maria indira aryani - (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by maria indira aryani
After decades of neglect, civic education is back on the agenda of political science in Indonesia... more After decades of neglect, civic education is back on the agenda of political science in Indonesia. Despite huge increases in the formal educational attainment of the Indonesian population during the past 17 years after the reformation in 1998, levels of political knowledge have barely budged. Today's college graduates know no more about politics than did high school graduates in 1998. Recent research indicates that levels of political knowledge affect the acceptance of democratic principles, attitudes toward specific issues, and political participation. There is evidence that political participation is in part a positional good and is shaped by relative as well as absolute levels of educational attainment. Contrary to findings from 17 years ago, recent research suggests that civic education can significantly raise political knowledge. In some countries like Iraq, Sudan, and many developing democratic countries, service learning a combination of community-based civic experience and systematic classroom reflection on that experience is a promising innovation, but program evaluation shave yielded mixed results. Long standing fears that civic education will not shape democratic citizens are not supported by the evidence. This article aims in promoting to maximize the implementation of civic education to young people with various social identities in Indonesia and be the channel to develop democratization by engaging them deeper to the political process.
Pancasila tidak hanya berlaku sebagai ideologi bangsa, Pancasila juga merupakan pandangan hidup b... more Pancasila tidak hanya berlaku sebagai ideologi bangsa, Pancasila juga merupakan pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia. Sebagai ideologi dan pandangan hidup bangsa, Pancasila mampu memberikan ciri khas bagi demokrasi yang merupakan sistem politik yang dianut oleh bangsa Indonesia. Demokrasi Pancasila sebagai sistem politik merupakan sistem kehidupan bangsa dan masyarakat yang berdasarkan pada kedaulatan rakyat. Demokrasi Pancasila adalah sistem demokrasi di Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada musyawarah dan mufakat serta pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan konsensus. Dua hal dasar ini yang membedakan demokrasi Pancasila dengan demokrasi liberal dan demokrasi terpimpin yang sebelumnya pernah dianut oleh Indonesia. Pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan konsensus dan musyawarah untuk mufakat diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi kepentingan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu ciri khas demokrasi Pancasila adalah bahwa sektor-sektor yang mencakup kepentingan bersama dikuasai oleh negara, salah satunya adalah sektor pangan. Sektor pangan di Indonesia dikuasai oleh beberapa badan usaha milik negara dan proses pengambilan keputusan terkait kebijakan sektor pangan dilakukan berdasarkan pertimbangan dari pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Sepanjang tahun 2013, terdapat beberapa kebijakan sektor pangan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia yang tidak mencerminkan demokrasi Pancasila dan dapat mengancam keberadaan demokrasi Pancasila. Ancaman ini disebabkan karena kebijakan yang diambil bukan ditujukan bagi kepentingan bersama, melainkan hanya kepentingan beberapa pihak tertentu. Salah satu contohnya adalah kebijakan kuota impor bagi beberapa produk pangan, seperti daging sapi dan kedelai. Kebijakan kuota impor pada awalnya dilakukan untuk mengatasi kekurangan stok pangan dalam negeri. Namun pada prakteknya, kebijakan kuota impor memiliki dampak jangka panjang yang bersifat negatif, yakni menimbulkan ancaman keamanan manusiawi baik bagi produsen pangan maupun bagi konsumen. Kebijakan kuota impor yang diambil kemudian dilihat hanya memberikan keuntungan dan sesuai dengan kepentingan importir dan para pembuat keputusan. Dalam hal ini, kebijakan kuota impor yang ditujukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sektor pangan memberikan ancaman bagi kelangsungan demokrasi Pancasila sebagai sistem politik Indonesia.
Kata kunci: Demokrasi Pancasila, ancaman, kebijakan kuota impor, keamanan manusiawi.
Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi ka... more Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi kawasan dengan diberlakukannya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Menjelang dilaksanakannya MEA, permasalahan berkaitan dengan arus perpindahan penduduk, atau migrasi, muncul sebagai akibat dari kekhawatiran pelaksanaan kebijakan dibukanya pasar tenaga kerja di kawasan. Migrasi merupakan konsekuensi wajar dari upaya-upaya individu untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang lebih layak. Hal ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari ketimpangan perekonomian antar negara-negara di ASEAN. Pembukaan pasar tenaga kerja secara resmi ditujukan bagi tenaga kerja profesional, namun tidak ada jaminan bahwa tenaga kerja semi-profesional atau bahkan yang tidak terampil sekalipun tidak akan menjadi bagian dari arus migrasi internasional di kawasan. Kritikan muncul sebagai akibat dari kurangnya kebijakan kawasan untuk mengatasi masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja. Masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja muncul sebagai akibat dari perbedaan-perbedaan kemampuan individu yang berasal dari negara dan kebudayaan yang berbeda, dengan tingkat pendidikan dan kemampuan yang berbeda pula. Makalah ini akan membahas mengenai permasalahan yang muncul terkait adanya migrasi tenaga kerja di kawasan ASEAN. Permasalahan tersebut kemudian akan dilihat sebagai awal dari kemungkinan munculnya konsep " Citizens of The Region " di ASEAN. Konsep " Citizens of The Region " tersebut merupakan salah satu alternatif upaya Regionalism from Below untuk mengatasi permasalahan kebijakan migrasi dan tenaga kerja di kawasan ASEAN.
Every country have their own specific and unique National Pride. National Pride is significant fo... more Every country have their own specific and unique National Pride. National Pride is significant for the building and developing of the country. Both Indonesia and South Korea have their own National Pride. In Indonesia, we know of " Unity in Diversity " , whereas in South Korea, we know of " the sense of belonging of one nation ". The empowerment of each national pride will be beneficial for both countries since the both countries will have a lot to learn from each other. One of the most interesting point of South Korea's National Pride that could be learned by Indonesia is their focus on human development. This human development lead South Korea to the improvement and increased demographic dividend which automatically lead to their economic development and growth. The process of learning of both National Pride can be sought through the Sister City concept which already been established between the two countries. The empowerment of Indonesia's and South Korea's National Pride can be put into one of Surabaya Busan Sister City, especially in the fields of education, culture, youth and sport. With the empowerment of the human development focus from South Korea, it is hoped that Indonesia could also put more attention in their human development focus to maximize the productive age worker in the country which will be beneficial to its economic development and growth.
Papers by maria indira aryani
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, 2021
Waste management is a significant problem faced by the world on a global scale. Globally, the Peo... more Waste management is a significant problem faced by the world on a global scale. Globally, the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the country with the most extensive waste trade in the world as the leading export destination country for recycled waste materials. However, the PRC changed its solid waste import policy by issuing a National Sword policy, which aims to limit and tighten plastic waste imports. The PRC policy change's impact is the increased flow of waste imports to Indonesia, thus placing Indonesia in a "Plastic Waste Emergency" situation. Since 2018, Indonesia's flow of waste imports has increased very rapidly, causing various environmental and health problems. On the other hand, waste imports entering Indonesia also open up various opportunities for economic improvement. This research then aims to find that the import of waste has an impact not only in the environmental sector but also on the political economy resulting from the government's efforts to overcome it. To overcome this problem, Indonesia already has several regulations and laws related to importing waste. Lack of strict import waste regulations has resulted in environmental and health losses for local communities in East Java. This research tries to describe various consequences of waste that would potentially harm citizens regarding waste using the role theory approach.
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations, 2020
Economic development is gradually shifting from a resource-based economy to investment-based econ... more Economic development is gradually shifting from a resource-based economy to investment-based economy to knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-bases economy is an economic process which concerns the creation, acquisition, dissemination and utilization of knowledge to achieve productivity. In utilizing knowledge, the economy would be more dependent towards information and technology. This paper is trying to see how knowledge-based economy is implemented in Indonesia by analyzing four pillars of education, innovation, information infrastructure and economic and institutional regime. The analysis of these four pillars can be put into SWOT assessment, combined with the assessment of Taiwan's knowledge-based economy is used to see lessons that can be learned from Taiwan and opportunities that can further help Indonesia to achieve economic prosperity and equality. Taiwan as the first economy in Asia to have been successfully implementing the knowledge-based economy is the ideal role model for knowledge-based economy implementation. "Our current expectations for what our students should learn in school were set fifty years ago to meet the needs of an economy based on manufacturing and agriculture. We now have an economy based on knowledge and technology"-Bill Gates
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy | Ventura, 2015
Batik tenun ikat has been the traditional legacy in some areas of East Java. This research is bas... more Batik tenun ikat has been the traditional legacy in some areas of East Java. This research is based on the findings and analysis on batik tenun ikat in Kediri and Lamongan. The data were collected from observation, in depth-interview, and printed documentations. The SWOT analysis showed that batik tenun ikat in Kediri and Lamongan got the position number two (2). Thus, the priority strategies are 1) extending partnership, 2) diversification of products and 3) e-marketing and integrated one-web destination. In applying those strategies the need of implementation of strategic block and interconnection is inevitable. Strategic blocs and interconnection would deeply increased the connectivity among the actors and hence between the economic elements.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 2022
A virtual tour is a digital feature that is increasingly easy to find everywhere due to technolog... more A virtual tour is a digital feature that is increasingly easy to find everywhere due to technological advances that support daily life. During this pandemic, virtual tour features found their urgency as an essential promotion and branding. The focus of the study in this article is on the use of the Virtual Tour feature in higher education institutions (HEI) as a political economic means of branding, domestically and internationally. Digital browsing is intended to support visitors' understanding of the information and facilities of a higher education institution without having to visit the location physically. This study aims to review the differences in Virtual Tour features from various Virtual Tour services offered by multiple HEIs globally through observation of secondary data and analysis of survey results. This study aims to find the vital aspects of a high-quality Virtual Tour feature. The result is thus used to analyze and assess the readiness of the University of Pemban...
Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi ka... more Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi kawasan dengan diberlakukannya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Menjelang dilaksanakannya MEA, permasalahan berkaitan dengan arus perpindahan penduduk, atau migrasi, muncul sebagai akibat dari kekhawatiran pelaksanaan kebijakan dibukanya pasar tenaga kerja di kawasan. Migrasi merupakan konsekuensi wajar dari upaya-upaya individu untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang lebih layak. Hal ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari ketimpangan perekonomian antar negara-negara di ASEAN. Pembukaan pasar tenaga kerja secara resmi ditujukan bagi tenaga kerja profesional, namun tidak ada jaminan bahwa tenaga kerja semi-profesional atau bahkan yang tidak terampil sekalipun tidak akan menjadi bagian dari arus migrasi internasional di kawasan. Kritikan muncul sebagai akibat dari kurangnya kebijakan kawasan untuk mengatasi masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja. Masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja muncul sebagai akibat dari perb...
Wilayah Asia tengah mengalami perubahan yang signifikan, seiring dengan kebangkitan Cina sebagai ... more Wilayah Asia tengah mengalami perubahan yang signifikan, seiring dengan kebangkitan Cina sebagai kekuatan baru sejak kepemimpinan Deng Xiaoping. Semakin meningkatnya kekuatan Cina, menimbulkan keresahan tidak hanya bagi negara-negara yang berada di kawasan Asia, tetapi juga negara-negara Barat lainnya, seperti Amerika Serikat. Meningkatkan kekuatan Cina ternyata berpotensi mengganggu stabilitas kawasan. Salah satu negara yang mengalami keresahan dengan terganggunya stabilitas kawasan karena meningkatnya kekuatan Cina adalah India. Untuk menjaga supaya India tidak terdampak dengan adanya instabilitas kawasan, India mengedepankan perbaikan hubungan dengan negara-negara tetangganya serta mengidentifikasi mitra-mitra potensial non-tradisional dengan mengeluarkan Melalui Act East Policy. Act East Policy, India berupaya untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan salah satu mitra dagang potensialnya, yakni Korea Selatan. Penelitian ini kemudian ditujukan untuk menganalisis faktor yang menyebabkan ...
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis mekanisme berjalannya diplomasi stadion yang dilaku... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis mekanisme berjalannya diplomasi stadion yang dilakukan Cina yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Xi Jinping yang mempunyai antusiasme tinggi terhadap sektor olahraga di bidang sepakbola dan mendekati Qatar untuk membahas mengenai diplomasi stadion, dengan menggunakan rumusan masalah bagaimana Cina dapat menggandeng Qatar dalam konsep diplomasi stadion untuk ajang Piala Dunia, yang di dorong dengan satu faktor yakni foreign aid yang bertujuan untuk memberi konsep diplomasi stadion jalan untuk kesuksesan dalam berdiplomasi dengan negara yang dituju, serta mengetahui apa saja keuntungan yang didapat kedua negara tersebut yakni Cina dengan Qatar dalam membuat suatu semangat tersendiri untuk meraih idealis masing-masing suatu negara dalam ajang Piala Dunia FIFA di tahun 2022. Jangkauan penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah tahun 2014 yang merupakan tahun awal Cina dengan Qatar berdiplomasi untuk pembangunan stadium di kota Lusail, Qatar. Serta berisika...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai peran UNICEF dalam menangani child marriage di India pada tahun ... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai peran UNICEF dalam menangani child marriage di India pada tahun 2014-2016. Dampak yang diberikan memengaruhi psikis anak perempuan di India dan juga kematian. Banyaknya korban child marriage menjadikan UNICEF terjun langsung untuk menegakkan kembali hak-hak anak perempuan di India. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data sekunder yang berasal dari website resmi Organisasi Internasional, jurnal-jurnal terkait, artikel ilmiah, penelitian terdahulu, hingga laporan-laporan terpercaya. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UNICEF menggunakan Teori Peran Organisasi Internasional yang diterapkan dalam perannya sebagai problem solving, collective art mechanism, capacity building , serta aid provider . Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan Konsep Human Security khususnya personal security yang telah diterapkan pada program Mahila Samakhya .
ACFTA or ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, also known as China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is an economic ag... more ACFTA or ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, also known as China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is an economic agreement to construct a free trade zone between 10 ASEAN member countries and China to eliminate various tariff and non-tariff barriers. All of ASEAN members’ leaders and China’s leader signed the ACFTA on November 5, 2002 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia which latter came into effect on January 1, 2010. Since then, it was recorded in 2016 that the total trade between ASEAN and China has reached to US$ 475 billion, thus making China as ASEAN’s largest trading partner while ASEAN serves as China’s third largest trading partner. This means that China’s export to ASEAN is more than ASEAN’s export to China. It could be seen that the free trade area has benefitted China more than it has benefit ASEAN. This paper aims to provide brief explanation on how China 1 The author is an Assistant Professor at the UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. 2 The author is an undergraduate student at the UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. ...
As time changes, there are various ways to achieve national interests. The focus to gain is no lo... more As time changes, there are various ways to achieve national interests. The focus to gain is no longer only on coercion through military force or economic threat but also could be reached through perspective, culture, or ideology or also known as soft power. France is widely recognized as one of the fashions and luxury country. Indeed, fashion is a part of France’s social and cultural life. The industry of fashion is dominated in France. By this common knowledge, the author starts the research with aims to show the success of France by using fashion as an instrument of soft power and the contribution of the fashion industry towards the country’s economy, specifically economic growth. The author provides an overview of the concepts of soft power and economic growth in this paper, and fashion as a culture in France. The author also includes data as reinforcement of this paper. Therefore, it is easier for readers to get information about soft power, economic growth, fashion, and the rel...
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ABSTRACT The National Sword Policy implemented by the Chinese Government in 2018 has a spillover ... more ABSTRACT The National Sword Policy implemented by the Chinese Government in 2018 has a spillover effect in several countries in the Asian region, especially Indonesia. As one of the importers of recycled paper waste, Indonesia is faced with the problem of hazardous waste from abroad, which has increased by two percent in 2018. Besides, Indonesia also does not have good waste management, which exacerbates environmental damage and pollution. some of them were experienced by Bangun and Tropodo Villages in East Java. The level of environmental pollution in Bangun and Tropodo Villages is quite high as a result of being used as a final disposal site for paper raw material waste mixed with foreign waste and hazardous toxic materials. As a result, environmental crises continue to occur and affect the quality of life of the people. This study analyzes the correlation between environmental crises which is directly proportional to the increasing threat to human security. The environmental crisis due to imported waste can turn into a security threat issue through the securitization process carried out by NGOs and the government. The author uses the concept of human security and securitization theory to see the causality relationship. In the end, the state is not only faced with traditional security problems that are territorial but problems of individual human security. Indonesia was forced to change several waste import policies. Keywords: Imported Waste, Environmental Crisis, Securitization, Human Security. Kebijakan National Sword Policy Pemerintah Tiongkok pada tahun 2018 memberikan efek spillover pada beberapa negara di kawasan Asia, khususnya Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu importir sampah kertas daur ulang, Indonesia dihadapkan dengan masalah sampah bahan berbahaya dari luar negeri hingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar dua persen pada tahun 2018. Selain itu, Indonesia juga masih belum memiliki manajemen pengelolaan sampah yang baik sehingga memperparah pada kerusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan yang beberapa di antaranya dialami oleh Desa Bangun dan Tropodo di Jawa Timur. Tingkat pencemaran lingkungan Desa Bangun dan Tropodo cukup tinggi akibat dijadikan sebagai tempat pembuangan akhir bagi sampah bahan baku kertas yang bercampur dengan sampah luar negeri dan bahan beracun berbahaya. Sebagai imbasnya, krisis lingkungan terus terjadi dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganalisis korelasi antara krisis lingkungan yang berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan ancaman terhadap keamanan manusia. Krisis lingkungan akibat sampah impor dapat berubah menjadi isu ancaman keamanan melalui proses sekuritisasi yang dilakukan oleh NGO dan pemerintah. Penulis menggunakan konsep keamanan manusia dan teori sekuritisasi untuk melihat hubungan kausalitas. Pada akhirnya, negara tidak hanya dihadapkan dengan masalah-masalah keamanan tradisional yang bersifat teritorial melainkan masalah keamanan manusia yang bersifat individu. Indonesia terpaksa mengubah beberapa kebijakan impor sampah. Kata kunci : Sampah Impor, Krisis Lingkungan Hidup, Sekuritisasi, Keamanan Manusia
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries that has close relations, geographically an... more Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries that has close relations, geographically and socio-politically. Diplomatic relations between the two was formally establish in 1949, but Australia has been giving constant support toward Indonesia's independence since 1945. Despite these relations, Indonesia and Australia still has conflict and tensions on several issues. To maintain good relations and to reduce tensions, Indonesia is implementing Gamelan Diplomacy towards Australia. Gamelan Diplomacy is a representation of Indonesian culture and as a form of Indonesian Cultural Diplomacy. The main objective of this paper is to describe the implementation of Gamelan Diplomacy according to Simon Mark that consist of four elements, which are actors and government involvementa, objectives, activities, and audience. This paper is using a descriptive
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
History has recorded the crucial role of food in life. More than just abasic human need, food can... more History has recorded the crucial role of food in life. More than just abasic human need, food can be a unifying and dividing society, furtherdemonstrating its crucial role in civilization. This led to the emergenceof the practice of gastrodiplomacy — a practice of cross-border culturaldiplomacy through food. Indonesia is one of the countries that haspracticed gastrodiplomacy by empowering its culinary pride. One of thedestinations for Indonesian gastrodiplomacy is North Korea. On variousoccasions, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pyongyang has oftenpromoted Indonesian food through cooking demonstrations, bazaars,or various formal banquets. Besides, Indonesia has also opened its firstIndonesian product outlet in Pyongyang, which markets Indonesian foodproducts. This article aims to show Indonesia’s gastrodiplomacy efforts inNorth Korea and map them based on various gastrodiplomacy campaignstrategies.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Background: Unaccompanied children on the move are the most vulnerable group in the refugee crite... more Background: Unaccompanied children on the move are the most vulnerable group in the refugee criteria because they move without the protection of parents as well as family members. They are the most fragile because they are often invincible, voiceless and they are faced to great risks such as human traffickers, sexual predators and other persons with harm. With the escalating conflict in several part of the world, there is a growing number of unaccompanied children on the move and too few being done to accommodate them. Objective: This paper is trying to see how the Holy See as a transnational actor tries to promote a better care for the refugees and providing better treatment and protection for unaccompanied children on the move. Results: The Holy See has been promoting social cooperation through solidarity and shared responsibility to protect the unaccompanied children on the move using its transnational influence. Conclusion: With its unique transnationality, the Holy See is working as the role of mediation between different cultures and socio political system to better protect the fundamental rights of unaccompanied children on the move.
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
Start from basic assumptions of soft power, the ability to influence others using their attractio... more Start from basic assumptions of soft power, the ability to influence others using their attraction, so other people can affected become voluntary or without threats and violence. Brazil uses soft power instruments through the Telenovela media as the nation's branding, Brazil's telenovela becomes one of Brazil's country icons, telenovela series scheduled in prime time prove how the public love to watch telenovelas, with optimism the film makers put a large capital to make this show seven bigger, they exporting Brazil telenovela to many countries not only in Latin America but also telenovela spread to other continents. Brazil telenovela is not just a money machine but also a political media of culture, tourism, a picture of social construction and romance in Brazil, telenovela becomes a melodrama series that takes the background story from Brazilian people lifes, Brazilian telenovela is often interpolated with Brazilian art such as capoeira, samba dance, actors accent, trend fashion in Brazil, camera settings that shows the beauty of the Brazilian city, the camera perspective make us want to travel or visit the city had make telenovelas story before, Brazilian telenovelas make us know what is Brazil by watching it, that show Brazil made national branding in international society.
After decades of neglect, civic education is back on the agenda of political science in Indonesia... more After decades of neglect, civic education is back on the agenda of political science in Indonesia. Despite huge increases in the formal educational attainment of the Indonesian population during the past 17 years after the reformation in 1998, levels of political knowledge have barely budged. Today's college graduates know no more about politics than did high school graduates in 1998. Recent research indicates that levels of political knowledge affect the acceptance of democratic principles, attitudes toward specific issues, and political participation. There is evidence that political participation is in part a positional good and is shaped by relative as well as absolute levels of educational attainment. Contrary to findings from 17 years ago, recent research suggests that civic education can significantly raise political knowledge. In some countries like Iraq, Sudan, and many developing democratic countries, service learning a combination of community-based civic experience and systematic classroom reflection on that experience is a promising innovation, but program evaluation shave yielded mixed results. Long standing fears that civic education will not shape democratic citizens are not supported by the evidence. This article aims in promoting to maximize the implementation of civic education to young people with various social identities in Indonesia and be the channel to develop democratization by engaging them deeper to the political process.
Pancasila tidak hanya berlaku sebagai ideologi bangsa, Pancasila juga merupakan pandangan hidup b... more Pancasila tidak hanya berlaku sebagai ideologi bangsa, Pancasila juga merupakan pandangan hidup bangsa Indonesia. Sebagai ideologi dan pandangan hidup bangsa, Pancasila mampu memberikan ciri khas bagi demokrasi yang merupakan sistem politik yang dianut oleh bangsa Indonesia. Demokrasi Pancasila sebagai sistem politik merupakan sistem kehidupan bangsa dan masyarakat yang berdasarkan pada kedaulatan rakyat. Demokrasi Pancasila adalah sistem demokrasi di Indonesia yang berdasarkan pada musyawarah dan mufakat serta pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan konsensus. Dua hal dasar ini yang membedakan demokrasi Pancasila dengan demokrasi liberal dan demokrasi terpimpin yang sebelumnya pernah dianut oleh Indonesia. Pengambilan keputusan berdasarkan konsensus dan musyawarah untuk mufakat diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi kepentingan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu ciri khas demokrasi Pancasila adalah bahwa sektor-sektor yang mencakup kepentingan bersama dikuasai oleh negara, salah satunya adalah sektor pangan. Sektor pangan di Indonesia dikuasai oleh beberapa badan usaha milik negara dan proses pengambilan keputusan terkait kebijakan sektor pangan dilakukan berdasarkan pertimbangan dari pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan. Sepanjang tahun 2013, terdapat beberapa kebijakan sektor pangan yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia yang tidak mencerminkan demokrasi Pancasila dan dapat mengancam keberadaan demokrasi Pancasila. Ancaman ini disebabkan karena kebijakan yang diambil bukan ditujukan bagi kepentingan bersama, melainkan hanya kepentingan beberapa pihak tertentu. Salah satu contohnya adalah kebijakan kuota impor bagi beberapa produk pangan, seperti daging sapi dan kedelai. Kebijakan kuota impor pada awalnya dilakukan untuk mengatasi kekurangan stok pangan dalam negeri. Namun pada prakteknya, kebijakan kuota impor memiliki dampak jangka panjang yang bersifat negatif, yakni menimbulkan ancaman keamanan manusiawi baik bagi produsen pangan maupun bagi konsumen. Kebijakan kuota impor yang diambil kemudian dilihat hanya memberikan keuntungan dan sesuai dengan kepentingan importir dan para pembuat keputusan. Dalam hal ini, kebijakan kuota impor yang ditujukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan sektor pangan memberikan ancaman bagi kelangsungan demokrasi Pancasila sebagai sistem politik Indonesia.
Kata kunci: Demokrasi Pancasila, ancaman, kebijakan kuota impor, keamanan manusiawi.
Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi ka... more Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi kawasan dengan diberlakukannya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Menjelang dilaksanakannya MEA, permasalahan berkaitan dengan arus perpindahan penduduk, atau migrasi, muncul sebagai akibat dari kekhawatiran pelaksanaan kebijakan dibukanya pasar tenaga kerja di kawasan. Migrasi merupakan konsekuensi wajar dari upaya-upaya individu untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang lebih layak. Hal ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari ketimpangan perekonomian antar negara-negara di ASEAN. Pembukaan pasar tenaga kerja secara resmi ditujukan bagi tenaga kerja profesional, namun tidak ada jaminan bahwa tenaga kerja semi-profesional atau bahkan yang tidak terampil sekalipun tidak akan menjadi bagian dari arus migrasi internasional di kawasan. Kritikan muncul sebagai akibat dari kurangnya kebijakan kawasan untuk mengatasi masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja. Masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja muncul sebagai akibat dari perbedaan-perbedaan kemampuan individu yang berasal dari negara dan kebudayaan yang berbeda, dengan tingkat pendidikan dan kemampuan yang berbeda pula. Makalah ini akan membahas mengenai permasalahan yang muncul terkait adanya migrasi tenaga kerja di kawasan ASEAN. Permasalahan tersebut kemudian akan dilihat sebagai awal dari kemungkinan munculnya konsep " Citizens of The Region " di ASEAN. Konsep " Citizens of The Region " tersebut merupakan salah satu alternatif upaya Regionalism from Below untuk mengatasi permasalahan kebijakan migrasi dan tenaga kerja di kawasan ASEAN.
Every country have their own specific and unique National Pride. National Pride is significant fo... more Every country have their own specific and unique National Pride. National Pride is significant for the building and developing of the country. Both Indonesia and South Korea have their own National Pride. In Indonesia, we know of " Unity in Diversity " , whereas in South Korea, we know of " the sense of belonging of one nation ". The empowerment of each national pride will be beneficial for both countries since the both countries will have a lot to learn from each other. One of the most interesting point of South Korea's National Pride that could be learned by Indonesia is their focus on human development. This human development lead South Korea to the improvement and increased demographic dividend which automatically lead to their economic development and growth. The process of learning of both National Pride can be sought through the Sister City concept which already been established between the two countries. The empowerment of Indonesia's and South Korea's National Pride can be put into one of Surabaya Busan Sister City, especially in the fields of education, culture, youth and sport. With the empowerment of the human development focus from South Korea, it is hoped that Indonesia could also put more attention in their human development focus to maximize the productive age worker in the country which will be beneficial to its economic development and growth.
Nusantara Science and Technology Proceedings, 2021
Waste management is a significant problem faced by the world on a global scale. Globally, the Peo... more Waste management is a significant problem faced by the world on a global scale. Globally, the People's Republic of China (PRC) is the country with the most extensive waste trade in the world as the leading export destination country for recycled waste materials. However, the PRC changed its solid waste import policy by issuing a National Sword policy, which aims to limit and tighten plastic waste imports. The PRC policy change's impact is the increased flow of waste imports to Indonesia, thus placing Indonesia in a "Plastic Waste Emergency" situation. Since 2018, Indonesia's flow of waste imports has increased very rapidly, causing various environmental and health problems. On the other hand, waste imports entering Indonesia also open up various opportunities for economic improvement. This research then aims to find that the import of waste has an impact not only in the environmental sector but also on the political economy resulting from the government's efforts to overcome it. To overcome this problem, Indonesia already has several regulations and laws related to importing waste. Lack of strict import waste regulations has resulted in environmental and health losses for local communities in East Java. This research tries to describe various consequences of waste that would potentially harm citizens regarding waste using the role theory approach.
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations, 2020
Economic development is gradually shifting from a resource-based economy to investment-based econ... more Economic development is gradually shifting from a resource-based economy to investment-based economy to knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-bases economy is an economic process which concerns the creation, acquisition, dissemination and utilization of knowledge to achieve productivity. In utilizing knowledge, the economy would be more dependent towards information and technology. This paper is trying to see how knowledge-based economy is implemented in Indonesia by analyzing four pillars of education, innovation, information infrastructure and economic and institutional regime. The analysis of these four pillars can be put into SWOT assessment, combined with the assessment of Taiwan's knowledge-based economy is used to see lessons that can be learned from Taiwan and opportunities that can further help Indonesia to achieve economic prosperity and equality. Taiwan as the first economy in Asia to have been successfully implementing the knowledge-based economy is the ideal role model for knowledge-based economy implementation. "Our current expectations for what our students should learn in school were set fifty years ago to meet the needs of an economy based on manufacturing and agriculture. We now have an economy based on knowledge and technology"-Bill Gates
Journal of Economics, Business, and Accountancy | Ventura, 2015
Batik tenun ikat has been the traditional legacy in some areas of East Java. This research is bas... more Batik tenun ikat has been the traditional legacy in some areas of East Java. This research is based on the findings and analysis on batik tenun ikat in Kediri and Lamongan. The data were collected from observation, in depth-interview, and printed documentations. The SWOT analysis showed that batik tenun ikat in Kediri and Lamongan got the position number two (2). Thus, the priority strategies are 1) extending partnership, 2) diversification of products and 3) e-marketing and integrated one-web destination. In applying those strategies the need of implementation of strategic block and interconnection is inevitable. Strategic blocs and interconnection would deeply increased the connectivity among the actors and hence between the economic elements.
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation, 2022
A virtual tour is a digital feature that is increasingly easy to find everywhere due to technolog... more A virtual tour is a digital feature that is increasingly easy to find everywhere due to technological advances that support daily life. During this pandemic, virtual tour features found their urgency as an essential promotion and branding. The focus of the study in this article is on the use of the Virtual Tour feature in higher education institutions (HEI) as a political economic means of branding, domestically and internationally. Digital browsing is intended to support visitors' understanding of the information and facilities of a higher education institution without having to visit the location physically. This study aims to review the differences in Virtual Tour features from various Virtual Tour services offered by multiple HEIs globally through observation of secondary data and analysis of survey results. This study aims to find the vital aspects of a high-quality Virtual Tour feature. The result is thus used to analyze and assess the readiness of the University of Pemban...
Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi ka... more Sesaat lagi ASEAN akan memasuki babak baru dan bersejarah dengan pelaksanaan integrasi ekonomi kawasan dengan diberlakukannya Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA). Menjelang dilaksanakannya MEA, permasalahan berkaitan dengan arus perpindahan penduduk, atau migrasi, muncul sebagai akibat dari kekhawatiran pelaksanaan kebijakan dibukanya pasar tenaga kerja di kawasan. Migrasi merupakan konsekuensi wajar dari upaya-upaya individu untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang lebih layak. Hal ini terjadi sebagai akibat dari ketimpangan perekonomian antar negara-negara di ASEAN. Pembukaan pasar tenaga kerja secara resmi ditujukan bagi tenaga kerja profesional, namun tidak ada jaminan bahwa tenaga kerja semi-profesional atau bahkan yang tidak terampil sekalipun tidak akan menjadi bagian dari arus migrasi internasional di kawasan. Kritikan muncul sebagai akibat dari kurangnya kebijakan kawasan untuk mengatasi masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja. Masalah migrasi dan tenaga kerja muncul sebagai akibat dari perb...
Wilayah Asia tengah mengalami perubahan yang signifikan, seiring dengan kebangkitan Cina sebagai ... more Wilayah Asia tengah mengalami perubahan yang signifikan, seiring dengan kebangkitan Cina sebagai kekuatan baru sejak kepemimpinan Deng Xiaoping. Semakin meningkatnya kekuatan Cina, menimbulkan keresahan tidak hanya bagi negara-negara yang berada di kawasan Asia, tetapi juga negara-negara Barat lainnya, seperti Amerika Serikat. Meningkatkan kekuatan Cina ternyata berpotensi mengganggu stabilitas kawasan. Salah satu negara yang mengalami keresahan dengan terganggunya stabilitas kawasan karena meningkatnya kekuatan Cina adalah India. Untuk menjaga supaya India tidak terdampak dengan adanya instabilitas kawasan, India mengedepankan perbaikan hubungan dengan negara-negara tetangganya serta mengidentifikasi mitra-mitra potensial non-tradisional dengan mengeluarkan Melalui Act East Policy. Act East Policy, India berupaya untuk meningkatkan hubungan dengan salah satu mitra dagang potensialnya, yakni Korea Selatan. Penelitian ini kemudian ditujukan untuk menganalisis faktor yang menyebabkan ...
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis mekanisme berjalannya diplomasi stadion yang dilaku... more Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis mekanisme berjalannya diplomasi stadion yang dilakukan Cina yang dipimpin oleh Presiden Xi Jinping yang mempunyai antusiasme tinggi terhadap sektor olahraga di bidang sepakbola dan mendekati Qatar untuk membahas mengenai diplomasi stadion, dengan menggunakan rumusan masalah bagaimana Cina dapat menggandeng Qatar dalam konsep diplomasi stadion untuk ajang Piala Dunia, yang di dorong dengan satu faktor yakni foreign aid yang bertujuan untuk memberi konsep diplomasi stadion jalan untuk kesuksesan dalam berdiplomasi dengan negara yang dituju, serta mengetahui apa saja keuntungan yang didapat kedua negara tersebut yakni Cina dengan Qatar dalam membuat suatu semangat tersendiri untuk meraih idealis masing-masing suatu negara dalam ajang Piala Dunia FIFA di tahun 2022. Jangkauan penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah tahun 2014 yang merupakan tahun awal Cina dengan Qatar berdiplomasi untuk pembangunan stadium di kota Lusail, Qatar. Serta berisika...
Penelitian ini membahas mengenai peran UNICEF dalam menangani child marriage di India pada tahun ... more Penelitian ini membahas mengenai peran UNICEF dalam menangani child marriage di India pada tahun 2014-2016. Dampak yang diberikan memengaruhi psikis anak perempuan di India dan juga kematian. Banyaknya korban child marriage menjadikan UNICEF terjun langsung untuk menegakkan kembali hak-hak anak perempuan di India. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data sekunder yang berasal dari website resmi Organisasi Internasional, jurnal-jurnal terkait, artikel ilmiah, penelitian terdahulu, hingga laporan-laporan terpercaya. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa UNICEF menggunakan Teori Peran Organisasi Internasional yang diterapkan dalam perannya sebagai problem solving, collective art mechanism, capacity building , serta aid provider . Selain itu, penelitian ini menggunakan Konsep Human Security khususnya personal security yang telah diterapkan pada program Mahila Samakhya .
ACFTA or ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, also known as China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is an economic ag... more ACFTA or ASEAN-China Free Trade Area, also known as China-ASEAN Free Trade Area is an economic agreement to construct a free trade zone between 10 ASEAN member countries and China to eliminate various tariff and non-tariff barriers. All of ASEAN members’ leaders and China’s leader signed the ACFTA on November 5, 2002 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia which latter came into effect on January 1, 2010. Since then, it was recorded in 2016 that the total trade between ASEAN and China has reached to US$ 475 billion, thus making China as ASEAN’s largest trading partner while ASEAN serves as China’s third largest trading partner. This means that China’s export to ASEAN is more than ASEAN’s export to China. It could be seen that the free trade area has benefitted China more than it has benefit ASEAN. This paper aims to provide brief explanation on how China 1 The author is an Assistant Professor at the UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. 2 The author is an undergraduate student at the UPN “Veteran” Jawa Timur. ...
As time changes, there are various ways to achieve national interests. The focus to gain is no lo... more As time changes, there are various ways to achieve national interests. The focus to gain is no longer only on coercion through military force or economic threat but also could be reached through perspective, culture, or ideology or also known as soft power. France is widely recognized as one of the fashions and luxury country. Indeed, fashion is a part of France’s social and cultural life. The industry of fashion is dominated in France. By this common knowledge, the author starts the research with aims to show the success of France by using fashion as an instrument of soft power and the contribution of the fashion industry towards the country’s economy, specifically economic growth. The author provides an overview of the concepts of soft power and economic growth in this paper, and fashion as a culture in France. The author also includes data as reinforcement of this paper. Therefore, it is easier for readers to get information about soft power, economic growth, fashion, and the rel...
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
ABSTRACT The National Sword Policy implemented by the Chinese Government in 2018 has a spillover ... more ABSTRACT The National Sword Policy implemented by the Chinese Government in 2018 has a spillover effect in several countries in the Asian region, especially Indonesia. As one of the importers of recycled paper waste, Indonesia is faced with the problem of hazardous waste from abroad, which has increased by two percent in 2018. Besides, Indonesia also does not have good waste management, which exacerbates environmental damage and pollution. some of them were experienced by Bangun and Tropodo Villages in East Java. The level of environmental pollution in Bangun and Tropodo Villages is quite high as a result of being used as a final disposal site for paper raw material waste mixed with foreign waste and hazardous toxic materials. As a result, environmental crises continue to occur and affect the quality of life of the people. This study analyzes the correlation between environmental crises which is directly proportional to the increasing threat to human security. The environmental crisis due to imported waste can turn into a security threat issue through the securitization process carried out by NGOs and the government. The author uses the concept of human security and securitization theory to see the causality relationship. In the end, the state is not only faced with traditional security problems that are territorial but problems of individual human security. Indonesia was forced to change several waste import policies. Keywords: Imported Waste, Environmental Crisis, Securitization, Human Security. Kebijakan National Sword Policy Pemerintah Tiongkok pada tahun 2018 memberikan efek spillover pada beberapa negara di kawasan Asia, khususnya Indonesia. Sebagai salah satu importir sampah kertas daur ulang, Indonesia dihadapkan dengan masalah sampah bahan berbahaya dari luar negeri hingga terjadi peningkatan sebesar dua persen pada tahun 2018. Selain itu, Indonesia juga masih belum memiliki manajemen pengelolaan sampah yang baik sehingga memperparah pada kerusakan dan pencemaran lingkungan yang beberapa di antaranya dialami oleh Desa Bangun dan Tropodo di Jawa Timur. Tingkat pencemaran lingkungan Desa Bangun dan Tropodo cukup tinggi akibat dijadikan sebagai tempat pembuangan akhir bagi sampah bahan baku kertas yang bercampur dengan sampah luar negeri dan bahan beracun berbahaya. Sebagai imbasnya, krisis lingkungan terus terjadi dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganalisis korelasi antara krisis lingkungan yang berbanding lurus dengan peningkatan ancaman terhadap keamanan manusia. Krisis lingkungan akibat sampah impor dapat berubah menjadi isu ancaman keamanan melalui proses sekuritisasi yang dilakukan oleh NGO dan pemerintah. Penulis menggunakan konsep keamanan manusia dan teori sekuritisasi untuk melihat hubungan kausalitas. Pada akhirnya, negara tidak hanya dihadapkan dengan masalah-masalah keamanan tradisional yang bersifat teritorial melainkan masalah keamanan manusia yang bersifat individu. Indonesia terpaksa mengubah beberapa kebijakan impor sampah. Kata kunci : Sampah Impor, Krisis Lingkungan Hidup, Sekuritisasi, Keamanan Manusia
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries that has close relations, geographically an... more Indonesia and Australia are two neighboring countries that has close relations, geographically and socio-politically. Diplomatic relations between the two was formally establish in 1949, but Australia has been giving constant support toward Indonesia's independence since 1945. Despite these relations, Indonesia and Australia still has conflict and tensions on several issues. To maintain good relations and to reduce tensions, Indonesia is implementing Gamelan Diplomacy towards Australia. Gamelan Diplomacy is a representation of Indonesian culture and as a form of Indonesian Cultural Diplomacy. The main objective of this paper is to describe the implementation of Gamelan Diplomacy according to Simon Mark that consist of four elements, which are actors and government involvementa, objectives, activities, and audience. This paper is using a descriptive
Jurnal Hubungan Internasional
History has recorded the crucial role of food in life. More than just abasic human need, food can... more History has recorded the crucial role of food in life. More than just abasic human need, food can be a unifying and dividing society, furtherdemonstrating its crucial role in civilization. This led to the emergenceof the practice of gastrodiplomacy — a practice of cross-border culturaldiplomacy through food. Indonesia is one of the countries that haspracticed gastrodiplomacy by empowering its culinary pride. One of thedestinations for Indonesian gastrodiplomacy is North Korea. On variousoccasions, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in Pyongyang has oftenpromoted Indonesian food through cooking demonstrations, bazaars,or various formal banquets. Besides, Indonesia has also opened its firstIndonesian product outlet in Pyongyang, which markets Indonesian foodproducts. This article aims to show Indonesia’s gastrodiplomacy efforts inNorth Korea and map them based on various gastrodiplomacy campaignstrategies.
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences
Background: Unaccompanied children on the move are the most vulnerable group in the refugee crite... more Background: Unaccompanied children on the move are the most vulnerable group in the refugee criteria because they move without the protection of parents as well as family members. They are the most fragile because they are often invincible, voiceless and they are faced to great risks such as human traffickers, sexual predators and other persons with harm. With the escalating conflict in several part of the world, there is a growing number of unaccompanied children on the move and too few being done to accommodate them. Objective: This paper is trying to see how the Holy See as a transnational actor tries to promote a better care for the refugees and providing better treatment and protection for unaccompanied children on the move. Results: The Holy See has been promoting social cooperation through solidarity and shared responsibility to protect the unaccompanied children on the move using its transnational influence. Conclusion: With its unique transnationality, the Holy See is working as the role of mediation between different cultures and socio political system to better protect the fundamental rights of unaccompanied children on the move.
Global and Policy Journal of International Relations
Start from basic assumptions of soft power, the ability to influence others using their attractio... more Start from basic assumptions of soft power, the ability to influence others using their attraction, so other people can affected become voluntary or without threats and violence. Brazil uses soft power instruments through the Telenovela media as the nation's branding, Brazil's telenovela becomes one of Brazil's country icons, telenovela series scheduled in prime time prove how the public love to watch telenovelas, with optimism the film makers put a large capital to make this show seven bigger, they exporting Brazil telenovela to many countries not only in Latin America but also telenovela spread to other continents. Brazil telenovela is not just a money machine but also a political media of culture, tourism, a picture of social construction and romance in Brazil, telenovela becomes a melodrama series that takes the background story from Brazilian people lifes, Brazilian telenovela is often interpolated with Brazilian art such as capoeira, samba dance, actors accent, trend fashion in Brazil, camera settings that shows the beauty of the Brazilian city, the camera perspective make us want to travel or visit the city had make telenovelas story before, Brazilian telenovelas make us know what is Brazil by watching it, that show Brazil made national branding in international society.
Global & Policy, 2019
Economic development is gradually shifting from a resource-based economy to investment-based econ... more Economic development is gradually shifting from a resource-based economy to investment-based economy to knowledge-based economy. Knowledge-bases economy is an economic process which concerns the creation, acquisition, dissemination and utilization of knowledge to achieve productivity. In utilizing knowledge, the economy would be more dependent towards information and technology. This paper is trying to see how knowledge-based economy is implemented in Indonesia by analyzing four pillars of education, innovation, information infrastructure and economic and institutional regime. The analysis of these four pillars can be put into SWOT assessment, combined with the assessment of Taiwan's knowledge-based economy is used to see lessons that can be learned from Taiwan and opportunities that can further help Indonesia to achieve economic prosperity and equality. Taiwan as the first economy in Asia to have been successfully implementing the knowledge-based economy is the ideal role model for knowledge-based economy implementation. "Our current expectations for what our students should learn in school were set fifty years ago to meet the needs of an economy based on manufacturing and agriculture. We now have an economy based on knowledge and technology"-Bill Gates
Human security is a concept driven from national security. Human security is a concept which emph... more Human security is a concept driven from national security. Human security is a concept which emphasize in the protection of individuals. As this concept is affected by globalization, so does the concept of human insecurity. This writing, particularly, discuss about food insecurity of farmers and global citizens, as one component of human security, caused by Genetically Modified Organism (GMO). GMO is protected by the patent law and intellectual and property rights and this situation limits farmer's access to reach food security. GMO also endangers human health from its transgenic mutation. This research is focused between 1996, when GMO is first commercialized, to 2014. Keywords: human security, food security, food insecurity, genetically modified organism. Keamanan manusia adalah suatu konsep yang merupakan turunan dari keamanan nasional. Keamanan manusia memiliki penekanan pada perlindungan individu. Globalisasi yang memiliki dampak terhadap keamanan manusia juga ternyata memiliki dampak pada ketidakamanan manusia. Tulisan ini, secara khusus, akan membahas mengenai ketidakamanan pangan petani dan masyarakat yang disebabkan dengan adanya benih rekayasa genetika (GMO). Benih GMO yang dilindungi oleh paten dan hak kekayaan intelektual, membatasi akses dan keamanan pangan petani. Benih GMO juga menimbulkan ancaman dengan mutasi transgeniknya. Fokus penelitian ini adalah tahun 1996, sejak pertama kali GMO dikomersialisasi, hingga 2014.