The No-Cry Sleep Solution (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inThe No-Cry Sleep Solution's LiveJournal:

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Wednesday, July 11th, 2007
_11:45 pm_[sandramort] ( sleep problems with an older child... let me know if I should delete this bc it's too far OTCollapse ) (Comment on this)
Thursday, April 20th, 2006
_8:45 am_[lovey_dorlaque] Week Two progress After all of this progress, two nights of 105 degree fever...( Read more...Collapse ) (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, April 17th, 2006
_11:03 am_[lovey_dorlaque] Weekend update1 So, he's getting adjusted to his new sleep time drifting off on his own, on a day that I ran behind schedule...but quickly awoke alerting me he didn't find his highchair as comfy wishing to be moved to the family bed. Well, he didn't say this, but I read his cues. ( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Friday, April 14th, 2006
_6:58 pm_[lovey_dorlaque] Day Two Joey awoke at 7:30(two hours earlier partially due to his daddy noise getting ready for work)this morning, but I was able to booby coax him back into bed for another 15 minutes. His mid-afternoon nap was interrupted by his father's early return from work, so we're still not close to the minimum of 2 naptime hours.( Read more...Collapse ) (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, April 13th, 2006
_8:23 pm_[lovey_dorlaque] Sleep Plan of Action Day One of 30 After rereading a few chapters, I noted that my son is grossly sleep deprived as he gets really cranky,whiny,and aggressive mid-morning. According to NCSS for toddlers and preschoolers, my 20-month old son should averagely nap for 2-3 hours total between one or two naptimes. He only napped once today for 1 hour and 25 minutes. ( Read more...Collapse ) (Comment on this)
Wednesday, April 12th, 2006
_11:09 pm_[lovey_dorlaque] I just joined even though this community seems a bit deserted. I have copies of both the original and the toddler version of the NCSS and am seeking mothers (and fathers) motivated to do the same. My son is 20 months old expecting my second son early-mid May. I currently co-sleep and my son still requires a lot of coaxing rocking attention before naptime and I often nurse him to sleep at bedtime. I really don't mind it, but I will have two babies at home. So, I anticipate posting plan of action and progress. Hopefully, not falling on deaf ears. (6 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, October 24th, 2005
_10:26 pm_[bobbiewriting] No Sleep For Me Solutions. Ok We got the book. We read the book. We liked some of the ideas & we are currently trying them. We've got a bedtime routine. But honestly it seems since we have really been adhereing to it our son has begun to rebel sleep even more! Then last night after moving his bathtime up to 7:30 (for the past 3 days), he went to sleep at 8:30 like clock work. We shared a smile tonight when he nodded off again at 8:30. Maybe it's working! We mistakenly thought. Mistakenly I say because at 9:00 my son was stirring and despite a speedy response and immediate rocking/nursing, he was WIDE awake. I'm talking the kid started "dancing" in my arms and then proceeded to sit up and "talk" to his daddy (probably telling him what an ass Mommy was for trying to persuade him back to sleep ;o). I honestly don't mind night wakings with my son. I hold them very near and dear to my heart because during those times only I can comfort him the way he wants to be comforted. I need that feeling (we had a rough time with bfeeding & sadly never conquered our troubles & when I say nursing now I mean bottles with expressed bmilk) it makes me feel connected to him in that special way a mother is connected to her children. However, I am starting to get frayed around the edges wtih his short nap times & inconsistent bedtimes. We get all ready for bed & then he decides no, it isn't time just yet. During the day I get him to sleep initially for his naps no problem, but then after 20 to 30 minutes he pops right up again and we spend another 20 minutes rocking or nursing (with him "singing") back to sleep and sometimes it works and he gets a good hour in and sometimes he is awake as soon as he hits the bed. But it seems if I hold him or we nap together he would sleep as long as I was there. Should I just give up trying to get him to nap alone (& have a little time to myself for writing etc.) & just sleep whenever he does (I"m not totally opposed to this idea ;o)? He typically is a happy, curious fellow, but on a bad nap day he is miserable (& so is mommy). Also it is hard to do teh things in her book because I have to work 2 days a week & it is never the same 2 days (my mom is a nurse and does 3, 12 hr shifts that rotate, she is my babysitter so I work whatever her off days are in a week) on those days we don't even get home until 8pm. As for nighttime, I miss having a little time wiht my hubby. Just a little. We're not greedy anymore. Thirty minutes. Ten minutes. Heck Five would be a good start ;o). I adore my son & his strong personality just hoping to find a little bit of balance in our chaotic world. Has anyone successfully used the ideas in the book and what kind of time span are we looking at? Did your kids do strange things like ours? Thanks in advance for any ideas/suggestions. Current Mood: NUTS (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Sunday, October 2nd, 2005
_12:18 pm_[luna24] EC Is anyone in this community practiceing EC with your little one and if so, how is the NCSS working for you as far as the pottying. Generally I don't practice EC during the night and just use a disposable diaper, so nights really aren't an issue. It's the nap times during the day that have me a little puzzled. Do I just use a disposable at nap times as well and not do EC. Only do it during awake times? But then how does the little one ignore the need to go potty and just go to sleep? Right now my little one, Colin (6 months), is getting over cold, so we're not pushing anything with the sleep, but as soon as he gets better we're going to go all out with the sleep logs and everything... We all need better sleep... So, yeah, that's the question. I notice that this journal isn't updated very much, but I'd like to hear some feedback as far as how things went (are going?) for everyone.TIA!Chrysteen and Colin (5 Comments |Comment on this)
Sunday, June 12th, 2005
_7:20 pm_[red_dawn] Hi, I just discovered this community. My son is an absolutely awful sleeper and we're getting desperate (8 Comments |Comment on this)
Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
_12:08 pm_[supergirl_04] My son's been an atrocious sleeper and I've been working on breaking the several-bottles-a-night habit (he's almost 2!). My pediatrician advised that I go cold-turkey and let my son scream it out for 3-7 nights. But, that was not going to fly for a single mom.I've found that consistency of bed time routine and putting him back in the same position that he woke from, has helped a lot. (of course, he sleeps with me, so I am able to do this within moments of the waking up)Also cottage cheese seems to be his preferred bedtime snack, which I think must also help him sleep soundly. (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Monday, September 27th, 2004
_3:04 pm_[livemockingbird] Does anyone read this community anymore?I really need some advice---but, it seems like maybe this community has waned. Before I write a post, I'm just checking. (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, July 1st, 2004
_8:36 am_[supergirl_04] I am happy to see the previous post. Echoing her concerns, advice from experience on how to get your baby to sleep through the night without a bottle would be helpful.I just bought the book but havent read it yet.My son is (cringe) 19 months old (!!!!) and still wants 4 or 5 bottles a night.FIRST of all - I have spent 17 months getting up every two hours for a bottle (weaned at 2 months from breast feeding). Talk about sleep deprivation.SECOND of all - I, too, am worried about his teeth. He wont take water as a substitute. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
_9:28 am_[calesmom] No one has posted here since March so I hope there are people who still read this. Anyways, I have a 4 month old son. He was doing great sleeping through the night. But then he started waking up about 6 times a night. I figured it was the pacifier so I weaned him off of it. That has helped a lot. He now wakes up about twice a night to eat. That's what I need help with. How do I get him to sleep without feeding him or rocking him? He cries if I just put him in his crib even if he's really tired. I don't want to let him cry. However I also don't want his teeth to rot. He's bottlefed. I know he's big enough to where he doesn't need the food at night. Also I still swaddle him. He still seems to need that. I will probably wean him off of that soon also. He can roll over now and I hate the thought of him in there with the blanket. Any advice? (2 Comments |Comment on this)
Saturday, March 27th, 2004
_10:44 am_[daisan] Any advice is appreciated!!! So one of the main things I've learned in trying to get my 10 month old son to sleep every night is that when he's tired he'll sleep and when he's not, he won't.It seems so obvious that it's not worth stating, yet none of the sleep books discuss the fact that you can't FORCE a child to sleep. They all say "wait for the window" when he's tired but not quite asleep, and try to get him to sleep then. But what if that window only comes at 11 pm?Seriously. I was trying my hardest from 7:30 pm last night to get my son to sleep. Rocking, nursing, singing, patting his back in his crib...all the tricks, all the routines we always go through, and he was just wide awake. So I gave up at 10 pm and brought him downstairs to play while I took a much needed rest on the couch.At 11 pm my husband carried him upstairs, put him in his crib, and he fell asleep.JUST LIKE THAT!So should I keep him up till 11 pm every night? Aren't babies supposed to go down at 8 pm? Incidentally, he's still sleeping, and it's 10:30 am. How do I get him to be tired at 8 pm so he wakes up at 8 am? I've tried cutting out his naps, shortening his naps, and waking him up early in the morning, even after he goes to sleep after 11 pm, but nothing seems to make him tired earlier.Should I stop forcing him onto some arbitrary schedule? Maybe other babies go to sleep at 8 but ours is supposed to stay up later.Oh, my husband just suggested that it might be jet lag. We returned from Australia on Monday night. But whatever the do I get him to sleep from 8 to 8? (3 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, March 11th, 2004
_7:36 pm_[starling321] Bed Time I have been trying to move my child's bedtime sooner. He getssleepy and falls asleep at around 7 to 7:30, I put him to sleep. Hewakes up after about 20 minutes. After about an hour or so oftrying to get him to go back to sleep, he wakes himself up fully.Then he doesn't get back to sleep until about 11:30!This is getting frustrating in the extreme and results in even lesssleep for the both of us. What can I do?Right now I want to give up and just call it a small nap and let goto sleep naturally around 9:30 or so. (Comment on this)
Wednesday, March 10th, 2004
_9:32 pm_[cd1024] Hello, all... Thought I would introduce myself since I'm new to your community. I'm Sara, 22, from VA, USA. I have a beautiful and healthy 10 month-old baby girl. The problem? SHE WILL NOT SLEEP AT NIGHT! Someone please help me! My husband and I are losing our minds... She wakes up aprox. every 2 hours screaming bloody murder, and we live in a townhouse with a neighbor on one side, so letting her cry and cry is not really an option. She wants to be held/rocked or given a bottle to suck on (not really to drink). The weird thing is that she isn't hungry, doesn't use a pacifier, isn't sick. I swear to you that she's just lonely. Anyway, I am willing to try almost anything. If someone could please help I would be forever greatful! (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
_8:58 am_[rupie_zum] New community moderator/maintainer needed I'm rarely online these days, and am not able to devote a lot of attention to this community. I am looking for someone to take over as community moderator/maintainer. Interested parties, please reply in comments or email at me rupie_zum(AT)livejournal(DOT)com. (4 Comments |Comment on this)
Thursday, January 22nd, 2004
_5:19 pm_[mymorbiddemise] Sleeping problem... Okay, my son used to sleep like a pro. He had his routines, he knew nap time was good, he could get himself to sleep all by himself. It was every parents dream. Well, then I had to go back to work, and my husband took over taking care of Jeffrey. For some reason my husband could not get him to sleep. So now it's very hard to get Jeffrey to sleep. I have no idea what to do. I don't want to go the whole "crying it out" route, but sometimes I feel like it's the only way. He wakes up a lot at night, too. Comments anyone? Please?x-posted in active_babies, altparents, badparents, dep_parents, newparent, nocrysleep, basically cross posted like mad! I need help. (Comment on this)
_11:16 am_[redegg] Update on No Cry Sleep Solution progress Thanks so much for all of the responses I got from folks last week when I posted about using the No Cry Sleep Solution with my co-sleeping and breastfeeding almost-9-month-old son. I just wanted to update the groups on how it's going.I've now been applying the following method for 10 days (which is the length to give a trial suggested in the book):-- established a good bedtime routine-- using the "Pantley Pull-off" when he nurses to sleep-- turning my back to him for at least part of the nightWith just these three things, he has gone from waking several times during the night to nurse to waking only *once* during the last two nights. I can hardly believe it! Needless to say, I'm totally stoked, and really convinced that the NCSS is a good method that is compatible with the attached parenting philosophy.There are still specifics we need to figure out, but overall I'm very encouraged by how it's going. :-)(Cross-posted to attachedparents and nocrysleep.) Current Mood: happy (Comment on this)
Thursday, January 15th, 2004
_2:46 pm_[redegg] Co-sleeping and breastfeeding I've finally gotten serious about the No-Cry Sleep Solution. DH and I just aren't getting enough time alone together, and I'm not always getting enough rest, so baby needs to learn how to go back to sleep during the night without being nursed. We still plan on co-sleeping.My question is this: are there any other moms here who breastfeed and co-sleep? Have you found anything to be particularly useful when training baby not to need the breast whenever he wakes up during the night? My little guy is almost 9 months, so he doesn't necessarily need to eat during the night out of hunger, and it's pretty obvious that it's just a comfort thing at this point.So far, I've had mixed results with "the Pantley pull-off," where I wait until the sucking winds down, then place my finger in his mouth to break the suction to pull him off of the breast. We often go through this many times before he will fall back to sleep without needing to nurse some more. Has this method worked for anyone here? If so, how long did it take before your baby was able to sleep without waking up and wanting to nurse?Any additional ideas or success stories are very welcome. :-)(Cross-posting to attachedparents and nocrysleep.) Current Mood: curious (1 Comment |Comment on this)

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