Sri Mulyani Putri - (original) (raw)

Papers by Sri Mulyani Putri

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Penentuan Laba Menurut Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Dan Undang-Undang Pajak Nomor 17 Tahun 2000 Pada PT Cahaya Gunung Sakti

... telah dihasilkan karena sebagian besar dari proses untuk menghasilkan laba telah diselesaikan... more ... telah dihasilkan karena sebagian besar dari proses untuk menghasilkan laba telah diselesaikan. 2. Biaya Menurut Akuntansi Biaya adalah semua pengurangan terhadap penghasilan. Sehubungan dengan periode akuntansi, pemanfaatan pengeluaran dipisahkan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Keunggulan Bersaing dan Kompetensi KewirausahaanTerhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM)(Studi Empiris pada UMKM di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir)

Journal of Public and Business Accounting

Menengah (UMKM) adalah salah satu pilar utama ekonomi nasional yang memperoleh kesempatan utama, ... more Menengah (UMKM) adalah salah satu pilar utama ekonomi nasional yang memperoleh kesempatan utama, dukungan, perlindungan dan pengembangan sebagai wujud dukungan kepada kelompok usaha, tanpa mengabaikan peranan Usaha Besar dan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (Undang-undang

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Kelapa (Coconut Oil) dengan Bantuan Gelombang Ultrasonik

Biodisel dapat dibuat melalui proses metanolisis berbagai minyak nabati seperti minyak kelapa, mi... more Biodisel dapat dibuat melalui proses metanolisis berbagai minyak nabati seperti minyak kelapa, minyak kelapa sawit, minyak kedelai dan lain-lain. Minyak kelapa memiliki potensi besar untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan biodisel karena ketersediaannya yang berlimpah. Gelombang ultrasonik dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan konversi reaksi dan mempercepat laju reaksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan gelombang ultrasonik dalam proses transesterifikasi minyak kelapa, perbandingan pereaksi, konsentrasi katalisator dan aktivasi metanol terhadap konversi reaksi. Katalisator natrium hidroksida dengan berat tertentu dilarutkan di dalam metanol dalam volum tertentu. Setelah terlarut sempurna bersamaan dengan minyak kelapa dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor dan reaksi dijalankan. Sampel diambil setiap interval 10 menit untuk dianalisis kandungan asam lemaknya. Reaksi dihentikan setelah mencapai waktu 60 menit. Setelah itu, biodisel yang terbentuk dipis...

Research paper thumbnail of Proses Pemilihan Alternatif Kebijakan Daerah

Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara ASIAN (Asosiasi Ilmuwan Administrasi Negara), 2020

The Banyumas Regency government intends to develop the potential of economy creative in their reg... more The Banyumas Regency government intends to develop the potential of economy creative in their region through the Banyumas Regent Decree No.050/462/Year 2018 about creative economy committee. In connection with the stipulation of the policy, was reviewed the process of selecting the Banyumas Regent Decree Number 050/462/Year 2018 concerning Banyumas Creative Economy Committee as a regional policy, the election of the Banyumas Regent Decree Number 050/ 462/Year 2018 concerning the Banyumas Creative Economy Committee based on criteria technical feasibility; political viability; economic and financial possibility; and administrative operability, and to find out whether there are other criteria used by the Banyumas Regency Government when determining the Banyumas Regent Decree Number 050/462/Year 2018. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The selection of informants uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data is collected through in-depth interviews, o...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Business Feasibility Of Bio Solid Rubber (Bsr) As A Content Of Rubber Vibration

JASc (Journal of Agribusiness Sciences), 2019

Rubber plants have a big role in Indonesia's economic life. Many people live by relying on rubber... more Rubber plants have a big role in Indonesia's economic life. Many people live by relying on rubber plantations as their business commodities and especially for those living in the countryside. The fruit of the Mengkudu is one of the plants that is rich in benefits. In addition to the medical world, the Mengkudu juice can also be utilized as one of the alternative ingredients for the use of latex acid replacement formiat. Acid content in the fruit of the mengkudu when mixed with latex, it will form coagulants. The coagulant is used in the form of a mengkudu fruit. The juice of the mengkudu that is used is the fruit juice of ripe mengkudu and juice Mengkudu peram. Coagulation using a yam cider starch is a natural-based coagulation that is safe for farmers despite the cyanide content (HCN) Business feasibility study is required to see a description of the feasibility or unworthiness of the business that will Done. The research aims to see if the BSR business as a rubber cilier is feasible or not to do. Every aspect that is said to be worthy should have a certain standard of value, but judgment is not only done in one aspect. The assessment for determining eligibility should be based on several aspects. The method used in this research is the method of SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), economic analysis of the business which includes: (Calculating the price of production, selling price, profit, and Ratio) and also using the way Marketing strategies that include: (Product strategy, pricing strategy, place strategy and also promotion strategy). From the results of the study showed that BSR business is worthy to run and has excellent prospects.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kerja Antara Juragan Dan Anak Bagan Dalam Kehidupan Nelayan


Secara kasat mata, profesi nelayan dianggap sebagai kualifikasi masyarakat miskin, karena didera ... more Secara kasat mata, profesi nelayan dianggap sebagai kualifikasi masyarakat miskin, karena didera keterbatasan dibidang kualitas sumber daya manusia, akses, penguasaan teknologi, pasar dan modal. Ternyata, tidak semua nelayan dikategorikan dengan kehidupan terbelakang. Juragan sebagai pemodal bertindak sebagai induk semang hidup berkecukupan dibandingkan dengan masyarakat lainnya. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode penulisan sejarah yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sisi lain dari kehidupan nelayan, terutama nelayan buruh yang hanya bermodalkan tenaga beserta alat pancing sederhana, hanya menggantungkan penghidupannya pada seorang juragan selaku pemilik bagan. Maka, terjadilah relasi patron-klien antara juragan dan anak bagan. Sisi lain mengungkapkan bahwa hubungan antara juragan dan anak bagan mengandung unsur eksploitasi dan dominasi. Tetapi, pola hubungan patron-klien lebih halus dan tak terlihat. Klien (anak bagan) tidak merasa adanya eksploitasi tersebut, karena pemberian bantuan...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Manajemen DI Perguruan Tinggi

Management Information System is an information system that was built to provide convenience to u... more Management Information System is an information system that was built to provide convenience to users in any administrative activities on campus online, such as academic processes, admission of new students (PMB), curriculum creation, making lecture schedules, filling in Study Plan Cards (KRS), filling grades, lecturer & student data management, finance, accreditation, etc. This system can also function as a support for data analysis in determining Campus that management information systems can provide the best services for all academic communities, an important requirement for universities is a well-integrated information system. Given the campus management process that is not simple. There are many scopes that must be managed by universities. Start the registration system, study planning, assets, library, to finance. Not to mention other support systems in the scope of student affairs such as the PKM collection system, scholarships, Judicium, PMW, and improv...

Research paper thumbnail of Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Era Otonomi Pendidikan

Education is very important for the continuity of the development of a nation, for that we need t... more Education is very important for the continuity of the development of a nation, for that we need to find a way for action to be taken right in improving practical education and also academics in the era of blood autonomy and also autonomy in education. For this reason, it is necessary to apply a number of management principles so that education in Indonesia is of higher quality, such as the efficiency of internal and external education, good governance can also affect education in Indonesia. for this reason, it is necessary to apply several approaches so that education runs according to what is expected (1) increasing institutional capacity and all programs in the education sector can be implemented, (2) developing the quality of education through inputs, processes and results based on regional autonomy (3 ) benefits and impacts of basic education on regional autonomy. therefore the need for educational autonomy in supporting quality education because of the benefits of educational a...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Kota Pekanbaru

Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Aug 27, 2014

This study aims to determine the motivate of pekan baru culture and tourism department staff and ... more This study aims to determine the motivate of pekan baru culture and tourism department staff and also to determine the dominant factor which affecting their motivation. This study using descritive qualitatve method to examine the issues raised. This study took sample as much as 40 peoples. Medium use to collect data were observation, interview, questionnaire. Interval were determine by using likert scale. According to the result of this study, staff motivation in pekanbaru culture and tourism department were high. The most dominat factor that afffecting their motivation are the maintaining factor (extrinsic) namely compensation. According to respondents feedback, provision an appropriate compensation that predefined by the organizations will give great affect towards to staff motivation in pekanbaru culture & tourism department, and vice versa. Keywords : human resources, peformance, work motivation.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Partisipasi Siswa Kelas 1V Pada Pembelajaran Ipa Melalui Model Belajar Mandiri DI SDN 20 Kurao Pagang

Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Mar 14, 2014

Action research generally aims to improve the quality of learning for fourth grade students of SD... more Action research generally aims to improve the quality of learning for fourth grade students of SDN 20 kurao pagang . Specifically aims to : ( 1 ) describe the participation of students ( 2 ) describe the management of learning by teachers who refers to the self-learning models . The experiment was conducted in two cycles , where each cycle consists of the planning, implementation , observation and reflection . I cycle consisted of two meetings , as well as two cycles . The data extracted by observation of student participation student participation , the data management of learning teacher observation sheet excavated with learning management . The results showed that ( 1 ) the participation of students in learning , which refers to the self-learning models in the first cycle and second cycle studies of this class action is in the category LOT , (2 ) management of learning by the teacher by applying self-learning models in the first cycle and second cycle classroom action research is in the GOOD category , and ( 3 ) class IV student learning outcomes kurao pagang SDN 20 school year 2013/2014 in the style of the material increased . So self-learning models to improve the participation of students from the first cycle to the second cycle , it looks at the criteria a little into a lot . And hopefully with the implementation of self-learning models can be useful for principals , teachers, students , and the researchers themselves . Keywords : style , student participation , action research , self-learning models

Research paper thumbnail of Qudrotun thullabu qismu al-lughoh al-arabiyah bi jamiah syarif hidayatllah al-islamiyah al-hukumiyah Jakarta ala istikh dami alamat al-tarqim fi al-insya

Research paper thumbnail of Perilaku Memaafkan DI Kalangan Remaja Broken Home

Empathy Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi, 2012

ABSTRACT Forgiving is an act of manifestation and valuable personal assets to resolve conflicts o... more ABSTRACT Forgiving is an act of manifestation and valuable personal assets to resolve conflicts or problems among adolescences. Develop a forgiving behavior can bring many benefits for teens, providing both mental and physical health, improved relationships with others, pay attention to the well-being of others and is a form of moral action. The objective of study was to examine the psychological aspects of forgiving behavior in adolescents broken home and the factors that influence forgiving behavior in broken home adolescences. This study used a qualitative approach with case study method. Data was collected by using interviews and observations technique on sampling criteria that have adolescents aged 17-22 years with a broken home. The results showed the psychological aspects that occur on the subject is, the cognitive subject to forgive without any sense of revenge in our hearts, forgive affectively with compassion but not with forced. The factors that influence forgiving behavior in adolescence broken home is building a good relationship with others after conflicted. Keywords : behavioral forgive, broken home.

Research paper thumbnail of Resiprositas Tradisi Nyumbang (Kajian Antropologi Tentang Strategi Mempertahankan Eksistensi Tradisi Nyumbang Hajatan Pada Masyarakat Jawa Di Desa Rawang Pasar IV, Kecamatan Rawang Panca Arga, Kabupaten Asahan)

Research paper thumbnail of Penetapan Kadar Iodium Pada Garam Konsumsi Dengan Metode Iodometri Berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi Berbasis Karakter Kemandirian Kelas XI Ips DI Sma Negeri

Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, Nov 6, 2014

Abstract :The purpose of this study is gives an overview of the implementation of the Independenc... more Abstract :The purpose of this study is gives an overview of the implementation of the Independence of Character-Based Learning Economy Class XI IPS 2 in SMA N 2 Sungai Raya Kubu Raya District, with regard to the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning independence of character-based economy class XI IPS 2 in SMA N 2 Sungai Kubu Raya. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. From the analysis of the data showed that in planning, implementation and evaluation of learning independence of character-based economy economics teacher has made learning strategies and methods that do not depend on other people, active in asking or filed in accordance with the opinion of the material being studied, act and behave on the initiative ranging from initial activities, core activities and end of learning activities and evaluate learning with cognitive assessment and appraisal process that emphasizes the affective assessment. Keyword: Implementation of Learning Economy, Independence of Character Based. Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji atau memberikan gambaran mengenai Implementasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi Berbasis Karakter Kemandirian Kelas XI IPS 2 di SMA N 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya, yang berkenaan dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran ekonomi berbasis karakter kemandirian kelas XI IPS 2 di SMA N 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa dalam perencananaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran ekonomi berbasis karakter kemandirian guru ekonomi telah membuat strategi dan metode pembelajaran yang tidak tergantung kepada orang lain,aktif dalam bertanya atau mengajukan pendapat sesuai dengan materi yang dipelajari, bersikap dan berprilaku atas inisiatif mulai dari kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti dan kegiatan akhir pembelajaran dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran dengan melakukan penilaian kognitif dan penilaian proses yang menekankan pada penilaian afektif. Kata kunci : Implementasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi, Berbasis Karakter Kemandirian.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Tugas Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kecamatan Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

Bahana Manajemen Pendidikan, 2013

The goal of this research are to get information about implementation the task of teachers. The p... more The goal of this research are to get information about implementation the task of teachers. The population is one hundred and eighty two teachers. And the sample is one hundred five teachers, that taken by stratified proportional random sampling. The instrument of this research is question with Likert scale models that had tested for validity and reliability. Data analyzed using mean score . The result of this research are the implementation the task of teachers in Public Elementry School Enam Lingkung Sub-district Padang Pariaman Regency stay is Good Enough. Keywords:The task of teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Peramalan Jumlah Kenderaan Bermotor Menurut Jenisnya Di Kota Medan Tahun 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Penyelesaian Sengketa Penggunaan Kartu Kresit (Credit Card) Oleh Nasabah Pada PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero)

Research paper thumbnail of Processing Methode Effect to Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Quality After Storaging

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emu... more Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emulsion in some ways like heat using, centrifugation, fermentation, inducement and acid using. The difference of oil extraction ways will influence produced oil quality and oil storage capacity then. Low quality oil will be boosting earlier damage process while storage time. Therefore, it had been done a research in Chemical Laboratory of Agricultural Polytechnic state of Payakumbuh. The design used in this research was Complete Random Design (CRD) by 5 (five) actions and 3 (Three) repetitions. For the advance test would be done by Duncan's New Multiple Rang Test (DNMRT) at about 5 % real level. The Observations that had been done in this research were free fat acid, peroxide number and saponification number in storaged dark glass bottle VCO. The result of research showed the VCO oil that had the best quality after storaging was the oil made by centrifugation process with 0,68% free fat acid value, 5,49 % meq/Kg oil peroxide number and 205,05 mg KOH/g oil saponification number.

Research paper thumbnail of Phenolics Total and Antioxidant Activity of Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015

The purpose of this research is to know the total of phenolics and antioxidant activity of Strawb... more The purpose of this research is to know the total of phenolics and antioxidant activity of Strawberry that grows in the area Alahan Panjang Solok Regency and Padang Panjang city. This research was carried out at the Chemical Laboratory of Agricultural Polytechinc State of Payakumbuh with a long six months time needed. To determine the levels of phenols total used Folin-Ciocalteu methode, and as a standard also to be used galat acid, while on antioxidant activity testing used DPPH free radical absorption methode. The results of research that methanol extract of Strawberries originally from Alahan Panjang have phenol total 180 mg/100 g of fresh sample and higher than Strawberries originally from Padang Panjang with phenol total 139.2 mg/100 g of fresh sample.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisa Penentuan Laba Menurut Standar Akuntansi Keuangan Dan Undang-Undang Pajak Nomor 17 Tahun 2000 Pada PT Cahaya Gunung Sakti

... telah dihasilkan karena sebagian besar dari proses untuk menghasilkan laba telah diselesaikan... more ... telah dihasilkan karena sebagian besar dari proses untuk menghasilkan laba telah diselesaikan. 2. Biaya Menurut Akuntansi Biaya adalah semua pengurangan terhadap penghasilan. Sehubungan dengan periode akuntansi, pemanfaatan pengeluaran dipisahkan ...

Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh Keunggulan Bersaing dan Kompetensi KewirausahaanTerhadap Kinerja Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM)(Studi Empiris pada UMKM di Kabupaten Rokan Hilir)

Journal of Public and Business Accounting

Menengah (UMKM) adalah salah satu pilar utama ekonomi nasional yang memperoleh kesempatan utama, ... more Menengah (UMKM) adalah salah satu pilar utama ekonomi nasional yang memperoleh kesempatan utama, dukungan, perlindungan dan pengembangan sebagai wujud dukungan kepada kelompok usaha, tanpa mengabaikan peranan Usaha Besar dan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (Undang-undang

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel dari Minyak Kelapa (Coconut Oil) dengan Bantuan Gelombang Ultrasonik

Biodisel dapat dibuat melalui proses metanolisis berbagai minyak nabati seperti minyak kelapa, mi... more Biodisel dapat dibuat melalui proses metanolisis berbagai minyak nabati seperti minyak kelapa, minyak kelapa sawit, minyak kedelai dan lain-lain. Minyak kelapa memiliki potensi besar untuk digunakan sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan biodisel karena ketersediaannya yang berlimpah. Gelombang ultrasonik dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan konversi reaksi dan mempercepat laju reaksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari pengaruh penggunaan gelombang ultrasonik dalam proses transesterifikasi minyak kelapa, perbandingan pereaksi, konsentrasi katalisator dan aktivasi metanol terhadap konversi reaksi. Katalisator natrium hidroksida dengan berat tertentu dilarutkan di dalam metanol dalam volum tertentu. Setelah terlarut sempurna bersamaan dengan minyak kelapa dimasukkan ke dalam reaktor dan reaksi dijalankan. Sampel diambil setiap interval 10 menit untuk dianalisis kandungan asam lemaknya. Reaksi dihentikan setelah mencapai waktu 60 menit. Setelah itu, biodisel yang terbentuk dipis...

Research paper thumbnail of Proses Pemilihan Alternatif Kebijakan Daerah

Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara ASIAN (Asosiasi Ilmuwan Administrasi Negara), 2020

The Banyumas Regency government intends to develop the potential of economy creative in their reg... more The Banyumas Regency government intends to develop the potential of economy creative in their region through the Banyumas Regent Decree No.050/462/Year 2018 about creative economy committee. In connection with the stipulation of the policy, was reviewed the process of selecting the Banyumas Regent Decree Number 050/462/Year 2018 concerning Banyumas Creative Economy Committee as a regional policy, the election of the Banyumas Regent Decree Number 050/ 462/Year 2018 concerning the Banyumas Creative Economy Committee based on criteria technical feasibility; political viability; economic and financial possibility; and administrative operability, and to find out whether there are other criteria used by the Banyumas Regency Government when determining the Banyumas Regent Decree Number 050/462/Year 2018. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The selection of informants uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data is collected through in-depth interviews, o...

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Business Feasibility Of Bio Solid Rubber (Bsr) As A Content Of Rubber Vibration

JASc (Journal of Agribusiness Sciences), 2019

Rubber plants have a big role in Indonesia's economic life. Many people live by relying on rubber... more Rubber plants have a big role in Indonesia's economic life. Many people live by relying on rubber plantations as their business commodities and especially for those living in the countryside. The fruit of the Mengkudu is one of the plants that is rich in benefits. In addition to the medical world, the Mengkudu juice can also be utilized as one of the alternative ingredients for the use of latex acid replacement formiat. Acid content in the fruit of the mengkudu when mixed with latex, it will form coagulants. The coagulant is used in the form of a mengkudu fruit. The juice of the mengkudu that is used is the fruit juice of ripe mengkudu and juice Mengkudu peram. Coagulation using a yam cider starch is a natural-based coagulation that is safe for farmers despite the cyanide content (HCN) Business feasibility study is required to see a description of the feasibility or unworthiness of the business that will Done. The research aims to see if the BSR business as a rubber cilier is feasible or not to do. Every aspect that is said to be worthy should have a certain standard of value, but judgment is not only done in one aspect. The assessment for determining eligibility should be based on several aspects. The method used in this research is the method of SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats), economic analysis of the business which includes: (Calculating the price of production, selling price, profit, and Ratio) and also using the way Marketing strategies that include: (Product strategy, pricing strategy, place strategy and also promotion strategy). From the results of the study showed that BSR business is worthy to run and has excellent prospects.

Research paper thumbnail of Hubungan Kerja Antara Juragan Dan Anak Bagan Dalam Kehidupan Nelayan


Secara kasat mata, profesi nelayan dianggap sebagai kualifikasi masyarakat miskin, karena didera ... more Secara kasat mata, profesi nelayan dianggap sebagai kualifikasi masyarakat miskin, karena didera keterbatasan dibidang kualitas sumber daya manusia, akses, penguasaan teknologi, pasar dan modal. Ternyata, tidak semua nelayan dikategorikan dengan kehidupan terbelakang. Juragan sebagai pemodal bertindak sebagai induk semang hidup berkecukupan dibandingkan dengan masyarakat lainnya. Penulisan ini menggunakan metode penulisan sejarah yang bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan sisi lain dari kehidupan nelayan, terutama nelayan buruh yang hanya bermodalkan tenaga beserta alat pancing sederhana, hanya menggantungkan penghidupannya pada seorang juragan selaku pemilik bagan. Maka, terjadilah relasi patron-klien antara juragan dan anak bagan. Sisi lain mengungkapkan bahwa hubungan antara juragan dan anak bagan mengandung unsur eksploitasi dan dominasi. Tetapi, pola hubungan patron-klien lebih halus dan tak terlihat. Klien (anak bagan) tidak merasa adanya eksploitasi tersebut, karena pemberian bantuan...

Research paper thumbnail of Peran Pengelolaan Sistem Informasi Manajemen DI Perguruan Tinggi

Management Information System is an information system that was built to provide convenience to u... more Management Information System is an information system that was built to provide convenience to users in any administrative activities on campus online, such as academic processes, admission of new students (PMB), curriculum creation, making lecture schedules, filling in Study Plan Cards (KRS), filling grades, lecturer & student data management, finance, accreditation, etc. This system can also function as a support for data analysis in determining Campus that management information systems can provide the best services for all academic communities, an important requirement for universities is a well-integrated information system. Given the campus management process that is not simple. There are many scopes that must be managed by universities. Start the registration system, study planning, assets, library, to finance. Not to mention other support systems in the scope of student affairs such as the PKM collection system, scholarships, Judicium, PMW, and improv...

Research paper thumbnail of Meningkatkan Mutu Pendidikan di Era Otonomi Pendidikan

Education is very important for the continuity of the development of a nation, for that we need t... more Education is very important for the continuity of the development of a nation, for that we need to find a way for action to be taken right in improving practical education and also academics in the era of blood autonomy and also autonomy in education. For this reason, it is necessary to apply a number of management principles so that education in Indonesia is of higher quality, such as the efficiency of internal and external education, good governance can also affect education in Indonesia. for this reason, it is necessary to apply several approaches so that education runs according to what is expected (1) increasing institutional capacity and all programs in the education sector can be implemented, (2) developing the quality of education through inputs, processes and results based on regional autonomy (3 ) benefits and impacts of basic education on regional autonomy. therefore the need for educational autonomy in supporting quality education because of the benefits of educational a...

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Motivasi Kerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Kota Pekanbaru

Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, Aug 27, 2014

This study aims to determine the motivate of pekan baru culture and tourism department staff and ... more This study aims to determine the motivate of pekan baru culture and tourism department staff and also to determine the dominant factor which affecting their motivation. This study using descritive qualitatve method to examine the issues raised. This study took sample as much as 40 peoples. Medium use to collect data were observation, interview, questionnaire. Interval were determine by using likert scale. According to the result of this study, staff motivation in pekanbaru culture and tourism department were high. The most dominat factor that afffecting their motivation are the maintaining factor (extrinsic) namely compensation. According to respondents feedback, provision an appropriate compensation that predefined by the organizations will give great affect towards to staff motivation in pekanbaru culture & tourism department, and vice versa. Keywords : human resources, peformance, work motivation.

Research paper thumbnail of Peningkatan Partisipasi Siswa Kelas 1V Pada Pembelajaran Ipa Melalui Model Belajar Mandiri DI SDN 20 Kurao Pagang

Abstract of Undergraduate Faculty of Education Bung Hatta University, Mar 14, 2014

Action research generally aims to improve the quality of learning for fourth grade students of SD... more Action research generally aims to improve the quality of learning for fourth grade students of SDN 20 kurao pagang . Specifically aims to : ( 1 ) describe the participation of students ( 2 ) describe the management of learning by teachers who refers to the self-learning models . The experiment was conducted in two cycles , where each cycle consists of the planning, implementation , observation and reflection . I cycle consisted of two meetings , as well as two cycles . The data extracted by observation of student participation student participation , the data management of learning teacher observation sheet excavated with learning management . The results showed that ( 1 ) the participation of students in learning , which refers to the self-learning models in the first cycle and second cycle studies of this class action is in the category LOT , (2 ) management of learning by the teacher by applying self-learning models in the first cycle and second cycle classroom action research is in the GOOD category , and ( 3 ) class IV student learning outcomes kurao pagang SDN 20 school year 2013/2014 in the style of the material increased . So self-learning models to improve the participation of students from the first cycle to the second cycle , it looks at the criteria a little into a lot . And hopefully with the implementation of self-learning models can be useful for principals , teachers, students , and the researchers themselves . Keywords : style , student participation , action research , self-learning models

Research paper thumbnail of Qudrotun thullabu qismu al-lughoh al-arabiyah bi jamiah syarif hidayatllah al-islamiyah al-hukumiyah Jakarta ala istikh dami alamat al-tarqim fi al-insya

Research paper thumbnail of Perilaku Memaafkan DI Kalangan Remaja Broken Home

Empathy Jurnal Fakultas Psikologi, 2012

ABSTRACT Forgiving is an act of manifestation and valuable personal assets to resolve conflicts o... more ABSTRACT Forgiving is an act of manifestation and valuable personal assets to resolve conflicts or problems among adolescences. Develop a forgiving behavior can bring many benefits for teens, providing both mental and physical health, improved relationships with others, pay attention to the well-being of others and is a form of moral action. The objective of study was to examine the psychological aspects of forgiving behavior in adolescents broken home and the factors that influence forgiving behavior in broken home adolescences. This study used a qualitative approach with case study method. Data was collected by using interviews and observations technique on sampling criteria that have adolescents aged 17-22 years with a broken home. The results showed the psychological aspects that occur on the subject is, the cognitive subject to forgive without any sense of revenge in our hearts, forgive affectively with compassion but not with forced. The factors that influence forgiving behavior in adolescence broken home is building a good relationship with others after conflicted. Keywords : behavioral forgive, broken home.

Research paper thumbnail of Resiprositas Tradisi Nyumbang (Kajian Antropologi Tentang Strategi Mempertahankan Eksistensi Tradisi Nyumbang Hajatan Pada Masyarakat Jawa Di Desa Rawang Pasar IV, Kecamatan Rawang Panca Arga, Kabupaten Asahan)

Research paper thumbnail of Penetapan Kadar Iodium Pada Garam Konsumsi Dengan Metode Iodometri Berdasarkan Standar Nasional Indonesia

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi Berbasis Karakter Kemandirian Kelas XI Ips DI Sma Negeri

Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, Nov 6, 2014

Abstract :The purpose of this study is gives an overview of the implementation of the Independenc... more Abstract :The purpose of this study is gives an overview of the implementation of the Independence of Character-Based Learning Economy Class XI IPS 2 in SMA N 2 Sungai Raya Kubu Raya District, with regard to the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning independence of character-based economy class XI IPS 2 in SMA N 2 Sungai Kubu Raya. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. From the analysis of the data showed that in planning, implementation and evaluation of learning independence of character-based economy economics teacher has made learning strategies and methods that do not depend on other people, active in asking or filed in accordance with the opinion of the material being studied, act and behave on the initiative ranging from initial activities, core activities and end of learning activities and evaluate learning with cognitive assessment and appraisal process that emphasizes the affective assessment. Keyword: Implementation of Learning Economy, Independence of Character Based. Abstrak : Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji atau memberikan gambaran mengenai Implementasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi Berbasis Karakter Kemandirian Kelas XI IPS 2 di SMA N 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya, yang berkenaan dengan perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran ekonomi berbasis karakter kemandirian kelas XI IPS 2 di SMA N 2 Sungai Raya Kabupaten Kubu Raya. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Dari analisis data menunjukkan bahwa dalam perencananaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi pembelajaran ekonomi berbasis karakter kemandirian guru ekonomi telah membuat strategi dan metode pembelajaran yang tidak tergantung kepada orang lain,aktif dalam bertanya atau mengajukan pendapat sesuai dengan materi yang dipelajari, bersikap dan berprilaku atas inisiatif mulai dari kegiatan awal, kegiatan inti dan kegiatan akhir pembelajaran dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran dengan melakukan penilaian kognitif dan penilaian proses yang menekankan pada penilaian afektif. Kata kunci : Implementasi Pembelajaran Ekonomi, Berbasis Karakter Kemandirian.

Research paper thumbnail of Pelaksanaan Tugas Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kecamatan Enam Lingkung Kabupaten Padang Pariaman

Bahana Manajemen Pendidikan, 2013

The goal of this research are to get information about implementation the task of teachers. The p... more The goal of this research are to get information about implementation the task of teachers. The population is one hundred and eighty two teachers. And the sample is one hundred five teachers, that taken by stratified proportional random sampling. The instrument of this research is question with Likert scale models that had tested for validity and reliability. Data analyzed using mean score . The result of this research are the implementation the task of teachers in Public Elementry School Enam Lingkung Sub-district Padang Pariaman Regency stay is Good Enough. Keywords:The task of teachers

Research paper thumbnail of Peramalan Jumlah Kenderaan Bermotor Menurut Jenisnya Di Kota Medan Tahun 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Penyelesaian Sengketa Penggunaan Kartu Kresit (Credit Card) Oleh Nasabah Pada PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero)

Research paper thumbnail of Processing Methode Effect to Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) Quality After Storaging

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2014

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emu... more Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from coconut milk cream by breaking up the coconut milk emulsion in some ways like heat using, centrifugation, fermentation, inducement and acid using. The difference of oil extraction ways will influence produced oil quality and oil storage capacity then. Low quality oil will be boosting earlier damage process while storage time. Therefore, it had been done a research in Chemical Laboratory of Agricultural Polytechnic state of Payakumbuh. The design used in this research was Complete Random Design (CRD) by 5 (five) actions and 3 (Three) repetitions. For the advance test would be done by Duncan's New Multiple Rang Test (DNMRT) at about 5 % real level. The Observations that had been done in this research were free fat acid, peroxide number and saponification number in storaged dark glass bottle VCO. The result of research showed the VCO oil that had the best quality after storaging was the oil made by centrifugation process with 0,68% free fat acid value, 5,49 % meq/Kg oil peroxide number and 205,05 mg KOH/g oil saponification number.

Research paper thumbnail of Phenolics Total and Antioxidant Activity of Strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis)

International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 2015

The purpose of this research is to know the total of phenolics and antioxidant activity of Strawb... more The purpose of this research is to know the total of phenolics and antioxidant activity of Strawberry that grows in the area Alahan Panjang Solok Regency and Padang Panjang city. This research was carried out at the Chemical Laboratory of Agricultural Polytechinc State of Payakumbuh with a long six months time needed. To determine the levels of phenols total used Folin-Ciocalteu methode, and as a standard also to be used galat acid, while on antioxidant activity testing used DPPH free radical absorption methode. The results of research that methanol extract of Strawberries originally from Alahan Panjang have phenol total 180 mg/100 g of fresh sample and higher than Strawberries originally from Padang Panjang with phenol total 139.2 mg/100 g of fresh sample.