firman panjaitan | Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tawangmangu (original) (raw)
Papers by firman panjaitan
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus atas segala berkat dan rahmat-Nya yang t... more Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus atas segala berkat dan rahmat-Nya yang telah memberikan kekuatan dan kemampuan kepada penulis sehinga penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ini dengan baik. Meresponi problema dalam dunia pelayanan gereja. Dalam persiapan buku ini, penulis melihat ada banyak gereja yang akhir-akhir ini lebih mengutamakan kepentingan pribadi dan mengabaikan keadaan di lingkungan sekitar. Gereja dengan leluasa melakukan ibadah-ibadah yang spektakuler. Untuk memberikan kenyamanan kepada jemaat, gereja berupaya menawarkan berbagai fasilitas dengan gedung yang mewah, tempat ibadah yang megah, ruangan ber AC yang disertai dengan fasilitas hotspot area, dan masih ada banyak lagi fasilitas yang ditawarkan gereja kepada setiap orang pecaya. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa gereja masa kini mulai menyimpang, karena mereka lebih eksklusif. Keadaan tersebut sama halnya dengan keadaan bangsa Israel pada zaman nabi Hosea, yang mana mereka mulai hidup dalam ketidak...
Fidei, Jun 18, 2019
Fenomena liturgi dewasa ini begitu dikuasai oleh berbagai macam bentuk ibadah yang bersifat 'keki... more Fenomena liturgi dewasa ini begitu dikuasai oleh berbagai macam bentuk ibadah yang bersifat 'kekinian', atau yang dikenal dengan istilah ibadah kontemporer. Jenis ibadah ini sudah merebak dengan sangat jauh dan bahkan menjadi ibadah yang begitu disukai oleh setiap anak muda (tidak menutup kemungkinan orang tua juga), sehingga muncul anggapan bahwa jenis ibadah ini adalah jenis ibadah yang perlu untuk terus dipertahankan dan dikembangkan. Tulisan ini hendak mencoba melihat dengan kritis bentuk ibadah kontemporer dan sekaligus membedahnya dengan pisau analitis-teologis untuk menemukan apa saja yang harus dikembangkan dan diupayakan dalam menjalankan ibadah kontemporer ini. Jangan sampai ibadah kontemporer menjadi sebuah ibadah yang hanya mengutamakan kepuasan jiwa saja tetapi melupakan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan iman. Oleh sebab itu, dalam tulisan ini disajikan sebuah ulasan kritis yang hendak membenahi bentuk ibadah kontemporer sehingga dapat menjadi bentuk ibadah yang benar-benar sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki oleh Tuhan dan sekaligus menyenangkan hati Tuhan.
Sanctum Domine: Jurnal Teologi, Dec 31, 2022
The concept and teachings of redemption become a major desire for every religious person, includi... more The concept and teachings of redemption become a major desire for every religious person, including Christians. Through the teaching of atonement, every people are made aware that God works to liberate sinful humans through His acts of love. This work of God's liberation is understood as a form of human release from the power of sin so this teaching about redemption becomes the basic core of every religious teaching. One of the redeeming teachings of the Bible is found in the narrative of the bronze serpent statue in Numbers 21:4-9. However, it is not the only religion that talks about the teachings of redemption, every culture also has the teachings of redemption, including in this case the culture in the Nias community called Famatö Harimao. By using qualitative methods, especially library research and textual interpretation approaches, this research shows that the narrative of the copper snake statue can be used as the basis for contextualizing Famatö Harimao culture. The results of the study show that the Famatö Harimao culture which has been contextualized through the basis of Numbers 21:4-9 can still be lived and lived by the people of Nias because through this culture the people of Nias have a concept of redemption that is culturally and biblically accountable.
Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral
Pendampingan pastoral sangat dibutuhkan, khususnya bagi seorang penderita penyakit kronis. Melalu... more Pendampingan pastoral sangat dibutuhkan, khususnya bagi seorang penderita penyakit kronis. Melalui pendampingan pastoral tersebut, penderita penyakit kronis akan dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi kematian, baik secara jasmani maupun rohani. Namun yang lebih penting dari itu, pendampingan pastoral terhadap penderita penyakit kronis akan memberikan kepastian bahwa keselamatan dari Yesus akan diberikan kepada penderita jika mereka berkenan untuk mengakui dosa dan bertobat. Melalui metode kualitatif-deskriptif guna mendapatkan data faktual secara konseptual, penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa pendampingan pastoral terhadap orang yang sedang mengalami sakit kronis harus dilakukan dengan mengajak penderita untuk terlebih dahulu mengakui segala dosa yang telah mereka lakukan akibat ketidakmampuan mereka dalam mengasihi diri mereka. Setelah itu mereka harus masuk dalam pertobatan, agar mereka memperoleh keselamatan sempurna di dalam Yesus. Dengan demikian mereka akan kembali kudus dan sia...
POIMEN Jurnal Pastoral Konseling
The purpose of marriage is to achieve a harmonious and happy family life. In reality, often domes... more The purpose of marriage is to achieve a harmonious and happy family life. In reality, often domestic harmony and happiness do not materialize due to the misunderstanding of family members regarding their roles and functions in the family. Psalm 128:1-6 becomes an important part of the Bible which talks about the necessity of a man playing the role of a husband to build happiness in the family because it must be delivered at the time of premarital counseling. This study uses qualitative research with a literature study approach (Library Research), and specifically, in examining Psalm 128:1-6 the author uses a hermeneutic approach with the grammatical-historical approach to finding the meaning of the selected text. The findings in the study revealed that an understanding of the self-concept of a happy family that focuses on the role of a man as a husband must be built through premarital guidance. Therefore, premarital guidance is an absolute requirement to be carried out before enteri...
MANTHANO: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen
The formation of children's character starting from an early age is a responsibility that God has... more The formation of children's character starting from an early age is a responsibility that God has entrusted to parents. Parents are the main and first teachers for children in the formation of children's character. This is also taught in the book of Deuteronomy 6:7, which explains that the role of parents in educating and shaping the character of children must be carried out through teaching that is given repeatedly and done every day. By using qualitative methods, especially through literature and exegesis approaches, this study shows that parents must make themselves living role models for their children, especially in developing spiritual values in life. The role of parents as a living role model will result in a child having good habits, then developing into habits and from these habits good character grows in the child. Thus it can be said that education and character building for a child must come from parents and family.
CHARISTHEO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
One of the church's struggles when dealing directly with the community is the culture adopted... more One of the church's struggles when dealing directly with the community is the culture adopted and which dominates people's lives. Likewise with the church dealing with the Taba Dayak community, where the community still believes in a ritual called taking back the spirit that has been taken away by the Sisil ghost. In this ritual, a form of atonement is made between humans, who are deemed guilty, and the Sisil Ghost by giving offerings. This is a challenge for the church to give awareness to the Taba Dayak community about God's power over life. With the help of a qualitative methodology, particularly through a literature study approach, this article wishes to describe the steps of Christian Religious Education, which is the duty of the church, to give awareness to the Taba Dayak community about the existence of God which overcomes all their beliefs about gods. The results of the study show that Christian Religious Education plays a major role in bringing awareness to the ...
Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan
God's justice and righteousness are central themes in living life. A life filled with God'... more God's justice and righteousness are central themes in living life. A life filled with God's justice and righteousness will bring happiness and prosperity. Therefore, God's justice and truth need to be dialogued so that a life filled with prosperity will be realized in real terms. However, it must be admitted that God's justice and truth are not easy to understand, therefore efforts are needed to continue to seek and find God so that humans can feel and realize God's justice and truth in life. The difficulty of understanding God's justice and righteousness is evident in the events of Job's suffering. Many opi-nions, based on an understanding of the theology of retribution, want to show that Job's suffering occurred because of Job's sinfulness. But actually, the incident of Job is a real example of God trying to dialogue His justice and truth with humans. By using a qualitative method that is realized in the form of a literature approach, this artic...
Shift Key : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan
This study discusses parental education in disciplining children in Hebrews 12:5-11. There are er... more This study discusses parental education in disciplining children in Hebrews 12:5-11. There are errors in parenting patterns in disciplining children, causing acts of violence in the family, and this has a bad impact on children which is reflected in bad and difficult child behavior. Parents must understand the how to discipline their children properly and correctly based on the truth of God's Word. This study uses a qualitative method, especially a literature study approach, which is to collect data for analysis and is assisted by exposition approach to find the meaning in Hebrews 12:5-11. The results of the study revealed that the act of educating children is evidence of parental love, so parents must warn their children. If in disciplining children, there is an action to punish the child, then it is intended to bring good to the child; thus discipline is not to hurt but to give peace. The concept of education in the form of discipline, punishment, and instruction is aimed at shaping children's character for the better. Thus, the purpose of this study is to find the best way to discipline children, especially through the study of the interpretation of Hebrews 12:5-11.
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
Leadership requires leadership skills gained not only through long theories but also life experie... more Leadership requires leadership skills gained not only through long theories but also life experience. To gain leadership skills through life experience, intelligence is needed, especially when facing problems as well as resilience to live in the midst of these problems. The intelligence in question is Adversity Quotient. Using qualitative methods, especially the approach of literature studies and narrative interpretations, this research will show a Biblical figure, named Yusuf, who has high adversity intelligence, even in the state of intelligence adversity Yusuf is said to be a true Climber. The results showed that through the process of life, Yusuf managed to develop a leadership model based on the principles of LEAD (Listen, Explore, Analyze, Do). Through this principle Joseph was able to survive the struggle, even using the struggle to be a force in developing his leadership pattern. This principle is also what makes Joseph a leader of climbers. But behind all that, Joseph also recognized that his ability to turn struggles into opportunities was a gift that God gave him, so Joseph grew into a humble, forgiving and anticipatory Climber leader.
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice
Theology is often not in line with the praxis of ministry in the church. As a result, theology is... more Theology is often not in line with the praxis of ministry in the church. As a result, theology is often separated from the church. This can happen, because theology in Indonesia inherits Western theology while churches in Indonesia develop according to their locus. Western theology, which often denies culture, is ultimately difficult to practice in church services, especially tribal (local) churches, which always take into account the cultural values that develop in the area. This needs to be addressed wisely, so that theology can practice with the ministry of the church. This article offers a way to be able to practice theology in the service life of churches in Indonesia by applying a cross-textual reading model or method in an effort to theology. Cross-textual reading is a way to understand the values of the Bible (way of theology) in the form of sacred texts with sacred texts in culture. There are efforts to accommodate theology, but in understanding the sacred texts of the Bibl...
Jurnal Misioner, 2021
In the Old Testament, circumcision was seen as a major part of establishing oneself as part of Go... more In the Old Testament, circumcision was seen as a major part of establishing oneself as part of God's people. In the adoption of Israel as God's people at Sinai, every Israelite must be circumcised. It is based on God's command to Abraham, as a sign of the covenant. But actually the culture of circumcision is not a typical Israeli culture, but is a culture that is common in the Middle East, the only thing that distinguishes the culture of Israeli circumcision from the Middle East is in God's decree in the covenant that raised Israel (a descendant of Abraham) as God's people. So there is a spiritual meaning in the cultural content of circumcision in the Old Testament for the Israelites. It turns out that the spiritual understanding of circumcision is not only owned by Israel, because this is also owned by the Nias Tribe. By using qualitative research methods, which are complemented by a literature study approach, this research results in an understanding that the c...
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika, 2021
Allah is the creator who gives life and everything in this world is the result of His creation, i... more Allah is the creator who gives life and everything in this world is the result of His creation, including the issue of sexuality. Sexuality is a very important thing to consider. Because in the beginning, God created man to be very good. In this modern era, most people fail in the problem of sexuality, because they can not restrain themselves and are caused by promiscuity. Then what should be done? In this study, the author will try to explain how important sexuality and His relationship with a holy God are. If God is holy, then sexuality must also be holy and has been blessed by God through God's servants. Through this research, everyone can appreciate sexuality as sacred before God. Abstrak Allah adalah pencipta yang memberi kehidupan dan segala sesuatu di dunia ini adalah hasil ciptaan-Nya, termasuk masalah seksualitas. Seksualitas adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dipertimbangkan. Karena pada mulanya, Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan sangat baik. Di era modern ini, kebany...
CHARISTHEO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2022
The general problem in today's education pattern lies in the imbalance between the cognitive,... more The general problem in today's education pattern lies in the imbalance between the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Education tends to focus on the cognitive domain and ignores the affective and psychomotor domains, so that students' self-worth becomes "incomplete" because students have intellectual property but are poor in attitude and character. Research on the text of 2 Timothy 3:16 has the aim of proving that the right learning pattern to achieve results must touch all aspects of Christian education and the formation of the character of students. By using qualitative methods, especially textual exegesis of the text of 2 Timothy 3:16, the result is that the learning pattern must be holistic, which includes all areas of learning. Cognitively, Christian education develops the intellectual level of students as expected, and this must be balanced with the personality development of students who are part of the affective realm. This personality developme...
MAHABBAH: Journal of Religion and Education, 2022
The religious concept of God has essentially "killed" the real existence of God. The un... more The religious concept of God has essentially "killed" the real existence of God. The understanding of God has been narrowed through religious dogmas so that God no longer lives universally but is limited to religious dogmas that try to live it in its own religious way. Departing from this problem, this article aims to discuss efforts to find God who lives in the existence of human life. By using literature studies, especially examining Samartha's views on the power of syncretism to build an attitude of pluralism, the findings are that syncretism is a means to animate universal values in religion. Syncretism is the power to foster synergy between culture and religion, so as to form a grounded contextual understanding of the rules of the good life. Likewise with God. Through contextualization based on syncretism, God who has been killed by religious dogmas is brought back to life, so that it can greet life in accordance with the context in which God lives. God is seen un...
<p>Hari Sabat merupakan Perjanjian Kekal yang memiliki Arti Menikmati istirahat masuk kedal... more <p>Hari Sabat merupakan Perjanjian Kekal yang memiliki Arti Menikmati istirahat masuk kedalam perhentian. Allah mengkhususkan hari Sabat berbeda dengan hari-hari lainnya, sebab hari Sabat menjadi momen khusus untuk Allah memberkati serta mengkuduskan semua umatnya. Allah berfirman kepada Musa untuk dikatakan kepada bangsa Israel untuk menjaga hari Sabat, hari Sabat merupakan waktu khusus untuk memaknai mengenai perhentian serta penyegaran kembali atas manusia binatang, hamba bahkan orang asing , pembahasan mengenai hari Sabat ini sangat penting untuk dipelajari sebab Allah mengambil inisiatif untuk melakukan serta menjadikan perintah yang termuat di dalam sepuluh hukum Allah yang dikenal dengan sebutan dekalog (Keluaran 20:4). Tercantumnya perintah keempat dalam dekalog membuktikan bahwa Sabat merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel, yaitu mengenai penyelenggaraan dan kemahakuasaan Allah yang melatarbelakangi seluruh kehidupan bangsa Israel sebagai budak di Mesir yang harus bekerja tanpa henti.</p>
Jurnal Amanat Agung, 2022
Being a Christian is a noble calling, especially when you realize that Christians are called to i... more Being a Christian is a noble calling, especially when you realize that Christians are called to imitate the way of life of Christ and at the same time be an example of life for the world. Departing from the problem above, this study aims to highlight the exemplary model that every Christian needs to develop based on the teachings of Paul in Philippians 3:17-21. The research will use a qualitative method with a historical critical approach, especially by examining selected texts. The results of the study reveal that the exemplary life that must be developed must adhere to a morality that places oneself under Christ. This example is a responsibility that must be carried out by every follower of Christ as a tangible manifestation of their existence as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Ketidakadilan gender tidak hanya tampak dalam fenomena pembagian kerja secara seksual melainkan t... more Ketidakadilan gender tidak hanya tampak dalam fenomena pembagian kerja secara seksual melainkan tampak juga dalam penyebutan nama seorang perempuan yang sudah bersuami. Umumnya nama pribadi perempuan yang bersuami akan hilang digantikan dengan nama suami. Hal ini menunjukkan dalam keluarga pun terjadi pola hubungan ordinasi-subordinasi antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Masalah ini yang akan menjadi sorotan pembahasan dalam artikel ini, dengan tujuan agar kesetaraan gender dapat diciptakan yang dimulai dari unit terkecil dalam masyarakat, yaitu keluarga. Dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi, yang berangkat dari kenyataan yang ada dan kemudian dianalisis dengan studi literatur, artikel ini memerlihatkan bahwa nama seseorang menunjuk pada pribadi. Jika nama dihilangkan dan diganti dengan nama lain, maka pribadi itu pun ikut hilang dan tergantikan berdasarkan nama yang baru. Hal ini harus diminimalisasi, jika perlu dihilangkan, dengan cara menyebut nama seorang istri berdasarkan namanya...
Logia, 2019
Seringkali kegiatan misi mengabaikan kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat, dan hal ini yang mengakib... more Seringkali kegiatan misi mengabaikan kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat, dan hal ini yang mengakibatkan kegiatan misi menjadi tidak efektif dan bahkan menemukan kegagalan. Padahal sebuah tindakan misi harus benar-benar dapat diterima oleh masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran misi, dan jalan masuk untuk bisa hidup di tengah masyarakat adalah dengan hidup dalam kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman tentang kebudayaan sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap orang yang hendak menjalankan misi. Terlebih kalau mau dipahami lebih dalam lagi, kebudayaan merupakan sendi dasar bagi terbentuknya kehidupan dalam sebuah komunitas atau masyarakat. Dengan kata lain, kebudayaan adalah rancang bangun kehidupan dan worldview dari sebuah masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu tindakan misi harus memahami nilai kebudayaan yang hidup di tengah masyarakat. Namun hal ini bukan berarti bahwa misi hanya bergantung pada kebudayaan. Misi harus memiliki dasar pijakan yang kuat, sebelum bersentuhan dengan kebudayaan. Dasar pijakan yang harus dimiliki saat hendak bermisi adalah pemahaman yang benar tentang Kristologi, dengan tujuan agar tindakan misi yang dilakukan benar-benar dapat mentransformasi kebudayaan dalam nilai-nilai Kristologi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Kristologi untuk bermisi dalam sebuah kebudayaan, maka akan terjadi sebuah bentuk misi yang kontekstual; yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara Alkitabiah sekaligus sesuai dengan konteks/budaya yang ada.
Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus atas segala berkat dan rahmat-Nya yang t... more Puji syukur penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus atas segala berkat dan rahmat-Nya yang telah memberikan kekuatan dan kemampuan kepada penulis sehinga penulis dapat menyelesaikan buku ini dengan baik. Meresponi problema dalam dunia pelayanan gereja. Dalam persiapan buku ini, penulis melihat ada banyak gereja yang akhir-akhir ini lebih mengutamakan kepentingan pribadi dan mengabaikan keadaan di lingkungan sekitar. Gereja dengan leluasa melakukan ibadah-ibadah yang spektakuler. Untuk memberikan kenyamanan kepada jemaat, gereja berupaya menawarkan berbagai fasilitas dengan gedung yang mewah, tempat ibadah yang megah, ruangan ber AC yang disertai dengan fasilitas hotspot area, dan masih ada banyak lagi fasilitas yang ditawarkan gereja kepada setiap orang pecaya. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa gereja masa kini mulai menyimpang, karena mereka lebih eksklusif. Keadaan tersebut sama halnya dengan keadaan bangsa Israel pada zaman nabi Hosea, yang mana mereka mulai hidup dalam ketidak...
Fidei, Jun 18, 2019
Fenomena liturgi dewasa ini begitu dikuasai oleh berbagai macam bentuk ibadah yang bersifat 'keki... more Fenomena liturgi dewasa ini begitu dikuasai oleh berbagai macam bentuk ibadah yang bersifat 'kekinian', atau yang dikenal dengan istilah ibadah kontemporer. Jenis ibadah ini sudah merebak dengan sangat jauh dan bahkan menjadi ibadah yang begitu disukai oleh setiap anak muda (tidak menutup kemungkinan orang tua juga), sehingga muncul anggapan bahwa jenis ibadah ini adalah jenis ibadah yang perlu untuk terus dipertahankan dan dikembangkan. Tulisan ini hendak mencoba melihat dengan kritis bentuk ibadah kontemporer dan sekaligus membedahnya dengan pisau analitis-teologis untuk menemukan apa saja yang harus dikembangkan dan diupayakan dalam menjalankan ibadah kontemporer ini. Jangan sampai ibadah kontemporer menjadi sebuah ibadah yang hanya mengutamakan kepuasan jiwa saja tetapi melupakan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan iman. Oleh sebab itu, dalam tulisan ini disajikan sebuah ulasan kritis yang hendak membenahi bentuk ibadah kontemporer sehingga dapat menjadi bentuk ibadah yang benar-benar sesuai dengan apa yang dikehendaki oleh Tuhan dan sekaligus menyenangkan hati Tuhan.
Sanctum Domine: Jurnal Teologi, Dec 31, 2022
The concept and teachings of redemption become a major desire for every religious person, includi... more The concept and teachings of redemption become a major desire for every religious person, including Christians. Through the teaching of atonement, every people are made aware that God works to liberate sinful humans through His acts of love. This work of God's liberation is understood as a form of human release from the power of sin so this teaching about redemption becomes the basic core of every religious teaching. One of the redeeming teachings of the Bible is found in the narrative of the bronze serpent statue in Numbers 21:4-9. However, it is not the only religion that talks about the teachings of redemption, every culture also has the teachings of redemption, including in this case the culture in the Nias community called Famatö Harimao. By using qualitative methods, especially library research and textual interpretation approaches, this research shows that the narrative of the copper snake statue can be used as the basis for contextualizing Famatö Harimao culture. The results of the study show that the Famatö Harimao culture which has been contextualized through the basis of Numbers 21:4-9 can still be lived and lived by the people of Nias because through this culture the people of Nias have a concept of redemption that is culturally and biblically accountable.
Vox Dei: Jurnal Teologi dan Pastoral
Pendampingan pastoral sangat dibutuhkan, khususnya bagi seorang penderita penyakit kronis. Melalu... more Pendampingan pastoral sangat dibutuhkan, khususnya bagi seorang penderita penyakit kronis. Melalui pendampingan pastoral tersebut, penderita penyakit kronis akan dipersiapkan untuk menghadapi kematian, baik secara jasmani maupun rohani. Namun yang lebih penting dari itu, pendampingan pastoral terhadap penderita penyakit kronis akan memberikan kepastian bahwa keselamatan dari Yesus akan diberikan kepada penderita jika mereka berkenan untuk mengakui dosa dan bertobat. Melalui metode kualitatif-deskriptif guna mendapatkan data faktual secara konseptual, penelitian ini menghasilkan temuan bahwa pendampingan pastoral terhadap orang yang sedang mengalami sakit kronis harus dilakukan dengan mengajak penderita untuk terlebih dahulu mengakui segala dosa yang telah mereka lakukan akibat ketidakmampuan mereka dalam mengasihi diri mereka. Setelah itu mereka harus masuk dalam pertobatan, agar mereka memperoleh keselamatan sempurna di dalam Yesus. Dengan demikian mereka akan kembali kudus dan sia...
POIMEN Jurnal Pastoral Konseling
The purpose of marriage is to achieve a harmonious and happy family life. In reality, often domes... more The purpose of marriage is to achieve a harmonious and happy family life. In reality, often domestic harmony and happiness do not materialize due to the misunderstanding of family members regarding their roles and functions in the family. Psalm 128:1-6 becomes an important part of the Bible which talks about the necessity of a man playing the role of a husband to build happiness in the family because it must be delivered at the time of premarital counseling. This study uses qualitative research with a literature study approach (Library Research), and specifically, in examining Psalm 128:1-6 the author uses a hermeneutic approach with the grammatical-historical approach to finding the meaning of the selected text. The findings in the study revealed that an understanding of the self-concept of a happy family that focuses on the role of a man as a husband must be built through premarital guidance. Therefore, premarital guidance is an absolute requirement to be carried out before enteri...
MANTHANO: Jurnal Pendidikan Kristen
The formation of children's character starting from an early age is a responsibility that God has... more The formation of children's character starting from an early age is a responsibility that God has entrusted to parents. Parents are the main and first teachers for children in the formation of children's character. This is also taught in the book of Deuteronomy 6:7, which explains that the role of parents in educating and shaping the character of children must be carried out through teaching that is given repeatedly and done every day. By using qualitative methods, especially through literature and exegesis approaches, this study shows that parents must make themselves living role models for their children, especially in developing spiritual values in life. The role of parents as a living role model will result in a child having good habits, then developing into habits and from these habits good character grows in the child. Thus it can be said that education and character building for a child must come from parents and family.
CHARISTHEO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen
One of the church's struggles when dealing directly with the community is the culture adopted... more One of the church's struggles when dealing directly with the community is the culture adopted and which dominates people's lives. Likewise with the church dealing with the Taba Dayak community, where the community still believes in a ritual called taking back the spirit that has been taken away by the Sisil ghost. In this ritual, a form of atonement is made between humans, who are deemed guilty, and the Sisil Ghost by giving offerings. This is a challenge for the church to give awareness to the Taba Dayak community about God's power over life. With the help of a qualitative methodology, particularly through a literature study approach, this article wishes to describe the steps of Christian Religious Education, which is the duty of the church, to give awareness to the Taba Dayak community about the existence of God which overcomes all their beliefs about gods. The results of the study show that Christian Religious Education plays a major role in bringing awareness to the ...
Jurnal EFATA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan
God's justice and righteousness are central themes in living life. A life filled with God'... more God's justice and righteousness are central themes in living life. A life filled with God's justice and righteousness will bring happiness and prosperity. Therefore, God's justice and truth need to be dialogued so that a life filled with prosperity will be realized in real terms. However, it must be admitted that God's justice and truth are not easy to understand, therefore efforts are needed to continue to seek and find God so that humans can feel and realize God's justice and truth in life. The difficulty of understanding God's justice and righteousness is evident in the events of Job's suffering. Many opi-nions, based on an understanding of the theology of retribution, want to show that Job's suffering occurred because of Job's sinfulness. But actually, the incident of Job is a real example of God trying to dialogue His justice and truth with humans. By using a qualitative method that is realized in the form of a literature approach, this artic...
Shift Key : Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan
This study discusses parental education in disciplining children in Hebrews 12:5-11. There are er... more This study discusses parental education in disciplining children in Hebrews 12:5-11. There are errors in parenting patterns in disciplining children, causing acts of violence in the family, and this has a bad impact on children which is reflected in bad and difficult child behavior. Parents must understand the how to discipline their children properly and correctly based on the truth of God's Word. This study uses a qualitative method, especially a literature study approach, which is to collect data for analysis and is assisted by exposition approach to find the meaning in Hebrews 12:5-11. The results of the study revealed that the act of educating children is evidence of parental love, so parents must warn their children. If in disciplining children, there is an action to punish the child, then it is intended to bring good to the child; thus discipline is not to hurt but to give peace. The concept of education in the form of discipline, punishment, and instruction is aimed at shaping children's character for the better. Thus, the purpose of this study is to find the best way to discipline children, especially through the study of the interpretation of Hebrews 12:5-11.
EDULEAD: Journal of Christian Education and Leadership
Leadership requires leadership skills gained not only through long theories but also life experie... more Leadership requires leadership skills gained not only through long theories but also life experience. To gain leadership skills through life experience, intelligence is needed, especially when facing problems as well as resilience to live in the midst of these problems. The intelligence in question is Adversity Quotient. Using qualitative methods, especially the approach of literature studies and narrative interpretations, this research will show a Biblical figure, named Yusuf, who has high adversity intelligence, even in the state of intelligence adversity Yusuf is said to be a true Climber. The results showed that through the process of life, Yusuf managed to develop a leadership model based on the principles of LEAD (Listen, Explore, Analyze, Do). Through this principle Joseph was able to survive the struggle, even using the struggle to be a force in developing his leadership pattern. This principle is also what makes Joseph a leader of climbers. But behind all that, Joseph also recognized that his ability to turn struggles into opportunities was a gift that God gave him, so Joseph grew into a humble, forgiving and anticipatory Climber leader.
RERUM: Journal of Biblical Practice
Theology is often not in line with the praxis of ministry in the church. As a result, theology is... more Theology is often not in line with the praxis of ministry in the church. As a result, theology is often separated from the church. This can happen, because theology in Indonesia inherits Western theology while churches in Indonesia develop according to their locus. Western theology, which often denies culture, is ultimately difficult to practice in church services, especially tribal (local) churches, which always take into account the cultural values that develop in the area. This needs to be addressed wisely, so that theology can practice with the ministry of the church. This article offers a way to be able to practice theology in the service life of churches in Indonesia by applying a cross-textual reading model or method in an effort to theology. Cross-textual reading is a way to understand the values of the Bible (way of theology) in the form of sacred texts with sacred texts in culture. There are efforts to accommodate theology, but in understanding the sacred texts of the Bibl...
Jurnal Misioner, 2021
In the Old Testament, circumcision was seen as a major part of establishing oneself as part of Go... more In the Old Testament, circumcision was seen as a major part of establishing oneself as part of God's people. In the adoption of Israel as God's people at Sinai, every Israelite must be circumcised. It is based on God's command to Abraham, as a sign of the covenant. But actually the culture of circumcision is not a typical Israeli culture, but is a culture that is common in the Middle East, the only thing that distinguishes the culture of Israeli circumcision from the Middle East is in God's decree in the covenant that raised Israel (a descendant of Abraham) as God's people. So there is a spiritual meaning in the cultural content of circumcision in the Old Testament for the Israelites. It turns out that the spiritual understanding of circumcision is not only owned by Israel, because this is also owned by the Nias Tribe. By using qualitative research methods, which are complemented by a literature study approach, this research results in an understanding that the c...
CARAKA: Jurnal Teologi Biblika dan Praktika, 2021
Allah is the creator who gives life and everything in this world is the result of His creation, i... more Allah is the creator who gives life and everything in this world is the result of His creation, including the issue of sexuality. Sexuality is a very important thing to consider. Because in the beginning, God created man to be very good. In this modern era, most people fail in the problem of sexuality, because they can not restrain themselves and are caused by promiscuity. Then what should be done? In this study, the author will try to explain how important sexuality and His relationship with a holy God are. If God is holy, then sexuality must also be holy and has been blessed by God through God's servants. Through this research, everyone can appreciate sexuality as sacred before God. Abstrak Allah adalah pencipta yang memberi kehidupan dan segala sesuatu di dunia ini adalah hasil ciptaan-Nya, termasuk masalah seksualitas. Seksualitas adalah hal yang sangat penting untuk dipertimbangkan. Karena pada mulanya, Tuhan menciptakan manusia dengan sangat baik. Di era modern ini, kebany...
CHARISTHEO: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen, 2022
The general problem in today's education pattern lies in the imbalance between the cognitive,... more The general problem in today's education pattern lies in the imbalance between the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains. Education tends to focus on the cognitive domain and ignores the affective and psychomotor domains, so that students' self-worth becomes "incomplete" because students have intellectual property but are poor in attitude and character. Research on the text of 2 Timothy 3:16 has the aim of proving that the right learning pattern to achieve results must touch all aspects of Christian education and the formation of the character of students. By using qualitative methods, especially textual exegesis of the text of 2 Timothy 3:16, the result is that the learning pattern must be holistic, which includes all areas of learning. Cognitively, Christian education develops the intellectual level of students as expected, and this must be balanced with the personality development of students who are part of the affective realm. This personality developme...
MAHABBAH: Journal of Religion and Education, 2022
The religious concept of God has essentially "killed" the real existence of God. The un... more The religious concept of God has essentially "killed" the real existence of God. The understanding of God has been narrowed through religious dogmas so that God no longer lives universally but is limited to religious dogmas that try to live it in its own religious way. Departing from this problem, this article aims to discuss efforts to find God who lives in the existence of human life. By using literature studies, especially examining Samartha's views on the power of syncretism to build an attitude of pluralism, the findings are that syncretism is a means to animate universal values in religion. Syncretism is the power to foster synergy between culture and religion, so as to form a grounded contextual understanding of the rules of the good life. Likewise with God. Through contextualization based on syncretism, God who has been killed by religious dogmas is brought back to life, so that it can greet life in accordance with the context in which God lives. God is seen un...
<p>Hari Sabat merupakan Perjanjian Kekal yang memiliki Arti Menikmati istirahat masuk kedal... more <p>Hari Sabat merupakan Perjanjian Kekal yang memiliki Arti Menikmati istirahat masuk kedalam perhentian. Allah mengkhususkan hari Sabat berbeda dengan hari-hari lainnya, sebab hari Sabat menjadi momen khusus untuk Allah memberkati serta mengkuduskan semua umatnya. Allah berfirman kepada Musa untuk dikatakan kepada bangsa Israel untuk menjaga hari Sabat, hari Sabat merupakan waktu khusus untuk memaknai mengenai perhentian serta penyegaran kembali atas manusia binatang, hamba bahkan orang asing , pembahasan mengenai hari Sabat ini sangat penting untuk dipelajari sebab Allah mengambil inisiatif untuk melakukan serta menjadikan perintah yang termuat di dalam sepuluh hukum Allah yang dikenal dengan sebutan dekalog (Keluaran 20:4). Tercantumnya perintah keempat dalam dekalog membuktikan bahwa Sabat merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan bangsa Israel, yaitu mengenai penyelenggaraan dan kemahakuasaan Allah yang melatarbelakangi seluruh kehidupan bangsa Israel sebagai budak di Mesir yang harus bekerja tanpa henti.</p>
Jurnal Amanat Agung, 2022
Being a Christian is a noble calling, especially when you realize that Christians are called to i... more Being a Christian is a noble calling, especially when you realize that Christians are called to imitate the way of life of Christ and at the same time be an example of life for the world. Departing from the problem above, this study aims to highlight the exemplary model that every Christian needs to develop based on the teachings of Paul in Philippians 3:17-21. The research will use a qualitative method with a historical critical approach, especially by examining selected texts. The results of the study reveal that the exemplary life that must be developed must adhere to a morality that places oneself under Christ. This example is a responsibility that must be carried out by every follower of Christ as a tangible manifestation of their existence as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Ketidakadilan gender tidak hanya tampak dalam fenomena pembagian kerja secara seksual melainkan t... more Ketidakadilan gender tidak hanya tampak dalam fenomena pembagian kerja secara seksual melainkan tampak juga dalam penyebutan nama seorang perempuan yang sudah bersuami. Umumnya nama pribadi perempuan yang bersuami akan hilang digantikan dengan nama suami. Hal ini menunjukkan dalam keluarga pun terjadi pola hubungan ordinasi-subordinasi antara laki-laki dan perempuan. Masalah ini yang akan menjadi sorotan pembahasan dalam artikel ini, dengan tujuan agar kesetaraan gender dapat diciptakan yang dimulai dari unit terkecil dalam masyarakat, yaitu keluarga. Dengan menggunakan metode fenomenologi, yang berangkat dari kenyataan yang ada dan kemudian dianalisis dengan studi literatur, artikel ini memerlihatkan bahwa nama seseorang menunjuk pada pribadi. Jika nama dihilangkan dan diganti dengan nama lain, maka pribadi itu pun ikut hilang dan tergantikan berdasarkan nama yang baru. Hal ini harus diminimalisasi, jika perlu dihilangkan, dengan cara menyebut nama seorang istri berdasarkan namanya...
Logia, 2019
Seringkali kegiatan misi mengabaikan kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat, dan hal ini yang mengakib... more Seringkali kegiatan misi mengabaikan kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat, dan hal ini yang mengakibatkan kegiatan misi menjadi tidak efektif dan bahkan menemukan kegagalan. Padahal sebuah tindakan misi harus benar-benar dapat diterima oleh masyarakat yang menjadi sasaran misi, dan jalan masuk untuk bisa hidup di tengah masyarakat adalah dengan hidup dalam kebudayaan yang ada di masyarakat tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman tentang kebudayaan sangat dibutuhkan oleh setiap orang yang hendak menjalankan misi. Terlebih kalau mau dipahami lebih dalam lagi, kebudayaan merupakan sendi dasar bagi terbentuknya kehidupan dalam sebuah komunitas atau masyarakat. Dengan kata lain, kebudayaan adalah rancang bangun kehidupan dan worldview dari sebuah masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu tindakan misi harus memahami nilai kebudayaan yang hidup di tengah masyarakat. Namun hal ini bukan berarti bahwa misi hanya bergantung pada kebudayaan. Misi harus memiliki dasar pijakan yang kuat, sebelum bersentuhan dengan kebudayaan. Dasar pijakan yang harus dimiliki saat hendak bermisi adalah pemahaman yang benar tentang Kristologi, dengan tujuan agar tindakan misi yang dilakukan benar-benar dapat mentransformasi kebudayaan dalam nilai-nilai Kristologi. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan Kristologi untuk bermisi dalam sebuah kebudayaan, maka akan terjadi sebuah bentuk misi yang kontekstual; yang bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara Alkitabiah sekaligus sesuai dengan konteks/budaya yang ada.