Karoline Kjesrud | University of Oslo (original) (raw)
Papers by Karoline Kjesrud
Viking, 2021
Introduction to Viking Special Volume 1: Viking Wars
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2021
In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenge... more In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenges of interdisciplinary data collection and interpretation in cultural evolution. Plants are central to human life and yet, apart from the role of major crops, people–plant relations have been marginal to the study of culture. Archaeological, linguistic, and historical evidence are often limited when it comes to studying the past role of plants. This is the case in the Nordic countries, where extensive collections of various plant use records are absent until the 1700s. Here, we test if relatively recent ethnobotanical data can be used to trace back ancient plant knowledge in the Nordic countries. Phylogenetic inferences of ancestral states are evaluated against historical, linguistic, and archaeobotanical evidence. The exercise allows us to discuss the opportunities and shortcomings of using phylogenetic comparative methods to study past botanical knowledge. We propose a ‘triangulation m...
Viking, 1970
The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century ... more The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription discovered in 2017 at Øverby, Østfold, Norway: "Cut runes in, skilled iril, for Isni”. The meaning of the word iril is discussed in light of the ten other proto-Norse inscriptions in Scandinavia where irils are mentioned. Through analysis of the language, history, archaeology and landscape context of all the iril inscriptions, we argue that the iril in the Roman and Migration period was a military leader, an earl, subordinate to a King. The iril at Øverby was Earl in the medieval shire of Vingulmark. The Earls in this period were located in strategic places in the outskirts of larger habitation areas close to the shire borders. The findings are set in context with among other Danish bog offering sites. We consider the iril a military leader for major warrior groups that fought in Scandinavia and on the continent 1500–1800 years ago.
Hvanndalir – Beiträge zur europäischen Altertumskunde und mediävistischen Literaturwissenschaft. Festschrift für Wilhelm Heizmann, Hg.: Alessia Bauer, Alexandra Pesch (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 106). Berlin/Boston , 2018, 2018
In the 14 th century the Church was expanding and people requested more detailed knowledge about ... more In the 14 th century the Church was expanding and people requested more detailed knowledge about the Divine. The origin of Mary, the mother of God, was one particular theme that was developed. In this article I gather art historical, textual and historical sources from Hardanger in the western part of Norway with the purpose of investigating how this new interest in outlining the life of Mary led to practical and spiritual consequences for the people and the Church. The hypothesis for the article is that the church founded in Odda in the beginning of the 14 th century functioned as a centre for Marian devotion and may be a strategical and spiritual result of the pilgrims' activity in Røldal. The unique Mariological altar frontal from Odda church and Norwegian fragments of Maríu saga connect the Marian devotion at Odda church to the surrounding landscape and the pilgrim's route to Røldal.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenge... more In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenges of interdisciplinary data collection and interpretation in cultural evolution. Plants are central to human life and yet, apart from the role of major crops, people–plant relations have been marginal to the study of culture. Archaeological, linguistic, and historical evidence are often limited when it comes to studying the past role of plants. This is the case in the Nordic countries, where extensive collections of various plant use records are absent until the 1700s. Here, we test if relatively recent ethnobotanical data can be used to trace back ancient plant knowledge in the Nordic countries. Phylogenetic inferences of ancestral states are evaluated against historical, linguistic, and archaeobotanical evidence. The exercise allows us to discuss the opportunities and shortcomings of using phylogenetic comparative methods to study past botanical knowledge. We propose a ‘triangulation m...
The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century ... more The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription discovered in 2017 at Øverby, Østfold, Norway: "Cut runes in, skilled iril, for Isni”. The meaning of the word iril is discussed in light of the ten other proto-Norse inscriptions in Scandinavia where irils are mentioned. Through analysis of the language, history, archaeology and landscape context of all the iril inscriptions, we argue that the iril in the Roman and Migration period was a military leader, an earl, subordinate to a King. The iril at Øverby was Earl in the medieval shire of Vingulmark. The Earls in this period were located in strategic places in the outskirts of larger habitation areas close to the shire borders. The findings are set in context with among other Danish bog offering sites. We consider the iril a military leader for major warrior groups that fought in Scandinavia and on the continent 1500–1800 years ago.
Viking, 2019
This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription dis... more This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription discovered in 2017 at Øverby, Østfold, Norway: “Cut runes in, skilled iril, for Isni”. The meaning of the word iril is discussed in light of the ten other proto-Norse inscriptions in Scandinavia where irils are mentioned. Through analysis of the language, history, archaeology and landscape context of all the iril inscriptions, we argue that the iril in the Roman and Migration period was a military leader, an earl, subordinate to a King. The iril at Øverby was Earl in the medieval shire of Vingulmark. The Earls in this period were located in strategic places in the outskirts of larger habitation areas close to the shire borders. The findings are set in context with among other Danish bog offering sites. We consider the iril a military leader for major warrior groups that fought in Scandinavia and on the continent 1500–1800 years ago
Norsklæreren, 2017
Runer brukes som symboler i politisk propaganda på ytterste høyrefløy. For eksempel identifiserer... more Runer brukes som symboler i politisk propaganda på ytterste høyrefløy. For eksempel identifiserer motstandsbevegelsen Nordfront seg med t-runen, Vigrid med R-runen (algiz), i likhet med amerikanske National Alliance, og en rekke aktivister, som for eksempel Varg Vikernes, fører politisk kamp med runer som våpen i ulike bloggfora på internett. Hvordan bør den etablerte vitenskapen forholde seg til den ikke-vitenskapelige bruken av runer? Hvordan bør vitenskapelige fagkulturer forholde seg til politikk og identitaere bevegelser? Det ideologiske og politiske budskapet runene forbindes med, gjør dem velegnet til en studie av det mer generelle spørsmålet om forskernes ansvar for å styrke folks historiske og kulturelle bevissthet.
Dronningen er del av et kongedømme, og hennes posisjon har i de fleste kjente historiske perioder... more Dronningen er del av et kongedømme, og hennes posisjon har i de fleste kjente historiske perioder blitt ervervet gjennom ekteskapet med kongen, likevel har rollen alltid hatt sine egne funksjoner. Dronningrollen ble etablert som en relativt fast institusjon i middelalderen, men det skjedde over tid og utviklingen av dronningens posisjon endret seg, slik som monarkiet for øvrig. En dronning vil alltid vaere en del av en sosial og politisk kontekst der bestemte idealer, symboler og praksiser råder. Hverken rollen eller konteksten er statisk. Dronningrollen har utviklet seg i takt med tid og styresett, med religiøse og sekulaere idealer, og vil derfor alltid måtte forstås i lys av sin samtid og sees som en dynamisk størrelse som påvirker og blir påvirket av omgivelsene. Den geografiske konteksten for denne boken er avgrenset til Norge og norske forhold – i den grad man kan snakke om et avgrenset Norge i vikingtid og middelalder. Sondringen mellom Norge og Norden vil derfor komme til å vaere nokså flytende.
I 1954 erklaerte pave Pius XII, at jomfru Maria er dronning på tvers av nasjoner og geografiske t... more I 1954 erklaerte pave Pius XII, at jomfru Maria er dronning på tvers av nasjoner og geografiske territorier. Festdagen for å feire hennes dronningverdighet ble da fastsatt til å vaere den 22. august hvert år. Erklaeringen kan forstås som pavekirkens endelige svar på alle de posisjoner, funksjoner og roller Maria har hatt gjennom tidene. I erklaeringen av Marias dronningverdighet ligger en anerkjennelse av hennes opphøyede og mektige rolle. I dette kapittelet skal vi undersøke hvor-dan himmeldronningen Maria kan ha vaert et ideal for den jordiske dronningen i fremveksten av monarkiet i Norge og dessuten hvordan parallelle mønstre i symbolikk og kroningsritualer forbinder den jordiske dronningen med himmel-dronningen Maria gjennom århundrer.
Interdisciplinary Conference and Public Art Project at the University of Oslo, September 7-9, 201... more Interdisciplinary Conference and Public Art Project at the University of Oslo, September 7-9, 2017.
Conference and Public Art Project at the University of Oslo, September 7-9 2017
Viking, 2021
Introduction to Viking Special Volume 1: Viking Wars
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 2021
In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenge... more In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenges of interdisciplinary data collection and interpretation in cultural evolution. Plants are central to human life and yet, apart from the role of major crops, people–plant relations have been marginal to the study of culture. Archaeological, linguistic, and historical evidence are often limited when it comes to studying the past role of plants. This is the case in the Nordic countries, where extensive collections of various plant use records are absent until the 1700s. Here, we test if relatively recent ethnobotanical data can be used to trace back ancient plant knowledge in the Nordic countries. Phylogenetic inferences of ancestral states are evaluated against historical, linguistic, and archaeobotanical evidence. The exercise allows us to discuss the opportunities and shortcomings of using phylogenetic comparative methods to study past botanical knowledge. We propose a ‘triangulation m...
Viking, 1970
The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century ... more The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription discovered in 2017 at Øverby, Østfold, Norway: "Cut runes in, skilled iril, for Isni”. The meaning of the word iril is discussed in light of the ten other proto-Norse inscriptions in Scandinavia where irils are mentioned. Through analysis of the language, history, archaeology and landscape context of all the iril inscriptions, we argue that the iril in the Roman and Migration period was a military leader, an earl, subordinate to a King. The iril at Øverby was Earl in the medieval shire of Vingulmark. The Earls in this period were located in strategic places in the outskirts of larger habitation areas close to the shire borders. The findings are set in context with among other Danish bog offering sites. We consider the iril a military leader for major warrior groups that fought in Scandinavia and on the continent 1500–1800 years ago.
Hvanndalir – Beiträge zur europäischen Altertumskunde und mediävistischen Literaturwissenschaft. Festschrift für Wilhelm Heizmann, Hg.: Alessia Bauer, Alexandra Pesch (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexikon der Germanischen Altertumskunde 106). Berlin/Boston , 2018, 2018
In the 14 th century the Church was expanding and people requested more detailed knowledge about ... more In the 14 th century the Church was expanding and people requested more detailed knowledge about the Divine. The origin of Mary, the mother of God, was one particular theme that was developed. In this article I gather art historical, textual and historical sources from Hardanger in the western part of Norway with the purpose of investigating how this new interest in outlining the life of Mary led to practical and spiritual consequences for the people and the Church. The hypothesis for the article is that the church founded in Odda in the beginning of the 14 th century functioned as a centre for Marian devotion and may be a strategical and spiritual result of the pilgrims' activity in Røldal. The unique Mariological altar frontal from Odda church and Norwegian fragments of Maríu saga connect the Marian devotion at Odda church to the surrounding landscape and the pilgrim's route to Røldal.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenge... more In this paper, past plant knowledge serves as a case study to highlight the promise and challenges of interdisciplinary data collection and interpretation in cultural evolution. Plants are central to human life and yet, apart from the role of major crops, people–plant relations have been marginal to the study of culture. Archaeological, linguistic, and historical evidence are often limited when it comes to studying the past role of plants. This is the case in the Nordic countries, where extensive collections of various plant use records are absent until the 1700s. Here, we test if relatively recent ethnobotanical data can be used to trace back ancient plant knowledge in the Nordic countries. Phylogenetic inferences of ancestral states are evaluated against historical, linguistic, and archaeobotanical evidence. The exercise allows us to discuss the opportunities and shortcomings of using phylogenetic comparative methods to study past botanical knowledge. We propose a ‘triangulation m...
The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century ... more The iril at Øverby in Vingulmark This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription discovered in 2017 at Øverby, Østfold, Norway: "Cut runes in, skilled iril, for Isni”. The meaning of the word iril is discussed in light of the ten other proto-Norse inscriptions in Scandinavia where irils are mentioned. Through analysis of the language, history, archaeology and landscape context of all the iril inscriptions, we argue that the iril in the Roman and Migration period was a military leader, an earl, subordinate to a King. The iril at Øverby was Earl in the medieval shire of Vingulmark. The Earls in this period were located in strategic places in the outskirts of larger habitation areas close to the shire borders. The findings are set in context with among other Danish bog offering sites. We consider the iril a military leader for major warrior groups that fought in Scandinavia and on the continent 1500–1800 years ago.
Viking, 2019
This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription dis... more This article presents the first interpretation of a 5th century proto-Norse runic inscription discovered in 2017 at Øverby, Østfold, Norway: “Cut runes in, skilled iril, for Isni”. The meaning of the word iril is discussed in light of the ten other proto-Norse inscriptions in Scandinavia where irils are mentioned. Through analysis of the language, history, archaeology and landscape context of all the iril inscriptions, we argue that the iril in the Roman and Migration period was a military leader, an earl, subordinate to a King. The iril at Øverby was Earl in the medieval shire of Vingulmark. The Earls in this period were located in strategic places in the outskirts of larger habitation areas close to the shire borders. The findings are set in context with among other Danish bog offering sites. We consider the iril a military leader for major warrior groups that fought in Scandinavia and on the continent 1500–1800 years ago
Norsklæreren, 2017
Runer brukes som symboler i politisk propaganda på ytterste høyrefløy. For eksempel identifiserer... more Runer brukes som symboler i politisk propaganda på ytterste høyrefløy. For eksempel identifiserer motstandsbevegelsen Nordfront seg med t-runen, Vigrid med R-runen (algiz), i likhet med amerikanske National Alliance, og en rekke aktivister, som for eksempel Varg Vikernes, fører politisk kamp med runer som våpen i ulike bloggfora på internett. Hvordan bør den etablerte vitenskapen forholde seg til den ikke-vitenskapelige bruken av runer? Hvordan bør vitenskapelige fagkulturer forholde seg til politikk og identitaere bevegelser? Det ideologiske og politiske budskapet runene forbindes med, gjør dem velegnet til en studie av det mer generelle spørsmålet om forskernes ansvar for å styrke folks historiske og kulturelle bevissthet.
Dronningen er del av et kongedømme, og hennes posisjon har i de fleste kjente historiske perioder... more Dronningen er del av et kongedømme, og hennes posisjon har i de fleste kjente historiske perioder blitt ervervet gjennom ekteskapet med kongen, likevel har rollen alltid hatt sine egne funksjoner. Dronningrollen ble etablert som en relativt fast institusjon i middelalderen, men det skjedde over tid og utviklingen av dronningens posisjon endret seg, slik som monarkiet for øvrig. En dronning vil alltid vaere en del av en sosial og politisk kontekst der bestemte idealer, symboler og praksiser råder. Hverken rollen eller konteksten er statisk. Dronningrollen har utviklet seg i takt med tid og styresett, med religiøse og sekulaere idealer, og vil derfor alltid måtte forstås i lys av sin samtid og sees som en dynamisk størrelse som påvirker og blir påvirket av omgivelsene. Den geografiske konteksten for denne boken er avgrenset til Norge og norske forhold – i den grad man kan snakke om et avgrenset Norge i vikingtid og middelalder. Sondringen mellom Norge og Norden vil derfor komme til å vaere nokså flytende.
I 1954 erklaerte pave Pius XII, at jomfru Maria er dronning på tvers av nasjoner og geografiske t... more I 1954 erklaerte pave Pius XII, at jomfru Maria er dronning på tvers av nasjoner og geografiske territorier. Festdagen for å feire hennes dronningverdighet ble da fastsatt til å vaere den 22. august hvert år. Erklaeringen kan forstås som pavekirkens endelige svar på alle de posisjoner, funksjoner og roller Maria har hatt gjennom tidene. I erklaeringen av Marias dronningverdighet ligger en anerkjennelse av hennes opphøyede og mektige rolle. I dette kapittelet skal vi undersøke hvor-dan himmeldronningen Maria kan ha vaert et ideal for den jordiske dronningen i fremveksten av monarkiet i Norge og dessuten hvordan parallelle mønstre i symbolikk og kroningsritualer forbinder den jordiske dronningen med himmel-dronningen Maria gjennom århundrer.
Interdisciplinary Conference and Public Art Project at the University of Oslo, September 7-9, 201... more Interdisciplinary Conference and Public Art Project at the University of Oslo, September 7-9, 2017.
Conference and Public Art Project at the University of Oslo, September 7-9 2017
by Karoline Kjesrud, Nanna Løkka, Marina Prusac-Lindhagen, Unn Pedersen, Zanette Glørstad, Hanne Lovise Aannestad, Margrethe C. Stang, Ragnhild M . Bø, Bjørn Bandlien, Ingvil Brügger Budal, and Frode Iversen
Dronningen i vikingtid i middelalder.
by Frode Iversen, Karoline Kjesrud, Frippe S, Marianne Moen, Thorsten Lemm, M. Taube, Beñat Elortza Larrea, Judith Jesch, Eva Andersson Strand, Christian Cooijmans, Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt, Joseph Thomas Ryder, Csete Katona, Anne Irene Riisøy, and Anne Risøy
The Norwegian Archaeological Society is proud to present the very first special Viking volume: VI... more The Norwegian Archaeological Society is proud to present the very first special Viking volume: VIKING WARS. The 13 articles presented in this publication represent some of the latest, and most relevant research on Viking warfare from the Viking and early Scandinavian medieval period in Europe.
The Vikings fought for power, wealth, and land in many areas of the Northern hemisphere, and left traces of their activities from Canada in the West to the Caucasus in the East. In many parts of Europe visual, literary, and material culture contain influences of past Viking activities.
This volume offers new insights on Viking female warriors; local defense systems; a Danish-Obodrite attack on a Frankish fortress; deeply rooted traditions relating to weapon production; viking encampments in Atlantic Europe; rune carvers in campaign; textiles essential for sea journeys, and related warfare; the symbolic power of weapons; the roles of Rus’ captives and slave soldiers; as well as the relationship between Viking and Norse settlers, and the local Picts of the Western Isles.
Viking Special Volume 1 is co-funded by the Centre for Viking-Age Studies (ViS) and the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo.