Airton Zancanaro - (original) (raw)
Papers by Airton Zancanaro
Aprendizagem Online: atas do III Congresso Internacional das TIC na Educação, Nov 1, 2014
O movimento Openness baseia-se na ideia de que conhecimento é um bem público e pode ser dissemina... more O movimento Openness baseia-se na ideia de que conhecimento é um bem público e pode ser disseminado e compartilhado livremente na Web. Os Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA), por sua vez, têm como objetivo promover a qualidade e a inovação do sistema educacional, por meio de práticas colaborativas nas quais os recursos são disseminados e disponibilizados abertamente. Para que isto seja possível as tecnologias e, mais especificamente, os repositórios de recursos educacionais são considerados importantes nessa ação. Com base na análise da literatura sobre REA e associando aos fatores de sucesso para a disseminação do conhecimento, apontados por Hutchinson and Huberman (1994), foi possível propor um conjunto de oito requisitos necessários para que um repositório de REA favoreça a disseminação do conhecimento. Estes requisitos poderão auxiliar em uma nova configuração de repositórios específicos para REA de modo que a reutilização seja favorecida.The Openness movement is based on the idea that knowledge is a public good and can be disseminated and shared freely on the Web. The Open Educational Resources (OER), however, are intended to promote the quality and innovation of the educational system, through collaborative practices in wich the resources are disseminated and made available openly. In order to make this possible, technologies and more specifically, the repositories of educational resources are considered important in this action. Based on the analysis of the literature on OER and associating the successful factors for dissemination of knowledge, singled out by Hutchinson an Hurberman (1994), it was possible to propose a set of eight needed requirements for a repository of OER which encourage the dissemination of knowledge. These requirements may help in a new configuration of specific repositories for OER so that reusing them is favored
Este projeto de pesquisa na área da Educação deu continuidade às pesquisas realizadas por projeto... more Este projeto de pesquisa na área da Educação deu continuidade às pesquisas realizadas por projetos anteriores realizados em 2018, 2019 e 2020. Vem alcançando diversos resultados e fazendo divulgação científica, com apresentação de Live e comunicação oral em eventos acadêmicos, além de publicações. Este projeto está inserido no Grupo de pesquisa Processos
Anais do VIII Encontro Nacional de Computação dos Institutos Federais (EnCompIF 2021), 2021
As tecnologias digitais estão cada vez mais presentes na sociedade, no entanto, nem sempre elas s... more As tecnologias digitais estão cada vez mais presentes na sociedade, no entanto, nem sempre elas são pensadas de forma a incluir, promovendo assim a exclusão. Este artigo tem a problemática: Quais as dimensões da inclusão digital na sociedade atual e quais os impactos da sua inserção na vida dos sujeitos? Como objetivo busca-se compreender as dimensões da inclusão digital e seus impactos na sociedade, por meio de uma pesquisa de natureza básica, abordagem descritiva e procedimentos de análise bibliográficos. Espera-se materializar as dimensões humana, social, física e tecnológica da inclusão digital, que amparadas pela didática e comunicação,servirão de base para construção de um método de inclusão digital.
Extensão Tecnológica: Revista de Extensão do Instituto Federal Catarinense, 2021
Neste relato apresenta-se um projeto de extensão que surgiu em decorrência da situação de ensino ... more Neste relato apresenta-se um projeto de extensão que surgiu em decorrência da situação de ensino remoto vivenciada na pandemia da Covid-19, em 2020, durante a prática pedagógica de docentes do Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC). Trata-se dos desafios da produção de material didático audiovisual, especialmente, a gravação de vídeos para a complementação dos estudos dos discentes dos cursos técnicos integrados ao ensino médio e dos cursos de graduação e mestrado dos campi onde os docentes atuam. O objetivo é estruturar e institucionalizar a produção desses materiais por meio deste projeto. Além disso, pretende-se que os docentes, com auxílio da bolsista e da mestranda voluntária, possam ampliar as possibilidades de produção de material didático audiovisual, bem como contribuir para a divulgação científica. Até o momento da escrita deste texto, não há resultados concretos, mas esperamos que os vídeos produzidos tenham qualidade didática e técnica, e que possam contribuir para o conhec...
Open educational resources (OER) is a topic that has aroused increasing interest by researchers a... more Open educational resources (OER) is a topic that has aroused increasing interest by researchers as a powerful contribution to improve the educational system quality and openness, both in face to face and distance education. The goal of this research is to map publications related to OER, dating from 2002 to 2013, and available through the Web of Science and Scopus scientific databases as well as in the OER Knowledge Cloud open repository. Data were used to explore relevant aspects related to the scientific production in OER, such as: (i) number of publications per year; (ii) most cited publications; (iii) authors with higher number of publications; (iv) institutions and countries with more publications and (v) most referenced bibliography by the authors. The analysis has included 544 papers, written by 843 authors, from 338 institutions, from 61 different countries. Moreover, the analysis has included the publications referenced and the author’s keywords, considering 6,355 different...
O ciberespaco e as novas tecnologias tem multiplicado as formas de sociabilidade entre os individ... more O ciberespaco e as novas tecnologias tem multiplicado as formas de sociabilidade entre os individuos. A cada ano surgem novas praticas como a criacao de comunidades nas redes sociais. Diversos sao os dominios que estao fazendo uso desse novo cenario. Contudo, sua aplicacao no contexto educativo ainda permanece pouco explorada. Assim, partindo de uma estrategia de estudo de caso com metodos qualitativos para levantamento e analise dos dados, o presente artigo buscou avaliar qual a influencia das redes sociais no apoio a Educacao a Distância (EaD) e verificar como se da a agregacao de valor nesse meio. Como objeto de estudo, utilizou-se o programa de Capacitacao em Rede: Competencias para o Ciclo de Desenvolvimento de Inovacoes (e-Nova). A pesquisa realizada sugere que a extensao do curso para a rede social, por conta de todas as facilidades que esta apresenta, foi um fator de grande motivacao e agregacao de valor para os estudantes.
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico, Programa de Pos-Gr... more Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia e Gestao do Conhecimento, Florianopolis, 2015.
Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to pr... more Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to promot e social inclusion through e-government services and the for mation of a network of distance education. he Interactive TV (iDTV) allows a lot of services that combine video and dat offering the user more control over the content and services compared to traditional services of TV, thus becoming an int eractive form of communication. Consequently, new content sh ould be researched and developed in the form of learning ob jects (LO) specifically for T-learning. This article aims to discuss papers existing in international databases whose subject i s about adaptation of LO to the context of iDTV. The result s of the research have presented that there are several init ia ives for the production of LO for iDTV in the world, with em phasis on the T-MAESTRO project and the ATLAS project in Spain and the BEACON project in Brazil/Europe. However, it is perceived that the development of the c...
The access information law approved by the Brazilian government regulates the provision of open g... more The access information law approved by the Brazilian government regulates the provision of open government data in the Web. However, they are heterogeneous, unstructured and derived from independent sources, making it difficult to interconnect. This paper presents a process of identifying sources, ontology generation, mapping and publishing statistical linked data in the form of multidimensional cubes, represented by the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary. In this process, data are transformed and assigned semantic meaning through its connection with domain ontologies. Through a web application, the publication of these data is automated, allowing for future analysis operations with the use of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). As a result, the approach is expected to increase the scale in the publication of statistical linked data, and therefore, increasing the potential
This article describes the development of a learning management system and its application in the... more This article describes the development of a learning management system and its application in the support of teaching a foreign language. The system was shaped from the studies of others e-learning systems and from the needs of the teachers in the course, with the aim of automatize the teaching/learning process through the control of learners, teachers, theories and applied activities.
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2017
For the hosting, management and delivery of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) it is necessary a ... more For the hosting, management and delivery of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) it is necessary a technological infrastructure that supports it. Various educational institutions do not have or do not wish to invest in such a structure, possibly because MOOCs are not yet part of official programs of universities, but initiatives by a particular teacher or a research group. Focusing on this problem, this study seeks to identify platforms that make it possible to create, host and provide courses free of charges for the offeror; find in the respective literature, the basic requirements for MOOC platforms and to evaluate the platforms based on the raised requirements. In order to identify the platforms, information was sought in scientific articles and websites dealing with the comparison of platforms and listing the existing MOOC providers. For the definition of evaluation requirements, there was a search in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, looking for the term "Massive Open Online Courses". After applying some filters, 62 works that address platforms and technology were selected for analysis. As a result there is the identification of six platforms that allow the free supply of courses, the proposal for 14 requirements for reviewing them and a frame containing the evaluation of the identified platforms. This assessment is important since it brings knowledge as a basis for selecting a platform that is the most suitable one in terms of the chosen structure and method to store, manage and deliver courses in MOOC format.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2017
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2017
... pdf>. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2009. ATEM, Guilherme Nery. Semiocapitalismo e mídia na modul... more ... pdf>. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2009. ATEM, Guilherme Nery. Semiocapitalismo e mídia na modulação das afecções: de McLuhan a Todd Gitlin. Revista Rumores, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 2, jan-jul 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 maio 2009. ...
Proceedings of the 13th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, 2016
For the storage, management and delivery of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), it is necessary ... more For the storage, management and delivery of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), it is necessary a technological infrastructure that supports. Several educational institutions do not have, or do not wish, to invest in this structure, because MOOCs still not part of official universities programs and yes initiatives of a particular teacher or research group. From this problem, this paper aims to identify platforms that offer the possibility to create, host and provide free courses for the offering, and identify in the literature requirements that provide a basis for their assessment. For identifying the platforms, we sought to scientific articles, on sites that deal with the comparison of platforms and listing the existing MOOCs providers. For the definition of the assessment requirements, we search in the databases Web of Science and Scopus by the term "Massive Open Online Course" and, after applying some filters were selected for analysis, 62 works dealing platforms and technology. As a result we have the identification of six platforms (Open Learning, CourseSites, P2PU, Versal, Udemy and Eliademy) that make it possible to offer free courses. And 14 requirements for their evaluation, they are: accreditation, accessibility, usability, security of information, copyright costs and rights policies, interaction and collaboration tools, releases submission tool, content management tools, activity tool, course schedule management, participants management tools, gamification tools, connection with social networks, visibility / dissemination of the course. Finally, there is the importance of selecting a platform that is more suitable for the structure and method chosen to deliver courses in MOOC format.
Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to pr... more Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to promote social inclusion through e-government services and the formation of a network of distance education. he Interactive TV (iDTV) allows a lot of services that combine video and data offering the user more control over the content and services compared to traditional services of TV, thus becoming an interactive form of communication. Consequently, new content should be researched and developed in the form of learning objects (LO) specifically for T-learning. This article aims to discuss papers existing in international databases whose subject is about adaptation of LO to the context of iDTV. The results of the research have presented that there are several initiatives for the production of LO for iDTV in the world, with emphasis on the T-MAESTRO project and the ATLAS project in Spain and the BEACON project in Brazil/Europe. However, it is perceived that the development of the content and services are in the beginning, because today is largely used primarily for the information and communication technologies and should be adapted to iDTV.
Informática na educação: teoria & prática, Jul 29, 2015
Aprendizagem Online: atas do III Congresso Internacional das TIC na Educação, Nov 1, 2014
O movimento Openness baseia-se na ideia de que conhecimento é um bem público e pode ser dissemina... more O movimento Openness baseia-se na ideia de que conhecimento é um bem público e pode ser disseminado e compartilhado livremente na Web. Os Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA), por sua vez, têm como objetivo promover a qualidade e a inovação do sistema educacional, por meio de práticas colaborativas nas quais os recursos são disseminados e disponibilizados abertamente. Para que isto seja possível as tecnologias e, mais especificamente, os repositórios de recursos educacionais são considerados importantes nessa ação. Com base na análise da literatura sobre REA e associando aos fatores de sucesso para a disseminação do conhecimento, apontados por Hutchinson and Huberman (1994), foi possível propor um conjunto de oito requisitos necessários para que um repositório de REA favoreça a disseminação do conhecimento. Estes requisitos poderão auxiliar em uma nova configuração de repositórios específicos para REA de modo que a reutilização seja favorecida.The Openness movement is based on the idea that knowledge is a public good and can be disseminated and shared freely on the Web. The Open Educational Resources (OER), however, are intended to promote the quality and innovation of the educational system, through collaborative practices in wich the resources are disseminated and made available openly. In order to make this possible, technologies and more specifically, the repositories of educational resources are considered important in this action. Based on the analysis of the literature on OER and associating the successful factors for dissemination of knowledge, singled out by Hutchinson an Hurberman (1994), it was possible to propose a set of eight needed requirements for a repository of OER which encourage the dissemination of knowledge. These requirements may help in a new configuration of specific repositories for OER so that reusing them is favored
Este projeto de pesquisa na área da Educação deu continuidade às pesquisas realizadas por projeto... more Este projeto de pesquisa na área da Educação deu continuidade às pesquisas realizadas por projetos anteriores realizados em 2018, 2019 e 2020. Vem alcançando diversos resultados e fazendo divulgação científica, com apresentação de Live e comunicação oral em eventos acadêmicos, além de publicações. Este projeto está inserido no Grupo de pesquisa Processos
Anais do VIII Encontro Nacional de Computação dos Institutos Federais (EnCompIF 2021), 2021
As tecnologias digitais estão cada vez mais presentes na sociedade, no entanto, nem sempre elas s... more As tecnologias digitais estão cada vez mais presentes na sociedade, no entanto, nem sempre elas são pensadas de forma a incluir, promovendo assim a exclusão. Este artigo tem a problemática: Quais as dimensões da inclusão digital na sociedade atual e quais os impactos da sua inserção na vida dos sujeitos? Como objetivo busca-se compreender as dimensões da inclusão digital e seus impactos na sociedade, por meio de uma pesquisa de natureza básica, abordagem descritiva e procedimentos de análise bibliográficos. Espera-se materializar as dimensões humana, social, física e tecnológica da inclusão digital, que amparadas pela didática e comunicação,servirão de base para construção de um método de inclusão digital.
Extensão Tecnológica: Revista de Extensão do Instituto Federal Catarinense, 2021
Neste relato apresenta-se um projeto de extensão que surgiu em decorrência da situação de ensino ... more Neste relato apresenta-se um projeto de extensão que surgiu em decorrência da situação de ensino remoto vivenciada na pandemia da Covid-19, em 2020, durante a prática pedagógica de docentes do Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC). Trata-se dos desafios da produção de material didático audiovisual, especialmente, a gravação de vídeos para a complementação dos estudos dos discentes dos cursos técnicos integrados ao ensino médio e dos cursos de graduação e mestrado dos campi onde os docentes atuam. O objetivo é estruturar e institucionalizar a produção desses materiais por meio deste projeto. Além disso, pretende-se que os docentes, com auxílio da bolsista e da mestranda voluntária, possam ampliar as possibilidades de produção de material didático audiovisual, bem como contribuir para a divulgação científica. Até o momento da escrita deste texto, não há resultados concretos, mas esperamos que os vídeos produzidos tenham qualidade didática e técnica, e que possam contribuir para o conhec...
Open educational resources (OER) is a topic that has aroused increasing interest by researchers a... more Open educational resources (OER) is a topic that has aroused increasing interest by researchers as a powerful contribution to improve the educational system quality and openness, both in face to face and distance education. The goal of this research is to map publications related to OER, dating from 2002 to 2013, and available through the Web of Science and Scopus scientific databases as well as in the OER Knowledge Cloud open repository. Data were used to explore relevant aspects related to the scientific production in OER, such as: (i) number of publications per year; (ii) most cited publications; (iii) authors with higher number of publications; (iv) institutions and countries with more publications and (v) most referenced bibliography by the authors. The analysis has included 544 papers, written by 843 authors, from 338 institutions, from 61 different countries. Moreover, the analysis has included the publications referenced and the author’s keywords, considering 6,355 different...
O ciberespaco e as novas tecnologias tem multiplicado as formas de sociabilidade entre os individ... more O ciberespaco e as novas tecnologias tem multiplicado as formas de sociabilidade entre os individuos. A cada ano surgem novas praticas como a criacao de comunidades nas redes sociais. Diversos sao os dominios que estao fazendo uso desse novo cenario. Contudo, sua aplicacao no contexto educativo ainda permanece pouco explorada. Assim, partindo de uma estrategia de estudo de caso com metodos qualitativos para levantamento e analise dos dados, o presente artigo buscou avaliar qual a influencia das redes sociais no apoio a Educacao a Distância (EaD) e verificar como se da a agregacao de valor nesse meio. Como objeto de estudo, utilizou-se o programa de Capacitacao em Rede: Competencias para o Ciclo de Desenvolvimento de Inovacoes (e-Nova). A pesquisa realizada sugere que a extensao do curso para a rede social, por conta de todas as facilidades que esta apresenta, foi um fator de grande motivacao e agregacao de valor para os estudantes.
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico, Programa de Pos-Gr... more Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal da Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnologico, Programa de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia e Gestao do Conhecimento, Florianopolis, 2015.
Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to pr... more Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to promot e social inclusion through e-government services and the for mation of a network of distance education. he Interactive TV (iDTV) allows a lot of services that combine video and dat offering the user more control over the content and services compared to traditional services of TV, thus becoming an int eractive form of communication. Consequently, new content sh ould be researched and developed in the form of learning ob jects (LO) specifically for T-learning. This article aims to discuss papers existing in international databases whose subject i s about adaptation of LO to the context of iDTV. The result s of the research have presented that there are several init ia ives for the production of LO for iDTV in the world, with em phasis on the T-MAESTRO project and the ATLAS project in Spain and the BEACON project in Brazil/Europe. However, it is perceived that the development of the c...
The access information law approved by the Brazilian government regulates the provision of open g... more The access information law approved by the Brazilian government regulates the provision of open government data in the Web. However, they are heterogeneous, unstructured and derived from independent sources, making it difficult to interconnect. This paper presents a process of identifying sources, ontology generation, mapping and publishing statistical linked data in the form of multidimensional cubes, represented by the RDF Data Cube Vocabulary. In this process, data are transformed and assigned semantic meaning through its connection with domain ontologies. Through a web application, the publication of these data is automated, allowing for future analysis operations with the use of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP). As a result, the approach is expected to increase the scale in the publication of statistical linked data, and therefore, increasing the potential
This article describes the development of a learning management system and its application in the... more This article describes the development of a learning management system and its application in the support of teaching a foreign language. The system was shaped from the studies of others e-learning systems and from the needs of the teachers in the course, with the aim of automatize the teaching/learning process through the control of learners, teachers, theories and applied activities.
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 2017
For the hosting, management and delivery of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) it is necessary a ... more For the hosting, management and delivery of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) it is necessary a technological infrastructure that supports it. Various educational institutions do not have or do not wish to invest in such a structure, possibly because MOOCs are not yet part of official programs of universities, but initiatives by a particular teacher or a research group. Focusing on this problem, this study seeks to identify platforms that make it possible to create, host and provide courses free of charges for the offeror; find in the respective literature, the basic requirements for MOOC platforms and to evaluate the platforms based on the raised requirements. In order to identify the platforms, information was sought in scientific articles and websites dealing with the comparison of platforms and listing the existing MOOC providers. For the definition of evaluation requirements, there was a search in the Web of Science and Scopus databases, looking for the term "Massive Open Online Courses". After applying some filters, 62 works that address platforms and technology were selected for analysis. As a result there is the identification of six platforms that allow the free supply of courses, the proposal for 14 requirements for reviewing them and a frame containing the evaluation of the identified platforms. This assessment is important since it brings knowledge as a basis for selecting a platform that is the most suitable one in terms of the chosen structure and method to store, manage and deliver courses in MOOC format.
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2017
RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia, 2017
... pdf>. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2009. ATEM, Guilherme Nery. Semiocapitalismo e mídia na modul... more ... pdf>. Acesso em: 10 abr. 2009. ATEM, Guilherme Nery. Semiocapitalismo e mídia na modulação das afecções: de McLuhan a Todd Gitlin. Revista Rumores, São Paulo, v. 1, n. 2, jan-jul 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 maio 2009. ...
Proceedings of the 13th CONTECSI International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management, 2016
For the storage, management and delivery of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), it is necessary ... more For the storage, management and delivery of MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), it is necessary a technological infrastructure that supports. Several educational institutions do not have, or do not wish, to invest in this structure, because MOOCs still not part of official universities programs and yes initiatives of a particular teacher or research group. From this problem, this paper aims to identify platforms that offer the possibility to create, host and provide free courses for the offering, and identify in the literature requirements that provide a basis for their assessment. For identifying the platforms, we sought to scientific articles, on sites that deal with the comparison of platforms and listing the existing MOOCs providers. For the definition of the assessment requirements, we search in the databases Web of Science and Scopus by the term "Massive Open Online Course" and, after applying some filters were selected for analysis, 62 works dealing platforms and technology. As a result we have the identification of six platforms (Open Learning, CourseSites, P2PU, Versal, Udemy and Eliademy) that make it possible to offer free courses. And 14 requirements for their evaluation, they are: accreditation, accessibility, usability, security of information, copyright costs and rights policies, interaction and collaboration tools, releases submission tool, content management tools, activity tool, course schedule management, participants management tools, gamification tools, connection with social networks, visibility / dissemination of the course. Finally, there is the importance of selecting a platform that is more suitable for the structure and method chosen to deliver courses in MOOC format.
Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to pr... more Digital Television in Brazil is being implemented with extensive support of public policies to promote social inclusion through e-government services and the formation of a network of distance education. he Interactive TV (iDTV) allows a lot of services that combine video and data offering the user more control over the content and services compared to traditional services of TV, thus becoming an interactive form of communication. Consequently, new content should be researched and developed in the form of learning objects (LO) specifically for T-learning. This article aims to discuss papers existing in international databases whose subject is about adaptation of LO to the context of iDTV. The results of the research have presented that there are several initiatives for the production of LO for iDTV in the world, with emphasis on the T-MAESTRO project and the ATLAS project in Spain and the BEACON project in Brazil/Europe. However, it is perceived that the development of the content and services are in the beginning, because today is largely used primarily for the information and communication technologies and should be adapted to iDTV.
Informática na educação: teoria & prática, Jul 29, 2015