Asri Prasetyaningsih - (original) (raw)
Papers by Asri Prasetyaningsih
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendiskripsikan peningkatan kedisiplinan melalui model pembela... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendiskripsikan peningkatan kedisiplinan melalui model pembelajaran sentra bermain anak kelompok A TK Pertiwi Teladan Surabaya. (2) mendiskripsikan peningkatan sikap kooperatif melalui model pelajaran sentra bermain peran anak kelompok A TK Pertiwi Teladan Surabaya. (3) untuk mendiskripsikan peningkatan kedisiplinan dan sikap kooperatif anak kelompok A TK Pertiwi Teladan Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara observasi dan dokumentasi, instrumen penelitian terdiri dari lembar pengamatan aktivitas anak dan lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru. Pengumpulan data dianalisis dan diolah untuk menentukan langkah yang perlu ditingkatkan pada siklus berikutnya.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu pada perbandingan keberhasilan kedisiplinan dan sikap kooperatif anak kelompok A padaanalisis antar siklus secara perhitungan ...
Early childhood education is the level of education before primary education which is an approach... more Early childhood education is the level of education before primary education which is an approach to development that is intended for children from birth up to the age of six years are accomplished by providing stimulation of education to help the growth and development of the physical and spiritual so that children have the readiness to enter education further, held in formal, non-formal and informal according to Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Forming the entrepreneurial spirit in early childhood through play is a form of implementation of the most fundamental and is done through a continuous process so that the child will hone their talents and potentials. Through various activities in the learning process of children will be sensitive to the environment that would take him to the ideals that he wants. Besides, teachers should also provide facilities and infrastructure in guiding and shaping the entrepreneurial spirit so that children will not be doubt in choosing wh...
Dampak Penyertaan Media Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Kehidupan Keluarga. Perkembangan Tekno... more Dampak Penyertaan Media Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Kehidupan Keluarga. Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi yang demikian pesat membawa pengaruh dalam berbagai sendi kehidupan manusia termasuk dalam keluarga. Kondisi faktual saat ini menjelaskan bahwa terjadinya pergeseran budaya pengasuhan dalam keluarga sebagai imbas dari perkembangan Teknologi Informasi. Perubahan ini pun mempengaruhi budaya pergaulan dan permainan anak usia dini. Dalam permainan anak, keseluruhan aktivitas yang dilakukan sifatnya menyenangkan, dan berfungsi untuk membantu anak mencapai perkembangan yang utuh, baik fisik, intelektual, sosial, moral dan emosional. Dengan sebuah permainan ini anak akan mengembangkan dan memahami diri sendiri. Penulisan ini merupakan kajian dari berbagai teori untuk memaparkan sejumlah dampak yang dimunculkan akibat penyertaan media berbasis teknologi dan informasi dalam kehidupan keluarga
introduction of group B image media in RA. Nyai Munifah Kraton Pasuruan was needed in this study ... more introduction of group B image media in RA. Nyai Munifah Kraton Pasuruan was needed in this study because it helped introduce children to word for word according to the enhanced spelling. Besides that this research uses Descriptive Qualitative Research Method that uses data collection techniques used is observation, while the understanding of qualitative research is research on descriptive research and tends to use analysis, process and meaning (subject perspective) more highlighted in qualitative research. the theoretical foundation is used as a guide so that the focus of research is in accordance with the facts in the field In addition, this theoretical basis is also useful to provide a general description of the background of the research and as an explanation for the results of the research. Research subjects are very necessary because the subjects of the research are student name data as the variable under study. The subjects in the study were children of group B. RA Nyai Munifa...
This study aims to determine the improvement of children's communication skills by using bana... more This study aims to determine the improvement of children's communication skills by using banana frying activities in Group A in RA. Al-hasanuddin Randukerto Grati Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency This research aims to determine the improvement of communication skills after the method of conversing with banana frying on children in group A in RA Al-hasanuddin Randukerto Grati district, Pasuruan Regency, 2018-2019. One of the foods that are popular in the community is fried banana. This food becomes one of the foods that are liked and loved by young people, children to adults. Research data on communication skills was collected by observation method with instruments in the form of observation format sheets. The research data uses qualitative descriptive. with the title of assisted communication skills of fried banana media. The aim of this study was to determine the improvement of communication skills of children by using banana frying activities in Group A in RA. Al-hasanuddin Randu...
Basically RA children are active individuals, have high curiosity, are persistent and have unique... more Basically RA children are active individuals, have high curiosity, are persistent and have unique characteristics in each individual. These characteristics can be seen in the development of students in RA Darul Ulum, Rembang District, Pausruan Regency. The school has a mission to foster entrepreneurship in children based on the example of the Prophet, such as always accustoming children to being persistent, independent, and confident in every activity carried out inside and outside of school. The value of Entrepreneurship has an impact on the attitudes and behavior of children, Growing the Entrepreneurship Soul Through Cooking Class Activities in RA Darul Ulum, District of Rembang, District of Pausruan, which focuses on developing entrepreneurial spirit in students. Given that this research aims to understand and interpret the various fenomemna that exist or which are manifested in reality as a characteristic of qualitative research, in this case how is the process of Developing Ent...
This study aims to determine the media of green bean seeds and cotton can improve the ability to ... more This study aims to determine the media of green bean seeds and cotton can improve the ability to say in Group B in RA MIFTAHUL ULUM ASSALAFI Rebalas, Pendoso, Grati District, Pasuruan Regency. This study uses a Descriptive Qualitative Method based on observing numerical abilities carried out in the classroom using observation, interviews, data analysis, Subjects in the study were group B. RA Miftahul Ulum Assalafi Rebalas Pendoso District Grati Pasuruan Regency. The object of this study was the Improvement of Germination Media Ability in Group B in RA Miftahul Ulum Assalafi Rebalas Pendoso District Grati Pasuruan Regency. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, observations, documentation, tests or tests (tests), and so forth. The data analysis technique was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The success criteria in this study if the numerical skills of children have reached 80% with very good criteria.The results showed an increase in the abili...
In the aspect of development of cognitive abilities, especially in the ability to say, it means s... more In the aspect of development of cognitive abilities, especially in the ability to say, it means stimulating children to recognize, understand and use written symbols from mathematics or counting that are very important in our lives, every day, even every minute using mathematics. Shopping, calculating objects, time, place, distance, and speed are mathematical functions. This type of research is carried out using a qualitative descriptive method approach, this approach is a process of collecting data naturally to obtain data on the use of straws can be used as a place for the success of children in counting 1-10 groups A in RA Miftahul ulum kalipang grati pasuruan. Activities to say with objects that are actually children become easier in understanding the concept of saying things. In improving the cognitive abilities of children through the activity of spreading with straw media, the preparation consists of four activities including: 1) Counting 1-10 with a straw, 2) Measuring short...
This study aims to determine the Fine Motoric Ability of Early Childhood in the manufacture of Ic... more This study aims to determine the Fine Motoric Ability of Early Childhood in the manufacture of Ice Cincau in group A in RA El Fata Viradillah Kambinganrejo district Grati Pasuuruan Regency. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods as proposed by Bogdan and Taylor (LJ Meleong, 2011: 4) as research procedures that produce Descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken from people and behavior that can be observed. In addition, the method Qualitative research according to Syaodih Nana, (2007: 60) is a way to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of individuals individually or in groups. Research subjects are very necessary because the subjects of the research are data about the variables studied by existence. The subjects in the study were RA Group A children El Fata Viradillah Kambinganrejo Grati District, Pasuruan Regency. The object of this research is the improvement of fine motor skills with Cooking Clas...
This study aims to describe: 1) the values of character instilled in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan in ... more This study aims to describe: 1) the values of character instilled in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan in Winongan District, Pasuruan Regency; 2) methods of learning the values of manners in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan in Winongan Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency; 3) driving and inhibiting factors andefforts to overcome obstacles in cultivating ethical values in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan, Winongan District, Pasuruan Regency.This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were managers, administrators, educators, caregivers, students and parents of students. Data collection is done using the method of interview, observation, and documentation. The researcher is the main instrument in conducting research assisted by interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and documentation guidelines. The technique used in data analysis is data reduction, data display, and data verification. Triangulation is done to explain the validity of data using sources and methods.The results ...
Kode/ SKS : PAUD4208/ 4 SKS Nama Pengembang : Asri Prasetyaningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. Deskripsi Singka... more Kode/ SKS : PAUD4208/ 4 SKS Nama Pengembang : Asri Prasetyaningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah : Dalam tutorial UT, mahasisiwa diberikan pemahaman tentang sistem belajar jarak jauh yaitu dengan menerapkan konsep belajar efektif dan mandiri. Selain itu mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang hakikat perkembangan anak yang bersifat normatif dan nonnormatif beserta faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan anak yang bersifat nonnormatif yang sering terjadi di TK sehingga mahasiswa mampu mengamati , memahami perkembangan anak yang memiliki kelainan(berkebutuhan khusus) dan dapat menentukan alternatif penanganan yang tepat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran atau praktek di lapangan Kompetensi Umum : Mahasiswa mampu membedakan dan menangani bermacam macam kasus perkembangan anak yang bersifat normatif dan nonnnormatif (anak dengan kebutuhan khusus) di TK
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendiskripsikan peningkatan kedisiplinan melalui model pembela... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mendiskripsikan peningkatan kedisiplinan melalui model pembelajaran sentra bermain anak kelompok A TK Pertiwi Teladan Surabaya. (2) mendiskripsikan peningkatan sikap kooperatif melalui model pelajaran sentra bermain peran anak kelompok A TK Pertiwi Teladan Surabaya. (3) untuk mendiskripsikan peningkatan kedisiplinan dan sikap kooperatif anak kelompok A TK Pertiwi Teladan Surabaya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Tehnik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara observasi dan dokumentasi, instrumen penelitian terdiri dari lembar pengamatan aktivitas anak dan lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru. Pengumpulan data dianalisis dan diolah untuk menentukan langkah yang perlu ditingkatkan pada siklus berikutnya.Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu pada perbandingan keberhasilan kedisiplinan dan sikap kooperatif anak kelompok A padaanalisis antar siklus secara perhitungan ...
Early childhood education is the level of education before primary education which is an approach... more Early childhood education is the level of education before primary education which is an approach to development that is intended for children from birth up to the age of six years are accomplished by providing stimulation of education to help the growth and development of the physical and spiritual so that children have the readiness to enter education further, held in formal, non-formal and informal according to Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Forming the entrepreneurial spirit in early childhood through play is a form of implementation of the most fundamental and is done through a continuous process so that the child will hone their talents and potentials. Through various activities in the learning process of children will be sensitive to the environment that would take him to the ideals that he wants. Besides, teachers should also provide facilities and infrastructure in guiding and shaping the entrepreneurial spirit so that children will not be doubt in choosing wh...
Dampak Penyertaan Media Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Kehidupan Keluarga. Perkembangan Tekno... more Dampak Penyertaan Media Berbasis Teknologi Informasi dalam Kehidupan Keluarga. Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi yang demikian pesat membawa pengaruh dalam berbagai sendi kehidupan manusia termasuk dalam keluarga. Kondisi faktual saat ini menjelaskan bahwa terjadinya pergeseran budaya pengasuhan dalam keluarga sebagai imbas dari perkembangan Teknologi Informasi. Perubahan ini pun mempengaruhi budaya pergaulan dan permainan anak usia dini. Dalam permainan anak, keseluruhan aktivitas yang dilakukan sifatnya menyenangkan, dan berfungsi untuk membantu anak mencapai perkembangan yang utuh, baik fisik, intelektual, sosial, moral dan emosional. Dengan sebuah permainan ini anak akan mengembangkan dan memahami diri sendiri. Penulisan ini merupakan kajian dari berbagai teori untuk memaparkan sejumlah dampak yang dimunculkan akibat penyertaan media berbasis teknologi dan informasi dalam kehidupan keluarga
introduction of group B image media in RA. Nyai Munifah Kraton Pasuruan was needed in this study ... more introduction of group B image media in RA. Nyai Munifah Kraton Pasuruan was needed in this study because it helped introduce children to word for word according to the enhanced spelling. Besides that this research uses Descriptive Qualitative Research Method that uses data collection techniques used is observation, while the understanding of qualitative research is research on descriptive research and tends to use analysis, process and meaning (subject perspective) more highlighted in qualitative research. the theoretical foundation is used as a guide so that the focus of research is in accordance with the facts in the field In addition, this theoretical basis is also useful to provide a general description of the background of the research and as an explanation for the results of the research. Research subjects are very necessary because the subjects of the research are student name data as the variable under study. The subjects in the study were children of group B. RA Nyai Munifa...
This study aims to determine the improvement of children's communication skills by using bana... more This study aims to determine the improvement of children's communication skills by using banana frying activities in Group A in RA. Al-hasanuddin Randukerto Grati Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency This research aims to determine the improvement of communication skills after the method of conversing with banana frying on children in group A in RA Al-hasanuddin Randukerto Grati district, Pasuruan Regency, 2018-2019. One of the foods that are popular in the community is fried banana. This food becomes one of the foods that are liked and loved by young people, children to adults. Research data on communication skills was collected by observation method with instruments in the form of observation format sheets. The research data uses qualitative descriptive. with the title of assisted communication skills of fried banana media. The aim of this study was to determine the improvement of communication skills of children by using banana frying activities in Group A in RA. Al-hasanuddin Randu...
Basically RA children are active individuals, have high curiosity, are persistent and have unique... more Basically RA children are active individuals, have high curiosity, are persistent and have unique characteristics in each individual. These characteristics can be seen in the development of students in RA Darul Ulum, Rembang District, Pausruan Regency. The school has a mission to foster entrepreneurship in children based on the example of the Prophet, such as always accustoming children to being persistent, independent, and confident in every activity carried out inside and outside of school. The value of Entrepreneurship has an impact on the attitudes and behavior of children, Growing the Entrepreneurship Soul Through Cooking Class Activities in RA Darul Ulum, District of Rembang, District of Pausruan, which focuses on developing entrepreneurial spirit in students. Given that this research aims to understand and interpret the various fenomemna that exist or which are manifested in reality as a characteristic of qualitative research, in this case how is the process of Developing Ent...
This study aims to determine the media of green bean seeds and cotton can improve the ability to ... more This study aims to determine the media of green bean seeds and cotton can improve the ability to say in Group B in RA MIFTAHUL ULUM ASSALAFI Rebalas, Pendoso, Grati District, Pasuruan Regency. This study uses a Descriptive Qualitative Method based on observing numerical abilities carried out in the classroom using observation, interviews, data analysis, Subjects in the study were group B. RA Miftahul Ulum Assalafi Rebalas Pendoso District Grati Pasuruan Regency. The object of this study was the Improvement of Germination Media Ability in Group B in RA Miftahul Ulum Assalafi Rebalas Pendoso District Grati Pasuruan Regency. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews, observations, documentation, tests or tests (tests), and so forth. The data analysis technique was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. The success criteria in this study if the numerical skills of children have reached 80% with very good criteria.The results showed an increase in the abili...
In the aspect of development of cognitive abilities, especially in the ability to say, it means s... more In the aspect of development of cognitive abilities, especially in the ability to say, it means stimulating children to recognize, understand and use written symbols from mathematics or counting that are very important in our lives, every day, even every minute using mathematics. Shopping, calculating objects, time, place, distance, and speed are mathematical functions. This type of research is carried out using a qualitative descriptive method approach, this approach is a process of collecting data naturally to obtain data on the use of straws can be used as a place for the success of children in counting 1-10 groups A in RA Miftahul ulum kalipang grati pasuruan. Activities to say with objects that are actually children become easier in understanding the concept of saying things. In improving the cognitive abilities of children through the activity of spreading with straw media, the preparation consists of four activities including: 1) Counting 1-10 with a straw, 2) Measuring short...
This study aims to determine the Fine Motoric Ability of Early Childhood in the manufacture of Ic... more This study aims to determine the Fine Motoric Ability of Early Childhood in the manufacture of Ice Cincau in group A in RA El Fata Viradillah Kambinganrejo district Grati Pasuuruan Regency. This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods as proposed by Bogdan and Taylor (LJ Meleong, 2011: 4) as research procedures that produce Descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken from people and behavior that can be observed. In addition, the method Qualitative research according to Syaodih Nana, (2007: 60) is a way to describe and analyze phenomena, events, social activities, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of individuals individually or in groups. Research subjects are very necessary because the subjects of the research are data about the variables studied by existence. The subjects in the study were RA Group A children El Fata Viradillah Kambinganrejo Grati District, Pasuruan Regency. The object of this research is the improvement of fine motor skills with Cooking Clas...
This study aims to describe: 1) the values of character instilled in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan in ... more This study aims to describe: 1) the values of character instilled in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan in Winongan District, Pasuruan Regency; 2) methods of learning the values of manners in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan in Winongan Subdistrict, Pasuruan Regency; 3) driving and inhibiting factors andefforts to overcome obstacles in cultivating ethical values in RA Nurul Jadid Umbulan, Winongan District, Pasuruan Regency.This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were managers, administrators, educators, caregivers, students and parents of students. Data collection is done using the method of interview, observation, and documentation. The researcher is the main instrument in conducting research assisted by interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and documentation guidelines. The technique used in data analysis is data reduction, data display, and data verification. Triangulation is done to explain the validity of data using sources and methods.The results ...
Kode/ SKS : PAUD4208/ 4 SKS Nama Pengembang : Asri Prasetyaningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. Deskripsi Singka... more Kode/ SKS : PAUD4208/ 4 SKS Nama Pengembang : Asri Prasetyaningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd. Deskripsi Singkat Mata Kuliah : Dalam tutorial UT, mahasisiwa diberikan pemahaman tentang sistem belajar jarak jauh yaitu dengan menerapkan konsep belajar efektif dan mandiri. Selain itu mata kuliah ini membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan dan wawasan tentang hakikat perkembangan anak yang bersifat normatif dan nonnormatif beserta faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan anak yang bersifat nonnormatif yang sering terjadi di TK sehingga mahasiswa mampu mengamati , memahami perkembangan anak yang memiliki kelainan(berkebutuhan khusus) dan dapat menentukan alternatif penanganan yang tepat dalam kegiatan pembelajaran atau praktek di lapangan Kompetensi Umum : Mahasiswa mampu membedakan dan menangani bermacam macam kasus perkembangan anak yang bersifat normatif dan nonnnormatif (anak dengan kebutuhan khusus) di TK