Kis Krisztián | University of Szeged (original) (raw)

Papers by Kis Krisztián

Research paper thumbnail of The examination of factors hindering the technological development of the agricultural enterprises regarding the innovation in the South Great Plain Region of Hungary

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Research paper thumbnail of Előszó

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Research paper thumbnail of A Hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség humán erőforrásainak hierarchia-rendszerű vizsgálata

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Research paper thumbnail of Vidékgazdaság, erőforrások, infrastruktúra rendszerszemléletben

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Development of the Tourism Supply and the Tourist Flow in the Town of Mórahalom

Mórahalom is one of the municipalities of Hungary which have undergone significant or, one could ... more Mórahalom is one of the municipalities of Hungary which have undergone significant or, one could even say, unique progress in recent decades, typically in the last 15 years. In response to the newly emerging and unfolding needs, the town has been able to reconsider its existing assets, mainly its natural endowments (primarily thermal water), and to utilise them through conscious decisions and steps in order to boost the local economy and improve the residents' quality of life. The tourist attractiveness of Mórahalom is fundamentally built around the spa, which has become the basis for local developments in the past decade and a half. As a result of the implemented and ongoing developments, the town can present to the public a tourism product offer that generates a significant amount of tourist flow increasing year by year, and thus provides the local economy with additional income. By now the visibility and economy of Mórahalom is based mostly on tourism, in particular on the at...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fenntartható földhasználat jelene és lehetőségei a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérségben

SZIE Környezet- és Tájgazdálkodási Intézet, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of LEADER-tervezés a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérsédben (2007-2013)

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Research paper thumbnail of A SZTE MFK hatása a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség humán erőforrásaira az ezredforduló után

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Research paper thumbnail of The concept of value creation in Blue Ocean strategy and lean management

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Research paper thumbnail of The examination of settlement fuctions in the Hódmezővásárhely micro-region according to the institutional provision

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Research paper thumbnail of A helyi akciócsoportok, mint belső fejlesztési tényezők szerepe és feladatai a vidékfejlesztési politika megvalósításának rendszerében

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment and income in the Hódmezővásárhely microregion

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Research paper thumbnail of A társadalmi tőke, mint a társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatokat befolyásoló erőforrás

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Research paper thumbnail of Tájhasználat a Hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség védett természeti területein

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Research paper thumbnail of A biomassza energetikai hasznosításának helye és szerepe a vidékgazdaságban

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Research paper thumbnail of European Innovation Partnership as a Framework for Open Innovation in Agriculture

Contemporarily, agriculture is facing many challenges connected with growing food demand and scar... more Contemporarily, agriculture is facing many challenges connected with growing food demand and scarcity of natural resources. In meeting these challenges innovation has become of crucial importance. The paper aims at providing an insight on the topic of the needs and possibilities of open innovation and its significance for the transition towards sustainable and more productive agriculture of EU. We argue that given the complexity of innovation process there emerges the need for effective interactions between all actors of agriculture sector. We conclude that new instrument of EU policy: European Innovation Partnership, which promotes open innovation approach should facilitate emergence of networks of collaboration in agriculture. Such an approach will stimulate innovation processes and will help to give better responses to contemporary challenges faced by agriculture.

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Research paper thumbnail of A LEADER-megközelítés alkalmazásának tapasztalatai az eredményesség, hatékonyság és fenntarthatóság szemszögéből

This paper discusses the experiences of the implementation of LEADER approach from the perspectiv... more This paper discusses the experiences of the implementation of LEADER approach from the perspective of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In the late 1980s, the EU’s rural development policy shifted towards endogenous development, as introduced into the practice of rural development in the framework of the LEADER programme. The LEADER as the new model of rural development policy, the new paradigm of development focuses on participation, cooperation and utilization of the local resources. The basic institutions of implementation of the LEADER programme are the LAGs (Local Action Groups as local partnerships), which have a great role in the local development with their proactive operation. The impact assessment of the implementation of the LEADER approach showed that in spite of several positive examples, there are many factors which hinder the wide adoption of the features of the programme into practice, thus realization of results and impacts expected from it in the proces...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Situation and Role of Rural Resources in the Economy of Hódmez İvásárhely Micro-Region

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Research paper thumbnail of A LEADER-térségek fejlődését akadályozó tényezők értékelése és a helyi akciócsoportok szerepe a helyi fejlődésben

During the 2007–2013 programming period in Hungary 96 Local Action Groups (LAGs) have got the opp... more During the 2007–2013 programming period in Hungary 96 Local Action Groups (LAGs) have got the opportunity to contribute to the local development process using LEADER approach, based on the concept of endogenous development. The nationwide survey carried out among Hungarian LAGs indicates that human resources (rural people and their communities) are not only factors of rural economies, but also areas of improvement. The LAGs are basic institutions of implementing the LEADER Programme, and according to their proactive operations they play a crucial role in local rural develeopment. Through their func)tions and activities the LAGs generate synergy effect, which actually means the positive contribu)tion of LAGs to the territorial processes. In this way the synergy is the added value of the LAGs’ operation, a joint effect, which can be realize through improving relations between the stakeholders.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Experiences of Implementing Leader Approach, with Special Attention to Effectiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability

This paper discusses the role of local parnerships in promoting competitive and sustainable rural... more This paper discusses the role of local parnerships in promoting competitive and sustainable rural development, and the experiences of implementing LEADER approach from the perspective of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In the late 1980s, the EU’s rural development policy shifted towards endogenous development, as introduced into the practice of rural development in the framework of the LEADER programme. The basic institutions of implementing the LEADER approach are the LAGs (Local Action Groups as local partnerships), which have a great role in the local development with their proactive operation. Due to the everincreasing role of the LEADER approach played in realization of rural development policy the LAGs have become key actors of the institutional system of rural development. Their operation can effectively contribute to the realization of the European rural development policy at local level, to the competitive and sustainable development of their area. Compliance ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The examination of factors hindering the technological development of the agricultural enterprises regarding the innovation in the South Great Plain Region of Hungary

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Research paper thumbnail of Előszó

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Research paper thumbnail of A Hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség humán erőforrásainak hierarchia-rendszerű vizsgálata

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Research paper thumbnail of Vidékgazdaság, erőforrások, infrastruktúra rendszerszemléletben

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Research paper thumbnail of Analysis of the Development of the Tourism Supply and the Tourist Flow in the Town of Mórahalom

Mórahalom is one of the municipalities of Hungary which have undergone significant or, one could ... more Mórahalom is one of the municipalities of Hungary which have undergone significant or, one could even say, unique progress in recent decades, typically in the last 15 years. In response to the newly emerging and unfolding needs, the town has been able to reconsider its existing assets, mainly its natural endowments (primarily thermal water), and to utilise them through conscious decisions and steps in order to boost the local economy and improve the residents' quality of life. The tourist attractiveness of Mórahalom is fundamentally built around the spa, which has become the basis for local developments in the past decade and a half. As a result of the implemented and ongoing developments, the town can present to the public a tourism product offer that generates a significant amount of tourist flow increasing year by year, and thus provides the local economy with additional income. By now the visibility and economy of Mórahalom is based mostly on tourism, in particular on the at...

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Research paper thumbnail of Fenntartható földhasználat jelene és lehetőségei a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérségben

SZIE Környezet- és Tájgazdálkodási Intézet, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of LEADER-tervezés a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérsédben (2007-2013)

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Research paper thumbnail of A SZTE MFK hatása a hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség humán erőforrásaira az ezredforduló után

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Research paper thumbnail of The concept of value creation in Blue Ocean strategy and lean management

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Research paper thumbnail of The examination of settlement fuctions in the Hódmezővásárhely micro-region according to the institutional provision

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Research paper thumbnail of A helyi akciócsoportok, mint belső fejlesztési tényezők szerepe és feladatai a vidékfejlesztési politika megvalósításának rendszerében

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Research paper thumbnail of Employment and income in the Hódmezővásárhely microregion

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Research paper thumbnail of A társadalmi tőke, mint a társadalmi és gazdasági folyamatokat befolyásoló erőforrás

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Research paper thumbnail of Tájhasználat a Hódmezővásárhelyi kistérség védett természeti területein

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Research paper thumbnail of A biomassza energetikai hasznosításának helye és szerepe a vidékgazdaságban

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Research paper thumbnail of European Innovation Partnership as a Framework for Open Innovation in Agriculture

Contemporarily, agriculture is facing many challenges connected with growing food demand and scar... more Contemporarily, agriculture is facing many challenges connected with growing food demand and scarcity of natural resources. In meeting these challenges innovation has become of crucial importance. The paper aims at providing an insight on the topic of the needs and possibilities of open innovation and its significance for the transition towards sustainable and more productive agriculture of EU. We argue that given the complexity of innovation process there emerges the need for effective interactions between all actors of agriculture sector. We conclude that new instrument of EU policy: European Innovation Partnership, which promotes open innovation approach should facilitate emergence of networks of collaboration in agriculture. Such an approach will stimulate innovation processes and will help to give better responses to contemporary challenges faced by agriculture.

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Research paper thumbnail of A LEADER-megközelítés alkalmazásának tapasztalatai az eredményesség, hatékonyság és fenntarthatóság szemszögéből

This paper discusses the experiences of the implementation of LEADER approach from the perspectiv... more This paper discusses the experiences of the implementation of LEADER approach from the perspective of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In the late 1980s, the EU’s rural development policy shifted towards endogenous development, as introduced into the practice of rural development in the framework of the LEADER programme. The LEADER as the new model of rural development policy, the new paradigm of development focuses on participation, cooperation and utilization of the local resources. The basic institutions of implementation of the LEADER programme are the LAGs (Local Action Groups as local partnerships), which have a great role in the local development with their proactive operation. The impact assessment of the implementation of the LEADER approach showed that in spite of several positive examples, there are many factors which hinder the wide adoption of the features of the programme into practice, thus realization of results and impacts expected from it in the proces...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Situation and Role of Rural Resources in the Economy of Hódmez İvásárhely Micro-Region

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Research paper thumbnail of A LEADER-térségek fejlődését akadályozó tényezők értékelése és a helyi akciócsoportok szerepe a helyi fejlődésben

During the 2007–2013 programming period in Hungary 96 Local Action Groups (LAGs) have got the opp... more During the 2007–2013 programming period in Hungary 96 Local Action Groups (LAGs) have got the opportunity to contribute to the local development process using LEADER approach, based on the concept of endogenous development. The nationwide survey carried out among Hungarian LAGs indicates that human resources (rural people and their communities) are not only factors of rural economies, but also areas of improvement. The LAGs are basic institutions of implementing the LEADER Programme, and according to their proactive operations they play a crucial role in local rural develeopment. Through their func)tions and activities the LAGs generate synergy effect, which actually means the positive contribu)tion of LAGs to the territorial processes. In this way the synergy is the added value of the LAGs’ operation, a joint effect, which can be realize through improving relations between the stakeholders.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Experiences of Implementing Leader Approach, with Special Attention to Effectiveness, Efficiency and Sustainability

This paper discusses the role of local parnerships in promoting competitive and sustainable rural... more This paper discusses the role of local parnerships in promoting competitive and sustainable rural development, and the experiences of implementing LEADER approach from the perspective of effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. In the late 1980s, the EU’s rural development policy shifted towards endogenous development, as introduced into the practice of rural development in the framework of the LEADER programme. The basic institutions of implementing the LEADER approach are the LAGs (Local Action Groups as local partnerships), which have a great role in the local development with their proactive operation. Due to the everincreasing role of the LEADER approach played in realization of rural development policy the LAGs have become key actors of the institutional system of rural development. Their operation can effectively contribute to the realization of the European rural development policy at local level, to the competitive and sustainable development of their area. Compliance ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Social responsibility and quality in practice

Krisztián Kis, 2021

In this chapter, two excellent examples from Hungary are presented as cases related to the issues... more In this chapter, two excellent examples from Hungary are presented as cases related to the issues discussed in Chapter 2.6, titled Social responsibility and quality: issues of competitiveness and sustainable development. One case is about a Sustainable restaurant initiative introduced by the Heroes of Responsible Dining Foundation, while the other concerns the Safe place certification developed by the CertUnion certification and consulting company. Both cases are examples for presenting responsibility, quality and innovation from different approaches while contributing to both competitiveness and sustainable development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Social responsibility and quality: issues of competitiveness and sustainable development

Krisztián Kis, 2021

It can be stated that quality is a multifaceted concept, and it makes the difference between any ... more It can be stated that quality is a multifaceted concept, and it makes the difference between any perceivable or conceivable entities visible. The meaning of quality has greatly changed over the years, its content has expanded and quality has become the most important single factor for success. Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that "quality means business". However, quality, as it will be seen, means much more than that. Corporate Social Responsibility and the service of Sustainable Development Goals have become part of organisational quality. Nonetheless, without innovation, there is no quality or competitiveness, thus, there is no business either. This is the 21 st century, which, according to Joseph M. Juran, will be the century of quality. It is important to note that companies are not just economic units or merely market participants, but also social factors and entities influencing the environment. For this reason, compliance with social norms and ethical expectations is also an important aspect of their operation. To meet the expected and latent needs of customers and users, and also the requirements of society as well as the natural environment in a way that all stakeholders are equally satisfied is a fundamental issue for companies, today and even more so in the future. The main purpose of this chapter is to discuss how quality should be understood, and what the relationships between the issues involved are. In the chapter, it is argued that quality, Corporate Social Responsibility, innovation, competitiveness and sustainable development are interrelated concepts. Therefore, it is the further purpose of this chapter to discuss how social responsibility and innovation affect quality, and how quality contributes to competitiveness and sustainable development. In this chapter, quality issues are dealt with from different aspects. In the first part, the concept of quality is presented, which deals with the evolving notion of quality and the future of quality in light of social responsibility. In the second part, complexity issues and emergences are introduced, while quality is discussed as an emergent property, and the role played by social responsibility and environmental concerns in competitiveness and sustainable development are explained, and furthermore, innovation from quality and responsibility perspectives are examined.

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