Jörg Drauschke | Leibniz-Zentrum für Archäologie (original) (raw)

Papers by Jörg Drauschke

Research paper thumbnail of Frühes Christentum und Byzanz. Sammlungsgeschichte und Forschungstätigkeit am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz

S. Schrenk / U. Verstegen (eds), Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, XXIV. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Bonn, 10.–12. Mai 2018, 279-302, Feb 2, 2022

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Chemical aspects of Byzantine glass from Caricˇin Grad/Iustiniana prima (Serbia) The article deal... more Chemical aspects of Byzantine glass from Caricˇin Grad/Iustiniana prima (Serbia)
The article deals with the initial results of a research project into the Byzantine glass from Caričin Grad, which started
in 2006 as a co-operation between the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade and the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
in Mainz. The glass finds of Caričin Grad are not only very numerous, but they also represent a great variety
of different vessels, windowpanes, tesserae and residues of glass-working activities. The aim is to analyse the material
within the context of glass-production and distribution within the Mediterranean world of the 6th and 7th century by
relying mainly on analyses of the chemical composition of the samples. An initial typological classification of the nearly
350 fragments is presented here, as well as first results of the analysis of the chemical composition of the 26 raw glass
fragments which, with the exception of two samples with comparably high potassium and magnesium contents, were
revealed to be of a soda-lime composition that is similar but not identical to traditional Roman glass formulations.

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A research project conducted by the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade and the Roman-Germanic C... more A research project conducted by the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade and the Roman-Germanic Central Museum
in Mainz addresses the Byzantine glass from Caričin Grad (a municipality of Lebane, in the Jablanica area, SRB) that
can be identified with Iustiniana Prima, a city founded by Emperor Justinian I that existed approximately between the
530s and approximately 615 AD. A short overview of the material from Caričin Grad and a broader discussion of the
context of glass fragments from other sites south of the Danube are given. Additionally the first results of the chemical
analyses are presented. The raw glass is related in composition to other Early Mediaeval natron glasses such as that
found in Anglo-Saxon graves. A few samples, however, show characteristics of plant ash glasses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein Hahn von der "Elefanteninsel"

The settlement on the island of Elephantine at the northern edge of the first Cataract has been t... more The settlement on the island of Elephantine at the northern edge of the first Cataract has been the focus of archaeological research for a long time. Since 1969 the Deutsches Archäologische Institut, Abteilung Kairo, and the Schweizerisches Institut für Ägyptische Bauforschung und Altertumskunde have conducted excavations there that have also focused on the Late Antique until early Islamic time. During the study of different workshops of this period a small but exceptional figure of a rooster made of copper alloy was examined, too. A comparison with several similar pieces known from private and museum collections shows clearly that this figure, found among debris from several floors together with 33 coins in the house M12A, served as the closure of an amphoriskos. The rooster not only gives new insights in the furnishing of a Late Antique / Early Byzantine household, but provides us also with a new and precise date for the whole vessel group as it must have been lost during the last third of the 5th and the first third of the 6th century AD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Suppellettili liturgiche e vasellame in bronzo: tecniche di manifattura e centri produttivi

M. Beghelli, M. De Marchi (eds.), L’alto medioevo. Artigiani, tecniche produttive e organizzazione manifatturiera, 2. I maestri del metallo: l'intelligenza nelle mani, Roma 2017, pp. 43-72

Bronze liturgical implements and vessels in the Early Middle Ages: manufacturing techniques and p... more Bronze liturgical implements and vessels in the Early Middle Ages: manufacturing techniques and production centres

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Research paper thumbnail of Stadt und Tempel von Elephantine. 39./40./41. Grabungsbericht

From autumn 2010 to spring 2013 the German Archaeological Institute and the Swiss Institute for A... more From autumn 2010 to spring 2013 the German Archaeological Institute and the Swiss Institute for Architectural and Archaeological Research on Ancient Egypt continued the investigation of the city and temples of Elephantine (Aswan). The preliminary report presents the results of some of the projects conducted during this period.
As part of the ongoing rehabilitation work at the museum buildings located on the island of Elephantine, excavations were conducted near the northeastern limit of the ancient town. Among the earliest remains found in the area is a well preserved section of the city wall of the late 2nd dynasty. Outside the perimeter of this wall Nile sediments dating to the Old Kingdom were identified, as well as settlement remains of the 6th to 12th dynasties. Several pottery kilns of the early Middle Kingdom were discovered here. A later city wall appears to have been constructed during the reign of Senwosret III and it seems to have existed until the early New Kingdom.
The documentation and study of the relief blocks originating from the Khnum temple of the New Kingdom was continued. Many of the blocks can be attributed to the temple house, the courtyard and the first pylon built by Thutmosis III, as well as to the festival courtyard which was added by Amenophis II. Some of the blocks appear to originate from other, so far unknown buildings of the temple complex, including a cult building of Thutmosis I and II, a barque station of Hatshepsut and a construction of Thutmosis IV.
The aim of another project has been the investigation of workshop areas of the Late Antique Period. During the excavation of a house dating to the 5th–9th centuries AD, evidence for the baking of bread, the keeping of animals and the production of granodiorite bowls has been found. Nearby an oven used for smelting non-ferrous metal was identified. Fragments of melting pots, casting molds and slag provide information on the production process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bemerkungen zu den Auswirkungen der Perser- und Arabereinfälle des 7. Jahrhunderts in Kleinasien

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Research paper thumbnail of The search for central places in the Merovingian Kingdom

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Herkunft und Vermittlung "byzantinischer Importe" der Merowingerzeit in Nordwesteuropa

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein ungewöhnliches Glasobjekt aus Bet Sche'an / Skythopolis (Israel) im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz

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Research paper thumbnail of Zusammen mit Jörg Drauschke: Die Sammlungsstrategie Ludwig Lindenschmits d. Ä. am Beispiel badischer Funde.

N. Krohn/U. Koch (Hrsg.), Grosso Modo. Quellen und Funde aus Spätantike und Mittelalter. Festschrift für Gerhard Fingerlin zum 75. Geburtstag. Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 1, Seiten 139-154. , Feb 2012

"1852 wurde das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum in Mainz gegründet, mit dem Ziel, eine große ar... more "1852 wurde das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum in Mainz gegründet, mit dem Ziel, eine große archäologische Vergleichssammlung, vor allem auf der Basis von originalgetreuen Kopien, anzulegen. Objekte für die Abformung stellten Museen und Privatsammler aus ganz Europa zur Verfügung. Dabei spielten die persönlichen Kontakte des ersten Direktors Ludwig Lindenschmit d. Ä. zu eine große Rolle. Er verfolgte konsequent das Vorhaben, möglichst schnell einen breiten Überblick über Objektgattungen und -formen zu bieten, Einzelobjekte s5tanden deshalb im Mittelpunkt der Abformtätigkeiten. Erst gegen Ende seiner Schaffenszeit wurde mehr Wert auf Gesamtinventare gelegt. Der Aufbau der frühen Sammlung wird am Beispiel von Kopien frühmittelalterlicher Objekte aus dem Großherzogtum Baden sowie den Kreisen Tuttlingen und Rottweil erläutert, die bis zum Tod Lindenschmits am RGZM angefertigt wurden.

In 1852 the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz was founded with the aim of establishing a large, archaeological specimen collection, especially on the basis of exact copies. Museums and collectors from all over Europe provided objects for the models. Especially in the early years the contacts to conservationists, antiquary societies and private collectors from the first director Ludwig Lindenschmit the Elder played a major role. He followed a consequential course to offer a broad spectrum of object types an forms as quickly as possible. For this reason the forming of copies focused on single objects. Only towards the end of his directorship does the value placed on complete inventories seem to have been laid. The formation of the early collection is described here using the copies of Early Mediaeval finds from the Archduchy of Baden, as well as the Kreise Tuttlingen and Rottweil which were made in the RGZM up to Lindenschmit’s death."""

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Research paper thumbnail of Handelsgut, Geschenke, Subsidien. Zu den Vermittlungsfaktoren ostmediterraner und orientalischer Objekte im Merowingerreich

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Research paper thumbnail of Byzantine Jewellery? Amethyst beads in East and West during the Early Byzantine Period

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Research paper thumbnail of Alle Wege führen nach Konstantinopel - Handel und Verkehr in Byzanz und jenseits der Reichsgrenzen

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Research paper thumbnail of Diplomatie und Wahrnehmung im 6. und 7. Jahrhundert. Konstantinopel und die merowingischen Könige

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Research paper thumbnail of Wissensraum und Herrschaftsraum Byzanz

HKFZ–BYZANZ 29 FORSCHUNGSMAGAZIN 2/2007 Das aus dem östlichen Teil des Römischen Imperiums hervor... more HKFZ–BYZANZ 29 FORSCHUNGSMAGAZIN 2/2007 Das aus dem östlichen Teil des Römischen Imperiums hervorgegangene Byzantinische Reich war bis zur Eroberung seiner Hauptstadt Konstantinopel durch die Osmanen im Jahr 1453 neben dem Reich der Perser und später dem ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Karfunkelstein und Elfenbein - Fernhandel im frühen Mittelalter.

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Edited books by Jörg Drauschke

Research paper thumbnail of Quo vadis, frühgeschichtliche Archäologie? Studien zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter Band 9 (Hamburg 2020)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lebenswelten zwischen Archäologie und Geschichte. Festschrift für Falko Daim zu seinem 65. Geburtstag

Seit 2003 ist Falko Daim Generaldirektor des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz, doch i... more Seit 2003 ist Falko Daim Generaldirektor des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz, doch ist dies nur eine Station seiner breit gefächerten wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn. Die zahlreichen Beiträge dieser Fest-schrift zu seinem 65. Geburtstag zeigen eindrucksvoll seine Betätigungsfelder und die hohe Wertschätzung, die seinen Forschungen, Projekten und Ideen international entgegengebracht wird. Die vier thematischen Abschnitte der Festschrift spiegeln im Großen und Ganzen die maßgeblichen Arbeits-bereiche des Jubilars wider. Dazu gehört natürlich die Zeitepoche von der Antike bis in das frühe Mittelalter mit seinem Fokus auf Reiternomaden und deren vielfältige Beziehungen mit den Reichen im Westen und im Mittelmeerraum, aber auch das Themenfeld der zeitlich anschließenden Mittelalterarchäologie ist von ihm geprägt worden. Die Entwicklung der naturwissenschaftlichen Archäologie sowie die Forschungen zum Byzantinischen Reich und seinen Nachbarkulturen sind untrennbar mit seinem Namen verknüpft und wer-den daher in eigenen Abschnitten gewürdigt. Die hier versammelten Beiträge repräsentieren damit auch, wie es dem Jubilar immer wieder gelungen ist, unterschiedliche Disziplinen und Menschen miteinander zu verbinden.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hinter den Mauern und auf dem offenen Land. Leben im Byzantinischen Reich

Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 3, Oct 2016

The exhibition "Byzanz. Splendour and Everyday Life" of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federa... more The exhibition "Byzanz. Splendour and Everyday Life" of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cooperation with the Roman-Germanic Central Museum Mainz (26.2.-13.6.2010) opened up new prospects for Byzantine research.
The accompanying conference "Hinter den Mauern und auf dem offenen Land: Neue Forschungen zum Leben im Byzantinischen Reich" ingested the approaches and enhanced the subjects of the conference in an interdisciplinary context. Everyday life in urban and rural regions of the empire has been focused. The contributions in this volume consolidate the results of the conference in Mainz. They consecrate to the capital Constantinople, the cities and their hinterland on the Balkans and in Asia Minor as well as everyday life at sea, in monasteries and in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Frühes Christentum und Byzanz. Sammlungsgeschichte und Forschungstätigkeit am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum in Mainz

S. Schrenk / U. Verstegen (eds), Forschungsgeschichte als Aufbruch. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Christlichen Archäologie und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte, XXIV. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christliche Archäologie, Bonn, 10.–12. Mai 2018, 279-302, Feb 2, 2022

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Chemical aspects of Byzantine glass from Caricˇin Grad/Iustiniana prima (Serbia) The article deal... more Chemical aspects of Byzantine glass from Caricˇin Grad/Iustiniana prima (Serbia)
The article deals with the initial results of a research project into the Byzantine glass from Caričin Grad, which started
in 2006 as a co-operation between the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade and the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum
in Mainz. The glass finds of Caričin Grad are not only very numerous, but they also represent a great variety
of different vessels, windowpanes, tesserae and residues of glass-working activities. The aim is to analyse the material
within the context of glass-production and distribution within the Mediterranean world of the 6th and 7th century by
relying mainly on analyses of the chemical composition of the samples. An initial typological classification of the nearly
350 fragments is presented here, as well as first results of the analysis of the chemical composition of the 26 raw glass
fragments which, with the exception of two samples with comparably high potassium and magnesium contents, were
revealed to be of a soda-lime composition that is similar but not identical to traditional Roman glass formulations.

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A research project conducted by the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade and the Roman-Germanic C... more A research project conducted by the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade and the Roman-Germanic Central Museum
in Mainz addresses the Byzantine glass from Caričin Grad (a municipality of Lebane, in the Jablanica area, SRB) that
can be identified with Iustiniana Prima, a city founded by Emperor Justinian I that existed approximately between the
530s and approximately 615 AD. A short overview of the material from Caričin Grad and a broader discussion of the
context of glass fragments from other sites south of the Danube are given. Additionally the first results of the chemical
analyses are presented. The raw glass is related in composition to other Early Mediaeval natron glasses such as that
found in Anglo-Saxon graves. A few samples, however, show characteristics of plant ash glasses.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein Hahn von der "Elefanteninsel"

The settlement on the island of Elephantine at the northern edge of the first Cataract has been t... more The settlement on the island of Elephantine at the northern edge of the first Cataract has been the focus of archaeological research for a long time. Since 1969 the Deutsches Archäologische Institut, Abteilung Kairo, and the Schweizerisches Institut für Ägyptische Bauforschung und Altertumskunde have conducted excavations there that have also focused on the Late Antique until early Islamic time. During the study of different workshops of this period a small but exceptional figure of a rooster made of copper alloy was examined, too. A comparison with several similar pieces known from private and museum collections shows clearly that this figure, found among debris from several floors together with 33 coins in the house M12A, served as the closure of an amphoriskos. The rooster not only gives new insights in the furnishing of a Late Antique / Early Byzantine household, but provides us also with a new and precise date for the whole vessel group as it must have been lost during the last third of the 5th and the first third of the 6th century AD.

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Research paper thumbnail of Suppellettili liturgiche e vasellame in bronzo: tecniche di manifattura e centri produttivi

M. Beghelli, M. De Marchi (eds.), L’alto medioevo. Artigiani, tecniche produttive e organizzazione manifatturiera, 2. I maestri del metallo: l'intelligenza nelle mani, Roma 2017, pp. 43-72

Bronze liturgical implements and vessels in the Early Middle Ages: manufacturing techniques and p... more Bronze liturgical implements and vessels in the Early Middle Ages: manufacturing techniques and production centres

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Research paper thumbnail of Stadt und Tempel von Elephantine. 39./40./41. Grabungsbericht

From autumn 2010 to spring 2013 the German Archaeological Institute and the Swiss Institute for A... more From autumn 2010 to spring 2013 the German Archaeological Institute and the Swiss Institute for Architectural and Archaeological Research on Ancient Egypt continued the investigation of the city and temples of Elephantine (Aswan). The preliminary report presents the results of some of the projects conducted during this period.
As part of the ongoing rehabilitation work at the museum buildings located on the island of Elephantine, excavations were conducted near the northeastern limit of the ancient town. Among the earliest remains found in the area is a well preserved section of the city wall of the late 2nd dynasty. Outside the perimeter of this wall Nile sediments dating to the Old Kingdom were identified, as well as settlement remains of the 6th to 12th dynasties. Several pottery kilns of the early Middle Kingdom were discovered here. A later city wall appears to have been constructed during the reign of Senwosret III and it seems to have existed until the early New Kingdom.
The documentation and study of the relief blocks originating from the Khnum temple of the New Kingdom was continued. Many of the blocks can be attributed to the temple house, the courtyard and the first pylon built by Thutmosis III, as well as to the festival courtyard which was added by Amenophis II. Some of the blocks appear to originate from other, so far unknown buildings of the temple complex, including a cult building of Thutmosis I and II, a barque station of Hatshepsut and a construction of Thutmosis IV.
The aim of another project has been the investigation of workshop areas of the Late Antique Period. During the excavation of a house dating to the 5th–9th centuries AD, evidence for the baking of bread, the keeping of animals and the production of granodiorite bowls has been found. Nearby an oven used for smelting non-ferrous metal was identified. Fragments of melting pots, casting molds and slag provide information on the production process.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bemerkungen zu den Auswirkungen der Perser- und Arabereinfälle des 7. Jahrhunderts in Kleinasien

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Research paper thumbnail of The search for central places in the Merovingian Kingdom

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur Herkunft und Vermittlung "byzantinischer Importe" der Merowingerzeit in Nordwesteuropa

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein ungewöhnliches Glasobjekt aus Bet Sche'an / Skythopolis (Israel) im Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz

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Research paper thumbnail of Zusammen mit Jörg Drauschke: Die Sammlungsstrategie Ludwig Lindenschmits d. Ä. am Beispiel badischer Funde.

N. Krohn/U. Koch (Hrsg.), Grosso Modo. Quellen und Funde aus Spätantike und Mittelalter. Festschrift für Gerhard Fingerlin zum 75. Geburtstag. Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 1, Seiten 139-154. , Feb 2012

"1852 wurde das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum in Mainz gegründet, mit dem Ziel, eine große ar... more "1852 wurde das Römisch-Germanische Zentralmuseum in Mainz gegründet, mit dem Ziel, eine große archäologische Vergleichssammlung, vor allem auf der Basis von originalgetreuen Kopien, anzulegen. Objekte für die Abformung stellten Museen und Privatsammler aus ganz Europa zur Verfügung. Dabei spielten die persönlichen Kontakte des ersten Direktors Ludwig Lindenschmit d. Ä. zu eine große Rolle. Er verfolgte konsequent das Vorhaben, möglichst schnell einen breiten Überblick über Objektgattungen und -formen zu bieten, Einzelobjekte s5tanden deshalb im Mittelpunkt der Abformtätigkeiten. Erst gegen Ende seiner Schaffenszeit wurde mehr Wert auf Gesamtinventare gelegt. Der Aufbau der frühen Sammlung wird am Beispiel von Kopien frühmittelalterlicher Objekte aus dem Großherzogtum Baden sowie den Kreisen Tuttlingen und Rottweil erläutert, die bis zum Tod Lindenschmits am RGZM angefertigt wurden.

In 1852 the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz was founded with the aim of establishing a large, archaeological specimen collection, especially on the basis of exact copies. Museums and collectors from all over Europe provided objects for the models. Especially in the early years the contacts to conservationists, antiquary societies and private collectors from the first director Ludwig Lindenschmit the Elder played a major role. He followed a consequential course to offer a broad spectrum of object types an forms as quickly as possible. For this reason the forming of copies focused on single objects. Only towards the end of his directorship does the value placed on complete inventories seem to have been laid. The formation of the early collection is described here using the copies of Early Mediaeval finds from the Archduchy of Baden, as well as the Kreise Tuttlingen and Rottweil which were made in the RGZM up to Lindenschmit’s death."""

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Research paper thumbnail of Handelsgut, Geschenke, Subsidien. Zu den Vermittlungsfaktoren ostmediterraner und orientalischer Objekte im Merowingerreich

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Research paper thumbnail of Byzantine Jewellery? Amethyst beads in East and West during the Early Byzantine Period

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Research paper thumbnail of Alle Wege führen nach Konstantinopel - Handel und Verkehr in Byzanz und jenseits der Reichsgrenzen

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Research paper thumbnail of Diplomatie und Wahrnehmung im 6. und 7. Jahrhundert. Konstantinopel und die merowingischen Könige

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Research paper thumbnail of Wissensraum und Herrschaftsraum Byzanz

HKFZ–BYZANZ 29 FORSCHUNGSMAGAZIN 2/2007 Das aus dem östlichen Teil des Römischen Imperiums hervor... more HKFZ–BYZANZ 29 FORSCHUNGSMAGAZIN 2/2007 Das aus dem östlichen Teil des Römischen Imperiums hervorgegangene Byzantinische Reich war bis zur Eroberung seiner Hauptstadt Konstantinopel durch die Osmanen im Jahr 1453 neben dem Reich der Perser und später dem ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Karfunkelstein und Elfenbein - Fernhandel im frühen Mittelalter.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quo vadis, frühgeschichtliche Archäologie? Studien zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter Band 9 (Hamburg 2020)

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Research paper thumbnail of Lebenswelten zwischen Archäologie und Geschichte. Festschrift für Falko Daim zu seinem 65. Geburtstag

Seit 2003 ist Falko Daim Generaldirektor des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz, doch i... more Seit 2003 ist Falko Daim Generaldirektor des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums in Mainz, doch ist dies nur eine Station seiner breit gefächerten wissenschaftlichen Laufbahn. Die zahlreichen Beiträge dieser Fest-schrift zu seinem 65. Geburtstag zeigen eindrucksvoll seine Betätigungsfelder und die hohe Wertschätzung, die seinen Forschungen, Projekten und Ideen international entgegengebracht wird. Die vier thematischen Abschnitte der Festschrift spiegeln im Großen und Ganzen die maßgeblichen Arbeits-bereiche des Jubilars wider. Dazu gehört natürlich die Zeitepoche von der Antike bis in das frühe Mittelalter mit seinem Fokus auf Reiternomaden und deren vielfältige Beziehungen mit den Reichen im Westen und im Mittelmeerraum, aber auch das Themenfeld der zeitlich anschließenden Mittelalterarchäologie ist von ihm geprägt worden. Die Entwicklung der naturwissenschaftlichen Archäologie sowie die Forschungen zum Byzantinischen Reich und seinen Nachbarkulturen sind untrennbar mit seinem Namen verknüpft und wer-den daher in eigenen Abschnitten gewürdigt. Die hier versammelten Beiträge repräsentieren damit auch, wie es dem Jubilar immer wieder gelungen ist, unterschiedliche Disziplinen und Menschen miteinander zu verbinden.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hinter den Mauern und auf dem offenen Land. Leben im Byzantinischen Reich

Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident 3, Oct 2016

The exhibition "Byzanz. Splendour and Everyday Life" of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federa... more The exhibition "Byzanz. Splendour and Everyday Life" of the Art and Exhibition Hall of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cooperation with the Roman-Germanic Central Museum Mainz (26.2.-13.6.2010) opened up new prospects for Byzantine research.
The accompanying conference "Hinter den Mauern und auf dem offenen Land: Neue Forschungen zum Leben im Byzantinischen Reich" ingested the approaches and enhanced the subjects of the conference in an interdisciplinary context. Everyday life in urban and rural regions of the empire has been focused. The contributions in this volume consolidate the results of the conference in Mainz. They consecrate to the capital Constantinople, the cities and their hinterland on the Balkans and in Asia Minor as well as everyday life at sea, in monasteries and in the country.

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Research paper thumbnail of Küche und Keller in Antike und Frühmittelalter. Studien zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter Band 6 (Hamburg 2014)

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Research paper thumbnail of Untergang und Neuanfang. Studien zu Spätantike und Frühmittelalter Band 3 (Hamburg 2011)

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Research paper thumbnail of Falko Daim – Jörg Drauschke (Hg.), Byzanz – das Römerreich im Mittelalter Teil 3 Peripherie und Nachbarschaft (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 84, Mainz 2010).

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Research paper thumbnail of Falko Daim – Jörg Drauschke (Hg.), Byzanz – das Römerreich im Mittelalter Teil 2,2 Schauplätze (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 84, Mainz 2010).

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Research paper thumbnail of Falko Daim – Jörg Drauschke (Hg.), Byzanz – das Römerreich im Mittelalter Teil 2,1 Schauplätze (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 84, Mainz 2010).

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Research paper thumbnail of Falko Daim – Jörg Drauschke (Hg.), Byzanz – das Römerreich im Mittelalter Teil 1 Welt der Ideen, Welt der Dinge (Monographien des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums 84, Mainz 2010).

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Research paper thumbnail of F. Daim, J. Drauschke, S. Wefers, Chapter 10: Production and technology. In: F. Daim (Hrsg.), History and Culture of Byzantium. Brill s New Pauly (Leiden, Boston 2019).

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Research paper thumbnail of Lampen und Leuchterzubehör aus Buntmetall (2017).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of F. Daim, J. Drauschke, S. Wefers, Kapitel 10: Produktion und Technik. In: F. Daim (Hrsg.), Byzanz. Historisch-kulturwissenschaftliches Handbuch. Der Neue Pauly Supplemente 11 (Stuttgart 2016).

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Research paper thumbnail of Muenzfingerring aus Hintschingen Grab 14 (2017)

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Research paper thumbnail of Becken aus Hüfingen, Kanne aus Münzesheim (2017).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Leuchter, Aufhängungen, Polykandela aus Buntmetall (2017).pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Das Fränkische Reich und Byzanz revisited

Since the 19th century, the manifold relations between the Frankish kingdoms and the Byzantine em... more Since the 19th century, the manifold relations between the Frankish kingdoms and the Byzantine emperors in Constantinople have repeatedly been the subject of historical research. Archaeologists also identified early objects for which an origin in the eastern Mediterranean or even further east must be sought. Since the 1990s, an increased interest in this topic has been observed, which is certainly also related to the increased possibilities of scientific analysis with regard to provenance. In the lecture, historical and archaeological-scientific results will be compared in order to shed light on as many facets of the contacts as possible. In addition, new finds and contexts will be pointed out, which again expand the spectrum of the exchange known so far.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eastern relics and reliquaries in Francia (6th - 9th c.) and their ways of dissemination

The cult of saints in Gaul during the Merovingian and Carolingian period is embedded in the gener... more The cult of saints in Gaul during the Merovingian and Carolingian period is embedded in the general emergence of relics and saints’ cults during Late Antiquity, but must be understood as a particular feature of the developing Frankish Christianity. One can estimate at least 120 different local Gallic saints connected with corresponding relics that were venerated in the 6th century AD. Apart from these, saints and relics from the East are also mentioned in written sources, but the distribution of their cults seems to be limited. So the focus of the paper is to analyze this phenomenon: Which proves for eastern Saints and relics exist in the West and under which circumstances have they been disseminated in Francia? Which persons had been involved in the exchange process? What can we learn about the connection between the Franks and the East, especially the Byzantine Empire? And what impact did the relics have for the church, parish or region they had been transferred to?

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Research paper thumbnail of Late antique and early medieval exchange of goods between India and the Red Sea based on historical and archaeological sources.

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Research paper thumbnail of Practice Knowledge and Communication in Interreligious Relations. Byzantium and its Legacy in the Latin West and the Slavic World

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Research paper thumbnail of Religious Exchange and Identities in Europe Byzantium,the Latin West and the Slavic World

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Research paper thumbnail of 16th-18th May 2019, Religious Exchange and Identities in Europe Byzantium, the Latin West and the Slavic World

The construction of religious identity, as well as religious inclusion and exclusion, are issues ... more The construction of religious identity, as well as religious inclusion and exclusion, are issues which are as central to human societies today as they were in the past. For much of the Middle Ages, these religious processes in Europe were strongly influenced by the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine legacy endured after the fall of Byzantium; even today it plays an important role in processes of collective identity in (South-)Eastern Europe. Our conference therefore aims at examining processes of religious exchange and identity construction throughout Europe from Late Antiquity until the 20th century, with a particular focus on the interaction between Byzantium and its neighbours, as well as its successors.
The conference will explore how processes of religious contact and identity construction took place at differing times and contexts. In what ways did various groups come into contact, how was knowledge about the religious “Other” created, and how was it used in discourse? What role did faith and religion play for – inclusive or exclusive – identity construction? How was Byzantine culture and religion received both during the lifespan of the empire and later?

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Research paper thumbnail of Kulturkontakte - Cultural Contacts. Vernetzungs-Workshop am Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum Mainz, 22. bis 23. November 2016

In 2014, the research field „Cultural Contacts“ was established at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentr... more In 2014, the research field „Cultural Contacts“ was established at the Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum. The associated projects are concerned with different mechanisms of intercultural contacts with the aim to achieve insights into constants and diversity of human behavior in contact situations.
Cultural contacts are a main subject in Archaeology and other disciplines. They form central aspects for many research groups and projects. The networking conference in Mainz is intended to discuss methodical and substantive questions as well as current research problems. The aim is to explore similarities and points of contact that are beneficial for further work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Practice, Knowledge and Communication in Interreligious Relations. Byzantium and its Legacy in the Latin West and the Slavic World

Two-day workshop of Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Mainz "Byzantium between Orient and Occident" Ec... more Two-day workshop of Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Mainz "Byzantium between Orient and Occident"

Ecclestical contacts and religious discourses are constituting a basic constant in the relations between Byzantium, the Latin West and the slavic world. These are affected partly by close alliances, exchanges and processes of cultural assimilation, partly by controversal disputes and war. The Leibniz- WissenschaftsCampus Mainz research group "Contact and Discourse within Christianity" aims at investigating these relations by comparing diverse case studies out of different regions and ages: from late antique Rome or Cyprus via Franconia or venetian Crete up to the reception of byzantine history and culture in 19th and 20th centuries Serbia, Russia or Greece. Within the framework of this Workshop concrete forms and media of contact, of the transfer of knowledge about each other, identity-forming processes and dealings with phenomena of post-byzantine reception are to be focussed.

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