Zanette Glørstad | University of Oslo (original) (raw)

Papers by Zanette Glørstad

Research paper thumbnail of Garnets for the Vikings: Charismatic jewellery and family memories in early Viking Age Scandinavia

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Research paper thumbnail of Echoes of the Past: Women, Memories and Disc-on-Bow Brooches in Vendel- and Viking-period Scandinavia

This article examines the development, handling, and depositions of disc-on-bow brooches from the... more This article examines the development, handling, and depositions of disc-on-bow brooches from the sixth to tenth centuries ad in the Vendel and Viking periods in Norway and mainland Sweden. A revised typological framework is presented, and the context of these brooches explored. The authors discuss their preservation, re-use, fragmentation, and ritual meaning within ongoing social negotiations and internal conflicts from the late Vendel period into the Viking Age. References to the past in Viking-Age society and the significance of women for maintaining narratives of the past are considered, as are levels of access, control, and definition of narratives of the past in times of social redefinition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Who were the first urban settlers of Oslo? A discussion of early medieval urbanization based on isotopic analyses of human remains

Archaeometry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Kvinner og båtbegravelser i vikingtiden (Women and boat burials in the Viking Age)

Kjesrud, Karoline og Løkka, Nanna (2017): Dronningen i vikingtid og middelalder. Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Mot en ny tid? Merovingertidens ryggknappspenner som uttrykk for endring og erindring.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gravskikk og rituell praksis i Setesdal i jernalderen.pdf

Burial Customs and ritual practice in Setesdal, South Norway in the Iron Age. With English summary.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Byzantium to North Weg: Penannular Brooches and Men's Costume in Viking Age Norway

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Research paper thumbnail of Homeland- Strange land - New land. Material and theoretical aspects of defining Norse identity in the Viking Age.

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Research paper thumbnail of Minnelund og monument. Runesteinen på Hogganvik, Mandal, Vest-Agder.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sign of the Times? The Transfer and Transformation of Penannular Brooches in Viking-Age Norway

Norwegian Archaeological Review, 2012

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Articles by Zanette Glørstad

Research paper thumbnail of The Cross and the Sword: Signs of Dual Religious Belonging in a Late Viking-Age Warrior Grave at Langeid, South Norway

Viking encounters. Proceedings of the Eighteen Viking Congress , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Perspectives -An Introduction_Glørstad Glørstad and Melheim 2016.pdf

Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural integration - An... more Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural integration - An introduction:
- The allure of foreign shores - Perspectives on human movement - Colonisation seen through a post-colonial lens - The social pulse of the sea and the ship as heterotopia - Home and away:new identites - Prehistory in our time: Past mirrors of the present future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Past Mirrors_Thucydides, Sahlins and the Bronze and Viking Ages_Glørstad and Melheim2016.pdf

Comparative perspectives on the past, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing Charisma - "An Anglo-Saxon workbox" from an early Viking Age burial.pdf

Charismatic Objects, 2018

This article presents a variant of a so­ called ‘Anglo­-Saxon workbox’ found in a woman’s grave d... more This article presents a variant of a so­ called ‘Anglo­-Saxon workbox’ found in a woman’s grave dating to the late 700s–early 800s in Setesdal, southern Norway. It is the only one known from Norway, but it is similar to a few boxes found in Denmark. The Setesdal box is however deposited in a later context than the Danish ones, and has undergone repairs and secondary decoration. The boxes illustrate how the material culture and its associations are constantly changing and negoti­ated over time, where practical use as well as the ideological and cosmological connotations of objects are redefined and processed in local terms.

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Research paper thumbnail of A view from the valley: Langeid in Setesdal, South Norway – a Viking-Age trade station along a mercantile highway

Viking-Age Transformations - Trade, Craft and Resources in Western Scandinavia, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of En gambler langs veien. Nytt blikk på grav og gravritualer i eldre jernalder

Viking no. 76, pp. 113-136, 2013

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Books by Zanette Glørstad

Research paper thumbnail of Ed_Volume_ComparativePerspectives_2016.pdf

Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration, 2016

This volume explores processes of colonisation and cultural integration from the end of the last ... more This volume explores processes of colonisation and cultural integration from the end of the last Ice Age to the present from a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective.

All kinds of human mobility—whether across long or short distances, and whether involving short-term or longer interactions—are potential triggers for change and also cultural integration. The colonisation of an area most clearly brings into focus what kind of social fabric encompassed the actual historical processes. Recent perspectives on the social and cultural embeddedness of exchange, and how objects facilitate constructions of identities and political legitimacy, serve to frame and explicate the role of material culture in such processes.

The contributions to this volume shed light on various social aspects of movement, migration and colonisation among hunter-gatherers and Neolithic groups as well as in chiefdoms and state societies. Geographically, an area spanning from the Mediterranean to central Europe and the North Sea region, Greenland and Siberia is covered. Three social and historical processes – the social aspects of colonisation, cultural integration and maritime interaction – are particularly discussed as interrelated phenomena.

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Research paper thumbnail of Charismatic Objects. From roman times to the Middle Ages

Open Access. Press link, 2018

Extraordinary objects, things that convey collective narratives as well as a record of conservati... more Extraordinary objects, things that convey collective narratives as well as a record of conservation evoke extraordinary feelings. Both the physical characteristics of the objects and the myths surrounding them may increase their meaning, lending them an inherent power. The design, language of form, as well as the materials used are essential elements in creating the objects’ charisma and in forming the stories that are told about them. The present volume explores the concept of charismatic objects and their material world through nine papers focusing on historical examples dating from the Roman Period to the late Middle Ages.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ringspennen og kappen. Kulturelle møter, politiske symboler og sentraliseringsprosesser i Norge ca 800-950 AD.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Dronningen i vikingtid og middelalder. Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017.

by Karoline Kjesrud, Nanna Løkka, Marina Prusac-Lindhagen, Unn Pedersen, Zanette Glørstad, Hanne Lovise Aannestad, Margrethe C. Stang, Ragnhild M . Bø, Bjørn Bandlien, Ingvil Brügger Budal, and Frode Iversen

Dronningen i vikingtid i middelalder.

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Research paper thumbnail of Garnets for the Vikings: Charismatic jewellery and family memories in early Viking Age Scandinavia

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Research paper thumbnail of Echoes of the Past: Women, Memories and Disc-on-Bow Brooches in Vendel- and Viking-period Scandinavia

This article examines the development, handling, and depositions of disc-on-bow brooches from the... more This article examines the development, handling, and depositions of disc-on-bow brooches from the sixth to tenth centuries ad in the Vendel and Viking periods in Norway and mainland Sweden. A revised typological framework is presented, and the context of these brooches explored. The authors discuss their preservation, re-use, fragmentation, and ritual meaning within ongoing social negotiations and internal conflicts from the late Vendel period into the Viking Age. References to the past in Viking-Age society and the significance of women for maintaining narratives of the past are considered, as are levels of access, control, and definition of narratives of the past in times of social redefinition.

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Research paper thumbnail of Who were the first urban settlers of Oslo? A discussion of early medieval urbanization based on isotopic analyses of human remains

Archaeometry, 2019

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Research paper thumbnail of Kvinner og båtbegravelser i vikingtiden (Women and boat burials in the Viking Age)

Kjesrud, Karoline og Løkka, Nanna (2017): Dronningen i vikingtid og middelalder. Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Mot en ny tid? Merovingertidens ryggknappspenner som uttrykk for endring og erindring.

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Research paper thumbnail of Gravskikk og rituell praksis i Setesdal i jernalderen.pdf

Burial Customs and ritual practice in Setesdal, South Norway in the Iron Age. With English summary.

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Research paper thumbnail of From Byzantium to North Weg: Penannular Brooches and Men's Costume in Viking Age Norway

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Research paper thumbnail of Homeland- Strange land - New land. Material and theoretical aspects of defining Norse identity in the Viking Age.

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Research paper thumbnail of Minnelund og monument. Runesteinen på Hogganvik, Mandal, Vest-Agder.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sign of the Times? The Transfer and Transformation of Penannular Brooches in Viking-Age Norway

Norwegian Archaeological Review, 2012

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Research paper thumbnail of The Cross and the Sword: Signs of Dual Religious Belonging in a Late Viking-Age Warrior Grave at Langeid, South Norway

Viking encounters. Proceedings of the Eighteen Viking Congress , 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of Comparative Perspectives -An Introduction_Glørstad Glørstad and Melheim 2016.pdf

Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural integration - An... more Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural integration - An introduction:
- The allure of foreign shores - Perspectives on human movement - Colonisation seen through a post-colonial lens - The social pulse of the sea and the ship as heterotopia - Home and away:new identites - Prehistory in our time: Past mirrors of the present future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Past Mirrors_Thucydides, Sahlins and the Bronze and Viking Ages_Glørstad and Melheim2016.pdf

Comparative perspectives on the past, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Tracing Charisma - "An Anglo-Saxon workbox" from an early Viking Age burial.pdf

Charismatic Objects, 2018

This article presents a variant of a so­ called ‘Anglo­-Saxon workbox’ found in a woman’s grave d... more This article presents a variant of a so­ called ‘Anglo­-Saxon workbox’ found in a woman’s grave dating to the late 700s–early 800s in Setesdal, southern Norway. It is the only one known from Norway, but it is similar to a few boxes found in Denmark. The Setesdal box is however deposited in a later context than the Danish ones, and has undergone repairs and secondary decoration. The boxes illustrate how the material culture and its associations are constantly changing and negoti­ated over time, where practical use as well as the ideological and cosmological connotations of objects are redefined and processed in local terms.

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Research paper thumbnail of A view from the valley: Langeid in Setesdal, South Norway – a Viking-Age trade station along a mercantile highway

Viking-Age Transformations - Trade, Craft and Resources in Western Scandinavia, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of En gambler langs veien. Nytt blikk på grav og gravritualer i eldre jernalder

Viking no. 76, pp. 113-136, 2013

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Research paper thumbnail of Ed_Volume_ComparativePerspectives_2016.pdf

Comparative Perspectives on Past Colonisation, Maritime Interaction and Cultural Integration, 2016

This volume explores processes of colonisation and cultural integration from the end of the last ... more This volume explores processes of colonisation and cultural integration from the end of the last Ice Age to the present from a cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective.

All kinds of human mobility—whether across long or short distances, and whether involving short-term or longer interactions—are potential triggers for change and also cultural integration. The colonisation of an area most clearly brings into focus what kind of social fabric encompassed the actual historical processes. Recent perspectives on the social and cultural embeddedness of exchange, and how objects facilitate constructions of identities and political legitimacy, serve to frame and explicate the role of material culture in such processes.

The contributions to this volume shed light on various social aspects of movement, migration and colonisation among hunter-gatherers and Neolithic groups as well as in chiefdoms and state societies. Geographically, an area spanning from the Mediterranean to central Europe and the North Sea region, Greenland and Siberia is covered. Three social and historical processes – the social aspects of colonisation, cultural integration and maritime interaction – are particularly discussed as interrelated phenomena.

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Research paper thumbnail of Charismatic Objects. From roman times to the Middle Ages

Open Access. Press link, 2018

Extraordinary objects, things that convey collective narratives as well as a record of conservati... more Extraordinary objects, things that convey collective narratives as well as a record of conservation evoke extraordinary feelings. Both the physical characteristics of the objects and the myths surrounding them may increase their meaning, lending them an inherent power. The design, language of form, as well as the materials used are essential elements in creating the objects’ charisma and in forming the stories that are told about them. The present volume explores the concept of charismatic objects and their material world through nine papers focusing on historical examples dating from the Roman Period to the late Middle Ages.

Press link to get Open Access

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Research paper thumbnail of Ringspennen og kappen. Kulturelle møter, politiske symboler og sentraliseringsprosesser i Norge ca 800-950 AD.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Dronningen i vikingtid og middelalder. Scandinavian Academic Press, 2017.

by Karoline Kjesrud, Nanna Løkka, Marina Prusac-Lindhagen, Unn Pedersen, Zanette Glørstad, Hanne Lovise Aannestad, Margrethe C. Stang, Ragnhild M . Bø, Bjørn Bandlien, Ingvil Brügger Budal, and Frode Iversen

Dronningen i vikingtid i middelalder.

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Research paper thumbnail of Viking-Age Transformations: Trade, Craft and Resources in Western Scandinavia

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Research paper thumbnail of PreliminaryProgram_ViS2018.pdf

Preliminary program for ViS 2018 Conference: "Weaving war: New perspectives on violence and socie... more Preliminary program for ViS 2018 Conference: "Weaving war: New perspectives on violence and society in the Viking-Age"

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Research paper thumbnail of ViS Conference 2018  Weaving war - New Perspectives on Violence and Society in the Viking Age.pdf

The Centre of Viking-Age studies (ViS) and the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, ar... more The Centre of Viking-Age studies (ViS) and the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, are pleased to announce that the international ViS-conference 2018 will take place in Oslo 12-14 December 2018. The goal of the conference is to stimulate debate and reflection, and to present the current state of research on violence, conflict and warfare in the Viking Age. Violence, warfare and warrior ideology are seen as vital components in understanding Viking society, and the many facets of a warrior society appear through landscapes, material culture, religion, poetry, and in traces of ritualised actions and gendered practices. Warfare also present ambiguities: Weapons were instruments for terror and murder, but they also formed the basis for identity and self-esteem. The brutal realities of violence stands in contrast to the idealized images of warriors met with admiration and honour. Violence and warfare are linked to aggression and power, but intrinsically also bound to fear, bereavement and loss. Conflicts and warfare are based on drawing of thresholds for inclusion and exclusion, and even though warfare is fracturing and destructive, it can also create cohesion, social change and new political conditions. As scholars we regularly encounter the public perception of the violent Viking, calling also for reflection on the ways in which Viking violence and wars feed back into public dissemination and the present Viking fascination.

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Research paper thumbnail of Weaving War: New perspectives on violence and society in the Viking Age. The ViS Conference 2018

The Centre of Viking-Age studies (ViS) and the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, ar... more The Centre of Viking-Age studies (ViS) and the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo, are pleased to announce that the international ViS-conference 2018 will take place in Oslo 12 -14 December 2018. The goal of the conference is to stimulate debate and reflection, and to present the current state of research on violence, conflict and warfare in the Viking Age.

Deadline for submission of abstracts for papers and Pecha-Kucha presentations is 15 July 2018.

Deadline for registration to the conference is 15 November 2018.

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Research paper thumbnail of Invitation to the ViS Conference 2015 - Vikings: Beyond Boundaries

by Marie D Amundsen, Unn Pedersen, Dagfinn Skre, Frode Iversen, Jan Bill, Zanette Glørstad, svein harald gullbekk, Marianne Hem Eriksen, Hanne Lovise Aannestad, Per Ditlef Fredriksen, and Marianne Vedeler

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