Gemma Canoves | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (original) (raw)

Papers by Gemma Canoves

Research paper thumbnail of Chinese outbound tourism in Europe: An analysis of tourist travel motivations

Over the past few years the issue of Chinese outbound travel has drawn greater attention on the w... more Over the past few years the issue of Chinese outbound travel has drawn greater attention on the world's news agenda. Nowadays, China has become the first outbound tourism market in the world, which has already surpassed the United States. This research aims to investigate the travel motivation of Chinese Tourists in Europe, identifying the key Push factors (psychological and personal reasons) and pull factors (specifics of the destinations). Two research methodologies were applied. First, we analyzed and clarified which are the main destinations of Europe for Chinese tourists and what features and attractions are defined by analyzing data offers from leading Chinese tour operators with trips to Europe. Second, one questionnaire was designed and categorized. By conducting and analyzing a series of brief questionnaires in the city of Barcelona, we intend to investigate the push and personal factors, that is to say, the psychological reasons that push travellers to the destination....

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Research paper thumbnail of Las actividades organizadas para los turistas como elemento de cohesión en los destinos residenciales de montaña: el caso de la Cerdanya

Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Estudio de la investigación turística a través de las coautorías de artículos: cálculo de indicadores de colaboración y análisis de redes sociales. El caso de las universidades catalanas

PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Catalan universities scientific collaboration in tourism is analyzed, from 2000 to 2010. Through ... more Catalan universities scientific collaboration in tourism is analyzed, from 2000 to 2010. Through coauthorship data, simple collaboration indicators are calculated and the collaboration network is examined. Collaboration among researchers, institutions and territories is investigated. Results show an increase in collaboration, differences among journals, and absence of relationship between collaboration and multidisciplinarity. The collaboration network presents a low density and several subnetworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el desarrollo del turismo rural

El presente artículo destaca la importancia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicació... more El presente artículo destaca la importancia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (en adelante TIC) en el desarrollo rural y, concretamente, en el turismo rural. En la primera parte, se reflexiona sobre la evolución de las TIC, mostrando como éstas configuran una nueva arquitectura espacial donde cada ámbito territorial debe aprovechar y potenciar sus recursos. En esas nuevas realidades, es necesario hablar del ciberespacio sin negar el territorio, el cual pasa a convertirse en agente activo y dinámico del proceso. A continuación, se muestra como el desarrollo diferencial de las TIC puede afectar, positiva o negativamente, al desarrollo local y como, gracias a ellas, se pueden crear desigualdades o nuevas iniciativas de crecimiento, como es el caso de su aplicación en el sector del turismo rural. Finalmente, se señalan una serie de consideraciones y retos de futuro, que si bien se concretan como indispensables en el caso del turismo rural, pueden ser válidos en cual...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Development Strategies and Urban Gay Tourism Revitalization

Almatourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 2015

Municipal governments increasingly turn to cultural and leisure activities to promote and revital... more Municipal governments increasingly turn to cultural and leisure activities to promote and revitalize their cities. This study analysed the development of gay tourism in Barcelona (Spain) by means of music festivals. While a significant body of literature has examined revitalization strategies that focus primarily around entertainment and commerce, this paper focuses on strategies in the development of cultural and leisure activities around this specific tourism population. It presents findings from a local survey distributed to key stakeholders in the promotion and development of this tourism (local agents and gay tourists). The survey data indicate that although most agents are guided by a varied set of goals, marketing objectives (“image city” and “brand city”) guide the development and support of urban gay tourism in Barcelona.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Ald... more Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Ald... more Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis de la evolución de la concentración geográfica de los establecimientos de turismo rural en Cataluña

Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis de la evolución de la concentración geográfica de los establecimientos de turismo rural en Cataluña

Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo accesible, turismo para todos: la situación en Cataluña y España

Cuadernos de Turismo, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Estructura familiar i treball de la dona a l'agricultura : el cas d'Osona i el Baix Empord�

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Research paper thumbnail of La Investigación Turística Publicada en Revistas Turísticas y No Turísticas: Análisis Bibliométrico De La Producción De Las Universidades Catalanas

Cuadernos De Turismo, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo Rural y Desarrollo Rural Perspectivas y Futuro en Cataluna

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo rural en Cataluña y Galicia : algunos problemas sin resolver

This paper analyses some of the results of a research project that is being carried out in the Sp... more This paper analyses some of the results of a research project that is being carried out in the Spanish regions (Comunidades Autonomas ) of Catalonia and Galicia. The overall objective of the research project is to complete a map of rural tourism at a national level in Spain and to establish quality standards for rural tourism indicators for the entire country. In this instance, the main purpose is to outline the repercussions of rural tourism activities on local development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en salud pública: las precariedades del exceso

Revista Española de Salud Pública, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo de cruceros en Barcelona. De la marginalidad al liderazgo internacional

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles

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Research paper thumbnail of La actividad de la mujer en la explotación agraria familiar: Una primera aproximación en las comarcas de Osona i del Gironès

Compte tenu de la faible information donnee par les statistiques officielles en ce qui concerne l... more Compte tenu de la faible information donnee par les statistiques officielles en ce qui concerne le travail des femmes dans l'agriculture, il nous a paru necessaire de la completer par un travail de terrain. La recherche presentee se fonde sur dix-sept entretiens en profondeur aupres de femmes qui travaillent dans une exploitation familiale de petite ou moyenne taille, dans les zones d'0sona et de Girona ou predomine l'association de l'elevage et de l'agriculture. L'echantillon n'est pas representatif, il a cependant le merite de mettre en evidence un travail invisible et peu reconnu par les femmes elles-memes. Le travail des femmes interrogees fournit entre 25% et 50% du total des revenus de l'exploitation. La contribution de la femme a la formation du revenu familial est inversement proportionnelle a la taille de l'exploitation. Ainsi, c'est dans les plus petites exploitations, celles qui ne sont pas en faire-valoir direct et qui sont les moi...

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Research paper thumbnail of New tourism trends in Barcelona. Chinese tourist experiences and local perceptions

Chinese tourism has greatly expanded in recent decades and has recently arrived in Barcelona. Und... more Chinese tourism has greatly expanded in recent decades and has recently arrived in Barcelona. Understanding these new tourists and their experiences is necessary to comprehend the emerging trends and respond to new opportunities. Tourism is an agent of economic growth for the city but requires balance in the relationship between tourists, residents, local attractions, and service companies. Chinese tourism in Barcelona is analysed from two data sources: the Chinese blogosphere, reflecting the tourist experience in Barcelona, and local press, reflecting local perceptions of Chinese tourists.

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Research paper thumbnail of SACHS, Carolyn E. The invisible farmers, women in agricultural production

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Team Editor in Chief Style reviewer and text editor Editorial Board Advisory Board (Spanish Members) Advisory Board (Other European Members) Advisory Board (Members from the rest of the world) RELATIONAL DYNAMICS OF ACCESSIBLE TOURISM IN FRANCE, SPAIN AND MOROCCO

The knowledge on the tourist actors of the territory and their relations is a basic element for t... more The knowledge on the tourist actors of the territory and their relations is a basic element for the active management of any tourist destination, since they have a special importance for the strategies and the actions that must be undertaken to adapt to the new conditions of the context. These conditions are characterized, among other things, by the disintermediation and the new habits of the tourist demand, in which the experience, the major activity in the destination and the discovery and self-organization are key factors. After reviewing the main features of accessible tourism and its situation in the current world context, this paper will examine the correlation in three specific Mediterranean countries (France, Spain and Morocco) between the level of development of accessible tourism and the relational dynamics generated by the actors involved in it. For this particular purpose, the Analysis of Social Networks and the Analysis of Contents of Social Networks will be applied.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chinese outbound tourism in Europe: An analysis of tourist travel motivations

Over the past few years the issue of Chinese outbound travel has drawn greater attention on the w... more Over the past few years the issue of Chinese outbound travel has drawn greater attention on the world's news agenda. Nowadays, China has become the first outbound tourism market in the world, which has already surpassed the United States. This research aims to investigate the travel motivation of Chinese Tourists in Europe, identifying the key Push factors (psychological and personal reasons) and pull factors (specifics of the destinations). Two research methodologies were applied. First, we analyzed and clarified which are the main destinations of Europe for Chinese tourists and what features and attractions are defined by analyzing data offers from leading Chinese tour operators with trips to Europe. Second, one questionnaire was designed and categorized. By conducting and analyzing a series of brief questionnaires in the city of Barcelona, we intend to investigate the push and personal factors, that is to say, the psychological reasons that push travellers to the destination....

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Research paper thumbnail of Las actividades organizadas para los turistas como elemento de cohesión en los destinos residenciales de montaña: el caso de la Cerdanya

Documents d'Anàlisi Geogràfica, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Estudio de la investigación turística a través de las coautorías de artículos: cálculo de indicadores de colaboración y análisis de redes sociales. El caso de las universidades catalanas

PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural

Catalan universities scientific collaboration in tourism is analyzed, from 2000 to 2010. Through ... more Catalan universities scientific collaboration in tourism is analyzed, from 2000 to 2010. Through coauthorship data, simple collaboration indicators are calculated and the collaboration network is examined. Collaboration among researchers, institutions and territories is investigated. Results show an increase in collaboration, differences among journals, and absence of relationship between collaboration and multidisciplinarity. The collaboration network presents a low density and several subnetworks.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en el desarrollo del turismo rural

El presente artículo destaca la importancia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicació... more El presente artículo destaca la importancia de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (en adelante TIC) en el desarrollo rural y, concretamente, en el turismo rural. En la primera parte, se reflexiona sobre la evolución de las TIC, mostrando como éstas configuran una nueva arquitectura espacial donde cada ámbito territorial debe aprovechar y potenciar sus recursos. En esas nuevas realidades, es necesario hablar del ciberespacio sin negar el territorio, el cual pasa a convertirse en agente activo y dinámico del proceso. A continuación, se muestra como el desarrollo diferencial de las TIC puede afectar, positiva o negativamente, al desarrollo local y como, gracias a ellas, se pueden crear desigualdades o nuevas iniciativas de crecimiento, como es el caso de su aplicación en el sector del turismo rural. Finalmente, se señalan una serie de consideraciones y retos de futuro, que si bien se concretan como indispensables en el caso del turismo rural, pueden ser válidos en cual...

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultural Development Strategies and Urban Gay Tourism Revitalization

Almatourism: Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development, 2015

Municipal governments increasingly turn to cultural and leisure activities to promote and revital... more Municipal governments increasingly turn to cultural and leisure activities to promote and revitalize their cities. This study analysed the development of gay tourism in Barcelona (Spain) by means of music festivals. While a significant body of literature has examined revitalization strategies that focus primarily around entertainment and commerce, this paper focuses on strategies in the development of cultural and leisure activities around this specific tourism population. It presents findings from a local survey distributed to key stakeholders in the promotion and development of this tourism (local agents and gay tourists). The survey data indicate that although most agents are guided by a varied set of goals, marketing objectives (“image city” and “brand city”) guide the development and support of urban gay tourism in Barcelona.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Ald... more Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Ressenyes

Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Ald... more Obra ressenyada: Derek HALL; Lesley ROBERTS; Morag MITCHELL, New directions in Rural Tourism. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis de la evolución de la concentración geográfica de los establecimientos de turismo rural en Cataluña

Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Análisis de la evolución de la concentración geográfica de los establecimientos de turismo rural en Cataluña

Anales de Geografía de la Universidad Complutense, 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo accesible, turismo para todos: la situación en Cataluña y España

Cuadernos de Turismo, 2010

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Research paper thumbnail of Estructura familiar i treball de la dona a l'agricultura : el cas d'Osona i el Baix Empord�

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Research paper thumbnail of La Investigación Turística Publicada en Revistas Turísticas y No Turísticas: Análisis Bibliométrico De La Producción De Las Universidades Catalanas

Cuadernos De Turismo, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo Rural y Desarrollo Rural Perspectivas y Futuro en Cataluna

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo rural en Cataluña y Galicia : algunos problemas sin resolver

This paper analyses some of the results of a research project that is being carried out in the Sp... more This paper analyses some of the results of a research project that is being carried out in the Spanish regions (Comunidades Autonomas ) of Catalonia and Galicia. The overall objective of the research project is to complete a map of rural tourism at a national level in Spain and to establish quality standards for rural tourism indicators for the entire country. In this instance, the main purpose is to outline the repercussions of rural tourism activities on local development.

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Research paper thumbnail of Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en salud pública: las precariedades del exceso

Revista Española de Salud Pública, 2005

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Research paper thumbnail of Turismo de cruceros en Barcelona. De la marginalidad al liderazgo internacional

Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles

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Research paper thumbnail of La actividad de la mujer en la explotación agraria familiar: Una primera aproximación en las comarcas de Osona i del Gironès

Compte tenu de la faible information donnee par les statistiques officielles en ce qui concerne l... more Compte tenu de la faible information donnee par les statistiques officielles en ce qui concerne le travail des femmes dans l'agriculture, il nous a paru necessaire de la completer par un travail de terrain. La recherche presentee se fonde sur dix-sept entretiens en profondeur aupres de femmes qui travaillent dans une exploitation familiale de petite ou moyenne taille, dans les zones d'0sona et de Girona ou predomine l'association de l'elevage et de l'agriculture. L'echantillon n'est pas representatif, il a cependant le merite de mettre en evidence un travail invisible et peu reconnu par les femmes elles-memes. Le travail des femmes interrogees fournit entre 25% et 50% du total des revenus de l'exploitation. La contribution de la femme a la formation du revenu familial est inversement proportionnelle a la taille de l'exploitation. Ainsi, c'est dans les plus petites exploitations, celles qui ne sont pas en faire-valoir direct et qui sont les moi...

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Research paper thumbnail of New tourism trends in Barcelona. Chinese tourist experiences and local perceptions

Chinese tourism has greatly expanded in recent decades and has recently arrived in Barcelona. Und... more Chinese tourism has greatly expanded in recent decades and has recently arrived in Barcelona. Understanding these new tourists and their experiences is necessary to comprehend the emerging trends and respond to new opportunities. Tourism is an agent of economic growth for the city but requires balance in the relationship between tourists, residents, local attractions, and service companies. Chinese tourism in Barcelona is analysed from two data sources: the Chinese blogosphere, reflecting the tourist experience in Barcelona, and local press, reflecting local perceptions of Chinese tourists.

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Research paper thumbnail of SACHS, Carolyn E. The invisible farmers, women in agricultural production

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Research paper thumbnail of Editorial Team Editor in Chief Style reviewer and text editor Editorial Board Advisory Board (Spanish Members) Advisory Board (Other European Members) Advisory Board (Members from the rest of the world) RELATIONAL DYNAMICS OF ACCESSIBLE TOURISM IN FRANCE, SPAIN AND MOROCCO

The knowledge on the tourist actors of the territory and their relations is a basic element for t... more The knowledge on the tourist actors of the territory and their relations is a basic element for the active management of any tourist destination, since they have a special importance for the strategies and the actions that must be undertaken to adapt to the new conditions of the context. These conditions are characterized, among other things, by the disintermediation and the new habits of the tourist demand, in which the experience, the major activity in the destination and the discovery and self-organization are key factors. After reviewing the main features of accessible tourism and its situation in the current world context, this paper will examine the correlation in three specific Mediterranean countries (France, Spain and Morocco) between the level of development of accessible tourism and the relational dynamics generated by the actors involved in it. For this particular purpose, the Analysis of Social Networks and the Analysis of Contents of Social Networks will be applied.

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