Diana Nukushina | Universidade de Lisboa (original) (raw)

Papers by Diana Nukushina

Research paper thumbnail of Rui Boaventura, Rui Mataloto, Marco António Andrade, Diana Nukushina.pdf

The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in... more The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos
Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in 1934 under the supervision of Manuel Heleno.
Erected on a small hill included on an open landscape, it would correspond to a monument of some substantial proportions, in which a relatively significant set of archaeological finds was collected. In geographical terms, its singular location separates this monument from the large clusters known in this regional area; however, the collected data allow to disclose some relevant observations, particularly about the cultural or technological «evolution» between geometric armatures and arrow‑heads, the long‑distance circulation of silicious raw‑materials and the reuse of megalithic monuments during the late 3rd millennium BCE. This monument is therefore assumed as a valid component for the comprehension of the megalithic communities in the region of Central and North Alentejo, during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic.

Research paper thumbnail of Estremoz 7 ou a Anta de Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (Estremoz, Évora)

O Arqueólogo Português, 2015

The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in... more The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in 1934 under the supervision of Manuel Heleno. Erected on a small hill included in​ an open landscape, it would correspond to a monument of some substantial proportions, in which a relatively significant set of archaeological finds was collected. In geographical terms, its singular location separates this monument from the large clusters known in this regional area; however, the collected data allow to disclose some relevant observations, particularly about the cultural or technological «evolution» between geometric armatures and arrow -heads, the long-distance circulation of siliceous raw -materials and the reuse of megalithic monuments during the late 3rd millennium BCE. This monument is therefore assumed as a valid component for the comprehension of the megalithic communities in the region of Central and North Alentejo, during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic.

Research paper thumbnail of Retour à Beg-er-Vil Nouvelles approches des chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de France atlantique

L'habitat mésolithique de Beg-er-Vil se manifeste par un niveau coquillier remarquablement préser... more L'habitat mésolithique de Beg-er-Vil se manifeste par un niveau coquillier remarquablement préservé, visible au sommet d'une falaise peu élevée de la côte sud de la presqu'île de Quiberon (Morbihan). Il a été fouillé sous la direction d'O. Kayser au cours des années 1980, et fait l'objet depuis 2012 d'une fouille extensive, afin d'anticiper sa probable destruction par l'érosion. Une étude des clichés aériens disponibles de 1932 à nos jours révèle les dynamiques érosives en oeuvre sur cette partie de la pointe de Beg-er-Vil, avec un recul de 6,4 ± 0,86 m sur son flanc nord. Les datations par le radiocarbone signalent une occupation relativement courte à la fin du VII e millénaire avant notre ère, sans intrusions ultérieures. Aussi représente-t-il un témoin unique des modes de vie des chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de la France atlantique, en particulier durant un accident climatique majeur de l'Holocène (8200 cal. BP). Une première reconstitution des paléopaysages littoraux est proposée, en tenant compte des travaux les plus récents qui placent le niveau marin entre − 15,5 et − 11 m sous l'actuel (soit une pleine mer de vive eau entre les isobathes − 7,15 et − 14,02 m des cartes marines). Les occupations mésolithiques sont bien préservées sous la dune, sur une épaisseur de 30 à 50 cm. L'ensemble du niveau coquillier est constitué de rejets d'activités : agrégats de terre préparée témoignant de l'aménagement de l'espace, fragments de cendres et matrice sédimentaire associée à des agrégats fortement chargée de charbons de bois, résultant d'activités foyères et esquilles de poissons et coquilles plus ou moins brûlées. Cette organisation témoigne donc d'un site finement stratifié avec des sols d'occupations conservés. Les activités y ont été variées, comme le révèlent aussi les structures aménagées : les fosses et une vaste zone de combustion sont à la base du niveau coquillier ; un niveau de petits blocs de granite rubéfiés associé à des coquilles d'huîtres plates jonche la totalité du site, en milieu de niveau archéologique. La grande diversité des restes fauniques marins et continentaux atteste d'un large spectre de préda-tion. L'étalement de leurs dates de capture ou de collecte autorise l'hypothèse d'occupations de longue durée tout au long de l'année, sans permettre toutefois de parler de sédentarité. L'industrie lithique est très homogène dans toutes les zones fouillées et de bas en haut de la couche. Elle est réalisée sur des galets de silex de très mauvaise qualité, récoltés assez loin de l'habitat lui-même. Une domination presque sans partage des bitroncatures symétriques confère son originalité à l'assemblage des armatures, tandis que les couteaux à dos sont présents dans l'outillage commun. Ces deux éléments caractérisent un faciès « Beg-er-Vil » du Téviecien, désormais bien calé à la fin du VII e millénaire avant notre ère. Abstract: The Mesolithic occupation of Beg-er-Vil is recorded as a well-preserved shell layer, visible at the top of a cliff on the Quiberon Peninsula (Morbihan). Firstly excavated by O. Kayser during the 1980s, the site has been the object an extensive excavation since 2012, in anticipation of its likely destruction by erosion. A study of the available aerial pictures (from 1932 to the present day) reveals the erosive processes taking place on this part of the Beg-er-Vil promontory, leading to retreat of 6.4 ± 0.86 m on the north side. The radiocarbon dates indicate a relatively short occupation at the end of the 7th millennium cal. BC, without any later intrusions. As such, this site represents a unique record of the lifestyles of maritime hunters-gatherers on the Atlantic seaboard of France, during a major climatic event (8200 cal. BP). We propose a preliminary reconstruction of the ancient coastal landscapes, by taking into account the most recent studies which place the sea level at between 15.5 and 11 m beneath the present datum (corresponding to a high tide mark between isobaths −7.15 and −14.02 m). The Mesolithic settlement is well protected under the dune, forming a 30 to 50 cm thick shell-layer. The whole layer is made up of waste from human activities: aggregates of prepared earth indicating a spatial arrangement,

Research paper thumbnail of O sepulcro megalítico dos Godinhos (Freixo, Redondo): usos e significados no âmbito do Megalitismo alentejano.

The results of the intervention at the megalithic tomb of Godinhos (Redondo) are presented here. ... more The results of the intervention at the megalithic tomb of Godinhos (Redondo) are presented here.
These are discussed within the regional human occupation, namely its funerary and settlement dynamics during the 4th and 3rd millennia BCE. Also, spacial focus is given to some findings, particularly the trapezoid microliths, compared with those collected in other tombs such as Cabeço da Areia and Rabuje 5. To be noted is the very likely foundation act in the tomb mound with three rock spheres. Finally, the reuse of the tomb in the late 3rd millennium is motif for some reflections, namely about a golden element.

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-typologie lithique et chronométrie du Mésolithique récent de la vallée du Sado : le cas de l’amas coquillier d’Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

Amoreiras, un amas coquillier de la vallée du Sado (sud du Portugal), fut considéré pendant des a... more Amoreiras, un amas coquillier de la vallée du Sado (sud du Portugal), fut considéré pendant des années un des sites les plus récents du complexe mésolithique du Sado ainsi qu’un lieu d’interactions entre les derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs et les groupes néolithiques. Cependant, l’industrie lithique restait mal connue et les données chronologiques et stratigraphiques, mal assurées. Nous présentons ici les résultats de l’analyse techno-typologique d’un assemblage lithique issu des premières fouilles d’Amoreiras dans les années 1950-1960.

Research paper thumbnail of Lithic Techno-Typology and Chronometry in the Late Mesolithic of the Sado Valley: the Case of Amoreiras Shell Midden (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

Amoreiras, a shell midden in the Sado valley (Southern Portugal), was during years considered one... more Amoreiras, a shell midden in the Sado valley (Southern Portugal), was during years considered one of the most recent sites of the Sado Mesolithic complex, and a place of interactions between the last hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic groups. Nevertheless, the data about the lithic industry was poorly known. The absolute chronology and the complexity of the stratigraphy were not analyzed in detail. In this paper, we present the results from a techno-typological analysis of a set of lithic materials recovered from the first excavations in Amoreiras during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Research paper thumbnail of Geometric microliths as chronological and cultural markers in the Sado shell middens? Reflections from Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

The production of geometric microliths from bladelets has been identified as one of the main stra... more The production of geometric microliths from bladelets has been identified as one of the main strategies of lithic production during the Late Mesolithic in southwestern Portugal. The Sado shell middens generally possess an abundance of these tools, similarly to sites found in other regions. However, systematic lithic studies are still scarce. In this work, we discuss the value of the geometric microliths as chronological and cultural markers, through the analysis of lithic remains from Amoreiras shell midden (Alcácer do Sal). First, a formal characterization of this assemblage is performed. Second, a diachronic and cultural perspective of these materials in the Sado shell middens is provided. Finally, a comparison with other Late Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic assemblages from southwestern Iberia is presented. A set of lithic remains from Amoreiras, which was recovered in the 1950s and 1960s, was subject to a techno-typological analysis, following the assumptions of the ‘chaîne opératoire’. Also, a statistical analysis, including variance analysis, was performed. This work shows that the geometric microliths from Amoreiras clearly represent one of the main purposes for the debitage at this site, which presents an outstanding typological and size uniformity. The characteristics found by this study suggest the existence of a well-standardized production of geometric microliths. This production scheme would be more economic in terms of raw material requirements and production time-effort. The material and chronometrical data from Amoreiras contradicts the cultural uniformity perspective for this specific site and for the Sado shell middens in general. Moreover, in light of the presented data, a strict chrono-cultural significance of the segment dominance is difficult to sustain. Despite the standardized production and the importance given to geometric microliths, the data provided by the forms and their variations is still insufficient for a comprehensive approach to the social issues in the Sado valley, during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition.

Research paper thumbnail of Caçadores-recolectores no vale do Sado, ambiente, recursos e tecnologia lítica: o caso de Arapouco (Alcácer do Sal)

No vale do Sado, Arapouco apresenta-se como um sítio-chave para discussão das modalidades de impl... more No vale do Sado, Arapouco apresenta-se como um sítio-chave para discussão das modalidades de implantação e funcionamento do conjunto de concheiros do Mesolítico final, desta região. Perspectivas anteriores têm defendido o carácter especializado e temporário de Arapouco, no contexto deste complexo de concheiros, tratando-se do sítio mais a jusante até agora identificado e com maior abundância de restos de ictiofauna (ARNAUD 1989, 2000; GABRIEL 2010). A análise isotópica realizada sobre um esqueleto humano proveniente do concheiro de Arapouco demonstra a importância dos recursos marinhos, na dieta deste indivíduo (CUNHA & UMBELINO 2001). Não obstante, a cultura material deste sítio não foi alvo de estudo sistemático até à data, apesar da sua reconhecida importância para o conhecimento do povoamento e da paleo-economia pré-históricas. Neste sentido, a análise da indústria lítica de Arapouco afigurou-se como uma tarefa imperativa, apresentando-se aqui os primeiros resultados. Detectar na indústria lítica de Arapouco elementos específicos que conectem o sítio com a exploração especializada de recursos aquáticos constitui o objectivo central desta análise.

Research paper thumbnail of  Uma primeira abordagem comparativa aos concheiros em Portugal e Japão - dos últimos caçadores-recolectores aos primeiros produtores de alimentos nos extremos da Eurásia.

Research paper thumbnail of Tecno-tipologia lítica e cronometria no Mesolítico final do vale do Sado: o caso do concheiro das Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal)

"Available on: http://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/7933 *** The shell midden of Amoreiras ... more "Available on:

The shell midden of Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal) has been traditionally integrated in several discussions about the Neolitization process in Southern Portugal, due to the attribution of a “recent” chronological character in the shell middens complex of the Sado valley. This situation has turned Amoreiras into a probable place of interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherer groups and the first agropastoralist communities. These assumptions emerged largely from the presence of cardial pottery in the lower levels of stratigraphy, culturally attributed to the Mesolithic, some late radiocarbon dates and a lithic industry briefly characterized by a majority of segments. It has been considered that the origin of this morphological type occurred in a later time in Southwest Iberia. Nevertheless, the radiocarbon date obtained from “skeleton 5” of Amoreiras and the evidence of a funerary occupation in the beginning of final Mesolithic opened the debate about the chronological and cultural framework of this site. The case of Amoreiras appeared to be an interesting point to start the analysis of the difficult relationship between material culture and chronological data from the Sado shell middens. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to provide a technological and typological analysis of the lithic industry of Amoreiras shell midden, recovered in the archaeological field works directed by Manuel Heleno, in mid-20th century, and subjected only to a preliminary characterization. On the other hand, it is intended to integrate the study of lithic remains in a diachronically and cultural perspective, by comparison with data from other Mesolithic and early Neolithic sites in Southwest Iberia. This view is complemented by a critical observation of the available data from absolute chronology for Amoreiras and other shell middens of the Sado valley, in respect to its reliability and chronological significance. This is considered an imperative task, taking into account the lack of relative chronology data able to provide a context to the material data."""

Research paper thumbnail of Análise tecno-tipológica das utensilagens geométricas do Concheiro das Amoreiras (S. Romão do Sado, Portugal) – escavações de Manuel Heleno (1955-66)

We present the preliminary results of technological and typological analysis of geometric microli... more We present the preliminary results of technological and typological analysis of geometric microliths collected from Amoreiras shell midden
(S. Romão do Sado, Alcácer do Sal, Portugal), more precisely, an area called “Prolongation of Survey A”, excavated by Manuel Heleno’s
team in the 1950s. This work will focus on morphological and typological variability, macro-fractures and social significance/symbolic value
of those remains. The aim of this text is to contribute for an approach oriented to detect technological and cultural particularities of this
artifact type production and to view those aspects from a diachronic point, by comparison with other Mesolithic and Neolithic contexts of
Southern Portugal.

Posters by Diana Nukushina

Research paper thumbnail of Foliáceos ovóides e grandes pontas bifaciais nos povoados de S. Pedro (Redondo)

O sítio do S. Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo), ocupado entre os finais do 4º e inícios do 3º milénio a.... more O sítio do S. Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo), ocupado entre os finais do 4º e inícios do 3º milénio a.n.e, caracteriza-se por uma abundante componente artefactual em pedra lascada, sobretudo em xistos siliciosos e quartzitos. A partir de uma primeira abordagem tecno-tipológica a este conjunto lítico, é destacável a presença de utensílios foliáceos de talhe bifacial, prestando-se aqui um especial enfoque aos chamados “foliáceos ovóides” e “grandes pontas bifaciais” pela sua raridade no contexto neo-calcolítico da região alentejana.

Research paper thumbnail of Lithic materials in the Sado River’s shell middens – geological provenance and impact on site location.

This work presents a geological approach to the characterizattion of lithic materials collected a... more This work presents a geological approach to the characterizattion of lithic materials collected at the mesolithic Sado River's shellmidens, recognized between Alcácer and São Romão, 80 km SE of Lisbon. They contain abundant lithic materials from different lithologies, including mainly Siliceous Slates, Chert, Jasper and Quartz. A first look at the geological map pointed to a provenance from the Paleozoic terranes located close to the Torrão area, c. 20 km E of the occupation sites, or from the Quaternary terraces along the Sado river. However, regional geological field studies and the detailed analysis of both the raw and transformed lithic materials, led to a different conclusion. Most, if not all, of the lithic materials may have been collected in Paleogene conglomerates covering the region between Torrão and Alc The comparison between the regional extension of these conglomerates and of the shellmiddens, points to the "material availability" as a crucial factor for its location along the Sado River.

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-typologie lithique et chronométrie au Mésolithique final de la vallée du Sado: le cas de l’amas coquillier d’Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal).

Research paper thumbnail of Ibn Ammar (Lagoa, Algarve): Uma ocupação do Neolítico antigo em gruta

Talks by Diana Nukushina

Research paper thumbnail of Caçadores-recolectores no vale do Sado, ambiente, recursos e tecnologia lítica: o caso de Arapouco (Alcácer do Sal)


Research paper thumbnail of Uma primeira abordagem comparativa aos concheiros em Portugal e Japão: dos últimos caçadores-recolectores aos primeiros produtores de alimentos nos extremos da Eurásia

Research paper thumbnail of Os concheiros através dos artefactos: questões e problemas para o estudo do Mesolítico final no Centro e Sul de Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of Concheiros - um fenómeno da Pré-história a conhecer

Presentation to general public about shell middens,mainly in Mesolithic

Research paper thumbnail of Análise tecno-tipológica das utensilagens geométricas do concheiro das Amoreiras (S. Romão do Sado, Portugal) – escavações de M. Heleno

Através da análise tecno-tipológica dos materiais líticos provenientes da sondagem A (prolongamen... more Através da análise tecno-tipológica dos materiais líticos provenientes da sondagem A (prolongamento) do concheiro das Amoreiras (S. Romão do Sado, Alcácer do Sal), dirigida por Manuel Heleno, pretende-se caracterizar um abundante conjunto depositado há longo tempo no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, dando particular atenção a aspectos respeitantes aos micrólitos geométricos, nomeadamente:
- a variabilidade tipológica no seio deste concheiro;
- a detecção de macro-fracturas relacionadas com a sua utilização como projécteis;
- a relação desta utensilagem com os restantes elementos da indústria lítica;
- as tipologias e o seu significado social/valor simbólico.
Nesse sentido, constitui objectivo discutir os parâmetros de análise necessários para uma abordagem que permita a detecção de particularidades tecnológicas e culturais inerentes à produção deste tipo de artefactos e que se pretende observar de um ponto de vista diacrónico, através da comparação com os dados conhecidos de outros sítios mesolíticos (Poças de S. Bento, Várzea da Mó e Cabeço do Rebolador) e neolíticos (Valada do Mato). Com efeito, os mais recentes dados respeitantes ao concheiro das Amoreiras têm evidenciado uma diacronia de ocupação maior do que se supunha, abarcando uma fase bastante precoce dentro das cronologias absolutas disponíveis para o Mesolítico final do Vale do Sado (finais do 7º/ inícios do 6º milénio cal AC). Por outro lado, importa atestar, de um ponto de vista da cultura material, a hipótese de este se tratar de um lugar de integração de elementos neolíticos num contexto mesolítico.

Research paper thumbnail of Rui Boaventura, Rui Mataloto, Marco António Andrade, Diana Nukushina.pdf

The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in... more The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos
Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in 1934 under the supervision of Manuel Heleno.
Erected on a small hill included on an open landscape, it would correspond to a monument of some substantial proportions, in which a relatively significant set of archaeological finds was collected. In geographical terms, its singular location separates this monument from the large clusters known in this regional area; however, the collected data allow to disclose some relevant observations, particularly about the cultural or technological «evolution» between geometric armatures and arrow‑heads, the long‑distance circulation of silicious raw‑materials and the reuse of megalithic monuments during the late 3rd millennium BCE. This monument is therefore assumed as a valid component for the comprehension of the megalithic communities in the region of Central and North Alentejo, during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic.

Research paper thumbnail of Estremoz 7 ou a Anta de Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (Estremoz, Évora)

O Arqueólogo Português, 2015

The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in... more The passage grave of Estremoz 7 or Nossa Senhora da Conceição dos Olivais (NSCO) was excavated in 1934 under the supervision of Manuel Heleno. Erected on a small hill included in​ an open landscape, it would correspond to a monument of some substantial proportions, in which a relatively significant set of archaeological finds was collected. In geographical terms, its singular location separates this monument from the large clusters known in this regional area; however, the collected data allow to disclose some relevant observations, particularly about the cultural or technological «evolution» between geometric armatures and arrow -heads, the long-distance circulation of siliceous raw -materials and the reuse of megalithic monuments during the late 3rd millennium BCE. This monument is therefore assumed as a valid component for the comprehension of the megalithic communities in the region of Central and North Alentejo, during the Late Neolithic and Chalcolithic.

Research paper thumbnail of Retour à Beg-er-Vil Nouvelles approches des chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de France atlantique

L'habitat mésolithique de Beg-er-Vil se manifeste par un niveau coquillier remarquablement préser... more L'habitat mésolithique de Beg-er-Vil se manifeste par un niveau coquillier remarquablement préservé, visible au sommet d'une falaise peu élevée de la côte sud de la presqu'île de Quiberon (Morbihan). Il a été fouillé sous la direction d'O. Kayser au cours des années 1980, et fait l'objet depuis 2012 d'une fouille extensive, afin d'anticiper sa probable destruction par l'érosion. Une étude des clichés aériens disponibles de 1932 à nos jours révèle les dynamiques érosives en oeuvre sur cette partie de la pointe de Beg-er-Vil, avec un recul de 6,4 ± 0,86 m sur son flanc nord. Les datations par le radiocarbone signalent une occupation relativement courte à la fin du VII e millénaire avant notre ère, sans intrusions ultérieures. Aussi représente-t-il un témoin unique des modes de vie des chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de la France atlantique, en particulier durant un accident climatique majeur de l'Holocène (8200 cal. BP). Une première reconstitution des paléopaysages littoraux est proposée, en tenant compte des travaux les plus récents qui placent le niveau marin entre − 15,5 et − 11 m sous l'actuel (soit une pleine mer de vive eau entre les isobathes − 7,15 et − 14,02 m des cartes marines). Les occupations mésolithiques sont bien préservées sous la dune, sur une épaisseur de 30 à 50 cm. L'ensemble du niveau coquillier est constitué de rejets d'activités : agrégats de terre préparée témoignant de l'aménagement de l'espace, fragments de cendres et matrice sédimentaire associée à des agrégats fortement chargée de charbons de bois, résultant d'activités foyères et esquilles de poissons et coquilles plus ou moins brûlées. Cette organisation témoigne donc d'un site finement stratifié avec des sols d'occupations conservés. Les activités y ont été variées, comme le révèlent aussi les structures aménagées : les fosses et une vaste zone de combustion sont à la base du niveau coquillier ; un niveau de petits blocs de granite rubéfiés associé à des coquilles d'huîtres plates jonche la totalité du site, en milieu de niveau archéologique. La grande diversité des restes fauniques marins et continentaux atteste d'un large spectre de préda-tion. L'étalement de leurs dates de capture ou de collecte autorise l'hypothèse d'occupations de longue durée tout au long de l'année, sans permettre toutefois de parler de sédentarité. L'industrie lithique est très homogène dans toutes les zones fouillées et de bas en haut de la couche. Elle est réalisée sur des galets de silex de très mauvaise qualité, récoltés assez loin de l'habitat lui-même. Une domination presque sans partage des bitroncatures symétriques confère son originalité à l'assemblage des armatures, tandis que les couteaux à dos sont présents dans l'outillage commun. Ces deux éléments caractérisent un faciès « Beg-er-Vil » du Téviecien, désormais bien calé à la fin du VII e millénaire avant notre ère. Abstract: The Mesolithic occupation of Beg-er-Vil is recorded as a well-preserved shell layer, visible at the top of a cliff on the Quiberon Peninsula (Morbihan). Firstly excavated by O. Kayser during the 1980s, the site has been the object an extensive excavation since 2012, in anticipation of its likely destruction by erosion. A study of the available aerial pictures (from 1932 to the present day) reveals the erosive processes taking place on this part of the Beg-er-Vil promontory, leading to retreat of 6.4 ± 0.86 m on the north side. The radiocarbon dates indicate a relatively short occupation at the end of the 7th millennium cal. BC, without any later intrusions. As such, this site represents a unique record of the lifestyles of maritime hunters-gatherers on the Atlantic seaboard of France, during a major climatic event (8200 cal. BP). We propose a preliminary reconstruction of the ancient coastal landscapes, by taking into account the most recent studies which place the sea level at between 15.5 and 11 m beneath the present datum (corresponding to a high tide mark between isobaths −7.15 and −14.02 m). The Mesolithic settlement is well protected under the dune, forming a 30 to 50 cm thick shell-layer. The whole layer is made up of waste from human activities: aggregates of prepared earth indicating a spatial arrangement,

Research paper thumbnail of O sepulcro megalítico dos Godinhos (Freixo, Redondo): usos e significados no âmbito do Megalitismo alentejano.

The results of the intervention at the megalithic tomb of Godinhos (Redondo) are presented here. ... more The results of the intervention at the megalithic tomb of Godinhos (Redondo) are presented here.
These are discussed within the regional human occupation, namely its funerary and settlement dynamics during the 4th and 3rd millennia BCE. Also, spacial focus is given to some findings, particularly the trapezoid microliths, compared with those collected in other tombs such as Cabeço da Areia and Rabuje 5. To be noted is the very likely foundation act in the tomb mound with three rock spheres. Finally, the reuse of the tomb in the late 3rd millennium is motif for some reflections, namely about a golden element.

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-typologie lithique et chronométrie du Mésolithique récent de la vallée du Sado : le cas de l’amas coquillier d’Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

Amoreiras, un amas coquillier de la vallée du Sado (sud du Portugal), fut considéré pendant des a... more Amoreiras, un amas coquillier de la vallée du Sado (sud du Portugal), fut considéré pendant des années un des sites les plus récents du complexe mésolithique du Sado ainsi qu’un lieu d’interactions entre les derniers chasseurs-cueilleurs et les groupes néolithiques. Cependant, l’industrie lithique restait mal connue et les données chronologiques et stratigraphiques, mal assurées. Nous présentons ici les résultats de l’analyse techno-typologique d’un assemblage lithique issu des premières fouilles d’Amoreiras dans les années 1950-1960.

Research paper thumbnail of Lithic Techno-Typology and Chronometry in the Late Mesolithic of the Sado Valley: the Case of Amoreiras Shell Midden (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

Amoreiras, a shell midden in the Sado valley (Southern Portugal), was during years considered one... more Amoreiras, a shell midden in the Sado valley (Southern Portugal), was during years considered one of the most recent sites of the Sado Mesolithic complex, and a place of interactions between the last hunter-gatherers and the Neolithic groups. Nevertheless, the data about the lithic industry was poorly known. The absolute chronology and the complexity of the stratigraphy were not analyzed in detail. In this paper, we present the results from a techno-typological analysis of a set of lithic materials recovered from the first excavations in Amoreiras during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

Research paper thumbnail of Geometric microliths as chronological and cultural markers in the Sado shell middens? Reflections from Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal)

The production of geometric microliths from bladelets has been identified as one of the main stra... more The production of geometric microliths from bladelets has been identified as one of the main strategies of lithic production during the Late Mesolithic in southwestern Portugal. The Sado shell middens generally possess an abundance of these tools, similarly to sites found in other regions. However, systematic lithic studies are still scarce. In this work, we discuss the value of the geometric microliths as chronological and cultural markers, through the analysis of lithic remains from Amoreiras shell midden (Alcácer do Sal). First, a formal characterization of this assemblage is performed. Second, a diachronic and cultural perspective of these materials in the Sado shell middens is provided. Finally, a comparison with other Late Mesolithic and the Early Neolithic assemblages from southwestern Iberia is presented. A set of lithic remains from Amoreiras, which was recovered in the 1950s and 1960s, was subject to a techno-typological analysis, following the assumptions of the ‘chaîne opératoire’. Also, a statistical analysis, including variance analysis, was performed. This work shows that the geometric microliths from Amoreiras clearly represent one of the main purposes for the debitage at this site, which presents an outstanding typological and size uniformity. The characteristics found by this study suggest the existence of a well-standardized production of geometric microliths. This production scheme would be more economic in terms of raw material requirements and production time-effort. The material and chronometrical data from Amoreiras contradicts the cultural uniformity perspective for this specific site and for the Sado shell middens in general. Moreover, in light of the presented data, a strict chrono-cultural significance of the segment dominance is difficult to sustain. Despite the standardized production and the importance given to geometric microliths, the data provided by the forms and their variations is still insufficient for a comprehensive approach to the social issues in the Sado valley, during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition.

Research paper thumbnail of Caçadores-recolectores no vale do Sado, ambiente, recursos e tecnologia lítica: o caso de Arapouco (Alcácer do Sal)

No vale do Sado, Arapouco apresenta-se como um sítio-chave para discussão das modalidades de impl... more No vale do Sado, Arapouco apresenta-se como um sítio-chave para discussão das modalidades de implantação e funcionamento do conjunto de concheiros do Mesolítico final, desta região. Perspectivas anteriores têm defendido o carácter especializado e temporário de Arapouco, no contexto deste complexo de concheiros, tratando-se do sítio mais a jusante até agora identificado e com maior abundância de restos de ictiofauna (ARNAUD 1989, 2000; GABRIEL 2010). A análise isotópica realizada sobre um esqueleto humano proveniente do concheiro de Arapouco demonstra a importância dos recursos marinhos, na dieta deste indivíduo (CUNHA & UMBELINO 2001). Não obstante, a cultura material deste sítio não foi alvo de estudo sistemático até à data, apesar da sua reconhecida importância para o conhecimento do povoamento e da paleo-economia pré-históricas. Neste sentido, a análise da indústria lítica de Arapouco afigurou-se como uma tarefa imperativa, apresentando-se aqui os primeiros resultados. Detectar na indústria lítica de Arapouco elementos específicos que conectem o sítio com a exploração especializada de recursos aquáticos constitui o objectivo central desta análise.

Research paper thumbnail of  Uma primeira abordagem comparativa aos concheiros em Portugal e Japão - dos últimos caçadores-recolectores aos primeiros produtores de alimentos nos extremos da Eurásia.

Research paper thumbnail of Tecno-tipologia lítica e cronometria no Mesolítico final do vale do Sado: o caso do concheiro das Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal)

"Available on: http://repositorio.ul.pt/handle/10451/7933 *** The shell midden of Amoreiras ... more "Available on:

The shell midden of Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal) has been traditionally integrated in several discussions about the Neolitization process in Southern Portugal, due to the attribution of a “recent” chronological character in the shell middens complex of the Sado valley. This situation has turned Amoreiras into a probable place of interactions between Mesolithic hunter-gatherer groups and the first agropastoralist communities. These assumptions emerged largely from the presence of cardial pottery in the lower levels of stratigraphy, culturally attributed to the Mesolithic, some late radiocarbon dates and a lithic industry briefly characterized by a majority of segments. It has been considered that the origin of this morphological type occurred in a later time in Southwest Iberia. Nevertheless, the radiocarbon date obtained from “skeleton 5” of Amoreiras and the evidence of a funerary occupation in the beginning of final Mesolithic opened the debate about the chronological and cultural framework of this site. The case of Amoreiras appeared to be an interesting point to start the analysis of the difficult relationship between material culture and chronological data from the Sado shell middens. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to provide a technological and typological analysis of the lithic industry of Amoreiras shell midden, recovered in the archaeological field works directed by Manuel Heleno, in mid-20th century, and subjected only to a preliminary characterization. On the other hand, it is intended to integrate the study of lithic remains in a diachronically and cultural perspective, by comparison with data from other Mesolithic and early Neolithic sites in Southwest Iberia. This view is complemented by a critical observation of the available data from absolute chronology for Amoreiras and other shell middens of the Sado valley, in respect to its reliability and chronological significance. This is considered an imperative task, taking into account the lack of relative chronology data able to provide a context to the material data."""

Research paper thumbnail of Análise tecno-tipológica das utensilagens geométricas do Concheiro das Amoreiras (S. Romão do Sado, Portugal) – escavações de Manuel Heleno (1955-66)

We present the preliminary results of technological and typological analysis of geometric microli... more We present the preliminary results of technological and typological analysis of geometric microliths collected from Amoreiras shell midden
(S. Romão do Sado, Alcácer do Sal, Portugal), more precisely, an area called “Prolongation of Survey A”, excavated by Manuel Heleno’s
team in the 1950s. This work will focus on morphological and typological variability, macro-fractures and social significance/symbolic value
of those remains. The aim of this text is to contribute for an approach oriented to detect technological and cultural particularities of this
artifact type production and to view those aspects from a diachronic point, by comparison with other Mesolithic and Neolithic contexts of
Southern Portugal.

Research paper thumbnail of Foliáceos ovóides e grandes pontas bifaciais nos povoados de S. Pedro (Redondo)

O sítio do S. Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo), ocupado entre os finais do 4º e inícios do 3º milénio a.... more O sítio do S. Pedro (Redondo, Alentejo), ocupado entre os finais do 4º e inícios do 3º milénio a.n.e, caracteriza-se por uma abundante componente artefactual em pedra lascada, sobretudo em xistos siliciosos e quartzitos. A partir de uma primeira abordagem tecno-tipológica a este conjunto lítico, é destacável a presença de utensílios foliáceos de talhe bifacial, prestando-se aqui um especial enfoque aos chamados “foliáceos ovóides” e “grandes pontas bifaciais” pela sua raridade no contexto neo-calcolítico da região alentejana.

Research paper thumbnail of Lithic materials in the Sado River’s shell middens – geological provenance and impact on site location.

This work presents a geological approach to the characterizattion of lithic materials collected a... more This work presents a geological approach to the characterizattion of lithic materials collected at the mesolithic Sado River's shellmidens, recognized between Alcácer and São Romão, 80 km SE of Lisbon. They contain abundant lithic materials from different lithologies, including mainly Siliceous Slates, Chert, Jasper and Quartz. A first look at the geological map pointed to a provenance from the Paleozoic terranes located close to the Torrão area, c. 20 km E of the occupation sites, or from the Quaternary terraces along the Sado river. However, regional geological field studies and the detailed analysis of both the raw and transformed lithic materials, led to a different conclusion. Most, if not all, of the lithic materials may have been collected in Paleogene conglomerates covering the region between Torrão and Alc The comparison between the regional extension of these conglomerates and of the shellmiddens, points to the "material availability" as a crucial factor for its location along the Sado River.

Research paper thumbnail of Techno-typologie lithique et chronométrie au Mésolithique final de la vallée du Sado: le cas de l’amas coquillier d’Amoreiras (Alcácer do Sal, Portugal).

Research paper thumbnail of Ibn Ammar (Lagoa, Algarve): Uma ocupação do Neolítico antigo em gruta

Research paper thumbnail of Caçadores-recolectores no vale do Sado, ambiente, recursos e tecnologia lítica: o caso de Arapouco (Alcácer do Sal)


Research paper thumbnail of Uma primeira abordagem comparativa aos concheiros em Portugal e Japão: dos últimos caçadores-recolectores aos primeiros produtores de alimentos nos extremos da Eurásia

Research paper thumbnail of Os concheiros através dos artefactos: questões e problemas para o estudo do Mesolítico final no Centro e Sul de Portugal

Research paper thumbnail of Concheiros - um fenómeno da Pré-história a conhecer

Presentation to general public about shell middens,mainly in Mesolithic

Research paper thumbnail of Análise tecno-tipológica das utensilagens geométricas do concheiro das Amoreiras (S. Romão do Sado, Portugal) – escavações de M. Heleno

Através da análise tecno-tipológica dos materiais líticos provenientes da sondagem A (prolongamen... more Através da análise tecno-tipológica dos materiais líticos provenientes da sondagem A (prolongamento) do concheiro das Amoreiras (S. Romão do Sado, Alcácer do Sal), dirigida por Manuel Heleno, pretende-se caracterizar um abundante conjunto depositado há longo tempo no Museu Nacional de Arqueologia, dando particular atenção a aspectos respeitantes aos micrólitos geométricos, nomeadamente:
- a variabilidade tipológica no seio deste concheiro;
- a detecção de macro-fracturas relacionadas com a sua utilização como projécteis;
- a relação desta utensilagem com os restantes elementos da indústria lítica;
- as tipologias e o seu significado social/valor simbólico.
Nesse sentido, constitui objectivo discutir os parâmetros de análise necessários para uma abordagem que permita a detecção de particularidades tecnológicas e culturais inerentes à produção deste tipo de artefactos e que se pretende observar de um ponto de vista diacrónico, através da comparação com os dados conhecidos de outros sítios mesolíticos (Poças de S. Bento, Várzea da Mó e Cabeço do Rebolador) e neolíticos (Valada do Mato). Com efeito, os mais recentes dados respeitantes ao concheiro das Amoreiras têm evidenciado uma diacronia de ocupação maior do que se supunha, abarcando uma fase bastante precoce dentro das cronologias absolutas disponíveis para o Mesolítico final do Vale do Sado (finais do 7º/ inícios do 6º milénio cal AC). Por outro lado, importa atestar, de um ponto de vista da cultura material, a hipótese de este se tratar de um lugar de integração de elementos neolíticos num contexto mesolítico.

Research paper thumbnail of A presença da decoração "falsa folha de acácia" nas cerâmicas do Neolítico antigo - o caso do Abrigo Grande das Bocas (Rio Maior, Portugal)

A “falsa folha de acácia” consiste num dos motivos decorativos mais recorrentes entre os conjunto... more A “falsa folha de acácia” consiste num dos motivos decorativos mais recorrentes entre os conjuntos cerâmicos do Neolítico antigo da Estremadura Portuguesa. Contudo, a designação, embora estabelecida na terminologia arqueológica, não se encontra bem definida e as ambiguidades no seu uso são evidentes. Partindo de um estudo sobre a presença deste motivo nas cerâmicas da “camada 2” do Abrigo Grande das Bocas (Rio Maior, Santarém), o presente trabalho procura avaliar algumas questões como a pertinência da designação, as técnicas aplicadas na execução, a variabilidade formal e a dispersão do motivo na região estremenha.

Research paper thumbnail of Before the spatial analysis of Beg-er-Vil: A journey through the multiple archaeological dimensions of a Mesolithic dwelling in Atlantic France

Journal of Archaeological Science : Reports, 2018

The Beg-er-Vil coastal site (Quiberon, Morbihan, France), initially excavated in the 1980s, and m... more The Beg-er-Vil coastal site (Quiberon, Morbihan, France), initially excavated in the 1980s, and more extensively since 2012, is exposed to strong marine and anthropic erosion. At the present time, the main challenge is to define the status of the site by describing its formation dynamics. This necessitates investigating the taphonomic and erosive mechanisms using a combined method adapted to the shell midden levels, before undertaking spatial analysis. The archaeological level is protected by a thick dune and is subdivided into several stratigraphic units (SU), which record several changes in the function of the site. It is made up of accumulations of shell pockets covered in sandy sediments. The micromorphological analysis shows that this waste area seems to develop into an area of activities and movement. These surfaces also record alternating dry and wet seasonal conditions, but with no phase of abandonment. Systematic pH measurements show variations of 7.7 to 9.0 depending on the layers, corresponding to a slightly alkaline to alkaline acid-basic status. The mapping of measurements can be correlated to structures and archaeological remains of organic origin. The excavation shows that the division of the dwelling area was guided by topographic factors, with a circular dwelling 3.50 m in diameter installed on a flat zone and a shell waste zone on a slope towards the sea. Numerous fire-related activities were also carried out in this zone (pits, hearths). Spatial analysis by GIS shows a high concentration of recorded objects (lithics, bones, shells) to the west of the excavated area, in the shell level. Marine erosion is the main erosive factor limiting our knowledge of the site. The distance to the coastline was estimated after reconstruction of the relative sea level during the Holocene using the “Sea-Level Index Points” (SLIPs) methodology. Three SLIPs indicate a relative sea-level position between -15.5 m and -11 m and a foreshore area at a depth between -7.15 and -14.02 m around 6200 BC. This paleogeographic reconstruction approach indicates that the site of Beg-er-Vil was located a few hundred to a few kilometres from the coastline.

Research paper thumbnail of Retour à Beg-er-Vil. Nouvelles approches des chasseurs-cueilleurs maritimes de France atlantique

The Mesolithic site of Beg-er-Vil is a well-preserved level, visible at the top of a cliff of the... more The Mesolithic site of Beg-er-Vil is a well-preserved level, visible at the top of a cliff of the Quiberon Peninsula (Morbihan). Firstly excavated by O. Kayser during 1980s, the site is the object since 2012 of an extensive excavation, to anticipate its likely destruction by the erosion. A study of the available aerial pictures (from 1932 to our days) reveals the erosive dynamics in progress on this part of the Beg-er-Vil cap, with a backward drop of 6,4 +/- 0,86 m on the north side. The radiocarbon dates indicate a relatively short occupation at the end of the 7th millennium cal BC, without later intrusions. So it represents a unique witness of the maritime hunters-gatherers lifestyles of Atlantic France, during a major climatic event (8200 cal BP). A first reconstruction of the ancient coastal landscapes is proposed, by taking into account the most recent works which place the marine level between 15,5 and 11 m under the actual (high tide between isobaths -7,15 and -14,02 m). The Mesolithic settlement is well protected under the dune on a thickness from 30 to 50 cm. The whole level is constituted by rejections of activities: aggregates of prepared earth testifying of the space layout, fragments of ashes and sedimentary matrix strongly charged with charcoals, resulting from hearth activities, fish bones and more or less burned shells. This organization testifies of a finely stratified site with preserved grounds. The activities were varied there, as also reveal the structures: pits and a big combustion area zone on the base of the shell layer and a vast blocks spreading in the middle of the archaeological level. The great diversity of marine and continental faunal remains attests to a broad spectrum of predation. Long-term occupations throughout the year could be possible considering the times of capture or collecting. The lithic industry is very homogeneous in all excavated areas and from bottom to top layer. It is realised on flint pebbles of very poor quality, harvested enough away from the habitat itself. The symmetrical trapezes are the main arrowheads, while the backed knives are present in the common tools. These two elements characterize the Teviecian ("Beg-er-Vil" type) with very good radiocarbon date at the end of the 7 th millennium cal BC.