Александр Волокитин - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Александр Волокитин
Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, Jun 1, 2004
The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this ... more The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this region, there are 79 sites related to the Mesolithic. The Vychegda sites have been investigated considerably better. The regional Mesolithic is characterized by two traditions, the Sub-Ural one and the Western one. The Sub-Ural tradition includes camps of the Middle Vychegda culture, the sites of the Evdino group (at the river Vym') and the sites of Lek-Lesa 1 and Ust'-Ukhta 1 (at the river Izhma). Archaelogical research coordinates these materials with a Middle Sub-Ural Mesolithic (the Kama Mesolithic culture,) and assumes a common genetic basis for this Mesolithic tradition (as well as for Trans-Ural sites) This common basis is seen in the sites of the final stage of both the Upper and Final Palaeolithics of the Urals and Western Siberia. The Western tradition includes camps of the Parch culture and the unique Vis 1 peatbog. The Parch culture comprises two phases: the early or ...
In the Mesolithic epoch, small groups of population penetrated to the Euro-pean North-East. These... more In the Mesolithic epoch, small groups of population penetrated to the Euro-pean North-East. These groups seem to originate from Kama basin (represented by the Kama Mesolithic) as well as from the so-called post-swederian industries of Baltic (Pulli industry) and Volga-Oka interflue. It is obvious, that the population formed by these groups did not maintain connection with the core territories of these two cultural communities and existed in the European North-East for a relatively long period.
by Alexander Bessudnov, Ekaterina Kashina, Ksenia Stepanova, Ivan Fedyunin, Arthur Chubur, Надежда И Платонова, Natalya Prilepskaya, Aleksei Sorokin, Александр Волокитин, Evgenia Tkach, Victor Karmanov, Andrei Skorobogatov, and Kerkko Nordqvist
Настоящее издание посвящено 60-летнему юбилею известного археолога, основателя и лидера липецкого... more Настоящее издание посвящено 60-летнему юбилею известного археолога, основателя и лидера липецкого археологического сообщества, кандидата исторических наук, доцента кафедры отечественной и всеобщей истории ЛГПУ имени П. П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского Александра Николаевича Бессуднова. В первом разделе сборника объединены публикации как мемуарного, так и научного характера, отражающие различные стороны жизни юбиляра. Проблематика других разделов охватывает круг основных научных интересов юбиляра: эпоха камня, история науки. Включение в издание отдельных статей иной тематической направленности обусловлено желанием их авторов таким образом поздравить юбиляра. Издание предназначено археологам, историкам, учителям истории. Оно может быть полезно и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся археологией.
Волокитин А.В., Панин А.В., Арсланов Х.А. Многослойный археологический памятник Вы-лыс Том 2 и формирование долины р. Ижмы в голоцене // Евразия в кайнозое. Стратиграфия, палеоэкология, культуры. 2014. № 3. С. 42-46
Formation of culture-bearing layers (CBL) of the Vylys Tom 2 archaeological site is analyzed in r... more Formation of culture-bearing layers (CBL) of the Vylys Tom 2 archaeological site is analyzed
in relation to the Izhma valley development using radiocarbon dating and results of geomorphological
survey. The modern geomorphological position of the site is a 10-m river terrace.
The Mesolithic CBL 4 and CBL 3 (depth 2,3–2,1 m) were formed on a low floodplain that was regularly
inundated by spring snowmelt floods. The Late Neolithic CBL 2 (depth 0,5 m) is laying within
overbank sandy silt, which evidence transition to higher floodplain conditions already in the Mid-
Holocene, not later than 5–6 ka BP. By the beginning of the Late Holocene (Early Iron Age, 2,5 ka
BP) inundation of the terrace had completely ceased. These local sedimentological changes resulted from river incision, which total Holocene magnitude was estimated at 3 m. The reason of
the incision was decay of peripheral crustal bulge formed around the boundary of the last ice
sheet around LGM (20 ka BP), which dammed the Izhma River. The bulge subsidence started during
deglaciation, caused valley slope rise and incision of the river, which continued till at least the
Late Holocene.
Keywords: Pechora basin, multilayered archaeological site, Mesolithic, the Holocene,
river terrace, incision, glacial isostasy.
Волокитин А.В., Будзанивский И.А. НОВОЕ В ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ПАМЯТНИКА ВЫЛЫС ТОМ 2 НА РЕКЕ ИЖМА. Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН. 2016. № 4 (28). С. 155-160.
On the multi-layer archaeological site Vylys Volume 2 via refittihg identified accessory ground a... more On the multi-layer archaeological site Vylys Volume 2 via refittihg identified accessory ground axe that was found on the surface of the terrace to the fourth cultural layer, the Mesolithic. Analogies of the axe and two axes discovered earlier in the 4th cultural layer are available in materials Mesolithic sites Topyd Nyur 2, 5 and 7 on Pechora River. In Russian
Будзанивский И. А., Волокитин А.В. Топоры четвертого культурного горизонта многослойного памятника Вылыс Том 2 на Ижме // От Балтики до Урала: изыскания по археологии каменного века. Сыктывкар, 2014 (ИЯЛИ Коми НЦ УрО РАН). http://illhkomisc.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ot-baltiki-do-urala.pdf
The article examines the structure of the 4rth cultural layer in the multilayered archaeological ... more The article examines the structure of the 4rth cultural layer in the multilayered archaeological site Vylys Tom 2. In the close proximity of the two connected hearths, there have been found two ground axes and a number of flakes produced while remaking them. Some of the flakes and fragments could be re-fitted to the axes, which gave us their initial form and suggested which set of findings could be related to the particular act of re-making the axes.
Keywords: Izhma river, multilayered archaeological site, Mesolithic, ground axes, refitting.
In Russian
Volokitin A.V. Tkachev Yu.A. Reconstruction of the Paleoenvironment of Mesolithic Human Occu-pation in the Vychegda River Valley // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 2004, #2 pp.2-10
The Parch 1 and 2 sites are located in the vicinity of Parch village, on the left bank of the Vyc... more The Parch 1 and 2 sites are located in the vicinity of Parch village, on the left bank of the Vychegda River, in its middle part, close to the upper reaches. The research carried out there was, from the very beginning, rather complex although science-based methods were mostwidely applied at the final stage, in 1999 - 2002. During that phase, the mineral raw material base of lithic industries and the geomorphology of the micro-region were thoroughly examined. This permitted the reconstruction of the geological history of the portion of the river valley in which the sites arc situated and also allowed researchers to define the position of the sites in relation to the river valley in antiquity. Based on the results of the study, the seasonal character of the sites has been determined and attempts at the reconstruction of activities performed by their inhabitants have been undertaken. The research included the analysis of large-scale maps, aerial photographs taken in the mid 20th century and field observations.
Mesolithic of the European North East. in Acts of XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liege, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001. Section 7: the Mesolithic. Bar International Series 1302, 2004, pp.197-203.
The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this... more The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this region, there are 79 sites related to the Mesolithic. The Vychegda sites have been investigated considerably better. The regional Mesolithic is characterized by two traditions, the Sub-Ural one and the Western one.
The Sub-Ural tradition includes camps of the Middle Vychegda culture, the sites of the Evdino group (at the river Vym') and the sites of Lek-Lesa 1 and Ust'-Ukhta 1 (at the river Izhma). Archaelogical research coordinates these materials with a Middle Sub-Ural Mesolithic (the Kama Mesolithic culture,) and assumes a common genetic basis for this Mesolithic tradition (as well as for Trans-Ural sites) This common basis is seen in the sites of the final stage of both the Upper and Final Palaeolithics of the Urals and Western Siberia.
The Western tradition includes camps of the Parch culture and the unique Vis 1 peatbog. The Parch culture comprises two phases: the early or "pure" Parch phase, and the late phase. The Parch culture is techno-typologically close to the sites of the Butovo culture in the Volga-Oka region. The Butovo culture is regarded as a descendant of the Pulli industry (early stage of the Kunda culture). With regard to this, it would be justified to consider the Parch culture, too, as a descendant of the Early Kunda culture.
Волокитин А.В., Майорова Т.П. Российская археология. 2004. № 3. С. 130-135
In the paper are published the results of investigation of stone, exactly, non-flint industry ori... more In the paper are published the results of investigation of stone, exactly, non-flint industry originating from the Mesolithic stations of Parch group. The sites are situated on the Upper Vychegda River, on its left bank. As a result of studying implements and artefacts it was established that the inhabitants of the sites used seven petrographic varieties of raw material. Special artefact-lists comprise such characteristics as: category of tools, rock used, location within the site territory (for instance, in a dwelling). It was established that the raw material could have been obtained from the outcrops on the opposite bank of the river. The authors come to the conclusion that the local population had water transport at their disposal.
Волокитин А.В., Карманов В.Н. Ранний неолит Европейского Северо-Востока / Российская археология, 2004, №2, С. 5-14
The theme of the paper is the Early Neolithic in the European North-East. The authors single out ... more The theme of the paper is the Early Neolithic in the European North-East. The authors single out three cultural traditions of different origin: the sites of Dutovo I type, those of En'ty type, and Cherny Bor group. The first two cultural units are related by their genesis with the Volga and Oka interfluve. The origin of Cherny Bor group may be associated with the cultures spread over the large territory from the Kama basin to the Upper Volga. Probably, small groups of hunters penetrated into the region in question in the Early Neolithic and remained isolated there from one another. Evidently, their appearance in the territory correlated with seasonal economic activity. Therefore they did not participate in formation of the cultural units of the Middle and Late Neolithic in the North-East of Europe
Волокитин А.В., Зарецкая Н.Е., Карманов В.Н. Российская археология. 2006. № 1. С. 137-142., 2006
The publication introduces into scientific circulation new data concerning the Kama Neolithic cul... more The publication introduces into scientific circulation new data concerning the Kama Neolithic culture. The results of interdisciplinary research of the Neolithic site Pezmog IV located within the middle Vychegda river valley give grounds to suggest new earlier dates for this culture occupying North-Eastem part of the European plain. The authors attribute the discussed culture to the Early Neolithic and date it back to the early 6th millennium ВС.
PREHISTORIC EURASIA: on Aleksei N. Sorokin’s 60th birthday. Moscow, 2012
The oldest sites discovered in the territory of interest date back to Early Holocene. Data from V... more The oldest sites discovered in the territory of interest date back to Early Holocene. Data from Veretie sites east of Lake Onega suggests that the banks of LakeLache and Lake Vozhe were well explored and used
for long-term settlement. Elsewhere in the region, only short-term camps with artefacts of various technology
have been found. Their occupants had similar occupation patterns characterised by high mobility. This
distinguishes them from the populations of the Veretie culture. Some of these nomadic groups resemble the
“Post-Sviderian” populations of the Volga-Oka region; others, the so-called Kama Mesolithic people. However,
there is not enough evidence to include the north and north-west of the Russian Plain into the habitat
of these cultures. This is true for the entire stretch of the Mesolithic age.
Keywords: the Russian Plain, the Mesolithic, the Veretie culture, technology, the Kama culture, the
Parchevskaya culture, occupation pattern"
Волокитин А.В., Андреичева Л.Н., Зарецкая Н.Е. Геоархеологические исследования на р. Ижме: многослойная стоянка Вылыс Том 2 // Вестник Института геологии Коми научного центра УрО РАН, 2013, № 8 (244). С. 13–18
Four cultural horizons had been identified in the structure of the multilayer archaeological site... more Four cultural horizons had been identified in the structure of the multilayer archaeological site Vylys Tom 2. The articlepresents an analysis of each cultural horizon. It is found that the most representative collection of stone artifacts associated with the fourth horizon. The cultural similarities are found between the third and fourth cultural horizons, both in raw materialsand composition of artifact. The age of the cultural horizons is defined by radiocarbon. The third horizon was dated back 7800±90 14C years BP (GIN-14593), the fourth cultural horizon — 8540 ±70 14C years BP (GIN-1459)
Archaeology Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia, Jun 1, 2004
The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this ... more The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this region, there are 79 sites related to the Mesolithic. The Vychegda sites have been investigated considerably better. The regional Mesolithic is characterized by two traditions, the Sub-Ural one and the Western one. The Sub-Ural tradition includes camps of the Middle Vychegda culture, the sites of the Evdino group (at the river Vym') and the sites of Lek-Lesa 1 and Ust'-Ukhta 1 (at the river Izhma). Archaelogical research coordinates these materials with a Middle Sub-Ural Mesolithic (the Kama Mesolithic culture,) and assumes a common genetic basis for this Mesolithic tradition (as well as for Trans-Ural sites) This common basis is seen in the sites of the final stage of both the Upper and Final Palaeolithics of the Urals and Western Siberia. The Western tradition includes camps of the Parch culture and the unique Vis 1 peatbog. The Parch culture comprises two phases: the early or ...
In the Mesolithic epoch, small groups of population penetrated to the Euro-pean North-East. These... more In the Mesolithic epoch, small groups of population penetrated to the Euro-pean North-East. These groups seem to originate from Kama basin (represented by the Kama Mesolithic) as well as from the so-called post-swederian industries of Baltic (Pulli industry) and Volga-Oka interflue. It is obvious, that the population formed by these groups did not maintain connection with the core territories of these two cultural communities and existed in the European North-East for a relatively long period.
by Alexander Bessudnov, Ekaterina Kashina, Ksenia Stepanova, Ivan Fedyunin, Arthur Chubur, Надежда И Платонова, Natalya Prilepskaya, Aleksei Sorokin, Александр Волокитин, Evgenia Tkach, Victor Karmanov, Andrei Skorobogatov, and Kerkko Nordqvist
Настоящее издание посвящено 60-летнему юбилею известного археолога, основателя и лидера липецкого... more Настоящее издание посвящено 60-летнему юбилею известного археолога, основателя и лидера липецкого археологического сообщества, кандидата исторических наук, доцента кафедры отечественной и всеобщей истории ЛГПУ имени П. П. Семенова-Тян-Шанского Александра Николаевича Бессуднова. В первом разделе сборника объединены публикации как мемуарного, так и научного характера, отражающие различные стороны жизни юбиляра. Проблематика других разделов охватывает круг основных научных интересов юбиляра: эпоха камня, история науки. Включение в издание отдельных статей иной тематической направленности обусловлено желанием их авторов таким образом поздравить юбиляра. Издание предназначено археологам, историкам, учителям истории. Оно может быть полезно и широкому кругу читателей, интересующихся археологией.
Волокитин А.В., Панин А.В., Арсланов Х.А. Многослойный археологический памятник Вы-лыс Том 2 и формирование долины р. Ижмы в голоцене // Евразия в кайнозое. Стратиграфия, палеоэкология, культуры. 2014. № 3. С. 42-46
Formation of culture-bearing layers (CBL) of the Vylys Tom 2 archaeological site is analyzed in r... more Formation of culture-bearing layers (CBL) of the Vylys Tom 2 archaeological site is analyzed
in relation to the Izhma valley development using radiocarbon dating and results of geomorphological
survey. The modern geomorphological position of the site is a 10-m river terrace.
The Mesolithic CBL 4 and CBL 3 (depth 2,3–2,1 m) were formed on a low floodplain that was regularly
inundated by spring snowmelt floods. The Late Neolithic CBL 2 (depth 0,5 m) is laying within
overbank sandy silt, which evidence transition to higher floodplain conditions already in the Mid-
Holocene, not later than 5–6 ka BP. By the beginning of the Late Holocene (Early Iron Age, 2,5 ka
BP) inundation of the terrace had completely ceased. These local sedimentological changes resulted from river incision, which total Holocene magnitude was estimated at 3 m. The reason of
the incision was decay of peripheral crustal bulge formed around the boundary of the last ice
sheet around LGM (20 ka BP), which dammed the Izhma River. The bulge subsidence started during
deglaciation, caused valley slope rise and incision of the river, which continued till at least the
Late Holocene.
Keywords: Pechora basin, multilayered archaeological site, Mesolithic, the Holocene,
river terrace, incision, glacial isostasy.
Волокитин А.В., Будзанивский И.А. НОВОЕ В ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯХ АРХЕОЛОГИЧЕСКОГО ПАМЯТНИКА ВЫЛЫС ТОМ 2 НА РЕКЕ ИЖМА. Известия Коми научного центра УрО РАН. 2016. № 4 (28). С. 155-160.
On the multi-layer archaeological site Vylys Volume 2 via refittihg identified accessory ground a... more On the multi-layer archaeological site Vylys Volume 2 via refittihg identified accessory ground axe that was found on the surface of the terrace to the fourth cultural layer, the Mesolithic. Analogies of the axe and two axes discovered earlier in the 4th cultural layer are available in materials Mesolithic sites Topyd Nyur 2, 5 and 7 on Pechora River. In Russian
Будзанивский И. А., Волокитин А.В. Топоры четвертого культурного горизонта многослойного памятника Вылыс Том 2 на Ижме // От Балтики до Урала: изыскания по археологии каменного века. Сыктывкар, 2014 (ИЯЛИ Коми НЦ УрО РАН). http://illhkomisc.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/ot-baltiki-do-urala.pdf
The article examines the structure of the 4rth cultural layer in the multilayered archaeological ... more The article examines the structure of the 4rth cultural layer in the multilayered archaeological site Vylys Tom 2. In the close proximity of the two connected hearths, there have been found two ground axes and a number of flakes produced while remaking them. Some of the flakes and fragments could be re-fitted to the axes, which gave us their initial form and suggested which set of findings could be related to the particular act of re-making the axes.
Keywords: Izhma river, multilayered archaeological site, Mesolithic, ground axes, refitting.
In Russian
Volokitin A.V. Tkachev Yu.A. Reconstruction of the Paleoenvironment of Mesolithic Human Occu-pation in the Vychegda River Valley // Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 2004, #2 pp.2-10
The Parch 1 and 2 sites are located in the vicinity of Parch village, on the left bank of the Vyc... more The Parch 1 and 2 sites are located in the vicinity of Parch village, on the left bank of the Vychegda River, in its middle part, close to the upper reaches. The research carried out there was, from the very beginning, rather complex although science-based methods were mostwidely applied at the final stage, in 1999 - 2002. During that phase, the mineral raw material base of lithic industries and the geomorphology of the micro-region were thoroughly examined. This permitted the reconstruction of the geological history of the portion of the river valley in which the sites arc situated and also allowed researchers to define the position of the sites in relation to the river valley in antiquity. Based on the results of the study, the seasonal character of the sites has been determined and attempts at the reconstruction of activities performed by their inhabitants have been undertaken. The research included the analysis of large-scale maps, aerial photographs taken in the mid 20th century and field observations.
Mesolithic of the European North East. in Acts of XIVth UISPP Congress, University of Liege, Belgium, 2-8 September 2001. Section 7: the Mesolithic. Bar International Series 1302, 2004, pp.197-203.
The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this... more The European North-East includes the catchment areas of the rivers Vychegda and Pechora. In this region, there are 79 sites related to the Mesolithic. The Vychegda sites have been investigated considerably better. The regional Mesolithic is characterized by two traditions, the Sub-Ural one and the Western one.
The Sub-Ural tradition includes camps of the Middle Vychegda culture, the sites of the Evdino group (at the river Vym') and the sites of Lek-Lesa 1 and Ust'-Ukhta 1 (at the river Izhma). Archaelogical research coordinates these materials with a Middle Sub-Ural Mesolithic (the Kama Mesolithic culture,) and assumes a common genetic basis for this Mesolithic tradition (as well as for Trans-Ural sites) This common basis is seen in the sites of the final stage of both the Upper and Final Palaeolithics of the Urals and Western Siberia.
The Western tradition includes camps of the Parch culture and the unique Vis 1 peatbog. The Parch culture comprises two phases: the early or "pure" Parch phase, and the late phase. The Parch culture is techno-typologically close to the sites of the Butovo culture in the Volga-Oka region. The Butovo culture is regarded as a descendant of the Pulli industry (early stage of the Kunda culture). With regard to this, it would be justified to consider the Parch culture, too, as a descendant of the Early Kunda culture.
Волокитин А.В., Майорова Т.П. Российская археология. 2004. № 3. С. 130-135
In the paper are published the results of investigation of stone, exactly, non-flint industry ori... more In the paper are published the results of investigation of stone, exactly, non-flint industry originating from the Mesolithic stations of Parch group. The sites are situated on the Upper Vychegda River, on its left bank. As a result of studying implements and artefacts it was established that the inhabitants of the sites used seven petrographic varieties of raw material. Special artefact-lists comprise such characteristics as: category of tools, rock used, location within the site territory (for instance, in a dwelling). It was established that the raw material could have been obtained from the outcrops on the opposite bank of the river. The authors come to the conclusion that the local population had water transport at their disposal.
Волокитин А.В., Карманов В.Н. Ранний неолит Европейского Северо-Востока / Российская археология, 2004, №2, С. 5-14
The theme of the paper is the Early Neolithic in the European North-East. The authors single out ... more The theme of the paper is the Early Neolithic in the European North-East. The authors single out three cultural traditions of different origin: the sites of Dutovo I type, those of En'ty type, and Cherny Bor group. The first two cultural units are related by their genesis with the Volga and Oka interfluve. The origin of Cherny Bor group may be associated with the cultures spread over the large territory from the Kama basin to the Upper Volga. Probably, small groups of hunters penetrated into the region in question in the Early Neolithic and remained isolated there from one another. Evidently, their appearance in the territory correlated with seasonal economic activity. Therefore they did not participate in formation of the cultural units of the Middle and Late Neolithic in the North-East of Europe
Волокитин А.В., Зарецкая Н.Е., Карманов В.Н. Российская археология. 2006. № 1. С. 137-142., 2006
The publication introduces into scientific circulation new data concerning the Kama Neolithic cul... more The publication introduces into scientific circulation new data concerning the Kama Neolithic culture. The results of interdisciplinary research of the Neolithic site Pezmog IV located within the middle Vychegda river valley give grounds to suggest new earlier dates for this culture occupying North-Eastem part of the European plain. The authors attribute the discussed culture to the Early Neolithic and date it back to the early 6th millennium ВС.
PREHISTORIC EURASIA: on Aleksei N. Sorokin’s 60th birthday. Moscow, 2012
The oldest sites discovered in the territory of interest date back to Early Holocene. Data from V... more The oldest sites discovered in the territory of interest date back to Early Holocene. Data from Veretie sites east of Lake Onega suggests that the banks of LakeLache and Lake Vozhe were well explored and used
for long-term settlement. Elsewhere in the region, only short-term camps with artefacts of various technology
have been found. Their occupants had similar occupation patterns characterised by high mobility. This
distinguishes them from the populations of the Veretie culture. Some of these nomadic groups resemble the
“Post-Sviderian” populations of the Volga-Oka region; others, the so-called Kama Mesolithic people. However,
there is not enough evidence to include the north and north-west of the Russian Plain into the habitat
of these cultures. This is true for the entire stretch of the Mesolithic age.
Keywords: the Russian Plain, the Mesolithic, the Veretie culture, technology, the Kama culture, the
Parchevskaya culture, occupation pattern"
Волокитин А.В., Андреичева Л.Н., Зарецкая Н.Е. Геоархеологические исследования на р. Ижме: многослойная стоянка Вылыс Том 2 // Вестник Института геологии Коми научного центра УрО РАН, 2013, № 8 (244). С. 13–18
Four cultural horizons had been identified in the structure of the multilayer archaeological site... more Four cultural horizons had been identified in the structure of the multilayer archaeological site Vylys Tom 2. The articlepresents an analysis of each cultural horizon. It is found that the most representative collection of stone artifacts associated with the fourth horizon. The cultural similarities are found between the third and fourth cultural horizons, both in raw materialsand composition of artifact. The age of the cultural horizons is defined by radiocarbon. The third horizon was dated back 7800±90 14C years BP (GIN-14593), the fourth cultural horizon — 8540 ±70 14C years BP (GIN-1459)