ghufron hamzah - (original) (raw)

Papers by ghufron hamzah

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Teng-Tengan, Ketuwinan dan Weh-Wehan di Kaliwungu Kendal Jawa Tengah (Kajian Living Hadis Pendekatan Antropologi Interpretatif Simbolik)

JASNA : Journal For Aswaja Studies

Tradition is a continuous activity carried out by a social community that has been running for a ... more Tradition is a continuous activity carried out by a social community that has been running for a very long period of time. Including the teng-tengan, ketuwinan and weh-wehan traditions in Kaliwungu. This research was conducted to find out the history and implementation of this tradition. First, how the origins and traditions are carried out, Second, the relevance of living hadith studies with a symbolic interpretative anthropological approach in looking at the teng-tengan, ketuwinan and weh-wehan traditionsin Kaliwungu. Methods of data collection are carried out through observation, interviews, as well as documentation including references relevant to the study. While the data analysis used is descriptive qualitative with a symbolic interpretative anthropological approach. According to Geertz, the joyful expression symbolized in the tengengan tradition is because religion influences mood and motivation / creates...

Research paper thumbnail of Restorative Justice dalam Ayat Pidana Pembunuhan Pendekatan Hermeneutika Ma’nā-Cum-Magzā

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)

This study was motivated from the urge of reinterpreting criminal verses contextually that still ... more This study was motivated from the urge of reinterpreting criminal verses contextually that still pay attention to the role of text, context and contextualization. The ma’nā-cum-magzā hermeneutics method was chosen as a method of interpretation in this study because it was considered moderate hermeneutics. It is a method of interpretation resulting from the synthesis of subjectivist and objectivist hermeneutics to become subjectivist- cum-objectivist. Because the object of this study was verses of criminal law, the theory used was legal theory, namely restorative justice, on the basis that this study was conducted to find the principles of restorative justice in criminal law verses. Therefore, this study focused on answering three problem formulations. First, why is it necessary to reinterpret the verses of the Al-Qur'an regarding the crime of murder? Second, how is the reinterpretation of the verses of the Qur'an regarding the punishment for murder with maʻnā-cum- magzā herm...

Research paper thumbnail of Reinterpretasi Hadis Larangan Perempuan Bepergian Tanpa Mahram dan Larangan Melukis (Pendekatan Sosio-Historis dan Antropologis))

JASNA : Journal For Aswaja Studies

This article focuses on the interpretation of the prohibition of women traveling without mahram h... more This article focuses on the interpretation of the prohibition of women traveling without mahram hadith and the prohibition on writing which is often understood textually as the editors of the hadith. The literature review method with descriptive qualitative analysis through contingent analysis of the perspective of the socio-historical and anthropological approaches used in this article. The findings of this study are: (1) The legislation of the ban on women traveling alone if they look at the historical context of the above hadith is security and propriety, the current contextualization is if the security of women traveling alone is guaranteed and women are deemed appropriate more taboo when traveling alone, it does not matter if women travel alone without mahram, (2) Rationes legis from prohibiting the painting of animate creatures, namely the fear of the emergence of shirk by worshiping paintings or sculptures as in the time of ignorance. This prohibition in the concept of usul f...

Research paper thumbnail of Prostitusi Dan Trafficking Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'An

Dalam agama Islam, prostitusi pelacuran merupakan salah satu perbuatan zina. Perbuatan yang dilar... more Dalam agama Islam, prostitusi pelacuran merupakan salah satu perbuatan zina. Perbuatan yang dilarang dalam agama Islam dan ada sangsi hukum bagi pelakunya. Tindakan prostitusi ini juga termasuk penyimpangan sosial dan banyak dampak negatif yang timbul dari penyimpangan ini. Bentuk lain penyimpangan sosial yang sangat dekat dengan prostitusi adalah trafficking atau perdagangan manusia, dimana mayoritas korban trafficking adalah perempuan atau anak-anak yang dieksploitasi secara seksual. Tulisan ini akan menguraikan kedua fenomena tadi dari sudut pandang al Qur'an, dengan mengetengahkan beberapa ayat yang berbicara tentang prostitusi dan trafficking.


The standardization process (textualization-normative) and dynamization (contextualization-histor... more The standardization process (textualization-normative) and dynamization (contextualization-historical) of Islamic teachings must indeed go together so that the formula which states that Islam is "appropriate for every time and place" (ṣāliḥ li kulli zamān wa makān) can show the flexibility and elasticity of Islam, not strict and rigid orthodoxy. One such effort is the study in this paper that seeks to reinterpret the hadith editorial prohibition on painting and the prohibition of women traveling without mahram by using Fazlur Rahman's hermeneutical approach, so that contextual understanding will be obtained by adhering to the moral ideal of the hadith message. Keywords: Hadith Prohibition of painting and traveling without mahram, Hermenutika Fazlur Rahman Abstrak Proses pembakuan (tekstualisasi-normatif) dan dinamisasi (kontekstualisasi-historis) ajaran Islam memang harus berjalan bersama-sama agar formula yang menyatakan Islam itu “sesuai untuk setiap waktu dan tempat...

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH PEMAHAMAN AYAT-AYAT AL-QUR'ANTERHADAP TINDAK KEKERASAN TERHADAP ISTRI(Studi Kasus Di LSM Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center)

Kekerasan terhadap perempuan bisa terjadi di antara anggota keluarga. Kekerasan tersebut bisa dil... more Kekerasan terhadap perempuan bisa terjadi di antara anggota keluarga. Kekerasan tersebut bisa dilakukan oleh ayah atau ibu kepada anak perempuannya, seorang perempuan atau saudara laki-laki kepada saudara perempuan lainnya, suami kepada istrinya, dan seterusnya. Penyebabnya beragam. Mengenai kekerasan yang dilakukan suami kepada istri, salah satu penyebabnya adalah akibat pemahaman yang kurang tepat terhadap ajaran agama yang termaktub dalam beberapa ayat yang ada dalam al-Qur'an. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka penelitian ini memfokuskan pada dua persoalan, yaitu: 1) Apa saja bentuk-bentuk kekerasan yang dilaporkan dan ditangani oleh Rifka Annisa, 2) Bagaimana pengaruh pemahaman ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan relasi laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap terjadinya kekerasan terhadap istri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan, yang memilih lokasi Rifka Annisa. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh mulai dari observasi dan wawancara yang difokuskan pada konselor sebagai penda...

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Dan Terapan Metodologi Tafsir Kontekstual

Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian, 2019

This article focuses on the study of dynamics and the application of contextual interpretation me... more This article focuses on the study of dynamics and the application of contextual interpretation methodologies, so that the Qur'an does not tend to only be understood as limited to literal meaning, as well as the scope of understanding the Qur'an is not only bound by place and time when it is revealed, so it rigid to apply to the present. Hermeneutic theory has been widely studied and developed by Muslim and orientalism, although the emergence of hermeneutic theory is accompanied by dynamics of difference, both pragmatically and historically, but these differences have become a motivation for academics to further develop these theories towards more good One form of development shown by the adoption of the theory of ma’na-cum-maghza initiated by Sahiron Syamsuddin can be an alternative and a solution to get out of literal and liberal claims in interpreting the Qur'an In this article the author includes one form of application of the hermeneutic theory ma’na-cum-maghza by ex...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekologi dalam Perspektif Al Quran

Iqtisad, 2014

Bencana alam akhir-akhir ini sering kali terjadi . Banjir, tanah longsor dan kekeringan adalah be... more Bencana alam akhir-akhir ini sering kali terjadi . Banjir, tanah longsor dan kekeringan adalah bencana-bencana yang apabila ditelusuri disebabkan oleh ulah manusia sendiri dengan menggunduli hutan tanpa ada upaya perbaikan seperti reboisasi. Bencana-bencana itu semakin sering terjadi karena aktivitas-aktivitas manusia yang merusak lingkungan meningkat sejak industrialisasi merata hampir di seluruh dunia. Bencana-bencana tersebut adalah konsekuensi yang harus ditanggung oleh manusia. Allah SWT menjadikan manusia sebagai pemimpin (khalifah) di muka bumi. Allah memberikan pengajaran tentang proses-proses alam sebagai tuntunan bagi manusia dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai pemimpin. Akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak memperhatikan tuntunan-tuntunan itu dan bertindak sekehendaknya dengan mengeksploitasi alam untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya. Allah mengajari manusia tentang berbagai proses kejadian alam di dalam Al Quran. Allah juga melarang manusia untuk berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi karena hal itu dapat berimbas negatif bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia sendiri. Dengan semua anugrah yang diberikan, Allah menguji manusia untuk menentukan siapa diantara mereka yang beriman dan siapa yang ingkar. Mereka yang beriman akan diberikan kebahagiaan di akherat dan mereka yang ingkar akan mendapatkan siksaan.

Research paper thumbnail of COUNTERING RADICALISM THOUGHT ON ISLAM A Study of Ibrahim M Abu Rabi's Thought


The terrorist event and the destruction of the sea alms tradition in Bantul recently were quite s... more The terrorist event and the destruction of the sea alms tradition in Bantul recently were quite surprising, because as we know that Yogyakarta is rich in cultural traditions. The phenomenon of violence with greater religious motives also occurred in Indonesia, such as the Bali Bombing on October 12, 2002, and more violent was the September 11, 2001 event at the WTC United States. The question is why does an understanding arise that justifies acts of terrorism in the name of religion? What is the solution offered by Ibrahim M Abu Rabi 'in responding to the phenomenon of terrorism in the name of religion? This paper will explain the thoughts of Ibrahim M Abu Rabi 'about the importance of re-examining the nature of Islamic thought when there are many Western accusations that the teachings of Islam legalize acts of violence and terrorism. Abu Rabi took three approaches in starting his study; (1) starting with the historical development of Islamic modernization, (2) education in ...

Research paper thumbnail of Tradisi Teng-Tengan, Ketuwinan dan Weh-Wehan di Kaliwungu Kendal Jawa Tengah (Kajian Living Hadis Pendekatan Antropologi Interpretatif Simbolik)

JASNA : Journal For Aswaja Studies

Tradition is a continuous activity carried out by a social community that has been running for a ... more Tradition is a continuous activity carried out by a social community that has been running for a very long period of time. Including the teng-tengan, ketuwinan and weh-wehan traditions in Kaliwungu. This research was conducted to find out the history and implementation of this tradition. First, how the origins and traditions are carried out, Second, the relevance of living hadith studies with a symbolic interpretative anthropological approach in looking at the teng-tengan, ketuwinan and weh-wehan traditionsin Kaliwungu. Methods of data collection are carried out through observation, interviews, as well as documentation including references relevant to the study. While the data analysis used is descriptive qualitative with a symbolic interpretative anthropological approach. According to Geertz, the joyful expression symbolized in the tengengan tradition is because religion influences mood and motivation / creates...

Research paper thumbnail of Restorative Justice dalam Ayat Pidana Pembunuhan Pendekatan Hermeneutika Ma’nā-Cum-Magzā

Jurnal SMART (Studi Masyarakat, Religi, dan Tradisi)

This study was motivated from the urge of reinterpreting criminal verses contextually that still ... more This study was motivated from the urge of reinterpreting criminal verses contextually that still pay attention to the role of text, context and contextualization. The ma’nā-cum-magzā hermeneutics method was chosen as a method of interpretation in this study because it was considered moderate hermeneutics. It is a method of interpretation resulting from the synthesis of subjectivist and objectivist hermeneutics to become subjectivist- cum-objectivist. Because the object of this study was verses of criminal law, the theory used was legal theory, namely restorative justice, on the basis that this study was conducted to find the principles of restorative justice in criminal law verses. Therefore, this study focused on answering three problem formulations. First, why is it necessary to reinterpret the verses of the Al-Qur'an regarding the crime of murder? Second, how is the reinterpretation of the verses of the Qur'an regarding the punishment for murder with maʻnā-cum- magzā herm...

Research paper thumbnail of Reinterpretasi Hadis Larangan Perempuan Bepergian Tanpa Mahram dan Larangan Melukis (Pendekatan Sosio-Historis dan Antropologis))

JASNA : Journal For Aswaja Studies

This article focuses on the interpretation of the prohibition of women traveling without mahram h... more This article focuses on the interpretation of the prohibition of women traveling without mahram hadith and the prohibition on writing which is often understood textually as the editors of the hadith. The literature review method with descriptive qualitative analysis through contingent analysis of the perspective of the socio-historical and anthropological approaches used in this article. The findings of this study are: (1) The legislation of the ban on women traveling alone if they look at the historical context of the above hadith is security and propriety, the current contextualization is if the security of women traveling alone is guaranteed and women are deemed appropriate more taboo when traveling alone, it does not matter if women travel alone without mahram, (2) Rationes legis from prohibiting the painting of animate creatures, namely the fear of the emergence of shirk by worshiping paintings or sculptures as in the time of ignorance. This prohibition in the concept of usul f...

Research paper thumbnail of Prostitusi Dan Trafficking Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'An

Dalam agama Islam, prostitusi pelacuran merupakan salah satu perbuatan zina. Perbuatan yang dilar... more Dalam agama Islam, prostitusi pelacuran merupakan salah satu perbuatan zina. Perbuatan yang dilarang dalam agama Islam dan ada sangsi hukum bagi pelakunya. Tindakan prostitusi ini juga termasuk penyimpangan sosial dan banyak dampak negatif yang timbul dari penyimpangan ini. Bentuk lain penyimpangan sosial yang sangat dekat dengan prostitusi adalah trafficking atau perdagangan manusia, dimana mayoritas korban trafficking adalah perempuan atau anak-anak yang dieksploitasi secara seksual. Tulisan ini akan menguraikan kedua fenomena tadi dari sudut pandang al Qur'an, dengan mengetengahkan beberapa ayat yang berbicara tentang prostitusi dan trafficking.


The standardization process (textualization-normative) and dynamization (contextualization-histor... more The standardization process (textualization-normative) and dynamization (contextualization-historical) of Islamic teachings must indeed go together so that the formula which states that Islam is "appropriate for every time and place" (ṣāliḥ li kulli zamān wa makān) can show the flexibility and elasticity of Islam, not strict and rigid orthodoxy. One such effort is the study in this paper that seeks to reinterpret the hadith editorial prohibition on painting and the prohibition of women traveling without mahram by using Fazlur Rahman's hermeneutical approach, so that contextual understanding will be obtained by adhering to the moral ideal of the hadith message. Keywords: Hadith Prohibition of painting and traveling without mahram, Hermenutika Fazlur Rahman Abstrak Proses pembakuan (tekstualisasi-normatif) dan dinamisasi (kontekstualisasi-historis) ajaran Islam memang harus berjalan bersama-sama agar formula yang menyatakan Islam itu “sesuai untuk setiap waktu dan tempat...

Research paper thumbnail of PENGARUH PEMAHAMAN AYAT-AYAT AL-QUR'ANTERHADAP TINDAK KEKERASAN TERHADAP ISTRI(Studi Kasus Di LSM Rifka Annisa Women's Crisis Center)

Kekerasan terhadap perempuan bisa terjadi di antara anggota keluarga. Kekerasan tersebut bisa dil... more Kekerasan terhadap perempuan bisa terjadi di antara anggota keluarga. Kekerasan tersebut bisa dilakukan oleh ayah atau ibu kepada anak perempuannya, seorang perempuan atau saudara laki-laki kepada saudara perempuan lainnya, suami kepada istrinya, dan seterusnya. Penyebabnya beragam. Mengenai kekerasan yang dilakukan suami kepada istri, salah satu penyebabnya adalah akibat pemahaman yang kurang tepat terhadap ajaran agama yang termaktub dalam beberapa ayat yang ada dalam al-Qur'an. Berdasarkan uraian di atas, maka penelitian ini memfokuskan pada dua persoalan, yaitu: 1) Apa saja bentuk-bentuk kekerasan yang dilaporkan dan ditangani oleh Rifka Annisa, 2) Bagaimana pengaruh pemahaman ayat-ayat yang berkaitan dengan relasi laki-laki dan perempuan terhadap terjadinya kekerasan terhadap istri. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan, yang memilih lokasi Rifka Annisa. Data dalam penelitian ini diperoleh mulai dari observasi dan wawancara yang difokuskan pada konselor sebagai penda...

Research paper thumbnail of Dinamika Dan Terapan Metodologi Tafsir Kontekstual

Al-Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian, 2019

This article focuses on the study of dynamics and the application of contextual interpretation me... more This article focuses on the study of dynamics and the application of contextual interpretation methodologies, so that the Qur'an does not tend to only be understood as limited to literal meaning, as well as the scope of understanding the Qur'an is not only bound by place and time when it is revealed, so it rigid to apply to the present. Hermeneutic theory has been widely studied and developed by Muslim and orientalism, although the emergence of hermeneutic theory is accompanied by dynamics of difference, both pragmatically and historically, but these differences have become a motivation for academics to further develop these theories towards more good One form of development shown by the adoption of the theory of ma’na-cum-maghza initiated by Sahiron Syamsuddin can be an alternative and a solution to get out of literal and liberal claims in interpreting the Qur'an In this article the author includes one form of application of the hermeneutic theory ma’na-cum-maghza by ex...

Research paper thumbnail of Ekologi dalam Perspektif Al Quran

Iqtisad, 2014

Bencana alam akhir-akhir ini sering kali terjadi . Banjir, tanah longsor dan kekeringan adalah be... more Bencana alam akhir-akhir ini sering kali terjadi . Banjir, tanah longsor dan kekeringan adalah bencana-bencana yang apabila ditelusuri disebabkan oleh ulah manusia sendiri dengan menggunduli hutan tanpa ada upaya perbaikan seperti reboisasi. Bencana-bencana itu semakin sering terjadi karena aktivitas-aktivitas manusia yang merusak lingkungan meningkat sejak industrialisasi merata hampir di seluruh dunia. Bencana-bencana tersebut adalah konsekuensi yang harus ditanggung oleh manusia. Allah SWT menjadikan manusia sebagai pemimpin (khalifah) di muka bumi. Allah memberikan pengajaran tentang proses-proses alam sebagai tuntunan bagi manusia dalam menjalankan tugasnya sebagai pemimpin. Akan tetapi kebanyakan manusia tidak memperhatikan tuntunan-tuntunan itu dan bertindak sekehendaknya dengan mengeksploitasi alam untuk mendapatkan keuntungan sebanyak-banyaknya. Allah mengajari manusia tentang berbagai proses kejadian alam di dalam Al Quran. Allah juga melarang manusia untuk berbuat kerusakan di muka bumi karena hal itu dapat berimbas negatif bagi kelangsungan hidup manusia sendiri. Dengan semua anugrah yang diberikan, Allah menguji manusia untuk menentukan siapa diantara mereka yang beriman dan siapa yang ingkar. Mereka yang beriman akan diberikan kebahagiaan di akherat dan mereka yang ingkar akan mendapatkan siksaan.

Research paper thumbnail of COUNTERING RADICALISM THOUGHT ON ISLAM A Study of Ibrahim M Abu Rabi's Thought


The terrorist event and the destruction of the sea alms tradition in Bantul recently were quite s... more The terrorist event and the destruction of the sea alms tradition in Bantul recently were quite surprising, because as we know that Yogyakarta is rich in cultural traditions. The phenomenon of violence with greater religious motives also occurred in Indonesia, such as the Bali Bombing on October 12, 2002, and more violent was the September 11, 2001 event at the WTC United States. The question is why does an understanding arise that justifies acts of terrorism in the name of religion? What is the solution offered by Ibrahim M Abu Rabi 'in responding to the phenomenon of terrorism in the name of religion? This paper will explain the thoughts of Ibrahim M Abu Rabi 'about the importance of re-examining the nature of Islamic thought when there are many Western accusations that the teachings of Islam legalize acts of violence and terrorism. Abu Rabi took three approaches in starting his study; (1) starting with the historical development of Islamic modernization, (2) education in ...