Doç. Dr. Mustafa Çevik - (original) (raw)
Papers by Doç. Dr. Mustafa Çevik
Bu araştırmanın amacı, COVID-19 salgını henüz devam ederken uzaktan eğitim sonrası yeni normalleş... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, COVID-19 salgını henüz devam ederken uzaktan eğitim sonrası yeni normalleşmeyle birlikte Fen Bilimleri öğretmenlerinin sınıflarında yüz yüze gerçekleştirdikleri fen öğretimine ilişkin görüşlerinin alınmasıdır. Araştırma, temel nitel araştırma deseni ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın katılımcı grubu, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilmiş, 56 (36 kadın ve 20 erkek) Fen Bilimleri öğretmeninden oluşmuştur. Araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulmuş yapılandırılmış görüşme formu yoluyla veriler toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda uzaktan eğitim sonrası Fen Bilimleri öğretmenlerinin derslerinde etkileşimli tahta, EBA ve Web 2.0 araçları odaklı öğretime yer verdiklerini ve daha öğrenci merkezli bir öğretim yöntemi takip ettiklerini dile getirmişlerdir. Sınıf içinde uzaktan eğitim sonrasında mesleki doygunluğu daha çok hissettiklerini ve verimli olduklarını söylemişlerdir. Bunun yanı sıra öğrencilerin sınıf içinde derslere odaklanma problemi yaşadıklarını ve salgın önlemlerinin (maske, mesafe vb.) kendilerini sınıf içerisinde sınırlandırdığını dile getirmişlerdir.
This study conducted a content analysis for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STE... more This study conducted a content analysis for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-focused studies in the field of education between 2014 and 2016 in Turkey. "Publication Classification Form" was used to analyze 34 articles identified in this context. The articles were examined by conducting content analysis including identity of the article, its subject, its methodology, its data collection instruments, its sample and data analysis methods. Based on the obtained data, it was determined that the most publications were made by scholars working in institutions such as the Ministry of National Education, Gazi, Sinop, Marmara and Middle East Technical University. It was also found out that qualitative method-based studies were the most prevalent in researches. In the analysis of the data, it was determined that descriptive analyzes were mainly performed, content and descriptive analyzes involving qualitative research methods were extensively used in the studie...
Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaokullarda görevli fen bilimleri, matematik ve bilişim teknolojileri öğret... more Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaokullarda görevli fen bilimleri, matematik ve bilişim teknolojileri öğretmenlerinin fen - teknoloji - mühendislik - matematik (FeTeMM) eğitimi farkındalıklarının farklı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesidir. Yapılan bu araştırma, öğretmenlerin FeTEMM farkındalıklarının doğrudan öğrenilmesine yönelik nicel bir veri aracının kullanıldığı tarama modelinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada seçkisiz olmayan örnekleme yöntemlerinden uygun örnekleme yöntemi benimsenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Karaman merkeze bağlı ortaokullarda görev yapan 118 fen, matematik ve bilişim öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Buyruk ve Korkmaz'ın (2016) geliştirmiş oldukları 'FeTeMM Farkındalık Ölçeği' kullanılmıştır. Ölçek katılımcılara uygulandıktan sonra ölçeğin tekrar geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Olumlu ve olumsuz FeTeMM farkındalığı olmak üzere 2 alt boyuttan oluşan ölçeğin her bir boyutu ile cinsiyet ve branş değişken...
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2020
In this study, it was aimed to compare the predictions of the academic achievement of the artific... more In this study, it was aimed to compare the predictions of the academic achievement of the artificial neural networks (ANN) run in MATLAB and SPSS software and to determine the factors related to their academic achievement. Sample consisted of 465 students who were studying at Grade 4 in primary schools in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey in 2017. A 12-questions questionnaire was used as the collection tool. For the content validity of the questionnaire, expert opinions were received. The KR20 reliability coefficient was calculated as .60. An exploratory factor analysis was run for the construct validity. In the ANN model, the items related to the academic achievement in the questionnaire were considered as independent variables / inputs, and the academic achievements of the previous year as the dependent variables / outputs. The predictions of the academic achievement of the ANN models were analyzed in MATLAB R2013a and SPSS 24.0 software and the regression coefficients of the independent variables were examined. It was found that MATLAB software had a higher rate of the correct prediction compared to SPSS. In the regression coefficients of the independent variables, some differences and similarities between the results of MATLAB and SPSS were found.
European Journal of STEM Education, 2021
The aim of this study is to determine the STEM awareness of academics working in education facult... more The aim of this study is to determine the STEM awareness of academics working in education faculties and their STEM academic works affected by this awareness. The research was conducted according to a sequential explanatory design, which is one of the mixed research methods. In the quantitative part of the study, a relational type of screening model was used and in the qualitative part, a case study design was preferred. The sampling of the quantitative part was composed of 239 academics working in education faculties in Turkey within the scope of the appropriate sampling method, which was non-random. As a result of the analysis, a semi-structured interview form was prepared within the scope of 4 themes and the qualitative part was started. As a result of the research, it was determined that academics in education faculties had high mean scores for STEM awareness, and that there was no significant difference in terms of gender, professional area and department, but there was a significant difference in terms of age and title variables. In addition, the situations in which interviewed academics, whose awareness scores were high and low, were affected by STEM awareness were revealed and discussed.
Journal on Educational Technology, 2018
This research aims to investigate STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) semantics of ... more This research aims to investigate STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) semantics of engineer candidates and pre-service teachers in depth in regard to different variables and identify their STEM perspectives. The study group consisted of 228 students enrolled in undergraduate programs in a state university in Central Anatolia in Turkey. Explanatory design was used as a mixed method strategy in the study. The survey model as the quantitative component and the case study as the qualitative component was carried out. According to findings obtained in the study,a statistically significant difference was observed between STEM semantics of the undergraduate students and their gender, department and high school types point averages. In the in-depth interviews, it was revealed that participants were partially differentiated in their STEM semantics and STEM perspectives. These differences in the participants’ STEM semantics on their department basis appeared more clearly thro...
This study reports on the implementation and evaluation of the “Enlighten Roman Tombs with Perisc... more This study reports on the implementation and evaluation of the “Enlighten Roman Tombs with Periscope” activity, one of the STEM + activities in the project named “STEM-ANTIQUE.” The project included a science camp with STEM-based scientific studies, field trips, and observations lasting 10 days and 80 hours. The activity that was examined in the current research lasted 4 hours in total, of which 1 hour was theoretical, 1 hour was practice, and 2 hours were the fieldwork activities. The participants of the project were 22 students studying in the 9 th grade of the public schools in Karaman, Turkey. As part of the “Enlighten Roman Tombs with Periscope” activity, the participating students explored an artificial tomb that was unearthed through the excavations. In focus group interviews with the students at the end of the study, the participants expressed their opinion that their innovation abilities and problem-solving skills improved.
Bu calismada Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi bunyesinde bir alt yapi projesi ... more Bu calismada Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi bunyesinde bir alt yapi projesi olarak devam eden “Pupa Ogrenci Entegrasyon Birimi’nin tanitilmasi amaclanmistir. Proje, hafif duzeyde zihinsel engele sahip ilkokul 1.2.3. ve 4. sinif ogrencilerine yoneliktir. Birim, coklu zeka alanlari dogrultusunda tasarlanarak, ogrencilerin ilgi ve yeteneklerinin tespit edilmesine imkan tanimaktadir. Ilgili zeka alanina yonlendirilen ogrenciler proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasimiyla (PTOY) kendilerini gelistirme firsati yakalamaktadir. Projede gerceklestirilen calismalarda nitel ve nicel veri toplama araclari kullanilmaktadir. Projede yapilan calismalarin baslangicinda ogrencilere zeka alaniyla ilgili basari testi, tutum olcegi ve kavram kazanim gorusme formu ontest, PTOY ‘den sonra bu test ve olcekler sontest olarak uygulanmaktadir. Calismalarin sonucunda basari testleri ve tutum olceklerinden elde edilen veriler SPSS 16.0 programinda non-‐‑parametrik Wilcoxon isaretli siralar ...
Bu arastirmanin amaci lise yoneticilerinin 2013-2014 egitim ogretim yilinda uygulamaya konulan li... more Bu arastirmanin amaci lise yoneticilerinin 2013-2014 egitim ogretim yilinda uygulamaya konulan lise matematik ogretim programina yonelik goruslerinin belirlenmesidir. Veriler, “Ogretim Programi Degerlendirme Formu” adli yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu araciligiyla nitel arastirma yontemlerinden biri olan gorusme teknigi ile elde edilmistir. Bu amacla, Karaman’da 20 lisede toplam 52 okul yoneticisi ile bireysel gorusmeler gerceklestirilmistir. Veriler icerik analizi yontemi kullanilarak cozumlenmis ve sayisal veriler gorusmelerden direk alintilarla desteklenerek yorumlamalara gidilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, yoneticilerin genel olarak matematik ogretim programi hakkinda bilgi sahibi olmadiklari, bilgi sahibi olan yoneticilerin ise programin ogrenci seviyesinin ustunde oldugunu, program kazanimlarinin guncel hayatla daha fazla iliskili olmasi gerektigini ve programin lise turune gore revize edilmesinin zaruri oldugunu dile getirdikleri gorulmustur
Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yo... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yonelik goruslerini ortaya koymaktir. Arastirmaya Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi’nden 154 kisi katilmistir. Tarama modelinde gerceklestirilen bu calismada, verilerin toplanmasi icin 24 soruluk bir anket gelistirilmistir. Anketin gecerlik ve guvenirligini saglamak icin pilot uygulama yapilmistir. Kapsam gecerligi icin uzman gorusleri alinmis, yapi gecerligi icin ise madde faktor analizleri yapilmistir. Anketin Cronbach’s Alpha katsayisi .869 bulunmustur. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, katilimcilarin cinsiyetleri, gorev cesitleri, mezun olduklari program turu ve ALES’te kullandiklari puan turu acisindan ALES’e yonelik goruslerinde anlamli farkliliklar oldugu ortaya cikmistir.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yo... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yonelik goruslerini ortaya koymaktir. Arastirmaya Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi’nden 154 kisi katilmistir. Tarama modelinde gerceklestirilen bu calismada, verilerin toplanmasi icin 24 soruluk bir anket gelistirilmistir. Anketin gecerlik ve guvenirligini saglamak icin pilot uygulama yapilmistir. Kapsam gecerligi icin uzman gorusleri alinmis, yapi gecerligi icin ise madde faktor analizleri yapilmistir. Anketin Cronbach’s Alpha katsayisi .869 bulunmustur. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, katilimcilarin cinsiyetleri, gorev cesitleri, mezun olduklari program turu ve ALES’te kullandiklari puan turu acisindan ALES’e yonelik goruslerinde anlamli farkliliklar oldugu ortaya cikmistir.
In this study, except for the teaching profession in public institutions working in the SSME (Sec... more In this study, except for the teaching profession in public institutions working in the SSME (Secondary Science and Mathematics Education), part of the graduates was conducted to investigate the effect of partition information in the daily routine. In the research, screening model has been used and interview method which is a qualitative research technique has been aplied. Data were collected by semi-structured interview form was prepared. The information obtained in the form of a call issued in the form of indicator chart, graduates gave the answers they were classified, as frequency and percentage were determined. As a result, graduates have been found to be the effect of partition information in the daily lives; the graduates indicated that they use the partition information in all areas of life. Outside the teaching profession of graduates doing their duty, their partition information in the field, formation and general cultural level, they are working in institutions and determ...
Education and Information Technologies, 2021
This study aims to examine the paths between excessive Internet use, school burnout and parental ... more This study aims to examine the paths between excessive Internet use, school burnout and parental monitoring and their predictor effects in peer bullying and victimization among Turkish adolescents. The relational survey design was employed in the study. The study group consisted of 362 students (108 females, 254 males, aged 15–18 years) from three different vocational high schools including each grade level. “Internet Addiction Scale”, “School Burnout Scale”, “Parental Monitoring Scale”, and “Peer Bullying / Victimization Scale” were used as data collection instruments. Structural Equation Modeling was employed in order to test the hypotheses argued in the study. Findings indicate that the tendency of becoming a victim among vocational high school students is higher than becoming a bully. Furthermore, according to model analysis findings, it was established that bullying and victimization was predicted by factors of problematic Internet use, school burnout, and parental monitoring. Furthermore, a positive relationship was found between problematic Internet use and school burnout as well as parental monitoring and school burnout in line with the hypotheses. As a result, it was recommended that reducing the problematic Internet use through psycho-educational programs as well as increasing school engagement and family functioning with both indoor and outdoor social and cultural activities may prevent the emergence of bullying and victimization.
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Bu arastirmanin amaci Proje Tabanli Ogretime Dayanan STEM (STEM PTO) yaklasiminin ortaokul ogrenc... more Bu arastirmanin amaci Proje Tabanli Ogretime Dayanan STEM (STEM PTO) yaklasiminin ortaokul ogrencilerinin STEM anlayislari ile gorsellestirmelerinde one cikan zeka alanlariyla iliskisine etkisini incelemektir. Bu kapsamda STEM PTO yaklasimiyla ogrencilerin akademik basarilarina etkisi tespit edilmis bu etki ile one cikan zeka alanlari arasindaki korelasyon ortaya konulmustur. Arastirma karma modellerden biri olan acimlayici desene gore tasarlanmistir. Arastirmanin nicel boyutunda on test son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desen, nitel boyutunda ise durum calismasi deseni gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirmaya 58 ogrenci katilmistir. Uygulama 5. Sinif fen bilimleri dersinde 12 hafta boyunca yurutulmustur. Deney grubu 30 ve kontrol grubu 28 kisiden olusmustur. Arastirmanin sonunda STEM PTO yaklasiminin ogrencilerin akademik basarilarinda yuksek duzeyde son test lehine bir etkiye sahip oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ve bu basari ile ogrencilerin zeka alanlari arasindaki korelasyon ortaya konulmustur. Uygulama sonrasinda deney grubu ogrencileriyle yapilan gorusmelerde ogrencilerin daha cok muhendislik ve tasarim, fen, eglence/oyun, matematik, teknolojik aletler ve duygu kavramlarini merkeze aldiklari cizimler ile STEM’i anlatmaya calismislardir. Bu temalar ile one cikan zeka alanlari arasindaki iliskiye de bakilarak bir baginti ortaya ortaya konmustur.
OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the Project "Let's Meet; Let's Turn Science and Mathema... more In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the Project "Let's Meet; Let's Turn Science and Mathematics into Fun!" for grade 8 students supported by TUBITAK under the projects of 4004-Nature Education and Science Schools. The research is designed as convergent parallel mixed method design, which is one of the mixed research models. In the quantitative aspect of the study, one group pretest-posttest design, which is one of the pre-trial models and case study was used for qualitative aspect. There are two study groups of the research. Study Group I consists of 26 eighth grade students with high academic achievement who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and have limited educational opportunities and who are educated in Karaman city center and in the center-affiliated villages in the 2017-2018 educational year. Study Group II consists of 8 project trainers specializing in different disciplines that carry out training activities within the scope of the project. The project targeted to evaluate in the study consists of activities designed by using rich teaching methods on the basis of learning by doing and experience towards science, mathematics and nature sciences. Within the scope of the project that lasted for five days and forty hours, Personal Information Form, mind map for the concept of "Science", Student Satisfaction Survey, Lesson Observation Form and Focus Group Interview Form were used as data collection tools. The obtained data were analyzed by transcribing and as the result of the research it is discussed with the results of the project in the literature by determining the effectiveness of the Project
Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018
The aim of this study is to explore the views of science, mathematics and information technologie... more The aim of this study is to explore the views of science, mathematics and information technologies teachers working in secondary schools and administrators of the schools, in which these teachers are working, regarding STEM. This research is based on a survey model in which quantitative data tools were used to directly obtain the opinions of teachers about STEM education; in parallel qualitative data tools were used to deeply understand the views of administrators about STEM education. The sample of the study consisted of 136 STEM field educators working in 21state and private public secondary schools and 45 administrators working in these schools. While views of teachers indicated that the impact of STEM on students was higher than its effect on courses and teachers with each subscale of the quantitative data collection tool conducted with teachers, no significant relation was observed between these findings, gender and branch variables. Similarly, administrators stated that STEM is more effective on the students, teachers are not well equipped to teach STEM, they need to train themselves to implement STEM in courses and curriculums should be prepared on a STEM basis.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 2019
This study aims to develop a multidimensional 21st century skills scale for adolescent and early ... more This study aims to develop a multidimensional 21st century skills scale for adolescent and early adulthood students in the 15–25 age group. The research was conducted with 660 high school, associate degree and undergraduate students. From the item pool created during the first stage of the study, 146 items were selected in line with expert opinions. Within the scope of the validity studies, exploratory factor analysis was carried out. As a result of the analysis, a 41-item scale with five sub factors were developed. In the second stage of the study, Lisrel 8.80 program was used with confirmatory factor analysis, and the five sub-factor structure was confirmed. In the third stage of the study, the test–retest method was applied, and the mean scale scores and standard deviation values of the scale in the first and second applications were found to be 3.89, 18.21 and 3.58 and 22.19, respectively. Keywords: 21st century skills, multidimensional 21st century skills scale, 15–25 age group...
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2019
This research aims to identify the effects of a science, technology, engineering, arts and mathem... more This research aims to identify the effects of a science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics implementation in the ancient age architecture field on the achievements of the undergraduate students and their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) perceptions. The research was based on the explanatory design, while the experimental design with pre-test and post-test control groups was carried out in the quantitative component of the study and the case study was carried out in the qualitative component. In the first stage, the study context, selections of the groups, development and implementation of the pre-test and formation of the project groups were realised. The second stage was accomplished by carrying out the study in accordance with the determined plan, implementations of the practices, realising the post-test and conducting the interviews. Finally, a significant difference was observed between the achievement test mean scores of the experimental group...
Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 2018
The aim of this study is to determine effects of the Project-Based (PBL) STEM (Science Technology... more The aim of this study is to determine effects of the Project-Based (PBL) STEM (Science Technology, Engineering Mathematics) education on academic achievements and career interests of vocational high school students. Pretest-posttest design, one group of pre-trial model, was used in the study. The participants of the research consisted of 18 students in eleventh-grade at the furniture department of vocational high school. Quantitative data collection tools were used to gather the data for the study. “STEM Achievement Test” and “STEM Career Interest Scale” were applied to the students as pretest and posttest. The data obtained from the achievement test and carrier interest test were analyzed by using non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test with SPSS 16.0 software. It was found at the end of the study that, students improved significantly their academic achievement in the furniture design course and developed career interests in a positive direction.
Bu araştırmanın amacı, COVID-19 salgını henüz devam ederken uzaktan eğitim sonrası yeni normalleş... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, COVID-19 salgını henüz devam ederken uzaktan eğitim sonrası yeni normalleşmeyle birlikte Fen Bilimleri öğretmenlerinin sınıflarında yüz yüze gerçekleştirdikleri fen öğretimine ilişkin görüşlerinin alınmasıdır. Araştırma, temel nitel araştırma deseni ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmanın katılımcı grubu, amaçlı örnekleme yöntemiyle seçilmiş, 56 (36 kadın ve 20 erkek) Fen Bilimleri öğretmeninden oluşmuştur. Araştırmacılar tarafından oluşturulmuş yapılandırılmış görüşme formu yoluyla veriler toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda uzaktan eğitim sonrası Fen Bilimleri öğretmenlerinin derslerinde etkileşimli tahta, EBA ve Web 2.0 araçları odaklı öğretime yer verdiklerini ve daha öğrenci merkezli bir öğretim yöntemi takip ettiklerini dile getirmişlerdir. Sınıf içinde uzaktan eğitim sonrasında mesleki doygunluğu daha çok hissettiklerini ve verimli olduklarını söylemişlerdir. Bunun yanı sıra öğrencilerin sınıf içinde derslere odaklanma problemi yaşadıklarını ve salgın önlemlerinin (maske, mesafe vb.) kendilerini sınıf içerisinde sınırlandırdığını dile getirmişlerdir.
This study conducted a content analysis for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STE... more This study conducted a content analysis for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)-focused studies in the field of education between 2014 and 2016 in Turkey. "Publication Classification Form" was used to analyze 34 articles identified in this context. The articles were examined by conducting content analysis including identity of the article, its subject, its methodology, its data collection instruments, its sample and data analysis methods. Based on the obtained data, it was determined that the most publications were made by scholars working in institutions such as the Ministry of National Education, Gazi, Sinop, Marmara and Middle East Technical University. It was also found out that qualitative method-based studies were the most prevalent in researches. In the analysis of the data, it was determined that descriptive analyzes were mainly performed, content and descriptive analyzes involving qualitative research methods were extensively used in the studie...
Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaokullarda görevli fen bilimleri, matematik ve bilişim teknolojileri öğret... more Bu çalışmanın amacı ortaokullarda görevli fen bilimleri, matematik ve bilişim teknolojileri öğretmenlerinin fen - teknoloji - mühendislik - matematik (FeTeMM) eğitimi farkındalıklarının farklı değişkenlere göre değerlendirilmesidir. Yapılan bu araştırma, öğretmenlerin FeTEMM farkındalıklarının doğrudan öğrenilmesine yönelik nicel bir veri aracının kullanıldığı tarama modelinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada seçkisiz olmayan örnekleme yöntemlerinden uygun örnekleme yöntemi benimsenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini, Karaman merkeze bağlı ortaokullarda görev yapan 118 fen, matematik ve bilişim öğretmeni oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Buyruk ve Korkmaz'ın (2016) geliştirmiş oldukları 'FeTeMM Farkındalık Ölçeği' kullanılmıştır. Ölçek katılımcılara uygulandıktan sonra ölçeğin tekrar geçerlik ve güvenirlik çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Olumlu ve olumsuz FeTeMM farkındalığı olmak üzere 2 alt boyuttan oluşan ölçeğin her bir boyutu ile cinsiyet ve branş değişken...
International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 2020
In this study, it was aimed to compare the predictions of the academic achievement of the artific... more In this study, it was aimed to compare the predictions of the academic achievement of the artificial neural networks (ANN) run in MATLAB and SPSS software and to determine the factors related to their academic achievement. Sample consisted of 465 students who were studying at Grade 4 in primary schools in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey in 2017. A 12-questions questionnaire was used as the collection tool. For the content validity of the questionnaire, expert opinions were received. The KR20 reliability coefficient was calculated as .60. An exploratory factor analysis was run for the construct validity. In the ANN model, the items related to the academic achievement in the questionnaire were considered as independent variables / inputs, and the academic achievements of the previous year as the dependent variables / outputs. The predictions of the academic achievement of the ANN models were analyzed in MATLAB R2013a and SPSS 24.0 software and the regression coefficients of the independent variables were examined. It was found that MATLAB software had a higher rate of the correct prediction compared to SPSS. In the regression coefficients of the independent variables, some differences and similarities between the results of MATLAB and SPSS were found.
European Journal of STEM Education, 2021
The aim of this study is to determine the STEM awareness of academics working in education facult... more The aim of this study is to determine the STEM awareness of academics working in education faculties and their STEM academic works affected by this awareness. The research was conducted according to a sequential explanatory design, which is one of the mixed research methods. In the quantitative part of the study, a relational type of screening model was used and in the qualitative part, a case study design was preferred. The sampling of the quantitative part was composed of 239 academics working in education faculties in Turkey within the scope of the appropriate sampling method, which was non-random. As a result of the analysis, a semi-structured interview form was prepared within the scope of 4 themes and the qualitative part was started. As a result of the research, it was determined that academics in education faculties had high mean scores for STEM awareness, and that there was no significant difference in terms of gender, professional area and department, but there was a significant difference in terms of age and title variables. In addition, the situations in which interviewed academics, whose awareness scores were high and low, were affected by STEM awareness were revealed and discussed.
Journal on Educational Technology, 2018
This research aims to investigate STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) semantics of ... more This research aims to investigate STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Mathematics) semantics of engineer candidates and pre-service teachers in depth in regard to different variables and identify their STEM perspectives. The study group consisted of 228 students enrolled in undergraduate programs in a state university in Central Anatolia in Turkey. Explanatory design was used as a mixed method strategy in the study. The survey model as the quantitative component and the case study as the qualitative component was carried out. According to findings obtained in the study,a statistically significant difference was observed between STEM semantics of the undergraduate students and their gender, department and high school types point averages. In the in-depth interviews, it was revealed that participants were partially differentiated in their STEM semantics and STEM perspectives. These differences in the participants’ STEM semantics on their department basis appeared more clearly thro...
This study reports on the implementation and evaluation of the “Enlighten Roman Tombs with Perisc... more This study reports on the implementation and evaluation of the “Enlighten Roman Tombs with Periscope” activity, one of the STEM + activities in the project named “STEM-ANTIQUE.” The project included a science camp with STEM-based scientific studies, field trips, and observations lasting 10 days and 80 hours. The activity that was examined in the current research lasted 4 hours in total, of which 1 hour was theoretical, 1 hour was practice, and 2 hours were the fieldwork activities. The participants of the project were 22 students studying in the 9 th grade of the public schools in Karaman, Turkey. As part of the “Enlighten Roman Tombs with Periscope” activity, the participating students explored an artificial tomb that was unearthed through the excavations. In focus group interviews with the students at the end of the study, the participants expressed their opinion that their innovation abilities and problem-solving skills improved.
Bu calismada Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi bunyesinde bir alt yapi projesi ... more Bu calismada Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi bunyesinde bir alt yapi projesi olarak devam eden “Pupa Ogrenci Entegrasyon Birimi’nin tanitilmasi amaclanmistir. Proje, hafif duzeyde zihinsel engele sahip ilkokul 1.2.3. ve 4. sinif ogrencilerine yoneliktir. Birim, coklu zeka alanlari dogrultusunda tasarlanarak, ogrencilerin ilgi ve yeteneklerinin tespit edilmesine imkan tanimaktadir. Ilgili zeka alanina yonlendirilen ogrenciler proje tabanli ogrenme yaklasimiyla (PTOY) kendilerini gelistirme firsati yakalamaktadir. Projede gerceklestirilen calismalarda nitel ve nicel veri toplama araclari kullanilmaktadir. Projede yapilan calismalarin baslangicinda ogrencilere zeka alaniyla ilgili basari testi, tutum olcegi ve kavram kazanim gorusme formu ontest, PTOY ‘den sonra bu test ve olcekler sontest olarak uygulanmaktadir. Calismalarin sonucunda basari testleri ve tutum olceklerinden elde edilen veriler SPSS 16.0 programinda non-‐‑parametrik Wilcoxon isaretli siralar ...
Bu arastirmanin amaci lise yoneticilerinin 2013-2014 egitim ogretim yilinda uygulamaya konulan li... more Bu arastirmanin amaci lise yoneticilerinin 2013-2014 egitim ogretim yilinda uygulamaya konulan lise matematik ogretim programina yonelik goruslerinin belirlenmesidir. Veriler, “Ogretim Programi Degerlendirme Formu” adli yari yapilandirilmis gorusme formu araciligiyla nitel arastirma yontemlerinden biri olan gorusme teknigi ile elde edilmistir. Bu amacla, Karaman’da 20 lisede toplam 52 okul yoneticisi ile bireysel gorusmeler gerceklestirilmistir. Veriler icerik analizi yontemi kullanilarak cozumlenmis ve sayisal veriler gorusmelerden direk alintilarla desteklenerek yorumlamalara gidilmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, yoneticilerin genel olarak matematik ogretim programi hakkinda bilgi sahibi olmadiklari, bilgi sahibi olan yoneticilerin ise programin ogrenci seviyesinin ustunde oldugunu, program kazanimlarinin guncel hayatla daha fazla iliskili olmasi gerektigini ve programin lise turune gore revize edilmesinin zaruri oldugunu dile getirdikleri gorulmustur
Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yo... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yonelik goruslerini ortaya koymaktir. Arastirmaya Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi’nden 154 kisi katilmistir. Tarama modelinde gerceklestirilen bu calismada, verilerin toplanmasi icin 24 soruluk bir anket gelistirilmistir. Anketin gecerlik ve guvenirligini saglamak icin pilot uygulama yapilmistir. Kapsam gecerligi icin uzman gorusleri alinmis, yapi gecerligi icin ise madde faktor analizleri yapilmistir. Anketin Cronbach’s Alpha katsayisi .869 bulunmustur. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, katilimcilarin cinsiyetleri, gorev cesitleri, mezun olduklari program turu ve ALES’te kullandiklari puan turu acisindan ALES’e yonelik goruslerinde anlamli farkliliklar oldugu ortaya cikmistir.
Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yo... more Bu arastirmanin amaci, universitelerde gorev yapmakta olan akademik ve idari personelin ALES’e yonelik goruslerini ortaya koymaktir. Arastirmaya Karamanoglu Mehmetbey Universitesi’nden 154 kisi katilmistir. Tarama modelinde gerceklestirilen bu calismada, verilerin toplanmasi icin 24 soruluk bir anket gelistirilmistir. Anketin gecerlik ve guvenirligini saglamak icin pilot uygulama yapilmistir. Kapsam gecerligi icin uzman gorusleri alinmis, yapi gecerligi icin ise madde faktor analizleri yapilmistir. Anketin Cronbach’s Alpha katsayisi .869 bulunmustur. Arastirma sonuclarina gore, katilimcilarin cinsiyetleri, gorev cesitleri, mezun olduklari program turu ve ALES’te kullandiklari puan turu acisindan ALES’e yonelik goruslerinde anlamli farkliliklar oldugu ortaya cikmistir.
In this study, except for the teaching profession in public institutions working in the SSME (Sec... more In this study, except for the teaching profession in public institutions working in the SSME (Secondary Science and Mathematics Education), part of the graduates was conducted to investigate the effect of partition information in the daily routine. In the research, screening model has been used and interview method which is a qualitative research technique has been aplied. Data were collected by semi-structured interview form was prepared. The information obtained in the form of a call issued in the form of indicator chart, graduates gave the answers they were classified, as frequency and percentage were determined. As a result, graduates have been found to be the effect of partition information in the daily lives; the graduates indicated that they use the partition information in all areas of life. Outside the teaching profession of graduates doing their duty, their partition information in the field, formation and general cultural level, they are working in institutions and determ...
Education and Information Technologies, 2021
This study aims to examine the paths between excessive Internet use, school burnout and parental ... more This study aims to examine the paths between excessive Internet use, school burnout and parental monitoring and their predictor effects in peer bullying and victimization among Turkish adolescents. The relational survey design was employed in the study. The study group consisted of 362 students (108 females, 254 males, aged 15–18 years) from three different vocational high schools including each grade level. “Internet Addiction Scale”, “School Burnout Scale”, “Parental Monitoring Scale”, and “Peer Bullying / Victimization Scale” were used as data collection instruments. Structural Equation Modeling was employed in order to test the hypotheses argued in the study. Findings indicate that the tendency of becoming a victim among vocational high school students is higher than becoming a bully. Furthermore, according to model analysis findings, it was established that bullying and victimization was predicted by factors of problematic Internet use, school burnout, and parental monitoring. Furthermore, a positive relationship was found between problematic Internet use and school burnout as well as parental monitoring and school burnout in line with the hypotheses. As a result, it was recommended that reducing the problematic Internet use through psycho-educational programs as well as increasing school engagement and family functioning with both indoor and outdoor social and cultural activities may prevent the emergence of bullying and victimization.
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Bu arastirmanin amaci Proje Tabanli Ogretime Dayanan STEM (STEM PTO) yaklasiminin ortaokul ogrenc... more Bu arastirmanin amaci Proje Tabanli Ogretime Dayanan STEM (STEM PTO) yaklasiminin ortaokul ogrencilerinin STEM anlayislari ile gorsellestirmelerinde one cikan zeka alanlariyla iliskisine etkisini incelemektir. Bu kapsamda STEM PTO yaklasimiyla ogrencilerin akademik basarilarina etkisi tespit edilmis bu etki ile one cikan zeka alanlari arasindaki korelasyon ortaya konulmustur. Arastirma karma modellerden biri olan acimlayici desene gore tasarlanmistir. Arastirmanin nicel boyutunda on test son test kontrol gruplu yari deneysel desen, nitel boyutunda ise durum calismasi deseni gerceklestirilmistir. Arastirmaya 58 ogrenci katilmistir. Uygulama 5. Sinif fen bilimleri dersinde 12 hafta boyunca yurutulmustur. Deney grubu 30 ve kontrol grubu 28 kisiden olusmustur. Arastirmanin sonunda STEM PTO yaklasiminin ogrencilerin akademik basarilarinda yuksek duzeyde son test lehine bir etkiye sahip oldugu tespit edilmistir. Ve bu basari ile ogrencilerin zeka alanlari arasindaki korelasyon ortaya konulmustur. Uygulama sonrasinda deney grubu ogrencileriyle yapilan gorusmelerde ogrencilerin daha cok muhendislik ve tasarim, fen, eglence/oyun, matematik, teknolojik aletler ve duygu kavramlarini merkeze aldiklari cizimler ile STEM’i anlatmaya calismislardir. Bu temalar ile one cikan zeka alanlari arasindaki iliskiye de bakilarak bir baginti ortaya ortaya konmustur.
OPUS Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the Project "Let's Meet; Let's Turn Science and Mathema... more In this research, it is aimed to evaluate the Project "Let's Meet; Let's Turn Science and Mathematics into Fun!" for grade 8 students supported by TUBITAK under the projects of 4004-Nature Education and Science Schools. The research is designed as convergent parallel mixed method design, which is one of the mixed research models. In the quantitative aspect of the study, one group pretest-posttest design, which is one of the pre-trial models and case study was used for qualitative aspect. There are two study groups of the research. Study Group I consists of 26 eighth grade students with high academic achievement who are socioeconomically disadvantaged and have limited educational opportunities and who are educated in Karaman city center and in the center-affiliated villages in the 2017-2018 educational year. Study Group II consists of 8 project trainers specializing in different disciplines that carry out training activities within the scope of the project. The project targeted to evaluate in the study consists of activities designed by using rich teaching methods on the basis of learning by doing and experience towards science, mathematics and nature sciences. Within the scope of the project that lasted for five days and forty hours, Personal Information Form, mind map for the concept of "Science", Student Satisfaction Survey, Lesson Observation Form and Focus Group Interview Form were used as data collection tools. The obtained data were analyzed by transcribing and as the result of the research it is discussed with the results of the project in the literature by determining the effectiveness of the Project
Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2018
The aim of this study is to explore the views of science, mathematics and information technologie... more The aim of this study is to explore the views of science, mathematics and information technologies teachers working in secondary schools and administrators of the schools, in which these teachers are working, regarding STEM. This research is based on a survey model in which quantitative data tools were used to directly obtain the opinions of teachers about STEM education; in parallel qualitative data tools were used to deeply understand the views of administrators about STEM education. The sample of the study consisted of 136 STEM field educators working in 21state and private public secondary schools and 45 administrators working in these schools. While views of teachers indicated that the impact of STEM on students was higher than its effect on courses and teachers with each subscale of the quantitative data collection tool conducted with teachers, no significant relation was observed between these findings, gender and branch variables. Similarly, administrators stated that STEM is more effective on the students, teachers are not well equipped to teach STEM, they need to train themselves to implement STEM in courses and curriculums should be prepared on a STEM basis.
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 2019
This study aims to develop a multidimensional 21st century skills scale for adolescent and early ... more This study aims to develop a multidimensional 21st century skills scale for adolescent and early adulthood students in the 15–25 age group. The research was conducted with 660 high school, associate degree and undergraduate students. From the item pool created during the first stage of the study, 146 items were selected in line with expert opinions. Within the scope of the validity studies, exploratory factor analysis was carried out. As a result of the analysis, a 41-item scale with five sub factors were developed. In the second stage of the study, Lisrel 8.80 program was used with confirmatory factor analysis, and the five sub-factor structure was confirmed. In the third stage of the study, the test–retest method was applied, and the mean scale scores and standard deviation values of the scale in the first and second applications were found to be 3.89, 18.21 and 3.58 and 22.19, respectively. Keywords: 21st century skills, multidimensional 21st century skills scale, 15–25 age group...
World Journal on Educational Technology: Current Issues, 2019
This research aims to identify the effects of a science, technology, engineering, arts and mathem... more This research aims to identify the effects of a science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics implementation in the ancient age architecture field on the achievements of the undergraduate students and their science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) perceptions. The research was based on the explanatory design, while the experimental design with pre-test and post-test control groups was carried out in the quantitative component of the study and the case study was carried out in the qualitative component. In the first stage, the study context, selections of the groups, development and implementation of the pre-test and formation of the project groups were realised. The second stage was accomplished by carrying out the study in accordance with the determined plan, implementations of the practices, realising the post-test and conducting the interviews. Finally, a significant difference was observed between the achievement test mean scores of the experimental group...
Pegem Eğitim ve Öğretim Dergisi, 2018
The aim of this study is to determine effects of the Project-Based (PBL) STEM (Science Technology... more The aim of this study is to determine effects of the Project-Based (PBL) STEM (Science Technology, Engineering Mathematics) education on academic achievements and career interests of vocational high school students. Pretest-posttest design, one group of pre-trial model, was used in the study. The participants of the research consisted of 18 students in eleventh-grade at the furniture department of vocational high school. Quantitative data collection tools were used to gather the data for the study. “STEM Achievement Test” and “STEM Career Interest Scale” were applied to the students as pretest and posttest. The data obtained from the achievement test and carrier interest test were analyzed by using non-parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test with SPSS 16.0 software. It was found at the end of the study that, students improved significantly their academic achievement in the furniture design course and developed career interests in a positive direction.