Joachim Wahl - (original) (raw)
Papers by Joachim Wahl
Müller-Scheeßel, N., Berszin, C., Grupe, G., Schwentke, A., Staskiewicz, A. and Wahl, J. (2020) What Is the Norm? In: T. K. Betsinger, A. B. Scott, & A. Tsaliki (eds.) The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange. Gainesville, UFP, 170-189
In: S. Berg/J. Bofinger/R. Schulz (Hrsg.), 370 Kilometer Archäologie - Ausgrabungen an der Ethylen Pipelinetrasse in Bayern, Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019, 100–108.
Archäologische Informationen, 2019
Zusammenfassung: Menschen mit Trisomie 21 sind nur selten in der archäologischen Gräberfeldlitera... more Zusammenfassung: Menschen mit Trisomie 21 sind nur selten in der archäologischen Gräberfeldliteratur zu finden und die Zuschreibung der Chromosomenanomalie erfolgte bei der anthropologischen Untersuchung bislang ausschließlich über morphologische Merkmale
an Schädeln. Im Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung „Touchdown: Eine Ausstellung mit und über Menschen mit Down-Syndrom“ der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn erfolgte 2016 weltweit erstmals eine Überprüfung von Verdachtsfällen an archäologischem Skelettmaterial aufTrisomie 21 mit einer aDNA-Analyse. Hierzu wurden zwei Individuen beprobt, bei denen aufgrund ihrer morphologischen Besonderheiten
das Vorliegen dieser Chromosomenanomalie vermutet wurde. Die Untersuchung der aDNA erbrachte überraschende Ergebnisse, beide
untersuchten Skelette wiesen keine Trisomie 21 auf.
Schlüsselwörter – Archäologie; Süddeutschland; Frühmittelalter; vorrömische Eisenzeit; Down-Syndrom; Trisomie 21; Skelett; aDNA;
Title – The invisible - A challenging task of recognizing Down’s syndrome in human skeletal remains
Abstract – For the first time ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis was carried out on two skeletons from Southern Germany to confirm the morphological diagnosis of Down syndrome. The results were unexpected and did not reveal any chromosomal changes in chromosome 21.
Therefore, we reconsider the research discussion on people with trisomy 21 in history.
Key words – archaeology; Southern Germany; Early Medieval; Pre-Roman Iron Age; Down Syndrome; trisomy 21; skeleton; aDNA; morphology
Titre – Les invisibles. Le défi à la science de prouver l‘existence des hommes porteurs de trisomie 21 dans des relevés archéologiques et anthropologiques
Résumé – En 2016 s’effectua la première fois une analyse de l’a-ADN pour mettre en evidence le syndrome de Down à deux squelettes
provenant de l’Allemagne du sud. A cause de quelques particularités morphologiques, il avait été supposé pour ces individus qu'ils seraient
des porteurs d’une anomalie chromosomique (trisomie 21). L’examen de l’a-ADN révélait pourtant des résultats inattendus qui mènent à des nouvelles réflexions concernant les hommes porteurs de trisomie 21 dans le passé.
Mots clés – L’Allemagne du Sud; Haut Moyen-Âge; Epoque pré-romaine; Syndrome de Down; trisomie 21; Squelette; a-AND; Morphologie
The MNI refers to the minimum number of individuals that can be identified within an assemblage. ... more The MNI refers to the minimum number of individuals that can be identified within an assemblage. Nu-merous factors affect the recovery rate and the preservation and therefore the calculated result (UBELAK-ER 1997, 2002, 2004; CARTER et al. 2007). The application of algorithms to determine various parame-ters, together with focusing on characteristic morphological structures of the bone, reduces the error rate (ADAMS & KONIGSBERG 2004). Due to different formulas the MNI and the MLNI / PI/LI lead to a greater result variety. The maximal MNI value should be based on the counting of several elements (ADAMS & KONIGSBERG 2004; NIKITA & LAHR 2011). In terms of the assemblage of St. Martin´s Church, the hip bone generated the highest MNI value (99 to 130 individuals). In total 2304 bone fragments were identi-fied. Adding the MNI to the approximately 300 clearly defined graves, the death assemblage counts at least 430 people (effective August 2014). On basis of the loose bone material of Sülchen, various meth-odological calculations could be compared: the MNI, MLNI and PI/LI. Due to previous experiences the most suitable bones for the calculation are the hip bone, femur and tibia, which could be confirmed by the study´s material. Only through a detailed calculation of the MNI – in contrast to subjective estimation – precise records can be obtained, with which the excavation findings in toto can be interpreted. Depending on the magnitude and the composition, loose bone material, which usually originates from abandoned graves, can have a significant impact on the demographics of a skeletal series.
The proper description of former populations is one of the most difficult tasks in anthropology. ... more The proper description of former populations is one of the most difficult tasks in anthropology. Archaeological
material is often limited due to fragmented and sometimes poorly preserved bone material resulting in incomplete data.
Published skeletal raw data are available from the past, but much of this data is either unavailable or not used for scientific
studies. The authors seek to elicit more information about prehistoric times by using this dataset to introduce a new method.
The purpose is to provide an approach to reconstruct a former population in respect to robusticity and health status. For this
in the pilot study the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Frame Index (FI) of early medieval South-West Germany have been
analysed. The FI, in contrast to the BMI, has not yet been used for robusticity analysis utilizing only skeletal remains. As
far as we know, this is the first time that the FI has been calculated using archaeological material. Due to unknown softtissue
thickness we introduce the Osseous Frame Index (OFI). The measured OFI reveals new insights in (pre-)historic
populations and allows comparisons with modern reference samples. Our OFI calculations are relatively similar to modern
calculations. Males have a higher robusticity than females, slightly increasing during life-time compared to females. These
calculations provide a better historical understanding of human body composition.
Im Michelsberger Erdwerk Bruchsal ‚Aue‘ wurden zwischen 1987 und 1992 vier Einzelbestattungen und... more Im Michelsberger Erdwerk Bruchsal ‚Aue‘ wurden zwischen 1987 und 1992 vier Einzelbestattungen und zwei Mehrfachbestattungen mit drei bzw. neun Individuen freigelegt. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse morphologischer, paläogenetischer und archäogenetischer Analysen an der Neunfachbestattung sowie den Einzelbestattungen und Skelettresten, die alle aus demselben Grabenabschnitt ‚Komplex‘ 4 stammen, präsentiert. Außerdem wird durch eine Verknüpfung der Interpretationen von archäologischen Befundverhältnissen und von 14C-Daten die Baugeschichte des Grabenabschnittes sowie das chronologische Verhältnis zwischen den verschiedenen Grabenphasen und den Grabgruben erörtert.
Für den Grabenabschnitt lassen sich drei bis vier Nutzungsphasen sowie eine Neuanlage des Grabens nachweisen; für die zeitliche Einordnung der Bestattungen sind mehrere Szenarien denkbar. Die Verwandtschaftsanalysen legen nahe, dass die beiden erwachsenen Männer der Mehrfachbestattung Brüder waren, worauf die morphologischen Untersuchungen ebenfalls hindeuten. Auch unter den mitbestatteten Kindern könnten sich Geschwisterpaare
befinden, was sich aufgrund der mangelhaften DNA-Erhaltung aber nicht eindeutig klären lässt. Die Isotopendaten lassen auf einen wesentlichen Anteil von Frischwasserfisch am Nahrungsspektrum der Individuen schließen. Ein Residenzwechsel lässt sich für keines der Individuen nachweisen.
Antiquity, 2016
Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in east-central B... more Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in east-central Brazil provide a rare glimpse into the lives of hunter-gatherer communities in South America, including their rituals for dealing with the dead. These included the reduction of the body by means of mutilation, defleshing, tooth removal, exposure to fire and possibly cannibalism, followed by the secondary burial of the remains according to strict rules. In a later period, pits were filled with disarticulated bones of a single individual without signs of body manipulation, demonstrating that the region was inhabited by dynamic groups in constant transformation over a period of centuries.
Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and ... more Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and tempo of change and the relative importance of continuity J Archaeol Method Theory
Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and ... more Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and tempo of change and the relative importance of continuityand discontinuity. To unravel the cultural project of the past, we apply chronological modelling of radiocarbon dates within a Bayesian statistical framework, to interrogate the
Neolithic cultural sequence in Lower Alsace, in the upper Rhine valley, in broad terms from the later sixth to the end of the fifth millennium cal BC. Detailed formal estimates are provided for the long succession of cultural groups, from the early Neolithic Linear Pottery culture (LBK) to the Bischheim Occidental du Rhin Supérieur (BORS) groups at the end of the Middle Neolithic, using seriation and typology of pottery as the starting point in modelling. The rate of ceramic change, as well as frequent shifts in the nature, location and density of settlements, are documented in detail, down to lifetime and generational timescales. This reveals a Neolithic world in Lower Alsace busy with comings and goings, tinkerings and adjustments, and relocations and realignments. A
significant hiatus is identified between the end of the LBK and the start of the Hinkelstein group, in the early part of the fifth millennium cal BC. On the basis of modelling of existing dates for other parts of the Rhineland, this appears to be a wider phenomenon, and possible explanations are discussed; full reoccupation of the landscape is only seen in the Grossgartach phase. Radical shifts are also proposed at the end of the Middle Neolithic
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2008
paleodemography; age estimation; biomarker of the skeleton; osteology; dental anthropology
Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin. Journal of legal medicine, 1981
A new method for sex diagnosis is presented; the uni-, di-, and multivariate analysis of the Pars... more A new method for sex diagnosis is presented; the uni-, di-, and multivariate analysis of the Pars petrosa, which is a part of the temporal bone. This work was initiated because the Pars petrosa can be found very often among human cremation remains. Two different discriminant functions were worked out, and their comparison shows the great value of considering all the characteristics. Consideration of three measurements can give a sex determination of remarkable accuracy (about 80%). Even the uni- and divariate examinations yield important leads. The last part of this work deals with the possibility of applying the method to cremated bones. The most important point to consider is the shrinking of burnt bones. Appropriate new mean values of the first three measurements and an adapted sectioning point are given. Yet, even without shrinkage-correction the functions possess great reliability in the application on cremated material.
G. Stegmaier & J. Wahl, Dem Pflug entronnen. Archäologie in Deutschland 3, 2007, 42-43, 2007
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012
The Analysis of Burned Human Remains, 2008
Neolithic Violence in a European Perspective, 2012
The Anatomical Record, 2014
On a basis of a method for muscle cross-sectional area estimation from cortical bone area that wa... more On a basis of a method for muscle cross-sectional area estimation from cortical bone area that was previously developed (Slizewski et al. Anat Rec 2013; 296:1695-1707, we reconstructed muscle cross-sectional area at 65% of radius length for a sample of Neolithic human remains from the Linear Pottery Culture (ca. 5,700-4,900 years BC). Muscle cross-sectional area estimations for the Neolithic sample were compared to in vivo measurements from a recent human sample. Results demonstrate that the Neolithic individuals had larger muscle cross-sectional area relative to radius length than the contemporary humans and that their forearms were more muscular and robust. We also found significant differences in relative muscle cross-sectional area between Neolithic and recent children that indicate different levels of physical stress and isometric activities. Our results fit into the framework of studies previously published about the sample and the Linear Pottery Culture. Therefore, the new approach was successfully applied to an archaeological sample for the first time here. Results of our pilot study indicate that muscle cross-sectional area estimation could in the future supplement other anthropological methods currently in use for the analysis of postcranial remains. Anat Rec, 00:000-000, 2014.
Objectives: Straight next to a segment of the outer ditch of the Late Neolithic Michelsberg Cultu... more Objectives: Straight next to a segment of the outer ditch of the Late Neolithic Michelsberg Culture earthwork of Bruchsal-Aue in SW-Germany (ca. 4250–3650 calBC), a multiple burial of eight individuals (two male adults and six children) plus a subsequent child burial was excavated. In this study, we applied a multidisciplinary approach to elucidate interpersonal relationships and life histories within this collective. Materials and methods: To determine the identity of this collective, we performed aDNA analyses in addition to osteological examination using HVR I plus Y-chromosomal and autosomal STR profiling to find evidence for kinship relations. Strontium isotopic analyses were used to reconsider migrational behavior. To find evidence for a specific social affiliation, the individual diet was reconstructed by performing nitrogen and carbon isotopic analyses. Furthermore, radiocarbon-dating was carried out to integrate the burial context into an absolute timeframe. Two nearby single burials were included in the analyses for comparison. Results: Because of a shared HVR I haplotype, three pairs of individuals were most likely linked by kinship, and statistical testing on autosomal STR profiles shows a high probability for the pair of two men being brothers. Although it cannot be excluded, isotopic data gave no clear proof for migration. A rather poor health status is indicated by skeletal stress markers even though the isotope data attest to a diet rich in meat and fish. Discussion: Although clear kinship relations among the infants remain unconfirmed, a relationship could also be indicated by the positioning of the bodies in the burial pit. Whereas a common cause of death might have been the presupposition for their special treatment, interpersonal relationships were likely the decisive factor for the multiple burial.
Müller-Scheeßel, N., Berszin, C., Grupe, G., Schwentke, A., Staskiewicz, A. and Wahl, J. (2020) What Is the Norm? In: T. K. Betsinger, A. B. Scott, & A. Tsaliki (eds.) The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange. Gainesville, UFP, 170-189
In: S. Berg/J. Bofinger/R. Schulz (Hrsg.), 370 Kilometer Archäologie - Ausgrabungen an der Ethylen Pipelinetrasse in Bayern, Baden-Württemberg und Rheinland-Pfalz. Heidelberg: Propylaeum, 2019, 100–108.
Archäologische Informationen, 2019
Zusammenfassung: Menschen mit Trisomie 21 sind nur selten in der archäologischen Gräberfeldlitera... more Zusammenfassung: Menschen mit Trisomie 21 sind nur selten in der archäologischen Gräberfeldliteratur zu finden und die Zuschreibung der Chromosomenanomalie erfolgte bei der anthropologischen Untersuchung bislang ausschließlich über morphologische Merkmale
an Schädeln. Im Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung „Touchdown: Eine Ausstellung mit und über Menschen mit Down-Syndrom“ der Bundeskunsthalle Bonn erfolgte 2016 weltweit erstmals eine Überprüfung von Verdachtsfällen an archäologischem Skelettmaterial aufTrisomie 21 mit einer aDNA-Analyse. Hierzu wurden zwei Individuen beprobt, bei denen aufgrund ihrer morphologischen Besonderheiten
das Vorliegen dieser Chromosomenanomalie vermutet wurde. Die Untersuchung der aDNA erbrachte überraschende Ergebnisse, beide
untersuchten Skelette wiesen keine Trisomie 21 auf.
Schlüsselwörter – Archäologie; Süddeutschland; Frühmittelalter; vorrömische Eisenzeit; Down-Syndrom; Trisomie 21; Skelett; aDNA;
Title – The invisible - A challenging task of recognizing Down’s syndrome in human skeletal remains
Abstract – For the first time ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis was carried out on two skeletons from Southern Germany to confirm the morphological diagnosis of Down syndrome. The results were unexpected and did not reveal any chromosomal changes in chromosome 21.
Therefore, we reconsider the research discussion on people with trisomy 21 in history.
Key words – archaeology; Southern Germany; Early Medieval; Pre-Roman Iron Age; Down Syndrome; trisomy 21; skeleton; aDNA; morphology
Titre – Les invisibles. Le défi à la science de prouver l‘existence des hommes porteurs de trisomie 21 dans des relevés archéologiques et anthropologiques
Résumé – En 2016 s’effectua la première fois une analyse de l’a-ADN pour mettre en evidence le syndrome de Down à deux squelettes
provenant de l’Allemagne du sud. A cause de quelques particularités morphologiques, il avait été supposé pour ces individus qu'ils seraient
des porteurs d’une anomalie chromosomique (trisomie 21). L’examen de l’a-ADN révélait pourtant des résultats inattendus qui mènent à des nouvelles réflexions concernant les hommes porteurs de trisomie 21 dans le passé.
Mots clés – L’Allemagne du Sud; Haut Moyen-Âge; Epoque pré-romaine; Syndrome de Down; trisomie 21; Squelette; a-AND; Morphologie
The MNI refers to the minimum number of individuals that can be identified within an assemblage. ... more The MNI refers to the minimum number of individuals that can be identified within an assemblage. Nu-merous factors affect the recovery rate and the preservation and therefore the calculated result (UBELAK-ER 1997, 2002, 2004; CARTER et al. 2007). The application of algorithms to determine various parame-ters, together with focusing on characteristic morphological structures of the bone, reduces the error rate (ADAMS & KONIGSBERG 2004). Due to different formulas the MNI and the MLNI / PI/LI lead to a greater result variety. The maximal MNI value should be based on the counting of several elements (ADAMS & KONIGSBERG 2004; NIKITA & LAHR 2011). In terms of the assemblage of St. Martin´s Church, the hip bone generated the highest MNI value (99 to 130 individuals). In total 2304 bone fragments were identi-fied. Adding the MNI to the approximately 300 clearly defined graves, the death assemblage counts at least 430 people (effective August 2014). On basis of the loose bone material of Sülchen, various meth-odological calculations could be compared: the MNI, MLNI and PI/LI. Due to previous experiences the most suitable bones for the calculation are the hip bone, femur and tibia, which could be confirmed by the study´s material. Only through a detailed calculation of the MNI – in contrast to subjective estimation – precise records can be obtained, with which the excavation findings in toto can be interpreted. Depending on the magnitude and the composition, loose bone material, which usually originates from abandoned graves, can have a significant impact on the demographics of a skeletal series.
The proper description of former populations is one of the most difficult tasks in anthropology. ... more The proper description of former populations is one of the most difficult tasks in anthropology. Archaeological
material is often limited due to fragmented and sometimes poorly preserved bone material resulting in incomplete data.
Published skeletal raw data are available from the past, but much of this data is either unavailable or not used for scientific
studies. The authors seek to elicit more information about prehistoric times by using this dataset to introduce a new method.
The purpose is to provide an approach to reconstruct a former population in respect to robusticity and health status. For this
in the pilot study the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Frame Index (FI) of early medieval South-West Germany have been
analysed. The FI, in contrast to the BMI, has not yet been used for robusticity analysis utilizing only skeletal remains. As
far as we know, this is the first time that the FI has been calculated using archaeological material. Due to unknown softtissue
thickness we introduce the Osseous Frame Index (OFI). The measured OFI reveals new insights in (pre-)historic
populations and allows comparisons with modern reference samples. Our OFI calculations are relatively similar to modern
calculations. Males have a higher robusticity than females, slightly increasing during life-time compared to females. These
calculations provide a better historical understanding of human body composition.
Im Michelsberger Erdwerk Bruchsal ‚Aue‘ wurden zwischen 1987 und 1992 vier Einzelbestattungen und... more Im Michelsberger Erdwerk Bruchsal ‚Aue‘ wurden zwischen 1987 und 1992 vier Einzelbestattungen und zwei Mehrfachbestattungen mit drei bzw. neun Individuen freigelegt. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse morphologischer, paläogenetischer und archäogenetischer Analysen an der Neunfachbestattung sowie den Einzelbestattungen und Skelettresten, die alle aus demselben Grabenabschnitt ‚Komplex‘ 4 stammen, präsentiert. Außerdem wird durch eine Verknüpfung der Interpretationen von archäologischen Befundverhältnissen und von 14C-Daten die Baugeschichte des Grabenabschnittes sowie das chronologische Verhältnis zwischen den verschiedenen Grabenphasen und den Grabgruben erörtert.
Für den Grabenabschnitt lassen sich drei bis vier Nutzungsphasen sowie eine Neuanlage des Grabens nachweisen; für die zeitliche Einordnung der Bestattungen sind mehrere Szenarien denkbar. Die Verwandtschaftsanalysen legen nahe, dass die beiden erwachsenen Männer der Mehrfachbestattung Brüder waren, worauf die morphologischen Untersuchungen ebenfalls hindeuten. Auch unter den mitbestatteten Kindern könnten sich Geschwisterpaare
befinden, was sich aufgrund der mangelhaften DNA-Erhaltung aber nicht eindeutig klären lässt. Die Isotopendaten lassen auf einen wesentlichen Anteil von Frischwasserfisch am Nahrungsspektrum der Individuen schließen. Ein Residenzwechsel lässt sich für keines der Individuen nachweisen.
Antiquity, 2016
Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in east-central B... more Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in east-central Brazil provide a rare glimpse into the lives of hunter-gatherer communities in South America, including their rituals for dealing with the dead. These included the reduction of the body by means of mutilation, defleshing, tooth removal, exposure to fire and possibly cannibalism, followed by the secondary burial of the remains according to strict rules. In a later period, pits were filled with disarticulated bones of a single individual without signs of body manipulation, demonstrating that the region was inhabited by dynamic groups in constant transformation over a period of centuries.
Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and ... more Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and tempo of change and the relative importance of continuity J Archaeol Method Theory
Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and ... more Starting from questions about the nature of cultural diversity, this paper examines the pace and tempo of change and the relative importance of continuityand discontinuity. To unravel the cultural project of the past, we apply chronological modelling of radiocarbon dates within a Bayesian statistical framework, to interrogate the
Neolithic cultural sequence in Lower Alsace, in the upper Rhine valley, in broad terms from the later sixth to the end of the fifth millennium cal BC. Detailed formal estimates are provided for the long succession of cultural groups, from the early Neolithic Linear Pottery culture (LBK) to the Bischheim Occidental du Rhin Supérieur (BORS) groups at the end of the Middle Neolithic, using seriation and typology of pottery as the starting point in modelling. The rate of ceramic change, as well as frequent shifts in the nature, location and density of settlements, are documented in detail, down to lifetime and generational timescales. This reveals a Neolithic world in Lower Alsace busy with comings and goings, tinkerings and adjustments, and relocations and realignments. A
significant hiatus is identified between the end of the LBK and the start of the Hinkelstein group, in the early part of the fifth millennium cal BC. On the basis of modelling of existing dates for other parts of the Rhineland, this appears to be a wider phenomenon, and possible explanations are discussed; full reoccupation of the landscape is only seen in the Grossgartach phase. Radical shifts are also proposed at the end of the Middle Neolithic
American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 2008
paleodemography; age estimation; biomarker of the skeleton; osteology; dental anthropology
Zeitschrift für Rechtsmedizin. Journal of legal medicine, 1981
A new method for sex diagnosis is presented; the uni-, di-, and multivariate analysis of the Pars... more A new method for sex diagnosis is presented; the uni-, di-, and multivariate analysis of the Pars petrosa, which is a part of the temporal bone. This work was initiated because the Pars petrosa can be found very often among human cremation remains. Two different discriminant functions were worked out, and their comparison shows the great value of considering all the characteristics. Consideration of three measurements can give a sex determination of remarkable accuracy (about 80%). Even the uni- and divariate examinations yield important leads. The last part of this work deals with the possibility of applying the method to cremated bones. The most important point to consider is the shrinking of burnt bones. Appropriate new mean values of the first three measurements and an adapted sectioning point are given. Yet, even without shrinkage-correction the functions possess great reliability in the application on cremated material.
G. Stegmaier & J. Wahl, Dem Pflug entronnen. Archäologie in Deutschland 3, 2007, 42-43, 2007
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012
The Analysis of Burned Human Remains, 2008
Neolithic Violence in a European Perspective, 2012
The Anatomical Record, 2014
On a basis of a method for muscle cross-sectional area estimation from cortical bone area that wa... more On a basis of a method for muscle cross-sectional area estimation from cortical bone area that was previously developed (Slizewski et al. Anat Rec 2013; 296:1695-1707, we reconstructed muscle cross-sectional area at 65% of radius length for a sample of Neolithic human remains from the Linear Pottery Culture (ca. 5,700-4,900 years BC). Muscle cross-sectional area estimations for the Neolithic sample were compared to in vivo measurements from a recent human sample. Results demonstrate that the Neolithic individuals had larger muscle cross-sectional area relative to radius length than the contemporary humans and that their forearms were more muscular and robust. We also found significant differences in relative muscle cross-sectional area between Neolithic and recent children that indicate different levels of physical stress and isometric activities. Our results fit into the framework of studies previously published about the sample and the Linear Pottery Culture. Therefore, the new approach was successfully applied to an archaeological sample for the first time here. Results of our pilot study indicate that muscle cross-sectional area estimation could in the future supplement other anthropological methods currently in use for the analysis of postcranial remains. Anat Rec, 00:000-000, 2014.
Objectives: Straight next to a segment of the outer ditch of the Late Neolithic Michelsberg Cultu... more Objectives: Straight next to a segment of the outer ditch of the Late Neolithic Michelsberg Culture earthwork of Bruchsal-Aue in SW-Germany (ca. 4250–3650 calBC), a multiple burial of eight individuals (two male adults and six children) plus a subsequent child burial was excavated. In this study, we applied a multidisciplinary approach to elucidate interpersonal relationships and life histories within this collective. Materials and methods: To determine the identity of this collective, we performed aDNA analyses in addition to osteological examination using HVR I plus Y-chromosomal and autosomal STR profiling to find evidence for kinship relations. Strontium isotopic analyses were used to reconsider migrational behavior. To find evidence for a specific social affiliation, the individual diet was reconstructed by performing nitrogen and carbon isotopic analyses. Furthermore, radiocarbon-dating was carried out to integrate the burial context into an absolute timeframe. Two nearby single burials were included in the analyses for comparison. Results: Because of a shared HVR I haplotype, three pairs of individuals were most likely linked by kinship, and statistical testing on autosomal STR profiles shows a high probability for the pair of two men being brothers. Although it cannot be excluded, isotopic data gave no clear proof for migration. A rather poor health status is indicated by skeletal stress markers even though the isotope data attest to a diet rich in meat and fish. Discussion: Although clear kinship relations among the infants remain unconfirmed, a relationship could also be indicated by the positioning of the bodies in the burial pit. Whereas a common cause of death might have been the presupposition for their special treatment, interpersonal relationships were likely the decisive factor for the multiple burial.
Karolingische Stadt Meßkirch, Dokumentation einer Zeitreise auf dem Campus Galli, Chronik 2019, Band 7, 2019
Im vorliegenden Beitrag wurde eine Zusammenfassung verschiedener paläopathologischer Befunde, die... more Im vorliegenden Beitrag wurde eine Zusammenfassung verschiedener paläopathologischer Befunde, die sich am Skelettapparat ablesen lassen vorgestellt und auf die Merowinger- und Karolingerzeit insbesondere in Bezug auf Klöster diskutiert. Als Beispiel dienten hier Individuen aus der Siedlung Lauchheim "Mittelhofen", der Sülchenkirche in Rottenburg, dem Gräberfeld Stühlingen, Individuen der Sammlung Tübingen, dem Gräberfeld Uhldingen-Mühlhofen, dem Spitalfriedhof Heidelberg und dem Konstanzer Münsterplatz.
Beispiele u.a. zum Thema Ernährung, Karies, Knochenbrüche, Rachitis, Kleinwuchs, Mangelanzeichen, Rückenprobleme, Gicht und Tumore sowie degenerative Erscheinungen wurden erläutert und anhand von Bildmaterial verdeutlicht.
by André Strauss, Ximena Suarez Villagran, Danilo V Bernardo, Francisco Pugliese, João Carlos Moreno de Sousa, Mark Hubbe, Heather M Rockwell, Tiago Hermenegildo, alberto barioni, Joachim Wahl, and Gustavo Neves de Souza
Antiquity, 2016
Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in east-central B... more Early Archaic human skeletal remains found in a burial context in Lapa do Santo in east-central Brazil provide a rare glimpse into the lives of hunter-gatherer communities in South America, including their rituals for dealing with the dead. These included the reduction of the body by means of mutilation, defleshing, tooth removal, exposure to fire and possibly cannibalism, followed by the secondary burial of the remains according to strict rules. In a later period, pits were filled with disarticulated bones of a single individual without signs of body manipulation, demonstrating that the region was inhabited by dynamic groups in constant transformation over a period of centuries.
Ab 1375 entstand in Überlingen eine „geistige Frauensammlung“ der Terziarinnen, welche in den dri... more Ab 1375 entstand in Überlingen eine „geistige Frauensammlung“ der Terziarinnen, welche in den dritten Orden des Heiligen Franziskus aufgenommen wurde und deren Kapelle St. Gallus geweiht war.
Infolge der Stadterweiterung 1535 wurde das Kloster an einem neuen Standort errichtet und eine neue Kapelle geweiht. 13-14 Schwestern lebten in der frühen Neuzeit gleichzeitig im Konvent. Die Nonnen wurden auf dem städtischen Friedhof in einem separaten Areal beigesetzt, ab 1676 erstritten sie das Anrecht, bei ihrer eigenen Sammlung bestattet zu werden. Im Zuge einer durch Baumaßnahmen im Herbst 2016 verursachten Notbergung wurden die Skelettreste von elf teilweise gestörten Bestattungen freigelegt, dokumentiert und fachgerecht geborgen. Drei davon lagen übereinander, was auf eine dichte Belegung des Friedhofareals hindeutet.
Es handelt sich bei den Bestatteten ausschließlich um weibliche erwachsene Individuen, die zwischen 1676 und 1808 dort beigesetzt wurden und aufgrund der Lage und ihrer Beigaben (Abb. 3) als Nonnen angesprochen werden (Fellgiebel et al. 2017).
Im Rahmen einer anthropologischen Abschlussarbeit (B.A.) wurden alle Befunde gereinigt, präpariert und die Primärdaten wie Sterbealter, Geschlecht, Metrik und Pathologien erhoben.
Von 1986 bis 2005 wurden im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes BR 2329/4-2 bei Lauchheim (Ostalbkreis, Bade... more Von 1986 bis 2005 wurden im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes BR 2329/4-2 bei Lauchheim (Ostalbkreis, Baden-Württemberg) eines der bislang größten merowingerzeitlichen Gräberfelder „Wasserfurche“ und die Siedlung „Mittelhofen“ vollständig ergraben. Aus Bestattungen dieser Siedlung stammen 78 Individuen, die sich auf sechs Grabgruppen verteilen.
Die hier präsentierten Befunde stammen aus Grab 39, Grabgruppe 5. Bei dem gut und annähernd vollständig erhaltenen Skelett handelt es sich um das eines Mannes mit einem Sterbealter zwischen 35 und 50 Jahren (nach Ferembach et al. 1979). Auf der Basis des linken Femurs ergibt sich nach Pearson (1899) eine Körperhöhe von 175 ± 3,3 cm. Das Skelett weist eine Fülle pathologischer Veränderungen auf, die mittels makroskopischer, radiologischer und mikroskopischer Verfahren untersucht wurden.
Archäologische Ausgrabungen in Baden-Württemberg, 2018