Osman Nafiz Kaya - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Papers by Osman Nafiz Kaya
Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkish Republic... more Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkish Republic was established by Atatürk in 1923, one of the radical revolutions was made in the Turkish Education System. In the past two decades, Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory has been an important instrument of discussions to improve all learners' cognitive, affective, and behavioral development in Turkey. The first studies about the MI theory were made in the mid of 1990s. In this study, the initial efforts of the MI theory in Turkey, the reasons for MI theory attracting attention in Turkey, the problems encountered in the implementation of MI theory, and the impact of MI theory on the recent Turkish education reform are presented.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2003
Bu çalışma, son 20 yıldan beri fen eğitiminde kavramlar arasındaki ilişkileri anlamlı birer önerm... more Bu çalışma, son 20 yıldan beri fen eğitiminde kavramlar arasındaki ilişkileri anlamlı birer önerme halinde sunmak için sıkça kullanılan kavram haritalarının, (a) öğrencilere nasıl öğretilebileceğini, (b) öğrenciler tarafından farklı yaklaşımlar içerisinde nasıl hazırlanabileceğini, ve (c) fen eğitimi açısından önemini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, hiyerarşik, hiyerarşik olmayan ve zincir kavram haritalarının birbirlerinden farklı olan özellikleri, kavram haritası örnekleriyle tartışılacaktır.
Batı anadolu eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Jun 28, 2023
Öz. Bu çalışmanın amacı, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının geliştirilme sürecine de aktif olarak k... more Öz. Bu çalışmanın amacı, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının geliştirilme sürecine de aktif olarak katıldıkları çevrimiçi bir değerlendirme sistemindeki öz, akran ve öğretim elemanı dönütlerini; amaç, işlev ve sunuş yolu açısından incelemektir. Çalışmaya, işbirlikli tasarım-tabanlı araştırma yaklaşımına dayalı geliştirilen Web-tabanlı Otantik Değerlendirme Sisteminde (Web-ODS) öz ve akran değerlendirmeci görevleri alan 18 fen bilgisi öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının "Öğretmenlik Uygulaması" dersi kapsamında işledikleri ortaokul fen bilimleri dersi video kayıtlarına ilişkin, Web-ODS'deki öz, akran ve öğretim elemanı nitel dönütlerinden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde; nitel dönütlerin "amaç, işlev ve sunuş yolu" kategorileri açısından incelenmesi için geliştirilen ve 14 alt kategoriden oluşan "Dönüt Kontrol Listesi" kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, çevrimiçi öz, akran ve öğretim elemanı dönütlerinin; (1) "amaç" kategorisi açısından çoğunlukla "Hedef ve Performans" odaklı oluşturulduğunu, (2) "işlev" kategorisi açısından Yapılandırmacı başta olmak üzere Doğrulayıcı ve Ayrıntılı dönüt niteliğinde sunulduğunu, (3) "sunuş yolu" açısından ise çoğunlukla Kolaylaştırıcı ve daha az olmakla birlikte Yönlendirici ve Teşvik Edici yollarla da verildiğini göstermiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları; çevrimiçi değerlendirme sistemlerinin geliştirilmesinde, güncellenmesinde ve öğretmen eğitiminde "nitelikli veya etkili dönüt" kavramı üzerine yapılan çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fen bilgisi öğretmen eğitimi, Çevrimiçi/Web-tabanlı değerlendirme, Öz dönüt, Akran dönütü ve Öğretim elemanı/öğretmen dönütü.
Fen siniflarinda ogrenciler ve ogretmen-ogrenci arasinda meydana gelen diyaloglarin, ogrencilerin... more Fen siniflarinda ogrenciler ve ogretmen-ogrenci arasinda meydana gelen diyaloglarin, ogrencilerin ogrenmeleri uzerindeki rolu buyuktur. Etkin bir fen ogretimi icin, ogrencilerin siniflarda tartisma ortamini destekleyen veya gelistiren diyaloglar icerisinde olmalari gerekir. Bu calismada, ilk olarak fen siniflarinda sikca meydana gelen diyaloglarin ozellikleri ilgili orneklerle aciklanmis ve bu diyaloglarin ogrencilerin feni ogrenmeleri uzerine etkileri ele alinmistir. Daha sonra, tartismanin ne oldugu, turleri ve bu turler arasindaki ortak ve farkli yonler uzerinde durulmustur. Fen siniflarinda anlamli ogrenmeyi artirmak amaciyla, ogretmenlere, nasil daha etkin sinif ici diyaloglar kurabilecekleri ile ilgili cesitli oneriler sunulmustur.
İlköğretim Online, 2021
The aim of this study was to investigate the studies of rhetoric and dialectical argumentation st... more The aim of this study was to investigate the studies of rhetoric and dialectical argumentation stuides published in four leading academic journals in the field of science education through thematic content analysis method. For this purpose, 34 articles, which are in accordance with the examination criteria, were determinedby content analysis method. The studies were examined considering the following themes: "aim", "features of sample", "subject", "data collection and analysis method", "argumentation process", and "result". Results revealed that majority of the studies were conducted according to rhetorical argumentation (n=26, %76) and that the studies with dialectic argumentation (n=8, %24) were fewer. Moreover, it has been shown that the mostof studies were conducted to analyze student argumentation and to improve students' argumentation skills. It was seen that the sample size is usuallysmallin the argumentation studies. In addition, it was determined that the qualitative and mixed methods were mostly used in the studies and argumentation was mostly applied on science topics and concepts rather than socioscientific issues. Results showed that various rubrics or argumentative indicators were used to evaluate the argumentation process in most of the studies. In addition, in some rhetorical studies, it has been observed that new argumentation elements are added to adapt argumentation models to science education. It is suggested that in the future studies, dialectical argumentation studies that determine the role of teacher in the argumentation process and studies on the socioscientific topics with larger samples will fill the gap in this area.
Lazear, D. G. (1994) in his book, “pathway of learning, teaching students and parent about multip... more Lazear, D. G. (1994) in his book, “pathway of learning, teaching students and parent about multiple intelligences” describes bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, a process of knowing that occurs through physical movement and performance (learning by doing). It employs such tools as dance, drama, physical games, mime role-play, body language, physical exercise and inventing. Bruce Campbell (2008) in his book, “Handbook of Differentiated Instruction Using the Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plans & More” describes bolily-kinaesthetic intelligence as the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing, and the perfection of skills through mind-body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit highly developed kinaesthetic intelligence. This paper focuses outcome of an experimental study on effectiveness of toolkit of life skill education programme on Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence of secondary school st...
Journal of Teacher Education
The purpose of this study was to, first, examine the potential of lesson plans (LPs) of preservic... more The purpose of this study was to, first, examine the potential of lesson plans (LPs) of preservice science teachers (PSTs, N = 631) as a source for gathering rich data on their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and, second, qualitatively describe PSTs’ reasons for the level of data richness in their LPs on PCK. PSTs’ handwritten LPs were analyzed through an analytic rubric, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 79 randomly selected PSTs. Results revealed a range of the level of data richness of the PSTs’ LPs on PCK and five descriptive categories about the PSTs’ reasons for the richness of LP data on PCK. The study implies that researchers should consider the inclusion of the LP as a valid tool in their triangulation design; however, they should weigh the factors that influence the collection of rich data in their PCK studies to triangulate findings better to portray a holistic picture of PCK.
Bu çalışmada, çevrimiçi ortamda sunulan öz ve akran geribildirimlerin ne düzeyde biçimlendirici o... more Bu çalışmada, çevrimiçi ortamda sunulan öz ve akran geribildirimlerin ne düzeyde biçimlendirici olduğunu belirlemek için “Biçimlendirici Geribildirim Değerlendirme Rubriği’’ geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. “Biçimlendirici geribildirim” kavramıyla ilgili alanyazındaki araştırmalardan ve uzman görüşlerinden yararlanılarak geliştirilen analitik rubrik, üç ana boyut (bilişsel, duyuşsal, yapı-şekil) ve dokuz alt boyuttan (odak, içerik, amaç, değer, öz saygı, tavır, organizasyon, anlaşılırlık, biçim) oluşturulmuştur. Güvenilirlik çalışması kapsamında, değerlendirmeciler arası uyum rs =0,80-0.84 ve dört ay arayla yapılan değerlendirmeler arası tekrar uyumu rs =0,87 olarak bulunmuştur. Geliştirilen rubriğin, çevrimiçi ortamlarda sağlanan yazılı geribildirimlerin biçimlendirici olma düzeylerini belirlemede, etkin şekilde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca rubrik, farklı çevrimiçi sistem ve ortamlara uygun olarak düzenlenerek, içinde bulunduğumuz COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde, çevrimiçi o...
Uşak Üniversitesi Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
… -Pacific Forum on …, 2008
This paper presents the development and revision of a dual-response instrument entitled, Student... more This paper presents the development and revision of a dual-response instrument entitled, Student Understanding of Science and Scientific Inquiry (SUSSI). Built on the most recent science education reform documents and existing literature on the nature of science, SUSSI blends ...
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, Sep 1, 2009
Çoklu Zeka Kuramı (ÇZK), son yıllarda ülkemizde dahil olmak üzere dünyanın bir çok yerindeki eğit... more Çoklu Zeka Kuramı (ÇZK), son yıllarda ülkemizde dahil olmak üzere dünyanın bir çok yerindeki eğitim bilimci, öğretmen ve okul yöneticisi arasında popüler bir terim haline gelmiştir. Kuramla ilgili sayısız kitap, makale ve internet sayfasına, ve bu kaynaklardan çoklu zeka öğretim aktivitelerine ulaşmak mümkündür. Buna karşın, ÇZK tabanlı bir öğretimin sistematik olarak nasıl geliştirileceği hakkında bir çok öğretmen ve öğretmen adayı yeterli bir bilgiye ve deneyime sahip değildir. Bu çalışmada, öğretmen ve öğretmen adaylarına yardımcı olmak amacıyla literatürde bulunan üç farklı ÇZK tabanlı öğretim tasarımı modeli analiz edilip, bu modeller arasındaki farklılıklar ortaya konmuştur.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2013
The purpose of this study was to adapt "Survey of Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge of Tea... more The purpose of this study was to adapt "Survey of Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Techno- logy" in order to assess pre-service primary teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) to Turkish. 407 pre-service primary teachers (227 female and 180 male) in their final semester in Education Faculties in Turkey participating in this study were selected with criteria sampling which is the method of purpo- seful sampling. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, including Cronbach's alpha and item-total corre- lation coefficients, were used for checking the psychometric properties of the adapted scale. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) identified eight factors accounting for 59.44% of the variance, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be .89 for the overall scale, and item-total correlation coefficients were between .42 and .74. The re- sults obtained from the EFA supported by confirmatory factor analysis showed that ther...
Page 1. Changes in Attitudes Towards ScienceTechnology Society of Pre-service Science Teachers ... more Page 1. Changes in Attitudes Towards ScienceTechnology Society of Pre-service Science Teachers Osman Nafiz Kaya & Robert Yager & Alev Dogan Published online: 5 April 2008 © Springer Science + Business Media BV 2008 ...
Abstract: Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namel... more Abstract: Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namely symbol system, individual portfolio and scoring scheme. We scored student-constructed concept maps based on 5 concept map criteria: validity of concepts, adequacy of propositions, significance of cross-links, relevancy of examples, and interconnectedness. With respect to the concurrent validity of scoring the concept maps in this study, correlation coefficients were computed between total scores of students ' concept map and their scores of Prior Knowledge Test (PKT), and Achievement Test (AT) involved in the concepts of science laboratory experiments. The mean scores of students ' pre-lab concept maps correlated much better with their scores of PKT (r =.615, p < 0.01), and also mean scores of students' post-lab concept maps correlated with their scores of Achievement Test (r =.478, p < 0.05). In regard to instructional sensitivity, the statistical analysis based o...
Abstract: In this study, Pre-service Science Teachers ’ (PSTs) views about the potential benefits... more Abstract: In this study, Pre-service Science Teachers ’ (PSTs) views about the potential benefits and existing barriers of their argumentation on the World Wide Web about what is happening in middle school science classrooms during two semesters of their practicum experiences were investigated. "Special Web Group " called the Collaborative Action Research in Science Teacher Education (CARSTE) was constructed together with seven PSTs. PSTs were individually asked to send their observations reflecting whatever happens in the middle school science classes to CARTSE. Also, PSTs met twice each week for a 3-hour group session in order to carry out face to face argumentation in addition to their online argumentation. Simultaneously, PSTs had online and face to face argumentation about important issues of science education, such as traditional teaching, constructivist approach, attitudes toward and perceptions of science, authentic assessment, and nature of science. At the end of ...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of argumentation based on student-constru... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of argumentation based on student-constructed ‘pre ’ and ‘post ’ laboratory concept maps on students ’ attitudes towards chemistry laboratory in a university general chemistry course. Concept mapping has been used as a tool to carry out the argumentations about chemical concepts involved in general chemistry laboratory experiments between instructors and students, and among students. In the experimental group, students (N=41) performed their general chemistry laboratory experiments using individual, small and large group discussions based on students ’ pre- and post- laboratory concept maps, whereas the control group students (N=43) performed their laboratory investigations using traditional approaches. A questionnaire to test the attitudes of students towards chemistry laboratory (QATCL) has been administrated to both groups as pre- and post-tests. The statistical analysis (ANCOVA) of results of QATCL post-test showed that the...
Abstract: Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkis... more Abstract: Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkish Republic was established by Atatürk in 1923, one of the radical revolutions was made in the Turkish Education System. In the past two decades, Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory has been an important instrument of discussions to improve all learners ’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral development in Turkey. The first studies about the MI theory were made in the mid of 1990s. In this study, the initial efforts of the MI theory in Turkey, the reasons for MI theory attracting attention in Turkey, the problems encountered in the implementation of MI theory, and the impact of MI theory on the recent Turkish education reform are presented. A General Glance at Turkey: Turkey is located like a bridge connecting Asia and Europe in the North hemisphere. A great majority of the land of Turkish Republic takes place in Anatolian peninsula, and the rest takes place in Thrace that has an extension...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of scientific discussions based on stude... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of scientific discussions based on student-constructed preand post-laboratory concept maps on students’ attitudes toward chemistry laboratory in the university general chemistry. As part of instruction, during the first four laboratory sessions, students were taught how to construct and objectively score concept maps using a scoring scheme with a symbol system. Then, students were required personally to construct a map prior (pre) and after (post) each of the five laboratory experiments. Concept mapping was used as a tool to carry out the scientific discussions about chemical concepts involved in general chemistry laboratory experiments between instructors and students, and among students. In the experimental group, students (N=45) performed their general chemistry laboratory experiments using individual, small and large group discussions based on preand postlaboratory concept maps, whereas the control group students (N=46) pe...
Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namely symbol s... more Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namely symbol system, individual portfolio and scoring scheme. We scored student- constructed concept maps based on 5 concept map criteria: validity of concepts, adequacy of propositions, significance of cross-links, relevancy of examples, and interconnectedness. With respect to the concurrent validity of scoring the concept maps in this study, correlation coefficients were computed between total scores of students' concept map and their scores of Prior Knowledge Test (PKT), and Achievement Test (AT) involved in the concepts of science laboratory experiments. The mean scores of students' pre-lab concept maps correlated much better with their scores of PKT (r= .615, p < 0.01), and also mean scores of students' post-lab concept maps correlated with their scores of Achievement Test (r= .478, p < 0.05). In regard to instructional sensitivity, the statistical analysis based on the comparis...
Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkish Republic... more Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkish Republic was established by Atatürk in 1923, one of the radical revolutions was made in the Turkish Education System. In the past two decades, Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory has been an important instrument of discussions to improve all learners' cognitive, affective, and behavioral development in Turkey. The first studies about the MI theory were made in the mid of 1990s. In this study, the initial efforts of the MI theory in Turkey, the reasons for MI theory attracting attention in Turkey, the problems encountered in the implementation of MI theory, and the impact of MI theory on the recent Turkish education reform are presented.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2003
Bu çalışma, son 20 yıldan beri fen eğitiminde kavramlar arasındaki ilişkileri anlamlı birer önerm... more Bu çalışma, son 20 yıldan beri fen eğitiminde kavramlar arasındaki ilişkileri anlamlı birer önerme halinde sunmak için sıkça kullanılan kavram haritalarının, (a) öğrencilere nasıl öğretilebileceğini, (b) öğrenciler tarafından farklı yaklaşımlar içerisinde nasıl hazırlanabileceğini, ve (c) fen eğitimi açısından önemini sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada, hiyerarşik, hiyerarşik olmayan ve zincir kavram haritalarının birbirlerinden farklı olan özellikleri, kavram haritası örnekleriyle tartışılacaktır.
Batı anadolu eğitim bilimleri dergisi, Jun 28, 2023
Öz. Bu çalışmanın amacı, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının geliştirilme sürecine de aktif olarak k... more Öz. Bu çalışmanın amacı, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının geliştirilme sürecine de aktif olarak katıldıkları çevrimiçi bir değerlendirme sistemindeki öz, akran ve öğretim elemanı dönütlerini; amaç, işlev ve sunuş yolu açısından incelemektir. Çalışmaya, işbirlikli tasarım-tabanlı araştırma yaklaşımına dayalı geliştirilen Web-tabanlı Otantik Değerlendirme Sisteminde (Web-ODS) öz ve akran değerlendirmeci görevleri alan 18 fen bilgisi öğretmen adayı katılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri, fen bilgisi öğretmen adaylarının "Öğretmenlik Uygulaması" dersi kapsamında işledikleri ortaokul fen bilimleri dersi video kayıtlarına ilişkin, Web-ODS'deki öz, akran ve öğretim elemanı nitel dönütlerinden oluşmaktadır. Verilerin analizinde; nitel dönütlerin "amaç, işlev ve sunuş yolu" kategorileri açısından incelenmesi için geliştirilen ve 14 alt kategoriden oluşan "Dönüt Kontrol Listesi" kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen bulgular, çevrimiçi öz, akran ve öğretim elemanı dönütlerinin; (1) "amaç" kategorisi açısından çoğunlukla "Hedef ve Performans" odaklı oluşturulduğunu, (2) "işlev" kategorisi açısından Yapılandırmacı başta olmak üzere Doğrulayıcı ve Ayrıntılı dönüt niteliğinde sunulduğunu, (3) "sunuş yolu" açısından ise çoğunlukla Kolaylaştırıcı ve daha az olmakla birlikte Yönlendirici ve Teşvik Edici yollarla da verildiğini göstermiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçları; çevrimiçi değerlendirme sistemlerinin geliştirilmesinde, güncellenmesinde ve öğretmen eğitiminde "nitelikli veya etkili dönüt" kavramı üzerine yapılan çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Fen bilgisi öğretmen eğitimi, Çevrimiçi/Web-tabanlı değerlendirme, Öz dönüt, Akran dönütü ve Öğretim elemanı/öğretmen dönütü.
Fen siniflarinda ogrenciler ve ogretmen-ogrenci arasinda meydana gelen diyaloglarin, ogrencilerin... more Fen siniflarinda ogrenciler ve ogretmen-ogrenci arasinda meydana gelen diyaloglarin, ogrencilerin ogrenmeleri uzerindeki rolu buyuktur. Etkin bir fen ogretimi icin, ogrencilerin siniflarda tartisma ortamini destekleyen veya gelistiren diyaloglar icerisinde olmalari gerekir. Bu calismada, ilk olarak fen siniflarinda sikca meydana gelen diyaloglarin ozellikleri ilgili orneklerle aciklanmis ve bu diyaloglarin ogrencilerin feni ogrenmeleri uzerine etkileri ele alinmistir. Daha sonra, tartismanin ne oldugu, turleri ve bu turler arasindaki ortak ve farkli yonler uzerinde durulmustur. Fen siniflarinda anlamli ogrenmeyi artirmak amaciyla, ogretmenlere, nasil daha etkin sinif ici diyaloglar kurabilecekleri ile ilgili cesitli oneriler sunulmustur.
İlköğretim Online, 2021
The aim of this study was to investigate the studies of rhetoric and dialectical argumentation st... more The aim of this study was to investigate the studies of rhetoric and dialectical argumentation stuides published in four leading academic journals in the field of science education through thematic content analysis method. For this purpose, 34 articles, which are in accordance with the examination criteria, were determinedby content analysis method. The studies were examined considering the following themes: "aim", "features of sample", "subject", "data collection and analysis method", "argumentation process", and "result". Results revealed that majority of the studies were conducted according to rhetorical argumentation (n=26, %76) and that the studies with dialectic argumentation (n=8, %24) were fewer. Moreover, it has been shown that the mostof studies were conducted to analyze student argumentation and to improve students' argumentation skills. It was seen that the sample size is usuallysmallin the argumentation studies. In addition, it was determined that the qualitative and mixed methods were mostly used in the studies and argumentation was mostly applied on science topics and concepts rather than socioscientific issues. Results showed that various rubrics or argumentative indicators were used to evaluate the argumentation process in most of the studies. In addition, in some rhetorical studies, it has been observed that new argumentation elements are added to adapt argumentation models to science education. It is suggested that in the future studies, dialectical argumentation studies that determine the role of teacher in the argumentation process and studies on the socioscientific topics with larger samples will fill the gap in this area.
Lazear, D. G. (1994) in his book, “pathway of learning, teaching students and parent about multip... more Lazear, D. G. (1994) in his book, “pathway of learning, teaching students and parent about multiple intelligences” describes bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence, a process of knowing that occurs through physical movement and performance (learning by doing). It employs such tools as dance, drama, physical games, mime role-play, body language, physical exercise and inventing. Bruce Campbell (2008) in his book, “Handbook of Differentiated Instruction Using the Multiple Intelligences Lesson Plans & More” describes bolily-kinaesthetic intelligence as the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing, and the perfection of skills through mind-body union. Athletes, dancers, surgeons, and craftspeople exhibit highly developed kinaesthetic intelligence. This paper focuses outcome of an experimental study on effectiveness of toolkit of life skill education programme on Bodily-kinaesthetic intelligence of secondary school st...
Journal of Teacher Education
The purpose of this study was to, first, examine the potential of lesson plans (LPs) of preservic... more The purpose of this study was to, first, examine the potential of lesson plans (LPs) of preservice science teachers (PSTs, N = 631) as a source for gathering rich data on their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and, second, qualitatively describe PSTs’ reasons for the level of data richness in their LPs on PCK. PSTs’ handwritten LPs were analyzed through an analytic rubric, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 79 randomly selected PSTs. Results revealed a range of the level of data richness of the PSTs’ LPs on PCK and five descriptive categories about the PSTs’ reasons for the richness of LP data on PCK. The study implies that researchers should consider the inclusion of the LP as a valid tool in their triangulation design; however, they should weigh the factors that influence the collection of rich data in their PCK studies to triangulate findings better to portray a holistic picture of PCK.
Bu çalışmada, çevrimiçi ortamda sunulan öz ve akran geribildirimlerin ne düzeyde biçimlendirici o... more Bu çalışmada, çevrimiçi ortamda sunulan öz ve akran geribildirimlerin ne düzeyde biçimlendirici olduğunu belirlemek için “Biçimlendirici Geribildirim Değerlendirme Rubriği’’ geliştirmek amaçlanmıştır. “Biçimlendirici geribildirim” kavramıyla ilgili alanyazındaki araştırmalardan ve uzman görüşlerinden yararlanılarak geliştirilen analitik rubrik, üç ana boyut (bilişsel, duyuşsal, yapı-şekil) ve dokuz alt boyuttan (odak, içerik, amaç, değer, öz saygı, tavır, organizasyon, anlaşılırlık, biçim) oluşturulmuştur. Güvenilirlik çalışması kapsamında, değerlendirmeciler arası uyum rs =0,80-0.84 ve dört ay arayla yapılan değerlendirmeler arası tekrar uyumu rs =0,87 olarak bulunmuştur. Geliştirilen rubriğin, çevrimiçi ortamlarda sağlanan yazılı geribildirimlerin biçimlendirici olma düzeylerini belirlemede, etkin şekilde kullanılabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır. Ayrıca rubrik, farklı çevrimiçi sistem ve ortamlara uygun olarak düzenlenerek, içinde bulunduğumuz COVID-19 pandemi sürecinde, çevrimiçi o...
Uşak Üniversitesi Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2021
… -Pacific Forum on …, 2008
This paper presents the development and revision of a dual-response instrument entitled, Student... more This paper presents the development and revision of a dual-response instrument entitled, Student Understanding of Science and Scientific Inquiry (SUSSI). Built on the most recent science education reform documents and existing literature on the nature of science, SUSSI blends ...
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, Sep 1, 2009
Çoklu Zeka Kuramı (ÇZK), son yıllarda ülkemizde dahil olmak üzere dünyanın bir çok yerindeki eğit... more Çoklu Zeka Kuramı (ÇZK), son yıllarda ülkemizde dahil olmak üzere dünyanın bir çok yerindeki eğitim bilimci, öğretmen ve okul yöneticisi arasında popüler bir terim haline gelmiştir. Kuramla ilgili sayısız kitap, makale ve internet sayfasına, ve bu kaynaklardan çoklu zeka öğretim aktivitelerine ulaşmak mümkündür. Buna karşın, ÇZK tabanlı bir öğretimin sistematik olarak nasıl geliştirileceği hakkında bir çok öğretmen ve öğretmen adayı yeterli bir bilgiye ve deneyime sahip değildir. Bu çalışmada, öğretmen ve öğretmen adaylarına yardımcı olmak amacıyla literatürde bulunan üç farklı ÇZK tabanlı öğretim tasarımı modeli analiz edilip, bu modeller arasındaki farklılıklar ortaya konmuştur.
Kuram Ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri, 2013
The purpose of this study was to adapt "Survey of Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge of Tea... more The purpose of this study was to adapt "Survey of Pre-service Teachers' Knowledge of Teaching and Techno- logy" in order to assess pre-service primary teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) to Turkish. 407 pre-service primary teachers (227 female and 180 male) in their final semester in Education Faculties in Turkey participating in this study were selected with criteria sampling which is the method of purpo- seful sampling. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, including Cronbach's alpha and item-total corre- lation coefficients, were used for checking the psychometric properties of the adapted scale. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) identified eight factors accounting for 59.44% of the variance, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was found to be .89 for the overall scale, and item-total correlation coefficients were between .42 and .74. The re- sults obtained from the EFA supported by confirmatory factor analysis showed that ther...
Page 1. Changes in Attitudes Towards ScienceTechnology Society of Pre-service Science Teachers ... more Page 1. Changes in Attitudes Towards ScienceTechnology Society of Pre-service Science Teachers Osman Nafiz Kaya &amp;amp;amp; Robert Yager &amp;amp;amp; Alev Dogan Published online: 5 April 2008 © Springer Science + Business Media BV 2008 ...
Abstract: Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namel... more Abstract: Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namely symbol system, individual portfolio and scoring scheme. We scored student-constructed concept maps based on 5 concept map criteria: validity of concepts, adequacy of propositions, significance of cross-links, relevancy of examples, and interconnectedness. With respect to the concurrent validity of scoring the concept maps in this study, correlation coefficients were computed between total scores of students ' concept map and their scores of Prior Knowledge Test (PKT), and Achievement Test (AT) involved in the concepts of science laboratory experiments. The mean scores of students ' pre-lab concept maps correlated much better with their scores of PKT (r =.615, p < 0.01), and also mean scores of students' post-lab concept maps correlated with their scores of Achievement Test (r =.478, p < 0.05). In regard to instructional sensitivity, the statistical analysis based o...
Abstract: In this study, Pre-service Science Teachers ’ (PSTs) views about the potential benefits... more Abstract: In this study, Pre-service Science Teachers ’ (PSTs) views about the potential benefits and existing barriers of their argumentation on the World Wide Web about what is happening in middle school science classrooms during two semesters of their practicum experiences were investigated. "Special Web Group " called the Collaborative Action Research in Science Teacher Education (CARSTE) was constructed together with seven PSTs. PSTs were individually asked to send their observations reflecting whatever happens in the middle school science classes to CARTSE. Also, PSTs met twice each week for a 3-hour group session in order to carry out face to face argumentation in addition to their online argumentation. Simultaneously, PSTs had online and face to face argumentation about important issues of science education, such as traditional teaching, constructivist approach, attitudes toward and perceptions of science, authentic assessment, and nature of science. At the end of ...
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of argumentation based on student-constru... more The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of argumentation based on student-constructed ‘pre ’ and ‘post ’ laboratory concept maps on students ’ attitudes towards chemistry laboratory in a university general chemistry course. Concept mapping has been used as a tool to carry out the argumentations about chemical concepts involved in general chemistry laboratory experiments between instructors and students, and among students. In the experimental group, students (N=41) performed their general chemistry laboratory experiments using individual, small and large group discussions based on students ’ pre- and post- laboratory concept maps, whereas the control group students (N=43) performed their laboratory investigations using traditional approaches. A questionnaire to test the attitudes of students towards chemistry laboratory (QATCL) has been administrated to both groups as pre- and post-tests. The statistical analysis (ANCOVA) of results of QATCL post-test showed that the...
Abstract: Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkis... more Abstract: Turkey can be regarded as a cultural bridge between the East and the West. After Turkish Republic was established by Atatürk in 1923, one of the radical revolutions was made in the Turkish Education System. In the past two decades, Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory has been an important instrument of discussions to improve all learners ’ cognitive, affective, and behavioral development in Turkey. The first studies about the MI theory were made in the mid of 1990s. In this study, the initial efforts of the MI theory in Turkey, the reasons for MI theory attracting attention in Turkey, the problems encountered in the implementation of MI theory, and the impact of MI theory on the recent Turkish education reform are presented. A General Glance at Turkey: Turkey is located like a bridge connecting Asia and Europe in the North hemisphere. A great majority of the land of Turkish Republic takes place in Anatolian peninsula, and the rest takes place in Thrace that has an extension...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of scientific discussions based on stude... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of scientific discussions based on student-constructed preand post-laboratory concept maps on students’ attitudes toward chemistry laboratory in the university general chemistry. As part of instruction, during the first four laboratory sessions, students were taught how to construct and objectively score concept maps using a scoring scheme with a symbol system. Then, students were required personally to construct a map prior (pre) and after (post) each of the five laboratory experiments. Concept mapping was used as a tool to carry out the scientific discussions about chemical concepts involved in general chemistry laboratory experiments between instructors and students, and among students. In the experimental group, students (N=45) performed their general chemistry laboratory experiments using individual, small and large group discussions based on preand postlaboratory concept maps, whereas the control group students (N=46) pe...
Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namely symbol s... more Student-centered approach of scoring the concept maps consisted of three elements namely symbol system, individual portfolio and scoring scheme. We scored student- constructed concept maps based on 5 concept map criteria: validity of concepts, adequacy of propositions, significance of cross-links, relevancy of examples, and interconnectedness. With respect to the concurrent validity of scoring the concept maps in this study, correlation coefficients were computed between total scores of students' concept map and their scores of Prior Knowledge Test (PKT), and Achievement Test (AT) involved in the concepts of science laboratory experiments. The mean scores of students' pre-lab concept maps correlated much better with their scores of PKT (r= .615, p < 0.01), and also mean scores of students' post-lab concept maps correlated with their scores of Achievement Test (r= .478, p < 0.05). In regard to instructional sensitivity, the statistical analysis based on the comparis...