Ok this may be a bit far fetched or much, (so if you don’t wanna do it it’s fine) but how would Shig, twice, and (if you feel like it) the men of the MLA react to their s/o having nipnop/nether region piercings (original) (raw)


Thots for Villain Rights (Box Closed)

Bnha villain page! Minors DNI. [Store: pastelbattystore.bigcartel.com] [Side Shop: https://www.mercari.com/u/875418373?sv=0\]
[Tip Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama\]

Anonymous asked:

Ok this may be a bit far fetched or much, (so if you don’t wanna do it it’s fine) but how would Shig, twice, and (if you feel like it) the men of the MLA react to their s/o having nipnop/nether region piercings

(Not far fetched at allI wonder this myself when it comes to a few characters!)

~MLA Men/Shigaraki/Jin’s S/O with “Piercings”~



-ReDestro: While he’s not particularly a fan of it on himself, he doesn’t mind it being on you. It’s your body after all! To him that means you should be able to do with it as you pleased. Get a few more piercings if you want to. Really at the end of the day he’s curious about it more than anything. He asks if they hurt, how long they take to heal, etc. There’s no shortage of interest from him when it comes to your piercings (and that goes for wherever you have them at on your body).

-Skeptic: Surprised him at first! Let’s say you got a nether region piercing (body part depends on reader). How could you have forgotten to tell him about it for so long!? The first time you pull your pants down he’s just like …”HUH?” It’s not gross or weird to him, just shocking is all. He takes a second to inspect it before asking if you have anymore on you in a different place. He’s pretty used to it after a day or so. Really doesn’t mind either way but I will say if you get wrapped up with him in bed then he’s going to test the sensitivity of said piercing for sure.

-Trumpet: Just like Skeptic he’s shocked about it for a second. He has a hard time trying to figure out why you would do that to yourself. He doesn’t hate it but he isn’t a big fan of it. He’ll likely never get a piercing himself or even a tattoo. However (since it’s a nipple piercing) I’m sure you can change is mind on things if you show it to him enough:)

-Geten: “Hmm. Okay?” Could care less about it either way. People get piercings. It’s a normal part of life really. At once point he considered getting a piercing himself (Snake Bites to be exact) but Rikiya had talked him out of it since he was really young at the time. Seeing your piercings might make him change his mind and get some done now that he’s an adult and all. If it happens then he’ll definitely make you go with him and hold his hand. “Shut up! I’m not nervous so shut your mouth Y/N.” _He’s nervous_…his hand is shaking lol

-Shigaraki: Thinks it’s pretty impressive that you have a piercing down there like that. He won’t admit it but he’s got sensitive skin so even if he wanted to get a piercing he doubts it would heal properly. Speaking of healing, he’s really good with you if you get a fresh one. Certainly the type to remind you to clean it often or maybe he does it himself to take care of you. Since it’s down there he’s probably going to be careful with his actions if you engage in such. But who are we kidding, with a quirk like his, he’s always careful with you.

-Twice: Immediately goes off into a conversation with himself mentioning how you’re just like Dabi. It’s funny to watch as he continues spouting off nonsense. “Nipple piercing really???” “So cool!” “Terrible, I despise it.” “Wow, you outta get some more!” “Maybe I could get some too.” Out of everyone in the list, he’s most likely to get matching piercings with you!

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia jin bubaigawara bnha twice tomura shigaraki shigiraki tomura bnha geten trumpet bnha koku hanabata tomoyasu chikazoku skeptic bnha rikiya yotsubashi redestro Headcanon lov league of villains mla meta liberation army plf paranormal liberation front

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Anonymous asked:

Can I get uhhh mouse!Shiggy, please?



Animal Crossing: Tomura Shigaraki

I made him a mouse as requested. Honestly, between him and Kurogiri, I think they’re my favorite ones I did so far lol

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0shark-babe0-deactivated2020040 asked:

I'm almost finished drawing twice, but can you do a smut scenario with, my baby, Twice and his s/o? Pls make it as fluffy as you can, but give a pinch of angst.


-Jin Bubaigawara smut-


His hands traveled carefully up the sides of your body while you nibbled his neck from your comfy position on his lap. He was sure to be extra careful with you as if you were the finest glass. He was always like this (aside from the very few times you two engaged into rougher sex). He was careful with your body and mentally wished he were more sound to be careful with his words as well. He knew as soon as things were going to heat up that his personalities would run rampant. Luckily for you, you knew how to discern the real Twice from the fake one. You knew he meant no harm in his words so you simply laughed them off. “_Mmmmm…y/n please?_” He begged quietly while you continued to work your mouth upon his neck vigorously. “Y/nnnn, you’re going to give me another hickey and I won’t be able to live it down if the others see it again like last time…_Ah!_” He gasped when you bit down to momentarily silence his complaints. Finally you pulled away to look at your handy work. The purplish bruise on his neck shined lightly with the thin coat of spit reflecting off the dimmed bedroom lamp. You felt him shift below you and his member twitched lightly signalling he was ready and wanting for you. He wasn’t making the first move tonight and it was up to you to bring it out of him.

Lately you noticed he was having sex less and less with you. Of course you knew it wasn’t for any reason like cheating. No, he’d never! So it had to be something dampening his mood. There was nothing like a good fuck to get him feeling like himself again. Besides, you were already in the mood an missing him oh so much. Perhaps this was a form of sex therapy, huh? “Lean back Jin.” You directed him with a kind smile on your face. You were really too good for him. He did as he was told, leaving you to straddle him. Even though he wasted no time, you still noticed the hint of worry in his eyes when he peeked up at you every so often. You sighed and rolled your hips drawing a soft whine out of him. Although he wanted you, there was something in his eyes that screamed hesitation. You momentarily stopped when you heard him sniffle a little bit. “Jin what’s wrong?” You paused your motions to check on him. He sighed and sat up a bit on his elbows. “I’m not…good enough y’know? I mean, you’re perfect and I’m a fucking mess baby. I don’t feel like I deserve you.” He admitted quickly. You frowned and shook your head, lightly pushing him down a bit more so that he returned to his previous motions. “Jin you are perfect though. i mean, we all have our own issues so you shouldn’t let it get you down. I chose you despite all of this.” You moved to slip his gray sweatpants off. Then you worked to slip his tank top off before working at your own clothes. “I mean, honestly Jin…for a villain, you’re almost too good sometimes. The way you treat me is amazing. Also, I haven’t seen you commit a single crime lately other than being an accomplice to Shigaraki.” You finished stripping down and moved to run light kisses along his bare chest and down to his tummy. He began whining lightly as the sensations took his worry away. “Yeah, I know but, wouldn’t you wanna be with someone yknow…normal?” He said between whining and gasping. You looked up at him and smirked.

“Where’s the fun in that?” Then you continued trailing down into the soft tuft of hairs down below. Once you put a light grip on his dick, he knew it was over with for his control. The voices started to slip out and you giggled at your accomplishment to make him lose his mind every time. “Please y/n…Please just do-**GIVE IT TO ME, SLUT!!!” He slapped his hand over his mouth while you giggled and continued to lightly stroke him. He groaned when you soft lips overtook him in one motion. “FUCK!**” He shouted, mentally slapping himself for the outbursts. You simply giggled, sending the vibrations running from his cock all the way up the base of his spine, and making him shiver. Maybe he was a little lost in the moment because after working him down for 5 minutes he was already on the verge of cumming. He looked down at you and gasped when you winked at him. Just that burst of confidence/lust you held in your eye was enough to have him filling your mouth with his cum. He panted tiredly as you released him from your mouth. (You choose whether or not you swallowed). “Come here.” You stretched your arms out and watched him eagerly scramble to be held by you.

“You ARE perfect Jin Bubaigawara. Stop doubting that.” He looked up at you with the softest eyes before they suddenly darkened. “I just remembered…we hadn’t taken care of you just yet. Here babe. Lemme show you how perfect you are to me too.” He growled in your ear.



TIp Jar: https://cash.app/$YuTakeyama

jin bubaigawara twice bnha twice twice smut lov league of villains bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia

Anonymous asked:

Pitched idea?: Tomura, Dabi, Redestro and Nine's s/o end up giving birth to a daughter with a demon quirk. If you've seen ft, basically mirajane straus. Your page is amazing:D

(Making the reader Neutral as usual so I hope that’s okay! Oh and I’m very out of touch because I don’t know what mirajane straus is and I feel so old. I can’t believe being 24 years old is when I’d be old lmao. Anyway I also don’t know Redestro unless he’s that toll dude everyone explained to me a while back without spoilers so I’m sorry! Despite all this, I’m still gonna do my best to write this out for yah lol)

~Tomura/Dabi/Nine’s S/O and their Birthed/Adopted Daughter with Demon Quirk~



-Demon was supposed to be his little nickname given his affiliations and personality, but that all changed when his daughter’s quirk activated one rainy afternoon. Honestly it developed pretty late and you were both starting to think she was going to be quirkless. For you this was kind of a relief because you didn’t have to worry about the effects society would have on her if she wasn’t strong enough to become a hero. Meanwhile Tomura had hoped she’d get a quirk so he could help her train and hone her skills properly and much more gentle than he had to endure. Lucky for him, a quirk did show up. It happened all so quickly too. You and Shiggy were relaxing on the couch and watching a terrible horror movie together while your daughter was preparing for bed. It was pretty peaceful with the low TV volume, rain pattering on the rooftop, and the crackling of the candle burning on your coffee table. Suddenly you heard screaming and the sound of your daughter’s little feet pattering coming down the hallway. She quickly jumped up into you lap and began whining. “I was brushing my teeth when they turned sharp. What’s happening!?” It took a pretty good amount of time to explain to her that her quirk had shown up, but she understood just before settling to bed. Within the following days, her pupils changed, her horns grew in, her nails turned into little tiny claws, and very small wings appeared with a tail. At first it bothered her, but she became used to it all pretty soon!


-As soon as her quirk manifested, Dabi forgot all about you! Okay so maybe that’s an overstatement, but it’s true. She was already a daddy’s girl to begin with, but this just cemented the deal. Dabi loves to pretend that he doesn’t care about many things, but he never really fakes his affections for his kid. These days he spends more time documenting her little quirk journey than he does with you on a date lol. Every little thing has become special to him. Nothing can stop it either. At one point the two of you were getting down to business (whatever that may be) when she came running into the room. “Daddy look!!!” She balled up her tiny S/C fists and grunted as her little wings flapped rapidly. She could only get about 3 or 4 inches off the ground before getting tired and falling back to her feet. “Oh Holy shit! Do it again, wait! Lemme grab my phone!” You laugh and shake you head at this odd enthusiasm from him. Even though he’s become more invested in being a dad lately, you wouldn’t change it for the world.



-Really feels bad about it tbh. He knows first hand how bad society can get when it comes to quirks. He’s worried she would face discriminations if it were either too strong, or too weak. He preferred if she was just quirkless altogether to begin with. She’d still have to deal with the pressures of the world, but it would be a lot less worse if she didn’t have a quirk. Surely enough, she developed one anyway! While you and her were ecstatic, Nine was sent into panic mode. He was already an overprotective father to begin with, but he just ended up getting a lot worse when she developed this quirk. He was juggling full time with teaching her to use it, and with preaching anti-bullying. Thing is…she wasn’t even being bullied! In fact, she was the first in her class to develop her quirk so all the other kids thought she was amazing. She got plenty of positive attention on the daily, so you need to sit down and explain that Nine is taking things out of control. Of course he’s probably not going to listen to you at first. He’s also the helicopter parent out of the two of you. He would be up at that school every single day if it were allowed. Finally your daughter puts her own tiny feet down to stop him. “Daddy, please stop being scared. I’m okay.” She smiles up at him with those big E/C eyes sparkling and maybe he considers his behavior for just this once. What can you say? Nine loves his little demon.


Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia bnha shigaraki tomura shigaraki shigiraki tomura shigaraki tomura bnha dabi Dabi touya todoroki nine bnha nine heroes rising bnha heroes rising lov league of villains

Anonymous asked:

With Shigaraki’s new face reveal having just come out in the anime, i would like to propose this request- for that scene, but the reader (who is apart of the league) is just sitting in the back the entire time it’s going on like 😱😱😨😨😨😨😨😨😨. And finally after a few minutes of talking to twice, feeling their stare burning through the front of his skull he looks up and is like. “What the fuck do you want.” and they’re just like “Y-you’re.... you’re fucking hot....”

This whole ask is a mood. I mean, Shigarakiiiiiiiiiiiii…sheesh!!! God I love him so much!!!

~Shigaraki Face Reveal~


The situation was grim and the tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut by a butter knife. You already felt bad enough when you looked at Magne’s old weapon resting against the wall, and when you looked at Compress’s bandaged stub accompanied by his frowny mask. The members were either saddened or angry, and Shigaraki wasn’t having the best time trying to fix the morale. The most shocking of the scene wasn’t when Toga had out her blade against your leader’s neck…no.

The most shocking moment was when Tomura removed father from his face. This was the first time any of you had seen his actual face…and it damn near blew you away. The collective gasps from the others had only added to how the situation and emotion shifted.

Perhaps he may not have been attractive to the average person but to you he was very hot. If anything, you began to feel your face warm up when looking at him. His hair seemed to frame his face perfectly while his reddened eyes added to the mystery of his personality. He was dry and chapped but at the same time he seemed smooth and glowing. The beauty mark on his face was a cute touch as well. You were completely and utterly breathless. However, you weren’t really unnoticed when it came to reactions. Tomura was now looking directly at you in full annoyance. “What the Hell are you staring at? What the fuck do you want?” He glared at you. After a few more seconds of silence you had finally manged to swallow you reaction and reply in a whisper. “You’re hot.”

“Tch.” Tomura quickly looked down to the ground, but not fast enough for his blush not to be noticed.

shigiraki tomura shigaraki tomura shigaraki league of villains lov bnha shigaraki bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia bnha scenarios scenario

zuffer-weird-girl asked:

Hey friend! (Not gonna lie I'm jealous of that Kai plushie ;-;) I'm sorry to bother but do you remember that chibi au? I was just curious how would you do it? Maybe with Shigaraki? Could be hcs but only if you want to do it. Have a great day ^^

(_I abuse that plush every single day. I punch his stupid face all the time, I love him so much. I highly recommend getting one so you can throw it against the wall too. Perfect for stress!_😂 Anyway, I remember a long time ago of your Chibi works and I’d love to try my hand at it. I can only hope it would turn out even half as good as yours did. Wish me luck as I put my little spin on things!)

~Chibi! Soulmate AU: Shigaraki Edition~


(This is from the reader’s P.O.V by the way!!!)

It happened again today and to say you were both warmed yet upset by it was an understatement. Another new couple was formed today in public. This time it was in the mall when a boy met his soulmate for the first time. Watching the two men combine as their Chibis happily disappeared was gut wrenching since you figured it would never happen to the likes of you. It was around that time of the year where Chibi soulmates were more prominent in the community than usual. Who’s to say where and when these things came about. There haven’t been much scientific studies on the creatures, and many people theorized they came about around the time that quirks did. Either way, it was that time of the year again and they were seemingly everywhere. Although they were like tiny squeaking humans, they were widely regarded as a temporary pet of sort. Some people got one in their lifetime. Some people ended up luckily with two if one of their soulmates died and by chance was reincarnated as another person. Some people unfortunately would never get a Chibi nor a soulmate in their entire life. By now in your age you had figured you’d have gotten your soulmate. Really it could happen to anyone at any age but it was more renowned that it happened around this age group of yours. You spent your days watching soulmate connection videos online, and reading about forums where people hadn’t received their Soulmates. When you got home that night you had fully prepared to read some more articles until you opened the door and saw him. You gasped while dropping your bags on the ground and you followed as well, dropping to your knees.

The Chibi was rooting through the snacks on your shelf, struggling to get into the bag of chips before nearly falling off the counter and basically almost killing itself. “You quickly caught him and laughed while still in shock. “How did you even get up there!?” It looked at you in annoyance before squeaking once. He laughed lightly and gently placed him on the ground before standing up and grabbing the chips. He watched from the ground as you grabbed a bowl, opened the bag, and poured some chips into it. You put the bowl on the ground and watched him munching on the snack, squeaking happily with a full mouth. “To just eat this bowl would probably take you all night little guy.” It growled a bit before continuing to eat. You sat there and admired the light blue tint to his hair and the cute little dot on his chin. It was rather peculiar to see the damage to his skin along his face and his neck, but you weren’t one to judge. He was your soulmate and as far as you could tell, he was beautiful to you even by just viewing his Chibi in the moment.

When the little guy was done snacking you placed him on your shoulder and you continued with your evening. Without needing to do any reading you actually freed up your time and took on a lot less stress about the whole Chibi situation. Now you could spend time doing things you really enjoyed like watching a movie or playing a mindless game on your phone. It would’ve been more relaxing had you not had to deal with the unnecessarily LOUD squeaking commentary from the Chibi on your shoulder. It was as if he was directing you on the game when you were sure you knew it better than him. “Well fine if you think you can beat this level then by all means feel free to try.” You said sarcastically as he climbed down your shoulder and held got good balance on your arm. To your surprise, he absolutely obliterated the level and caused you to get a new high score. He flashed you a rather smug look and you rolled your eyes. “Oh please, that was beginners luck!”

The rest of your week would usually be more mundane if you were alone but you ended up having a bit more fun with him there by your side. Grocery shopping, work, even just sitting in the park and enjoying the sunlight was different when you weren’t alone for once. Of course don’t forget you were also ever vigilant now that he was around. You always scanned the crowd as you searched desperately in hopes to find your one true soulmate. You haven’t found him yet but you felt it would be soon.

And you were right.

One particularly hectic morning was brought about as your phone alarm shocked you awake from being set too loudly. You slapped the desk quickly in search of the snooze button and your phone accidently fell to the ground and cracked. Your Chibi peered up at you with concerned red eyes before you reassured him with a small scratch to his head. “Oh I’m sure it’ll be okay. I’ve dropped it plenty of times!” You were wrong. And now you found yourself standing in the worlds longest line at the phone store while you waited to get it repaired. You had finally almost made it to your turn in line when your Chibi started squeaking frantically and running around like a chicken with his head cut off. “Hey wait! WAIT!” You shouted, pushing past someone and following your Chibi out of the store. You were so worried you’d lose him that you kept your eyes on him and him only as you were chasing. Most people moved out of your way since they either knew what was happening, or they just didn’t wanna get ran over by some random crazy girl/boy/person running down the sidewalk. You ended up slamming into someone’s chest as a Chibi that looked exactly like you stopped just short of your feet and smiled at you. “Wha…?” You rubbed your head and looked up at him…your Soulmate. He was even more beautiful in person than you had ever imagined. By the look on his face, he clearly felt the same way about you. You were so taken aback with shock and happiness/relief that you hadn’t noticed your little Chibis disappearing. A part of you was saddened by the fact but how could you stay upset for much longer when the person you were always meant for was standing right in front of you. It felt like it took years to get to this point. You clearly had a lot to catch up on 💗

Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia shigiraki tomura shigaraki tomura tomura shigaraki chibi! soulmate au lov league of villains

~Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner~


Originally posted by tokugou


-Tomura was by no means a beach bum. In fact as the years dragged on he grew up to hate the beach ore and more. Besides the fact that he was a wanted criminal, he had plenty of other reasons to denounce the beach. It was too hot, he gets too sweaty and it irritates his skin. Usually they’re overcrowded on certain holidays and weekends. There was nothing of interest to do but swim or lounge around, and the restaurants that lined the strip were overpriced due to tourists and people flocking to the beach for special occasions.

-Well the one up-side was seeing you in your bathing suit/swim trunks…

-That’s why when you asked him to go to a secluded beach with you one this (one of the HOTTEST days of the year) he just deadpanned before glaring and promptly answering you: “No.” You were persistent though, and you proceeded to beg him. To which he replied “What are you deaf? I said HELL no.” He flicked your nose in annoyance and continued on with whatever he was doing. Finally you sighed and gave up. You trudged toward the other end of the room where Toga and Dabi sat at the bar with Compress. As soon as you struck eyes with Dabi a lightbulb went on in your mind. “Dabi, you wanna go to the beach with me?” You said loud enough for Tomura to hear. He went stiff and half turned his head to listen to your conversation.

-Dabi, instantly catching onto your plan, decided to help as he usually did when these things happened. “Yeah, sounds good to me. Lemme get my stuff.” Soon after, Toga joined in. “No fair, Y/N I wanna go too! I wanna go pleeeease!?” Before anyone else could speak up, Shigaraki launched out of his spot and interjected. “No. Y/N is my partner and I’ll be the one to take her/him/them to the beach. The rest of you can piss right off.” He grumbled as he dragged you back to the bedroom while you laughed. Before you knew it, he was on his way to this little beach with you.

-Things were slower there, quiet and he had to admit he was enjoying it until you had to interrupt the peace with a little game of yours. “Shiggy wanna find seashells with me?” He glared before slowly turning his attention back to the article he was reading on his phone. “Please Tomura, we’ve done nothing since we got here but sit under the umbrella and munch on snacks.” You complained as he scoffed. “Uh yeah, that’s the whole point besides the swimming. There’s no way I’m getting out of the shade to look for fucking seashells. If you want a seashell, look on the internet and order a plastic bag full of them.” You groaned and shook his arm. “No, those aren’t even real shells half the time! Please Tomura? We can make it into a game with prizes! Winner gets the other person to cook a nice dinner for them and be at their beck and call for 24 hours straight!”

-As soon as you said that he looked over to you with a smirk. “Oh is that so? And you promise to play fair then? Don’t be upset if I beat you and don’t you dare change the terms and conditions of the game, go it?” You quickly nodded at him and he chuckled. “Game on then…”

-By the end of the day you had both met back under the umbrella with a bucket half full of different shells. “Same amount means it’s a tie!” You internally sighed in relief that you hadn’t lost the game. However, you may have celebrated internally too quickly as you watched in horror that he reached into each pocket of his swim trunks and emptied a lot of shells onto your beach towel. “Looks like I win.” He smirked as you lamented your decision both there and all the way home. Lucky for you he would take it easy on you, but don’t expect it to all be a breeze with the way he was smiling sinisterly at you when you made it back to the base together. “Let’s get started, shall we?”

bnha mha boku no hero academia my hero academia shigiraki tomura shigaraki tomura tomura shigaraki l.o.v league of villains

Anonymous asked:

What do you think kai, shiggy, Chrono & dabi way of showing love or affection are?

For the sake of this ask, let’s pretend the Yakuza aren’t broke lol

~How Kai/Tomura/Chrono/Dabi show affection~



-He’s not so experienced with relationships so he probably shows his affection through buying multiple things for you. Depending on whether you like that or not is when you should let him know whether or not it’s working. Until you tell him otherwise, he won’t stop

-Actually…even if you tell him to stop then he probably won’t!

-In his eyes he’s a Yakuza leader so of course he has to spoil his S/O and flex his wealth/power to other gangs and people on the streets. Kai thinks that it’s making you genuinely happy (even if he’s overwhelming you). You learn to stop mentioning things you like or stuff you think you want or else you’ll wake up next to it in no more than 2 day.

-His ultimate way to show his affection is telling you to get a checkup and bringing him the medical info. From there (if you’re physically healthy) he’ll tell you to take shower with antibacterial soap, brush/floss/mouthwash your teeth, and put on your cleanest most pressed clothing. Then he’ll tell you to wait for him on the bed while he takes his shower. When he comes out he puts on fresh clothes but…there’s no gloves. He makes his way to you, sits down on the bed, and strokes your face with his hand. You can tell he’s hesitant at first but you’ve both presumably been dating for a very long time (let’s say 1 and a half years). He’s finally touching you and letting you touch him as well.


-Silence mainly. He’s not too open with you unless he feels like it. So maybe he’s feeling a bit stressed or he thinks it’s time to give you some loving. Then he goes to wherever you are and cuddles up to you. He’ll keep silent but also hide his face in your body to keep you from seeing the slight pink tint on his face.

-Other times, after being together for such a long time, he’ll come to you and just talk. The most shocking thing is that he finally tells you about his past and his deepest thoughts about various topics. He doesn’t make you reply to him or anything like that. He just wants to be an open book to you so please let him because this won’t happen often.

-One of the other things he does is offer for you to (that’s right, you guessed it) play video games on his team. Even if you’re bad at them then he’ll let you play anyway because it’s his way to show his affection to you (unless you’re good, then he welcomes you to play on your own team to battle against you).


-He brags about you and constantly takes pics of you when you’re not looking. Sometimes they’re absolutely terrible blurry shots of you but he sets them as his wallpaper and gushes over them. To him, you don’t have a single flaw. It wouldn’t matter if you were just a floating head in a fish bowl…still the most beautiful thing that Hari has ever seen in his entire life. As for the bragging, the other members of the Hassasikai wish he would just SHUT UP for once!

-Another thing he does is give you his time. To him, time is very essential. Time can never go back and you lose those seconds, minutes, hours…etc. Because of this he makes sure to give you as much of his time as he can. After finishing up all his work he comes to you and offers to do whatever activities that you want to do for the day.


-This asshole likes to pretend he doesn’t care but you know he does. Otherwise, why would you two have been together for such a long time. He’ll pretend like he’s a bad guy, he’s a villain…but he’s never cheated on you, never burnt or hit you, never even forgot to apologize after fucking up multiple times (even if it takes him a long time to apologize lol). He’s a good guy to you and that’s the truth. He’s just annoying is all lol

-He is extremely playful with you. So much so that he’s actually really annoying and doesn’t know when exactly to stop. Playful flicks to the nose, random ass bites while cuddling, pinching your side, ruffling your hair (if you have any. If you don’t then we’ll settle for his thumping your head). He throws out random insults but they’re not really all that serious. Like he’ll say stuff like “what, can’t you read?” if you have trouble pronouncing stuff. He won’t go too far like “At least I’m not the one with a dead parent.” He’s not that horrible!

-He’s a big ass yes man. I mean he’s whipped. He’s all like Can’t nobody control me! I do whatever the hell I want to do! But you know this is a lie. Example:

“Dabi can you pick up some flour on your way home?”

“Hell NO. I’m almost there and I’m not turning back so I guess you’re just S.O.L babe (which means Shit outta luck).

1 hour later Dabi comes stomping into the house completely soaked from rain.

“Dabi where were you? I thought your were almost home! Had you come home soon enough then you wouldn’t be wet from the rain!

“Ah get off my damn back y/n, I got your flour.” He tosses you the wet but undamaged bag.

“Dabi…did you turn all the way back around and go to the store just for me?” You ask him with a large smile. He rolls his eyes and trudges past you towards the shower.

“Yeah, whatever. Don’t ask me for shit else because I’m NOT doing anything for you again.”

That’s a lie and you know it :)

bnha my hero academia boku no hero academia mha overhaul kai chisaki chisaki kai yakuza bnha overhaul mha overhaul dabi bnha dabi league of villains lov shigaraki shigiraki tomura shigaraki tomura kurono hari hari kurono chrono Chronostasis