Godlief Neonufa | Universitas Kristen Artha Wacana (original) (raw)
Papers by Godlief Neonufa
SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, May 20, 2023
Sabun merupakan surfaktan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan kotoran, debu, bakteri dan lemak kare... more Sabun merupakan surfaktan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan kotoran, debu, bakteri dan lemak karena mengandung senyawa surface active yaitu senyawa yang terbentuk dari natrium atau kalium dengan asam lemak baik nabati ataupun hewani melalui proses saponifikasi. Salah satu sifat sabun adalah memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan tegangan permukaan pada air sehingga sabun dapat mengangkat kotoran dan lemak. Pada teknologi dewasa ini yang berkembang pesat dengan tuntutan berbagai produk baik pangan dan obatobatan untuk dikembangkan, sehingga berbagai alternatif sebagai bahan aktif untuk meningkatkan kualitas sabun juga semakin bervariasi dilakukan. Minyak atsiri biasa disebut minyak esensial adalah merupakan senyawa yang terdapat pada tanaman yang diperoleh dengan cara diekstrak dari bagian tumbuhan melalui proses penyulingan. Beberapa contoh minyak atsiri yang sering digunakan adalah minyak lavender, mintak pohon teh atau tea tree oil, minyak kayu putih, minyak cendana, minyak sere, minyak kulit jeruk, minyak jahe, minyak cengkeh dan sebagainya. Minyak atsiri di ekstrak dari bagian tanaman baik itu pada batang, daun, buah, biji, kulit maupun akar. Beberapa sifat dari minyak atsiri adalah dapat menjadi zat aditif, antibakteri dan sebagai aromaterapi yang memiliki efek menenangkan sehingga dapat berguna bagi kesehatan. Pada umumnya minyak atsiri mengandung sejumlah komponen senyawa fenolik yang tinggi, dimana senyawa ini pembentuk antioksidan sehingga melindungi sel dari kerusakan. Penggunaan minyak atsiri pada pembuatan sabun diharapkan dapat memberikan efek relaksasi, dan menjadi antiseptik alami serta aroma terapi bagi produk sabun yang dibuat. Pada kegiatan PKM ini siswa SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Kupang dilatih membuat sabun cair dan padat dengan tambahan atsiri jahe, cengkeh, kunyit dan daun sirih sebagai zat aditifnya. Tujuan PKM adalah untuk memberikan pengatahuan dan wawasan serta melatih keterampilan siswa untuk memanfaatkan potensi hasil pertanian maupun perkebunan yang dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan sabun herbal.
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Oct 1, 2019
A study about variation of calcium metal concentration in mixed Ca/Mg/Zn metal to produce of soap... more A study about variation of calcium metal concentration in mixed Ca/Mg/Zn metal to produce of soap with high alkaline content together with oleic acid was studied. Calcium metal which is used vary from 15 (15μ), 50 (50μ) and 85 (85μ) % with modified fusion as method for saponification. Variation of calcium metal into mixture of Ca/Mg/Zn metal is proved to have different effect to alkaline content value and oleic acid conversion into basic soap. Soap from variation of 85μ had alkaline content of 44.5% weight. Inside the whole soap produced from 15μ, 50μ and 85μ, hydroxyl group was detected with low intensity inside the range of wavenumber length of 3200-3570 cm-1 according to FT-IR spectrum. Maximum conversion of oleic acid into soap happened when varied at 50μ is 97.9%.
IMC 2016 Proceedings, Apr 29, 2017
Deoxygenation of Fatty acid or their derivatives is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon ... more Deoxygenation of Fatty acid or their derivatives is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as jet biofuel, green diesel and biogasoline. In the present commercial method, deoxygenation is directly applied to vegetable oils through liquid phase hydrotreatment. This method is expensive because it requires the use of problematic sulfided catalysts and high pressure of hydrogen and requires severe operating conditions. The objective of this study was to produce alkane biohydrocarbons, particularly jet fuel that can be considered to be drop-in replacements for petroleum-based jet fuel components, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap. Specifically, this study investigated the decarboxylation of the basic soap at mild operating conditions without external supply of hydrogen. The Mg-Zn basic soap (9/1 mol ratio of Mg/Zn) was derived from fatty acid methyl esters C 12 /C 16 of palm kernel oil and decarboxylated for 3 hours at atmospheric pressure and temperatures between 250 to 350 o C. The basic soap effectively decarboxylated yielding a jet fuel-type biohydrocarbons, with a liquid product yield of 42,94%-weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product is a complex mixture consisting of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C 8-C 20 , iso-and cyclo-paraffins and the various olefin products.
IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2019
The direct and double decomposition process of palm stearin oil were evaluated for the production... more The direct and double decomposition process of palm stearin oil were evaluated for the production of basic soaps as a decarboxylation feedstock to drop-in fuel produce. The metals proposed for the saponification reaction was magnesium which has a high-basicity and is a lowcost metal. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy profile of the Mg(OH)-stearin basic soaps obtained by both direct and double decomposition processes showed hydrocarbon groups such as alkanes and alkene, without the oxygenate groups. The basic soap products generated by the double decomposition process showed better basicity level which was determined based on the IR spectrum intensity, especially of the-OH group. The type of saponification process used in the resulted basic soaps can provide a different effect on the generated basic soaps characteristic.
MATEC web of conferences, 2018
Renewable fuel production from vegetable oil and fat or its fatty acids by direct decarboxylation... more Renewable fuel production from vegetable oil and fat or its fatty acids by direct decarboxylation has been widely reported. An innovative approach to produce drop-in fuel via thermal catalytic decarboxylation of basic soap derived from palm stearin reported in this research. The catalytic effect of the calcium and magnesium metals in the basic soap and its decarboxylation on drop-in fuel yield and product distribution was studied. The catalytic effect was tested in the temperature range up to 370 o C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours in a batch reactor. It has been proved that the calcium basic soap decarboxylation, effectively produce the drop-in fuel in carbon ranges C 8-C 20 , in which more than 78% selectivity toward alkane. Whereas, only 70% selectivity toward alkane has been resulted from the magnesium basic soap decarboxylation.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Jul 12, 2021
fraction). The result showed that the alkane content from the batch process was higher than from ... more fraction). The result showed that the alkane content from the batch process was higher than from the continuous process, whereas the continuous process produced more ketone products compared to the batch process. Furthermore, the GC-FID analysis showed a similar amount of total hydrocarbon (alkane, iso-alkane, and alkene) in both the batch and the continuous process.
IOP conference series, May 27, 2020
IOP conference series, May 27, 2020
The basic metal soap from oleic acid submitted to pyrolysis to produce gasoline-like hydrocarbon ... more The basic metal soap from oleic acid submitted to pyrolysis to produce gasoline-like hydrocarbon fuels (biogasoline). The pyrolysis was carried out in a semi-batch reactor at 450°C and a feeding rate of 5 g/15 min. The influences of various metal (Ca, Mg, Zn) hydroxides, which are used to made basic soap, have been examined. The bio hydrocarbon of basic metal soap was characterized by GC-FID and FT-IR, showing the formation of paraffin, iso-paraffin, olefin, ketone, and aromatics. The liquid fraction derived from the pyrolysis of basic metal soap was dominated by gasoline (C7-C11) fraction hydrocarbon. The maximum yield of light C7-C11 hydrocarbon was 82.3 %-mol fraction of basic Ca soap and the highest yield of biohydrocarbon reached 34.77 wt.% from pyrolysis of basic Mg soap.
Chemical Engineering and Processing, Jul 1, 2020
Abstract This research has developed a soap-derived biokerosene (SBK) production process to produ... more Abstract This research has developed a soap-derived biokerosene (SBK) production process to produce hydrocarbons for use as an aviation alternative fuel. The SBK production process was developed in keeping with the conditions of the available technologies and investment while leveraging the advantage of an abundant national feedstock resource that is found in Indonesia in particular, and tropical emerging countries in general. The production of SBK comprises two main processes: saponification and thermal decarboxylation to convert coconut oil into hydrocarbons. The composition of SBK was analyzed and compared to that of Jet A1. Additionally, the critical properties of SBK and several of its blends with Jet A1 were measured and collated with the established jet fuel standard. The results show that SBK can be blended directly with Jet A1 at up to 10 vol.% to meet selected properties: distillation temperature, flash point, density, net heating value, viscosity, freezing point, smoke point, and oxidation stability. From this study, it can be concluded that SBK is feasible for use as a drop-in aviation fuel when blended with conventional jet fuel. Thus, the SBK production is highly promising for use in tropical countries to produce aviation biofuels, given the appropriate technologies and feedstock resources.
Fuel, Dec 1, 2016
The effects of cycloparaffin and aromatic hydrocarbons when blended with soap-derived biokerosene... more The effects of cycloparaffin and aromatic hydrocarbons when blended with soap-derived biokerosene (SBK) and normal paraffins (n-paraffins) on the sooting tendency and the freezing point are quantified to determine a method for improving the properties of SBK and n-paraffin fuels. In this study, SBK was derived from the saponification and dercarboxylation of coconut oil, and consists predominantly of n-paraffins with carbon chain lengths from C7 to C17. Dodecane, butylcyclohexane and butylbenzene were chosen as surrogate components for n-paraffins in SBK, cycloparaffins and aromatics, respectively. The total soot volume was measured from the light extinction at ambient conditions in a wick-fed laminar diffusion flame. The measured smoke point of the fuel was correlated with the required sooting tendency according to the jet fuel standard. The freezing point was measured using the JIS K2276 test method. The results show that butylcyclohexane affects the sooting tendency much lesser than butylbenzene when blended with SBK or dodecane. In contrast, butylcyclohexane decreases the freezing point more, as compared to butylbenzene, when blended with dodecane. Butylcyclohexane and butylbenzene have a similar trend of effect on the freezing point when blended with SBK or dodecane. Blending SBK or dodecane with butylcyclohexane matches the requirements of both smoke point and freezing point for jet fuel specified by ASTM D1655. Conversely, blending SBK or dodecane with butylbenzene does not meet these requirements. Therefore, given the tradeoff between sooting tendency and freezing point, cycloparaffins are considered more promising than aromatics for blending with SBK or n-paraffin fuels.
MATEC web of conferences, 2019
Catalytic thermal decarboxylation of basic soaps derived from palm kernel oil to produce dropin f... more Catalytic thermal decarboxylation of basic soaps derived from palm kernel oil to produce dropin fuel was investigated. The C12/14 and C12/16 methyl ester had been used as the model compounds of this study. The purpose of this study was to produce drop-in fuel, especially jets biofuel, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of basic soaps from palm kernel oils. In this study, two types of Magnesium-Zinc metal combination were used for preparing the basic soaps, both directly have a role as a catalyst. The reaction was carried out at 370°C and atmospheric pressure for 3 hours in the semi-batch reactor. Approximately 41 and 43 weight% of the yield and selectivity of about 97 and 98% toward the jets biofuel had been obtained in both experiments, respectively. The results showed that decarboxylation of basic soaps of C12/14 and C12/16 methyl ester were converted into drop-in fuel, especially jets biofuel in the relatively good yield of conversion.
Energy & Fuels, Oct 14, 2019
Production of sustainable diesel was conducted via hydrogen-free decarboxylation of palm stearin ... more Production of sustainable diesel was conducted via hydrogen-free decarboxylation of palm stearin basic soaps. Metal soaps are alkaline earth and transition metal salts combined with carboxylic acids with 7 to 22 carbon atoms. Stearin basic soaps were prepared by direct reaction of palm stearin and mixed metal (Ca, Mg, and Zn) hydroxides. The stearin basic soaps were decarboxylated at 370 °C for 5 h to produce liquid crude bio-hydrocarbon, also known as sustainable diesel. The stearin basic soaps were characterized by FTIR and TGA, and the resulted liquid bio-hydrocarbons were analyzed by GC equipped with FID. The hydroxyl band at 3678 cm-1 observed from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated that the Ca/Mg/Zn ions was associated with the-OH ions in the compounds. This proved that the soaps produced from this work was basic metal soaps. The thermal stability of the soaps was examined up to 1000 °C and the decomposition of stearin basic soaps was observed in the range of 300 to 500 °C. The metal contained in the basic soaps affected their thermal characteristics. Liquid crude bio-hydrocarbon with carbon chain length between 8-20 have been obtained from decarboxylation of stearin basic soaps. In this study, the decarboxylation of stearin basic soaps resulted in sustainable diesel as the main product. This promising process is expected to open plethora opportunities in the production of sustainable diesel.
Juniper online journal material science, Aug 13, 2020
The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the origin of Pongamia pinnata L. s... more The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the origin of Pongamia pinnata L. seed oil on the structure and composition of triglyceride or fatty acids and liquid bio-hydrocarbons. In this study, Pongamia pinnata L. seed oil was collected from three different locations in Indonesia, namely Kupang (West Timor), Manado (North Sulawesi) and Bogor (West Java). Through the metathesis method, the oils were converted to basic soaps with a mixture of magnesium and zinc metal compounds. Furthermore, the basic soaps were decarboxylated to produce liquid biohydrocarbon fuel. The oil content, fatty acid composition and liquid biohydrocarbon fraction had been analyzed through a series of experiments. It was found that the oil of Pongamia pinnata L. seed taken from different areas resulted in a variety of fatty acids' composition. The composition of palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids were different for each location; the seed oil derived from Kupang were 17.
MATEC web of conferences, 2018
Decarboxylation of metal soap is an emerging method to produce drop-in fuels as an alternative to... more Decarboxylation of metal soap is an emerging method to produce drop-in fuels as an alternative to the expensive hydrotreatment process. In this study, the Mg-Fe basic soap produced from palm kernel fatty acid had been successfully decarboxylated into jet-fuel type biohydrocarbons. The Mg-Fe basic soap with ratio of 8:2 mol was decarboxylated for 5 hours at atmospheric pressure and temperature varied up to 370 o C; it produced a liquid product whose yield was around 60 %-weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product was a complex mixture consisted of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C8-C17, iso-and cyclo-paraffins, and various olefin products.
International journal of ambient energy, Nov 16, 2017
ABSTRACT The catalytic effect of magnesium and magnesium–zinc or copper(II), iron(III), aluminium... more ABSTRACT The catalytic effect of magnesium and magnesium–zinc or copper(II), iron(III), aluminium(III), chromium(III) metal combination on ratio of the alkane to 1-alkenes and carbon number distribution in the green diesel product from metal basic soaps’ decarboxylation has been studied. Palm stearin was chosen as a model compound to produce metal basic soaps. Batch decarboxylation of metal basic soap was conducted at 350°C and atmospheric pressure for 3 h. Ratio of alkane to 1-alkene at the green diesel product was found following this order: Mg–Fe (14.6%) > Mg–Al (11.8%) > Mg–Cu (10.1%) > Mg–Zn (4.7%) > Mg–Cr (3.1%) > Mg (2.9%). Mg–Fe metal combination was preferable because it has high selectivity to alkane and capable of suppressing the 1-alkane formation during the metal basic soap decarboxylation process.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Nov 30, 2017
Fatty acid deoxygenation is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as green dies... more Fatty acid deoxygenation is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as green diesel, jet biofuel and biogasoline. In the present commercial method, deoxygenation is directly applied to vegetable oils through liquid phase hydrotreatment. This method is expensive because it consumes a large amount of hydrogen and requires severe operating conditions. The objective of this study was the production of a diesel-like hydrocarbon fuel that can be considered as drop-in replacement for petroleum-based diesel fuels, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap. In particular, this study investigated the decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap at low temperature and pressure, without external supply of hydrogen. The Mg-Zn basic soap (9/1 mole ratio of Mg/Zn) was derived from palm stearin and decarboxylated at 350 °C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours. The basic soap effectively decarboxylated, yielding a diesel-like hydrocarbon fuel with a liquid product yield of 62%weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product is a complex mixture consisting of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C 8-C 19 , iso-paraffins and various olefin products.
IOP conference series, May 27, 2020
Jet biofuel can be produced from vegetable oils and fats that are rich in lauric acid and myristi... more Jet biofuel can be produced from vegetable oils and fats that are rich in lauric acid and myristic acid. Palm kernel oil is known to contain 47.8% lauric acid and 16.3% myristic acid. Jet biofuel production by the thermochemical method through decarboxylation of basic soap made from palm kernel oil has been extensively investigated. The objective of this study was to produce jet biofuel from basic soap made from palm kernel oil. Several metal compounds from the acetate group were selected for use in making basic soap. Decarboxylation of soap was carried out at 350°C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours in the semi-batch reactor. Zinc metal enhances the yield of jet biofuel after decarboxylation of soap. Approximately 40 and 62 weight% of the jets biofuel had been obtained in this experiment.
Owner : riset dan jurnal akuntansi, Apr 1, 2023
Companies have an important responsibility to contribute to pursuing and achieving the Sustainabl... more Companies have an important responsibility to contribute to pursuing and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduced by the United Nations. The company's approach used as an opportunity to contribute is engagement in practices that cover environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects. Stakeholders will pay attention to companies that use the ESG strategy as part of the company's business strategy. This will certainly have an impact on increasing the value of the company. Changes in company value are driven by the good financial performance of the company. ESG practices are expected to receive a positive response from stakeholders so that they are considered as an important strategy in achieving the company's business continuity. Therefore, this study investigates the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and the performance of financial firms. The sample in this study was obtained using a purposive sampling technique. The sample was selected from a population of public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2010-2019 time period. The sample data obtained were grouped according to each of the research variables to be tested, namely environmental, social, governance, and Tobin's Q. Furthermore, hypothesis testing was carried out using the panel data regression statistical test approach with the help of SPSS 22 software. The results of the research show that environmental, social, and government variables affect the company's financial performance individually.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Apr 29, 2020
Revista De Chimie, Aug 31, 2020
This study investigates the composition and fuel parameters of a fuel blend of aqueous ethanol an... more This study investigates the composition and fuel parameters of a fuel blend of aqueous ethanol and gasoline, with RONs (Research Octane Numbers) of 90 and 92, called pertalite and pertamax in Indonesia, respectively. The emulsion fuel blend of gasoline and ethanol was prepared successfully, and the concentrations ranged from 80 to 98% (v/v). The steps employed in this work are as follows: first, the fermentation of sugar tapped from a palm tree (Arenga pinnata). The obtained liquor containing ethanol was distilled using a reflux still to separate ethanol and water. The purity of the ethanol obtained from the reflux process ranged from 80 to 96%, depending on the column temperature set. Ethanol solutions of 97 and 98% purities were obtained through an absorption method employing lime particles. Subsequently, aqueous ethanol was blended with gasoline manually inside a flask. It was discovered that the minimum ethanol concentration, which could be blended with pertalite to form a single-phase substance, was 80%. By using 80% ethanol in the blending process, the composition ratio of pertalite, pure ethanol, and water was recorded as 1:11.65:2.91 (in volume unit), while this was not the case with pertamax. The minimum ethanol concentration that could be blended with pertamax to form a single-phase emulsion was 88%, with a composition ratio of 1:5.91:0.81. The composition proportions of the three components with 96% ethanol were 1:0.27:0.01 (RON 90) and 1:0.41:0.02 (RON 92). It was observed that the higher the ethanol concentration, the less the amount of ethanol required for the blending process with gasoline to form a single-phase emulsion.
SWARNA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, May 20, 2023
Sabun merupakan surfaktan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan kotoran, debu, bakteri dan lemak kare... more Sabun merupakan surfaktan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan kotoran, debu, bakteri dan lemak karena mengandung senyawa surface active yaitu senyawa yang terbentuk dari natrium atau kalium dengan asam lemak baik nabati ataupun hewani melalui proses saponifikasi. Salah satu sifat sabun adalah memiliki kemampuan untuk menurunkan tegangan permukaan pada air sehingga sabun dapat mengangkat kotoran dan lemak. Pada teknologi dewasa ini yang berkembang pesat dengan tuntutan berbagai produk baik pangan dan obatobatan untuk dikembangkan, sehingga berbagai alternatif sebagai bahan aktif untuk meningkatkan kualitas sabun juga semakin bervariasi dilakukan. Minyak atsiri biasa disebut minyak esensial adalah merupakan senyawa yang terdapat pada tanaman yang diperoleh dengan cara diekstrak dari bagian tumbuhan melalui proses penyulingan. Beberapa contoh minyak atsiri yang sering digunakan adalah minyak lavender, mintak pohon teh atau tea tree oil, minyak kayu putih, minyak cendana, minyak sere, minyak kulit jeruk, minyak jahe, minyak cengkeh dan sebagainya. Minyak atsiri di ekstrak dari bagian tanaman baik itu pada batang, daun, buah, biji, kulit maupun akar. Beberapa sifat dari minyak atsiri adalah dapat menjadi zat aditif, antibakteri dan sebagai aromaterapi yang memiliki efek menenangkan sehingga dapat berguna bagi kesehatan. Pada umumnya minyak atsiri mengandung sejumlah komponen senyawa fenolik yang tinggi, dimana senyawa ini pembentuk antioksidan sehingga melindungi sel dari kerusakan. Penggunaan minyak atsiri pada pembuatan sabun diharapkan dapat memberikan efek relaksasi, dan menjadi antiseptik alami serta aroma terapi bagi produk sabun yang dibuat. Pada kegiatan PKM ini siswa SMK Pertanian Pembangunan Kupang dilatih membuat sabun cair dan padat dengan tambahan atsiri jahe, cengkeh, kunyit dan daun sirih sebagai zat aditifnya. Tujuan PKM adalah untuk memberikan pengatahuan dan wawasan serta melatih keterampilan siswa untuk memanfaatkan potensi hasil pertanian maupun perkebunan yang dapat digunakan untuk pembuatan sabun herbal.
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications, Oct 1, 2019
A study about variation of calcium metal concentration in mixed Ca/Mg/Zn metal to produce of soap... more A study about variation of calcium metal concentration in mixed Ca/Mg/Zn metal to produce of soap with high alkaline content together with oleic acid was studied. Calcium metal which is used vary from 15 (15μ), 50 (50μ) and 85 (85μ) % with modified fusion as method for saponification. Variation of calcium metal into mixture of Ca/Mg/Zn metal is proved to have different effect to alkaline content value and oleic acid conversion into basic soap. Soap from variation of 85μ had alkaline content of 44.5% weight. Inside the whole soap produced from 15μ, 50μ and 85μ, hydroxyl group was detected with low intensity inside the range of wavenumber length of 3200-3570 cm-1 according to FT-IR spectrum. Maximum conversion of oleic acid into soap happened when varied at 50μ is 97.9%.
IMC 2016 Proceedings, Apr 29, 2017
Deoxygenation of Fatty acid or their derivatives is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon ... more Deoxygenation of Fatty acid or their derivatives is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as jet biofuel, green diesel and biogasoline. In the present commercial method, deoxygenation is directly applied to vegetable oils through liquid phase hydrotreatment. This method is expensive because it requires the use of problematic sulfided catalysts and high pressure of hydrogen and requires severe operating conditions. The objective of this study was to produce alkane biohydrocarbons, particularly jet fuel that can be considered to be drop-in replacements for petroleum-based jet fuel components, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap. Specifically, this study investigated the decarboxylation of the basic soap at mild operating conditions without external supply of hydrogen. The Mg-Zn basic soap (9/1 mol ratio of Mg/Zn) was derived from fatty acid methyl esters C 12 /C 16 of palm kernel oil and decarboxylated for 3 hours at atmospheric pressure and temperatures between 250 to 350 o C. The basic soap effectively decarboxylated yielding a jet fuel-type biohydrocarbons, with a liquid product yield of 42,94%-weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product is a complex mixture consisting of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C 8-C 20 , iso-and cyclo-paraffins and the various olefin products.
IOP conference series, Jun 1, 2019
The direct and double decomposition process of palm stearin oil were evaluated for the production... more The direct and double decomposition process of palm stearin oil were evaluated for the production of basic soaps as a decarboxylation feedstock to drop-in fuel produce. The metals proposed for the saponification reaction was magnesium which has a high-basicity and is a lowcost metal. The Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy profile of the Mg(OH)-stearin basic soaps obtained by both direct and double decomposition processes showed hydrocarbon groups such as alkanes and alkene, without the oxygenate groups. The basic soap products generated by the double decomposition process showed better basicity level which was determined based on the IR spectrum intensity, especially of the-OH group. The type of saponification process used in the resulted basic soaps can provide a different effect on the generated basic soaps characteristic.
MATEC web of conferences, 2018
Renewable fuel production from vegetable oil and fat or its fatty acids by direct decarboxylation... more Renewable fuel production from vegetable oil and fat or its fatty acids by direct decarboxylation has been widely reported. An innovative approach to produce drop-in fuel via thermal catalytic decarboxylation of basic soap derived from palm stearin reported in this research. The catalytic effect of the calcium and magnesium metals in the basic soap and its decarboxylation on drop-in fuel yield and product distribution was studied. The catalytic effect was tested in the temperature range up to 370 o C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours in a batch reactor. It has been proved that the calcium basic soap decarboxylation, effectively produce the drop-in fuel in carbon ranges C 8-C 20 , in which more than 78% selectivity toward alkane. Whereas, only 70% selectivity toward alkane has been resulted from the magnesium basic soap decarboxylation.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Jul 12, 2021
fraction). The result showed that the alkane content from the batch process was higher than from ... more fraction). The result showed that the alkane content from the batch process was higher than from the continuous process, whereas the continuous process produced more ketone products compared to the batch process. Furthermore, the GC-FID analysis showed a similar amount of total hydrocarbon (alkane, iso-alkane, and alkene) in both the batch and the continuous process.
IOP conference series, May 27, 2020
IOP conference series, May 27, 2020
The basic metal soap from oleic acid submitted to pyrolysis to produce gasoline-like hydrocarbon ... more The basic metal soap from oleic acid submitted to pyrolysis to produce gasoline-like hydrocarbon fuels (biogasoline). The pyrolysis was carried out in a semi-batch reactor at 450°C and a feeding rate of 5 g/15 min. The influences of various metal (Ca, Mg, Zn) hydroxides, which are used to made basic soap, have been examined. The bio hydrocarbon of basic metal soap was characterized by GC-FID and FT-IR, showing the formation of paraffin, iso-paraffin, olefin, ketone, and aromatics. The liquid fraction derived from the pyrolysis of basic metal soap was dominated by gasoline (C7-C11) fraction hydrocarbon. The maximum yield of light C7-C11 hydrocarbon was 82.3 %-mol fraction of basic Ca soap and the highest yield of biohydrocarbon reached 34.77 wt.% from pyrolysis of basic Mg soap.
Chemical Engineering and Processing, Jul 1, 2020
Abstract This research has developed a soap-derived biokerosene (SBK) production process to produ... more Abstract This research has developed a soap-derived biokerosene (SBK) production process to produce hydrocarbons for use as an aviation alternative fuel. The SBK production process was developed in keeping with the conditions of the available technologies and investment while leveraging the advantage of an abundant national feedstock resource that is found in Indonesia in particular, and tropical emerging countries in general. The production of SBK comprises two main processes: saponification and thermal decarboxylation to convert coconut oil into hydrocarbons. The composition of SBK was analyzed and compared to that of Jet A1. Additionally, the critical properties of SBK and several of its blends with Jet A1 were measured and collated with the established jet fuel standard. The results show that SBK can be blended directly with Jet A1 at up to 10 vol.% to meet selected properties: distillation temperature, flash point, density, net heating value, viscosity, freezing point, smoke point, and oxidation stability. From this study, it can be concluded that SBK is feasible for use as a drop-in aviation fuel when blended with conventional jet fuel. Thus, the SBK production is highly promising for use in tropical countries to produce aviation biofuels, given the appropriate technologies and feedstock resources.
Fuel, Dec 1, 2016
The effects of cycloparaffin and aromatic hydrocarbons when blended with soap-derived biokerosene... more The effects of cycloparaffin and aromatic hydrocarbons when blended with soap-derived biokerosene (SBK) and normal paraffins (n-paraffins) on the sooting tendency and the freezing point are quantified to determine a method for improving the properties of SBK and n-paraffin fuels. In this study, SBK was derived from the saponification and dercarboxylation of coconut oil, and consists predominantly of n-paraffins with carbon chain lengths from C7 to C17. Dodecane, butylcyclohexane and butylbenzene were chosen as surrogate components for n-paraffins in SBK, cycloparaffins and aromatics, respectively. The total soot volume was measured from the light extinction at ambient conditions in a wick-fed laminar diffusion flame. The measured smoke point of the fuel was correlated with the required sooting tendency according to the jet fuel standard. The freezing point was measured using the JIS K2276 test method. The results show that butylcyclohexane affects the sooting tendency much lesser than butylbenzene when blended with SBK or dodecane. In contrast, butylcyclohexane decreases the freezing point more, as compared to butylbenzene, when blended with dodecane. Butylcyclohexane and butylbenzene have a similar trend of effect on the freezing point when blended with SBK or dodecane. Blending SBK or dodecane with butylcyclohexane matches the requirements of both smoke point and freezing point for jet fuel specified by ASTM D1655. Conversely, blending SBK or dodecane with butylbenzene does not meet these requirements. Therefore, given the tradeoff between sooting tendency and freezing point, cycloparaffins are considered more promising than aromatics for blending with SBK or n-paraffin fuels.
MATEC web of conferences, 2019
Catalytic thermal decarboxylation of basic soaps derived from palm kernel oil to produce dropin f... more Catalytic thermal decarboxylation of basic soaps derived from palm kernel oil to produce dropin fuel was investigated. The C12/14 and C12/16 methyl ester had been used as the model compounds of this study. The purpose of this study was to produce drop-in fuel, especially jets biofuel, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of basic soaps from palm kernel oils. In this study, two types of Magnesium-Zinc metal combination were used for preparing the basic soaps, both directly have a role as a catalyst. The reaction was carried out at 370°C and atmospheric pressure for 3 hours in the semi-batch reactor. Approximately 41 and 43 weight% of the yield and selectivity of about 97 and 98% toward the jets biofuel had been obtained in both experiments, respectively. The results showed that decarboxylation of basic soaps of C12/14 and C12/16 methyl ester were converted into drop-in fuel, especially jets biofuel in the relatively good yield of conversion.
Energy & Fuels, Oct 14, 2019
Production of sustainable diesel was conducted via hydrogen-free decarboxylation of palm stearin ... more Production of sustainable diesel was conducted via hydrogen-free decarboxylation of palm stearin basic soaps. Metal soaps are alkaline earth and transition metal salts combined with carboxylic acids with 7 to 22 carbon atoms. Stearin basic soaps were prepared by direct reaction of palm stearin and mixed metal (Ca, Mg, and Zn) hydroxides. The stearin basic soaps were decarboxylated at 370 °C for 5 h to produce liquid crude bio-hydrocarbon, also known as sustainable diesel. The stearin basic soaps were characterized by FTIR and TGA, and the resulted liquid bio-hydrocarbons were analyzed by GC equipped with FID. The hydroxyl band at 3678 cm-1 observed from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated that the Ca/Mg/Zn ions was associated with the-OH ions in the compounds. This proved that the soaps produced from this work was basic metal soaps. The thermal stability of the soaps was examined up to 1000 °C and the decomposition of stearin basic soaps was observed in the range of 300 to 500 °C. The metal contained in the basic soaps affected their thermal characteristics. Liquid crude bio-hydrocarbon with carbon chain length between 8-20 have been obtained from decarboxylation of stearin basic soaps. In this study, the decarboxylation of stearin basic soaps resulted in sustainable diesel as the main product. This promising process is expected to open plethora opportunities in the production of sustainable diesel.
Juniper online journal material science, Aug 13, 2020
The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the origin of Pongamia pinnata L. s... more The objective of this work is to investigate the influence of the origin of Pongamia pinnata L. seed oil on the structure and composition of triglyceride or fatty acids and liquid bio-hydrocarbons. In this study, Pongamia pinnata L. seed oil was collected from three different locations in Indonesia, namely Kupang (West Timor), Manado (North Sulawesi) and Bogor (West Java). Through the metathesis method, the oils were converted to basic soaps with a mixture of magnesium and zinc metal compounds. Furthermore, the basic soaps were decarboxylated to produce liquid biohydrocarbon fuel. The oil content, fatty acid composition and liquid biohydrocarbon fraction had been analyzed through a series of experiments. It was found that the oil of Pongamia pinnata L. seed taken from different areas resulted in a variety of fatty acids' composition. The composition of palmitic, stearic, oleic and linoleic fatty acids were different for each location; the seed oil derived from Kupang were 17.
MATEC web of conferences, 2018
Decarboxylation of metal soap is an emerging method to produce drop-in fuels as an alternative to... more Decarboxylation of metal soap is an emerging method to produce drop-in fuels as an alternative to the expensive hydrotreatment process. In this study, the Mg-Fe basic soap produced from palm kernel fatty acid had been successfully decarboxylated into jet-fuel type biohydrocarbons. The Mg-Fe basic soap with ratio of 8:2 mol was decarboxylated for 5 hours at atmospheric pressure and temperature varied up to 370 o C; it produced a liquid product whose yield was around 60 %-weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product was a complex mixture consisted of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C8-C17, iso-and cyclo-paraffins, and various olefin products.
International journal of ambient energy, Nov 16, 2017
ABSTRACT The catalytic effect of magnesium and magnesium–zinc or copper(II), iron(III), aluminium... more ABSTRACT The catalytic effect of magnesium and magnesium–zinc or copper(II), iron(III), aluminium(III), chromium(III) metal combination on ratio of the alkane to 1-alkenes and carbon number distribution in the green diesel product from metal basic soaps’ decarboxylation has been studied. Palm stearin was chosen as a model compound to produce metal basic soaps. Batch decarboxylation of metal basic soap was conducted at 350°C and atmospheric pressure for 3 h. Ratio of alkane to 1-alkene at the green diesel product was found following this order: Mg–Fe (14.6%) > Mg–Al (11.8%) > Mg–Cu (10.1%) > Mg–Zn (4.7%) > Mg–Cr (3.1%) > Mg (2.9%). Mg–Fe metal combination was preferable because it has high selectivity to alkane and capable of suppressing the 1-alkane formation during the metal basic soap decarboxylation process.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Nov 30, 2017
Fatty acid deoxygenation is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as green dies... more Fatty acid deoxygenation is a method for producing renewable hydrocarbon fuels such as green diesel, jet biofuel and biogasoline. In the present commercial method, deoxygenation is directly applied to vegetable oils through liquid phase hydrotreatment. This method is expensive because it consumes a large amount of hydrogen and requires severe operating conditions. The objective of this study was the production of a diesel-like hydrocarbon fuel that can be considered as drop-in replacement for petroleum-based diesel fuels, by catalytic thermal decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap. In particular, this study investigated the decarboxylation of Mg-Zn basic soap at low temperature and pressure, without external supply of hydrogen. The Mg-Zn basic soap (9/1 mole ratio of Mg/Zn) was derived from palm stearin and decarboxylated at 350 °C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours. The basic soap effectively decarboxylated, yielding a diesel-like hydrocarbon fuel with a liquid product yield of 62%weight. The resulting hydrocarbon product is a complex mixture consisting of normal paraffins in the range of carbon chain length C 8-C 19 , iso-paraffins and various olefin products.
IOP conference series, May 27, 2020
Jet biofuel can be produced from vegetable oils and fats that are rich in lauric acid and myristi... more Jet biofuel can be produced from vegetable oils and fats that are rich in lauric acid and myristic acid. Palm kernel oil is known to contain 47.8% lauric acid and 16.3% myristic acid. Jet biofuel production by the thermochemical method through decarboxylation of basic soap made from palm kernel oil has been extensively investigated. The objective of this study was to produce jet biofuel from basic soap made from palm kernel oil. Several metal compounds from the acetate group were selected for use in making basic soap. Decarboxylation of soap was carried out at 350°C and atmospheric pressure for 5 hours in the semi-batch reactor. Zinc metal enhances the yield of jet biofuel after decarboxylation of soap. Approximately 40 and 62 weight% of the jets biofuel had been obtained in this experiment.
Owner : riset dan jurnal akuntansi, Apr 1, 2023
Companies have an important responsibility to contribute to pursuing and achieving the Sustainabl... more Companies have an important responsibility to contribute to pursuing and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) introduced by the United Nations. The company's approach used as an opportunity to contribute is engagement in practices that cover environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects. Stakeholders will pay attention to companies that use the ESG strategy as part of the company's business strategy. This will certainly have an impact on increasing the value of the company. Changes in company value are driven by the good financial performance of the company. ESG practices are expected to receive a positive response from stakeholders so that they are considered as an important strategy in achieving the company's business continuity. Therefore, this study investigates the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices and the performance of financial firms. The sample in this study was obtained using a purposive sampling technique. The sample was selected from a population of public companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the 2010-2019 time period. The sample data obtained were grouped according to each of the research variables to be tested, namely environmental, social, governance, and Tobin's Q. Furthermore, hypothesis testing was carried out using the panel data regression statistical test approach with the help of SPSS 22 software. The results of the research show that environmental, social, and government variables affect the company's financial performance individually.
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Apr 29, 2020
Revista De Chimie, Aug 31, 2020
This study investigates the composition and fuel parameters of a fuel blend of aqueous ethanol an... more This study investigates the composition and fuel parameters of a fuel blend of aqueous ethanol and gasoline, with RONs (Research Octane Numbers) of 90 and 92, called pertalite and pertamax in Indonesia, respectively. The emulsion fuel blend of gasoline and ethanol was prepared successfully, and the concentrations ranged from 80 to 98% (v/v). The steps employed in this work are as follows: first, the fermentation of sugar tapped from a palm tree (Arenga pinnata). The obtained liquor containing ethanol was distilled using a reflux still to separate ethanol and water. The purity of the ethanol obtained from the reflux process ranged from 80 to 96%, depending on the column temperature set. Ethanol solutions of 97 and 98% purities were obtained through an absorption method employing lime particles. Subsequently, aqueous ethanol was blended with gasoline manually inside a flask. It was discovered that the minimum ethanol concentration, which could be blended with pertalite to form a single-phase substance, was 80%. By using 80% ethanol in the blending process, the composition ratio of pertalite, pure ethanol, and water was recorded as 1:11.65:2.91 (in volume unit), while this was not the case with pertamax. The minimum ethanol concentration that could be blended with pertamax to form a single-phase emulsion was 88%, with a composition ratio of 1:5.91:0.81. The composition proportions of the three components with 96% ethanol were 1:0.27:0.01 (RON 90) and 1:0.41:0.02 (RON 92). It was observed that the higher the ethanol concentration, the less the amount of ethanol required for the blending process with gasoline to form a single-phase emulsion.