Bassam Bayaa - (original) (raw)
Papers by Bassam Bayaa
The antifungal activity of ten plants extracts was tested in controlling Pyrenophora teres the ca... more The antifungal activity of ten plants extracts was tested in controlling Pyrenophora teres the causal organism of net blotch of Barley in vitro and in vi vo. Effects of the aqueous extracts varied dependin g o concentrations. In in vitro study the aqueous extra cts of Anacyclus valentinus and Tetraclinis articul ate at 1500 ppm caused highest reduction of mycelia gro wth of P.teres(72.27 and 87.05 % respectively), while extracts of Mentha pepirita and Foeniculum vu lgare caused the lowest inhibition of the pathogen. In in vivo experiments the plants extracts were tes ted for their preventive and curative efficacy agai nst net blotch. Barley plants were treated either aqueo us extracts 1 day before or2 days after artificial inoculation. The highest reduction of diseases seve rity was achieved by the extract of Tetraclinis articulata. The same extracts were then tested as s eed treatments, against seed-borne fungi. The best control against barley seed mycoflora was obtained with the e...
Crop Science, 2004
50% oil content. Flavor and blanching data were also found Registration of ‘C-99R’ Peanut to be a... more 50% oil content. Flavor and blanching data were also found Registration of ‘C-99R’ Peanut to be acceptable (Gorbet and Shokes, 2000). ‘C-99R’ peanut (Arachis hypogaea subsp. hypogaea var. Application has been made for U.S. Plant Variety Protechypogaea) (Reg. no. CV-71, PI 613135) cultivar was developed tion (PVP no. 200000182) for growing C-99R only as a class by the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station of Certified seed. Inquiries concerning Foundation seed and and approved for release in 1999. C-99R is a jumbo-runner production of C-99R should be directed to Florida Foundation market-type peanut with resistance to late leafspot [caused by Seed Producers, Inc., P.O. Box 309, Greenwood, FL 32443. Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Deighton], Breeder seed will be maintained by the Florida Agricultural stem rot or white mold (caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.), Experiment Station. and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV, a topsovirus from the D.W. Gorbet* an...
Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 1990
Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir... more Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir or the growth of. Fusarium oxysporuml.sp. Ientisanil its mode of sced transmission. Arar. J.Pr. Prot. E(1): 3't 9. This study was conducted to determine the effects oi some r:ictors., namely temperature (10, 15, ':.(.), 25 and 30'C) and media (potato dextrose a}ar, lentit dextrose a}ar anri (Czapek), on the growth in vitro of \-tuarium oxysporufit lentis in order to produce sufficient inoculum for the development of a screening technique, ES well as to clarify such aspects of disease epidemiology as mode of seed transmission and association with nematodes and antagonistic bacteria. The optimum temperature for fungal growth was 22"C. Maximum rnycelial growth and sporulation were obtained on ientil dextrose agar . In virro studies revealed an antagonistic effect between the fungus and a Pseudorfionas sp. isolate,i from infected soil. The following nematode ...
Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 2010
Advances in Environmental Biology, 2010
Fusarium lentil wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schechet. emend. Snyder & Hansen f. sp. lentis ... more Fusarium lentil wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schechet. emend. Snyder & Hansen f. sp. lentis Vasudeva and Srinivasan (Fol) is an important disease and is considered as a limiting factor to lentil production in Algeria. The use of the plant extracts is recently advocated by several researches, as a potential control method of plant diseases. The present work aimed at evaluating the antifungal activity of powders and essential oils formulation of some local medicinal plants (Anacyclus valentinus L., Artemisia herba alba Asso., Eucalyptus sp, Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton, Laurus nobilis L., Mentha pepirita L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L., Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters and Thymus vulgaris L.) on Fol population in the soil. Results obtained showed that the treatments 10 and 5% with the powders of I. viscosa and M. pepirita and the essential oils formulation in all treatments have significantly reduced the soil population densities of Fol and the disease incid...
Journal of Forest Science
In northwestern Algeria, the production of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) seedlings in four... more In northwestern Algeria, the production of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) seedlings in four nurseries is hindered by the damping-off disease. Results obtained indicated that Fusarium spp. are commonly found on diseased seedlings, in most containers and bare-root nurseries. Twenty-one isolates of Fusarium, belonging to seven species, were previously isolated from diseased seedlings, and identified based on their morphological and molecular characteristics and their sequences had been deposited in NCBI-Genbank. These isolates were tested for their pathogenicity to local Aleppo pine seeds. The highest inhibition was observed with F. redolens and F. solani, with 75 and 69.3%, respectively. The root growth inhibition of the Aleppo pine seedlings was significantly different for each isolate. The influence of various isolates of Fusarium spp. on seed germination, shoot and root length and vigour index was significantly different. The disease incidence caused by F. redolens and F. solani was 91 and 90%, respectively.
Plant Disease, 2011
The causal agent of Ascochyta blight disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is highly variable ... more The causal agent of Ascochyta blight disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is highly variable because of the presence of a sexual phase (Didymella rabiei). There is also selection pressure on the pathogen due to wide adoption of improved resistant chickpea cultivars in some countries. The pathogen is able to produce pathotypes with specific virulence on particular cultivars. Three pathotypes, I, II, and III, have been reported (3). In this study, we confirmed the presence of a new and highly virulent pathotype that we designate as pathotype IV. To test the pathogenicity of the isolates collected and maintained at ICARDA, 10 isolates representing a wide spectrum of pathogenic variation, including those classified by S. M. Udupa et al. (3) and a putatively identified more virulent type, which was collected from a chickpea production field in the Kaljebrine area, Syria, were inoculated onto a set of differential chickpea genotypes. The differential genotypes, ILC 1929, ILC 482, ILC ...
Plant Disease, 2000
Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg., is a common and destructive disease of faba be... more Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg., is a common and destructive disease of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in the Middle East, Europe, Canada, New Zealand (4), and Australia. The main sources of inoculum are debris and seeds from which spores are air- and splashborne. The teleomorph of A. fabae has been reported previously only from England (2). The presence of the teleomorph supports the variability reported in the fungus populations from Canada (3) and Poland (1). Stems of faba bean plants, severely infected with A. fabae, were collected in July 1999 from Tel Hadya, Syria. The plants previously had been inoculated with a mixture of isolates of the pathogen, collected from the main faba bean-growing regions in Syria between 1996 and 1998, and kept under shade. The infested stems were used to inoculate the ICARDA Faba Bean Ascochyta Nursery planted on 29 November 1999. During late January 2000, symptoms appeared on the susceptible faba bean genotype. Stem pieces from debris...
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2005
Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by Ascochyta rabiei is a major disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum... more Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by Ascochyta rabiei is a major disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), especially in areas where cool, cloudy, and humid weather persists during the crop season. Several epidemics of AB causing complete yield loss have been reported. The fungus mainly survives between seasons through infected seed and in infected crop debris. Despite extensive pathological and molecular studies, the nature and extent of pathogenic variability in A. rabiei have not been clearly established. Accumulation of phenols, phytoalexins (medicarpin and maackiain), and hydrolytic enzymes has been associated with host-plant resistance (HPR). Seed treatment and foliar application of fungicides are commonly recommended for AB management, but further information on biology and survival of A. rabiei is needed to devise more effective management strategies. Recent studies on inheritance of AB resistance indicate that several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) control resistance. In this p...
for commercial cultiva-B.A. Karim, and W. Erskine tion. The cultivar was released in Morocco in 1... more for commercial cultiva-B.A. Karim, and W. Erskine tion. The cultivar was released in Morocco in 1999 for stable and higher yield and for combined resistance to rust [caused by Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet] and Ascochyta blight References (caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg. f. sp. lentis Gossen, Sheard, Sakr, B. 2000. Amé lioration gé né tique des lentilles. Rapport de synth-Beauchamp & Morrall). Because of its wide adaptation, Hamè se des travaux de recherche effectué s par B. Sakr. INRA, Setria is recommended for cultivation in all lentil-growing areas tat, Morocco.
Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir fa:... more Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir or the growth of. Fusarium oxysporuml.sp. Ientisanil its mode of sced transmission. Arar. J.Pr. Prot. E(1): 3't-9. This study was conducted to determine the effects oi some r:ictors., namely temperature (10, 15, ':.(.), 25 and 30'C) and media (potato dextrose a}ar, lentit dextrose a}ar anri (Czapek), on the growth in vitro of \-tuarium oxysporufit lentis in order to produce sufficient inoculum for the development of a screening technique, ES well as to clarify such aspects of disease epidemiology as mode of seed transmission and association with nematodes and antagonistic bacteria. The optimum temperature for fungal growth was 22"C. Maximum rnycelial growth and sporulation were obtained on ientil dextrose agar. In virro studies revealed an antagonistic effect between the fungus and a Pseudorfionas sp. isolate,i from infected soil. The following nematode genera were associated with wilt in the fielc!: Ditylenchus dipsaci, Aphelenchoides spp. Aphelenchus spp., Helicotylenchus spp. , Heterodera spp., Meloidogyne spp. , Pratylenchus spp. and Tylenchorhynchus spp. with ttre former being the most prevalent. The fungus was not present either in the endos"' perm or under the seed coat of seed trom a crop showing wilt syrnptoms.
Vascular wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lentis Vasud. & Srin. is the major di... more Vascular wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lentis Vasud. & Srin. is the major disease of the cultivated lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus). Host plant resistance is the most practical method of disease management. Wild lentils represent an unexplored potential source for disease resistance and other characters. Screening 219 accessions of wildLens Miller and 2 accessions ofVicia montbretii Fisch. & Mey. (syn.Lens
Ascochyta blight induced by Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis is a major foliar disease affecting lent... more Ascochyta blight induced by Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis is a major foliar disease affecting lentil. Screening 241 accessions of the ICARDA wild lentil germplasm collection for resistance to a Syrian isolate of this fungus was conducted under artificial inoculation in a plastic house. The reaction of resistant accessions was confirmed in a second trial. Twenty-four out of 16 accessions of Lens culinaris ssp. orientalis were resistant, as were 12 of 35 accessions of L. culinaris ssp. odemensis, 3 of 35 accessions of L. nigricans ssp. nigricans, 36 of 11 accessions of L. nigricans ssp. ervoides, and all 3 accessions of Vicia montbretii. Sixty-four per cent of resistant sources were from Syria and southeastern Turkey. Disease reaction was uncorrelated both to the altitude of collection and its annual average rainfall. A significant correlation (r = 0 .21 1) between leaflet width and disease reaction was due more to the frequency of the resistant reaction within the narrow-leaved L. nigricans ssp. ervoides than as a function of small leaf area. Disease reaction was uncorrelated with a range of other morphological traits .
The antifungal activity of ten plants extracts was tested in controlling Pyrenophora teres the ca... more The antifungal activity of ten plants extracts was tested in controlling Pyrenophora teres the causal organism of net blotch of Barley in vitro and in vi vo. Effects of the aqueous extracts varied dependin g o concentrations. In in vitro study the aqueous extra cts of Anacyclus valentinus and Tetraclinis articul ate at 1500 ppm caused highest reduction of mycelia gro wth of P.teres(72.27 and 87.05 % respectively), while extracts of Mentha pepirita and Foeniculum vu lgare caused the lowest inhibition of the pathogen. In in vivo experiments the plants extracts were tes ted for their preventive and curative efficacy agai nst net blotch. Barley plants were treated either aqueo us extracts 1 day before or2 days after artificial inoculation. The highest reduction of diseases seve rity was achieved by the extract of Tetraclinis articulata. The same extracts were then tested as s eed treatments, against seed-borne fungi. The best control against barley seed mycoflora was obtained with the e...
Crop Science, 2004
50% oil content. Flavor and blanching data were also found Registration of ‘C-99R’ Peanut to be a... more 50% oil content. Flavor and blanching data were also found Registration of ‘C-99R’ Peanut to be acceptable (Gorbet and Shokes, 2000). ‘C-99R’ peanut (Arachis hypogaea subsp. hypogaea var. Application has been made for U.S. Plant Variety Protechypogaea) (Reg. no. CV-71, PI 613135) cultivar was developed tion (PVP no. 200000182) for growing C-99R only as a class by the University of Florida Agricultural Experiment Station of Certified seed. Inquiries concerning Foundation seed and and approved for release in 1999. C-99R is a jumbo-runner production of C-99R should be directed to Florida Foundation market-type peanut with resistance to late leafspot [caused by Seed Producers, Inc., P.O. Box 309, Greenwood, FL 32443. Cercosporidium personatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Deighton], Breeder seed will be maintained by the Florida Agricultural stem rot or white mold (caused by Sclerotium rolfsii Sacc.), Experiment Station. and tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV, a topsovirus from the D.W. Gorbet* an...
Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 1990
Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir... more Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir or the growth of. Fusarium oxysporuml.sp. Ientisanil its mode of sced transmission. Arar. J.Pr. Prot. E(1): 3't 9. This study was conducted to determine the effects oi some r:ictors., namely temperature (10, 15, ':.(.), 25 and 30'C) and media (potato dextrose a}ar, lentit dextrose a}ar anri (Czapek), on the growth in vitro of \-tuarium oxysporufit lentis in order to produce sufficient inoculum for the development of a screening technique, ES well as to clarify such aspects of disease epidemiology as mode of seed transmission and association with nematodes and antagonistic bacteria. The optimum temperature for fungal growth was 22"C. Maximum rnycelial growth and sporulation were obtained on ientil dextrose agar . In virro studies revealed an antagonistic effect between the fungus and a Pseudorfionas sp. isolate,i from infected soil. The following nematode ...
Arab Journal of Plant Protection, 2010
Advances in Environmental Biology, 2010
Fusarium lentil wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schechet. emend. Snyder & Hansen f. sp. lentis ... more Fusarium lentil wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum Schechet. emend. Snyder & Hansen f. sp. lentis Vasudeva and Srinivasan (Fol) is an important disease and is considered as a limiting factor to lentil production in Algeria. The use of the plant extracts is recently advocated by several researches, as a potential control method of plant diseases. The present work aimed at evaluating the antifungal activity of powders and essential oils formulation of some local medicinal plants (Anacyclus valentinus L., Artemisia herba alba Asso., Eucalyptus sp, Inula viscosa (L.) Aiton, Laurus nobilis L., Mentha pepirita L., Rosmarinus officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L., Tetraclinis articulata (Vahl) Masters and Thymus vulgaris L.) on Fol population in the soil. Results obtained showed that the treatments 10 and 5% with the powders of I. viscosa and M. pepirita and the essential oils formulation in all treatments have significantly reduced the soil population densities of Fol and the disease incid...
Journal of Forest Science
In northwestern Algeria, the production of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) seedlings in four... more In northwestern Algeria, the production of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) seedlings in four nurseries is hindered by the damping-off disease. Results obtained indicated that Fusarium spp. are commonly found on diseased seedlings, in most containers and bare-root nurseries. Twenty-one isolates of Fusarium, belonging to seven species, were previously isolated from diseased seedlings, and identified based on their morphological and molecular characteristics and their sequences had been deposited in NCBI-Genbank. These isolates were tested for their pathogenicity to local Aleppo pine seeds. The highest inhibition was observed with F. redolens and F. solani, with 75 and 69.3%, respectively. The root growth inhibition of the Aleppo pine seedlings was significantly different for each isolate. The influence of various isolates of Fusarium spp. on seed germination, shoot and root length and vigour index was significantly different. The disease incidence caused by F. redolens and F. solani was 91 and 90%, respectively.
Plant Disease, 2011
The causal agent of Ascochyta blight disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is highly variable ... more The causal agent of Ascochyta blight disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is highly variable because of the presence of a sexual phase (Didymella rabiei). There is also selection pressure on the pathogen due to wide adoption of improved resistant chickpea cultivars in some countries. The pathogen is able to produce pathotypes with specific virulence on particular cultivars. Three pathotypes, I, II, and III, have been reported (3). In this study, we confirmed the presence of a new and highly virulent pathotype that we designate as pathotype IV. To test the pathogenicity of the isolates collected and maintained at ICARDA, 10 isolates representing a wide spectrum of pathogenic variation, including those classified by S. M. Udupa et al. (3) and a putatively identified more virulent type, which was collected from a chickpea production field in the Kaljebrine area, Syria, were inoculated onto a set of differential chickpea genotypes. The differential genotypes, ILC 1929, ILC 482, ILC ...
Plant Disease, 2000
Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg., is a common and destructive disease of faba be... more Ascochyta blight, caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg., is a common and destructive disease of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in the Middle East, Europe, Canada, New Zealand (4), and Australia. The main sources of inoculum are debris and seeds from which spores are air- and splashborne. The teleomorph of A. fabae has been reported previously only from England (2). The presence of the teleomorph supports the variability reported in the fungus populations from Canada (3) and Poland (1). Stems of faba bean plants, severely infected with A. fabae, were collected in July 1999 from Tel Hadya, Syria. The plants previously had been inoculated with a mixture of isolates of the pathogen, collected from the main faba bean-growing regions in Syria between 1996 and 1998, and kept under shade. The infested stems were used to inoculate the ICARDA Faba Bean Ascochyta Nursery planted on 29 November 1999. During late January 2000, symptoms appeared on the susceptible faba bean genotype. Stem pieces from debris...
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2005
Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by Ascochyta rabiei is a major disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum... more Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by Ascochyta rabiei is a major disease of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), especially in areas where cool, cloudy, and humid weather persists during the crop season. Several epidemics of AB causing complete yield loss have been reported. The fungus mainly survives between seasons through infected seed and in infected crop debris. Despite extensive pathological and molecular studies, the nature and extent of pathogenic variability in A. rabiei have not been clearly established. Accumulation of phenols, phytoalexins (medicarpin and maackiain), and hydrolytic enzymes has been associated with host-plant resistance (HPR). Seed treatment and foliar application of fungicides are commonly recommended for AB management, but further information on biology and survival of A. rabiei is needed to devise more effective management strategies. Recent studies on inheritance of AB resistance indicate that several quantitative trait loci (QTLs) control resistance. In this p...
for commercial cultiva-B.A. Karim, and W. Erskine tion. The cultivar was released in Morocco in 1... more for commercial cultiva-B.A. Karim, and W. Erskine tion. The cultivar was released in Morocco in 1999 for stable and higher yield and for combined resistance to rust [caused by Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet] and Ascochyta blight References (caused by Ascochyta fabae Speg. f. sp. lentis Gossen, Sheard, Sakr, B. 2000. Amé lioration gé né tique des lentilles. Rapport de synth-Beauchamp & Morrall). Because of its wide adaptation, Hamè se des travaux de recherche effectué s par B. Sakr. INRA, Setria is recommended for cultivation in all lentil-growing areas tat, Morocco.
Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir fa:... more Erskine, W.; Bayaa, B. and Dholli, M. 109(r, Effer:l of temFera'ure and some medie anC hi:iir or the growth of. Fusarium oxysporuml.sp. Ientisanil its mode of sced transmission. Arar. J.Pr. Prot. E(1): 3't-9. This study was conducted to determine the effects oi some r:ictors., namely temperature (10, 15, ':.(.), 25 and 30'C) and media (potato dextrose a}ar, lentit dextrose a}ar anri (Czapek), on the growth in vitro of \-tuarium oxysporufit lentis in order to produce sufficient inoculum for the development of a screening technique, ES well as to clarify such aspects of disease epidemiology as mode of seed transmission and association with nematodes and antagonistic bacteria. The optimum temperature for fungal growth was 22"C. Maximum rnycelial growth and sporulation were obtained on ientil dextrose agar. In virro studies revealed an antagonistic effect between the fungus and a Pseudorfionas sp. isolate,i from infected soil. The following nematode genera were associated with wilt in the fielc!: Ditylenchus dipsaci, Aphelenchoides spp. Aphelenchus spp., Helicotylenchus spp. , Heterodera spp., Meloidogyne spp. , Pratylenchus spp. and Tylenchorhynchus spp. with ttre former being the most prevalent. The fungus was not present either in the endos"' perm or under the seed coat of seed trom a crop showing wilt syrnptoms.
Vascular wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lentis Vasud. & Srin. is the major di... more Vascular wilt caused byFusarium oxysporum f. sp.lentis Vasud. & Srin. is the major disease of the cultivated lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus). Host plant resistance is the most practical method of disease management. Wild lentils represent an unexplored potential source for disease resistance and other characters. Screening 219 accessions of wildLens Miller and 2 accessions ofVicia montbretii Fisch. & Mey. (syn.Lens
Ascochyta blight induced by Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis is a major foliar disease affecting lent... more Ascochyta blight induced by Ascochyta fabae f.sp. lentis is a major foliar disease affecting lentil. Screening 241 accessions of the ICARDA wild lentil germplasm collection for resistance to a Syrian isolate of this fungus was conducted under artificial inoculation in a plastic house. The reaction of resistant accessions was confirmed in a second trial. Twenty-four out of 16 accessions of Lens culinaris ssp. orientalis were resistant, as were 12 of 35 accessions of L. culinaris ssp. odemensis, 3 of 35 accessions of L. nigricans ssp. nigricans, 36 of 11 accessions of L. nigricans ssp. ervoides, and all 3 accessions of Vicia montbretii. Sixty-four per cent of resistant sources were from Syria and southeastern Turkey. Disease reaction was uncorrelated both to the altitude of collection and its annual average rainfall. A significant correlation (r = 0 .21 1) between leaflet width and disease reaction was due more to the frequency of the resistant reaction within the narrow-leaved L. nigricans ssp. ervoides than as a function of small leaf area. Disease reaction was uncorrelated with a range of other morphological traits .