Umi Pujiyanti | UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta (original) (raw)

Papers by Umi Pujiyanti


This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters D... more This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters Department students taking Interpreting subject in 2015. This paper describes the processes of teaching and learning Interpreting to the students with no sufficient experience on the field, but interest. The data were taken from the observation over some interpreting tasks. The findings show that the students still have problem in memorizing the information they get from the source text: they could not easily restate the information exactly the same as uttered. Further, the teacher needs to find new media adjustable on setting the cut-passage and keep it in the same length. The implication toward the curriculum in the level of bachelor degree with only 2 credits in the subject argue that this student should only expose to consecutive mode of interpreting on novice level.

Research paper thumbnail of A Descriptive Analysis on Lesson Study Program Used by English Teacher in Seventh Grades of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura in Academic Year 2016/2017

Norma Indika, 2017.A Descriptive Analysis of Lesson Study Program Used by English Teacher in Seve... more Norma Indika, 2017.A Descriptive Analysis of Lesson Study Program Used by English Teacher in Seventh Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura in Academic Year 2016/207. Thesis. English Education Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. IAIN Surakarta Advisor : Umi Pujiyanti, S.s, M.Hum, M.Si Keywords : Lesson Study, Lesson group, observers, Plan, do and see step. SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura is the one school which applied Lesson Study. Lesson study applied as the effort to improve the teachers‟ capability. This research was conducted to study about the process, the problem faced by teachers and the benefits got in implementing lesson study. The objectives of the research are to describe and to analyze about how is lesson study implemented in teaching English process andthe problem arises that should be faced by the teacher as the applier of lesson study. This research also aimed to know the benefits got for the scho...

Research paper thumbnail of Category Shift in How to Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitling from English Into Indonesian

Muhammad Seto Aji. 2017. An Analysis of Category Shift in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle Fro... more Muhammad Seto Aji. 2017. An Analysis of Category Shift in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle From English into Indonesian. Thesis. English Letters Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. The State Islamic Institute Of Surakarta. Advisors : Umi Pujiyanti, S.S., M.Hum.,M.Si Key Words : Category Shift, Accuracy, Movie, Subtitle, How To Train Your Dragon 2 This research aims at analyzing the occurence at kinds of category shifts and the dominant shift in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle from English into Indonesian. This research also aims at analyzing to know how accurate this category shift found in this translation. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data in this research are taken from How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle from English to Indonesian translated by Nazaret Setiabudi. The other data are taken from questionnaires assessed by three raters. The limitation of data in this research are the noun phrase. The technique...

Research paper thumbnail of A Sociolinguistics Study of Register in “In the Heart of the Sea” Movie

Dicky Alvian Febrayadi. 2017. A Sociolinguistics Study of Register In “In the Heart of the Sea” M... more Dicky Alvian Febrayadi. 2017. A Sociolinguistics Study of Register In “In the Heart of the Sea” Movie.Thesis.English Letters Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. Advisor : Nur Asiyah, S. S., M. A Key Words : Sociolinguistics, Social Identities, Register, Film, In the Heart of the Sea. This study is an application of sociological approach that is related with register utterances on the movie dialogue In the Heart of the Sea. The objectives of the study are to find social identities, situation types and function of register utterance on In the Heart of the Sea. The object of the data is the dialogues of In the Heart of the Sea‟s character. It was published by Warner Bros. Pictures Masterpiece in 2015. Data were collected by process of analyzing and giving codes to the data as its identity and as categorized as classification. The instrument of the research is the researcher himself and supporting devices and equipment. The research uses descriptive qualitativ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Model Pembelajaran Peer Dan Cross-Age DI Iain Surakarta

LEKSEMA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2017

This article is aimed at describing the differences of tutoring process and the responses of tute... more This article is aimed at describing the differences of tutoring process and the responses of tutees related to the tutors classified as peer and cross age The research underlying this article applies descriptive-qualitative method. The data were obtained from observation, document analysis and interview. The findings show that there are advantages and disadvantages of both models. Peer tutors were more familiar to the tutee. It built better communication and high motivation in the classes. Meanwhile, cross-age tutors tended to be respected by tutee that made them easier in organizing the classes. On the other hand, peer tutors looked less serious and were often ignored by tutees. Similarly, cross-age tutors faced difficulties in preserving their attittudes since they were taken as the models by their tutees.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Local Government Compliance Ofmandatory Disclosure Ongovernmental Accounting Standard

ABSTRACT This research aims at figuring out the different level of compliance of Indonesian local... more ABSTRACT This research aims at figuring out the different level of compliance of Indonesian local governments’ financial reports with SAP. The differentiation is based on the different level of governmental agency (municipal/ city) and different geographical location (located in Java Island and Non Java Island). The sample is 102 financial reports (balance sheet) that consists of 22 reports of provinces (4 are from Java and 18 are from Non Java Island) and 80 from municipalities/ cities (40 are from Java Island and 40 others are from Non Java Island) with qualified or unqualified opinion. The tests are normality and Independents sample t- test. The result shows that compliance level of Indonesian financial reports reaches 41.71% (weakly complied). H1 is rejected due to the absent of penalty, lack of example from the higher level of agency and the independency feeling. H2 is also rejected due to the fact that local governments from outside Java have the same ability to adapt to new regulation. This research concludes that local governments in Indonesia have the same level of compliance for their financial reports. This research has a drawback that is only uses balance sheets as the item of analysis. Keywords: disclosure, compliance, governmental accounting standard (SAP), local governments, level of governmental agency and different geographical location ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan antara tingkat kepatuhan laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia terhadap Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan (SAP) yang didasarkan pada perbedaan level agen pemerintah (provinsi dan kabupaten/ kota) dan letak geografis (berlokasi di Jawa dan Luar Jawa). Sampel penelitian berjumlah 102 laporan keuangan (neraca/ balance sheet) pemerintahan daerah yang terdiri dari 22 provinsi dan 80 kabupaten/ kota (40 dari Jawa dan 40 lainnya dari Luar Jawa). Laporan keuangan tersebut memiliki opini wajar tanpa pengecualian dan wajar dengan pengecualian. Item neraca diukur commit to user dengan menggunakan metode PC unweighted. Data diuji kenormalannya dengan One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov dilanjutkan dengan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan (item Balance Sheet) laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia adalah 41, 71% (kepatuhan rendah). Tingkat kepatuhan pemerintah daerah di tingkat provinsi sama dengan tingkat kepatuhan di tingkat kabupaten/ kota; hipotesis 1 tertolak. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tidak adanya sanksi terhadap pelanggaran, kurangnya contoh dari agen pemerintah yang lebih tinggi dan adanya perasaan independen dari pemerintah daerah yang lebih rendah. Hipotesis 2 tertolak karena pemerintah daerah yang berlokasi di Luar Jawa memiliki kemampuan yang sama untuk beradaptasi dengan peraturan pemeintahan yang baru. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa semua pemerintah daerah di Indonesia memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang sama meskipun memiliki tingkat agensi dan lokasi geografis yang berbeda. Keterbatasan penelitian ini terletak pada hanya diambilnya Neraca sebagai bahan penelitian. Kata kunci : pengungkapan, kepatuhan, standar akuntansi keuangan (SAP), pemeintahan daerah, tingkat agensi pemerintah dan perbedaan letak geografis

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies of translating personal pronouns in the disney’s fairy tale entitled beauty and the beast into the indonesian version

This research is focused on two main problems. First, what are the strategies used by the transla... more This research is focused on two main problems. First, what are the strategies used by the translator in translating the English personal pronouns from Beauty and the Beast (BB) into Si Cantik dan Pangeran Buruk Rupa (CPBR). Second, this research wants to know about how the strategies influence the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. Based on the problems above, there are two purposes intended to be achieved. The research aims to figure out what kind of strategies used by the translator in translating the personal pronouns. Besides, it also aims to see the effect of the strategies used towards the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. Descriptive qualitative method is employed within this research. The data come from all English personal pronouns of BB and the Indonesian version in CPBR. In analysing, the content analysis and questionnaires are used. In content analysis is employed to figure out the strategies while the questionnaires are used to measure the Translation Quality Assessment (TQA). From the analysis, some findings are gained. There are 154 data of English personal pronouns which are translated into 129 Indonesian personal pronouns. These 154 data are classified into 16 types of English personal pronouns; the 129 Indonesian are classified into 23 types. There are five (5) strategies employed by the translator. The strategies are: first, translating the personal pronouns literally: 39 data (25.32%) are translated into free morpheme and 23 data (14.93%) are translated into enclitics. The second strategy is translating by structural adjustment: 37 data (24.02%) are translated into same function word and 11 data (7.14%) are translated into different function word. The third strategy is translating into proper name: 15 data (9.74%). Fourth, translating by deletion and addition: 25 (16.23%) are translated by deletion while one datum (0.65%) is translated by addition. The last strategy is translating into Noun, Demonstrative Reference and into Noun + Demonstrative Reference. There is one datum (0.65%) which is translated into Noun, one datum (0.65%) which is translated into Demonstrative Reference and 2 data (1.29%) which are translated into Noun + Demonstrative Reference. There are some problems related to the strategies used which affect the TQA. In terms of accuracy, there are 8 data (33. 33%) deleted. Meanwhile, the literal translation strategy also brings problem on clarity in 37.5% (9 data) and problem on choice of words on 29.17% (7 data). These problems cause the mean point on accuracy is 1.33. In acceptability, deletion is found as a problem on 3 data (14.29%). Literal translation causes two problems on acceptability: problem on clarity (21. 81%) or 5 data) and problem on addressing parents (6 data or 28.57%). These problems make the acceptability mean point reaches 1.09. In translating, there are various strategies employed by the translator. Yet, there are two strategies commonly used in translating, they are literal translation strategy and structural adjustment. In term of the quality of translation, a translator should attention on the deletion and choice of words for both may affect the quality. xviii One of the significances may be taken from this research is that personal pronoun may be used as a means in teaching others, especially children, to respect other persons. xix CHAPTER I 125. BB/ 6/ 4/ 18 Gaston quickly drew Belle to one side, and he whispered that he might be able to calm the crowd-if Belle would promise to marry him. CPBR/ 10/ 5/ 18 Gaston cepat-cepat menarik Bela ke tepi. Dia berbisik bahwa dia mungkin bisa menenangkan orang-orang itu-jika Bela berjanji mau menikah dengannya. 126. B/ 6/ 5/ 18 Gaston quickly drew Belle to one side, and he whispered that he might be able to calm the crowd-if Belle would promise to marry him. clxxv CPBR/ 6/ 6/ Gaston cepat-cepat menarik Bela ke tepi. Dia berbisik bahwa dia mungkin bisa menenangkan orang-orang itu-jika Bela berjanji mau menikah dengannya. 127. BB/ 7/ 6/ 18 Gaston quickly drew Belle to one side, and he whispered that he might be able to calm the crowd-if Belle would promise to marry him. CPBR/ 18/ 8/ 18 Gaston cepat-cepat menarik Bela ke tepi. Dia berbisik bahwa dia mungkin bisa menenangkan orang-orang itu-jika Bela berjanji mau menikah dengannya. 128. BB/ 3/ 7/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." CPBR/ 5/ 9/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 129. BB/ 1/ 8/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." CPBR/ 2/ 10/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 130. BB/ 12/ 8/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." clxxvi CPBR/ 12/ 11/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 131. BB/ 9/ 8/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." CPBR/ 11/ 11/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 132. BB/ 8/ 3/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 13/ 3/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 133. BB/ 13/ 3/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 23/ 3/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. clxxvii Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 134. BB/ 6/ 4/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 12/ 4/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 135. BB/ 2/ 5/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 2/ 6/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 136. BB/ 13/ 6/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" "We are!" answered the villgers. CPBR/ 22/ 7/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" clxxviii "Kami!" jawab para penduduk desa. 137. BB/ 11/ 7/ 19 Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" "We are!" answered the villgers. After locking Belle and her father in the cellar of the cottage, the villagers rode off to storm the Best's castle. CPBR/ 13/ 8/ 19 Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" Setelah mengurung Bela dan ayahnya dalam gudang bawah tanah mereka, orang-orang itu bernagkat untuk menyerbu istana si Buruk Rupa. 138. BB/ 6/ 10/ 19 Luckily Chip, Mrs. Potts's son, had stowed away in Belle's saddlebag. After the villagers were gone, he used Maurice's latest invention to release Belle and her father from the cellar. CPBR/ 11/ 13/ 19 Untunglah Chip, anak Bu Pot, tadi menyelundup ke dalam kantong pelana Bela. Setelah orang-orang pergi, Chip menggunakan penemuan terakhir Maurice untuk membebaskan Bela dan ayahnya dari gudang bawah tanah. 144. BB/ 8/ 3/ 21 Gaston screamed for mercy. The Beast granted it and turned away from his foe. Then Belle watched helplessly as Gaston rose up and plunged a knife into the Beast's back. The Beast roared in pain, frightening Gaston. Backing away from the wounded Beast, the hunter lost his footing and fell off the roof into the fog below. CPBR/ 1/ 4/ 21 Gaston menjerit memohon ampun. Si Buruk Rupa mengampuninya dan meninggalkan musuhnya. Bela memandang tak berdaya ketika Gaston bangkit dan menusukkan pisaunya ke punggung si Buruk Rupa.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Gender

The use of digital applications as a learning medium is one of the efforts to integrate technolog... more The use of digital applications as a learning medium is one of the efforts to integrate technology and education. This descriptive qualitative research aims at figuring out how are the characters of Stop Motion Studio (SMS) and Life Lapse (LL), and how the preferences of both applications are used on a gender basis during the teaching-learning process at the English Letters Department, IAIN Surakarta. The SMS and LL are taken into account as the main sources of user interface characteristics. Further, there are 32 students of History of English Language and Literature (HELL) involved in this study to response to the applications’ user interface based on the gender through questionnaire and interview. The results exhibit a more neutral design of SMS compared to a more feminine LL. Secondly, gender indeed plays role in choosing the application between SMS and LL. Yet more detailed reasons for the preference are the ease of usage and feature completeness. Keywords : Gender, User-Interf...

Research paper thumbnail of Cross Cultural Understanding a Handbook to Understand Others Cultures

CV. Hidayah, 2014

Guideline in Teaching Cross Cultural Understanding

Research paper thumbnail of King size or all size: Proposing a typology of amplification translation technique for children picturebook translation

Studies in English Language and Education

The necessity for a children’s picturebook to generate a proairetic decoding by the children infl... more The necessity for a children’s picturebook to generate a proairetic decoding by the children influences translators to deliver the messages of the source text as explicit as possible. This condition leads the translators to implement amplifications aimed at detailing particular information. Though a proairetic reading is achieved through amplification, negative impacts follow the implementation. This qualitative experiential study involves nine children picturebook translators. Exchanging insights and translated texts in a focused group discussion (FGD) comprising of English to Indonesian and English to Javanese children picturebook translators, we found that a typology of amplification technique constructed specifically for children picturebook translation is required to provide a guideline for the translators when forced to apply amplification. The result of the translation data, supported by FGD, indicates that amplification is classifiable into three function-based types namely ...

Research paper thumbnail of Permasalahan dubbing oleh mahasiswa dan solusinya (studi kasus proses dubbing visual novel mahasiswa Sastra Inggris IAIN Surakarta)


This research aims at figuring out what are problems faced by students when dub adapted visual no... more This research aims at figuring out what are problems faced by students when dub adapted visual novel from English to English and to know the solution coping the problems. This is descriptive qualitative research where the object is a SPARRING group consisting of 10 mentees and 2 mentor. The data gathered through observation, interview and document analysis. The results indicate that mentee tend to have improper understanding of the original story, difficulties in having clear recording, hard to pronounce words correctly and finally, making inconsistent emergence between the voice and the writing.

Research paper thumbnail of Stories of Muhammad in Bilingual Application (Smilapp): Pengembangan Cerita Islami Bilingual Bagi Anak-Anak Berbasis Aplikasi

Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat software media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan PAI yang d... more Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat software media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan PAI yang diberi nama SMILapp. SMILapp berisi beberapa kisah Rasulullah Muhammad SAW dalam dua bahasa, yaitu Indonesia dan Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan tingkat keberterimaan SMILapp oleh pengguna dan (2) mendeskripsikan kekurangan dan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh SMILapp menurut pengguna. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian research and development yang dilaksanakan di SD N Kartasura 2 Sukoharjo pada bulan April-Agustus 2018. Langkah penelitian yang dilaksanakan antara lain: penelitian dan pengumpulan data (research and information collecting), perencanaan (planning), pengembangan produk awal (develop preliminary form of product), uji coba produk awal / uji coba terbatas (preliminary field testing), penyempurnaan produk awal (main product revision). Pada tahap pengembangan produk awal dan uji coba awal dilakukan tes uji terhadap software melalui alpha testing dan beta testing. Kata kunci: aplikasi, bilingual, media pembelajaran Dalam rangka pengembangan aplikasi berbahasa Inggris guna mendukung proses pembelajaran baik formal maupun informal, khususnya

Research paper thumbnail of Game Localisation: Loss and Gain in Visual Novel Subtitles

Register Journal

This research discussed about loss and gain in the context of game localization with the limitati... more This research discussed about loss and gain in the context of game localization with the limitation on subtitles. The objectives are to present the loss and gain in the visual novel game adaptation subtitles entitled A Child in the Forest and to identify reasons of the loss and gain happen. A Child in the Forest is a kind of game which consists of static and background images also music soundtrack with storylines and dialogues. It was made and translated from English into Indonesian version by English Letters students of IAIN Surakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The method of collecting data, researcher gets English and Indonesian subtitles script from the game packages. After that, the researcher analyses the data which consist of loss and gain and also make interview with translator. The researcher uses informant to make data validation which is expert in translation and in the world of visual novel game. The result of this research, researcher f...


This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters D... more This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters Department students taking Interpreting subject in 2015. This paper describes the processes of teaching and learning Interpreting to the students with no sufficient experience on the field, but interest. The data were taken from the observation over some interpreting tasks. The findings show that the students still have problem in memorizing the information they get from the source text: they could not easily restate the information exactly the same as uttered. Further, the teacher needs to find new media adjustable on setting the cut-passage and keep it in the same length. The implication toward the curriculum in the level of bachelor degree with only 2 credits in the subject argue that this student should only expose to consecutive mode of interpreting on novice level.

Research paper thumbnail of Budaya: Unsur Pembeda dalam Penerjemahan

This paper is published by Jurnal Sastra dan Bahasa, IAIN Surakarta

Research paper thumbnail of FOR aCADEMIA.docx

Research paper thumbnail of On Designing Syllabus A Market Needs: A Study on Translation and Interpreting Practicum

This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development i... more This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development in Translating and Interpreting Practicum (TIP). The aim is to measure the value or worth of TIP syllabus used in its instructional design. The data were collected through self reflection notes and interview. The results indicates that the syllabus requires some adjustments and changes based on students needs; i.e. on field training come first and note taking practices.

Research paper thumbnail of 2nd person addressee

Research paper thumbnail of On Designing Syllabus A Market Needs: A Study on Translation and Interpreting Practicum

This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development i... more This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development in Translating and Interpreting Practicum (TIP). The aim is to measure the value or worth of TIP syllabus used in its instructional design. The data were collected through self reflection notes and interview. The results indicates that the syllabus requires some adjustments and changes based on students needs; i.e. on field training come first and note taking practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Penerjemahan Lisan Analysis on Interpreting


This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters D... more This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters Department students taking Interpreting subject in 2015. This paper describes the processes of teaching and learning Interpreting to the students with no sufficient experience on the field, but interest. The data were taken from the observation over some interpreting tasks. The findings show that the students still have problem in memorizing the information they get from the source text: they could not easily restate the information exactly the same as uttered. Further, the teacher needs to find new media adjustable on setting the cut-passage and keep it in the same length. The implication toward the curriculum in the level of bachelor degree with only 2 credits in the subject argue that this student should only expose to consecutive mode of interpreting on novice level.

Research paper thumbnail of A Descriptive Analysis on Lesson Study Program Used by English Teacher in Seventh Grades of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura in Academic Year 2016/2017

Norma Indika, 2017.A Descriptive Analysis of Lesson Study Program Used by English Teacher in Seve... more Norma Indika, 2017.A Descriptive Analysis of Lesson Study Program Used by English Teacher in Seventh Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura in Academic Year 2016/207. Thesis. English Education Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. IAIN Surakarta Advisor : Umi Pujiyanti, S.s, M.Hum, M.Si Keywords : Lesson Study, Lesson group, observers, Plan, do and see step. SMP Muhammadiyah Al-Kautsar Program Khusus Kartasura is the one school which applied Lesson Study. Lesson study applied as the effort to improve the teachers‟ capability. This research was conducted to study about the process, the problem faced by teachers and the benefits got in implementing lesson study. The objectives of the research are to describe and to analyze about how is lesson study implemented in teaching English process andthe problem arises that should be faced by the teacher as the applier of lesson study. This research also aimed to know the benefits got for the scho...

Research paper thumbnail of Category Shift in How to Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitling from English Into Indonesian

Muhammad Seto Aji. 2017. An Analysis of Category Shift in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle Fro... more Muhammad Seto Aji. 2017. An Analysis of Category Shift in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle From English into Indonesian. Thesis. English Letters Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. The State Islamic Institute Of Surakarta. Advisors : Umi Pujiyanti, S.S., M.Hum.,M.Si Key Words : Category Shift, Accuracy, Movie, Subtitle, How To Train Your Dragon 2 This research aims at analyzing the occurence at kinds of category shifts and the dominant shift in How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle from English into Indonesian. This research also aims at analyzing to know how accurate this category shift found in this translation. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The source of the data in this research are taken from How To Train Your Dragon 2 Subtitle from English to Indonesian translated by Nazaret Setiabudi. The other data are taken from questionnaires assessed by three raters. The limitation of data in this research are the noun phrase. The technique...

Research paper thumbnail of A Sociolinguistics Study of Register in “In the Heart of the Sea” Movie

Dicky Alvian Febrayadi. 2017. A Sociolinguistics Study of Register In “In the Heart of the Sea” M... more Dicky Alvian Febrayadi. 2017. A Sociolinguistics Study of Register In “In the Heart of the Sea” Movie.Thesis.English Letters Study Program, Islamic Education and Teacher Training Faculty. Advisor : Nur Asiyah, S. S., M. A Key Words : Sociolinguistics, Social Identities, Register, Film, In the Heart of the Sea. This study is an application of sociological approach that is related with register utterances on the movie dialogue In the Heart of the Sea. The objectives of the study are to find social identities, situation types and function of register utterance on In the Heart of the Sea. The object of the data is the dialogues of In the Heart of the Sea‟s character. It was published by Warner Bros. Pictures Masterpiece in 2015. Data were collected by process of analyzing and giving codes to the data as its identity and as categorized as classification. The instrument of the research is the researcher himself and supporting devices and equipment. The research uses descriptive qualitativ...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Model Pembelajaran Peer Dan Cross-Age DI Iain Surakarta

LEKSEMA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra, 2017

This article is aimed at describing the differences of tutoring process and the responses of tute... more This article is aimed at describing the differences of tutoring process and the responses of tutees related to the tutors classified as peer and cross age The research underlying this article applies descriptive-qualitative method. The data were obtained from observation, document analysis and interview. The findings show that there are advantages and disadvantages of both models. Peer tutors were more familiar to the tutee. It built better communication and high motivation in the classes. Meanwhile, cross-age tutors tended to be respected by tutee that made them easier in organizing the classes. On the other hand, peer tutors looked less serious and were often ignored by tutees. Similarly, cross-age tutors faced difficulties in preserving their attittudes since they were taken as the models by their tutees.

Research paper thumbnail of Indonesian Local Government Compliance Ofmandatory Disclosure Ongovernmental Accounting Standard

ABSTRACT This research aims at figuring out the different level of compliance of Indonesian local... more ABSTRACT This research aims at figuring out the different level of compliance of Indonesian local governments’ financial reports with SAP. The differentiation is based on the different level of governmental agency (municipal/ city) and different geographical location (located in Java Island and Non Java Island). The sample is 102 financial reports (balance sheet) that consists of 22 reports of provinces (4 are from Java and 18 are from Non Java Island) and 80 from municipalities/ cities (40 are from Java Island and 40 others are from Non Java Island) with qualified or unqualified opinion. The tests are normality and Independents sample t- test. The result shows that compliance level of Indonesian financial reports reaches 41.71% (weakly complied). H1 is rejected due to the absent of penalty, lack of example from the higher level of agency and the independency feeling. H2 is also rejected due to the fact that local governments from outside Java have the same ability to adapt to new regulation. This research concludes that local governments in Indonesia have the same level of compliance for their financial reports. This research has a drawback that is only uses balance sheets as the item of analysis. Keywords: disclosure, compliance, governmental accounting standard (SAP), local governments, level of governmental agency and different geographical location ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya perbedaan antara tingkat kepatuhan laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia terhadap Standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan (SAP) yang didasarkan pada perbedaan level agen pemerintah (provinsi dan kabupaten/ kota) dan letak geografis (berlokasi di Jawa dan Luar Jawa). Sampel penelitian berjumlah 102 laporan keuangan (neraca/ balance sheet) pemerintahan daerah yang terdiri dari 22 provinsi dan 80 kabupaten/ kota (40 dari Jawa dan 40 lainnya dari Luar Jawa). Laporan keuangan tersebut memiliki opini wajar tanpa pengecualian dan wajar dengan pengecualian. Item neraca diukur commit to user dengan menggunakan metode PC unweighted. Data diuji kenormalannya dengan One Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov dilanjutkan dengan uji-t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kepatuhan (item Balance Sheet) laporan keuangan pemerintah daerah di Indonesia adalah 41, 71% (kepatuhan rendah). Tingkat kepatuhan pemerintah daerah di tingkat provinsi sama dengan tingkat kepatuhan di tingkat kabupaten/ kota; hipotesis 1 tertolak. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tidak adanya sanksi terhadap pelanggaran, kurangnya contoh dari agen pemerintah yang lebih tinggi dan adanya perasaan independen dari pemerintah daerah yang lebih rendah. Hipotesis 2 tertolak karena pemerintah daerah yang berlokasi di Luar Jawa memiliki kemampuan yang sama untuk beradaptasi dengan peraturan pemeintahan yang baru. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa semua pemerintah daerah di Indonesia memiliki tingkat kepatuhan yang sama meskipun memiliki tingkat agensi dan lokasi geografis yang berbeda. Keterbatasan penelitian ini terletak pada hanya diambilnya Neraca sebagai bahan penelitian. Kata kunci : pengungkapan, kepatuhan, standar akuntansi keuangan (SAP), pemeintahan daerah, tingkat agensi pemerintah dan perbedaan letak geografis

Research paper thumbnail of Strategies of translating personal pronouns in the disney’s fairy tale entitled beauty and the beast into the indonesian version

This research is focused on two main problems. First, what are the strategies used by the transla... more This research is focused on two main problems. First, what are the strategies used by the translator in translating the English personal pronouns from Beauty and the Beast (BB) into Si Cantik dan Pangeran Buruk Rupa (CPBR). Second, this research wants to know about how the strategies influence the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. Based on the problems above, there are two purposes intended to be achieved. The research aims to figure out what kind of strategies used by the translator in translating the personal pronouns. Besides, it also aims to see the effect of the strategies used towards the translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability. Descriptive qualitative method is employed within this research. The data come from all English personal pronouns of BB and the Indonesian version in CPBR. In analysing, the content analysis and questionnaires are used. In content analysis is employed to figure out the strategies while the questionnaires are used to measure the Translation Quality Assessment (TQA). From the analysis, some findings are gained. There are 154 data of English personal pronouns which are translated into 129 Indonesian personal pronouns. These 154 data are classified into 16 types of English personal pronouns; the 129 Indonesian are classified into 23 types. There are five (5) strategies employed by the translator. The strategies are: first, translating the personal pronouns literally: 39 data (25.32%) are translated into free morpheme and 23 data (14.93%) are translated into enclitics. The second strategy is translating by structural adjustment: 37 data (24.02%) are translated into same function word and 11 data (7.14%) are translated into different function word. The third strategy is translating into proper name: 15 data (9.74%). Fourth, translating by deletion and addition: 25 (16.23%) are translated by deletion while one datum (0.65%) is translated by addition. The last strategy is translating into Noun, Demonstrative Reference and into Noun + Demonstrative Reference. There is one datum (0.65%) which is translated into Noun, one datum (0.65%) which is translated into Demonstrative Reference and 2 data (1.29%) which are translated into Noun + Demonstrative Reference. There are some problems related to the strategies used which affect the TQA. In terms of accuracy, there are 8 data (33. 33%) deleted. Meanwhile, the literal translation strategy also brings problem on clarity in 37.5% (9 data) and problem on choice of words on 29.17% (7 data). These problems cause the mean point on accuracy is 1.33. In acceptability, deletion is found as a problem on 3 data (14.29%). Literal translation causes two problems on acceptability: problem on clarity (21. 81%) or 5 data) and problem on addressing parents (6 data or 28.57%). These problems make the acceptability mean point reaches 1.09. In translating, there are various strategies employed by the translator. Yet, there are two strategies commonly used in translating, they are literal translation strategy and structural adjustment. In term of the quality of translation, a translator should attention on the deletion and choice of words for both may affect the quality. xviii One of the significances may be taken from this research is that personal pronoun may be used as a means in teaching others, especially children, to respect other persons. xix CHAPTER I 125. BB/ 6/ 4/ 18 Gaston quickly drew Belle to one side, and he whispered that he might be able to calm the crowd-if Belle would promise to marry him. CPBR/ 10/ 5/ 18 Gaston cepat-cepat menarik Bela ke tepi. Dia berbisik bahwa dia mungkin bisa menenangkan orang-orang itu-jika Bela berjanji mau menikah dengannya. 126. B/ 6/ 5/ 18 Gaston quickly drew Belle to one side, and he whispered that he might be able to calm the crowd-if Belle would promise to marry him. clxxv CPBR/ 6/ 6/ Gaston cepat-cepat menarik Bela ke tepi. Dia berbisik bahwa dia mungkin bisa menenangkan orang-orang itu-jika Bela berjanji mau menikah dengannya. 127. BB/ 7/ 6/ 18 Gaston quickly drew Belle to one side, and he whispered that he might be able to calm the crowd-if Belle would promise to marry him. CPBR/ 18/ 8/ 18 Gaston cepat-cepat menarik Bela ke tepi. Dia berbisik bahwa dia mungkin bisa menenangkan orang-orang itu-jika Bela berjanji mau menikah dengannya. 128. BB/ 3/ 7/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." CPBR/ 5/ 9/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 129. BB/ 1/ 8/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." CPBR/ 2/ 10/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 130. BB/ 12/ 8/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." clxxvi CPBR/ 12/ 11/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 131. BB/ 9/ 8/ 18 "Never!" Belle exclaimed. "And my father is not crazy. There really is a beast, and I can prove it." She turned to the crowd. "Look in this mirror and see." CPBR/ 11/ 11/ 18 "Tidak!" kata Bela. " Dan ayahku tidak gila. Makhluk mengerikan itu memang ada, dan aku bisa membuktikannya." Bela menghadapi oarng-orang itu. "Lihatlah sendiri ke dalam cermin ini." 132. BB/ 8/ 3/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 13/ 3/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 133. BB/ 13/ 3/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 23/ 3/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. clxxvii Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 134. BB/ 6/ 4/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 12/ 4/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 135. BB/ 2/ 5/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" CPBR/ 2/ 6/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" 136. BB/ 13/ 6/ 19 The townspeople looked at the Beast's reflection and grew frightened. Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" "We are!" answered the villgers. CPBR/ 22/ 7/ 19 Orang-orang melihat bayangan si Buruk Rupa dalam cermin dan mereka menjadi ketakutan. Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" clxxviii "Kami!" jawab para penduduk desa. 137. BB/ 11/ 7/ 19 Gaston was furious. His plan would be foiled. "We must hunt down this savage animal!" he cried, stirring up the mob. "Who's with me?" "We are!" answered the villgers. After locking Belle and her father in the cellar of the cottage, the villagers rode off to storm the Best's castle. CPBR/ 13/ 8/ 19 Gaston marah sekali. Rencananya gagal. "Kita harus membinasakan binatang buas ini!" teriaknya, membangkitkan kembali kemarahan orang-orang. Siapa ikut aku?" Setelah mengurung Bela dan ayahnya dalam gudang bawah tanah mereka, orang-orang itu bernagkat untuk menyerbu istana si Buruk Rupa. 138. BB/ 6/ 10/ 19 Luckily Chip, Mrs. Potts's son, had stowed away in Belle's saddlebag. After the villagers were gone, he used Maurice's latest invention to release Belle and her father from the cellar. CPBR/ 11/ 13/ 19 Untunglah Chip, anak Bu Pot, tadi menyelundup ke dalam kantong pelana Bela. Setelah orang-orang pergi, Chip menggunakan penemuan terakhir Maurice untuk membebaskan Bela dan ayahnya dari gudang bawah tanah. 144. BB/ 8/ 3/ 21 Gaston screamed for mercy. The Beast granted it and turned away from his foe. Then Belle watched helplessly as Gaston rose up and plunged a knife into the Beast's back. The Beast roared in pain, frightening Gaston. Backing away from the wounded Beast, the hunter lost his footing and fell off the roof into the fog below. CPBR/ 1/ 4/ 21 Gaston menjerit memohon ampun. Si Buruk Rupa mengampuninya dan meninggalkan musuhnya. Bela memandang tak berdaya ketika Gaston bangkit dan menusukkan pisaunya ke punggung si Buruk Rupa.

Research paper thumbnail of Karakteristik Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Gender

The use of digital applications as a learning medium is one of the efforts to integrate technolog... more The use of digital applications as a learning medium is one of the efforts to integrate technology and education. This descriptive qualitative research aims at figuring out how are the characters of Stop Motion Studio (SMS) and Life Lapse (LL), and how the preferences of both applications are used on a gender basis during the teaching-learning process at the English Letters Department, IAIN Surakarta. The SMS and LL are taken into account as the main sources of user interface characteristics. Further, there are 32 students of History of English Language and Literature (HELL) involved in this study to response to the applications’ user interface based on the gender through questionnaire and interview. The results exhibit a more neutral design of SMS compared to a more feminine LL. Secondly, gender indeed plays role in choosing the application between SMS and LL. Yet more detailed reasons for the preference are the ease of usage and feature completeness. Keywords : Gender, User-Interf...

Research paper thumbnail of Cross Cultural Understanding a Handbook to Understand Others Cultures

CV. Hidayah, 2014

Guideline in Teaching Cross Cultural Understanding

Research paper thumbnail of King size or all size: Proposing a typology of amplification translation technique for children picturebook translation

Studies in English Language and Education

The necessity for a children’s picturebook to generate a proairetic decoding by the children infl... more The necessity for a children’s picturebook to generate a proairetic decoding by the children influences translators to deliver the messages of the source text as explicit as possible. This condition leads the translators to implement amplifications aimed at detailing particular information. Though a proairetic reading is achieved through amplification, negative impacts follow the implementation. This qualitative experiential study involves nine children picturebook translators. Exchanging insights and translated texts in a focused group discussion (FGD) comprising of English to Indonesian and English to Javanese children picturebook translators, we found that a typology of amplification technique constructed specifically for children picturebook translation is required to provide a guideline for the translators when forced to apply amplification. The result of the translation data, supported by FGD, indicates that amplification is classifiable into three function-based types namely ...

Research paper thumbnail of Permasalahan dubbing oleh mahasiswa dan solusinya (studi kasus proses dubbing visual novel mahasiswa Sastra Inggris IAIN Surakarta)


This research aims at figuring out what are problems faced by students when dub adapted visual no... more This research aims at figuring out what are problems faced by students when dub adapted visual novel from English to English and to know the solution coping the problems. This is descriptive qualitative research where the object is a SPARRING group consisting of 10 mentees and 2 mentor. The data gathered through observation, interview and document analysis. The results indicate that mentee tend to have improper understanding of the original story, difficulties in having clear recording, hard to pronounce words correctly and finally, making inconsistent emergence between the voice and the writing.

Research paper thumbnail of Stories of Muhammad in Bilingual Application (Smilapp): Pengembangan Cerita Islami Bilingual Bagi Anak-Anak Berbasis Aplikasi

Jurnal Bahasa Lingua Scientia

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat software media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan PAI yang d... more Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan membuat software media pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dan PAI yang diberi nama SMILapp. SMILapp berisi beberapa kisah Rasulullah Muhammad SAW dalam dua bahasa, yaitu Indonesia dan Inggris. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan tingkat keberterimaan SMILapp oleh pengguna dan (2) mendeskripsikan kekurangan dan kelebihan yang dimiliki oleh SMILapp menurut pengguna. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian research and development yang dilaksanakan di SD N Kartasura 2 Sukoharjo pada bulan April-Agustus 2018. Langkah penelitian yang dilaksanakan antara lain: penelitian dan pengumpulan data (research and information collecting), perencanaan (planning), pengembangan produk awal (develop preliminary form of product), uji coba produk awal / uji coba terbatas (preliminary field testing), penyempurnaan produk awal (main product revision). Pada tahap pengembangan produk awal dan uji coba awal dilakukan tes uji terhadap software melalui alpha testing dan beta testing. Kata kunci: aplikasi, bilingual, media pembelajaran Dalam rangka pengembangan aplikasi berbahasa Inggris guna mendukung proses pembelajaran baik formal maupun informal, khususnya

Research paper thumbnail of Game Localisation: Loss and Gain in Visual Novel Subtitles

Register Journal

This research discussed about loss and gain in the context of game localization with the limitati... more This research discussed about loss and gain in the context of game localization with the limitation on subtitles. The objectives are to present the loss and gain in the visual novel game adaptation subtitles entitled A Child in the Forest and to identify reasons of the loss and gain happen. A Child in the Forest is a kind of game which consists of static and background images also music soundtrack with storylines and dialogues. It was made and translated from English into Indonesian version by English Letters students of IAIN Surakarta. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The method of collecting data, researcher gets English and Indonesian subtitles script from the game packages. After that, the researcher analyses the data which consist of loss and gain and also make interview with translator. The researcher uses informant to make data validation which is expert in translation and in the world of visual novel game. The result of this research, researcher f...


This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters D... more This presented paper is based on mini class room research done at semester 6 of English Letters Department students taking Interpreting subject in 2015. This paper describes the processes of teaching and learning Interpreting to the students with no sufficient experience on the field, but interest. The data were taken from the observation over some interpreting tasks. The findings show that the students still have problem in memorizing the information they get from the source text: they could not easily restate the information exactly the same as uttered. Further, the teacher needs to find new media adjustable on setting the cut-passage and keep it in the same length. The implication toward the curriculum in the level of bachelor degree with only 2 credits in the subject argue that this student should only expose to consecutive mode of interpreting on novice level.

Research paper thumbnail of Budaya: Unsur Pembeda dalam Penerjemahan

This paper is published by Jurnal Sastra dan Bahasa, IAIN Surakarta

Research paper thumbnail of FOR aCADEMIA.docx

Research paper thumbnail of On Designing Syllabus A Market Needs: A Study on Translation and Interpreting Practicum

This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development i... more This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development in Translating and Interpreting Practicum (TIP). The aim is to measure the value or worth of TIP syllabus used in its instructional design. The data were collected through self reflection notes and interview. The results indicates that the syllabus requires some adjustments and changes based on students needs; i.e. on field training come first and note taking practices.

Research paper thumbnail of 2nd person addressee

Research paper thumbnail of On Designing Syllabus A Market Needs: A Study on Translation and Interpreting Practicum

This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development i... more This research is an evaluation research as the first step in doing the research and development in Translating and Interpreting Practicum (TIP). The aim is to measure the value or worth of TIP syllabus used in its instructional design. The data were collected through self reflection notes and interview. The results indicates that the syllabus requires some adjustments and changes based on students needs; i.e. on field training come first and note taking practices.

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Penerjemahan Lisan Analysis on Interpreting

[Research paper thumbnail of [PROCEEDING] ITIS UI 2014.pdf](

Here are some articles you may be needed On Translations and Interpreting .


Guideline in Teaching Cross Cultural Understanding

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This is the hybrid of technology and the usage in the academic field.

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Design to Improve Language Service in Higher Education

Research paper thumbnail of Kajian Peneerjemahan Lisan Simultaneous

Kajian tesis ini merupakan kajian tentang penerjemahan lisan simultan yang terjadi pada forum Ja... more Kajian tesis ini merupakan kajian tentang penerjemahan lisan simultan yang terjadi pada forum Jari Roundtable 2008: Efforts for Air Polution Reduction di Jakarta. Adapun yang dijadikan sumber data utama adalah tuturan satu arah Bert Fabian yang diterjemahkan oleh Amelia Siregar. Pada hasil transkrip, ternyata ada dua penerjemah yang berperan: Bapak Indra (untuk kemudian disebut sebagai penerjemah 1) dan Ibu Amelia (penerjemah kedua).Untuk lebih jelas, pembaca ahli (rater) bisa melihat pada hasil rekamannya.