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Refereed books by Jonas Hagmann

Research paper thumbnail of (In)Security and the Production of International Relations (Routledge)

Routledge Critical Security Studies , 2015

What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This ... more What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This book explains state’s international behavior based on a reflexive framework of insecurity politics. It argues that governments act on knowledge of international danger available in their societies, and that such knowledge is organized by varying ideas of who threatens whom and how. The book develops this argument and illustrates it by means of various European case studies. Moving across European history and space, these show how securitization projected abroad evolving – and often contested – local ideas of the organization of international insecurity, and how such knowledges of world politics conditioned foreign policymaking on their own terms. With its focus on insecurity politics, the book provides new perspectives for the study of international security. Moving the discipline from systemic theorizing to a theory of international systematization, it shows how world politics is, in practice, often conceived in a different way than that assumed by IR theory. Depicting national insecurity as a matter of political construction, the book also raises the challenging question of whether certain projections of insecurity may be considered more warranted than others.

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Refereed journal articles by Jonas Hagmann

Research paper thumbnail of Vom Sachverhalt zum Datengehalt: Polizeiliche Rapportierungspraxis zwischen Einzelfall und Aggregatebene (Kriminologisches Journal)

Die digitale Transformation von Polizeiarbeit und das Erstarken höherer analytischer Ansprüche an... more Die digitale Transformation von Polizeiarbeit und das Erstarken höherer analytischer Ansprüche an Daten verändern polizeiliche Wissens- und Handlungspraktiken. Basierend auf qualitativer Feldforschung in einem Schweizer Polizeikorps zeichnet dieser Beitrag nach, wie tradierte Praktiken der Rapportierung unter dem Druck der zunehmenden differenzierten späteren analytischen Aufbereitung von polizeilichen Daten neu konfiguriert werden. Die Analyse zeigt dabei, wie Frontkräfte die neu gestellten Ansprüche an die Datengenerierung im Feld navigieren und wie die beobachteten Rapportierungspraktiken zu einer Neubewertung von Polizeiarbeit zwischen den Polen „Handwerk“ und „Wissenschaft“ führen.

Digital transformation of police work, and with it novel analytical ambitions regarding police data, affects the ways in which police organizations produce knowledge and act upon it. Based on qualitative empirical field research in a Swiss police department, this paper shows how traditional forms of reporting are reconfigured by new analytical use-cases for the reported data. The analysis foregrounds how frontline officers navigate novel data requirements in their everyday work practice, leading to a re-evaluation of police work between “craft” and “science.”

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalizing control research: The politics of urban security in and beyond the Alaouite Kingdom of Morocco (Journal of Global Security Studies)

How do urban security assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect pr... more How do urban security assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect profound shifts in the ways security operates. Different to Foucault's disciplinary logics, they argue, security assemblages now rely intimately on expanding casts of policing agents, digital surveillance and statistical knowledge(s). They reach beyond enclosures and national borders, and they challenge democratic politics ever more forcefully. Whether this general trajectory of security management holds true across the global cityscape is yet far from evident. Not only do most studies of contemporary control draw conclusions from European and North American cases exclusively. Many also reproduce and project abroad distinctively Eurocentric assumptions about state-society relations, governance and insecurity. This article foregrounds and problematizes these penchants. It then looks at the Moroccan city of Marrakech to detail how urban security assemblages may evolve in different ways, at other speeds, and following different steering logics than what is generally set out by research on control. The article concludes with a discussion of how insights offered by places such as Marrakech contribute to more robust, analytically refined and globally inclusive research on the contemporary politics of urban security.

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban Design as Technology of (Counter-) Democratic Security Politics (Swiss Political Science Review)

How does architecture operate as a security technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive ... more How does architecture operate as a security technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive security research and urban studies approach built environments as political inclusion and exclusion instruments. It first presents how this role is understood to operate in the respective scholarly fields, and then illustrates its ambivalent operation with two mini-case studies centering on Bogotá and Zürich. In doing so, the contribution seeks to familiarize readers with architecture-oriented reflexive political analysis, and to draw out main lines of further investigation.

Wie funktioniert Architektur als Sicherheitstechnologie? Dieser Beitrag umreisst, wie reflexive Sicherheits- und Stadtforschung die gebaute Umgebung als Mittel der politischen In- und Exklusion konzipiert. Er erklärt erst, wie diese Rolle in den beiden Fachgebieten verstanden wird, um dann ihre ambivalente Funktionsweise anhand von zwei Mini-Fallstudien zu Bogota und Zürich empirisch zu illustrieren. Damit ist das Ziel des Beitrags, die Leser in architekturorientierte und reflexive Politikforschung einzuführen und weiterfolgende Forschungsrichtungen zu skizzieren.

Comment l’architecture fonctionne-t-elle en tant que technologie de sécurité? Cet article décrit comment les security studies et les urban studies conçoivent l’environnement bâti comme un moyen d’inclusion et d’exclusion politique. Il explique d’abord comment ce rôle est conçu par les deux spécialisations, puis illustre empiriquement son fonctionnement ambivalent avec des observations faites à Bogota et Zurich. Le but de l’article est de familiariser les lecteurs avec les approches réflexives aux processus politiques et des études orientées vers architecture, et de décrire des perspectives de recherche qui en découlent.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Politics of Security and Technology in Switzerland (Swiss Political Science Review)

Technologies play crucial roles in security politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic ... more Technologies play crucial roles in security politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic interplay between technologies and politics, IR scholars increasingly draw on reflexive research traditions. The aim is to understand the social and political practices that influence the shape, design and use of security technologies instead of assuming that technologies have linear, independent effects on politics. This SPSR debate draws on this new perspective and applies it to topics salient in Swiss public debate. Its contributions analyze how cybersecurity, predictive policing, drones, artificial intelligence, targeted sanctions, urban design and spyware are deliberated, negotiated, programmed and critiqued in Switzerland. They chart different analytical avenues with which to address the recursive and non-linear relationship between security politics and technologies, and, by familiarizing readers with the tenets and diversity of reflexive political science research, seek to give that longstanding scholarly research tradition better visibility in the Swiss political science community.

Technologien spielen in der Sicherheitspolitik eine entscheidende Rolle. Um das Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Politik besser zu verstehen, greift die IB-Forschung zunehmend auf reflexive Forschungsansätze zurück. Ziel ist es dabei, die sozialen und politischen Faktoren und Praktiken zu verstehen, die Einfluss auf die Form, das Design und den Einsatz von Sicherheitstechnologien haben, anstatt davon auszugehen, dass Technologien lineare, unabhängige Auswirkungen auf die Politik haben. Diese SPSR-Debatte wendet diese neue Perspektive auf Themen an, die heute im öffentlichen Diskurs der Schweiz eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Ihre sieben Beiträge analysieren, wie Cybersicherheit, Predictive Policing, Drohnen, künstliche Intelligenz, Sanktionen, Städtebau und Spyware in der Schweiz diskutiert, verhandelt, programmiert und kritisiert werden. Sie zeigen verschiedene analytische Wege auf, um die rekursive und nichtlineare Beziehung zwischen Sicherheitspolitik und -technologien greifbar zu machen, und macht der Schweizer Politikwissenschaft die Grundsätze und die Vielfalt der reflexiven politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung besser vertraut.

Les technologies jouent un rôle primordial dans la politique de sécurité. Pour mieux comprendre l’interaction dynamique entre technologie et politique, la recherche en Relations Internationales s’appuie de plus en plus sur les traditions réflexives de recherche politique. Son objectif est de mieux comprendre les pratiques sociales et politiques qui influencent la forme, la conception et l’utilisation des technologies de sécurité, au lieu de supposer que les technologies ont des effets linéaires et indépendants sur la politique. Ce débat applique cette nouvelle perspective à des sujets fortement discutés en Suisse. Sept contributions analysent comment la cybersécurité, la police prédictive, les drones, l’intelligence artificielle, les sanctions, l’urbanisme et la spyware sont délibérés, négociés, programmés et critiqués en Suisse. Elles tracent des voies analytiques permettant d’aborder les relations entre politique et technologie et donnent une meilleure visibilité aux traditions de recherche réflexive au sein de la communauté suisse des sciences politiques.

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Research paper thumbnail of The institutional ‘hinge’: How the end of the Cold War conditioned Canadian, Russian and Swiss IR scholarship  (International Studies Perspectives)

Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surpr... more Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surprisingly unexplored how transformative political events affect international relations as an academic field. This article focuses on the linkage between key global moments and the institutional factors that condition IR scholarship, focusing on the important yet under-explored intervening elements in the interrelation between political events and academic practice. The article defines the utility of such focus and illustrates it with case studies of three central parties to the Cold War conflict: Russia as representative of the Eastern bloc, Canada of the Western alliance, and Switzerland as a neutral polity. This article shows how institutional factors such as funding schemes, the marketization of education, and the creation of new IR departments operate as effective “hinges” exerting significant influence over the ways scholars develop ideas about international relations.

Los principales eventos internacionales contribuyen a guiar los intereses de los académicos de las relaciones internacionales; aún así, la manera en que los eventos políticos transformativos afectan las relaciones internacionales como campo académico sigue siendo un terreno sorprendentemente inexplorado. Este artículo se centra en la conexión entre momentos mundiales clave y los factores institucionales que condicionan a los académicos de las relaciones internacionales, y hace hincapié en los importantes, si bien insuficientemente explorados, elementos intervinientes en la interrelación entre los eventos políticos y la práctica académica. En el artículo se define la utilidad de un enfoque de estas características y se la ilustra por medio de estudios de casos de tres partes centrales del conflicto de la Guerra Fría: Rusia, como representante del bloque oriental; Canadá, de la alianza occidental; y Suiza, como sistema gubernamental neutral. En este artículo se muestra cómo los factores institucionales como los esquemas de financiamiento, la marketización de la educación y la creación de nuevos departamentos de relaciones internacionales operan como «bisagras» eficaces que ejercen una influencia considerable sobre la forma en que los académicos desarrollan ideas sobre las relaciones internacionales.

Les événements internationaux majeurs contribuent à guider les intérêts du domaine des RI, mais il est étonnant de constater comme les événements politiques transformateurs affectant les relations internationales, en tant que domaine universitaire, sont restés un territoire inconnu. Cet article se concentre sur le lien entre les événements mondiaux clés et les facteurs institutionnels qui conditionnent le domaine d’étude des RI, en axant les recherches sur les éléments d'intervention importants mais largement inconnus dans l'interrelation entre les événements politiques et la pratique universitaire. L'article définit l'utilité de cet axe de recherche et l'illustre avec des études de cas de trois parties centrales ayant pris part au conflit de la Guerre froide: la Russie comme représentante du bloc de l'est, le Canada comme représentant de l'alliance occidentale et la Suisse comme entité politique neutre. Cet article montre comment les facteurs institutionnels comme les systèmes de financement, la commercialisation de l'enseignement et la création de nouveaux départements RI agissent comme des «charnières» efficaces exerçant une influence importante sur la manière dont les spécialistes développent leurs idées sur les relations internationales.

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Research paper thumbnail of The politicization of security: Controversy, mobilization, arena shifting (European Review of International Studies)

While security has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind... more While security has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind of politics that closes down political activity and debate. This article and special issue introduction reviews recent theoretical and empirical developments to argue that a research agenda that re-engages security through the prism of politicisation is better able to elucidate the growing range of actors, arenas and arguments visible in contemporary security governance. Based on recent literatures from Political Science and European Studies that – so far – have been largely ignored by Security Studies, it develops an analytical framework around three dimensions: controversy, mobilisation and arena-shifting. It showcases the relevance of this perspective through brief empirical illustrations on the post-Snowden controversy, public participation on security strategy-making, and the role of parliaments in security policy. The overall aim is to reopen conceptual questions on the relationship between security and politics, inspire innovative empirical work to study the diverse politics around security, and allow for more differentiated normative inquiries into the ambivalent consequences of politicisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The programmatic and institutional (re-)configuration of the Swiss national security field (Swiss Political Science Review)

The Swiss national security field evolved considerably in recent years. Different from the late C... more The Swiss national security field evolved considerably in recent years. Different from the late Cold War period, when it focused on military threats, was closely orchestrated by the Defence Ministry and contained few international contacts, it today handles a wide set of dangers, draws on a complex cast of actors across levels of government, and maintains working relations with multiple foreign partners. Despite this comprehensive programmatic and institutional reorientation, the field received little scholarly attention. Whereas Swiss political scientists generally look at other policy domains, such as health, energy or transport, security scholars for their take forgo refined assessment of the field by analytical and methodological choices. This article seeks to redress this situation. Adopting a practice-oriented approach to security research, it draws on an unparalleled nationwide data collection effort to unpack the Swiss security field across functions and levels of government. With its measures and fine-grained mapping, it shows how and where the domain developed to since the late Cold War. In doing so, it contributes a uniquely comprehensive and refined mapping of a national security field to international security studies and Swiss political science alike.

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Research paper thumbnail of Security in the society of control: The politics and practices of securing urban spaces (International Political Sociology)

In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of sta... more In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of static enclosures into network-centric, privatised, digital and global control. This article re-engages the control thesis from a decidedly empirical security studies perspective. In the age of globalisation and urbanisation, technological innovation and liberal policy ideals, how are security apparatuses reorganised, and in what relations do they stand to local societal and political orders? The article argues that the Deleuzian framework indeed proposes an impressively rich, integrative and topical research agenda – but also that its security studies applications are surprisingly incomplete and insufficiently differentiated. With a view to vindicating its analytical potential, the article first systematises the control thesis. It then employs a spatial and empirical heuristic to enquire into the securing of three distinct urban spaces – a site of mobility, a public square and a place of mass commerce –, and to illustrate the actual (re-)configuration of contemporary security management. Forgoing articulation of universalisms about societal steering, the article makes the case for more nuanced engagements with security ensembles, their technological evolution, relations with democratic ideals, globalisation and de-territorialisation both in and beyond Western polities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Securitisation and the production of international order(s) (Journal of International Relations and Development)

How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign policy agenda? This article (re-)directs cr... more How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign policy agenda? This article (re-)directs critical security studies’ attention to the discipline’s core concern with interstate relations. Drawing on the notions of subjectification and subject-positioning, it reformulates securitisation theory and argues securitisation to endanger, order and condition international relations. By defining who (or what) threatens whom and how, so the article’s central claim, securitisation moves not only set out problem situations and thus a need for policy responses. They also populate the international with a variety of actors and relations. Securitisation moves seen this way articulate and project abroad local conceptions of antagonistic international order(s), and make, if accepted as truthful, foreign policy-making contingent on the imageries thus created. The article develops this relational/positional rendering of the securitisation process and illustrates it with two empirical case studies, French national security controversies of the post-war era and West German security discussions during the Ostpolitik years. The case studies show how contending articulations of national insecurity helped produce different antagonistic systematisations of the international, and how this latter feature helps explain the foreign policy behaviour of either country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyse du champ de la sécurité en Suisse : vers une hypertrophie de la sécurité intérieure et autres réflexions méthodologiques (Cultures & Conflits)

Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de s... more Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de sécurité en Suisse. Il détaille les différentes étapes mises en œuvre pour construire le champ de la sécurité en Suisse. L’analyse des prises de positions des acteurs de la sécurité, par l’analyse des menaces gérées par ces acteurs, valide la thèse de la globalisation de l’(in)sécurité dont la spécificité est l’établissement d’une sorte de continuum entre des menaces qui relèvent des champs de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure, consacrant ainsi la dé-différenciation entre les acteurs de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure, avec notamment une convergence vers les questions migratoires et la lutte contre le terrorisme. L’espace des positions du champ de la sécurité suisse est construit à partir des différents types de capitaux possédés par les individus (capital social, capital culturel, capital technologique et capital international) et permet de dégager la dimension transnationale des luttes qui structurent ce champ. L’analyse tire parti de la complémentarité des méthodes statistiques utilisées, à savoir l’analyse des correspondances multiples, l’analyse en composantes principales et l’analyse de réseau, qui sont parfaitement adaptées à une perspective relationnelle et à la construction d’espaces sociaux ou de champs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching (as) statist practice: Diplomatic schools as sites of international education (International Studies Review)

Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘internationa... more Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘international knowledge’ is conditioned by institutional factors. With their vocational focus, diplomatic academies are first and foremost sites for educating the praxis of state-behaviour. This orientation notwithstanding, the academies should not be dissociated from disciplinary IR. Already, diplomatic academies are closer to practical world politics, and thus to the central research object of IR – a point that itself warrants close(r) engagement with the diplomatic field and its professional reproduction. What is more, the barriers between diplomatic and academic training have become more porous recently, and both fields are marked by similar processes at their overarching institutional level, i.e., elements such as evolving mandates, the internationalisation of contents and design, and a general commercialisation of activities. With a view to exposing a different site of international education and to generating further insights on the institutional sociology of IR, this contribution considers diplomatic schools as interesting hybrid sites of international education.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sites of knowledge (re-)production: Towards an institutional sociology of International Relations scholarship (International Studies Review)

In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to as... more In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to assess the development and organization of the International Relations (IR) discipline through a three-tier comparative sociological research framework. It is by looking at the intellectual, institutional and political layer of IR, so he argued, that one can fully understand the specificities of IR as a complex social field of work, as well as the particular forms of knowledge that are developed in this field. In the years following its publication, Wæver’s article was joined and followed-up by a growing and increasingly sophisticated body of literature studying IR scholarship. Yet, a thorough reading of this literature shows that the emerging sociology of IR has come to focus strongly on only two of Wæver’s three analytical layers: It is the intellectual and political layers of IR that garnered significant attention thus far, whereas work about the field’s institutional layer remains surprisingly scarce. This forum addresses this gap by means of promoting a dedicated engagement with the field’s institutional determinants: How is the institutional layer of IR organised in different places? How is the discipline embedded in distinct sites? And how is it governed by material and immaterial institutional constraints? To answer these questions, the forum’s six individual contributions focus on conventional university departments and hybrid sites of international relations alike. In doing so, the forum’s ambitions are both to highlight the empirical diversity of sites and settings where specialised knowledge about international relations is produced, shaped and re-instantiated, and to illustrate how a focus on the institutional layer of IR can become an important vector

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond the published discipline: Toward a critical pedagogy of international studies (European Journal of International Relations)

The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization ... more The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization and inner structuring. Making the academic field cognizant of its own institutional and intellectual configurations, the literature today empowers scholars to engage critically with the analytical, geocultural, and political lenses through which IR explains world politics. This contribution notwithstanding, there is a continuing focus in the literature on leading (flagship) publications as indicators of intellectual proclivities, and on IR scholars as their only relevant audiences. This article challenges this focus and expands the sociology of IR literature’s scope of analysis. Making the case for an inquiry into classroom socialization practices, it maps the paradigmatic, geocultural, gendered, and historical perspectives taught to students in the case of 23 American and European IR graduate programs. Pointing to differences between the instructed and the published discipline, the article shows how the instructed discipline is governed and constrained by different kinds of intellectual parochialisms. Problematizing the educative functions of these, it advocates a more self-reflexive understanding of IR teaching (a domain in which scholars have greater agency), and the enactment of a critical pedagogy of international studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Representations of terrorism and the making of counterterrorism policy (Critical Studies on Terrorism)

Reflexive approaches not only maintain that representations of danger are socially constructed, b... more Reflexive approaches not only maintain that representations of danger are socially constructed, but also that they relate with political behaviour. Representations of terrorism, for instance, are argued to constitute that danger in distinct ways and thus to make certain counterterror policies possible. This article challenges this popular association of reflexive security studies with constitutive effects. It argues that constitutive argumentation advances an insufficiently tangible argument of effect, and that this conceptual weakness derives from both a problematic foundational social theory and a premature rejection of causation. Drawing on the social theory of Margaret Archer and Roy Bhaskar and a differentiated notion of causation, the article advances a ‘dialectical causal’ framework for the analysis of representations of danger instead. Applying it to contemporary Swiss terrorism politics, the article shows how this framework improves on constitutive argumentation in disentangling the political powers involved in the production and enactment of representations of danger.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring resilience: methodological and political challenges of a trend security concept (Journal of Risk Research)

w/ Tim Prior

Modern societies are characterised by global connectedness and complexity. At the same time socie... more Modern societies are characterised by global connectedness and complexity. At the same time society, and the various infrastructures that connect and define it, are understood to be increasingly threatened by unpredictable and uncertain (or unknown) global risks. With this, the conceptualisation and development of resilience has become a dominant, yet enigmatic preoccupation: Dominant because it is seen as a fundamental component of devolved proactive approaches to mitigating complex threats whatever their nature; enigmatic because its practical application is as diverse as its definitions. Today, however, a significant challenge still lies in the accurate characterisation and quantification of resilience, and thus also the ability to provide a systematic basis for policy-making in threat mitigation. This article examines the methodological challenges of operationalising resilience. It draws on several cases that detail ways of measuring resilience, reflecting on the development, benefits and limitations of these, and highlighting important considerations pertinent in the construction of resilience indices. Doing so, however, the article also maintains that resilience should not be reduced to a methodological problem only, given that its methodological operationalisation also connects with analytical ideas of what and whose kind of responsibility should be measured, and political conceptions of who assumes what kind of task and responsibility in a resilience framework.

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Staat weiß es am besten? Die Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik als verwaltungszentriertes Politikfeld (Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik)

Basierend auf einer Befragung amtierender PolitikerInnen erfasst dieser Beitrag die sicherheitspo... more Basierend auf einer Befragung amtierender PolitikerInnen erfasst dieser Beitrag die sicherheitspolitischen Wissensaustauschpraktiken der Schweiz. Er zeigt, dass der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich zwar kein geschlossenes Wissenstransfersystem darstellt, aber dennoch von verwaltungsorientierten, nationalen und geschlossenen Transfermechanismen dominiert wird. Als erste empirische Auslegeordnung des Wissenstransfers im Sicherheitsbereich arbeitet der Beitrag der vergleichenden Untersuchung nationaler Sicherheitskulturen zu und hinterfragt, wessen Wissen wie in der Sicherheitspolitik Gehör findet.

This article addresses knowledge transfer practices in Swiss national security affairs. Drawing on survey work, it shows that Swiss security politics do not form a closed knowledge exchange system, but that they are dominated by administration-centric, national and closed-door knowledge transfers nonetheless. As a first empirical mapping of actual knowledge exchange practices in national security affairs, the article enables comparative analyses of national security cultures while at the same time questioning whose positions are being heard in security affairs and how.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fukushima: Probing the analytical and epistemological limits of risk analysis (Journal of Risk Research)

The Fukushima catastrophe tragically epitomizes the limitations of dealing with natural and techn... more The Fukushima catastrophe tragically epitomizes the limitations of dealing with natural and technical hazards. Remarkably yet, authorities’ review of the catastrophe continue to be limited to mistakes and responsibilities of practical risk management. Although state regulations are questioned, technical protection measures verified, and disaster management processes optimized, no deeper discussion about the actual analytical limits of risk analysis has been engaged thus far. What can risk analyses address and what remains beyond their scope? How trustworthy can risk analyses be, and what kind of statements about the future can they actually formulate? This article examines these broader analytical and epistemological boundaries of risk analysis. Drawing on cases of international nuclear risk management, it tests and problematises how the definition of risk, the methodology of their registration, and the interpretation of results are reaching their limitations in contemporary risk analysis. Following this critical discussion of risk analysis, the article draws conclusions concerning the usefulness and necessity of a differentiated and informed discourse on the potential and the limitations of the risk analysis method, an approach which today enjoys increasing popularity in a variety of policy sectors ranging from critical infrastructure protection to national and international security.

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Research paper thumbnail of National risk registers: Security scientism and the propagation of permanent insecurity

Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from na... more Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly popular Western security practice. This article focuses on these registers and the analytical power politics in which they are complicit. We argue, first, that positing science as an objective determinant of security truth, national risk registers advance a modernist understanding of how knowledge of national dangers can be arrived at, discounting both sovereign and popular authorities; second, that by operationalizing a traditional risk-assessment formula, risk registers make possible seemingly apolitical decisions in security matters, taken on the basis of cost–benefit thinking; and, third, that risk registers’ focus on risk ‘themes’ tiptoes around the definition of referent objects, avoiding overt decisions about the beneficiaries of particular security decisions. Taking all these factors into account, we find that risk registers ‘depoliticize’ national security debates while transforming national insecurity into something permanent and inevitable.

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Research paper thumbnail of National risk registers: Security scientism and the propagation of permanent insecurity (Security Dialogue)

Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from na... more Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly popular Western security practice. This article focuses on these registers and the analytical power politics in which they are complicit. We argue, first, that positing science as an objective determinant of security truth, national risk registers advance a modernist understanding of how knowledge of national dangers can be arrived at, discounting both sovereign and popular authorities; second, that by operationalizing a traditional risk-assessment formula, risk registers make possible seemingly apolitical decisions in security matters, taken on the basis of cost–benefit thinking; and, third, that risk registers’ focus on risk ‘themes’ tiptoes around the definition of referent objects, avoiding overt decisions about the beneficiaries of particular security decisions. Taking all these factors into account, we find that risk registers ‘depoliticize’ national security debates while transforming national insecurity into something permanent and inevitable.

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Research paper thumbnail of (In)Security and the Production of International Relations (Routledge)

Routledge Critical Security Studies , 2015

What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This ... more What happens to foreign politics when actors, things or processes are presented as threats? This book explains state’s international behavior based on a reflexive framework of insecurity politics. It argues that governments act on knowledge of international danger available in their societies, and that such knowledge is organized by varying ideas of who threatens whom and how. The book develops this argument and illustrates it by means of various European case studies. Moving across European history and space, these show how securitization projected abroad evolving – and often contested – local ideas of the organization of international insecurity, and how such knowledges of world politics conditioned foreign policymaking on their own terms. With its focus on insecurity politics, the book provides new perspectives for the study of international security. Moving the discipline from systemic theorizing to a theory of international systematization, it shows how world politics is, in practice, often conceived in a different way than that assumed by IR theory. Depicting national insecurity as a matter of political construction, the book also raises the challenging question of whether certain projections of insecurity may be considered more warranted than others.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vom Sachverhalt zum Datengehalt: Polizeiliche Rapportierungspraxis zwischen Einzelfall und Aggregatebene (Kriminologisches Journal)

Die digitale Transformation von Polizeiarbeit und das Erstarken höherer analytischer Ansprüche an... more Die digitale Transformation von Polizeiarbeit und das Erstarken höherer analytischer Ansprüche an Daten verändern polizeiliche Wissens- und Handlungspraktiken. Basierend auf qualitativer Feldforschung in einem Schweizer Polizeikorps zeichnet dieser Beitrag nach, wie tradierte Praktiken der Rapportierung unter dem Druck der zunehmenden differenzierten späteren analytischen Aufbereitung von polizeilichen Daten neu konfiguriert werden. Die Analyse zeigt dabei, wie Frontkräfte die neu gestellten Ansprüche an die Datengenerierung im Feld navigieren und wie die beobachteten Rapportierungspraktiken zu einer Neubewertung von Polizeiarbeit zwischen den Polen „Handwerk“ und „Wissenschaft“ führen.

Digital transformation of police work, and with it novel analytical ambitions regarding police data, affects the ways in which police organizations produce knowledge and act upon it. Based on qualitative empirical field research in a Swiss police department, this paper shows how traditional forms of reporting are reconfigured by new analytical use-cases for the reported data. The analysis foregrounds how frontline officers navigate novel data requirements in their everyday work practice, leading to a re-evaluation of police work between “craft” and “science.”

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Research paper thumbnail of Globalizing control research: The politics of urban security in and beyond the Alaouite Kingdom of Morocco (Journal of Global Security Studies)

How do urban security assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect pr... more How do urban security assemblages evolve? Scholars inspired by Deleuze's Control Thesis detect profound shifts in the ways security operates. Different to Foucault's disciplinary logics, they argue, security assemblages now rely intimately on expanding casts of policing agents, digital surveillance and statistical knowledge(s). They reach beyond enclosures and national borders, and they challenge democratic politics ever more forcefully. Whether this general trajectory of security management holds true across the global cityscape is yet far from evident. Not only do most studies of contemporary control draw conclusions from European and North American cases exclusively. Many also reproduce and project abroad distinctively Eurocentric assumptions about state-society relations, governance and insecurity. This article foregrounds and problematizes these penchants. It then looks at the Moroccan city of Marrakech to detail how urban security assemblages may evolve in different ways, at other speeds, and following different steering logics than what is generally set out by research on control. The article concludes with a discussion of how insights offered by places such as Marrakech contribute to more robust, analytically refined and globally inclusive research on the contemporary politics of urban security.

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Research paper thumbnail of Urban Design as Technology of (Counter-) Democratic Security Politics (Swiss Political Science Review)

How does architecture operate as a security technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive ... more How does architecture operate as a security technology? This contribution sets out how reflexive security research and urban studies approach built environments as political inclusion and exclusion instruments. It first presents how this role is understood to operate in the respective scholarly fields, and then illustrates its ambivalent operation with two mini-case studies centering on Bogotá and Zürich. In doing so, the contribution seeks to familiarize readers with architecture-oriented reflexive political analysis, and to draw out main lines of further investigation.

Wie funktioniert Architektur als Sicherheitstechnologie? Dieser Beitrag umreisst, wie reflexive Sicherheits- und Stadtforschung die gebaute Umgebung als Mittel der politischen In- und Exklusion konzipiert. Er erklärt erst, wie diese Rolle in den beiden Fachgebieten verstanden wird, um dann ihre ambivalente Funktionsweise anhand von zwei Mini-Fallstudien zu Bogota und Zürich empirisch zu illustrieren. Damit ist das Ziel des Beitrags, die Leser in architekturorientierte und reflexive Politikforschung einzuführen und weiterfolgende Forschungsrichtungen zu skizzieren.

Comment l’architecture fonctionne-t-elle en tant que technologie de sécurité? Cet article décrit comment les security studies et les urban studies conçoivent l’environnement bâti comme un moyen d’inclusion et d’exclusion politique. Il explique d’abord comment ce rôle est conçu par les deux spécialisations, puis illustre empiriquement son fonctionnement ambivalent avec des observations faites à Bogota et Zurich. Le but de l’article est de familiariser les lecteurs avec les approches réflexives aux processus politiques et des études orientées vers architecture, et de décrire des perspectives de recherche qui en découlent.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Politics of Security and Technology in Switzerland (Swiss Political Science Review)

Technologies play crucial roles in security politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic ... more Technologies play crucial roles in security politics. In a recent push to understand the dynamic interplay between technologies and politics, IR scholars increasingly draw on reflexive research traditions. The aim is to understand the social and political practices that influence the shape, design and use of security technologies instead of assuming that technologies have linear, independent effects on politics. This SPSR debate draws on this new perspective and applies it to topics salient in Swiss public debate. Its contributions analyze how cybersecurity, predictive policing, drones, artificial intelligence, targeted sanctions, urban design and spyware are deliberated, negotiated, programmed and critiqued in Switzerland. They chart different analytical avenues with which to address the recursive and non-linear relationship between security politics and technologies, and, by familiarizing readers with the tenets and diversity of reflexive political science research, seek to give that longstanding scholarly research tradition better visibility in the Swiss political science community.

Technologien spielen in der Sicherheitspolitik eine entscheidende Rolle. Um das Zusammenspiel von Technologie und Politik besser zu verstehen, greift die IB-Forschung zunehmend auf reflexive Forschungsansätze zurück. Ziel ist es dabei, die sozialen und politischen Faktoren und Praktiken zu verstehen, die Einfluss auf die Form, das Design und den Einsatz von Sicherheitstechnologien haben, anstatt davon auszugehen, dass Technologien lineare, unabhängige Auswirkungen auf die Politik haben. Diese SPSR-Debatte wendet diese neue Perspektive auf Themen an, die heute im öffentlichen Diskurs der Schweiz eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Ihre sieben Beiträge analysieren, wie Cybersicherheit, Predictive Policing, Drohnen, künstliche Intelligenz, Sanktionen, Städtebau und Spyware in der Schweiz diskutiert, verhandelt, programmiert und kritisiert werden. Sie zeigen verschiedene analytische Wege auf, um die rekursive und nichtlineare Beziehung zwischen Sicherheitspolitik und -technologien greifbar zu machen, und macht der Schweizer Politikwissenschaft die Grundsätze und die Vielfalt der reflexiven politikwissenschaftlichen Forschung besser vertraut.

Les technologies jouent un rôle primordial dans la politique de sécurité. Pour mieux comprendre l’interaction dynamique entre technologie et politique, la recherche en Relations Internationales s’appuie de plus en plus sur les traditions réflexives de recherche politique. Son objectif est de mieux comprendre les pratiques sociales et politiques qui influencent la forme, la conception et l’utilisation des technologies de sécurité, au lieu de supposer que les technologies ont des effets linéaires et indépendants sur la politique. Ce débat applique cette nouvelle perspective à des sujets fortement discutés en Suisse. Sept contributions analysent comment la cybersécurité, la police prédictive, les drones, l’intelligence artificielle, les sanctions, l’urbanisme et la spyware sont délibérés, négociés, programmés et critiqués en Suisse. Elles tracent des voies analytiques permettant d’aborder les relations entre politique et technologie et donnent une meilleure visibilité aux traditions de recherche réflexive au sein de la communauté suisse des sciences politiques.

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Research paper thumbnail of The institutional ‘hinge’: How the end of the Cold War conditioned Canadian, Russian and Swiss IR scholarship  (International Studies Perspectives)

Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surpr... more Major international events contribute to guiding IR scholarship's interests, yet it remains surprisingly unexplored how transformative political events affect international relations as an academic field. This article focuses on the linkage between key global moments and the institutional factors that condition IR scholarship, focusing on the important yet under-explored intervening elements in the interrelation between political events and academic practice. The article defines the utility of such focus and illustrates it with case studies of three central parties to the Cold War conflict: Russia as representative of the Eastern bloc, Canada of the Western alliance, and Switzerland as a neutral polity. This article shows how institutional factors such as funding schemes, the marketization of education, and the creation of new IR departments operate as effective “hinges” exerting significant influence over the ways scholars develop ideas about international relations.

Los principales eventos internacionales contribuyen a guiar los intereses de los académicos de las relaciones internacionales; aún así, la manera en que los eventos políticos transformativos afectan las relaciones internacionales como campo académico sigue siendo un terreno sorprendentemente inexplorado. Este artículo se centra en la conexión entre momentos mundiales clave y los factores institucionales que condicionan a los académicos de las relaciones internacionales, y hace hincapié en los importantes, si bien insuficientemente explorados, elementos intervinientes en la interrelación entre los eventos políticos y la práctica académica. En el artículo se define la utilidad de un enfoque de estas características y se la ilustra por medio de estudios de casos de tres partes centrales del conflicto de la Guerra Fría: Rusia, como representante del bloque oriental; Canadá, de la alianza occidental; y Suiza, como sistema gubernamental neutral. En este artículo se muestra cómo los factores institucionales como los esquemas de financiamiento, la marketización de la educación y la creación de nuevos departamentos de relaciones internacionales operan como «bisagras» eficaces que ejercen una influencia considerable sobre la forma en que los académicos desarrollan ideas sobre las relaciones internacionales.

Les événements internationaux majeurs contribuent à guider les intérêts du domaine des RI, mais il est étonnant de constater comme les événements politiques transformateurs affectant les relations internationales, en tant que domaine universitaire, sont restés un territoire inconnu. Cet article se concentre sur le lien entre les événements mondiaux clés et les facteurs institutionnels qui conditionnent le domaine d’étude des RI, en axant les recherches sur les éléments d'intervention importants mais largement inconnus dans l'interrelation entre les événements politiques et la pratique universitaire. L'article définit l'utilité de cet axe de recherche et l'illustre avec des études de cas de trois parties centrales ayant pris part au conflit de la Guerre froide: la Russie comme représentante du bloc de l'est, le Canada comme représentant de l'alliance occidentale et la Suisse comme entité politique neutre. Cet article montre comment les facteurs institutionnels comme les systèmes de financement, la commercialisation de l'enseignement et la création de nouveaux départements RI agissent comme des «charnières» efficaces exerçant une influence importante sur la manière dont les spécialistes développent leurs idées sur les relations internationales.

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Research paper thumbnail of The politicization of security: Controversy, mobilization, arena shifting (European Review of International Studies)

While security has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind... more While security has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind of politics that closes down political activity and debate. This article and special issue introduction reviews recent theoretical and empirical developments to argue that a research agenda that re-engages security through the prism of politicisation is better able to elucidate the growing range of actors, arenas and arguments visible in contemporary security governance. Based on recent literatures from Political Science and European Studies that – so far – have been largely ignored by Security Studies, it develops an analytical framework around three dimensions: controversy, mobilisation and arena-shifting. It showcases the relevance of this perspective through brief empirical illustrations on the post-Snowden controversy, public participation on security strategy-making, and the role of parliaments in security policy. The overall aim is to reopen conceptual questions on the relationship between security and politics, inspire innovative empirical work to study the diverse politics around security, and allow for more differentiated normative inquiries into the ambivalent consequences of politicisation.

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Research paper thumbnail of The programmatic and institutional (re-)configuration of the Swiss national security field (Swiss Political Science Review)

The Swiss national security field evolved considerably in recent years. Different from the late C... more The Swiss national security field evolved considerably in recent years. Different from the late Cold War period, when it focused on military threats, was closely orchestrated by the Defence Ministry and contained few international contacts, it today handles a wide set of dangers, draws on a complex cast of actors across levels of government, and maintains working relations with multiple foreign partners. Despite this comprehensive programmatic and institutional reorientation, the field received little scholarly attention. Whereas Swiss political scientists generally look at other policy domains, such as health, energy or transport, security scholars for their take forgo refined assessment of the field by analytical and methodological choices. This article seeks to redress this situation. Adopting a practice-oriented approach to security research, it draws on an unparalleled nationwide data collection effort to unpack the Swiss security field across functions and levels of government. With its measures and fine-grained mapping, it shows how and where the domain developed to since the late Cold War. In doing so, it contributes a uniquely comprehensive and refined mapping of a national security field to international security studies and Swiss political science alike.

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Research paper thumbnail of Security in the society of control: The politics and practices of securing urban spaces (International Political Sociology)

In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of sta... more In the view of Deleuzian IR scholars, societal steering evolved from analogue disciplining of static enclosures into network-centric, privatised, digital and global control. This article re-engages the control thesis from a decidedly empirical security studies perspective. In the age of globalisation and urbanisation, technological innovation and liberal policy ideals, how are security apparatuses reorganised, and in what relations do they stand to local societal and political orders? The article argues that the Deleuzian framework indeed proposes an impressively rich, integrative and topical research agenda – but also that its security studies applications are surprisingly incomplete and insufficiently differentiated. With a view to vindicating its analytical potential, the article first systematises the control thesis. It then employs a spatial and empirical heuristic to enquire into the securing of three distinct urban spaces – a site of mobility, a public square and a place of mass commerce –, and to illustrate the actual (re-)configuration of contemporary security management. Forgoing articulation of universalisms about societal steering, the article makes the case for more nuanced engagements with security ensembles, their technological evolution, relations with democratic ideals, globalisation and de-territorialisation both in and beyond Western polities.

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Research paper thumbnail of Securitisation and the production of international order(s) (Journal of International Relations and Development)

How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign policy agenda? This article (re-)directs cr... more How do securitisation moves affect a nation’s foreign policy agenda? This article (re-)directs critical security studies’ attention to the discipline’s core concern with interstate relations. Drawing on the notions of subjectification and subject-positioning, it reformulates securitisation theory and argues securitisation to endanger, order and condition international relations. By defining who (or what) threatens whom and how, so the article’s central claim, securitisation moves not only set out problem situations and thus a need for policy responses. They also populate the international with a variety of actors and relations. Securitisation moves seen this way articulate and project abroad local conceptions of antagonistic international order(s), and make, if accepted as truthful, foreign policy-making contingent on the imageries thus created. The article develops this relational/positional rendering of the securitisation process and illustrates it with two empirical case studies, French national security controversies of the post-war era and West German security discussions during the Ostpolitik years. The case studies show how contending articulations of national insecurity helped produce different antagonistic systematisations of the international, and how this latter feature helps explain the foreign policy behaviour of either country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyse du champ de la sécurité en Suisse : vers une hypertrophie de la sécurité intérieure et autres réflexions méthodologiques (Cultures & Conflits)

Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de s... more Cet article présente les résultats d’une recherche qui analyse les dynamiques contemporaines de sécurité en Suisse. Il détaille les différentes étapes mises en œuvre pour construire le champ de la sécurité en Suisse. L’analyse des prises de positions des acteurs de la sécurité, par l’analyse des menaces gérées par ces acteurs, valide la thèse de la globalisation de l’(in)sécurité dont la spécificité est l’établissement d’une sorte de continuum entre des menaces qui relèvent des champs de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure, consacrant ainsi la dé-différenciation entre les acteurs de la sécurité intérieure et extérieure, avec notamment une convergence vers les questions migratoires et la lutte contre le terrorisme. L’espace des positions du champ de la sécurité suisse est construit à partir des différents types de capitaux possédés par les individus (capital social, capital culturel, capital technologique et capital international) et permet de dégager la dimension transnationale des luttes qui structurent ce champ. L’analyse tire parti de la complémentarité des méthodes statistiques utilisées, à savoir l’analyse des correspondances multiples, l’analyse en composantes principales et l’analyse de réseau, qui sont parfaitement adaptées à une perspective relationnelle et à la construction d’espaces sociaux ou de champs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Teaching (as) statist practice: Diplomatic schools as sites of international education (International Studies Review)

Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘internationa... more Diplomatic schools are instructive cases of how the production and dissemination of ‘international knowledge’ is conditioned by institutional factors. With their vocational focus, diplomatic academies are first and foremost sites for educating the praxis of state-behaviour. This orientation notwithstanding, the academies should not be dissociated from disciplinary IR. Already, diplomatic academies are closer to practical world politics, and thus to the central research object of IR – a point that itself warrants close(r) engagement with the diplomatic field and its professional reproduction. What is more, the barriers between diplomatic and academic training have become more porous recently, and both fields are marked by similar processes at their overarching institutional level, i.e., elements such as evolving mandates, the internationalisation of contents and design, and a general commercialisation of activities. With a view to exposing a different site of international education and to generating further insights on the institutional sociology of IR, this contribution considers diplomatic schools as interesting hybrid sites of international education.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sites of knowledge (re-)production: Towards an institutional sociology of International Relations scholarship (International Studies Review)

In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to as... more In his 1998 article The Sociology of a Not So International Discipline, Ole Wæver suggested to assess the development and organization of the International Relations (IR) discipline through a three-tier comparative sociological research framework. It is by looking at the intellectual, institutional and political layer of IR, so he argued, that one can fully understand the specificities of IR as a complex social field of work, as well as the particular forms of knowledge that are developed in this field. In the years following its publication, Wæver’s article was joined and followed-up by a growing and increasingly sophisticated body of literature studying IR scholarship. Yet, a thorough reading of this literature shows that the emerging sociology of IR has come to focus strongly on only two of Wæver’s three analytical layers: It is the intellectual and political layers of IR that garnered significant attention thus far, whereas work about the field’s institutional layer remains surprisingly scarce. This forum addresses this gap by means of promoting a dedicated engagement with the field’s institutional determinants: How is the institutional layer of IR organised in different places? How is the discipline embedded in distinct sites? And how is it governed by material and immaterial institutional constraints? To answer these questions, the forum’s six individual contributions focus on conventional university departments and hybrid sites of international relations alike. In doing so, the forum’s ambitions are both to highlight the empirical diversity of sites and settings where specialised knowledge about international relations is produced, shaped and re-instantiated, and to illustrate how a focus on the institutional layer of IR can become an important vector

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond the published discipline: Toward a critical pedagogy of international studies (European Journal of International Relations)

The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization ... more The growing sociology of IR literature systematically investigates the discipline’s organization and inner structuring. Making the academic field cognizant of its own institutional and intellectual configurations, the literature today empowers scholars to engage critically with the analytical, geocultural, and political lenses through which IR explains world politics. This contribution notwithstanding, there is a continuing focus in the literature on leading (flagship) publications as indicators of intellectual proclivities, and on IR scholars as their only relevant audiences. This article challenges this focus and expands the sociology of IR literature’s scope of analysis. Making the case for an inquiry into classroom socialization practices, it maps the paradigmatic, geocultural, gendered, and historical perspectives taught to students in the case of 23 American and European IR graduate programs. Pointing to differences between the instructed and the published discipline, the article shows how the instructed discipline is governed and constrained by different kinds of intellectual parochialisms. Problematizing the educative functions of these, it advocates a more self-reflexive understanding of IR teaching (a domain in which scholars have greater agency), and the enactment of a critical pedagogy of international studies.

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Research paper thumbnail of Representations of terrorism and the making of counterterrorism policy (Critical Studies on Terrorism)

Reflexive approaches not only maintain that representations of danger are socially constructed, b... more Reflexive approaches not only maintain that representations of danger are socially constructed, but also that they relate with political behaviour. Representations of terrorism, for instance, are argued to constitute that danger in distinct ways and thus to make certain counterterror policies possible. This article challenges this popular association of reflexive security studies with constitutive effects. It argues that constitutive argumentation advances an insufficiently tangible argument of effect, and that this conceptual weakness derives from both a problematic foundational social theory and a premature rejection of causation. Drawing on the social theory of Margaret Archer and Roy Bhaskar and a differentiated notion of causation, the article advances a ‘dialectical causal’ framework for the analysis of representations of danger instead. Applying it to contemporary Swiss terrorism politics, the article shows how this framework improves on constitutive argumentation in disentangling the political powers involved in the production and enactment of representations of danger.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring resilience: methodological and political challenges of a trend security concept (Journal of Risk Research)

w/ Tim Prior

Modern societies are characterised by global connectedness and complexity. At the same time socie... more Modern societies are characterised by global connectedness and complexity. At the same time society, and the various infrastructures that connect and define it, are understood to be increasingly threatened by unpredictable and uncertain (or unknown) global risks. With this, the conceptualisation and development of resilience has become a dominant, yet enigmatic preoccupation: Dominant because it is seen as a fundamental component of devolved proactive approaches to mitigating complex threats whatever their nature; enigmatic because its practical application is as diverse as its definitions. Today, however, a significant challenge still lies in the accurate characterisation and quantification of resilience, and thus also the ability to provide a systematic basis for policy-making in threat mitigation. This article examines the methodological challenges of operationalising resilience. It draws on several cases that detail ways of measuring resilience, reflecting on the development, benefits and limitations of these, and highlighting important considerations pertinent in the construction of resilience indices. Doing so, however, the article also maintains that resilience should not be reduced to a methodological problem only, given that its methodological operationalisation also connects with analytical ideas of what and whose kind of responsibility should be measured, and political conceptions of who assumes what kind of task and responsibility in a resilience framework.

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Staat weiß es am besten? Die Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik als verwaltungszentriertes Politikfeld (Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik)

Basierend auf einer Befragung amtierender PolitikerInnen erfasst dieser Beitrag die sicherheitspo... more Basierend auf einer Befragung amtierender PolitikerInnen erfasst dieser Beitrag die sicherheitspolitischen Wissensaustauschpraktiken der Schweiz. Er zeigt, dass der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich zwar kein geschlossenes Wissenstransfersystem darstellt, aber dennoch von verwaltungsorientierten, nationalen und geschlossenen Transfermechanismen dominiert wird. Als erste empirische Auslegeordnung des Wissenstransfers im Sicherheitsbereich arbeitet der Beitrag der vergleichenden Untersuchung nationaler Sicherheitskulturen zu und hinterfragt, wessen Wissen wie in der Sicherheitspolitik Gehör findet.

This article addresses knowledge transfer practices in Swiss national security affairs. Drawing on survey work, it shows that Swiss security politics do not form a closed knowledge exchange system, but that they are dominated by administration-centric, national and closed-door knowledge transfers nonetheless. As a first empirical mapping of actual knowledge exchange practices in national security affairs, the article enables comparative analyses of national security cultures while at the same time questioning whose positions are being heard in security affairs and how.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fukushima: Probing the analytical and epistemological limits of risk analysis (Journal of Risk Research)

The Fukushima catastrophe tragically epitomizes the limitations of dealing with natural and techn... more The Fukushima catastrophe tragically epitomizes the limitations of dealing with natural and technical hazards. Remarkably yet, authorities’ review of the catastrophe continue to be limited to mistakes and responsibilities of practical risk management. Although state regulations are questioned, technical protection measures verified, and disaster management processes optimized, no deeper discussion about the actual analytical limits of risk analysis has been engaged thus far. What can risk analyses address and what remains beyond their scope? How trustworthy can risk analyses be, and what kind of statements about the future can they actually formulate? This article examines these broader analytical and epistemological boundaries of risk analysis. Drawing on cases of international nuclear risk management, it tests and problematises how the definition of risk, the methodology of their registration, and the interpretation of results are reaching their limitations in contemporary risk analysis. Following this critical discussion of risk analysis, the article draws conclusions concerning the usefulness and necessity of a differentiated and informed discourse on the potential and the limitations of the risk analysis method, an approach which today enjoys increasing popularity in a variety of policy sectors ranging from critical infrastructure protection to national and international security.

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Research paper thumbnail of National risk registers: Security scientism and the propagation of permanent insecurity

Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from na... more Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly popular Western security practice. This article focuses on these registers and the analytical power politics in which they are complicit. We argue, first, that positing science as an objective determinant of security truth, national risk registers advance a modernist understanding of how knowledge of national dangers can be arrived at, discounting both sovereign and popular authorities; second, that by operationalizing a traditional risk-assessment formula, risk registers make possible seemingly apolitical decisions in security matters, taken on the basis of cost–benefit thinking; and, third, that risk registers’ focus on risk ‘themes’ tiptoes around the definition of referent objects, avoiding overt decisions about the beneficiaries of particular security decisions. Taking all these factors into account, we find that risk registers ‘depoliticize’ national security debates while transforming national insecurity into something permanent and inevitable.

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Research paper thumbnail of National risk registers: Security scientism and the propagation of permanent insecurity (Security Dialogue)

Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from na... more Aiming at the measurement, comparison and ranking of all kinds of public dangers, ranging from natural hazards to industrial risks and political perils, the preparation of national risk registers stands out as a novel and increasingly popular Western security practice. This article focuses on these registers and the analytical power politics in which they are complicit. We argue, first, that positing science as an objective determinant of security truth, national risk registers advance a modernist understanding of how knowledge of national dangers can be arrived at, discounting both sovereign and popular authorities; second, that by operationalizing a traditional risk-assessment formula, risk registers make possible seemingly apolitical decisions in security matters, taken on the basis of cost–benefit thinking; and, third, that risk registers’ focus on risk ‘themes’ tiptoes around the definition of referent objects, avoiding overt decisions about the beneficiaries of particular security decisions. Taking all these factors into account, we find that risk registers ‘depoliticize’ national security debates while transforming national insecurity into something permanent and inevitable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond Exceptionalism? New Security Conceptions in Contemporary Switzerland (Contemporary Security Policy)

Switzerland's traditional, military-centred and isolationist Cold War policies began to be veheme... more Switzerland's traditional, military-centred and isolationist Cold War policies began to be vehemently contested in the 1990s. However, since the early 2000s, debates on security policy and foreign affairs have gradually lost public salience, and recent popular votes suggest increasingly consistent support both for a broader conception of national security and a more internationalist interpretation of neutrality. Have Switzerland's traditional policy frameworks thus been overcome? Investigating elite positions, this article argues that indeed, conventional disputes between military and civilian understandings of security have been transcended recently, as Swiss policy-makers settled for a remarkably broad and non-traditional conception of national security. At the same time, the article also argues, the perception of increasingly global security challenges has started to provide powerful rationales against traditional Swiss isolationism. By showing the processes through which Swiss security conceptions have been reformulated into a new dominant elite agreement, the article points out how Switzerland has slowly come to embrace security in European terms – not least also thanks to its new focus on non-traditional security agendas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Historicizing security analysis: the utility of looking beyond the current (Contemporanea/Italian Contemporary History Review)

Contemporary security practices rarely represent new inventions – albeit change is important to i... more Contemporary security practices rarely represent new inventions – albeit change is important to it, the security politics of today often has a very long lineage. It adapts, reworks and sometimes just rehashes old ideas and practices of policing, and is embedded in deeply entrenched, historically grown and power-laden frameworks of collective, national, local or international sense-and decision-making. This contribution to Contemporanea's Special Section on the "History of Transnational Security Management in Europe" argues that is important and useful for critical security studies to enter into a more systematic kind of dialogue with history. If, in turn, historians are willing to help in this effort and engage themselves more closely with the analytical frameworks and discussions of security scholars, then productive new academic encounters ensue.

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Research paper thumbnail of La sécurité suisse: entre neutralité et impératif de coopération (Questions Internationales)

Depuis la naissance de la Suisse moderne en 1848, sécurité a constamment rimé avec neutralité. De... more Depuis la naissance de la Suisse moderne en 1848, sécurité a constamment rimé avec neutralité. De nos jours, cette dernière reste encore perçue par une large majorité de Suisses comme une garantie de protection face aux tumultes du monde. Cependant, dans la pratique, cette singularité est remise en question. Dans un monde interdépendant, l’impératif de coopération, indispensable pour gérer les menaces avant tout globales et transnationales, s’accompagne d’une discrète mais profonde transformation du paysage sécuritaire d’un pays situé au cœur de l’Europe.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reclaim the fences: Rethinking Barranquilla's security architecture (Avenues in the Tropics)

Markets in the Tropics

In many European and North American cities, reclaiming the street has become an important agenda.... more In many European and North American cities, reclaiming the street has become an important agenda. By re-appropriating sealed terrain from motorised mobility, so the idea, public space is reinvigorated and widened – even if only temporarily. When visiting Barranquilla this spring for the inauguration of Universidad del Norte’s Institute of Urban Studies, it struck me that an even more important architectural element to re-conquer is found in the vertical dimension. Certainly, roads are also to be re-appropriated in Barranquilla – and they most effectively are during Carnival season. Another prominent form of separation I observed throughout the centre, however, is posed by the innumerable gates and fences that shoot skywards in front of seemingly each and every building, and which impose physical barriers to shops and homes, even to gardens.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing, engaging, and enacting worlds: Tensions in feminist method/ologies (International Feminist Journal of Politics)

Our methods, methodologies, and ways of producing and communicating knowledge not only orient the... more Our methods, methodologies, and ways of producing and communicating knowledge not only orient the questions we ask and the knowledges we pursue, but they also direct the effects and purposes of our work. Methods enact our worlds. While many feminist International Relations scholars would agree with this, there are considerable differences in the method/ologies we use, the ways in which we communicate, and what we understand method/ology to mean. These differences were at the heart of the Fifth Annual Critical Voices in Swiss IR Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, titled ‘Feminism, Difference, and Beyond’ and organized by a group of scholars known as the Swiss International Relations Collective (SWIRCO). The conference included keynote addresses by Wendy Harcourt, L.H.M. Ling, and Marysia Zalewski. The conversation here represents further engagement with a number of issues that emerged at the conference as a result of these keynotes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sicherheitspolitische Konzeptionen und Projektionen nationaler Experten (Military Power Revue)

Was sind die sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen für die Schweiz von heute? Anhand von Umfra... more Was sind die sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen für die Schweiz von heute? Anhand von Umfrageresultaten zeigt der hier vorliegende Beitrag, wie verschiedene nationale Expertengruppierungen den aktuellen Sicherheitskontext unterschiedlich charakterisieren und welche Schlussfolgerungen sie daraus für die Aussenpolitik ziehen. Gleichfalls zeigt er auf, dass sicherheitspolitische Vorstellungen einzelner Experten von der Kompetenzgemeinschaft unterschiedlich gewertet werden. Damit wird die Integration unterschiedlicher Meinungsbilder und die Zusammenführung verschieden "kompetenter" Akteure zu anspruchsvollen Herausforderungen des sicherheitspolitischen Gestaltungsprozesses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Was sind die aktuellen sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen? Eine empirische Verortung der Expertenansichten (Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift)

Aktuelle Streitgespräche über die Konzeption einer «angemessenen» Sicherheitspolitik fussen gener... more Aktuelle Streitgespräche über die Konzeption einer «angemessenen» Sicherheitspolitik fussen generell auf divergierenden und meist sehr individuellen Bedrohungsbildern. Wie die Ansichten der führenden Experten der schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik aussehen, zeigen die hier zusammengefassten Resultate einer ersten landesweiten Expertenbefragung.

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Research paper thumbnail of Security as a field of force: the case of Switzerland in the mid-2010s (Bringing Bourdieu's Theory of Fields to Critical Policy Analysis, Edward Elgar)

National security policy defies easy analysis. State action in the security domain is extraordina... more National security policy defies easy analysis. State action in the security domain is extraordinarily diverse and wide-ranging, stretching from defense and diplomacy to civil protection, public order and social security. As a result, conventional differentiations - such as between internal and external security, police and military, or public and private security production – became outdated and do not provide sufficient analytical to understand how the national security is configured and evolving. Bourdieu’s field theory is one useful way to better capture the complexity of the national security domain. In its view, the numerous specialists active in the domain form a larger professional space, whose inner workings are co-determined by positions, knowledges, individual skills and professional practices that may themselves be competing with one another. The chapter sets out this understanding and offers a deep empirical account of the Swiss national security field’s (re-)configuration in the 2010s. It shows what actors worked on what kind of security challenge(s) and in collaboration with whom, and it charts the forms of ‘capital’ (education, professional experiences, military ranks etc.) on which these practices were drawing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Mapping urban security practices (Research Methods in Critical Security Studies, Routledge)

What is a city and how do we recognize and assess security dispositives in public spaces? This ch... more What is a city and how do we recognize and assess security dispositives in public spaces? This chapter draws on my research program and fieldwork in Switzerland, Morocco, Nepal and Uruguay. It presents ways of systematizing urban space, and discusses how research on human, digital, physical and conceptual urban control elements can be operationalized: How can we create case studies representative of an entire city? What role do interviews play and whom should we talk to to collect data? Can we retrace practices across longer periods of time? And then - how to compare findings across radically different cities/polities? Urban security practices are extraordinarily rich, deterritorialised and interdisciplinary. A critical approach to data collection and analysis allows recognizing this - and it helps to avoid reproducing simplistic and universalizing accounts of security.

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Research paper thumbnail of La politique de sécurité comme produit du rapport de forces au sein du champ: Le cas de la Suisse au milieu des années 2010 (Les structures sociales de l’ action publique: Analyser les politiques publiques avec la sociologie des champs, Editions du Croquant)

La sécurité est un objet de recherche protéiforme et mouvant par excellence, pour preuve l’incont... more La sécurité est un objet de recherche protéiforme et mouvant par excellence, pour preuve l’incontournable entrée en matière l’évoquant en général comme un concept essentiellement contesté. Ainsi, aborder la question de l’ action de l’État en matière de sécurité renvoie à des univers sociaux et des pratiques extrêmement diverses. En mobilisant le concept de champ, ce chapitre propose de penser de manière relationnelle la production des savoirs sur l’(in)sécurité comme émanant d’un espace social autonome et dynamique généré par des agents pouvant être définis comme des professionnels de la gestion de la menace et des inquiétudes. Issue d’un projet de recherche financé par le Fonds national suisse de la recherche scientifique, la contribution a le double objectif de mobiliser la littérature existante sur le champ de la sécurité afin d’analyser les dynamiques contemporaines de sécurité en Suisse et de proposer des solutions pratiques pour tout chercheur souhaitant mener une analyse systématique de la sorte.

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Research paper thumbnail of Making Switzerland Secure, Making Security Swiss (How To Secure A Country, Lars Müller Publishers)

What does it take to safeguard a country like Switzerland? Is it a high-tech army capable of dete... more What does it take to safeguard a country like Switzerland? Is it a high-tech army capable of deterring a potential external aggressor on land, in air, and in cyberspace? Is it a proficient border screening system whose agents, databases, and sensors form an integrated whole to effectively spot and sort out who is to be allowed in and who isn’t? Or is it an informed and rule-based internal policing system, intelligence service, and judiciary that prevent and repress wrongdoing, keeping everyday life peaceful and nonviolent? On the outside, the security domain exudes certainty - but seen from the inside, national security systems are considerably less certain than they appear.

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Research paper thumbnail of Technologies of violence: A conversation with Keith Krause (Technologies of International Relations)

In this written transcript of a conversation with Keith Krause, Professor at the Graduate Institu... more In this written transcript of a conversation with Keith Krause, Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva, Switzerland, Director of its Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP), and – until 2016 – Programme Director of the Small Arms Survey, central aspects of the contemporary use and study of technologies of violence are highlighted. The ways in which technology informed Keith's research and how it altered the character of international violence are addressed, before the conversation moved to how technology affects patterns of knowledge creation and dissemination in the IR discipline more generally.

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Research paper thumbnail of Counter-mapping the discipline: The archipelago of Western International Relations teaching (SAGE Handbook of the History, Philosophy and Sociology of International Relations)

Reflexive investigations into the International Relations (IR) discipline proliferate, and empowe... more Reflexive investigations into the International Relations (IR) discipline proliferate, and empower scholars to ever more critically engage the analytical, geo-cultural, and political lenses through which world politics is explained. Yet, publishing in flagship journals continues to serve as the most popular indicator of the field’s trajectory and configuration in the emergent literature. This chapter challenges this focus. It argues that the preferred metric normalises implicit understanding of IR’s stakes and structures, and that an alternative cartography of IR can help directs attention to further scholarly goals and practices. To make this point, the chapter looks at the ‘instructed discipline’. Based on a comprehensive review of mandatory readings in core IR courses, it maps the paradigmatic, geo-cultural, gendered, and historical perspectives taught in American and European graduate programs. The chapter shows what kind of intellectual parochialism prevails at which of the selected 23 Western IR departments, and concludes with a call for a more critical pedagogy of international affairs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik in der Praxis: Eine empirische Momentaufnahme (Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik)

Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeit... more Wie hat sich der Schweizer Sicherheitsbereich seit Ende des Kalten Krieges entwickelt? Wer arbeitet heute mit wem zu welchen Gefahren? Basierend auf einer umfassenden und einzigartigen Datenerhebung kartiert dieser Beitrag die Entwicklung des gesamtschweizerischen Sicherheitsbereichs. Die Darstellung der praktischen Arbeitsteilungen, inneren und äusseren Kooperationen, beruflichen Profile und Werdegänge schafft einen analytisch differenzierten und empirisch fundierten Beitrag zu anhaltenden Diskussionen über die landesweite sicherheitspolitische Steuerung.

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Research paper thumbnail of Vom Landjäger zum modernen Ordnungshüter: Die Polizeiausbildung in der Schweiz (Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik)

Die Aus- und Weiterbildung der Polizei hat sich in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren stark gewandelt. B... more Die Aus- und Weiterbildung der Polizei hat sich in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren stark gewandelt. Bildungsstätten wurden fusioniert oder neu geschaffen. Ein nationaler Rahmenlehrplan wurde erstellt und der Berufsabschluss «Polizistin/Polizist» erstmals eidgenössisch anerkannt. Gleichzeitig wurden die Lehrinhalte auf das Erlangen umfassender, spezialisierter Handlungskompetenzen für einen zunehmend komplexen und vernetzten Arbeitsbereich ausgerichtet. Dieses Kapitel zeichnet die Geschichte und die jüngsten Entwicklungen der Schweizer Polizeiausbildung nach. Es zeigt auf, dass trotz Harmonisierung und Professionalisierung regionale Unterschiede und bildungspolitische Herausforderungen fortbestehen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sicherheit im öffentlichen Raum: Begegnungsorte im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kontrolle, Freiheit und Demokratie (Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik)

Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, 2013

In öffentlichen Räumen treffen immer zahlreichere und unterschiedlichere Personen, Aktivitäten un... more In öffentlichen Räumen treffen immer zahlreichere und unterschiedlichere Personen, Aktivitäten und Interessen aufeinander, und spiegeln sich dank neuer Kommunikations- und Transportmittel gesellschaftliche und internationale Entwicklungen zunehmend unvermittelt. Damit wird die sicherheitspolitische Handhabung öffentlicher Räume anspruchsvoller. Mit Verweisen auf Fallstudien in Bern, Basel und Zürich beschreibt der vorliegende Beitrag die Entwicklung der sicherheitspolitischen Handhabung öffentlicher Räume in der Schweiz. Er verortet praktische Herausforderungen der geschaffenen Sicherheitsinstrumentarien und diskutiert, wie sie im Spannungsfeld mit höheren gesellschaftspolitischen Idealen bestehen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik zwischen Politik und Expertise (Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik)

Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, 2012

Wie und bei wem informieren sich Schweizer Politiker über sicherheitspolitische Belange? Wie und ... more Wie und bei wem informieren sich Schweizer Politiker über sicherheitspolitische Belange? Wie und wo wird Fachwissen in den Politikbereich eingebracht? Basierend auf Fragebogendaten umschreibt und analysiert der vorliegende Beitrag aktuelle Praktiken der Wissensbeschaffung und Wissensbereitstellung im Bereich der Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik systematisch. Er zeigt dabei, dass Schweizer Sicherheitspolitiker sich einer Vielzahl von Informationsquellen bedienen, geschlossene Austauschkanäle jedoch klar bevorzugen und akademische, private und internationale Quellen vernachlässigen. Gleichzeitig beschreibt der Beitrag auch, wie die Bundesverwaltung eine zentrale Drehscheibenfunktion in der Bereitstellung und Vermittlung sicherheitspolitischen Wissens einnimmt. Mit seiner Auslegung des Wissenstransfers im Bereich der nationalen Sicherheit der Schweiz liefert der Beitrag eine empirische Grundlage, um das Zusammenspiel von Experten und Politikern zu diskutieren.

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Research paper thumbnail of Resilienz: Methodische und politische Herausforderungen eines sicherheitspolitischen Trendkonzepts (Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik)

Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, 2012

Die westliche Staatenwelt basiert heute auf einer grossen Zahl komplexer Dienstleistungssysteme. ... more Die westliche Staatenwelt basiert heute auf einer grossen Zahl komplexer Dienstleistungssysteme. Um diese vor möglichen Störungen zu schützen, wird heute unter der Leitmaxime der «Resilienz» versucht, die innere Widerstandsfähigkeit solcher Systeme auszubauen und zu erhöhen. Der Versuch, Gesellschaften und Infrastrukturen resilienter zu gestalten, sieht sich heute aber vor methodische Herausforderungen gestellt. So ist der Resilienzansatz zwar politisch populär, doch sind Methoden zur tatsächlichen Messung und Erfassung von Resilienz wissenschaftlich noch wenig konsolidiert. Der Beitrag diskutiert diese methodischen Herausforderungen und stellt erste Modelle der Resilienzerfassung vor. Er zeigt, dass methodische Klärungen unumgänglich sind, um das sicherheitspolitische Trendkonzept in eine tatsächliche praktische Resilienzpolitik zu überführen. Weiter argumentiert der Artikel, dass die Entwicklung einer Resilienzpolitik zwingend mit einer kritischen Debatte über die Rollen und Verantwortungen aller gesellschaftlichen Akteure einhergehen muss.

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Research paper thumbnail of Versorgungspolitik und -sicherheit im Kontext globaler Risiken und Interessen (Bulletin zur Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik)

Bulletin zur schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik, 2011

Moderne Industriestaaten sind auf den ungestörten Zugang zu globalen Ressourcen, leistungsfähigen... more Moderne Industriestaaten sind auf den ungestörten Zugang zu globalen Ressourcen, leistungsfähigen Infrastrukturen und sicheren Handelswegen angewiesen. Aufgabe des Staates ist es daher, im Verbund mit der Privatwirtschaft schweren Störungen der wirtschaftlichen Landesversorgung vorzubeugen. Die Fokussierung der Sicherheitspolitik auf transnationale und schwer erfassbare Risiken, die globale Interessenlage der Schweiz, aber auch dynamisierte wirtschaftliche Liefer- und Produktionsansätze erfordern heute eine Neuausrichtung der Schweizer Versorgungspolitik. Der Beitrag zeigt, wie der Paradigmenwechsel weg von der Sicherheits- hin zu der Risikologik die Landesversorgung zunehmend von reaktiven Interventionen weg- und zu präventiven Ansätzen hinbewegt. Institutionell verweisen die politischen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen auf die Notwendigkeit, die Landesversorgung stärker an der Schnittstelle zwischen Wirtschaftspolitik, Aussenpolitik und Sicherheitspolitik einzubetten.

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Research paper thumbnail of International Organisations and the Governance of Private Security (Private Actors and Security Governance)

'Private Actors and Security Governance', Alan Bryden and Marina Caparini (eds.), Münster: LIT Verlag, 2006

The international regulation of non-state security providers centres around two debates. On the o... more The international regulation of non-state security providers centres around two debates. On the one hand, there is the discussion whether such security providers allow for an effective provision of security. Drawing strongly on the idea of global governance, the main thrust of the argument is that decentralised regulation and provision of security provides superior effectiveness to centralised, government-sponsored approaches. This debate highlights that the security sector has been transformed into a non-centralised collective of security providers comprising a multitude of different actors with non-hierarchical relationships in many regions of the world. On the other hand, there is an on-going debate about the means by which such non-state security providers can or should be held accountable to international humanitarian law (IHL) and international human rights law (HRL) in particular. With their traditional focus on states, these legal frameworks often fail to address non-state actors. Both of these discussions accept the notion of security governance. Yet in so doing, they fail to address the important issue of democratic control and oversight.

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Research paper thumbnail of La police prend enfin sa place dans la recherche scientifique en Suisse (DeFacto)

La police suisse est fortement marquée par la pratique. Tout de même, une collaboration plus étro... more La police suisse est fortement marquée par la pratique. Tout de même, une collaboration plus étroite entre la police et la science se développe aujourd'hui. Un recensement systématique des publications scientifiques met en lumière le développement de cette recherche policière naissante. Quelles sont les disciplines qui participent à la recherche policière ? Avec quelles méthodes la recherche est-elle menée ? Et comment la qualité de ces dernières est-elle assurée ? On constate que les contributions en sciences sociales sont actuellement peu nombreuses.

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Research paper thumbnail of How the police and academia are discovering each other in Switzerland (DeFacto)

Swiss police work is strongly geared to practical knowledge, yet collaborations with academia are... more Swiss police work is strongly geared to practical knowledge, yet collaborations with academia are finally becoming more frequent. A new monitoring of scientific publications tracks the contours of this emergent subfield of Swiss police research. What academic disciplines contribute to it, and what research methods and types of quality control are employed? First results point to a surprisingly modest presence of social science research focussing on police in Switzerland.

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Research paper thumbnail of Wie sich Polizei und Wissenschaft nun auch in der Schweiz besser entdecken (DeFacto)

DeFacto, 2023

Das heute praxisgeprägte Polizeiwesen der Schweiz erfährt einen Wandel durch zunehmende Zusammena... more Das heute praxisgeprägte Polizeiwesen der Schweiz erfährt einen Wandel durch zunehmende Zusammenarbeit von Praxis und Wissenschaft. Eine systematische Erhebung der wissenschaftlichen Publikationen beleuchtet die Entwicklung der aufkommenden Polizeiforschung. Welche Disziplinen beteiligen sich an der Polizeiforschung, mit welchen Methoden wird geforscht und wie wird die Qualität sichergestellt? Auffallend ist die derzeit geringe Präsenz an sozialwissenschaftlichen Beiträgen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Les « Schengen Boys » et le nouvel ordre sécuritaire (DeFacto)

Le fonctionnement de la sécurité nationale est calqué sur le modèle européen. C’est ce que démont... more Le fonctionnement de la sécurité nationale est calqué sur le modèle européen. C’est ce que démontre une étude qui plonge pour la première fois au cœur de cet univers traditionnellement secret.

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Bevölkerungsschutz im Sicherheitssystem Schweiz: Trotz zentralem Leistungsmandat begrenzt vernetzt (AlertSwiss)

Das Aufgabenfeld der professionellen Sicherheitsarbeit wandelt sich kontinuierlich. Doch wohin fü... more Das Aufgabenfeld der professionellen Sicherheitsarbeit wandelt sich kontinuierlich. Doch wohin führen diese Entwicklungen genau und wie situieren sich einzelne Akteure im Gesamtsystem? Eine mehrjährige Untersuchung von Forschenden der ETH Zürich und Universität Genf zeigt, dass der Bereich Bevölkerungsschutz trotz zentralem Leistungsmandat unterdurchschnittlich vernetzt ist.

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Research paper thumbnail of Does everyone need a national IR school? Engaging the sociology of IR's most recent appropriation (BISA@40)

At the ISA Annual Convention in New Orleans I heard numerous scholars draw on the sociology of IR... more At the ISA Annual Convention in New Orleans I heard numerous scholars draw on the sociology of IR literature's insights in order to call for the creation of 'national IR schools', i.e. new and exclusively locally defined approaches to international analysis. An Indian school of IR ranked prominently among the candidates, but so did a Chinese school of IR, an Anatolian and a Brazilian one, and further propositions made at the panels and roundtables I attended centred on Eastern Europe. Hearing these calls, I wondered: Is the institutionalisation of national IR disciplines really what the sociology of IR research agenda seeks to achieve?

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Research paper thumbnail of Beyond Babylon? Teaching international politics in the 21st century (E-IR)

E-International Relations

"The voice of the Third World,” Jean-Paul Sartre famously rejoiced in his preface to Frantz Fanon... more "The voice of the Third World,” Jean-Paul Sartre famously rejoiced in his preface to Frantz Fanon’s 1961 book The Wretched of the Earth, “has finally been articulated and can no longer be ignored.” Back in the 1960s and 1970s, progressive North American and European universities had indeed started to address international affairs from more diverse vantage points. This process was not uniform across academia. But at least some scholars made efforts to understand the politics and societal dynamics of other nations from the inside out, as opposed to assessing and explaining them through projections from afar. Fifty years after the works of Sartre and Fanon, one might expect academic diagnoses of international affairs to have become ever more differentiated and comprehensive. After all, scholars such as Edward Saïd or Dipesh Chakrabarty popularised the call for perspectivist approaches. Considerable time has passed since these thinkers’ statements, giving their arguments ample opportunity to sink in. Yet, the discipline of International Relations (IR) shows surprisingly little signs of such a globalist development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hybride Forschung mit, für und über Polizei: Ein Blick in die Arbeit der Abteilung Polizeiwissenschaften

Das Polizeiwesen ist stark gefordert und steckt inmitten grosser Umbrüche. Die Abteilung Polizeiw... more Das Polizeiwesen ist stark gefordert und steckt inmitten grosser Umbrüche. Die Abteilung Polizeiwissenschaften hilft der Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt, diese mit mehr Fachwissen, methodisch robusten und konzeptionell klaren Wissensprodukten besser zu meistern. Dazu verfolgt sie einen einzigartigen Arbeitsansatz.

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmark «Prävention»: Die organisatorische, thematische und personelle Zukunft des polizeilichen Präventionswesens

Die Polizeiorganisationen übernehmen seit vielen Jahren Aufgaben der Prävention, etwa im Bereich ... more Die Polizeiorganisationen übernehmen seit vielen Jahren Aufgaben der Prävention, etwa im Bereich der Jugendkriminalität, der Verkehrs- und Kriminalprävention. Der Grundgedanke des Ansatzes ist es, mittels Sensibilisierungs- und Aufklärungsarbeit der Entstehung problematischer und strafrechtlich relevanter Vorfälle vorzubeugen. Verschiedene Studien schreiben der Präventionsarbeit signifikante Erfolge zu und die resultierenden Gewinne übersteigen die Kosten der Präventionsarbeit. Wie die Präventionsarbeit heute und zukünftig geleistet werden soll, ist jedoch Gegenstand anhaltender Diskussionen. Wie soll sie institutionell organisiert sein? Auf welche Themen soll sie sich künftig fokussieren? Und durch welche polizeilichen oder zivilen Mitarbeitenden soll sie umgesetzt werden?

Der vorliegende Benchmark nimmt sich dieser Fragen an. Basierend auf Angaben von 23 Schweizer Polizeikorps legt er dar, wie die polizeiliche Präventionsarbeit organisiert ist und sich gemäss Expertenmeinungen entwickeln wird. Dabei zeigt sich erstens, dass das polizeiliche Präventionswesen in der Schweiz mehrheitlich in eigenen Organisationseinheiten organisiert ist. Zweitens zeigt sich, dass die Polizeikorps erwarten, dass die Themenbereiche der digitalen Kriminalität, Verkehrsprävention sowie die präventive Arbeit mit und in den Sozialen Medien mittelfristig prägend sind für die polizeiliche Präventionsarbeit. Bei der Weiterentwicklung des Organigramms und der Rekrutierung differieren die Meinungen der Polizeikorps. Eine mögliche Erklärung dieser Differenz liegt im unterschiedlichen Grad der Urbanisierung des Kantons oder der Stadt, zu welchem das jeweilige Polizeikorps gehört.

Weiter zeigt der Benchmark, wie sich die Präventionsarbeit bei anderen europäischen Polizeiorganisationen organisatorisch, thematisch und personell entwickelt. Die punktuellen Blicke über die Landesgrenze erlauben es, die Schweizer Ansätze der polizeilichen Präventionsarbeit in einem breiteren Kontext einzuordnen und zu diskutieren.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Basler Polizeiwissenschaften: Wissenschaft für, mit und über die urbane Polizeiarbeit

Das Polizeiwesen steht inmitten grosser Umbrüche. Kriminalitätsphänomene entwickeln sich, das ges... more Das Polizeiwesen steht inmitten grosser Umbrüche. Kriminalitätsphänomene entwickeln sich, das gesellschaftliche Zusammenleben wird konfliktträchtiger, die Schutzbedürfnisse und Anspruchshaltungen der Bevölkerung werden diverser. Innerhalb der Polizei werden neue Einsatztechnologien und Datensysteme eingeführt, Arbeitsmodelle weiterentwickelt und „zivile“ Mitarbeitende und Expertisen integriert. Diese Veränderungen fordern das Polizeiwesen. Um sie erfolgreich zu navigieren, muss die Polizei stärker als wissensbasierte und wissensorientierte Organisation positioniert werden. Die polizeiwissenschaftliche Abteilung der Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt ist eine Reaktion auf diesen Bedarf. Sie fokussiert auf die urbane, transnationale und zukunftsorientierte Polizeiarbeit im Verbund und erstellt Wissensprodukte für, mit und über die Polizei.

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmark « Hate Crimes »: Enregistrement des potentiels crimes de haine auprès des corps de police en Suisse, en Allemagne et en France

Depuis l'automne 2022, la police cantonale de Bâle-Ville enregistre différentes formes de crimes ... more Depuis l'automne 2022, la police cantonale de Bâle-Ville enregistre différentes formes de crimes de haine - appelés ci-après crimes de haine potentiels - dans son système de rapport pour donner suite à un nouveau mandat politique. Ce benchmark a été établi afin de déterminer l'état de la saisie dans d'autres corps de police suisses - à savoir : est-ce que ceux-ci enregistrent également les délits de haine potentiels ? Et, si oui, comment ? L'enquête en ligne a été remplie par 25 corps de police en Suisse, ainsi que par des corps de police en Allemagne et en France. Les résultats montrent que parmi les 11 corps de police suisses qui, en plus de Bâle, enregistrent les délits de haine potentiels, il existe une relative uniformité en ce qui concerne les formes de délits enregistrés : la plupart des délits enregistrés sont ceux qui sont dirigés contre la religion, l'origine ethnique et/ou l'orientation sexuelle/l'identité de genre d'une personne. Les raisons pour lesquelles les autres corps de police n'enregistrent pas les délits de haine potentiels sont multiples, allant du manque de qualité des données à l'absence de pression politique, en passant par l'estimation qu'il n'y a pas d'incidents dans ce domaine. Cette pertinence thématique est d’ailleurs confirmée par la majorité des personnes interrogées.

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Research paper thumbnail of Benchmark «Hate Crimes»: Erfassung von potentiellen Hassdelikten durch Polizeikorps in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in Frankreich

Die Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt erfasst seit Herbst 2022 verschiedene Formen von «Hate Crimes» – i... more Die Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt erfasst seit Herbst 2022 verschiedene Formen von «Hate Crimes» – im Folgenden als potentielle Hassdelikte bezeichnet – in ihrem Rapportierungssystem. Auslöser war ein politischer Auftrag. Um zu eruieren, wie der Stand der Erfassung bei anderen Polizeikorps ist – ob diese potentielle Hassdelikte ebenfalls erfassen und falls ja, wie – wurde dieser Benchmark erstellt. Die Onlineumfrage wurde von total 25 Polizeikorps in der Schweiz ausgefüllt, sowie von Polizeikorps aus Deutschland und Frankreich. Die Resultate zeigen, dass unter den 11 Schweizer Polizeikorps, welche nebst Basel potentielle Hassdelikte erfassen, eine relative Einheitlichkeit besteht, was die Formen der erfassten Delikte betrifft: Erfasst werden mehrheitlich Vorfälle, welche sich gegen die Religion, ethnische Herkunft und/oder sexuelle Orientierung/Geschlechtsidentität einer Person richten. Die Gründe wiederum, weshalb die anderen Korps potentielle Hassdelikte nicht erfassen, sind vielfältig und reichen von mangelnder Datenqualität, dem nicht vorhandenen politische Druck bis hin zur Einschätzung, dass es in diesem Bereich keine Vorfälle gibt. Die thematische Relevanz wird von einer Mehrheit aller Befragten bestätigt.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measuring resilience: Benefits and limitations of resilience indices (Risk & Resilience Report)

This Focus Report provides a background to the measurement of resilience. Its first section intro... more This Focus Report provides a background to the measurement
of resilience. Its first section introduces the
topic and explores the reasons why resilience should
be measured. Looking at the utilities of a resilience
index, this report differentiates between the most
central awareness and policy-guidance functions
of such an instrument. The report’s second section
presents three different approaches to measure resilience.
In each case study, the report explores the development
and application, benefits and limitations
of the index at hand. The third section discusses the
pitfalls and potentials of resilience index-making at a
more general level. The concluding section highlights
the likely implications arising from this discussion for
the development of a resilience index in Switzerland.

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Research paper thumbnail of Risiko, Verwundbarkeit, Resilienz: Neue Gefahrenkonzepte in der internationalen Sicherheitsanalyse (Risk & Resilience Report)

Die heutigen sicherheitspolitischen Debatten und Untersuchungen werden zunehmend von neuen Gefahr... more Die heutigen sicherheitspolitischen Debatten und Untersuchungen werden zunehmend von neuen Gefahrenkonzepten geprägt. Während Begrifflichkeiten wie Sicherheit und Bedrohung früher als dominante Leitideen galten, so werden Gefährdungen heute vermehrt anhand der neuen Konzepte Risiko, Verwundbarkeit und Resilienz untersucht. Welchen Mehrwert liefern diese neuen Begriffe in der Sicherheitsanalyse? Dieses Factsheet definiert die Ansätze dieser drei Begriffe, beschreibt ihre Herkunft und vergleicht sie miteinander. Gleichzeitig hinterfragt das Factsheet die Nutzen und Effekte dieser neuen Gefahrenkonzepte kritisch. Ziel des Factsheet ist zu hinterfragen, wie die drei neuen Gefahrenkonzepte neue Politikperspektiven eröffnen, aber auch wie sie diese analytisch in bestimmte Bahnen lenken.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fukushima und die Grenzen der Risikoanalyse (Risk & Resilience Report)

In tragischer Art und Weise steht die Katastrophe von Fukushima sinnbildlich für die Grenzen im U... more In tragischer Art und Weise steht die Katastrophe von Fukushima sinnbildlich für die Grenzen im Umgang mit natürlichen und technischen Risiken. Bemerkenswerterweise beschränkt sich die Aufarbeitung der Katastrophe heute jedoch weitgehend auf Fehler und Verantwortungen in ihrer praktischen Handhabung. So wurden zum Beispiel staatliche Regulierungen hinterfragt, technische Schutzmassnahmen überarbeitet und Katastrophenmanagementprozesse optimiert. Die eigentlichen Grenzen der Risikoanalyse selber hingegen wurden in diesem Prozess bis anhin nur ungenügend diskutiert. Was können Risikoanalysen erfassen und was nicht, wie vertrauenswürdig können sie sein, und was für Aussagen über die Zukunft können aus ihnen hergeleitet werden? Dieses Factsheet thematisiert die Grenzen der Risikoanalyse. Anhand verschiedener Beispiele aus dem Bereich Kernenergie untersucht es, wie die Definition von Risiken, die Methodologie ihrer Erfassung sowie die Interpretation von Resultaten in der probabilistischen Risikoanalyse an Grenzen stossen, respektive Grenzen auch selber festlegen. Im Anschluss an diese kritische Diskussion der Risikoanalyse schliesst das Factsheet auf die Nützlichkeit und Notwendigkeit eines differenzierten und informierten Diskurses über die Aussagekraft und Grenzen der Risikoanalyse.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fukushima und die Grenzen der Risikoanalyse (CSS Analyse)

Risikoanalysen dienen dazu, zukünftige Chancen und Herausforderungen systematisch zu erfassen und... more Risikoanalysen dienen dazu, zukünftige Chancen und Herausforderungen systematisch zu erfassen und sie so berechenbar und handhabbar zu machen. Heute findet die Risikoanalyse in immer mehr Politikbereichen Anwendung, so auch in der Sicherheitspolitik. Katastrophen wie diejenige von Fukushima werfen jedoch Fragen zu den Grenzen des Ansatzes auf. Schwierigkeiten bei der Integration des Wahrscheinlichkeitsaspekts, bei der Risikoerfassung sowie hinsichtlich der Aussagekraft lassen einen differenzierten Umgang mit der Methode der Risikoanalyse angezeigt erscheinen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fukushima et les limites de l'analyse des risques (Politique de sécurité: analyses du CSS)

Les analyses de risques servent à répertorier systématiquement les chances et défis futurs et à l... more Les analyses de risques servent à répertorier systématiquement les chances et défis futurs et à les rendre ainsi quantifiables et gérables. De nos jours, l’analyse des risques est appliquée dans de plus en plus de domaines politiques, comme par exemple la politique de sécurité. Les catastrophes comme celle de Fukushima soulèvent cependant des questions quant aux limites de l’approche. Une utilisation différenciée de la méthode d’analyse des risques paraît indiquée étant donné les difficultés concernant l’intégration de l’aspect de la probabilité, le recensement des risques et sa pertinence.

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Research paper thumbnail of Fukushima and the limits of risk analysis (CSS Analysis in Security Policy)

Risk analyses serve to identify future opportunities and risks systematically and thus make them ... more Risk analyses serve to identify future opportunities and risks systematically and thus make them calculable and manageable. Today, risk analysis is applied in an increasing number of policy fields, including in security policy. Catastrophes such as the Fukushima disaster raise questions about the limits of this approach, however. In view of difficulties regarding integration of the probability aspect, regarding risk compilation, and regarding its explanatory power, a differentiated application of the risk analysis methodology is advisable.

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Research paper thumbnail of Risikominderung: Konzept der Risikovorbeugung (Risk & Resilience Report)

Dieses Factsheet bietet einen Überblick zu grundlegenden Aspekten der Risikominderung. Es definie... more Dieses Factsheet bietet einen Überblick zu grundlegenden Aspekten der Risikominderung. Es definiert die Risikominderung, verortet das Konzept im weiteren Risikomanagementzyklus, präsentiert zentrale Problemfelder der Risikominderung und gibt Ratschläge für ihre Umsetzung. Dabei bildet das vorliegende Factsheet den Abschluss einer Trilogie von aufeinander aufbauenden Berichten zu den Themen Risikoidentifikation und Risikobewertung. Nachdem in den vorhergehenden Berichten diskutiert wurde, wie Risiken eigentlich erfasst und ausgemacht, aber auch evaluiert und verglichen werden können, widmet sich das vorliegende Factsheet dem Umgang mit anerkannten und bewerteten Risiken.

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Research paper thumbnail of Risikokommunikation: Nutzen für die Sicherheitspolitik (CSS Analyse)

Risikokommunikation zwischen politischen Entscheidungsträgern, Behörden, Experten und der Öffentl... more Risikokommunikation zwischen politischen Entscheidungsträgern, Behörden, Experten und der Öffentlichkeit gilt als zentraler Bestandteil im amtlichen Umgang mit komplexen und vernetzten Risiken. Bis anhin findet das Konzept aber fast nur im Bereich von Technik- und Umweltrisiken Verwendung. Die Anwendung der Risikokommunikation im Bereich der Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik kann die Öffentlichkeit für spezifische Probleme sensibilisieren, das Handeln von Behörden besser legitimieren und so die Strategiefähigkeit von politischen Akteuren im Falle einer Krise erhöhen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Communication du risque: Utilité pour la politique de sécurité (Politique de sécurité: analyses du CSS)

La communication du risque entre décisionnaires politiques, autorités, experts et public est une ... more La communication du risque entre décisionnaires politiques, autorités, experts et public est une composante centrale de la gestion des risques complexes et intégrés par les autorités. Mais, jusqu’à présent, le concept n’est pratiquement utilisé que dans le domaine des risques techniques et écologiques. L’application de la communication du risque au domaine de la politique étrangère et de sécurité peut sensibiliser le public à des problèmes spécifiques, mieux légitimer les actes des autorités et accroître ainsi les aptitudes stratégiques des acteurs politiques en cas de crise.

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk communication in security policy (CSS Analysis in Security Polics)

Risk communication between political decision-makers, public authorities, experts, and the genera... more Risk communication between political decision-makers, public authorities, experts, and the general public is considered a central component in the official handling of complex and networked risks. So far, however, the concept has been applied almost exclusively in the context of technical and environmental risks. Harnessing risk communication for specific issues in foreign and security policy can sensitize the public to specific problems, create legitimacy for the actions of government agencies, and thus enhance the strategic capabilities of political actors in the case of a crisis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Risk communication in the public sector (Risk & Resilience Report)

This focal report looks at risk communication (RC), which is an essential part of the risk manage... more This focal report looks at risk communication (RC), which is an essential part of the risk management cycle: RC contributes to the transparency of intergovernmental risk analysis processes, informs target groups and the wider population about the existence and possible effects of risks, and promotes broader intra-governmental and public understanding and acceptance of risk management decisions.

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Research paper thumbnail of United Nations approaches to security sector reform (DCAF Background Paper)

Since the late 1990s, the concept of security sector reform (SSR) has increasingly shaped interna... more Since the late 1990s, the concept of security sector reform (SSR) has increasingly shaped international programs for development assistance, democracy promotion, security cooperation and post-conflict peacebuilding. SSR is driven by the understanding that a
poorly governed and unreformed security sector represents a decisive obstacle to the promotion of sustainable development, democracy, peace and security. Thus, SSR is aimed at developing an affordable, effective and efficient security apparatus, i.e., one that is able to provide security to the state and its people within a framework of civilian oversight and democratic accountability. Addressing both capacity and governance dimensions of security provision is the uncontested core of security sector reform though,in practical terms, SSR varies substantially according to the specific reform context.

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Research paper thumbnail of National security policy (Politique de sécurité nationale) (DCAF Backgrounder)

DCAF Backgrounder, 2005

What is National Security Policy? Why do states need an NSP? What is the legal basis for an NSP? ... more What is National Security Policy? Why do states need an NSP? What is the legal basis for an NSP? How is an NSP structured? How is an NSP formulated? What are the key challenges for an NSP? What are the key questions for formulating effective national security policy? How to implement an NSP? What are principles for an effective and democratic NSP?

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Research paper thumbnail of Ce que signifie concrètement la politique de sécurité Suisse (Le Temps)

La politique Suisse de sécurité ne se résume pas à ceux qui en écrivent ses rapports. Une analyse... more La politique Suisse de sécurité ne se résume pas à ceux qui en écrivent ses rapports. Une analyse du travail au quotidien de ses acteurs, au contact avec les défis sécuritaires de notre temps, permet de brosser le tableau d'un univers de plus en plus interconnecté et en pleine expansion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sicherheit als Verbundaufgabe: Veränderte Bedrohungsszenarien stellen den Bund und die Kantone vor grosse Herausforderungen (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Ein Forschungsprojekt liefert erstmals umfassende Einblicke in die Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik, ... more Ein Forschungsprojekt liefert erstmals umfassende Einblicke in die Schweizer Sicherheitspolitik, wie sie tagtäglich von Praktikern umgesetzt wird. Wer arbeitet heute mit wem wie intensiv zusammen - und zu welchen Gefahren? Die empirische Momentaufnahme zeigt auf, wie sich das sicherheitspolitische Gesamtsystem vom klassischen Fall der militärischen Landesverteidigung entfernte und heute stark auf Gefahren der globalen Mobilität – Migration und Terrorismus insbesondere – fokussiert. Diese Neuausrichtung wird von neuen landesweiten und grenzübergreifenden Kooperationspraktiken begleitet. Dabei zeigt sich im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit eine besonders ausgeprägte Internationalisierung der Sicherheitsarbeit sowohl von Bund als auch Kantonen. Gleichzeitig wandeln sich die Berufsprofile und Karrierewege der im Politikfeld tätigen Praktiker. Internationale Erfahrungen, akademische Ausbildung, militärische Grade und weitere Kompetenzen werden von verschiedenen Teilbereichen des Arbeitsbereichs neu bewertet.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sicherheitsverbund Schweiz - kein Wundermittel für das Land (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Der Sicherheitsverbund Schweiz soll landesweit mehr Effektivität und Effizienz im Bereich der inn... more Der Sicherheitsverbund Schweiz soll landesweit mehr Effektivität und Effizienz im Bereich der inneren Sicherheit bringen. Schnittstellenprobleme zwischen den vielfältigen Akteuren dürften sich dennoch akzentuieren.

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Research paper thumbnail of Der Westen legt sich die Welt zurecht (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung)

Die Dritte Welt habe nun endlich ihre eigene unüberhörbare Stimme, schreibt Jean-Paul Sartre 1961... more Die Dritte Welt habe nun endlich ihre eigene unüberhörbare Stimme, schreibt Jean-Paul Sartre 1961 in seinem Vorwort zu Frantz Fanons antikolonialer Streitschrift „Die Verdammten dieser Erde“. Und tatsächlich brachten die Sechziger und Siebziger Jahre in Europa und Nordamerika eine Pluralisierung der Wissenszugänge zur internationalen Politik mit sich: Statt koloniale und liberale Modernisierungsdiskurse fortzuführen, um ferne Politik von hier und extern zu erklären, setzte die Disziplin der Internationalen Beziehungen vermehrt auf lokale Literatur, um das Verhalten von Regierungen und Gesellschaften in Osteuropa, Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika von innen heraus zu erklären. Sicherlich waren solche Auseinandersetzungen mit nichtwestlichen Politikmodellen auch seinerzeit wenig ausgewogen. Auch die nichtwestliche Literatur selbst war oft mit bekannten europäischen Gedankengängen geprägt. Nichtsdestotrotz besass die Vermittlung kritischen Wissens an vielen Universitäten einen grossen Stellenwert. Um 1980 war es darum nicht unüblich, dass im Studiengang „Internationale Politik“ mit Studenten nicht nur Hobbes, Machiavelli und Morgenthau, sondern auch Zedong, Nyerere und Nasser gelesen und debattiert wurden, im Bestreben Weltpolitik möglichst facettenreich zu verstehen. Alles gut also? Hat sich die Disziplin weiter von der ihr angeborenen regionalen Nabelschau emanzipiert? Im Gegenteil. Wer eine fortwährende Multiplizierung der Zugänge zur internationalen Politik erwartet, sieht sich heute gründlich enttäuscht.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sicherheitspolitik: Der Horizont reicht bis zur Grenze (Tagesanzeiger)

2014 wird ein Hafenkran in Zürich allgemeine Hochseestimmung verbreiten. So umstritten das Projek... more 2014 wird ein Hafenkran in Zürich allgemeine Hochseestimmung verbreiten. So umstritten das Projekt auch ist, falsch ist der Kran als Sinnbild sicherlich nicht. Denn die Schweiz endet schon lange nicht mehr an der Grenze. Ob chemische Industrie, Bankenwelt, Fussballbranche oder Theater Spektakel – die Schweiz ist international hochgradig vernetzt. Wir produzieren Züge für Norwegen, kaufen Handys aus China, hören Gangsterrap aus den USA und skypen mit Bekannten aus Argentinien. Wer kann, reist nach Australien oder Thailand auf Abenteuer, wer will, sieht sich skandinavische Filme im Kino an. Politisch gesehen aber gibt sich die Schweiz oft als Insel. Gerade wenn es um klassische Politikfelder wie die Sicherheit geht, werden Rhein und Rhone schnell zu festen Trennlinien. Während sich andere europäische Länder gegenseitig den Luftraum sichern, wird in der Schweiz an einer eigenständigen Kampfflugzeugflotte festgehalten. Schweizer Männer können heute kaum mehr mit anderen über Wehrpflicht diskutieren, weil sie bald die einzigen Europäer sind, die überhaupt noch Milizdienst absolvieren. Und während sich die Schweizer Armee nur begrenzt an Friedensmissionen beteiligt, hat sogar das bündnisfreie Schweden der Nato Kampfflieger für den Libyeneinsatz angeboten. Dass in der bernischen Kaserne, in welcher ich jeweils meine Diensttage absolviere, noch immer die Sowjetunion von der strategischen Wandkarte strahlt, mag ein Versehen sein, ist aber ähnlich sinnbildlich für die nationale Sicherheitspolitik wie der Hafenkran für den gelebten Schweizer Alltag.

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Schweiz muss sich auf Risiken einstellen: Vorgelagerter Risikodialog gegen die aussenpolitische Misere (Aargauer Zeitung)

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Research paper thumbnail of Crise de l'armée? Une politique de sécurité inadaptée (Le Temps)

La crise existentielle de l’armée suisse est difficile à ignorer: des soldats sans tâches, des of... more La crise existentielle de l’armée suisse est difficile à ignorer: des soldats sans tâches, des officiers démotivés, une direction critiquée et des projets partisans diamétralement opposés. Toutefois, il serait trop facile de renvoyer la faute aux individuels et certains démérites personnels récents. Ce que nous affrontons, ce ne sont pas (seulement) des problèmes de gestion. La désorientation institutionnelle relève plutôt d’une question plus profonde: quelle est, effectivement, la raison d’être des forces armées? A quels besoins de sécurité répondent-elles aujourd’hui?

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Research paper thumbnail of Die Aufdatierung des Sicherheitsberichts ist gut angelaufen: Chance für eine zeitgemässe und unverklärte Strategie (Basler Zeitung)

Sicherheitspolitik ist eine komplexe Herausforderung geworden: Auf der einen Seite gilt es, inter... more Sicherheitspolitik ist eine komplexe Herausforderung geworden: Auf der einen Seite gilt es, internationale Entwicklungen zu erfassen und Antworten darauf zu finden. Auf der Anderen gilt es, die Meinungsbilder möglichst vieler politischer Lager einzuholen. Denn Sicherheitspolitik soll zunehmend auch aus einem integrativen Prozess hervorgehen. Auf den ersten Blick scheint die aktuelle Überarbeitung des sicherheitspolitischen Berichts diesen Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden. Ob die Sicherheitspolitiker die notwendigen Anpassungen gerade auch auf Seite der Armee wirklich schlüssig durchführen, wird sich jedoch noch zeigen müssen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eine umfassende Sicherheitsdebatte ist unerlässlich: Expertenbefragung zur operationellen Ausformung der schweizerischen Sicherheitspolitik (Neue Zürcher Zeitung)

Seit der Publikation des Sicherheitsberichts 2000 haben sich die nationalen Herausforderungen kon... more Seit der Publikation des Sicherheitsberichts 2000 haben sich die nationalen Herausforderungen konstant weiter verändert. Resultate einer ersten Expertenbefragung weisen auf eine noch grössere Komplexität der heutigen Bedrohungslage hin. Die konkrete Ausgestaltung des nationalen Sicherheitsdispositivs muss deshalb kritisch hinterfragt werden.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Sara Fregonese, 2020. War and the City: Urban Geopolitics in Lebanon. London: Tauris (Urban Studies)

In 1975–1976, Lebanon and the city of Beirut were consumed by devastating armed conflict. But whe... more In 1975–1976, Lebanon and the city of Beirut were consumed by devastating armed conflict. But whereas this empirical fact is uncontested, its historical causes and political meanings remain controversial. Sara Fregonese’s book War and the City focuses on the rationalisation of the conflict and asks: Do Western descriptions of the war live up to the realities observed in Beirut? War and the City puts the spotlight on important political practices, which are the ways actors co-construct meaning in and through their own urban environments, and how those interpretations may develop differently from far-away truth claims. This said, the book also includes (exceedingly) structuralist narratives, and it raises important questions about whose perspectives (in Beirut) are listened to and heard. Furthermore, its treatments of works from related disciplines - security studies and International Relations especially - is underdeveloped if not outright crude.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Patrick Porter, 2015. The Global Village Myth: Distance, War, and the Limits of Power. London: Hurst (European Review of International Studies)

Advances in information, communications, transport and weapons technology, leading US politicians... more Advances in information, communications, transport and weapons technology, leading US politicians claim, radically shrunk space and distance. They stripped geography of the protective function it once played and collapse the traditional distinction between ‘over there’ and ‘over here’: In the post-geographic age, the US and its allies are exposed to insecurities in and from all places, which is why global military operations are required to uphold American national security. But does this ‘globalist’ reading of world politics respect the logistical and strategic challenges posed to military operations? Patrick Porter’s book The Global Village Myth confronts the post-geographic narrative, its empirical validity and practical consequences. His critical examination is sophisticated and much warranted – yet the empirical narrative also unevenly developed, and the analysis difficult to adapt to non-US cases and thus international politics writ large.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Bettina Fredrich, 2012. Verorten, verkörpern, verunsichern: Eine Geschlechtergeographie der Schweizer Sicherheits- und Friedenspolitik. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag (Geographica Helvetica)

Wie ordnen Sicherheitsdiskurse Geschlecht und Raum? Bettina Fredrich analysiert die Schweizer Sic... more Wie ordnen Sicherheitsdiskurse Geschlecht und Raum? Bettina Fredrich analysiert die Schweizer Sicherheits- und Friedenspolitik anhand kritischer Ansätze aus Geographie und Politikwissenschaften. Ziel der Untersuchung ist es darzustellen, wie gängige Verständnisse von nationaler und internationaler Unsicherheit spezifische Geschlechterrollen und Raumverständnisse avancieren, um so die entsprechenden Konzeptionen hinterfragen zu können.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Karen Lund Petersen, 2012. Corporate Risk and National Security Redefined. London: Routledge (Cambridge Review of International Affairs)

Concerns with terrorism not only have a profound impact on Western security policies, they also a... more Concerns with terrorism not only have a profound impact on Western security policies, they also affect the internal political organisation of Western polities as such, with private actors being increasingly enlisted directly in the fight against terrorism. Karen Lund Petersen’s book is dedicated to such governmental attempts at ‘responsibilising’ companies. Looking at how politicians in Denmark and the United States formulate the need for society-wide responses to the risk of terrorism, her book analyses how novel conceptualisations of the private sector’s role in national security are projected onto the market, and how companies respond to such ideas.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Columba Peoples, 2010. Justifying Ballistic Missile Defence: Technology, Security and Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Peace Review)

Technology figures as a prominent residual category in many contemporary accounts of internationa... more Technology figures as a prominent residual category in many contemporary accounts of international security. Be it the machine gun, nuclear warheads, or unmanned aircraft – levels of military technology are regularly drawn upon to explain international politics when other models fail to provide conclusive answers. This distinct quality notwithstanding, the various roles played by technology as such are rarely analysed in more depth. In focusing on American ballistic missile defence, Columba Peoples directs attention to this situation. Looking at how local understandings of that technology have been articulated and reformulated over time, he seeks to problematize the functions of technology in international security: Does technology determine national foreign and security policies, or is the relationship inverse and technology better understood as being controlled by politics?

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Stefan Elbe, 2009. Virus Alert: Security, Governmentality, and the AIDS Pandemic. New York: Columbia University Press (Millennium Journal of International Studies)

Global agenda-setters such as the US government, UNAIDS and the International Crisis Group have b... more Global agenda-setters such as the US government, UNAIDS and the International Crisis Group have been linking HIV/AIDS to security since the early 1990s. However, by which standards should the pandemic be considered a security issue? Indeed, should HIV be framed in such ways? What political practices does this presentation empower? Virus Alert enquires into the political and conceptual connections between HIV, security and political rule. In doing so, it seeks to demonstrate and challenge how security practices have recently been integrated into a particular rationalisation of political rule, that is, governmentality. This Foucauldian notion suggests that the management of populations emerged as a dominant rationale of modernity, and that such rule is exercised by the concurrent deployment of three different economies of power: sovereign power, disciplinary
power and governmental management.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Arlene Tickner and Ole Wæver (eds.), 2009. International Relations Scholarship Around the World. London: Rutledge (Journal of Peace Research)

IR has become increasingly reflexive recently. Not only have interpretative epistemologies been i... more IR has become increasingly reflexive recently. Not only have interpretative epistemologies been introduced into the field. The discipline’s own foundational myths, its intellectual premises and purposes, its transnational scholarly structuring and its national and regional manifestations have now also become central objects of inquiry. This volume marks the latest contribution to this research agenda.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Ronja Kempin, 2008. Frankreichs neue Sicherheitspolitik: Von der Militär- zur Zivilmacht. Baden-Baden: Nomos (Friedenswarte)

Verschreibt sich die französische Aussenpolitik zunehmend dem Multilateralismus? Wendet sich Fran... more Verschreibt sich die französische Aussenpolitik zunehmend dem Multilateralismus? Wendet sich Frankreich vom Einsatz militärischer Mittel in den internationalen Beziehungen ab? Kurzum: Ist Frankreich auf dem Weg zur Zivilmacht? Die Frage nach der "Zivilisierung" der internationalen Politik stellt eine grundlegende Thematik der Internationalen Beziehungen dar. Somit leistet die vorliegende Arbeit einen aktuellen Beitrag zum Verständnis internationaler Ereignisse. Auch die gut zugängliche und flüssig geschriebene Analyse der französischen Politik und die sorgfältige Entflechtung der vielfaltigen französischen sicherheits- und aussenpolitischen Positionen stellen wertvolle formulierte Beiträge dar. Dennoch ist die vorliegende Arbeit nicht ohne zentrale Schwachpunkte. So ist insbesondere die multi-dimensionale Konzeptionalisierung von Militär- und Zivilmacht problematisch.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Ayse Ceyhan (ed.), 2007. Identifier et Surveiller : Les Technologies de Sécurité. Paris: L'Harmattan (Surveillance & Society)

The journal Cultures & Conflits has become an increasingly important reference for International ... more The journal Cultures & Conflits has become an increasingly important reference for International Relations scholarship. In certain quarters of the Anglophone critical security studies field in particular, there had been a realization that ‘Paris’ provided as constructive analytical contributions to the analysis of novel security trends and discourses as ‘Aberystwyth’ or ‘Copenhagen’ did. If Cultures & Conflits had not appeared on the IR radar screen earlier, this had more to do with linguistic barriers than with scholarly quality, this particular special volume on security technologies suggests.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Risa Brooks and Elizabeth Stanley (eds.), 2007. Creating Military Power: The Sources of Military Effectiveness. Stanford: Stanford University Press (H-NET Humanities and Social Science Online)

H-Net, 2008

Comprising a conceptual framework, seven substantive chapters, a critical individual synthesis re... more Comprising a conceptual framework, seven substantive chapters, a critical individual synthesis reflecting on the book itself and a summary conclusion, this edited book provides a set of constructive conceptual and empirical contributions to international relations, political science, and military studies. Its key argument is that national military power is too often simplistically equated with states' material and human resources, ignoring the divergent effectiveness with which states make actual use of them. In sum, and certain conceptual challenges notwithstanding, Creating Military Power provides a rather well-accomplished and differentiated analysis of the manifold sources of military power, making it a welcomed contribution to the ongoing reconceptualization of military power. With latent US ethnocentrism in some of its chapters, it is also recommendable to all those interested in the state of current US scholarship on international security studies

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Johan Galtung, 2005. Pax Pacifica: Terrorism, the Pacific Hemisphere, Globalisation and Peace Studies. London: Pluto Press (Journal of East Asian Studies)

This book abounds in unsettling analyses, personal conviction, and practical recommendations for ... more This book abounds in unsettling analyses, personal conviction, and practical recommendations for peace promotion. As such it not only joins much of Johan Galtung’s well-known lifework - it also defies any easy summary. Its object of study is peace in the Pacific region. Contrary to what the title suggests, the book is better understood as a stocktaking effort of peace and conflict dynamics in this particular geographical area, as terrorism and globalization are not actually being addressed. Overall, the book shows in detail how historical grievances emerged and how they are being perpetuated in Pacific historiographies. As an accomplished stock-taking effort dedicated to the impact of grievances on international conflict relations, the book is a worthwhile contribution to regional Pacific studies in general, but also to security studies and peace research more widely. Yet, readers will inevitably note a set of deeper structural and conceptual problems that affect the book’s overall contribution. One such problem is the book’s haphazard organization; another weakness is the manuscript’s nebulous scholarly basis.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Lene Hansen, 2006. Security as Practice: Discourse Analysis and the Bosnian War. London, Francis & Taylor (Journal of Peace Research)

The book endeavours to show how research based on poststructuralist discourse analysis can yield ... more The book endeavours to show how research based on poststructuralist discourse analysis can yield analytically beneficial and methodologically sound insights. It largely delivers on these promises. Part I provides a lucid explanation of poststructuralist tenets, showing how Otherness drives policymaking as the backdrop against which identities constitute themselves. During the early 1990s, Western identity was so constituted as ‘civilized’ and ‘controlled’ in opposition to the ‘barbarian’ and ‘violent’ Balkans. The elegant presentation of poststructuralist tenets is welcome, given that such writings are often difficult to access for uninitiated readers.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review: Alan Bryden and Marina Caparini (eds.), 2005. Private actors and security governance – The DCAF yearly book. Münster, LIT Verlag (Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift)

Das Genfer Zentrum für die Demokratische Kontrolle der Streitkräfte wurde 2000 vom Bund gegründet... more Das Genfer Zentrum für die Demokratische Kontrolle der Streitkräfte wurde 2000 vom Bund gegründet. DCAF ist bemüht, Fachwissen und best practices über Mechanismen zur Herstellung der demokratischen Rechtschaffenheit der Sicherheitssektorakteure zu generieren. Nebst spezialisierten Publikationen auf Themengebieten wie Polizeiwesen oder Geheimdienste greift der Think Tank in seiner seit 2002 bestehenden Jahrbuchreihe transversale Themen auf. Das soeben erschienene Jahrbuch 2006 beschäftigt sich mit der Problematik privater Sicherheitsakteure, die sich oft den etablierten konstitutionellen Kontrollmechanismen entziehen.

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Research paper thumbnail of Illustrations (SAGE Handbook 2018, Counter-mapping the discipline: The archipelago of Western International Relations teaching)

Illustrations of the SAGE Handbook book chapter w/ Tom Biersteker.

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Research paper thumbnail of Appendix: Score Tables (Swiss Political Science Review 2018, The Programmatic and Institutional (Re-) Configuration of the Swiss National Security Field)

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Research paper thumbnail of Workshop on Secondary Cities - The Urban Middle Ground

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Research paper thumbnail of La sécurité suisse: entre neutralité et impératif de coopération

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Research paper thumbnail of The_Politicisation_of_Security_ERIS_intro.pdf

The Politicisation of Security: Controversy, Mobilisation, Arena Shifting Introduction by the Guest Editors, 2018

While security has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind... more While security has always been political, it has for the most part been considered a special kind of politics that closes down political activity and debate. This introduction reviews recent theoretical and empirical developments to argue that a research agenda that re-engages security through the prism of politicisation is better able to elucidate the growing range of actors, arenas and arguments visible in contemporary security governance. Based on recent literatures from Political Science and European Studies that – so far – have been largely ignored by Security Studies, it develops an analytical framework around three dimensions: controversy, mobilisation and arena-shifting. It showcases the relevance of this perspective through brief empirical illustrations on the post-Snowden controversy, public participation on security strategy-making, and the role of parliaments in security policy. The overall aim is to reopen conceptual questions on the relationship between security and politics, inspire innovative empirical work to study the diverse politics around security, and allow for more differentiated normative inquiries into the ambivalent consequences of politicisation.

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