Carlosroberto Cervantessanchez | Universidad Autonoma de Chihuahua (original) (raw)
Papers by Carlosroberto Cervantessanchez
Revista de educación e investigación en emergencias, Feb 14, 2024
Introducción: La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) es la emergencia hiperglucémica aguda más común en ... more Introducción: La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) es la emergencia hiperglucémica aguda más común en pacientes diabéticos y junto con el estado hiperosmolar hiperglucémico son las complicaciones agudas más graves en pacientes diabéticos. Esto está condicionado por diversos factores de riesgo. Objetivo: Este estudio identificó los factores de riesgo principales asociados al desarrollo de CAD en pacientes con diabetes mellitus (DM) y se llevó a cabo en el área de urgencias del Hospital General de Chihuahua Dr. Salvador Zubirán Anchondo. Método: Estudio observacional, exploratorio y prospectivo que incluyó un total de 50 pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 o 2 que ingresaron con diagnóstico de CAD durante el periodo de julio a diciembre de 2020. Se aplicaron los cuestionarios DSMQ y MARS-5 para valorar automanejo y adherencia al tratamiento. Resultados: En cuanto a la etiología se observó que el mal apego al tratamiento es el principal factor de riesgo desencadenante para el desarrollo de la CAD en el 94% de los casos, seguido de infecciones, con un 64% (IVU 22%, SARS-CoV-2 18%, neumonía 14% y otras infecciones 10%), transgresión dietética (44%), ingesta aguda de alcohol (22%), DM de inicio (16%) y otras causas (5%). Conclusiones: No existe un apego al tratamiento en la población estudiada y este es el factor de riesgo principal para desencadenar una CAD.
Cirugía y cirujanos, Apr 16, 2024
Objective: Competency-based medical education has become increasingly prevalent among surgical ac... more Objective: Competency-based medical education has become increasingly prevalent among surgical accreditation bodies that conduct assessments to ensure the competency of future professionals and judge the adequacy of training programs. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study to validate an instrument to evaluate entrustable professional activities (EPA) according to the Single Program of Medical Specialties through content and construct validity by expert judgment, and internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha. Results: Four of the rubrics scored high to optimal for univocity and relevance. Only one rubric had to be modified in two of its items. Internal consistency was high (Cronbach's alpha of 0.97). When applying the instrument, the residents showed differences in the level of competence according to postgraduate year, identifying better performance in the last year. Discussion: The instrument was validated with a high degree of reliability in univocity and relevance, and high internal consistency. The residents demonstrated appropriate EPA to manage surgical patients safely, efficiently, with quality and warmth. The ability to reach the strategic level of performance is the main component of the competency-based medical education through the EPA.
Cirujano General, 2006
Objective: To establish whether a simple nutritional evaluation, consisting in a subjective globa... more Objective: To establish whether a simple nutritional evaluation, consisting in a subjective global assessment, can be as reliable as the determination of complex parameters, for predicting the evolution of patients submitted to surgery.
Cirujano …, 2006
Resumen Objetivo: Comparar el resultado entre la resección colónica segmentaria y la colectomía s... more Resumen Objetivo: Comparar el resultado entre la resección colónica segmentaria y la colectomía subtotal para el tratamiento del estreñimiento crónico severo. Sede: Hospitales de tercer nivel de atención. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, comparativo con controles ...
Head & Neck, 2001
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Cirugía y Cirujanos
Background: Common bile duct pressure (CBDP) after surgical exploration has not been fully detail... more Background: Common bile duct pressure (CBDP) after surgical exploration has not been fully detailed. The objective was to describe the changes of CBDP after open surgical exploration in patients with choledocholithiasis, considering clinical scenarios in remote locations. Material and methods: A before-after study was designed. Patients with choledocholithiasis who required an open cholecystectomy with exploration of bile ducts were included in the study. Open cholecystectomy was performed and perioperative T-tube CBDP was registered immediately after the procedure and weekly thereafter, with a 6 week follow-up. Control T-tube cholangiogram was performed at week 6 to exclude residual stones. Data were analyzed with T test for paired samples. Results: Thirteen patients were included (age range, 17-69 years; 38.69 ± 17.97). Mean CBDP (cm H 2 O) registered were as follows:
Cirugía y Cirujanos
Objetivo: La educación médica basada en competencias se ha vuelto cada vez más frecuente entre lo... more Objetivo: La educación médica basada en competencias se ha vuelto cada vez más frecuente entre los organismos de acreditación quirúrgica que realizan evaluaciones para asegurar la competencia de los futuros profesionales y juzgar la idoneidad de los programas de formación. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal para validar un instrumento para evaluar las actividades profesionales confiables (APC) según el Programa Único de Especialidades Médicas mediante validez de contenido y constructo por juicio de expertos, y consistencia interna con alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: Cuatro de las rúbricas obtuvieron nivel alto a óptimo para univocidad y relevancia. Solo una rúbrica debió ser modificada en dos de sus ítems. La consistencia interna fue alta (alfa de Cronbach de 0.97). Al aplicar el instrumento, los residentes mostraron diferencias en el nivel competencial según el año de posgrado, identificando mejor desempeño el último año. Discusión: El instrumento fue validado con un alto grado de fiabilidad en univocidad y relevancia, y una alta consistencia interna. Los residentes demostraron poseer las APC necesarias para tratar pacientes quirúrgicos de manera segura, eficiente, con calidad y calidez. La capacidad para alcanzar el nivel estratégico de desempeño es el componente principal de la educación médica basada en competencias a través de las APC.
Revista Médica del Hospital General de México, 2002
Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2019
La colecistectomía laparoscópica ambulatoria (CLA) disminuye la utilización de camas y beneficia ... more La colecistectomía laparoscópica ambulatoria (CLA) disminuye la utilización de camas y beneficia al paciente al no hospitalizarse, siendo importante evaluar su grado de satisfacción. Material y métodos: Se diseñó un ensayo clínico controlado para eficacia, seguridad y satisfacción de CLA comparándola con colecistectomía laparoscópica habitual (CLH). Eficacia y seguridad se evaluaron en cuanto; recuperación de vía oral, micción espontánea, canalización de gases, dolor, nausea, vómito, sangrado, y gasto del penrose. La satisfacción a través de una adaptación del cuestionario SATISCORE. Resultados: Se incluyeron 71 pacientes, 38 del grupo experimental (CLA) y 33 del control (CLH). En ambos hubo una mayor proporción de mujeres, edad promedio en la quinta década, y distribución de comorbilidades semejante. En seguridad y eficacia, los resultados fueron semejantes. En la encuesta el grupo de CLA manifestó 89.5% de alto grado de satisfacción. Discusión: Hubo una buena recuperación en ambos grupos, con una reincorporaron más temprana y un mejor índice de satisfacción referido por el enfermo en el grupo experimental (CLA). Conclusión: La CLA es tan efectiva y segura como la CLH, por lo que se puede considerar como el nuevo "Estándar de oro" para el manejo quirúrgico de la patología biliar no complicada.
Revista Medica Del Hospital General De Mexico, 2002
World Journal of Surgery, 2000
… medica del Hospital General de México, 2002
Journal of Surgical Research, 2003
Adhesion formation in the peritoneal cavity is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction an... more Adhesion formation in the peritoneal cavity is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction and secondary female infertility. A great effort has been dedicated to reduce adhesion formation because of the associated morbidity and its complications. This study was designed as a before-after comparative trial and included 14 rabbits, with a weight between 300 and 500 g. All rabbits were appendectomized and 1 month later laparotomized to assess adhesion formation. Rabbits were randomized into two groups, Group I (control group), with no intervention, and Group II (experimental group), treated with an intraperitoneal sponge of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (Clg-PVP). The laparotomy procedure was repeated 1 month later for a new assessment of adhesion formation and histological evaluation by H-E and Masson staining. Histological findings showed abundant infiltrate in the control group, which was mild in the experimental group. With the Masson stain the control group showed a significantly higher amount of collagen than the experimental group and the fibrous tissue was more compact. We found a mean number of adhesions of 3.29 +/- 1.98 for the control group, which decreased to 2.57 +/- 0.79 after the second laparotomy. For the experimental group the mean number of adhesions decreased from 1.86 +/- 0.90 to 0.71 +/- 0.49 after the second laparotomy, with no statistical difference between both groups before Clg-PVP application, but a significant statistical difference after the implantation of Clg-PVP (Student's t test; P < 0.001, two-tailed). Collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone decreases the incidence and size of intraabdominal adhesions after secondary adhesion formation after appendectomy.
Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2016
Conclusión: Los resultados aportan información sobre la concepción que se tiene sobre la evaluaci... more Conclusión: Los resultados aportan información sobre la concepción que se tiene sobre la evaluación de las competencias clínico-quirúrgicas, considerándola como una medición del logro de aprendizajes para una certificación requerida socialmente. Existe confusión en cuanto a la percepción de la evaluación, sus funciones, sus metas y alcances como beneficio para el evaluado.
Cirugia y cirujanos, Jan 28, 2016
Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Theref... more Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Therefore, competence evaluation should allow assessing the complex activity of medical care, as well as improving the training process. This is the case in the evaluation process of clinical-surgical competences. A cross-sectional study was designed to measure knowledge about the evaluation of clinical-surgical competences for the General Surgery residency program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH). A 55-item questionnaire divided into six sections was used (perception, planning, practice, function, instruments and strategies, and overall evaluation), with a six level Likert scale, performing a descriptive, correlation and comparative analysis, with a significance level of 0.001. In both groups perception of evaluation was considered as a further qualification. As regards tools, the best known was the written examination. As regards function, evaluation was c...
Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2016
Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Theref... more Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Therefore, competence evaluation should allow assessing the complex activity of medical care, as well as improving the training process. This is the case in the evaluation process of clinical-surgical competences. A cross-sectional study was designed to measure knowledge about the evaluation of clinical-surgical competences for the General Surgery residency program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH). A 55-item questionnaire divided into six sections was used (perception, planning, practice, function, instruments and strategies, and overall evaluation), with a six level Likert scale, performing a descriptive, correlation and comparative analysis, with a significance level of 0.001. In both groups perception of evaluation was considered as a further qualification. As regards tools, the best known was the written examination. As regards function, evaluation was considered as a further administrative requirement. In the correlation analysis, evaluation was perceived as qualification and was significantly associated with measurement, assessment and accreditation. In the comparative analysis between residents and staff surgeons, a significant difference was found as regards the perception of the evaluation as a measurement of knowledge (Student t test: p=0.04). The results provide information about the concept we have about the evaluation of clinical-surgical competences, considering it as a measure of learning achievement for a socially required certification. There is confusion as regards the perception of evaluation, its function, goals and scopes as benefit for those evaluated.
Materials and methods. This study was designed as a before-after comparative trial and included 1... more Materials and methods. This study was designed as a before-after comparative trial and included 14 rabbits, with a weight between 300 and 500 g. All rabbits were appendectomized and 1 month later laparotomized to assess adhesion formation. Rabbits were randomized into two groups, Group I (control group), with no intervention, and Group II (experimental group), treated with an intraperitoneal sponge of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (Clg-PVP). The laparotomy procedure was repeated 1 month later for a new assessment of adhesion formation and histological evaluation by H-E and Masson staining.
Revista de educación e investigación en emergencias, Feb 14, 2024
Introducción: La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) es la emergencia hiperglucémica aguda más común en ... more Introducción: La cetoacidosis diabética (CAD) es la emergencia hiperglucémica aguda más común en pacientes diabéticos y junto con el estado hiperosmolar hiperglucémico son las complicaciones agudas más graves en pacientes diabéticos. Esto está condicionado por diversos factores de riesgo. Objetivo: Este estudio identificó los factores de riesgo principales asociados al desarrollo de CAD en pacientes con diabetes mellitus (DM) y se llevó a cabo en el área de urgencias del Hospital General de Chihuahua Dr. Salvador Zubirán Anchondo. Método: Estudio observacional, exploratorio y prospectivo que incluyó un total de 50 pacientes diabéticos tipo 1 o 2 que ingresaron con diagnóstico de CAD durante el periodo de julio a diciembre de 2020. Se aplicaron los cuestionarios DSMQ y MARS-5 para valorar automanejo y adherencia al tratamiento. Resultados: En cuanto a la etiología se observó que el mal apego al tratamiento es el principal factor de riesgo desencadenante para el desarrollo de la CAD en el 94% de los casos, seguido de infecciones, con un 64% (IVU 22%, SARS-CoV-2 18%, neumonía 14% y otras infecciones 10%), transgresión dietética (44%), ingesta aguda de alcohol (22%), DM de inicio (16%) y otras causas (5%). Conclusiones: No existe un apego al tratamiento en la población estudiada y este es el factor de riesgo principal para desencadenar una CAD.
Cirugía y cirujanos, Apr 16, 2024
Objective: Competency-based medical education has become increasingly prevalent among surgical ac... more Objective: Competency-based medical education has become increasingly prevalent among surgical accreditation bodies that conduct assessments to ensure the competency of future professionals and judge the adequacy of training programs. Materials and Methods: Cross-sectional study to validate an instrument to evaluate entrustable professional activities (EPA) according to the Single Program of Medical Specialties through content and construct validity by expert judgment, and internal consistency with Cronbach's alpha. Results: Four of the rubrics scored high to optimal for univocity and relevance. Only one rubric had to be modified in two of its items. Internal consistency was high (Cronbach's alpha of 0.97). When applying the instrument, the residents showed differences in the level of competence according to postgraduate year, identifying better performance in the last year. Discussion: The instrument was validated with a high degree of reliability in univocity and relevance, and high internal consistency. The residents demonstrated appropriate EPA to manage surgical patients safely, efficiently, with quality and warmth. The ability to reach the strategic level of performance is the main component of the competency-based medical education through the EPA.
Cirujano General, 2006
Objective: To establish whether a simple nutritional evaluation, consisting in a subjective globa... more Objective: To establish whether a simple nutritional evaluation, consisting in a subjective global assessment, can be as reliable as the determination of complex parameters, for predicting the evolution of patients submitted to surgery.
Cirujano …, 2006
Resumen Objetivo: Comparar el resultado entre la resección colónica segmentaria y la colectomía s... more Resumen Objetivo: Comparar el resultado entre la resección colónica segmentaria y la colectomía subtotal para el tratamiento del estreñimiento crónico severo. Sede: Hospitales de tercer nivel de atención. Diseño: Estudio prospectivo, comparativo con controles ...
Head & Neck, 2001
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Cirugía y Cirujanos
Background: Common bile duct pressure (CBDP) after surgical exploration has not been fully detail... more Background: Common bile duct pressure (CBDP) after surgical exploration has not been fully detailed. The objective was to describe the changes of CBDP after open surgical exploration in patients with choledocholithiasis, considering clinical scenarios in remote locations. Material and methods: A before-after study was designed. Patients with choledocholithiasis who required an open cholecystectomy with exploration of bile ducts were included in the study. Open cholecystectomy was performed and perioperative T-tube CBDP was registered immediately after the procedure and weekly thereafter, with a 6 week follow-up. Control T-tube cholangiogram was performed at week 6 to exclude residual stones. Data were analyzed with T test for paired samples. Results: Thirteen patients were included (age range, 17-69 years; 38.69 ± 17.97). Mean CBDP (cm H 2 O) registered were as follows:
Cirugía y Cirujanos
Objetivo: La educación médica basada en competencias se ha vuelto cada vez más frecuente entre lo... more Objetivo: La educación médica basada en competencias se ha vuelto cada vez más frecuente entre los organismos de acreditación quirúrgica que realizan evaluaciones para asegurar la competencia de los futuros profesionales y juzgar la idoneidad de los programas de formación. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal para validar un instrumento para evaluar las actividades profesionales confiables (APC) según el Programa Único de Especialidades Médicas mediante validez de contenido y constructo por juicio de expertos, y consistencia interna con alfa de Cronbach. Resultados: Cuatro de las rúbricas obtuvieron nivel alto a óptimo para univocidad y relevancia. Solo una rúbrica debió ser modificada en dos de sus ítems. La consistencia interna fue alta (alfa de Cronbach de 0.97). Al aplicar el instrumento, los residentes mostraron diferencias en el nivel competencial según el año de posgrado, identificando mejor desempeño el último año. Discusión: El instrumento fue validado con un alto grado de fiabilidad en univocidad y relevancia, y una alta consistencia interna. Los residentes demostraron poseer las APC necesarias para tratar pacientes quirúrgicos de manera segura, eficiente, con calidad y calidez. La capacidad para alcanzar el nivel estratégico de desempeño es el componente principal de la educación médica basada en competencias a través de las APC.
Revista Médica del Hospital General de México, 2002
Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2019
La colecistectomía laparoscópica ambulatoria (CLA) disminuye la utilización de camas y beneficia ... more La colecistectomía laparoscópica ambulatoria (CLA) disminuye la utilización de camas y beneficia al paciente al no hospitalizarse, siendo importante evaluar su grado de satisfacción. Material y métodos: Se diseñó un ensayo clínico controlado para eficacia, seguridad y satisfacción de CLA comparándola con colecistectomía laparoscópica habitual (CLH). Eficacia y seguridad se evaluaron en cuanto; recuperación de vía oral, micción espontánea, canalización de gases, dolor, nausea, vómito, sangrado, y gasto del penrose. La satisfacción a través de una adaptación del cuestionario SATISCORE. Resultados: Se incluyeron 71 pacientes, 38 del grupo experimental (CLA) y 33 del control (CLH). En ambos hubo una mayor proporción de mujeres, edad promedio en la quinta década, y distribución de comorbilidades semejante. En seguridad y eficacia, los resultados fueron semejantes. En la encuesta el grupo de CLA manifestó 89.5% de alto grado de satisfacción. Discusión: Hubo una buena recuperación en ambos grupos, con una reincorporaron más temprana y un mejor índice de satisfacción referido por el enfermo en el grupo experimental (CLA). Conclusión: La CLA es tan efectiva y segura como la CLH, por lo que se puede considerar como el nuevo "Estándar de oro" para el manejo quirúrgico de la patología biliar no complicada.
Revista Medica Del Hospital General De Mexico, 2002
World Journal of Surgery, 2000
… medica del Hospital General de México, 2002
Journal of Surgical Research, 2003
Adhesion formation in the peritoneal cavity is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction an... more Adhesion formation in the peritoneal cavity is the most common cause of intestinal obstruction and secondary female infertility. A great effort has been dedicated to reduce adhesion formation because of the associated morbidity and its complications. This study was designed as a before-after comparative trial and included 14 rabbits, with a weight between 300 and 500 g. All rabbits were appendectomized and 1 month later laparotomized to assess adhesion formation. Rabbits were randomized into two groups, Group I (control group), with no intervention, and Group II (experimental group), treated with an intraperitoneal sponge of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (Clg-PVP). The laparotomy procedure was repeated 1 month later for a new assessment of adhesion formation and histological evaluation by H-E and Masson staining. Histological findings showed abundant infiltrate in the control group, which was mild in the experimental group. With the Masson stain the control group showed a significantly higher amount of collagen than the experimental group and the fibrous tissue was more compact. We found a mean number of adhesions of 3.29 +/- 1.98 for the control group, which decreased to 2.57 +/- 0.79 after the second laparotomy. For the experimental group the mean number of adhesions decreased from 1.86 +/- 0.90 to 0.71 +/- 0.49 after the second laparotomy, with no statistical difference between both groups before Clg-PVP application, but a significant statistical difference after the implantation of Clg-PVP (Student's t test; P < 0.001, two-tailed). Collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone decreases the incidence and size of intraabdominal adhesions after secondary adhesion formation after appendectomy.
Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2016
Conclusión: Los resultados aportan información sobre la concepción que se tiene sobre la evaluaci... more Conclusión: Los resultados aportan información sobre la concepción que se tiene sobre la evaluación de las competencias clínico-quirúrgicas, considerándola como una medición del logro de aprendizajes para una certificación requerida socialmente. Existe confusión en cuanto a la percepción de la evaluación, sus funciones, sus metas y alcances como beneficio para el evaluado.
Cirugia y cirujanos, Jan 28, 2016
Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Theref... more Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Therefore, competence evaluation should allow assessing the complex activity of medical care, as well as improving the training process. This is the case in the evaluation process of clinical-surgical competences. A cross-sectional study was designed to measure knowledge about the evaluation of clinical-surgical competences for the General Surgery residency program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH). A 55-item questionnaire divided into six sections was used (perception, planning, practice, function, instruments and strategies, and overall evaluation), with a six level Likert scale, performing a descriptive, correlation and comparative analysis, with a significance level of 0.001. In both groups perception of evaluation was considered as a further qualification. As regards tools, the best known was the written examination. As regards function, evaluation was c...
Cirugía y Cirujanos, 2016
Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Theref... more Evaluation is a means for significant and rigorous improvement of the educational process. Therefore, competence evaluation should allow assessing the complex activity of medical care, as well as improving the training process. This is the case in the evaluation process of clinical-surgical competences. A cross-sectional study was designed to measure knowledge about the evaluation of clinical-surgical competences for the General Surgery residency program at the Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH). A 55-item questionnaire divided into six sections was used (perception, planning, practice, function, instruments and strategies, and overall evaluation), with a six level Likert scale, performing a descriptive, correlation and comparative analysis, with a significance level of 0.001. In both groups perception of evaluation was considered as a further qualification. As regards tools, the best known was the written examination. As regards function, evaluation was considered as a further administrative requirement. In the correlation analysis, evaluation was perceived as qualification and was significantly associated with measurement, assessment and accreditation. In the comparative analysis between residents and staff surgeons, a significant difference was found as regards the perception of the evaluation as a measurement of knowledge (Student t test: p=0.04). The results provide information about the concept we have about the evaluation of clinical-surgical competences, considering it as a measure of learning achievement for a socially required certification. There is confusion as regards the perception of evaluation, its function, goals and scopes as benefit for those evaluated.
Materials and methods. This study was designed as a before-after comparative trial and included 1... more Materials and methods. This study was designed as a before-after comparative trial and included 14 rabbits, with a weight between 300 and 500 g. All rabbits were appendectomized and 1 month later laparotomized to assess adhesion formation. Rabbits were randomized into two groups, Group I (control group), with no intervention, and Group II (experimental group), treated with an intraperitoneal sponge of collagen-polyvinylpyrrolidone (Clg-PVP). The laparotomy procedure was repeated 1 month later for a new assessment of adhesion formation and histological evaluation by H-E and Masson staining.