by EMG activity of shoulder muscles

During human walking, there exists a functional neural coupling between arms and legs, and betwee... more During human walking, there exists a functional neural coupling between arms and legs, and between cervical and lumbosacral pattern generators. Here, we present a novel approach for associating the electromyographic (EMG) activity from upper limb muscles with leg kinematics. Our methodology takes advantage of the high involvement of shoulder muscles in most locomotor-related movements and of the natural coordination between arms and legs. Nine healthy subjects were asked to walk at different constant and variable speeds (3–5 km/h), while EMG activity of shoulder (deltoid) muscles and the kinematics of walking were recorded. To ensure a high level of EMG activity in deltoid, the subjects performed slightly larger arm swinging than they usually do. The temporal structure of the burst-like EMG activity was used to predict the spatiotemporal kinematic pattern of the forthcoming step. A comparison of actual and predicted stride leg kinematics showed a high degree of correspondence (r > 0.9). This algorithm has been also implemented in pilot experiments for controlling avatar walking in a virtual reality setup and an exoskeleton during over-ground stepping. The proposed approach may have important implications for the design of human–machine interfaces and neuroprosthetic technologies such as those of assistive lower limb exoskeletons.

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Research paper thumbnail of EMG patterns during assisted walking in the exoskeleton

Neuroprosthetic technology and robotic exoskeletons are being developed to facilitate stepping, r... more Neuroprosthetic technology and robotic exoskeletons are being developed to facilitate stepping, reduce muscle efforts, and promote motor recovery. Nevertheless, the guidance forces of an exoskeleton may influence the sensory inputs, sensorimotor interactions and resulting muscle activity patterns during stepping. The aim of this study was to report the muscle activation patterns in a sample of intact and injured subjects while walking with a robotic exoskeleton and, in particular, to quantify the level of muscle activity during assisted gait. We recorded electromyographic (EMG) activity of different leg and arm muscles during overground walking in an exoskeleton in six healthy individuals and four spinal cord injury (SCI) participants. In SCI patients, EMG activity of the upper limb muscles was augmented while activation of leg muscles was typically small. Contrary to our expectations, however, in neurologically intact subjects, EMG activity of leg muscles was similar or even larger during exoskeleton-assisted walking compared to normal overground walking. In addition, significant variations in the EMG waveforms were found across different walking conditions. The most variable pattern was observed in the hamstring muscles. Overall, the results are consistent with a non-linear reorganization of the locomotor output when using the robotic stepping devices. The findings may contribute to our understanding of human-machine interactions and adaptation of locomotor activity patterns.

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