Yogiana Mulyani | Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan (original) (raw)
Papers by Yogiana Mulyani
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tou... more The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tourism sector, one of which is the tourist village. The recovery of tourist villages during Covid-19 relies heavily on the role of the Tourism Awareness Community (Pokdarwis). However, the role of the Tourism Awareness Community in the development of tourist villages during Covid-19 is still not clearly discussed. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the tourism village development strategy during COVID-19 by the Tourism Awareness Community in the Teritip Village, Balikpapan-Indonesia. This study uses the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) method, which is a method for determining the priority of alternative strategies obtained from a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). The results showed that the position of the Tourism Awareness Community was in quadrant V (Hold and Maintain), namely market penetration and product development strategies. That is,...
Kue sus (Choux paste) merupakan kue yang memiliki tekstur lembut yang berongga pada bagian tengah... more Kue sus (Choux paste) merupakan kue yang memiliki tekstur lembut yang berongga pada bagian tengahnya, sehingga rongga pada bagian tengah tersebut bisa diisi dengan beraneka jenis isian dan topping baik gurih maupun rasa manis. Produk kue eclairs yang akan dikembangkan agar semakin dikenal dan digemari oleh masyarakat Balikpapan. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan gizi eclairs maka perlunya penambahan sayuran yang memiliki serat dan vitamin yang lengkap, salah satu contoh sayuran tersebut adalah tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan formulasi resep kue eclairs dengan substitusi tepung daun kelor. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pengembangan resep eclairs dengan substitusi tepung daun kelor sebagai kue yang bergizi, mempraktekkan resep eclairs dan tepung daun kelor, dan mendeskripsikan hasil uji sensori terhadap resep eclairs dengan substitusi tepung daun kelor. Jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Penelitian ini melibatkan 25 mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan jurusan Tata Boga. Hasil uji hedonik disimpulkan bahwa produk F3 dengan penambahan tepung kelor 15% pada pembuatan éclair dengan nilai rata-rata (3.58) yang berarti panelis suka. Hasil uji mutu hedonic, disimpulkan bahwa hasil rata-rata tertinggi yang didapatkan pada penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek warna (3.12) yang menyatakan sangat berwarna hijau lumut, pada penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek aroma (3.52) yang menyatakan beraroma daun kelor, pada penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek tekstur (3.44) yang menyatakan bertekstur renyah ,dan penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek rasa (3.60) yang menyatakan sangat berasa daun kelor.
The development of tourist villages is one of the strategic programs in national development, esp... more The development of tourist villages is one of the strategic programs in national development, especially in the tourism sector. Good management of tourist villages will encourage the implementation of sustainable tourism and improve the community's economy. Although the management of the Teritip Tourism Village already has the legality from the tourism office of the Balikpapan City Youth, Sports and Tourism Office (Disporapar), they still have limitations related to governance and institutional management of the tourist village. Therefore, this village development program aims to strengthen the Teritip Tourism Village's governance and institutional management. The village development method in the Teritip sub-district includes counselling, technical skills (technical assistance / TA), and post-technical skills assistance (post-TA) in managing tourism villages. The results of this village development program produce outputs in the form of the availability of an organizational...
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tou... more The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tourism sector, one of which is the tourist village. The recovery of tourist villages during Covid-19 relies heavily on the role of the Tourism Awareness Community (Pokdarwis). However, the role of the Tourism Awareness Community in the development of tourist villages during Covid-19 is still not clearly discussed. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the tourism village development strategy during COVID-19 by the Tourism Awareness Community in the Teritip Village, Balikpapan-Indonesia. This study uses the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) method, which is a method for determining the priority of alternative strategies obtained from a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). The results showed that the position of the Tourism Awareness Community was in quadrant V (Hold and Maintain), namely market penetration and product development strategies. That is,...
Integration of Education, Mar 30, 2022
Introduction. Changes in the industry impact the stable condition of working in a company or indu... more Introduction. Changes in the industry impact the stable condition of working in a company or industry and it is not something that can be guaranteed again in the future. The proof is that there are many phenomena of job transfers or even layoffs in various business sectors due to COVID-19 pandemic. Many studies have examined the importance of developing career adaptability skills to face the changing needs of the industry. However, studies that discuss the mechanism of forming career adaptability skills involving important antecedent factors such as teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy of polytechnic students are still limited. Therefore, this study aims at examining the effect of teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy factors on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Materials and Methods. This study involved 265 students at a polytechnic in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The students expressed their perceptions of the quality of their internship learning, social support, and career selfefficacy-data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling by Amos 18 software. Results. This study reveals that teaching quality and social support does not have a direct effect on career adaptability skills. Meanwhile, career self-efficacy has a direct effect on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Other findings, teaching quality and social support have a direct effect on the career self-efficacy of polytechnic students. Finally, career self-efficacy mediates the effect of teaching quality and social support on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Discussion and Conclusion. This study provides important implications for the development of learning in vocational education so that students have a good mastery of career adaptability skills. Vocational education practitioners must design a vocational teaching model that combines vocational teaching, social support, and career self-efficacy to form mastery of career adaptability skills for pop-polytechnic students. In addition, the development of a vocational education curriculum needs to include mastery of career adaptability skills for students in vocational education, be it vocational high schools or polytechnics. In further research, it is necessary to develop a vocational learning model that aims to inculcate career adaptability skills for vocational students.
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SEPAKAT), 2019
Sumber listrik fasilitas umum Taman Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Balikpapan yang digunakan sebagai... more Sumber listrik fasilitas umum Taman Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Balikpapan yang digunakan sebagai tempat wisata sangat tergantung sumber PLN mengakibatkan masalah krisis energi listrik. Tujuan kegiatan ini mendiseminasikan produk teknologi smart bench dengan pembangkitan listrik solar cell yang berfungsi sebagai tempat duduk dan tempat pengisian daya perangkat elektronik handphone serta sebagai sumber listrik lampu penerangan sehingga meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menggunakan taman sebagai area wisata dalam kota. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini yaitu penerapan teknologi solar cell untuk suplai energi listrik fasilitas bangku taman, sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada mitra mengenai pengoperasian smart bench, penyuluhan tentang pemetaan potensi wisata taman kota. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah tersedianya alat produk bangku taman multifungsi sebagai tempat duduk, station charge perangkat handphone serta sebagai sumber penerangan area taman. Selain itu adanya peningkatan pengetahuan mitra dalam identifikasi potensi wisata taman di kota Balikpapan.
Jurnal Abdimas Mahakam, 2019
Usaha laundry merupakan suatu usaha yang saat ini mulai berkembang di Balikpapan. Laundry menjadi... more Usaha laundry merupakan suatu usaha yang saat ini mulai berkembang di Balikpapan. Laundry menjadi kebutuhan bagi warga Balikpapan yang memiliki jadwal padat sehingga tidak punya waktu lebih untuk mencuci. Komunitas Laundry Balikpapan (KLB) merupakan suatu komunitas yang didirikan untuk menjadi wadah bagi pengusaha-pengusaha laundry di Balikpapan. Salah satu permasalahan yang ditemui di KLB adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang pentingnya memperhatikan keselamatan, keamanan kerja (K3) dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan sehari-hari. Pelaksanaan pelatihan meliputi pemberian materi, pengisian kuesioner pre dan post test, serta praktek langsung pelaksanaan K3 di Laundry di Hotel Novotel Balikapan. Peserta berjumlah 22 orang yang merupakan pekerja dan pemilik usaha laundry yang tergabung dalam KLB. Berdasarkan pre-post tes yang diberikan, pengetahuan peserta meningkat dan setelah melaksanakan pelatihan K3 di Unit Laundry Novotel Balikpapan, peserta semakin paham mengenai pelaksanan K3 di tempat us...
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan), 2015
This research is quantitative research. This research is aimed to design the Activity Based Costi... more This research is quantitative research. This research is aimed to design the Activity Based Costing and determine Unit Cost of educational services to students per course of study.
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan), 2016
Balikpapan East Kalimantan as an economic barometer Kalimantan even continue to grow especially i... more Balikpapan East Kalimantan as an economic barometer Kalimantan even continue to grow especially in the sector of tourism support the hospitality industry. End of 2015, the number of hotels in Balikpapan 75 units. This figure rose to 80 units in 2016. (Disporabudpar Balikpapan, 2015). Hotel presence contributes directly to employment. Not only Balikpapan, but a number of cities in East Kalimantan even outside of Borneo, such as Java and Sulawesi. State Polytechnic Balikpapan is the only campus in Kalimantan, which organizes lectures majoring in culinary Diploma III. Every year 40 students graduated / I since 2013. One of the flagship program of the Department of cookery is the delivery service Job Training (PKL) in the hospitality industry, catering and restaurant for six months. PKL service student success cookery State Polytechnic Balikpapan should be measured by various indicators of services during the performance management vendors by involving the industry as a user of the service. From the results of recent research shows that the quality of student services PKL majors Catering, Polytechnic of Balikpapan in 2015 rated satisfactory by the street vendors (the hotel industry and catering) for the nine attributes of service that is dependability, attitude, personality, quantity, adaptability, quality, Job Knowledge and grooming has average ratings of at least 3.2 (in the satisfactory category). While three other service attributes attendance, initiative, and discipline unsatisfactory. Has a sufficiently low value or below 3.2 (in the satisfactory category). This is in line with the IPA matrix analysis results where there are four elements that are considered important by the hotel management but did not provide the satisfaction of attendance, Initiative, discipline and job knowledge.
Sarwahita, 2022
Mentawir Tourism Village is a tourism village located in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. Th... more Mentawir Tourism Village is a tourism village located in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. This Tourism Village has “Pokdarwis” (Tourism Awarness Group) which has been formally confirmed by the head Department of Culture and Tourism in Penajam Paser Utara on August 7, 2019. However, the development of the Mentawir Tourism Village has not been maximized so it is necessary to empower more of the Pokdarwis Tiram Tambun to strengthen the management and promotion of the Mentawir Tourism Village. Several problems occurred in the Mentawir Tourism Village such as the lack of ability to manage the Pokdarwis Tiram Tambun institutions that were ineffective, inefficient and intransparent. They are also incapable to promote through various media and product of breakfast menu in their own homestay. The approachment methods used in this activities including socialization, training and mentoring. The results of these activities including the knowledge and skills of the management and members of...
Abstrak : Masih diterapkannya sistem akuntansi secara manual serta belum disusun dan disajikannya... more Abstrak : Masih diterapkannya sistem akuntansi secara manual serta belum disusun dan disajikannya laporan keuangan yang mengacu pada aturan yang berlaku di Indonesia seperti yang tertuang dalam Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) menyebabkan banyaknya kendala yang ditemui di Edotel Balikpapan. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dari sistem infomasi akuntansi, kebijakan akuntansi dan penyajian laporan keuangan yang diterapkan pada Edotel Balikpapan sebagai Hotel Training di SMK Negeri 4 Balikpapan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi kasus. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan utama, yaitu : wawancara, observasi dan telaah dokumen, kemudian di analisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem akuntansi, kebijakan akuntansi dan penyajian laporan keuangan yang di...
Journal of Technical education and training, 2017
This study aims to determine the perception of the importance of soft skill competency investment... more This study aims to determine the perception of the importance of soft skill competency investment, soft skill competency need, soft skill competency learning process, and work absorption of the apprentices in Balikpapan hospitality industry. This study uses mixed method approach with sequential explanatory strategy. The first, third, and fourth objectives were achieved using a qualitative approach, while the second objective uses a quantitative approach. The qualitative data was analysed using the Interactive Model Analysis method. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics method. The results revealed that the investment of soft skill competency is essential and becomes the necessary capital of a person in actualizing himself to work mainly in the implementation of the apprenticeship program. Ten priority needs of soft skill competency in F&B Production section on apprenticeship program in Balikpapan hospitality industry sector include ability to co...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis posisi strategis komunitas Balikpapan Foodies dalam p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis posisi strategis komunitas Balikpapan Foodies dalam pengembangan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan, dan merumuskan strategi komunitas Balikpapan Foodies dalam pengembangan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) yaitu sebuah metode untuk menentukan prioritas alternatif strategi yang diperoleh dari analisa SWOT (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities dan Threats). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi Balikpapan Foodies berada pada Kuadran II ( grow and build ) yaitu strategi pertumbuhan komunitas. Strategi tersebut bermakna bahwa untuk mengoptimalkan peran Balikpapan Foodies dalam pengembangan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan maka diperlukan penguatan anggota, kelembagaan, dan kreatifitas program komunitas dalam mengembangkan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan. Alternatif strategi untuk pengembangan wisata kuliner yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Balikpapan Foodies...
This study aims to analyze the strategic position of the Balikpapan Foodies community for the dev... more This study aims to analyze the strategic position of the Balikpapan Foodies community for the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan, and to formulate Balikpapan Foodies community strategy for the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan. This research uses QSPM method (Quantitative Method of Strategic Planning). QSPM is a method for determining alternative strategic priorities obtained from SWOT analysis (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).The results show that Balikpapan Foodies position is in Quadrant II (grow and build), which is community growth strategy. The strategy means that to optimize the role of Balikpapan Foodies for the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan, it is necessary to strengthen the members, institutional, and creativity of community programs to develop culinary tourism in Balikpapan. Alternative strategy for the development of culinary tourism conducted by the Balikpapan Foodies community successively is develop a local culin...
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk (1) menganalisis posisi strategis Prodi Tata Boga; dan (2) meru... more Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk (1) menganalisis posisi strategis Prodi Tata Boga; dan (2) merumuskan strategi peningkatan mutu lulusan Program Studi Tata Boga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode QSPM ( Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix ) yaitu sebuah metode untuk menentukan prioritas alternatif strategi yang diperoleh dari analisa SWOT (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities dan Threats). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil analisis IE dapat diketahui bahwa posisi Prodi Tata Boga berada pada Kuadran V ( hold and maintain ) dengan nilai kordinat (2.606, 2.950) yang berarti sebaiknya dikelola dengan strategi penetrasi dan pengembangan. Sedangkan hasil analisa QSPM menunjukkan bahwa prioritas strategi untuk peningkatan mutu lulusan secara berturut-turut yaitu peningkatan akreditasi prodi (19.87), memperluas kerjasama (19.32), inisiasi unit produksi (19.1), evaluasi kurikulum (18.61), pengembangan kualitas SDM (18.09), pengusulan hibah sarpras...
Journal of Applied Community Engagement
Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Mentawir Kabupaten panajam Paser Utara dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat... more Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Mentawir Kabupaten panajam Paser Utara dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Tiram Tambun. Dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Mentawir salah satu persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi adalah tersedianya sarana akomodasi atau penginapan yang memadai dalam bentuk homestay. Pokdarwis Tiram Tambun sudah mulai mengembangkan beberapa rumah tempat tinggalnya untuk bisa dijadikan homestay. Namun demikian kurangnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki tentang homestay menyebabkan tidak maksimalnya pengelolaan yang dilakukan. Oleh karenanya dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada Pokdawis Tiram Tambun tentang pengelolaan homestay. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan adanya peningkatan wawasan serta bertambahnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan akan pengelolaan homestay yang ditunjukan dengan penambahan jumlah homestay serta adanya usaha untuk memenuhi beberapa standar kriteria homestay.
Consistency between the concept of education and training in the academic scope with the human re... more Consistency between the concept of education and training in the academic scope with the human resources quality expected by the industry is extremely important, the industry claims to be able to immediately respond positively to the academic. One of the best is by doing research market demands through menu engineering analysis. This study was conducted to determine the classification of the patiseri menu at Grand Jatra Hotel Balikpapan. Analysis in study is menu engineering analysis on the menu patiseri, this analysis is used to see the popularity aspects and advantages of the menu items. Then from the results of these studies will be used as recommendations in the preparation of the menu cycle practicum patiseri at Food and Beverage Department State Polytechnic Balikpapan. The research is a qualitative approach using descriptive analysis with menu engineering analysis methods. Object of this study is patiseri menu at Grand Jatra Balikpapan. Data collection techniques include obser...
Cakalang fish nuggets is a product of skipjack fish meat with dough and coating to maintain its q... more Cakalang fish nuggets is a product of skipjack fish meat with dough and coating to maintain its quality. To increase the nutritional content of nuggets by adding Moringa leaf flour . The specific objectives of this study are to describe the development of skipjack-based nugget recipes by adding Moringa leaf flour, to apply skipjack tuna and Moringa leaf flour recipes, and to describe the results of sensory tests on tuna fish nugget recipes by adding Moringa leaf flour. This research was conducted at Balikpapan. This study involved 25 students majoring in Food Management as panellists. Based on the results of the hedonic test, the panellists stated that the formula 2 product with the addition of 10% Moringa flour in the production of skipjack tuna with an average value (3.97), which means panelists like it. Based on the hedonic quality test, it was concluded that the highest average results obtained in formula 3 with the addition of moringa leaf flour as much as 15% in the colour asp...
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tou... more The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tourism sector, one of which is the tourist village. The recovery of tourist villages during Covid-19 relies heavily on the role of the Tourism Awareness Community (Pokdarwis). However, the role of the Tourism Awareness Community in the development of tourist villages during Covid-19 is still not clearly discussed. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the tourism village development strategy during COVID-19 by the Tourism Awareness Community in the Teritip Village, Balikpapan-Indonesia. This study uses the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) method, which is a method for determining the priority of alternative strategies obtained from a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). The results showed that the position of the Tourism Awareness Community was in quadrant V (Hold and Maintain), namely market penetration and product development strategies. That is,...
Kue sus (Choux paste) merupakan kue yang memiliki tekstur lembut yang berongga pada bagian tengah... more Kue sus (Choux paste) merupakan kue yang memiliki tekstur lembut yang berongga pada bagian tengahnya, sehingga rongga pada bagian tengah tersebut bisa diisi dengan beraneka jenis isian dan topping baik gurih maupun rasa manis. Produk kue eclairs yang akan dikembangkan agar semakin dikenal dan digemari oleh masyarakat Balikpapan. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan gizi eclairs maka perlunya penambahan sayuran yang memiliki serat dan vitamin yang lengkap, salah satu contoh sayuran tersebut adalah tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan formulasi resep kue eclairs dengan substitusi tepung daun kelor. Tujuan khusus penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan pengembangan resep eclairs dengan substitusi tepung daun kelor sebagai kue yang bergizi, mempraktekkan resep eclairs dan tepung daun kelor, dan mendeskripsikan hasil uji sensori terhadap resep eclairs dengan substitusi tepung daun kelor. Jenis penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode eksperimental. Penelitian ini melibatkan 25 mahasiswa Politeknik Negeri Balikpapan jurusan Tata Boga. Hasil uji hedonik disimpulkan bahwa produk F3 dengan penambahan tepung kelor 15% pada pembuatan éclair dengan nilai rata-rata (3.58) yang berarti panelis suka. Hasil uji mutu hedonic, disimpulkan bahwa hasil rata-rata tertinggi yang didapatkan pada penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek warna (3.12) yang menyatakan sangat berwarna hijau lumut, pada penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek aroma (3.52) yang menyatakan beraroma daun kelor, pada penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek tekstur (3.44) yang menyatakan bertekstur renyah ,dan penambahan tepung daun kelor sebanyak 15% pada aspek rasa (3.60) yang menyatakan sangat berasa daun kelor.
The development of tourist villages is one of the strategic programs in national development, esp... more The development of tourist villages is one of the strategic programs in national development, especially in the tourism sector. Good management of tourist villages will encourage the implementation of sustainable tourism and improve the community's economy. Although the management of the Teritip Tourism Village already has the legality from the tourism office of the Balikpapan City Youth, Sports and Tourism Office (Disporapar), they still have limitations related to governance and institutional management of the tourist village. Therefore, this village development program aims to strengthen the Teritip Tourism Village's governance and institutional management. The village development method in the Teritip sub-district includes counselling, technical skills (technical assistance / TA), and post-technical skills assistance (post-TA) in managing tourism villages. The results of this village development program produce outputs in the form of the availability of an organizational...
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tou... more The Covid-19 outbreak has had a negative impact on the decline in the number of visits in the tourism sector, one of which is the tourist village. The recovery of tourist villages during Covid-19 relies heavily on the role of the Tourism Awareness Community (Pokdarwis). However, the role of the Tourism Awareness Community in the development of tourist villages during Covid-19 is still not clearly discussed. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the tourism village development strategy during COVID-19 by the Tourism Awareness Community in the Teritip Village, Balikpapan-Indonesia. This study uses the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) method, which is a method for determining the priority of alternative strategies obtained from a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). The results showed that the position of the Tourism Awareness Community was in quadrant V (Hold and Maintain), namely market penetration and product development strategies. That is,...
Integration of Education, Mar 30, 2022
Introduction. Changes in the industry impact the stable condition of working in a company or indu... more Introduction. Changes in the industry impact the stable condition of working in a company or industry and it is not something that can be guaranteed again in the future. The proof is that there are many phenomena of job transfers or even layoffs in various business sectors due to COVID-19 pandemic. Many studies have examined the importance of developing career adaptability skills to face the changing needs of the industry. However, studies that discuss the mechanism of forming career adaptability skills involving important antecedent factors such as teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy of polytechnic students are still limited. Therefore, this study aims at examining the effect of teaching quality, social support, and career self-efficacy factors on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Materials and Methods. This study involved 265 students at a polytechnic in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The students expressed their perceptions of the quality of their internship learning, social support, and career selfefficacy-data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling by Amos 18 software. Results. This study reveals that teaching quality and social support does not have a direct effect on career adaptability skills. Meanwhile, career self-efficacy has a direct effect on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Other findings, teaching quality and social support have a direct effect on the career self-efficacy of polytechnic students. Finally, career self-efficacy mediates the effect of teaching quality and social support on the career adaptability skills of polytechnic students. Discussion and Conclusion. This study provides important implications for the development of learning in vocational education so that students have a good mastery of career adaptability skills. Vocational education practitioners must design a vocational teaching model that combines vocational teaching, social support, and career self-efficacy to form mastery of career adaptability skills for pop-polytechnic students. In addition, the development of a vocational education curriculum needs to include mastery of career adaptability skills for students in vocational education, be it vocational high schools or polytechnics. In further research, it is necessary to develop a vocational learning model that aims to inculcate career adaptability skills for vocational students.
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (SEPAKAT), 2019
Sumber listrik fasilitas umum Taman Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Balikpapan yang digunakan sebagai... more Sumber listrik fasilitas umum Taman Ruang Terbuka Hijau di Kota Balikpapan yang digunakan sebagai tempat wisata sangat tergantung sumber PLN mengakibatkan masalah krisis energi listrik. Tujuan kegiatan ini mendiseminasikan produk teknologi smart bench dengan pembangkitan listrik solar cell yang berfungsi sebagai tempat duduk dan tempat pengisian daya perangkat elektronik handphone serta sebagai sumber listrik lampu penerangan sehingga meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat untuk menggunakan taman sebagai area wisata dalam kota. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini yaitu penerapan teknologi solar cell untuk suplai energi listrik fasilitas bangku taman, sosialisasi dan pelatihan kepada mitra mengenai pengoperasian smart bench, penyuluhan tentang pemetaan potensi wisata taman kota. Hasil kegiatan ini adalah tersedianya alat produk bangku taman multifungsi sebagai tempat duduk, station charge perangkat handphone serta sebagai sumber penerangan area taman. Selain itu adanya peningkatan pengetahuan mitra dalam identifikasi potensi wisata taman di kota Balikpapan.
Jurnal Abdimas Mahakam, 2019
Usaha laundry merupakan suatu usaha yang saat ini mulai berkembang di Balikpapan. Laundry menjadi... more Usaha laundry merupakan suatu usaha yang saat ini mulai berkembang di Balikpapan. Laundry menjadi kebutuhan bagi warga Balikpapan yang memiliki jadwal padat sehingga tidak punya waktu lebih untuk mencuci. Komunitas Laundry Balikpapan (KLB) merupakan suatu komunitas yang didirikan untuk menjadi wadah bagi pengusaha-pengusaha laundry di Balikpapan. Salah satu permasalahan yang ditemui di KLB adalah kurangnya pemahaman tentang pentingnya memperhatikan keselamatan, keamanan kerja (K3) dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan sehari-hari. Pelaksanaan pelatihan meliputi pemberian materi, pengisian kuesioner pre dan post test, serta praktek langsung pelaksanaan K3 di Laundry di Hotel Novotel Balikapan. Peserta berjumlah 22 orang yang merupakan pekerja dan pemilik usaha laundry yang tergabung dalam KLB. Berdasarkan pre-post tes yang diberikan, pengetahuan peserta meningkat dan setelah melaksanakan pelatihan K3 di Unit Laundry Novotel Balikpapan, peserta semakin paham mengenai pelaksanan K3 di tempat us...
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan), 2015
This research is quantitative research. This research is aimed to design the Activity Based Costi... more This research is quantitative research. This research is aimed to design the Activity Based Costing and determine Unit Cost of educational services to students per course of study.
JST (Jurnal Sains Terapan), 2016
Balikpapan East Kalimantan as an economic barometer Kalimantan even continue to grow especially i... more Balikpapan East Kalimantan as an economic barometer Kalimantan even continue to grow especially in the sector of tourism support the hospitality industry. End of 2015, the number of hotels in Balikpapan 75 units. This figure rose to 80 units in 2016. (Disporabudpar Balikpapan, 2015). Hotel presence contributes directly to employment. Not only Balikpapan, but a number of cities in East Kalimantan even outside of Borneo, such as Java and Sulawesi. State Polytechnic Balikpapan is the only campus in Kalimantan, which organizes lectures majoring in culinary Diploma III. Every year 40 students graduated / I since 2013. One of the flagship program of the Department of cookery is the delivery service Job Training (PKL) in the hospitality industry, catering and restaurant for six months. PKL service student success cookery State Polytechnic Balikpapan should be measured by various indicators of services during the performance management vendors by involving the industry as a user of the service. From the results of recent research shows that the quality of student services PKL majors Catering, Polytechnic of Balikpapan in 2015 rated satisfactory by the street vendors (the hotel industry and catering) for the nine attributes of service that is dependability, attitude, personality, quantity, adaptability, quality, Job Knowledge and grooming has average ratings of at least 3.2 (in the satisfactory category). While three other service attributes attendance, initiative, and discipline unsatisfactory. Has a sufficiently low value or below 3.2 (in the satisfactory category). This is in line with the IPA matrix analysis results where there are four elements that are considered important by the hotel management but did not provide the satisfaction of attendance, Initiative, discipline and job knowledge.
Sarwahita, 2022
Mentawir Tourism Village is a tourism village located in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. Th... more Mentawir Tourism Village is a tourism village located in Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. This Tourism Village has “Pokdarwis” (Tourism Awarness Group) which has been formally confirmed by the head Department of Culture and Tourism in Penajam Paser Utara on August 7, 2019. However, the development of the Mentawir Tourism Village has not been maximized so it is necessary to empower more of the Pokdarwis Tiram Tambun to strengthen the management and promotion of the Mentawir Tourism Village. Several problems occurred in the Mentawir Tourism Village such as the lack of ability to manage the Pokdarwis Tiram Tambun institutions that were ineffective, inefficient and intransparent. They are also incapable to promote through various media and product of breakfast menu in their own homestay. The approachment methods used in this activities including socialization, training and mentoring. The results of these activities including the knowledge and skills of the management and members of...
Abstrak : Masih diterapkannya sistem akuntansi secara manual serta belum disusun dan disajikannya... more Abstrak : Masih diterapkannya sistem akuntansi secara manual serta belum disusun dan disajikannya laporan keuangan yang mengacu pada aturan yang berlaku di Indonesia seperti yang tertuang dalam Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (SAK) menyebabkan banyaknya kendala yang ditemui di Edotel Balikpapan. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dari sistem infomasi akuntansi, kebijakan akuntansi dan penyajian laporan keuangan yang diterapkan pada Edotel Balikpapan sebagai Hotel Training di SMK Negeri 4 Balikpapan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian studi kasus. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan utama, yaitu : wawancara, observasi dan telaah dokumen, kemudian di analisis dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem akuntansi, kebijakan akuntansi dan penyajian laporan keuangan yang di...
Journal of Technical education and training, 2017
This study aims to determine the perception of the importance of soft skill competency investment... more This study aims to determine the perception of the importance of soft skill competency investment, soft skill competency need, soft skill competency learning process, and work absorption of the apprentices in Balikpapan hospitality industry. This study uses mixed method approach with sequential explanatory strategy. The first, third, and fourth objectives were achieved using a qualitative approach, while the second objective uses a quantitative approach. The qualitative data was analysed using the Interactive Model Analysis method. Meanwhile, the quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics method. The results revealed that the investment of soft skill competency is essential and becomes the necessary capital of a person in actualizing himself to work mainly in the implementation of the apprenticeship program. Ten priority needs of soft skill competency in F&B Production section on apprenticeship program in Balikpapan hospitality industry sector include ability to co...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis posisi strategis komunitas Balikpapan Foodies dalam p... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis posisi strategis komunitas Balikpapan Foodies dalam pengembangan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan, dan merumuskan strategi komunitas Balikpapan Foodies dalam pengembangan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) yaitu sebuah metode untuk menentukan prioritas alternatif strategi yang diperoleh dari analisa SWOT (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities dan Threats). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa posisi Balikpapan Foodies berada pada Kuadran II ( grow and build ) yaitu strategi pertumbuhan komunitas. Strategi tersebut bermakna bahwa untuk mengoptimalkan peran Balikpapan Foodies dalam pengembangan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan maka diperlukan penguatan anggota, kelembagaan, dan kreatifitas program komunitas dalam mengembangkan wisata kuliner di Balikpapan. Alternatif strategi untuk pengembangan wisata kuliner yang dilakukan oleh komunitas Balikpapan Foodies...
This study aims to analyze the strategic position of the Balikpapan Foodies community for the dev... more This study aims to analyze the strategic position of the Balikpapan Foodies community for the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan, and to formulate Balikpapan Foodies community strategy for the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan. This research uses QSPM method (Quantitative Method of Strategic Planning). QSPM is a method for determining alternative strategic priorities obtained from SWOT analysis (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).The results show that Balikpapan Foodies position is in Quadrant II (grow and build), which is community growth strategy. The strategy means that to optimize the role of Balikpapan Foodies for the development of culinary tourism in Balikpapan, it is necessary to strengthen the members, institutional, and creativity of community programs to develop culinary tourism in Balikpapan. Alternative strategy for the development of culinary tourism conducted by the Balikpapan Foodies community successively is develop a local culin...
Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk (1) menganalisis posisi strategis Prodi Tata Boga; dan (2) meru... more Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk (1) menganalisis posisi strategis Prodi Tata Boga; dan (2) merumuskan strategi peningkatan mutu lulusan Program Studi Tata Boga. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode QSPM ( Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix ) yaitu sebuah metode untuk menentukan prioritas alternatif strategi yang diperoleh dari analisa SWOT (Stengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities dan Threats). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil analisis IE dapat diketahui bahwa posisi Prodi Tata Boga berada pada Kuadran V ( hold and maintain ) dengan nilai kordinat (2.606, 2.950) yang berarti sebaiknya dikelola dengan strategi penetrasi dan pengembangan. Sedangkan hasil analisa QSPM menunjukkan bahwa prioritas strategi untuk peningkatan mutu lulusan secara berturut-turut yaitu peningkatan akreditasi prodi (19.87), memperluas kerjasama (19.32), inisiasi unit produksi (19.1), evaluasi kurikulum (18.61), pengembangan kualitas SDM (18.09), pengusulan hibah sarpras...
Journal of Applied Community Engagement
Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Mentawir Kabupaten panajam Paser Utara dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat... more Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Mentawir Kabupaten panajam Paser Utara dilakukan oleh kelompok masyarakat yang tergabung dalam Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) Tiram Tambun. Dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata Mentawir salah satu persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi adalah tersedianya sarana akomodasi atau penginapan yang memadai dalam bentuk homestay. Pokdarwis Tiram Tambun sudah mulai mengembangkan beberapa rumah tempat tinggalnya untuk bisa dijadikan homestay. Namun demikian kurangnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki tentang homestay menyebabkan tidak maksimalnya pengelolaan yang dilakukan. Oleh karenanya dalam kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini diberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada Pokdawis Tiram Tambun tentang pengelolaan homestay. Hasil kegiatan didapatkan adanya peningkatan wawasan serta bertambahnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan akan pengelolaan homestay yang ditunjukan dengan penambahan jumlah homestay serta adanya usaha untuk memenuhi beberapa standar kriteria homestay.
Consistency between the concept of education and training in the academic scope with the human re... more Consistency between the concept of education and training in the academic scope with the human resources quality expected by the industry is extremely important, the industry claims to be able to immediately respond positively to the academic. One of the best is by doing research market demands through menu engineering analysis. This study was conducted to determine the classification of the patiseri menu at Grand Jatra Hotel Balikpapan. Analysis in study is menu engineering analysis on the menu patiseri, this analysis is used to see the popularity aspects and advantages of the menu items. Then from the results of these studies will be used as recommendations in the preparation of the menu cycle practicum patiseri at Food and Beverage Department State Polytechnic Balikpapan. The research is a qualitative approach using descriptive analysis with menu engineering analysis methods. Object of this study is patiseri menu at Grand Jatra Balikpapan. Data collection techniques include obser...
Cakalang fish nuggets is a product of skipjack fish meat with dough and coating to maintain its q... more Cakalang fish nuggets is a product of skipjack fish meat with dough and coating to maintain its quality. To increase the nutritional content of nuggets by adding Moringa leaf flour . The specific objectives of this study are to describe the development of skipjack-based nugget recipes by adding Moringa leaf flour, to apply skipjack tuna and Moringa leaf flour recipes, and to describe the results of sensory tests on tuna fish nugget recipes by adding Moringa leaf flour. This research was conducted at Balikpapan. This study involved 25 students majoring in Food Management as panellists. Based on the results of the hedonic test, the panellists stated that the formula 2 product with the addition of 10% Moringa flour in the production of skipjack tuna with an average value (3.97), which means panelists like it. Based on the hedonic quality test, it was concluded that the highest average results obtained in formula 3 with the addition of moringa leaf flour as much as 15% in the colour asp...