Tira Nur Fitria - Academia.edu (original) (raw)
Penelitian by Tira Nur Fitria
International Journal of Economics Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), 2021
The increasing interest in the Accounting study program at various Indonesian universities proves... more The increasing interest in the Accounting study program at various Indonesian universities proves that accounting science is important. It is interesting to discuss to find out the factors behind it. The purpose of this study was to find the factors that influence the students' decision in selecting an Accounting study program at ITB AAS Indonesia. This research is descriptive qualitative. The result of the analysis shows that several intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect the students in selecting the Accounting study program. In intrinsic factors shows that the students having an interest in deepening or improving their Accounting knowledge, choosing the study program based on their wishes, feeling that the Accounting study program has great opportunities in their works, choosing Accounting study program to get a good or better job after graduating from college later, having a desire to become a financial staff, a professional accountant or other job related to Accounting at work later, also feeling that Accounting study program attract their attention. While, the extrinsic factors show that: the students do not choose a study program because of a recommendation from their school, their wishes from parents or family, or following their friends who also take the same study program. But, the students choose An Accounting study program because the reputation of the study program at the campus is "good", the tuition fees in the study program are available and affordable, and a college education scholarship in a study program or college is available.
Al-Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa, 2021
This study investigates the use of any platforms in English language teaching and learning, espec... more This study investigates the use of any platforms in English language teaching and learning, especially in listening skills. This research design is qualitative. From the result, it shows that some technologies available both online or offline include applications or platforms that provide many choices for listening to English, they are. 1) Music platform. These platforms can be found in PlayStore, such as Joox and Spotify recommends songs for listening skills. 2) Youtube channel. Many YouTube channels for learning English listening skills include 1) Voice of America (VOA), BBC Learning English, Learn English with TV Series, English with Lucy, and Oxford Online English. 3) Podcasts. Both BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and VoA (Voice of America). These Podcasts offer listening skills. The other podcasts are "The English We Speak, Podcast in English, Better at English, Luke's English Podcast, Espresso English Podcast, Anchor FM" etc. 4) Websites that are pretty representative in practicing the listening skills such as Sound English, ESL-Lab, English listening, Ello, learn English British Council, Daily ESL, Story Nory, Story Line, which can be accessed. Learning English through several applications above can be an alternative for students in practicing and improving their English listening skills. Listening exercises can be carried out by using interesting listening strategies when learning English. It depends on the teachers/lecturers who teach listening subjects and the students who learn English materials.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dalah untuk memberikan pelatihan tentang kewirausahaan ... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dalah untuk memberikan pelatihan tentang kewirausahaan sebagai peluang bisnis untuk generasi milenial selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode diskusi dan metode simulasi. Pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, untuk sasaran utamanya adalah Generasi Muda atau generasi milenial yang berstatus sebagai mahasiswa di daerah Soloraya Jawa Tengah. Jumlah peserta yang kegiatan ini sebanyak 95 mahasiswa yang berasal dari beberapa perguruan tinggi swasta atau negeri di daerah Soloraya Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan melalui webinar online dengan menggunakan Zoom Meeting. Pada kegiatan ini membahas tentang jenis wirausaha dan bisnis yang yang dapat dilakukan oleh generasi milenial dimasa pendemi Covid-19 misalnya reseller/dropshipper online shop, bisnis kuliner. bimbingan belajar online serta bisnis kebutuhan bahan pokok. Kunci utama menjalankan bisnis di masa pandemi yaitu mau mencoba peluang bisnis, tetap tenang, terus berusaha, melakukan inovasi, ide kreatif, selalu berusaha, pantang menyerah dan melawan rasa takut. Kegiatan ini sekaligus untuk menumbuhkan keinginan berwirausaha, mencari peluang dan ide usaha bagi generasi milenial dan masyarakat khususnya di masa pandemi serta dapat mengetahui tantangan dan kendala dalam berwirausaha dan berbisnis.
Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature, 2021
Characterization is the author's effort in presenting the character of the characters. It is made... more Characterization is the author's effort in presenting the character of the characters. It is made to build and develop the characters in a story. This characterization is related to the attitudes, desires, interests, emotions, and moral principles of the characters. This characterization also suggests the embodiment and development of the characters in the story. The objectives of this research are to analyze the characterization of the main characters in "Hichki" movies. The approach used in this analysis is descriptive qualitative research, the research data are from dialogues between characters in the movie that are linked to character characterization. The results of this research show that Naina Mathur is the main character or central figure in the "Hichki" movie. She is Tourette's syndrome sufferer. The characterizations are educated woman, always keep the spirit and never give up, have confidence, stands to belief and stick to the principles, protective, optimistic, creative, responsible, and being a good teacher. This movie shows the character of Naina Mathur as a teacher who is rarely found in educational circles. Like teachers who are challenged to guide their students to develop according to their respective talents. Naina Mathur is a central character where her character becomes the essence as well as the beginning until the ending of the story.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), 2021
Transformational leadership is leadership where the leaders can inspire, direct and move follower... more Transformational leadership is leadership where the leaders can inspire, direct and move followers to make change through empowerment in achieving certain goals. It can be related to the employee performance results of one's work in an organization. The research was to know the influence behavior of transformational leadership on the Sharia Economics' lecturer's performance in ITB AAS Indonesia. This research used quantitative research. This research was carried out using a questionnaire and interview. This sample of this research involved several Sharia Economics' lecturers. The result analysis shows that the aspects of transformational leadership such as idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualization consideration have an effect of 87.1% on the performance appraisal of the lecturers' performance of ITB AAS Indonesia. Transformational leadership is influential on the performance of lecturers at ITB AAS Indonesia after research and statistical tests were carried out. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that lecturers' performance is positively influenced by transformational leadership.
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, 2021
Speech acts are utterances that contain action as a function of communication that considers aspe... more Speech acts are utterances that contain action as a function of communication that considers aspects of the speech situation. The objective of this research is to analyze the type of speech act found in Instagram Captions of 'WHO Indonesia". This research uses descriptive qualitative research. There are 332 pieces of data which contain the speech act in Instagram Captions of 'WHO Indonesia". There are some types of speech acts found in Instagram captions in 'WHO Indonesia", they are directive, representative and expressive speech acts. 1) Directive speech act is a speech act that is performed so that the speaker does what the speaker says. The directive speech act shows 204 data or 61.45 % consist of positive forms, such as the use of base form or verb 1 and the use "let's", and the negative form such as the use verb "Don't". 2) Representative speech acts are speech acts that bind the speaker to the truth or fact. The representative speech act shows 120 data or 36.14 % which show opinion, assumption, stating, and informing. While Expressive speech acts are actions that are carried out to assess or evaluate what is mentioned in the speech. In an expressive speech, the act shows 8 data or 2.44 % which consists of the act of thanking, condolences, and congratulating.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2021
In today's digital era, the PayLater payment phenomenon has emerged. The main concept of PayLater... more In today's digital era, the PayLater payment phenomenon has emerged. The main concept of PayLater's payment feature is "buy now, pay later". Buying and selling in this way where the consumer (buyer) buys / takes goods from the seller, then at the end of a certain period that is mutually agreed upon, the total will be paid. This is called buying and selling Istijrar. The scholars have a different opinion, if the price is not known by the buyer when buying / taking goods, and the buyer only knows the price after it has been totaled at the end when they want to make a payment, then buying and selling is prohibited. This is the opinion of jamahir ulama (almost all scholars) from 4 schools of thought. However, buying and selling will be valid and allowed as long as there is a market price (as-Si'rul Mitsl) which is generally accepted. This is one of the opinions of the syafiiyah scholars, one of the narrations in the Hambali school of thought, and the opinion chosen by Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibnul Qoyim. So that Istijar or PayLater is allowed where the price is determined after all buying and selling transactions are carried out relevant to the Islamic economy with certain conditions. The PayLater feature is rapidly gaining popularity due to advances in payment system technology in e-commerce (online shopping). We really need to consider us when we want to take advantage of the convenience of this feature. Besides being easy, PayLater does not require special guarantees, so the PayLater feature is in high demand. However, don't let us as humans become complacent and crazy in using it so that we become consumptive (wasteful) and even go into debt when shopping via online (online shopping). So, the positive side of PayLater also needs to be balanced with an understanding of the potential risks that it can cause. Therefore, before using the PayLater facility, consumers (buyers) must consider their needs and wants according to their abilities.
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 2021
The presence of 'Grammarly' as one of the online grammar checkers as the impact of technology dev... more The presence of 'Grammarly' as one of the online grammar checkers as the impact of technology development. This paper aims to reveal an overview of 'Grammarly' as an AI-powered English Writing Assistant for EFL students in English Writing. This research applies descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis, using Grammarly software shows the performance increased. Before using Grammarly, the performance of the student's test score is 34 out of 100. After using Grammarly, the performance student's text score is 77 out of 100. This score shows the quality of writing in this text increased. The performance can be increased based on Grammarly's suggestions in a Premium account. The researcher recommends the students use Grammarly. Grammarly is a web tool to perform grammar checks well, starting from the spelling of words, sentence structure to standard grammar. Grammarly is free for checking grammatical rule spelling rules, also correct errors of punctuation and capitalization. Grammarly runs on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, which showing corrections and suggestions quickly but still precisely. For accuracy, two service options available both free and paid features. Grammarly's free version still has limitations and in-service features, unlike the paid version (premium) which has full advantages and benefits, many features, and complete.
Journal of Pragmatics Research, 2021
The rational aspect of persuasive language focuses on optimal consumer practices, functions, or n... more The rational aspect of persuasive language focuses on optimal consumer practices, functions, or needs for a product which emphasizes the benefits or reasons for owning or using a brand. Rationalization in persuasion will work best if the speaker/writer knows what the audiences/readers' needs and wants and their attitudes and beliefs. This research is to find the reason for using persuasive strategies in Selected Brand Products' Advertisement on Instagram".In Instagram Captions' from several brands' products consist of persuasive strategies, such as "Mineral Water", "Medicine", "Food and Drink", "Household", and "Beauty and Skin Care" products. The "Mineral Water" ads try to persuade consumers to focus on the quality and technology used. In "Medicine" products, they focus on the ingredients in the medicine and its uses and the causes and drugs to consume. For "Food and Drink" products, they persuade consumers to see the high standards and technology to produce the product and quality of ingredients. In "Household" products, the ads persuade consumers by emphasizing the ingredients and their benefits. A similar focus is also identified in the ads of "Beauty and Skin Care" products. All the advertisements use rationalization in their persuasion strategy. Rationalization in persuasion works well because the advertiser knows what the consumers' needs and wants. There is the involvement of reasons, deep thought,
ENGLISH FRANCA: Academic Journal of English Language and Education, 2021
This study is to know the students' difficulty in doing the TOEFL prediction test, especially the... more This study is to know the students' difficulty in doing the TOEFL prediction test, especially the listening section in ITB AAS Indonesia. This study uses descriptive qualitative research by using a questionnaire. The result shows that the students' difficulty in doing TOEFL listening both external and internal factors. In external factors, include: 1) the speaker's accent (75.5 %), 2) the speakers' speed (75.9 %), 3) the speakers' intonation/emphasis (73 %), 4) the speakers' pause in pronouncing a sentence (70.3 %), 5) the choice of words and foreign terms conveyed by the speaker (71 %), 6) the sentence structure conveyed by the speaker is too complex (54.8 %), 7) audio interruption causes the audio sounds less/unclear (54.8 %). In internal factors, include: 1) 64.3 % of students do not have previous experience doing TOEFL test, 2) 58.5 % of students have lack of practice in TOEFL listening, 3) 78.8 % of students have limited time in doing TOEFL listening test, 4) 62.2 % of students feel a lot of listening questions which consist of 50 questions, 5) 76.2 % of students do not have hearing impairment in listening, 6) 51 % of students have memory limitations when listening to TOEFL, 7) 48.1 % of students lack of motivation and enthusiasm, 8) 52.7 % of students lack of concentration or focus, 9) 53.5 % of students have limited mastery of foreign/unfamiliar vocabularies, 10) 47.3 % of students feel boredom when listening, 11) 56 % of students feel easily distracted by sounds or other things, 12) 51 % of students tend to translate any foreign vocabularies when listening, 13) 52.7 % of students have trouble catching or finding keywords, 14) 44.4 % of students are busy along with other activities when listening, such as playing writing instruments, taking notes or doing other things.
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics), 2021
During COVID-19 pandemic, educators implement online learning in the education process. Basic int... more During COVID-19 pandemic, educators implement online learning in the education process. Basic interactive models of online learning available, such as synchronous learning, as a face-to-face learning process through online media. This research investigates the students' perception toward the implementation of synchronous learning in ELT especially TOEFL. This research is qualitative. The results show that: 1) 51 % of students use Zoom and Live YouTube in learning TOEFL. 2) 89.7 % of students use mobile phones in online learning. 3) 49.7 % of students agree that Zoom has complete features. 4) 83.2 % of students agree that operating Zoom's features is very easy. 5) 74.2 % of students agree that Zoom is easy-used. 6) 72.9 % of students agree that using Zoom in learning TOEFL is effective. 7) 73 % of students agree that using Live YouTube in learning TOEFL also effective. 8) 63.9 % agree that in Zoom, they can participate by face-to-face interactions (e.g. question-answer even discussion with lecturer and classmates. 9) 95.5 % of students agree that using YouTube, videos can be seen anytime and anywhere because videos are stored on the lecturer's channel. In the understanding level of TOEFL, 83.2 % of students really understand in the listening section, 89.7 % of students understand the reading section, and 81.3 % of students understand the Structure and Written Expression section. Several problems affect learning TOEFL with Zoom and YouTube. Students have a problem with an internet connection. The other problems are internet quota, technical problems of the device (e.g battery, device dead suddenly, audio quality, device's video/audio, and others), device's type used, and surrounding conditions (e.g light conditions, sounds, or other disturbances). In the next learning system, 80.6 % of students agree that the next learning system implements face-to-face learning and still uses Zoom and YouTube Live Streaming.
Relevance: Journal of Management and Business, 2021
This study aims to determine what factors influence consumer decisions to buy through an online s... more This study aims to determine what factors influence consumer decisions to buy through an online shop. The factors that the researchers took were perceived benefits, perceived risks, hedonic motivation, psychological factors, and web design. This research is a quantitative study by taking a study at ITB AAS Indonesia. The population in this study were all academicians of ITB AAS Indonesia who have ever made purchases on the line shop. The sample in this study amounted to 142. The technique of collecting data by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained in this study are the variables of perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation, and web design have a positive and significant effect on online shop purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, risk perception and psychological factors do not have a significant effect.
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 2021
This study discusses gender bias in terms of language especially from Indonesian into English tra... more This study discusses gender bias in terms of language especially from Indonesian into English translation by using Google Translate. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The result shows that most likely every language has gender-biased sides, including English because the type of society in the reality of life is more represented by men and women. In Google translate, the unequal differences between men and women translated into google translate causes the system to be considered biased and sexist towards gender. Whereas in fact, nowadays all genders can have various activities and jobs. Indonesian is also a gender-neutral language. When google translates to change into English, the sentence becomes gendered. The Indonesian language in this case seems to have been saved from being sexist because it does not associate a particular profession or activity with any gender. Unlike English, which adjusts personal pronouns based on gender. Google Translate is not always accurate, especially when translating from English to other languages. That is where Google Translate tends to go astray. The problem is that many languages have gender-based words, whereas English does not. But some words, like profession or occupation, can be masculine or feminine depending on the subject of the sentence, by assigning gender to certain adjectives and words that describe them. Equality in gender and race has been very difficult to achieve in machine technology situations because these systems are trained on existing content, and are not demographically representative. Google decided to make changes. It is important to adapt and build technology that can better serve humans. What may seem like small changes to everyday life are big steps towards gender equality. The way people speak their respective languages is one of the strongest ways of gender discrimination
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
The aim of this research is to find out the type of directive speech acts and to find out which d... more The aim of this research is to find out the type of directive speech acts and to find out which directive speech acts most frequently used in "Koi Mil Gaya" movie. The research is conducted by using a qualitative approach.
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
Islam sebagai sistem kehidupan yang universal, integral, dan komprehensif telah menetapkan tatana... more Islam sebagai sistem kehidupan yang universal, integral, dan komprehensif telah menetapkan tatanan yang utuh untuk kehidupan manusia. Sebagai way of life, Islam menata segala hal yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan, dari hal yang paling sederhana hingga urusan yang paling rumit sekalipun. Baik dalam aspek politik, ekonomi, pendidikan, seni, sosial, budaya, dsb. Islam merupakan agama yang sempurna, yang mengatur hal yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi. Apabila perekonomian suatu negara (ekonomi nasional) menerapkan dasar Al-Quran dan Hadist sebagai dasar penerapannya, tentunya suatu perekonomian nasional akan berjalan dengan baik dan terarah sesuai aturan. Namun kenyataanya memang belum semua negara muslim di dunia menerapkan dasar tersebut. Selanjutnya, di dalam artikel ini dijelaskan tentang bagaimana Ekonomi Islam berkontribusi dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, khususnya Indonesia sebagai negara dengan basis muslim terbesar se-Asia. Kata kunci: Ekonomi Islam, Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
International Journal of Economics Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), 2021
The increasing interest in the Accounting study program at various Indonesian universities proves... more The increasing interest in the Accounting study program at various Indonesian universities proves that accounting science is important. It is interesting to discuss to find out the factors behind it. The purpose of this study was to find the factors that influence the students' decision in selecting an Accounting study program at ITB AAS Indonesia. This research is descriptive qualitative. The result of the analysis shows that several intrinsic and extrinsic factors affect the students in selecting the Accounting study program. In intrinsic factors shows that the students having an interest in deepening or improving their Accounting knowledge, choosing the study program based on their wishes, feeling that the Accounting study program has great opportunities in their works, choosing Accounting study program to get a good or better job after graduating from college later, having a desire to become a financial staff, a professional accountant or other job related to Accounting at work later, also feeling that Accounting study program attract their attention. While, the extrinsic factors show that: the students do not choose a study program because of a recommendation from their school, their wishes from parents or family, or following their friends who also take the same study program. But, the students choose An Accounting study program because the reputation of the study program at the campus is "good", the tuition fees in the study program are available and affordable, and a college education scholarship in a study program or college is available.
Al-Lisan: Jurnal Bahasa, 2021
This study investigates the use of any platforms in English language teaching and learning, espec... more This study investigates the use of any platforms in English language teaching and learning, especially in listening skills. This research design is qualitative. From the result, it shows that some technologies available both online or offline include applications or platforms that provide many choices for listening to English, they are. 1) Music platform. These platforms can be found in PlayStore, such as Joox and Spotify recommends songs for listening skills. 2) Youtube channel. Many YouTube channels for learning English listening skills include 1) Voice of America (VOA), BBC Learning English, Learn English with TV Series, English with Lucy, and Oxford Online English. 3) Podcasts. Both BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) and VoA (Voice of America). These Podcasts offer listening skills. The other podcasts are "The English We Speak, Podcast in English, Better at English, Luke's English Podcast, Espresso English Podcast, Anchor FM" etc. 4) Websites that are pretty representative in practicing the listening skills such as Sound English, ESL-Lab, English listening, Ello, learn English British Council, Daily ESL, Story Nory, Story Line, which can be accessed. Learning English through several applications above can be an alternative for students in practicing and improving their English listening skills. Listening exercises can be carried out by using interesting listening strategies when learning English. It depends on the teachers/lecturers who teach listening subjects and the students who learn English materials.
Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dalah untuk memberikan pelatihan tentang kewirausahaan ... more Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dalah untuk memberikan pelatihan tentang kewirausahaan sebagai peluang bisnis untuk generasi milenial selama masa pandemi Covid-19. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode diskusi dan metode simulasi. Pada kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini, untuk sasaran utamanya adalah Generasi Muda atau generasi milenial yang berstatus sebagai mahasiswa di daerah Soloraya Jawa Tengah. Jumlah peserta yang kegiatan ini sebanyak 95 mahasiswa yang berasal dari beberapa perguruan tinggi swasta atau negeri di daerah Soloraya Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan melalui webinar online dengan menggunakan Zoom Meeting. Pada kegiatan ini membahas tentang jenis wirausaha dan bisnis yang yang dapat dilakukan oleh generasi milenial dimasa pendemi Covid-19 misalnya reseller/dropshipper online shop, bisnis kuliner. bimbingan belajar online serta bisnis kebutuhan bahan pokok. Kunci utama menjalankan bisnis di masa pandemi yaitu mau mencoba peluang bisnis, tetap tenang, terus berusaha, melakukan inovasi, ide kreatif, selalu berusaha, pantang menyerah dan melawan rasa takut. Kegiatan ini sekaligus untuk menumbuhkan keinginan berwirausaha, mencari peluang dan ide usaha bagi generasi milenial dan masyarakat khususnya di masa pandemi serta dapat mengetahui tantangan dan kendala dalam berwirausaha dan berbisnis.
Vivid: Journal of Language and Literature, 2021
Characterization is the author's effort in presenting the character of the characters. It is made... more Characterization is the author's effort in presenting the character of the characters. It is made to build and develop the characters in a story. This characterization is related to the attitudes, desires, interests, emotions, and moral principles of the characters. This characterization also suggests the embodiment and development of the characters in the story. The objectives of this research are to analyze the characterization of the main characters in "Hichki" movies. The approach used in this analysis is descriptive qualitative research, the research data are from dialogues between characters in the movie that are linked to character characterization. The results of this research show that Naina Mathur is the main character or central figure in the "Hichki" movie. She is Tourette's syndrome sufferer. The characterizations are educated woman, always keep the spirit and never give up, have confidence, stands to belief and stick to the principles, protective, optimistic, creative, responsible, and being a good teacher. This movie shows the character of Naina Mathur as a teacher who is rarely found in educational circles. Like teachers who are challenged to guide their students to develop according to their respective talents. Naina Mathur is a central character where her character becomes the essence as well as the beginning until the ending of the story.
International Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting Research (IJEBAR), 2021
Transformational leadership is leadership where the leaders can inspire, direct and move follower... more Transformational leadership is leadership where the leaders can inspire, direct and move followers to make change through empowerment in achieving certain goals. It can be related to the employee performance results of one's work in an organization. The research was to know the influence behavior of transformational leadership on the Sharia Economics' lecturer's performance in ITB AAS Indonesia. This research used quantitative research. This research was carried out using a questionnaire and interview. This sample of this research involved several Sharia Economics' lecturers. The result analysis shows that the aspects of transformational leadership such as idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualization consideration have an effect of 87.1% on the performance appraisal of the lecturers' performance of ITB AAS Indonesia. Transformational leadership is influential on the performance of lecturers at ITB AAS Indonesia after research and statistical tests were carried out. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that lecturers' performance is positively influenced by transformational leadership.
Kajian Linguistik dan Sastra, 2021
Speech acts are utterances that contain action as a function of communication that considers aspe... more Speech acts are utterances that contain action as a function of communication that considers aspects of the speech situation. The objective of this research is to analyze the type of speech act found in Instagram Captions of 'WHO Indonesia". This research uses descriptive qualitative research. There are 332 pieces of data which contain the speech act in Instagram Captions of 'WHO Indonesia". There are some types of speech acts found in Instagram captions in 'WHO Indonesia", they are directive, representative and expressive speech acts. 1) Directive speech act is a speech act that is performed so that the speaker does what the speaker says. The directive speech act shows 204 data or 61.45 % consist of positive forms, such as the use of base form or verb 1 and the use "let's", and the negative form such as the use verb "Don't". 2) Representative speech acts are speech acts that bind the speaker to the truth or fact. The representative speech act shows 120 data or 36.14 % which show opinion, assumption, stating, and informing. While Expressive speech acts are actions that are carried out to assess or evaluate what is mentioned in the speech. In an expressive speech, the act shows 8 data or 2.44 % which consists of the act of thanking, condolences, and congratulating.
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 2021
In today's digital era, the PayLater payment phenomenon has emerged. The main concept of PayLater... more In today's digital era, the PayLater payment phenomenon has emerged. The main concept of PayLater's payment feature is "buy now, pay later". Buying and selling in this way where the consumer (buyer) buys / takes goods from the seller, then at the end of a certain period that is mutually agreed upon, the total will be paid. This is called buying and selling Istijrar. The scholars have a different opinion, if the price is not known by the buyer when buying / taking goods, and the buyer only knows the price after it has been totaled at the end when they want to make a payment, then buying and selling is prohibited. This is the opinion of jamahir ulama (almost all scholars) from 4 schools of thought. However, buying and selling will be valid and allowed as long as there is a market price (as-Si'rul Mitsl) which is generally accepted. This is one of the opinions of the syafiiyah scholars, one of the narrations in the Hambali school of thought, and the opinion chosen by Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibnul Qoyim. So that Istijar or PayLater is allowed where the price is determined after all buying and selling transactions are carried out relevant to the Islamic economy with certain conditions. The PayLater feature is rapidly gaining popularity due to advances in payment system technology in e-commerce (online shopping). We really need to consider us when we want to take advantage of the convenience of this feature. Besides being easy, PayLater does not require special guarantees, so the PayLater feature is in high demand. However, don't let us as humans become complacent and crazy in using it so that we become consumptive (wasteful) and even go into debt when shopping via online (online shopping). So, the positive side of PayLater also needs to be balanced with an understanding of the potential risks that it can cause. Therefore, before using the PayLater facility, consumers (buyers) must consider their needs and wants according to their abilities.
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching, 2021
The presence of 'Grammarly' as one of the online grammar checkers as the impact of technology dev... more The presence of 'Grammarly' as one of the online grammar checkers as the impact of technology development. This paper aims to reveal an overview of 'Grammarly' as an AI-powered English Writing Assistant for EFL students in English Writing. This research applies descriptive qualitative research. Based on the analysis, using Grammarly software shows the performance increased. Before using Grammarly, the performance of the student's test score is 34 out of 100. After using Grammarly, the performance student's text score is 77 out of 100. This score shows the quality of writing in this text increased. The performance can be increased based on Grammarly's suggestions in a Premium account. The researcher recommends the students use Grammarly. Grammarly is a web tool to perform grammar checks well, starting from the spelling of words, sentence structure to standard grammar. Grammarly is free for checking grammatical rule spelling rules, also correct errors of punctuation and capitalization. Grammarly runs on an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system, which showing corrections and suggestions quickly but still precisely. For accuracy, two service options available both free and paid features. Grammarly's free version still has limitations and in-service features, unlike the paid version (premium) which has full advantages and benefits, many features, and complete.
Journal of Pragmatics Research, 2021
The rational aspect of persuasive language focuses on optimal consumer practices, functions, or n... more The rational aspect of persuasive language focuses on optimal consumer practices, functions, or needs for a product which emphasizes the benefits or reasons for owning or using a brand. Rationalization in persuasion will work best if the speaker/writer knows what the audiences/readers' needs and wants and their attitudes and beliefs. This research is to find the reason for using persuasive strategies in Selected Brand Products' Advertisement on Instagram".In Instagram Captions' from several brands' products consist of persuasive strategies, such as "Mineral Water", "Medicine", "Food and Drink", "Household", and "Beauty and Skin Care" products. The "Mineral Water" ads try to persuade consumers to focus on the quality and technology used. In "Medicine" products, they focus on the ingredients in the medicine and its uses and the causes and drugs to consume. For "Food and Drink" products, they persuade consumers to see the high standards and technology to produce the product and quality of ingredients. In "Household" products, the ads persuade consumers by emphasizing the ingredients and their benefits. A similar focus is also identified in the ads of "Beauty and Skin Care" products. All the advertisements use rationalization in their persuasion strategy. Rationalization in persuasion works well because the advertiser knows what the consumers' needs and wants. There is the involvement of reasons, deep thought,
ENGLISH FRANCA: Academic Journal of English Language and Education, 2021
This study is to know the students' difficulty in doing the TOEFL prediction test, especially the... more This study is to know the students' difficulty in doing the TOEFL prediction test, especially the listening section in ITB AAS Indonesia. This study uses descriptive qualitative research by using a questionnaire. The result shows that the students' difficulty in doing TOEFL listening both external and internal factors. In external factors, include: 1) the speaker's accent (75.5 %), 2) the speakers' speed (75.9 %), 3) the speakers' intonation/emphasis (73 %), 4) the speakers' pause in pronouncing a sentence (70.3 %), 5) the choice of words and foreign terms conveyed by the speaker (71 %), 6) the sentence structure conveyed by the speaker is too complex (54.8 %), 7) audio interruption causes the audio sounds less/unclear (54.8 %). In internal factors, include: 1) 64.3 % of students do not have previous experience doing TOEFL test, 2) 58.5 % of students have lack of practice in TOEFL listening, 3) 78.8 % of students have limited time in doing TOEFL listening test, 4) 62.2 % of students feel a lot of listening questions which consist of 50 questions, 5) 76.2 % of students do not have hearing impairment in listening, 6) 51 % of students have memory limitations when listening to TOEFL, 7) 48.1 % of students lack of motivation and enthusiasm, 8) 52.7 % of students lack of concentration or focus, 9) 53.5 % of students have limited mastery of foreign/unfamiliar vocabularies, 10) 47.3 % of students feel boredom when listening, 11) 56 % of students feel easily distracted by sounds or other things, 12) 51 % of students tend to translate any foreign vocabularies when listening, 13) 52.7 % of students have trouble catching or finding keywords, 14) 44.4 % of students are busy along with other activities when listening, such as playing writing instruments, taking notes or doing other things.
E-Structural (English Studies on Translation, Culture, Literature, and Linguistics), 2021
During COVID-19 pandemic, educators implement online learning in the education process. Basic int... more During COVID-19 pandemic, educators implement online learning in the education process. Basic interactive models of online learning available, such as synchronous learning, as a face-to-face learning process through online media. This research investigates the students' perception toward the implementation of synchronous learning in ELT especially TOEFL. This research is qualitative. The results show that: 1) 51 % of students use Zoom and Live YouTube in learning TOEFL. 2) 89.7 % of students use mobile phones in online learning. 3) 49.7 % of students agree that Zoom has complete features. 4) 83.2 % of students agree that operating Zoom's features is very easy. 5) 74.2 % of students agree that Zoom is easy-used. 6) 72.9 % of students agree that using Zoom in learning TOEFL is effective. 7) 73 % of students agree that using Live YouTube in learning TOEFL also effective. 8) 63.9 % agree that in Zoom, they can participate by face-to-face interactions (e.g. question-answer even discussion with lecturer and classmates. 9) 95.5 % of students agree that using YouTube, videos can be seen anytime and anywhere because videos are stored on the lecturer's channel. In the understanding level of TOEFL, 83.2 % of students really understand in the listening section, 89.7 % of students understand the reading section, and 81.3 % of students understand the Structure and Written Expression section. Several problems affect learning TOEFL with Zoom and YouTube. Students have a problem with an internet connection. The other problems are internet quota, technical problems of the device (e.g battery, device dead suddenly, audio quality, device's video/audio, and others), device's type used, and surrounding conditions (e.g light conditions, sounds, or other disturbances). In the next learning system, 80.6 % of students agree that the next learning system implements face-to-face learning and still uses Zoom and YouTube Live Streaming.
Relevance: Journal of Management and Business, 2021
This study aims to determine what factors influence consumer decisions to buy through an online s... more This study aims to determine what factors influence consumer decisions to buy through an online shop. The factors that the researchers took were perceived benefits, perceived risks, hedonic motivation, psychological factors, and web design. This research is a quantitative study by taking a study at ITB AAS Indonesia. The population in this study were all academicians of ITB AAS Indonesia who have ever made purchases on the line shop. The sample in this study amounted to 142. The technique of collecting data by distributing questionnaires and interviews. The analytical method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results obtained in this study are the variables of perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation, and web design have a positive and significant effect on online shop purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, risk perception and psychological factors do not have a significant effect.
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature, 2021
This study discusses gender bias in terms of language especially from Indonesian into English tra... more This study discusses gender bias in terms of language especially from Indonesian into English translation by using Google Translate. This research is descriptive qualitative research. The result shows that most likely every language has gender-biased sides, including English because the type of society in the reality of life is more represented by men and women. In Google translate, the unequal differences between men and women translated into google translate causes the system to be considered biased and sexist towards gender. Whereas in fact, nowadays all genders can have various activities and jobs. Indonesian is also a gender-neutral language. When google translates to change into English, the sentence becomes gendered. The Indonesian language in this case seems to have been saved from being sexist because it does not associate a particular profession or activity with any gender. Unlike English, which adjusts personal pronouns based on gender. Google Translate is not always accurate, especially when translating from English to other languages. That is where Google Translate tends to go astray. The problem is that many languages have gender-based words, whereas English does not. But some words, like profession or occupation, can be masculine or feminine depending on the subject of the sentence, by assigning gender to certain adjectives and words that describe them. Equality in gender and race has been very difficult to achieve in machine technology situations because these systems are trained on existing content, and are not demographically representative. Google decided to make changes. It is important to adapt and build technology that can better serve humans. What may seem like small changes to everyday life are big steps towards gender equality. The way people speak their respective languages is one of the strongest ways of gender discrimination
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
The aim of this research is to find out the type of directive speech acts and to find out which d... more The aim of this research is to find out the type of directive speech acts and to find out which directive speech acts most frequently used in "Koi Mil Gaya" movie. The research is conducted by using a qualitative approach.
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
Islam sebagai sistem kehidupan yang universal, integral, dan komprehensif telah menetapkan tatana... more Islam sebagai sistem kehidupan yang universal, integral, dan komprehensif telah menetapkan tatanan yang utuh untuk kehidupan manusia. Sebagai way of life, Islam menata segala hal yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan, dari hal yang paling sederhana hingga urusan yang paling rumit sekalipun. Baik dalam aspek politik, ekonomi, pendidikan, seni, sosial, budaya, dsb. Islam merupakan agama yang sempurna, yang mengatur hal yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi. Apabila perekonomian suatu negara (ekonomi nasional) menerapkan dasar Al-Quran dan Hadist sebagai dasar penerapannya, tentunya suatu perekonomian nasional akan berjalan dengan baik dan terarah sesuai aturan. Namun kenyataanya memang belum semua negara muslim di dunia menerapkan dasar tersebut. Selanjutnya, di dalam artikel ini dijelaskan tentang bagaimana Ekonomi Islam berkontribusi dalam pembangunan ekonomi nasional, khususnya Indonesia sebagai negara dengan basis muslim terbesar se-Asia. Kata kunci: Ekonomi Islam, Pembangunan Ekonomi Nasional
This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of w... more This research is to describe the implementation of Project-based Learning by using the media of wall magazine as the students’ project in teaching English to the students of STIE AAS Surakarta. This study is descriptive qualitative research. From the result of this research, there are some steps in implementing project-based learning, they are 1) Setting the stage for students with real-life samples of the projects they will be doing. 2) Taking on the role of project designers, possibly establishing a forum for display or competition. 3) Discussing and accumulating the background information needed for their designs. 4). Negotiating the criteria for evaluating the projects. 5). Accumulating the materials necessary for the project. 6). Creating their projects. 7). Preparing to present their projects. 8). Presenting their projects. 9). Reflecting on the process and evaluating the projects based on the criteria established. By using wall magazine also bring some advantages for the s...
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan tingkat pemahaman dan untuk memberikan ilmu pengetah... more Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan tingkat pemahaman dan untuk memberikan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat di Dukuh Sanggrahan Pucangan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo Jawa Tengah. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk penambahan pengetahuan dan ketentuan mengenai jual beli melalui online syariah. Selain itu sosialisasi ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan jual beli secara online menurut tinjauan hukum syariah. Diharapkan dari hasil pelatihan ini dapat memberikan pemahaman baru jual beli online, pengembangan jual beli online, dan pemahaman hukum syariah tentang jual beli online syariah kepada masyarakat sekitar. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan diskusi. Metode ceramah digunakan dalam proses penyampaian materi pelatihan/sosialiasi. Sedangkan metode diskusi digunakan agar masyarakat bisa berdiskusi tentang bisnis online berdasarkan prinsip syariah. Target luaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah 1) Masyarakat mampu mengetahui bagaimana proses jual beli secara online; 2) Masyarakat mendapatkan infromasi tentang hukum syariah tentang jual beli online dalam tinjauan syariah. 3) Masyarakat nantinya mampu mengembangkan bisnis jual beli online bagi yang sudah mempraktekkan.
Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat umum ... more Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan ilmu pengetahuan kepada masyarakat umum (siswa SMA/SMK sederajat, mahasiswa, dosen dan umum). Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini sebagai pelatihan tes TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language). Selain itu, memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang Tes TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language). Diharapkan dari hasil pelatihan ini dapat memberikan pemahaman dan pengetahuan baru tentang tes TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language). kepada masyarakat lainnya. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode ceramah, dan diskusi. Metode ceramah digunakan dalam proses penyampaian materi pelatihan/sosialiasi. Target luaran yang diharapkan dari kegiatan ini adalah: 1) Masyarakat mengetahui apa itu tes TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language). 2) Masyarakat memahami jenis soal-soal yang diujikan dalam TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language). 3) Masyarakat memahami tips dan trik mengerjakan soal test TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language), dan 4) Masyarakat mampu mengerjakan soal-soal yang diujikan dalam TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language). Kata Kunci : TOEFL (Test of English Foreign Language), tes TOEFL, Bahasa Inggris 1. PENDAHULUAN TOEFL atau Test of English as a Foreign Language adalah sebuah tes untuk mengukur kemampuan berbahasa Inggris orang yang bahasa induknya bukan bahasa Inggris (non-native English language speakers). Tes ini umumnya dijadikan salah satu saringan oleh universitas dalam negeri (program pascasarjana) dan luar negeri, beberapa BUMN, dan beberapa perusahaan asing. TOEFL adalah tes paling populer yang digunakan di banyak negara di seluruh dunia (Lubis et al., 2019). TOEFL merupakan test proficiency, yaitu tes yang digunakan untuk mengukur kemampuan bahasa Inggris seseorang tanpa dikaitkan secara langsung dengan proses belajar mengajar (Kusuma, 2020, p. 329). Dengan demikian, TOEFL berbeda dengan achievement test, yaitu tes yang lingkup ujinya terbatas pada bahan yang telah dipelajari siswa dalam suatu kelas bahasa Inggris. Hal ini didukung oleh Hartanto & Inayati (2016) bahwa Salah satu acuan untuk mengukur kecakapan (proficiency) berbahasa Inggris adalah melalui berbagai tes-tes Bahasa Inggris, yang lazim digunakan adalah dalam bentuk TOEFL, walaupun tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya bentuk tes kecakapan berbahasa Inggris lainnya seperti TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) dan IELTS (The International English Language Testing System).
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2015
This objectives of the research are to classify the types of translation technique from English t... more This objectives of the research are to classify the types of translation technique from English to Indonesian subtitle, to determine the most dominant type of translation technique and to describe the translation quality of English to Indonesian subtitle of Doraemon “Stand By Me” movie in the term of accuracy, acceptability and readability. This research is descriptive qualitative method. Data of this research are utterances or sentences in subtitle movie of bilingual edition, both English and Indonesian. While, the source data of this research is “Stand By Me” Doraemon movie. The writer used two kinds of data source, they were document and informant. In analyzing the data, the writer used comparison method to compare between the SL and TL that were analyzed. The result of this research shows that 1) there are eleven type of translation techniques, they are: First, 1) Adaptation (112 data or 10,28 %), 2) Amplification (80 data or 7,35 %), 3) Borrowing, (93 data or 8,54%), 4) Calque (30 data or 2,75 %), 5) Compensation (4 data or 0,37 %), 6) Discursive Creation ( 2 data or 0,18 %), 7) Established Equivalence (296 data or 27,18 %), 8) Literal Translation (276 data or 25,34 %), 9) Modulation (48 data or 4,41%), 10) Reduction (235 data or 21,58 %), and 11) Transposition (199 data or 18,27 %). Second, the most dominant type of translation technique is Established Equivalence. It has higher frequency data (297 data or 27,27 %). Third, the result shows that translation quality assessment, in translation accuracy, the higher percentage is accurate. There are 239 data or 66,38 %. In translation acceptability, the higher percentage is acceptable. There are 233 data or 64,72 %. In translation readability, the higher percentage is readable. There are 260 data or 72,22 %. Therefore, it can be concluded that the translation quality of “Stand By Me” Doraemon movie is accurate, acceptable and readable.
IAIN Surakarta, 2013
The objectives of the research were to know the use of CIRC technique could improve the students'... more The objectives of the research were to know the use of CIRC technique could improve the students' reading comprehension, and to know the strengths and weaknesses of CIRC implementation during the teaching and learning process. The method of the research was CAR. The subject of this research was the eighth grade students of MTsN Bendosari Sukoharjo especially VIII.D grade students in academic year 2012/2013. The researcher implemented one of technique Cooperative Learning that was CIRC in improving students' reading comprehension. The data were collected from quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data was collected from test, and the qualitative data were collected from observation, interview, documentation and questionnare. These data were analyzed by using mean score to see the improvement of pre-test and test-cycle, and to get conclusion as the result of this research. This research was conducted in two cycles of action, each of the cycle consisted of three meetings. The result of this research showed that the students' reading comprehension improved. The students' mean score in pre-test was 52.3, in test-cycle 1 was 64.7, and in test-cycle 2 was 75.5. Related to the improvement of students' reading comprehension, the students were able to determine the title or topic of the text, main idea, generic structure, purpose of the text, reference, synonym or antonym, detailed information and undetailed information. From the improvement of test result in each cycle, it showed that using CIRC made the students got better understanding or comprehending the text. During the implementation of the actions, the researcher was helped by the collaborator observed the strenghts and the weaknesses of CIRC during the teaching and learning process. It was found that the students were more active in discussing. They also felt more interested in reading, enjoyed in joining the lesson by grouping. But, some students in each group still looked shy or afraid in presenting their work in front of the class.
LEKSEMA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
In evaluating students’ EFL writing, lecturers nowadays can implement corrective evaluation by u... more In evaluating students’ EFL writing, lecturers nowadays can implement corrective evaluation by using an online automatic software. Grammarly is automated online software that is comonly used in EFL writing classes. It is an internet proofreading service that evaluates the correctness grammarl, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary as well as detects plagiarism. This paper reports research aimed at exploring the use of Grammarly software for evaluating non-EFL students’ writings. This research employed descriptive-qualitative method with students of ITB AAS Indonesia as the data sources. The results of analysis show that in correcting students' language errors, lecturers can evaluate and analyze in details without a lot of correcting efforts or improvements. Grammarly can be considered as a useful tool for lecturers who need to correct non-EFL students’ writings. Grammarly will automatically check or detect the work being typed from various related aspects. Various writing error...
Article History: Received 4 February 2021 Approved 11 April 2021 Published 23 April 2021 Code mix... more Article History: Received 4 February 2021 Approved 11 April 2021 Published 23 April 2021 Code mixing is a phenomenon in the form of the use of elements from a particular language in one sentence or another language discourse. The objective of this research is to find out the type of code-mixing uttered by an Australian YouTuber in his Instagram “Londo Kampung”. By using a descriptive qualitative method, it is found that the mixing of various linguistic units in the grammatical system within a sentence. There are some types of insertion of code-mixing, such as in elements of word, phrase, clause, hybrid, and repetition. From 182 code mixing found in Instagram captions, Insertion of the word shows 114 data or 62.64% which consist word class of noun and adjective. In insertion of hybrid shows 36 data (19.78 %), such as in insertion suffix both in Indonesian and Javanese, also prefix both in Indonesian and Javanese. In phrase shows 14 data (7.69 %) which consist of the noun phrase and a...
TRANSLATION OF JOURNAL EDUNOMIKA 2018 Tira Nur Fitria STIE AAS Surakarta tiranurfitria@gmail.com
This study aims to find out about the zakat profession (tithe income) in Islamic view (Islamic la... more This study aims to find out about the zakat profession (tithe income) in Islamic view (Islamic law). This research is qualitative descriptive. This study included literature to examine the written sources such as scientific journals, books referesni, literature, encyclopedias, scientific articles, scientific papers and other sources that are relevant and related to the object being studied. As for the object of study of this research is in the form of texts or writings that describe and explain about the profession zakat (tithe income). Results from this study is obligatory of Zakat profession together with the charity business and other income such as agriculture, livestock and trade. Limit nisab wealth derived from the business professions can be equated with charity nisab plant yield is 5 wasaq (about 750 kg of rice), with the obligation of zakat 5% or 10%, and is payable when earning achievements, rewards or wages of the profession. For kind of professions such as doctors in hos...
English and Literature Journal, 2018
The aims of this study are to know the types of figurative languages and to know the most dominan... more The aims of this study are to know the types of figurative languages and to know the most dominant figurative language used in lyrics One Direction’s album song entitled Up All Night. The research is qualitative descriptive to describe the analysis factually, accurately and systematically. The data in this research include the phrases or the sentences which found in lyric album song entitled “Up All Night” by One Direction. The data source of this study is album song entitled “Up All Night” by One Direction. Based on research finding, it can be found that there are some figurative languages in One Direction’s album “Up All Night”. There were 13 songs in this album, they are: 1) Everything About You, 2) Gotta Be You, 3) I Want, 4) I Wish, 5) More Than This, 6) One Thing, 7) Same Mistakes, 8) Save You Tonight, 9) Stole My Heart, 10) Taken, 11) Tell Me a Lie, 12) Up All Night and 13) What Makes You Beautiful. Based on the result of this research, it is found six types of figurative lan...
Language Circle: Journal of Language and Literature
The objective of the research is to review the ability of online machine translator tools include... more The objective of the research is to review the ability of online machine translator tools includes Google Translate (GT), Collin Translator (CT), Bing Translator (BT), Yandex Translator (YT), Systran Translate (ST), and IBM Translator (IT). This research applies descriptive qualitative. The documentation was used in this study. The result of the analysis shows that the translation results are different, both from the style of language and the choice of words used by each machine translation tool. Thus, directly or indirectly, whether consciously or not, each translation machine carries its characteristics. Machine translation technology cannot be separated from the active role of humans. In other words, it will always be the best choice for users to rely on expert translation rather than machine translation. But no machine translator can be as accurate as human skills in producing translation products. In particular, the field of translation is also concerned with machine translatio...
This article will provide 1) general overview and course design of English for Specific Purposes ... more This article will provide 1) general overview and course design of English for Specific Purposes in the field of ELT (English Language Teaching), 2) the role of teacher and student in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), and 3) the difficulties related to teacher, student, environment and others in teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP). In the field of English Language Teaching (ELT), English for Specific Purposes (ESP) concerns the specific English language needs of the target learners/students. It refers to teaching a specific genre of English for students with specific goals which is oriented and focused on English teaching and learning. ESP is designed and developed based on an assessment of purposes and needs and the activities for which English is needed. There are many teacher’s roles, such as asking to organize courses, setting the learning objectives, establishing a positive learning environment and evaluating the students' progress. While, the learners are relat...
The purpose of this research was to find out whether Reciprocal Teaching strategy able to improve... more The purpose of this research was to find out whether Reciprocal Teaching strategy able to improve the students' reading comprehension and also find out the factors which influence the improvement of the students' reading skill. This research was an action research. The participants of the research were the third semester students of 2018-2019 academic year of STIBA Persada Bunda Pekanbaru which consisted of 13 students. The instruments used to collect the data were from observation checklists, field notes, interviews, and reading tests. There were two main findings in this research. First, reciprocal teaching strategy was able to improve the students' reading skill. It could be seen from the improvement of their mean score in reading comprehension at the end of the cycle 1. Second, there were several factors that could influence the improvement of their reading skill involved teaching materials, teacher's knowledge, students' interaction, and assessment activities. To sum up, the implementation of reciprocal teaching technique was able to provide positive results on their reading comprehension.
IAIN Surakarta, 2011
Learning is the process of communication and interaction between the teacher and the students in ... more Learning is the process of communication and interaction between the teacher and the students in education, where the students accept, acquire, understand, response and develop the informations, science, knowledge and study material from the teacher through some activities. It is related with teaching and learning process which done in the classroom, and involve the profesionality of teacher to reach certain purpose of education. In recently years, telecommunications and technology is growing rapidly. It is marked by digital era, especially electronic and multimedia. The learning process also demand the existence of adjustment in education institution in using a method of process teaching and learning, which using media of electronic and multimedia in order to reach optimal and effective learning for students. Institution level such as elementary school also need the tools and infrastructure of telecommunication and technology to increase.the quality of institution and to solve the challenges which happened. There are many teaching and learning methods, and can be effective enough done by the teacher to teach the students to understand about study material. There are Audio-visual Method, Audio-lingual Method (ALM), Direct Oral Method, Indirect Grammar Method, Natural Method, Communicative Method, Grammar Translation Method (GTM), Situational Language Teaching (SLT), Cognitive Code Learning (CCL), Total Pysicical Response (TPR), Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Communicative Language Learning (CLL) etc. Audio-visual method is one of methods which can be used in the classroom to teach the students of elementary school. It uses both visual and audio media, and permit the introduction of study materials. The improved access and avaibility of electronic and multimedia technology has enable more students to participate in the classroom when learning process. Audio-visual makes teaching and learning effective and useful. It is the best dissemination of knowledge and information, it also play an even more important role in classrooms. Teacher may introduce and demonstrate in many media of audio-visual such as television, video, movie, projector, computer in the classroom. It will enrich their understanding and vocabulary about English and will build a creative environment in the elementary class and create a more inviting atmosphere. Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested in finding out the effects of learning method towarh the English vocabulary achievement through audio (sense of hearing) and visual (sense of seeing and watching).