Pablo Acosta-García | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (original) (raw)
Books by Pablo Acosta-García
Revista de Poética Medieval, 2024
Towards a new edition of the «Dialogo» of Catherine of Siena. This volume collects the papers of ... more Towards a new edition of the «Dialogo» of Catherine of Siena. This volume collects the papers of the discussants involved in the 16th Seminar of history and theology of mistics «Claudio Leonardi», held in Rome at the Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d'Aquino («Angelicum»), 2-3 December 2021. Papers by P. Acosta-García, A. Bartolomei Romagnoli, E. Berti, A. Diriart, N. Estrafallaces, G. Festa, C. Lagomarsini, S. Nocentini, N. Pigini, F Santi, C. Tesson, P. Tylus.
Touching, Devotional Practices, and Visionary Experience in the Late Middle Ages, 2019
This book addresses the history of the senses in relation to affective piety and its role in devo... more This book addresses the history of the senses in relation to affective piety and its role in devotional practices in the late Middle Ages, focusing on the sense of touch. It argues that only by deeply analysing this specific context of perception can the full significance of sensory religious experience in the Late Middle Ages be understood. Considering the centrality of the body to medieval society and Christianity, this collection explores a range of devotional practices, mainly relating to the Passion of Christ, and features manuscripts, works of devotional literature, art, woodcuts and judicial records. It brings together a multidisciplinary group of scholars to offer a variety of methodological approaches, in order to understand how touch was encoded, evoked and purposefully used. The book further considers how touch was related to the medieval theory of perception, examining its relation to the inner and outer senses through the eyes of visionaries, mystics, theologians and confessors, not only as praxis but from different theoretical points of view. While considered the most basic of spiritual experience, the chapters in this book highlight the all-pervasive presence of touch and the significance of ‘affective piety’ to Late Medieval Christians.
Primera traducción al español anotada y filológicamente revisada del "Memoriale" de Ángela de Fol... more Primera traducción al español anotada y filológicamente revisada del "Memoriale" de Ángela de Foligno, una de las primeras voces femeninas que podemos leer en Occidente.
Texto de la contraportada:
"El Memorial o Libro de la Vida de Angela de Foligno (1242-1308) constituye una de las obras más importantes de la mística europea medieval. A pesar de no haber sido escrito por esta mujer analfabeta, una terciara franciscana de la Umbria, sino dictado a su guía espiritual, resuena su voz potente para expresar una experiencia inefable, una peregrinación que se inicia con su desnudamiento ante la cruz, según el ideal de pobreza de las nuevas corrientes espirituales, para concluir en el punto sublime de conciliación de los contrarios. Precursora de los grandes maestros de la mística renana como el Maestro Eckhart, su relato cautivó, entre otros muchos, a Georges Bataille que la bautizó como “Dama de la Noche”.
Journal articles by Pablo Acosta-García
Revista de Poética Medieval, 2024
Introducción al número monográfico de la Revista de Poética Medieval "IMAGEN, PALABRA Y PERFORMAN... more Introducción al número monográfico de la Revista de Poética Medieval "IMAGEN, PALABRA Y PERFORMANCE: NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS PARA EL ESTUDIO DE LAS SANTAS VIVAS EN LA BAJA EDAD MEDIA CASTELLANA". En el panorama literario hispánico sigue siendo difícil abordar las figuras de Teresa de Jesús y Juan de la Cruz desde el punto de vista de su tradición europea. La percepción de su obra como culmen de la literatura mística del Siglo de Oro proyecta aún hoy una alargada sombra que tiende a presentarla como un unicum de la cultura castellana. Sin embargo, como ponen en evidencia los estudios sobre los movimientos de reforma, la transformación de la vida carmelita promovida por Juan y Teresa, en la que su obra se integra en gran parte, no es una excepción, sino una constante en el seno del cristianismo (Bataillon 1996 [1937], Mixson/Roest, 2015; Mazzonis 2022). Los estudios que se han realizado en las últimas décadas sobre mística europea (en particular, aquellos sobre mística femenina) muestran un panorama complejo, donde abunda una diseminación transnacional de escritos, ideas y prácticas, que desdibuja la imagen monolítica e idealizada de estos dos autores, y que propone, además, un boom anterior de la mística castellana femenina, en el siglo xv (Sanmartín Bastida 2012; Graña Cid 2014; McGinn 2017). En 1990, Gabriella Zarri publicó un influyente libro monográfico que incluía la definición de un nuevo paradigma: el de las santas vivas...
Hipogrifo. Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro. , 2022
In this article I conduct a comparative analysis between some of the sermons of the Libro del con... more In this article I conduct a comparative analysis between some of the
sermons of the Libro del conorte, which textualizes part of the ecstatic preaching of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534), and some of the public or semi-public revelations of Elisabeth von Schönau (1129-1164/1165). Despite the years separating their work, I study in depth a series of characteristics shared by both visionaries: prophetism as one of the two possibilities of medieval female preaching, liturgy as the cause and collective setting of revelation and, finally, vision as a form of biblical exegesis. This allows me to define a chronological and theoretical frame of reference that will permit the study of female preaching as a European tradition in the near future.
Revista de literatura medieval, 2022
In this article new codicological data from the manuscript Royal Library of the Monastery of San ... more In this article new codicological data from the manuscript Royal Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial J-II-18, which contains the visionary sermons of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534), are presented and analyzed. The finding of former library call numbers, the examination of the paper watermarks, and an in-depth study of the binding provides with new perspectives on the apocryphal nature of the prologue.
Studia Aurea, 2021
In the following pages I provide a Philological edition of five unpublished songs linked with the... more In the following pages I provide a Philological edition of five unpublished songs linked with the production of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534). I study first the source from a material point of view, and then develop a metric analysis of thesongs, putting them in the context of the Franciscan lyrical poetry at a European level. On the other hand, I make a brief theological commentary of each of the songs, contextualizing them in the visionary preaching activity of the abbess.
Resumen: En las siguientes páginas edito y comento un corpus inédito de cinco canciones vinculadas a la abadesa franciscana Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534). Además de un texto que se transcribe siguiendo criterios filológicamente fiables, proporciono una descripción material de la fuente y realizo un estudio métrico de las composiciones. Por otro lado, desde la ladera de su interpretación histórica, hago un breve comentario teológico de cada una de las piezas, que las propone como parte de la producción lírica franciscana europea, a la vez que las contextualizo en la predicación visionaria de la abadesa en su contexto cisneriano. Palabras clave Juana de la Cruz; reforma observante; franciscanismo femenino; predicación femenina; Libro del conhorte; lírica religiosa; laude.
Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 2021
This article introduces the “Catalogue of Living Saints,” a wiki catalogue that provides knowledg... more This article introduces the “Catalogue of Living Saints,” a wiki catalogue that provides knowledge about the lives of Castilian charismatic women, prior to Teresa of Ávila (d. 1582), who acquired reputations for holiness in their own times. The lives of these “holy” women show great contact between court and convent, and they contribute to better understanding the history of women and their subsequent impact on society. The collected lives appeared in a diversity of sources: manuscripts of the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries, including conventual books and compendia ontaining lives of saints, handwritten and printed chronicles of religious orders in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Castile, and other works. Thus, the Catalogue recovers several texts that have never been printed before and that in most cases were never edited independently. Furthermore, it integrates the development of a database in order to
understand the different proposed hagiographical models and their performative shape and spatial distribution of power. Additionally, this article discusses how gathering, editing, and reading the lives of these women via an open-access virtual tool creates a new hermeneutical framework regarding the materiality of the original codices and printed volumes. Finally, it proposes mitigation measures in the near future to bring contemporary reading practices (and interpretation) closer to historical ones.
Religions, 12(3), 223, 2021
In this article, I study in depth the first vita of the Franciscan Tertiary abbess Juana de la Cr... more In this article, I study in depth the first vita of the Franciscan Tertiary abbess Juana de la Cruz (Vida y fin de la bienaventurada virgen sancta Juana de la Cruz, written c. 1534), examining it as a chronicle that narrativizes the origins and reform of a specific religious community in the Castile of the Catholic Monarchs. I argue that Vida y fin constitutes an account that was collectively written inside the walls of the enclosure that can help us understand themes, motifs, and symbolic Franciscan elements that were essential for the self-definition of its original textual community. I first discuss the narrative of the convent’s foundation and then examine the penitential identity of the community, highlighting the inspiration that Juana’s hagiography takes from the infancy of Caterina da Siena, as described in the Legenda maior by Raimondo da Capua, and analyzing to what extent the represented penitential practices related to the imitatio Christi reflect a Franciscan Tertiary identity in opposition to a Dominican one. Finally, I address the passages in which the hagiographer(s) discuss(es) the sense of belonging to the Franciscan order rather than the Dominicans, and the mystical figure of Francesco d’Assisi as a founder, guide, and exemplar.
Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà, XXXIII, 143-172, 2020
Open Access: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4580499 A Summary in English by Camila Walls Castillo: https://o...[ more ](;)Open Access: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4580499
A Summary in English by Camila Walls Castillo:
In this article I gather the lives of a group of Castilian sante vive from the 15th and 16th centuries (María de Ajofrín, Juana de la Cruz and María de Santo Domingo and others) and establish a detailed hagiographic comparative analysis which takes into account some previous and contemporary Italian narrative patterns. I am particularly interested in clarify two issues: first, to what extent Catherina of Siena's Legenda maior by Raymond of Capua inspired the narratives of these Iberian lives (and, additionally, what do these results mean in the pre-Modern Castilian context); second, what a comparison with the bio-hagiography of an Italian charismatic woman as Lucia Broccadelli da Narni could tell us about the construction of radical models of sanctity. I divide the analysis in two parts: the childhood, as a symbollic formative period of the saint, and the maturity of the visionary women, where I focus especifically on the signification of the narratives of the stigmatization.
Hispania Sacra, 2020
In this article I analyze the devotional post-incunabula commissioned by Cardinal Francisco Ximén... more In this article I analyze the devotional post-incunabula commissioned by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cisneros through a case study: the Liber qui dicitur Angela de Fulginio (1505), which also includes Liber specialis (spiritualis) gratiae by Mechthild von Hackeborn and the Prima regula by Francis of Assisi. In the first place, I will study the specific versions of the works which were finally printed, through their comparison with their European manuscript tradition. In the second place, I will discuss the presence of a “reformist program” linked with Cisnero’s intentions through specific fragments emphasized by printed maniculae in the margins of the book.
Religions, 2020
In this article, I analyze the translation commissioned in 1511 by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cis... more In this article, I analyze the translation commissioned in 1511 by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cisneros of the Life of Catherine of Siena by Raimundo de Capua, which includes the legendae of Giovanna (also known as Vanna) da Orvieto and Margherita da Città di Castello in the light of its translation, commission, and reception in premodern Castile. In the first place, I clarify the medieval transformations of Caterina's text by discussing the main branches of her manuscript tradition and explaining the specificities of the editions authorized by Cisneros in order to know what exactly was printed. In the second place, I put these specificities into the courtly, prophetic context in which those books were published. Finally, I analyze the reception of these editions in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in relation to the figure of María de Santo Domingo, the famous Dominican tertiary.
Viator. Medieval and Renaissance Studies., Apr 2017
Abstract This paper aims to develop a theory of image based on the Mirror of Simple Souls by the... more Abstract
This paper aims to develop a theory of image based on the Mirror of Simple Souls by the French beguine Marguerite dicta Porete (ca. 1260-1310) and the poems and commentaries by the Spanish Carmelite John of the Cross (1542-1591), by making a comparative analysis focused on the way they think using images, the way they create images and how these ones relate to their texts. In particular, we will analyze the symbol of the mountain, which both authors use in a very specific way, and through which they chart a spiritual topography, both graphic and mental, in devotional and didactic contexts. The mountain is studied through its inherent structure of polarity (top and bottom) and its articulation through the gradual image of the ladder. We will study how they construct negative theologies through an apophatic meditational practice, and we will highlight analogies by discussing historical differences. This will persuade us of the possible existence of a continuum, a real underground tradition, a transmission of metaphors and apophatic discourses, which encompasses the Mirror of Simple Souls and emerges in Spain in the 16th century.
Sacris Erudiri Journal of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity., Dec 2017
This article contains three different parts: first, it presents and analyzes the main scholarship... more This article contains three different parts: first, it presents and analyzes the main scholarship related to the edition of the text of the The Mirror of Simple Souls (Speculum simplicium animarum / Le Mirouer des simples ames) by the heretic beguine from Hainaut ftarguerite dicta Porete (d. 1310). It demonstrates that despite the publication of the 1985 bilingual edition by Romana Guarnieri and Paul Verdeyen, the manuscripts of the French and Latin Continental traditions need to be examined afresh from a material point of view. Second, it describes each of the codices, gathering the infor- mation that already exists in each case, adding new findings which come from direct examination, and classifying these manuscripts according to or- igin, date and use. Afterwards, since each one possesses marginalia, the ar- ticle places special emphasis upon analysis and commentary from the point of view of this annotation. It posits that it is essential to establish not only diverse typologies of notes in terms of their functional relationship with the main text (some of them comment, while others evaluate or guide the reader’s access to the main allegorical discourse), but also to understand how these marginalia were conceived from the perspective of the history of read- ing and the production of the manuscripts. Third, it provides a transcription of the whole corpus of marginalia, cross-referencing the contents of the mar- gins of the manuscripts with the 1986 Corpus Christianorum text.
Mirabilia, Oct 14, 2013
Abstract: This article is part of the scholarly revival in Angela of Foligno (c.1248-c. 1308) stu... more Abstract: This article is part of the scholarly revival in Angela of Foligno (c.1248-c. 1308) studies in relation to images. With the exhibition entitled "Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno" (Foligno, October 6th, 2012 – January 6th, 2013) and the publication of the catalogue, relations between Angela’s visions and her artistic context have been examined in greater depth. However, despite the excellent essays included in the book, there is still lacking a theoretical basis to explain Angela's devotional relationship with some images and, in particular, her reception of them. The main aim of these pages is therefore to develop that theoretical background and to interpret from such a basis the events that occurred in Assisi in front of
the so-called “vetrata degli angeli” (the stained glass window of the angels).
Eikón Imago ISSN 2254-8718, Dec 15, 2014
In this article we compare the language of light used by Dante Alighieri with the one used by his... more In this article we compare the language of light used by Dante Alighieri with the one used by his “heretical” contemporary Marguerite dicta Porete (†1310) to express the final contact-vision of God. We will analyze both authors’ use of the images of light, of the gradual ascent and of the knot, placing their books in the context of the theological doctrines concerning the visio Dei in the 14th century. This will allow us to posit the authors’ shared eschatological background based on the conception of God as a visible being who radiates his love and knowledge through the created universe. In conclusion, we will discuss the visual and narrative strategies these authors employed in order to express a relationship with the divine, focusing on the historical heterodox implications of the Commedia and the Mirouer.
Resumen: En este artículo comparamos el lenguaje de la luz utlizado por Dante Alighieri con aquel de su contemporánea Marguerite dicta Porete (†1310) para expresar la visión final de Dios. Para ello, analizaremos el uso que ambos hacen del imaginario lumínico, del ascenso graduado y del nudo, poniendo sus obras en el contexto de las discusiones teológicas sobre la visio Dei en el siglo XIV. Esto nos permitiráreivindicar un transfondo escatológico compartido, basado en la percepción de Dios como ser visible cuyo amor-conocimiento se irradia por todo el universo. Como conclusión, reflexionaremos sobre las estrategias visuales y narrativas que ambos autores utilizan para abordar su visión directa de lo divino y discutiremos las implicaciones que las mismas representan en relación a la posible consideración de sus textos como heterodoxos.
Anuario de estudios medievales, Jun 1, 2014
"This article claims a critical return to the study of the main manuscripts of the “heretical” bo... more "This article claims a critical return to the study of the main manuscripts of the “heretical” book written by Marguerite dicta Porete (Le Mirouer des simples ames) for analizing codicological aspects which neither the editions, nor the modern translations, have taken into account. In doing so we propose a series of analysis of the so-called Chantilly manuscript (Musée Condé, ms. F xiv 26, cat. 157) and the manuscripts of the Latin
tradition kept in the Vatican Library (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 4355; Cod. Rossianus 4; Cod. Chigianus B IV 41; Cod. Chigianus C IV 85 and Vat. Lat. 4953) based on the marginal marks (manicules, nota bene and iconography) which identify those books more as reading devices than as mere material supports of a text. We will show how these elements provide us with information about the text transmission and its reception (its reading)."
Revista de Poética Medieval, 2024
Towards a new edition of the «Dialogo» of Catherine of Siena. This volume collects the papers of ... more Towards a new edition of the «Dialogo» of Catherine of Siena. This volume collects the papers of the discussants involved in the 16th Seminar of history and theology of mistics «Claudio Leonardi», held in Rome at the Pontificia Università S. Tommaso d'Aquino («Angelicum»), 2-3 December 2021. Papers by P. Acosta-García, A. Bartolomei Romagnoli, E. Berti, A. Diriart, N. Estrafallaces, G. Festa, C. Lagomarsini, S. Nocentini, N. Pigini, F Santi, C. Tesson, P. Tylus.
Touching, Devotional Practices, and Visionary Experience in the Late Middle Ages, 2019
This book addresses the history of the senses in relation to affective piety and its role in devo... more This book addresses the history of the senses in relation to affective piety and its role in devotional practices in the late Middle Ages, focusing on the sense of touch. It argues that only by deeply analysing this specific context of perception can the full significance of sensory religious experience in the Late Middle Ages be understood. Considering the centrality of the body to medieval society and Christianity, this collection explores a range of devotional practices, mainly relating to the Passion of Christ, and features manuscripts, works of devotional literature, art, woodcuts and judicial records. It brings together a multidisciplinary group of scholars to offer a variety of methodological approaches, in order to understand how touch was encoded, evoked and purposefully used. The book further considers how touch was related to the medieval theory of perception, examining its relation to the inner and outer senses through the eyes of visionaries, mystics, theologians and confessors, not only as praxis but from different theoretical points of view. While considered the most basic of spiritual experience, the chapters in this book highlight the all-pervasive presence of touch and the significance of ‘affective piety’ to Late Medieval Christians.
Primera traducción al español anotada y filológicamente revisada del "Memoriale" de Ángela de Fol... more Primera traducción al español anotada y filológicamente revisada del "Memoriale" de Ángela de Foligno, una de las primeras voces femeninas que podemos leer en Occidente.
Texto de la contraportada:
"El Memorial o Libro de la Vida de Angela de Foligno (1242-1308) constituye una de las obras más importantes de la mística europea medieval. A pesar de no haber sido escrito por esta mujer analfabeta, una terciara franciscana de la Umbria, sino dictado a su guía espiritual, resuena su voz potente para expresar una experiencia inefable, una peregrinación que se inicia con su desnudamiento ante la cruz, según el ideal de pobreza de las nuevas corrientes espirituales, para concluir en el punto sublime de conciliación de los contrarios. Precursora de los grandes maestros de la mística renana como el Maestro Eckhart, su relato cautivó, entre otros muchos, a Georges Bataille que la bautizó como “Dama de la Noche”.
Revista de Poética Medieval, 2024
Introducción al número monográfico de la Revista de Poética Medieval "IMAGEN, PALABRA Y PERFORMAN... more Introducción al número monográfico de la Revista de Poética Medieval "IMAGEN, PALABRA Y PERFORMANCE: NUEVAS PERSPECTIVAS PARA EL ESTUDIO DE LAS SANTAS VIVAS EN LA BAJA EDAD MEDIA CASTELLANA". En el panorama literario hispánico sigue siendo difícil abordar las figuras de Teresa de Jesús y Juan de la Cruz desde el punto de vista de su tradición europea. La percepción de su obra como culmen de la literatura mística del Siglo de Oro proyecta aún hoy una alargada sombra que tiende a presentarla como un unicum de la cultura castellana. Sin embargo, como ponen en evidencia los estudios sobre los movimientos de reforma, la transformación de la vida carmelita promovida por Juan y Teresa, en la que su obra se integra en gran parte, no es una excepción, sino una constante en el seno del cristianismo (Bataillon 1996 [1937], Mixson/Roest, 2015; Mazzonis 2022). Los estudios que se han realizado en las últimas décadas sobre mística europea (en particular, aquellos sobre mística femenina) muestran un panorama complejo, donde abunda una diseminación transnacional de escritos, ideas y prácticas, que desdibuja la imagen monolítica e idealizada de estos dos autores, y que propone, además, un boom anterior de la mística castellana femenina, en el siglo xv (Sanmartín Bastida 2012; Graña Cid 2014; McGinn 2017). En 1990, Gabriella Zarri publicó un influyente libro monográfico que incluía la definición de un nuevo paradigma: el de las santas vivas...
Hipogrifo. Revista de literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro. , 2022
In this article I conduct a comparative analysis between some of the sermons of the Libro del con... more In this article I conduct a comparative analysis between some of the
sermons of the Libro del conorte, which textualizes part of the ecstatic preaching of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534), and some of the public or semi-public revelations of Elisabeth von Schönau (1129-1164/1165). Despite the years separating their work, I study in depth a series of characteristics shared by both visionaries: prophetism as one of the two possibilities of medieval female preaching, liturgy as the cause and collective setting of revelation and, finally, vision as a form of biblical exegesis. This allows me to define a chronological and theoretical frame of reference that will permit the study of female preaching as a European tradition in the near future.
Revista de literatura medieval, 2022
In this article new codicological data from the manuscript Royal Library of the Monastery of San ... more In this article new codicological data from the manuscript Royal Library of the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial J-II-18, which contains the visionary sermons of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534), are presented and analyzed. The finding of former library call numbers, the examination of the paper watermarks, and an in-depth study of the binding provides with new perspectives on the apocryphal nature of the prologue.
Studia Aurea, 2021
In the following pages I provide a Philological edition of five unpublished songs linked with the... more In the following pages I provide a Philological edition of five unpublished songs linked with the production of the Franciscan abbess Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534). I study first the source from a material point of view, and then develop a metric analysis of thesongs, putting them in the context of the Franciscan lyrical poetry at a European level. On the other hand, I make a brief theological commentary of each of the songs, contextualizing them in the visionary preaching activity of the abbess.
Resumen: En las siguientes páginas edito y comento un corpus inédito de cinco canciones vinculadas a la abadesa franciscana Juana de la Cruz (1481-1534). Además de un texto que se transcribe siguiendo criterios filológicamente fiables, proporciono una descripción material de la fuente y realizo un estudio métrico de las composiciones. Por otro lado, desde la ladera de su interpretación histórica, hago un breve comentario teológico de cada una de las piezas, que las propone como parte de la producción lírica franciscana europea, a la vez que las contextualizo en la predicación visionaria de la abadesa en su contexto cisneriano. Palabras clave Juana de la Cruz; reforma observante; franciscanismo femenino; predicación femenina; Libro del conhorte; lírica religiosa; laude.
Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 2021
This article introduces the “Catalogue of Living Saints,” a wiki catalogue that provides knowledg... more This article introduces the “Catalogue of Living Saints,” a wiki catalogue that provides knowledge about the lives of Castilian charismatic women, prior to Teresa of Ávila (d. 1582), who acquired reputations for holiness in their own times. The lives of these “holy” women show great contact between court and convent, and they contribute to better understanding the history of women and their subsequent impact on society. The collected lives appeared in a diversity of sources: manuscripts of the fifteenth through seventeenth centuries, including conventual books and compendia ontaining lives of saints, handwritten and printed chronicles of religious orders in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Castile, and other works. Thus, the Catalogue recovers several texts that have never been printed before and that in most cases were never edited independently. Furthermore, it integrates the development of a database in order to
understand the different proposed hagiographical models and their performative shape and spatial distribution of power. Additionally, this article discusses how gathering, editing, and reading the lives of these women via an open-access virtual tool creates a new hermeneutical framework regarding the materiality of the original codices and printed volumes. Finally, it proposes mitigation measures in the near future to bring contemporary reading practices (and interpretation) closer to historical ones.
Religions, 12(3), 223, 2021
In this article, I study in depth the first vita of the Franciscan Tertiary abbess Juana de la Cr... more In this article, I study in depth the first vita of the Franciscan Tertiary abbess Juana de la Cruz (Vida y fin de la bienaventurada virgen sancta Juana de la Cruz, written c. 1534), examining it as a chronicle that narrativizes the origins and reform of a specific religious community in the Castile of the Catholic Monarchs. I argue that Vida y fin constitutes an account that was collectively written inside the walls of the enclosure that can help us understand themes, motifs, and symbolic Franciscan elements that were essential for the self-definition of its original textual community. I first discuss the narrative of the convent’s foundation and then examine the penitential identity of the community, highlighting the inspiration that Juana’s hagiography takes from the infancy of Caterina da Siena, as described in the Legenda maior by Raimondo da Capua, and analyzing to what extent the represented penitential practices related to the imitatio Christi reflect a Franciscan Tertiary identity in opposition to a Dominican one. Finally, I address the passages in which the hagiographer(s) discuss(es) the sense of belonging to the Franciscan order rather than the Dominicans, and the mystical figure of Francesco d’Assisi as a founder, guide, and exemplar.
Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà, XXXIII, 143-172, 2020
Open Access: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4580499 A Summary in English by Camila Walls Castillo: https://o...[ more ](;)Open Access: DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4580499
A Summary in English by Camila Walls Castillo:
In this article I gather the lives of a group of Castilian sante vive from the 15th and 16th centuries (María de Ajofrín, Juana de la Cruz and María de Santo Domingo and others) and establish a detailed hagiographic comparative analysis which takes into account some previous and contemporary Italian narrative patterns. I am particularly interested in clarify two issues: first, to what extent Catherina of Siena's Legenda maior by Raymond of Capua inspired the narratives of these Iberian lives (and, additionally, what do these results mean in the pre-Modern Castilian context); second, what a comparison with the bio-hagiography of an Italian charismatic woman as Lucia Broccadelli da Narni could tell us about the construction of radical models of sanctity. I divide the analysis in two parts: the childhood, as a symbollic formative period of the saint, and the maturity of the visionary women, where I focus especifically on the signification of the narratives of the stigmatization.
Hispania Sacra, 2020
In this article I analyze the devotional post-incunabula commissioned by Cardinal Francisco Ximén... more In this article I analyze the devotional post-incunabula commissioned by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cisneros through a case study: the Liber qui dicitur Angela de Fulginio (1505), which also includes Liber specialis (spiritualis) gratiae by Mechthild von Hackeborn and the Prima regula by Francis of Assisi. In the first place, I will study the specific versions of the works which were finally printed, through their comparison with their European manuscript tradition. In the second place, I will discuss the presence of a “reformist program” linked with Cisnero’s intentions through specific fragments emphasized by printed maniculae in the margins of the book.
Religions, 2020
In this article, I analyze the translation commissioned in 1511 by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cis... more In this article, I analyze the translation commissioned in 1511 by Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cisneros of the Life of Catherine of Siena by Raimundo de Capua, which includes the legendae of Giovanna (also known as Vanna) da Orvieto and Margherita da Città di Castello in the light of its translation, commission, and reception in premodern Castile. In the first place, I clarify the medieval transformations of Caterina's text by discussing the main branches of her manuscript tradition and explaining the specificities of the editions authorized by Cisneros in order to know what exactly was printed. In the second place, I put these specificities into the courtly, prophetic context in which those books were published. Finally, I analyze the reception of these editions in the Iberian Peninsula, especially in relation to the figure of María de Santo Domingo, the famous Dominican tertiary.
Viator. Medieval and Renaissance Studies., Apr 2017
Abstract This paper aims to develop a theory of image based on the Mirror of Simple Souls by the... more Abstract
This paper aims to develop a theory of image based on the Mirror of Simple Souls by the French beguine Marguerite dicta Porete (ca. 1260-1310) and the poems and commentaries by the Spanish Carmelite John of the Cross (1542-1591), by making a comparative analysis focused on the way they think using images, the way they create images and how these ones relate to their texts. In particular, we will analyze the symbol of the mountain, which both authors use in a very specific way, and through which they chart a spiritual topography, both graphic and mental, in devotional and didactic contexts. The mountain is studied through its inherent structure of polarity (top and bottom) and its articulation through the gradual image of the ladder. We will study how they construct negative theologies through an apophatic meditational practice, and we will highlight analogies by discussing historical differences. This will persuade us of the possible existence of a continuum, a real underground tradition, a transmission of metaphors and apophatic discourses, which encompasses the Mirror of Simple Souls and emerges in Spain in the 16th century.
Sacris Erudiri Journal of Late Antique and Medieval Christianity., Dec 2017
This article contains three different parts: first, it presents and analyzes the main scholarship... more This article contains three different parts: first, it presents and analyzes the main scholarship related to the edition of the text of the The Mirror of Simple Souls (Speculum simplicium animarum / Le Mirouer des simples ames) by the heretic beguine from Hainaut ftarguerite dicta Porete (d. 1310). It demonstrates that despite the publication of the 1985 bilingual edition by Romana Guarnieri and Paul Verdeyen, the manuscripts of the French and Latin Continental traditions need to be examined afresh from a material point of view. Second, it describes each of the codices, gathering the infor- mation that already exists in each case, adding new findings which come from direct examination, and classifying these manuscripts according to or- igin, date and use. Afterwards, since each one possesses marginalia, the ar- ticle places special emphasis upon analysis and commentary from the point of view of this annotation. It posits that it is essential to establish not only diverse typologies of notes in terms of their functional relationship with the main text (some of them comment, while others evaluate or guide the reader’s access to the main allegorical discourse), but also to understand how these marginalia were conceived from the perspective of the history of read- ing and the production of the manuscripts. Third, it provides a transcription of the whole corpus of marginalia, cross-referencing the contents of the mar- gins of the manuscripts with the 1986 Corpus Christianorum text.
Mirabilia, Oct 14, 2013
Abstract: This article is part of the scholarly revival in Angela of Foligno (c.1248-c. 1308) stu... more Abstract: This article is part of the scholarly revival in Angela of Foligno (c.1248-c. 1308) studies in relation to images. With the exhibition entitled "Dal visibile all’indicibile. Crocifissi ed esperienza mistica in Angela da Foligno" (Foligno, October 6th, 2012 – January 6th, 2013) and the publication of the catalogue, relations between Angela’s visions and her artistic context have been examined in greater depth. However, despite the excellent essays included in the book, there is still lacking a theoretical basis to explain Angela's devotional relationship with some images and, in particular, her reception of them. The main aim of these pages is therefore to develop that theoretical background and to interpret from such a basis the events that occurred in Assisi in front of
the so-called “vetrata degli angeli” (the stained glass window of the angels).
Eikón Imago ISSN 2254-8718, Dec 15, 2014
In this article we compare the language of light used by Dante Alighieri with the one used by his... more In this article we compare the language of light used by Dante Alighieri with the one used by his “heretical” contemporary Marguerite dicta Porete (†1310) to express the final contact-vision of God. We will analyze both authors’ use of the images of light, of the gradual ascent and of the knot, placing their books in the context of the theological doctrines concerning the visio Dei in the 14th century. This will allow us to posit the authors’ shared eschatological background based on the conception of God as a visible being who radiates his love and knowledge through the created universe. In conclusion, we will discuss the visual and narrative strategies these authors employed in order to express a relationship with the divine, focusing on the historical heterodox implications of the Commedia and the Mirouer.
Resumen: En este artículo comparamos el lenguaje de la luz utlizado por Dante Alighieri con aquel de su contemporánea Marguerite dicta Porete (†1310) para expresar la visión final de Dios. Para ello, analizaremos el uso que ambos hacen del imaginario lumínico, del ascenso graduado y del nudo, poniendo sus obras en el contexto de las discusiones teológicas sobre la visio Dei en el siglo XIV. Esto nos permitiráreivindicar un transfondo escatológico compartido, basado en la percepción de Dios como ser visible cuyo amor-conocimiento se irradia por todo el universo. Como conclusión, reflexionaremos sobre las estrategias visuales y narrativas que ambos autores utilizan para abordar su visión directa de lo divino y discutiremos las implicaciones que las mismas representan en relación a la posible consideración de sus textos como heterodoxos.
Anuario de estudios medievales, Jun 1, 2014
"This article claims a critical return to the study of the main manuscripts of the “heretical” bo... more "This article claims a critical return to the study of the main manuscripts of the “heretical” book written by Marguerite dicta Porete (Le Mirouer des simples ames) for analizing codicological aspects which neither the editions, nor the modern translations, have taken into account. In doing so we propose a series of analysis of the so-called Chantilly manuscript (Musée Condé, ms. F xiv 26, cat. 157) and the manuscripts of the Latin
tradition kept in the Vatican Library (Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 4355; Cod. Rossianus 4; Cod. Chigianus B IV 41; Cod. Chigianus C IV 85 and Vat. Lat. 4953) based on the marginal marks (manicules, nota bene and iconography) which identify those books more as reading devices than as mere material supports of a text. We will show how these elements provide us with information about the text transmission and its reception (its reading)."
in Critica del testo: Rivista del Dipartamento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali, Università di Roma-Sapienza, XV/1, 2012. ISSN 1127-1140 / ISBN 978-88-8334-921-8 (papel) / 978-88-8334-922-5 (e-book).
Abstract This paper claims a critical return to the study of the main manuscripts of the “here... more Abstract
This paper claims a critical return to the study of the main manuscripts of the “heretical” book written by Marguerite Porete (Le Mirouer des simples ames) for studying codicological aspects which neither the editions, nor the modern translations, have taken into account. In doing so we propose a series of analysis of the so-called Chantilly manuscript (Musée Condé, ms. F xiv 26, cat. 157 based on the marginal marks (manicules, nota bene and iconography) which identify those books more as reading devices than as mere material supports of a text. We will show how these elements provide us with information about the text transmission and its reception (its reading).
Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas (CEMyR), 2020
The main focus of this essay is the study of the image of the mirror in the works of religious wo... more The main focus of this essay is the study of the image of the mirror in the works of religious women from the 13th and 14th centuries (Mechthild von Magdeburg, Hadewijch van Brabant and Marguerite Porete), especially regarding the Platonic tradition which links this image with the soul. I will examine fragments of their literary work in order to discuss some physiological, anthropological and theological preconceptions implied in the use of the mirror-image, especially those developments concerning self-knowledge and deification (theosis). Additionally, I analyze the relationships between the mirror and the "mystique courtoise," particularly with the theme of the Fountain of Narcissus.
Tenzone, Madrid, UCM, nº11, pp. 119-155. ISSN 1576-9216, Jan 1, 2010
In this article we compare the images used by Dante Alighieri with the ones used by her “heretica... more In this article we compare the images used by Dante Alighieri with the ones used by her “heretical” contemporary Marguerite Porete (†1310) for expressing the final contact-vision of God. We will analyze the use of the images of light, the gradual ascent and the knot in both authors, putting it into the context of the theological doctrines about the visio Dei. This will allow us, in the first place, to claim a shared cultural background based in the conception of God as a visible being and, in the second, to discuss the historical implications of heteredoxy/ortodoxy in the Commedia and the Mirouer.
Atti del IVSLA, Venezia, nº 168, 2010, pp. 219-254.
Abstract This is an essay about the use of the ‘image’ in Le Mirouer des simples ames by Margu... more Abstract
This is an essay about the use of the ‘image’ in Le Mirouer des simples ames by Marguerite Porete. We have divided it in two different parts: in the first one, we claim the didactic character of the poretean book and we defend that it should be understood in the teaching contexts of the late medieval vernacular theologies. In the second, we analyze a visual schema extracted from the discourse, which is based on Ezechiel 17. Above all, we focus our study on the eagle-figure from a rethoric, pedagogic and semantic point of view for historically decoding the Mirouer’s conception and its use of the visual through contemporary artistic and writing sources.
Revista chilena de literatura, 2019
RESUMEN En este artículo analizaremos el uso que hace José Ángel Valente del modus dicendi místi... more RESUMEN
En este artículo analizaremos el uso que hace José Ángel Valente del modus dicendi místico para explicar su propia concepción de la poesía. Lo haremos a través de diversos ensayos del autor, que iremos conectando en pos de una sistematicidad de pensamiento. Nos interesa indagar, en primer lugar, en qué concebía Valente como "místico" en relación con su creación lírica. En segundo, nos interesa espigar su poética, ver en qué términos lingüísticos desarrolla la misma y desde qué perspectiva utiliza un lenguaje religioso que, en muchas ocasiones, posee una raíz técnica. Finalmente, abriremos algunos puntos de reflexión sobre el posicionamiento, que vindicamos como absolutamente de consciente, de Valente frente a la tradición mística.
I will analyze in this article how José Ángel Valente uses the mystical modus dicendi to explain his own Poetics. I will do it by studying different essays by the author, looking for the systematicity of his thought. On the first place, I will focus on what Valente understood by “mysticim” from the point of view of his poetic writing. On the second place, I will study his Poetics in order to analyze the rhetoric of his essays and to analyze his use of a religious technical vocabulary. Finally, I will discuss critically Valente’s conscientious use of mystical tradition.
Il Dialogo di Caterina da Siena. Per una nuova edizione critica. Filologia, tradizione, teologia, S. Nocentini (ed.), SISMEL, 2023
Two primary objectives are addressed in this chapter: firstly, to provide a bibliographical updat... more Two primary objectives are addressed in this chapter: firstly, to provide a
bibliographical update on the dissemination of the “Caterinian corpus” in the Iberian Peninsula; secondly, to present evidence proving the massive presence of The Dialogue in Catalan and Castilian lands at the end of the fifteenth century. Initially, I will follow the guidelines set by Álvaro Huerga to point out new discoveries that have been made in the field of the reception of works related to Caterina in recent decades. Recent research has yielded not only new translations or indications of their presence on the peninsula, but also insights into their impact on the religiosity of women during the late medieval and premodern periods. This impact is evidenced by various factors, which will be discussed in detail. Finally, I will examine the circulation of The Dialogue at the end of the fifteenth century through the dissemination of Latin and Castilian printed editions of the work.
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Medieval Women's Writing in the Global Middle Ages, edited by Michelle M. Sauer, Diane Watt and Elizabeth Herbert McAvoy, 2023
The visionary sermons of Juana de la Cruz, who was born as Juana Vázquez Gutiérrez (1481–1534), a... more The visionary sermons of Juana de la Cruz, who was born as Juana Vázquez Gutiérrez (1481–1534), are collected in the Libro del conorte, forming one of the largest compilations of women’s preaching in the European Middle Ages. Early in her life, Juana entered a community of Franciscan Regular Tertiaries living at the Monastery of Santa María de la Cruz in Cubas de la Sagra (Kingdom of Castile), which was later reformed with her support in 1509. This transformation included her election as abbess and a privilege given by the influential Cardinal Cisneros (1436–1517) through which she took on responsibilities normally undertaken by a parish priest. Juana preached over 13 years in 6-hour-long prophetic performances, in which Christ used to speak though her mouth, dialoguing with various celestial characters, describing the kingdom of heaven, and even singing with different voices. During her life, Juana was considered a living holy woman (a santa viva) and her activity attracted a sizeable external audience that often included powerful members of the royal court. More than 70 of her sermons were collected by her community in the Libro del conorte, now preserved in two different manuscripts, whose dissemination was directly connected to her canonization process, abruptly stopped in the eighteenth century and officially reopened in 1996.
Observant Reforms and Cultural Production in Europe, B. Roest and P. Delcorno (eds.), 2023
This article constitutes a first effort to organize the materials, reflections and unresolved que... more This article constitutes a first effort to organize the materials, reflections
and unresolved questions that have emerged from my recent years of study of Juana de la Cruz and the Conorte. If all goes according to plan, this will culminate in both the first critical edition of the text and a monograph on the transcription and collection of her sermons. I would like to offer some preliminary reflections on the material evidence of this case in order to highlight specifically the need for a re-evaluation of the codices containing the Conorte and also of the discourse containing the actual words uttered by Juana. In the first part of the paper therefore, I present the two different manuscripts that include Juana’s sermons and revisit their implications in the history of Juana’s canonization process in order to address certain codicological, philological and ideological issues that need to be urgently re-considered before a hermeneutic reading of the text can take place. In the second part, I try to identify what we understand by the Conorte or, in other words,what we know and do not know about its collective writing, compilation, and use by the community of the Convent of Santa María de la Cruz.
Leiden: Brill, 2020
Gender and Exemplarity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain gathers a series of studies on the inte... more Gender and Exemplarity in Medieval and Early Modern Spain gathers a series of studies on the interplay between gender, sanctity and exemplarity in regard to literary production in the Iberian peninsula. The first section examines how women were construed as saintly examples through narratives, mostly composed by male writers; the second focuses on the use made of exemplary life-accounts by women writers in order to fashion their own social identity and their role as authors. The volume includes studies on relevant models (Mary Magdalen, Virgin Mary, living saints), means of transmission, sponsorship and agency (reading circles, print, patronage), and female writers (Leonor López de Córdoba, Isabel de Villena, Teresa of Ávila) involved in creating textual exemplars for women.
Abbreviations v
Notes on Contributors vii
Preface ix
Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida and Yonsoo Kim
Saints Textual: Embodying Female Exemplarity in Spanish Literature 1
María Morrás
Part I: Rewriting Models
1. Hagiography, Corporeality, and the Gaze: Sexual/Ascetic Tension in the Vida
de Santa María Egipciaca 33
Andrew M. Beresford
2. Under Suspicion: Mary Magdalene in Late Medieval Castile, Virtuous and
Illustrious? 57
María Morrás
3. Discernment of Spirits and Spiritual Authority: the Tractatus de vita spirituali
and its Afterlife 85
Rosa Vidal Doval
4. Women Prophets for a New World: Angela of Foligno, “Living Saints”, and the
Religious Reform Movement in Cardinal Cisneros’s Castile 103
Pablo Acosta-García
5. Models of Female Spirituality in Sixteenth-Century Spain: Women Accused of Lutheranism 123
Jimena Gamba Corradine
Part II: Inscribing Models
6. “No hay quien vele a Alonso”: Imitatio Mariae and the Problem of Conversion
in Leonor López de Córdoba’s Memorias 145
Ryan D. Giles
7. Speaking of Heaven in Conventual Women’s Writing (Constanza de Castilla,
Teresa de Cartagena, Isabel de Villena, and Teresa de Jesús) 159
Lesley K. Twomey
8. Torn to Pieces: Textual Destruction in Teresa de Jesús’s Vida 189
Christopher van Ginhoven Rey
Index 211
Exemplarity and Gender in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia (Brill), 2020
In this article I analyze the translations commissioned in 1505 and 1510 by the Cardinal Francisc... more In this article I analyze the translations commissioned in 1505 and 1510 by the Cardinal Francisco Ximénez Cisneros of the Book of the Medieval Italian Mystic Angela of Foligno (c. 1242-1308) in the general context of his Observant reform and his will of re-create the hagiographies of certain Late Medieval Women Saint in order to provide saintly models of imitation. In the first place, I clarify the material avatars of Angela’s text, by discussing the three main branches of her manuscript tradition. In the second place, I will analyze first the courtly, prophetic context in which those books were published. In the third place, I will return to the poorly studied origins of the third family (basis of the Castilian versions), discussing later the specificities of the books printed by the Cardinal in order to know what exactly was commissioned. Finally, I will reflect on the reception of these printings in the Iberian Peninsula, especially concerning the “beatas” movement and the so-called heresy of the “alumbrados”.
Touching, Devotional Practices, and Visionary Experience in the Late Middle Ages, 2019
"Christian devotional practices are of a very ambiguous nature, and encompass the passage from th... more "Christian devotional practices are of a very ambiguous nature, and encompass the passage from the realms of the body to the realms of the mind, and, in the case of involved revelatory phenomena, even to the states beyond the intellectual. In Late Medieval Christianity, these practices can initially be described fined as conscious, culturally oriented performances that use different media in order to mobilize the devotee’s affect (affectus) through the use of her senses. Therefore, facing devotion may be coherently understood as studying human perception in its relationship with a multimedial contextual frame. If this perspective is right, the initial question may be: how can processes that are hardly documented and which, by definition, involve the devotee’s inexpressible experience of the sacred, be approached and done justice? From a modern critical perspective, every conception of the human sensorium is mediated by cultural assumptions in which the number of senses, their supposed hierarchy andor their posible interactions related to religious practices, present great variation, depending on the source used to interpret them. Therefore, recreating processes from the past that encompass perception, experience and/or a revelation is an extremely problematic issue, at least from the point of view of historical hermeneutics. For instance, the precise, critical significance of ‘affection’ in religious contexts that imply the aforementioned passage from the physical to the numinous must be discussed. When the expression ‘affective practices’ is inserted into the academic discourse, are we emphasizing the media experience, the effects of these media on the user, the experience itself or the whole process? Pointing to this affective character could be, but should not be, a sympathetic method with which to approach our understanding of meditative processes in a scholarly but patronizing way. In fact, the historical perception of the devotee is that what s/he underwent was a real, sacred experience, wheter it was caused by an external input or caused by the process itself. […]"
Il libro di Angela da Foligno e le sue traduzioni, 2019
In this article I present and analyze four different translations of the 'Liber Lelle': two medie... more In this article I present and analyze four different translations of the 'Liber Lelle': two medieval ones in Catalan (both from the 15th century), one Early Modern in Castilian (1510) and a last one in modern Spanish (2014). In the case of the Catalan and Castilian ones, I discuss the importance of analyzing them as historical, textual transformations of the persona Angela da Foligno. The necessity of establish
an hermeneutical analysis based on the idea of variation, context and reception is demonstrated by showing how Angela was constructed (and understood) as a
prophet in one of the Catalan texts and in the Castilian one.
On Pleasure, Fear, Desire and Pain: Sensual and Sensory Experiences in the Middle Ages, 2017
"According to Pablo Acosta, pain and desire were the crucial physical and spiritual sensations in... more "According to Pablo Acosta, pain and desire were the crucial physical and spiritual sensations in Angela of Foligno’s mystical experiences, which she described in her
Memoriale in the late thirteenth century. In her works, this Franciscan Tertiary shows a clear preference for the figure of the Virgin Mary, which she places in a central place of her imaginary as 'the main doorway between two worlds.' Thus Mary is second only to the Trinity and remains above other main figures of the Gospels, such as the apostles. It is through Mary that Angela experiences the pain and suffering of the Passion of Christ in the first person, which in turn allows her to establish an intimate relationship with Him.
Acosta focuses on discussing whether Angela of Foligno engaged in these mystical experiences through the contemplation of physical images—similar to some of the extant artworks from that time—or only used mental images; a divide that appears blurred and remains ambiguous in many passages of the Memoriale. The author attempts to reconstruct Angela’s spiritual journey through these images. At first, plastic and public images—the stained-glass windows and frescoes of the Basilica Superiore of Assisi—awakened Angela’s mystical curiosity for Christ’s Passion. Later on, during her meditations in a private context she used devotional objects that prompted the development of more intimate and intense mental images. Finally, she would end up reliving said images, which helped her reach a state of grace and intrinsic understanding of the pain of Christ on the cross, and even caused her to reject physical images of the crucifixion, for they held no truth as to the true pain Christ had endured.
In this chapter, Angela’s experiences are also placed within the general context of the privatization of cult images and ways of meditation in the late Middle Ages, and the practice of Mary’s com-passion. In this sense, one of the main contributions of the author is the affirmation that the experiences of mystics like Angela of Foligno would play a main role in the collective imaginary for they anticipated elements of later art."
(Carme Muntaner Alsina, "Introduction" to the volume, pp. 2-3)
- Spanish Abstract:
"En este artículo analizamos las interrelaciones entre imagen, experiencia y escritura en la producción de Angela da Foligno, terciaria de la segunda generación franciscana cuya experiencia mística fue recogida al dictado en el denominado Memoriale (c. 1290). Partiremos de este texto, la “autohagiografía” angelana, para examinar pasajes en los que se pueda individuar una vivencia de la imagen (esto es, un desarrollo interiorizado de figuras con un marcado carácter visual que implican una historicidad teológica) e intentaremos, en primer lugar, localizar, a través de una metodología comparativista, sus posibles referentes culturales. Para lograr este primer objetivo, tendremos en cuenta tanto las fechas como los lugares de peregrinación y objetos de culto específicos que la terciaria vio y que se encuentran consignados en su libro. En segundo lugar, analizaremos cuáles son los correlatos teológicos y afectivos que estos lugares, objetos e imaginario poseen en la experiencia de Ángela y en la escritura del Memoriale. Para fijar puntos de referencia, estudiaremos el contexto histórico-artístico de la Umbría de finales del siglo XIII e inicios del siglo XIV, relacionando las imágenes que pudo haber visto Ángela tanto con la introducción del bizantinismo en las artes plásticas umbras, como con los métodos de meditación pasional (que, como sabemos, utilizaban imagen y texto para conseguir una respuesta afectiva por parte del usuario). Nuestros objetivos son, primero, entender la obra de la folignate dentro de un contexto complejo, que devuelva a sus textos una serie de referencias que están implícitas y que el lector contemporáneo ha perdido y, segundo, comprender cuáles son los mecanismos por los cuales un “objeto artístico” se toma como punto de partida de la experiencia, es interiorizado por un devoto, y adquiere una presencia y una vida interior que genera, finalmente, un proceso de escritura individual."
in La Visione, F. Zambon, Collana Viridarium, Venezia, Medusa, pp. 107-130. ISBN 978-88-7698-245-3
Nelle pagine che seguono analizzeremo uno dei testi fondamentali della mistica europea basso medi... more Nelle pagine che seguono analizzeremo uno dei testi fondamentali della mistica europea basso medievale, il Mirouer des simples ames di Marguerite dicta Porete, alla ricerca della sua paradossale relazione con l’immagine . Avremo modo di spiegare come viene utilizzato uno strumento eminentemente visivo per negare la percezione della divinità e, al tempo stesso, affermare un cammino di ritorno e di fusione con essa. A questo proposito dovremo scomporre i molteplici sensi che il termine immagine implica per il lettore di oggi e analizzare esempi di quelle che sono contenute nel libro per comprenderne la specificità. L’ordine che abbiamo adottato per questa esposizione cerca di offrire una classificazione esemplificata dei tipi di immagini presenti nell’opera poreteana. Divideremo pertanto questo capitolo in tre ambiti: itinerari verso la deificazione, diagrammi e immagini devozionali. Prima di cominciare, tuttavia, sarà forse opportuno introdurre brevemente la figura di Marguerite per comprendere meglio le intenzioni del suo libro.
Abstract: En este artículo nos proponemos revisar la obra de Marguerite Porete en lo que a cuestiones de “visión” se refiere. En primer lugar, analizaremos el uso de la visibilidad poreteana como una cuestión paradójica en la que a través de imágenes se delimita un itinerario que, precisamente, desea enseñar a destruir toda imagen en pos de la deificación individual. En segundo lugar, deseamos aportar una clasificación general de las imágenes poreteanas (itinerarios hacia la deificación; diagramas; imágenes de devoción) que dé cuenta de su tradición plástica (a través de ejemplo encontrados en miniaturas, esculturas y tablas de la época) y de su especificidad doctrinal. Sobre todo, estamos interesados en mostrar cómo Marguerite Porete construye su cosmos simbólico de manera perceptiva y cómo subvierte su tradición visual buscando la transmisión de una experiencia práctica.
R. Bouso et al. (eds.), Tetsugaku Companion to Ueda Shizuteru: Thoughts about Experience, Language, and Zen, 2022
The aim of this chapter is to explore the role played by the notion of nothingness in the hermene... more The aim of this chapter is to explore the role played by the notion of nothingness in the hermeneutics of poetic experience of two authors who worked independently on this issue, the Spanish poet José Ángel Valente and the Japanese philosopher Ueda Shizuteru. Here, we examine how both authors offered a theoretical reflection on language and creativity based on their reading of mystical literature. At the same time, we suggest that the “rhizomatic” connection that can be established between these two authors is clear in the way they noted a certain proximity between European mysticism and Eastern spiritual traditions, especially with regard to the expressive word that comes from ineffable experiences remaining on the borderline between silence and language.
in Aproximaciones y revisiones medievales. Historia, lengua y literatura, C. Company et al (eds.), Méjico DF, Universidad Autónoma de Méjico - El Colegio de Méjico, 2014, pp. 641-658. ISBN: 978-607-462-451-9.
Nuestro paper se enmarca dentro de la tesis doctoral que finalizamos en 2009 y que intenta recupe... more Nuestro paper se enmarca dentro de la tesis doctoral que finalizamos en 2009 y que intenta recuperar el legado gráfico del Mirouer des simples ames (c. 1290) de Marguerite Porete. Tanto ella como su tratado fueron sometidos a una persecución inquisitorial que concluyó con el encarcelamiento de la escritora, la prohibición de su tratado y la quema de ambos. A pesar de ello, la obra sobrevivió sustentada por varios códices que la recogen como texto meramente escrito. Nosotros sostenemos que este texto posee un trasfondo visual (que no visionario) que se puede recuperar en forma de iconografía. Las razones para plantear esta hipótesis son muchas, aunque la fundamental reside en su justificación didáctica: estamos ante un tratado que se autodefine como speculum, como miroir, y que, efectivamente, se ha escrito para enseñar a otros el camino hacia la divinidad. Tal camino es complejo y se desarrolla a través de los parajes de un lenguaje teológico violentamente abstracto, que se difundía en ambientes de predicación no necesariamente clericales y letrados: aquí es donde la visualidad se constituye como andamio del discurso, que permite hablar, enseñar, un camino experiencial complejo mediante imágenes comprensibles, incluso memorizables.
Para mostrar el cómo de esta recuperación de manera práctica y presentar algunos resultados, analizaremos en este texto uno de los esquemas gráficos que subyacen en el texto poreteano: la alegoría de Ezequiel. Examinaremos primero el pasaje donde se presenta utilizando instrumentos de la filología para dilucidar un hipotético esquema gráfico subyacente, que, en un segundo estadio, vinculamos con otros textos cercanos al Mirouer que, por una razón u otra, sí tienen una iconografía asignada. Comprobaremos qué relación visual sostiene la obra poreteana con temas iconográficos como el Jardín de las virtudes (en, esencialmente, Le somme le roi) o el árbol de Jesé (ídem Speculum Virginum) y observaremos a qué conclusiones histórico-doctrinales nos lleva este estudio comparativo.
En suma, intentamos con esta ponencia devolver parte del aspecto histórico-visual al Mirouer des simples ames, con la finalidad de que ello nos permita realizar una lectura hermenéutica más amplia, más justa, del texto.
en A. Conner Farris y F. Pattenden (eds.), Exploring Visual Literacies Inside, Outside and Through the Frame, Leiden, Brill, 2012, 123-132.\_014.
"Abstract This paper aims to show how Le Mirouer des simples ames, a theological treatise by t... more "Abstract
This paper aims to show how Le Mirouer des simples ames, a theological treatise by the heretic beguine Marguerite Porete (†1310), constructs visual images to teach a specific set of doctrines to a public not necessarily clerical or educated. We should start from the fact that this book has no iconography in the traditional sense of the term, but the written text needs and claims ‘interior visualization techniques’ for its correct use. We will restore the perceptive historical context in which this book and its images were used and we will discuss the historical reception of the Mirouer as a didactic device. On the first place, we will focus on analyzing the ambiguous concept of ‘image’. On the second place, we will show how Marguerite incarnates doctrines into images by analyzing a concrete example. This will allow us to understand the position of the discourse facing its doctrinal-expressive tradition and to extract its ‘difference’.
Actas del IV Simposio Internacional de Jóvenes Medievalista, Lorca, 2008, pp. 65-76
RESUMEN El Mirouer des simples ames, manual doctrinal del siglo XIII, ha llegado hasta nosotro... more RESUMEN
El Mirouer des simples ames, manual doctrinal del siglo XIII, ha llegado hasta nosotros determinado por unas circunstancias históricas que intentaron suprimirlo en su materialidad, llegando hasta el punto de quemar a su fuente viva: a su autora, Marguerite Porete. A pesar de estos condicionantes, la obra nos ha llegado a través de diversos códices, pero como texto meramente escrito. Este artículo propugna la necesidad de resituar el Mirouer en su contexto visual, para poder reinterpretarlo con un sentido pleno, acorde con sus coordenadas de escritura y difusión. Para ello se parte de una propuesta metodológica interdisciplinar y comparativista, que utiliza las herramientas de la filología, la historia y la historia del arte para recuperar las imágenes que el texto continene e intentar entenderlas dentro de lo que J. F. Hamburger denomina visual culture. En un segundo estadio, este artículo pone en práctica el método presentado mediante un análisis interpretativo del tema iconográfico de la «escalera de las virtudes» y sus motivos en el tratado poreteano."
Ons Geestelijk Erf, 2023
In Ons Geestelijk Erf, 93/1 (2023), 85-87.
Anuario de Historia de la Iglesia, 2023
en Vol. 32 (2023), 591-592.
Revista de Poética medieval, 2023
Medieval Sermon Studies , 2021
Carolyn Muessig’s latest book is a long-awaited cultural history of the stigmata and stigmatizati... more Carolyn Muessig’s latest book is a long-awaited cultural history of the stigmata and stigmatization in the West. And when I write long-awaited, I mean that although remarkable works studying different aspects of the impact of holy marks and stigmatics have proliferated in recent decades (for instance, Chiara Frugoni, Francesco e l'invenzione delle stimmate (Torino: Einaudi, 1995), and the special issue of Archivio italiano per la storia della pietà, 26 (2013), edited by Gábor Klaniczay), a wider, comprehensive articulation of the topic was deeply needed. Since the stigmata synthetize a cluster of interests developed in studies on late medieval Christianity in the last forty years (just to quote a few: body, materiality, devotion, mysticism, gender, and performance), the rising appeal of the Christ-like wounds is completely understandable. As Muessig announces at the beginning of the preface, her main objective in these pages is to trace ‘the birth and evolution of stigmatology’ (p. iv), that is to say, to explore the history of exegetical discourses on the impression of the divine wounds. Indeed, since theology pierces the diachronic existence of the stigmata, Muessig locates it at the core of a study which explores the phenomenon establishing cross-disciplinary, illuminating frames. [...]
Medieval Feminist Forum, 2021
Anuario de estudios medievales, 2020
Medieval Feminist Forum, 2014
Sixteenth Century Journal
in FORMA. Revista d'estudis comparatius. Art, literatura, pensament, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Summer 2013
in Philía. Revista de la Bibliotheca Mystica et Philosophica Alois M. Haas, 2 (1), pp. 203-204. ISSN 1888-2560.
inin Dialogal. Quaderns de la Associació UNESCO per al Diàleg Interreligiós, 41/any XI, 2012.
Biblioteca Nacional de España (del 24 de noviembre de 2023 al 11 de febrero de 2024), 2023
Esta exposición propone a los visitantes una reflexión sobre la censura y su impacto en el patrim... more Esta exposición propone a los visitantes una reflexión sobre la censura y su impacto en el patrimonio bibliográfico y en la cultura y la historia intelectual europea. Está dedicada a los índices de libros prohibidos y expurgados y a su contenido, esto es: a los libros vedados, intervenidos, tachados y mutilados, y también a los perdidos, quemados, emparedados o arrojados a los pozos. Más allá de la batalla contra la herejía, contra el protestantismo y contra el libro luterano, que era su propósito originario, los índices alcanzaron también a la historia, a la ficción o a las oraciones y las formas de piedad popular; transformaron la industria editorial, la ordenación de las bibliotecas, la organización de las profesiones y de los oficios en torno al libro, y hasta la concepción de la escritura y de la lectura.
Esta exposición se ha realizado en el marco de un proyecto de Prueba de Concepto, Censura, expurgación y lectura en la primera era de la imprenta. Los índices de libros prohibidos y su impacto en el patrimonio textual (PdC2022-133136.I00), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, que desarrolla el Seminario de Estudios sobre el Renacimiento de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (2023-2024) bajo la dirección de M. J. Vega.
Virtual Exhibition: Landscapes of monastic spirituality. Spaces and practices (12th-16th c.), 2019
Author's Scientific description of MS 473 (compilación de obras espirituales), Biblioteca de Cata... more Author's Scientific description of MS 473 (compilación de obras espirituales), Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona (Spain), in the context of the Virtual Exhibition 'PAISAJES ESPIRITUALES'.
Read it here:
Madrid: Siruela., 2009
Sinopsis «El eros y la sexualidad de los reinos humano y divino jugaron un papel fundamental en l... more Sinopsis
«El eros y la sexualidad de los reinos humano y divino jugaron un papel fundamental en la literatura cabalística. Éste es un hecho evidente ya desde sus inicios que será obvio en fases posteriores del misticismo judío. Sin embargo, el fundamento de estas discusiones fueron los desarrollos de algunos temas anteriores que habían sido elaborados durante el siglo XIII en las provincias españolas: primero en Cataluña y después en Castilla. Especialmente en Castilla, en el libro del Zohar y en la pléyade de cabalistas activa en el siglo XIII tardío, estos dos temas, junto al papel más activo de los elementos femeninos tanto en este mundo como en el superior, emergieron de una manera bastante espectacular. En estos escritos la sexualidad no es sólo procreación, sino también la inducción del hieros gamos superno entre las potencias divinas por medio de la actividad sexual humana. Por último, aunque no por ello de menor importancia: después de la expulsión de los judíos de la península Ibérica, los cabalistas sefardíes y otros pensadores –como León Hebreo– jugaron un importante papel en las discusiones sobre erotismo entre el público cristiano y judío en el Renacimiento. Por todos estos motivos, doy la bienvenida a la edición española de Cábala y Eros.»
Moshe Idel
In recent years, some specialists have devoted unexpected attention to communities of nuns, terti... more In recent years, some specialists have devoted unexpected attention to communities of nuns, tertiaries and individual beatas in Medieval and Premodern Castile. Nevertheless, little has been discovered about the ways European writings, models of behaviour and devotional practices from the late Middle Ages (13th-14th cc.) influenced the Castilian reform movements and, in particular, the women involved in them. The general objective of this paper is to establish the material evidence (particularly, the manuscripts) which help us to understand the impact of (particularly, women’s) Low Medieval Mysticism on the subsequent spiritual literature, practices and ways of live in Premodern Castile.
en Seminario Internacional Universidad Complutense de Madrid Cisneros (1517‐2017): reforma, mecen... more en Seminario Internacional Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Cisneros (1517‐2017): reforma, mecenazgo, mística
Museo Colonial /Museo Santa Clara, Bogotá (Colombia), 27 Sept. 2018
In recent decades, scholars have renewed their interest in female devotion and mysticism from the... more In recent decades, scholars have renewed their interest in female devotion and mysticism from the Late Middle Ages. These studies, however, have focused primarily on the Flemish, German, Italian and English areas. Very little has been undertaken concerning the Iberian territories. However, medieval spiritual texts flowed over the Pyrenees from both sides. It is now well-known how Cardinal Cisneros (1492-1517) commanded the translation of major mystical works from or about women (Caterina da Siena, Mechthild von Hackeborn, Angela de Foligno, etc.) in order to provide exemplary models of female spirituality for the reform he was carrying out. These texts were widespread throughout the peninsula and became an important influence for 16th-century Spanish mystical and spiritual works. This call for papers seeks contributions for setting up one or more panels focusing on pre-16th-century Iberian manuscripts and texts, devotional objects and 'artistic' works that entered into dialogue with this better known European context. Whether these sources were created by, for, or about men or women, the point is to highlight the evidence in Iberia of the presence of a late Medieval, transeuropean mystical tradition before Teresa of Ávila and John of the Cross.
Submission Guidelines: 1. Deadline: September, 7th 2019. 2. Individual contributors must send their abstracts to the organisers: and 3. Title and abstract of 250 words max. 4. Personal information and short-bio of 100 words. 5. Only submissions in English will be accepted.
In recent decades, scholars have renewed their interest in female devotion and mysticism from the... more In recent decades, scholars have renewed their interest in female devotion and mysticism from the Late Middle Ages. These studies, however, have focused primarily on the Flemish, German, Italian and English areas. Very little has been undertaken concerning the Iberian territories.
However, medieval spiritual texts flowed over the Pyrenees from both sides. It is now well-known how Cardinal Cisneros (1492-1517) commanded the translation of major mystical works from or about women (Caterina da Siena, Mechthild von Hackeborn, Angela de Foligno, etc.) in order to provide exemplary models of female spirituality for the reform he was carrying out. These texts were widespread throughout the peninsula and became an important influence for 16th-century Spanish mystical and spiritual works.
This call for papers seeks contributions for setting up one or more panels focusing on pre-16th-century Iberian manuscripts and texts, devotional objects and 'artistic' works that entered into dialogue with this better known European context. Whether these sources were created by, for, or about men or women, the point is to highlight the evidence in Iberia of the presence of a late Medieval, transeuropean mystical tradition before Teresa of Ávila and John of the Cross.
This international workshop will gather specialists from different fields in order to reflect on ... more This international workshop will gather specialists from different fields in order to reflect on the link between Liturgy and Writing among religious women.
Düsseldorf, 1-3 September 2021
HHU, 2021
"After this radiant light went forth and filled the whole choir. She knew this was a sign that th... more "After this radiant light went forth and filled the whole choir. She knew this was a sign that the blessed Virgin was praising her Son for the sisters along with them all. Then the whole host of angels and saints escorted their Lord with jubilant dancing to the heavens, chanting and
saying, Hymnizate nunc superi / Pariterque resonate inferi (Sing hymns now, dwellers above, / And raise the echo, dwellers below). Mechthild von Hackeborn, Book I Liber Specialis gratiae, trad. B. Newman.
This passage closes a vision linked to the celebration of the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin in Helfta's liturgical setting. From Mechthild's perspective, the voices of the "dwellers above" are reflected and want to be echoed by those "dwellers below". That is to say, the hymns sung by the community, the elements present in the choir, some ritual gestures and the smell of incense are interwoven with a sudden bidirectional connection with the kingdom of heaven. Liturgical life is related not only with prayer and meditation, but also with the education of nun's and their capacity of perceiving their lives in a sacred framework. As it is proved not only by mystical commentaries to the liturgy as Mechthild's or by extant visionary sermons cycles, liturgy provided the communities of women with an intellectual set of sacred texts and images and organized their knowledge
following the patterns of the liturgical cycle. In the first Session of this two-part workshop we would like to deepen in the connections between liturgical life, mystical experience and writing in female convents from different parts of Europe.