Moises Balestro | Universidade de Brasília - UnB (original) (raw)
Papers by Moises Balestro
Editora Universidade de Brasília eBooks, 2021
Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser armazenada ou reproduzida... more Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser armazenada ou reproduzida por qualquer meio sem a autorização por escrito da Editora. Esta obra foi publicada com recursos provenientes do Edital DPI/DPG nº 3/2019.
Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval, 2023
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2009
The political and economic histories of Argentina and Brazil reveal similarities and differences ... more The political and economic histories of Argentina and Brazil reveal similarities and differences that favor the understanding of the evolution and institutionalization of capitalism in Latin America. Based on this argument, this study focuses on a time frame (1956-1978) of the stories of industrialization in Brazil and Argentina, with a view to exploring the relational field between the state and industrial business associations in both countries, with emphasis on nature of industrial corporatism of that period and its contribution at process industrial modernization. So, were listed as objects of analysis, in Brazil, CNI and FIESP system and, in Argentina, UIA. The research is characterized as qualitative and documentary, and uses the historical method for the comparative analysis of the results. The findings indicate that industrial corporatism, present in Argentina and Brazil did not represent factor of the importance in the process of industrial upgrading.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Sep 28, 2018
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, Nov 21, 2018
The paper analyzes traits of developmental state in the post-neoliberal era in Brazil and Argenti... more The paper analyzes traits of developmental state in the post-neoliberal era in Brazil and Argentina. The emergence of a postneoliberal era in Latin America is associated, under different ideological shades, to the strengthening of social policies and to the resurge of the state in the design and incentives to foster economic development strategies. Institutions and organizations Instituições do Estado desenvolvimentista na América Latina... 83 politically and economically committed are a fundamental tenet for the efficacy of development strategies. As of literature, the challenge of building a developmental state requires the combination of an enabling state carrying out a industrial upgrading strategy together with greater social inclusion. A relevant difference in the Brazilian case towards the Argentinian was the survival of developmentalist institutions from early industrialization period with a special emphasis for BNDES. By verifying the relationship between state and development in both countries, it was possible to identify four major differences between Brazil and Argentina: a strong financial development institution and strong public financial institutions, a greater state capacity with a stable and meritocratic bureaucracy in Brazil, long term social policies and a more cooperative relationship between business and the state.
<jats:p>Este livro é fruto de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação e... more <jats:p>Este livro é fruto de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (PPG-Mader) da Faculdade UnB Planaltina (FUP). Os 13 capítulos analisam o desenvolvimento rural brasileiro e seus impactos sobre o meio ambiente, estudando temas como financeirização, privatização e mercantilização da terra e natureza, especialmente conflitos territoriais envolvendo povos e comunidades tradicionais. Na contramão de processos de apropriação e expropriação, abordam a sociobiodiversidade do Cerrado, reconhecendo e valorizando produtos agroextrativistas e experiências de conservação. Analisam políticas públicas, discutindo conceitos e práticas com base na agroecologia e contribuições interdisciplinares e territoriais na integração e sinergia de políticas de desenvolvimento rural sustentável. As pesquisas tratam também da relação entre políticas de gênero e protagonismo das mulheres (suas reivindicações e lutas por autonomia, visibilidade e direitos), lançando olhares críticos sobre o sistema capitalista e patriarcal no campo. Esses olhares incluem, também, estudos sobre a juventude rural e a educação do campo como elementos fundamentais na construção do futuro e superação dos graves problemas ambientais e das desigualdades sociais e de gênero que assolam o campo brasileiro. As reflexões deste livro, para além de utopias, explicitam trabalhos engajados que, no cenário atual de rupturas, descontinuidades de políticas redistributivas e retrocessos sociopolíticos do país, vislumbram um campo menos desigual e mais sustentável.</jats:p>
The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies f... more The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies for family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The main hypothesis of the research is that the South-South cooperation reveals a "hybridization" of several forms of policy internationalization: the policy-transfers; the transnational circulation of norms and standards through international organizations; the regionalization and regional integration, especially through civil society and social movements. The research focused in two processes: the characterization of the policy models in Brazil and the transferred policies in the recipient countries; the identification and profile characterization of the main vectors and brokers of the policy diffusion. The diffusion of the public food purchase model refers to the cases of Colombia, Haiti and Paraguay and the diffusion of territorial policies refers to Argentina, El Salvador, and Uruguay. The results of the study confirm ...
O corporativismo em sua relacao com o Estado foi decisivo para a construcao de um Estado de bem e... more O corporativismo em sua relacao com o Estado foi decisivo para a construcao de um Estado de bem estar social no contexto europeu. Em que pese seus limites dado o controle estatal, ele foi tambem crucial para a construcao e manutencao dos direitos trabalhistas no Brasil. O argumento apresentado no trabalho e de que a coordenacao nas relacoes politicas da acao coletiva entre capital, trabalho e governo pode contribuir para a maior efetividade das politicas de qualificacao profissional. Seguindo o conceito de complementaridade institucional, a ideia e que a existencia de coordenacao entre os tres atores do tripartismo teria efeitos positivos sobre o desenho e o funcionamento das politicas de qualificacao profissional. A complementaridade institucional na abordagem de variedades do capitalismo (varieties of capitalism) pode ser sinteticamente definida como o melhor funcionamento de uma instituicao diante da presenca de outra. A coordenacao, como um processo politico, pode facilitar a am...
The paper discusses the relationship between tripartite governance and labor market policies. The... more The paper discusses the relationship between tripartite governance and labor market policies. The social dialogue and the idea of tripartite governance in capital and labor relations is relatively recent in Latin America. Paradoxically, the onset of the neoliberal period in Brazil coincided with the beginning of the Unemployment Insurance Program which set the grounds for the tripartite social dialogue concerning employment policies. The Program was created in 1990 and, for the first time, has legally assured a stable funding for labor protection in the country with the creation of the Labor Protection Fund (Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador-FAT). Only four years later in 1994, the tripartite council for the fund management was created (Conselho Deliberativo do Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador-CODEFAT). Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a wide national evaluation research of the Unemployment Insurance Program, the main argument of this paper is that employment policies in the realm of the Unemployment Insurance Program, despite its major governance shortcomings at the grassroots, can play a crucial role in the institutional development of tripartite governance in Brazilian capitalism. The connection between little concern for vocational training on the party of employers and employees within the tripartite governance of the Program is in accordance with the Hierarchical Market Economy (HME) (Schneider, 2009; Schneider and Karcher, 2010). However, there seems to be a slow but persistent loss of legitimacy from the oligarchic representation from employers and employees opening up an opportunity for the advancement of tripartite governance. Tripartite governance and employment policies in Brazil: the case of the Unemployment Insurance Program
Globalizations, 2017
ABSTRACT This article argues that economic growth relying on commodity-based exports – combined w... more ABSTRACT This article argues that economic growth relying on commodity-based exports – combined with domestic market expansion for consumption, an overvalued exchange rate and high interest rates – constrained national development as much as it did Brazil’s status as a regional power, particularly in the 2000s. The Brazilian ‘neo-developmentalist model’ – pursuing export surplus in the balance of trade and foreign investment – was based excessively on government incentives for the export of natural resources. With regard to agrarian issues, Brazil again played an uncertain role as a regional power during the governments of both Lula (2003–2010) and Rousseff (2011–2016), despite important differences between the two administrations. On the one hand, the country encouraged the transfer of family farming policies to other Latin American countries. On the other hand, the government’s ‘national champions policies’ were also paramount in forging the expansion of agribusinesses and other multinationals across the continent. The very nature of this ambiguity rests on the contradictions between the narrative of a national development project and the reality of deindustrialization and commodity-based economic surplus. By drawing on aggregate data and secondary sources, this article explores the limits and contradictions of the Brazilian development path in becoming a more influential regional power in the 2000s.
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, 2013
Texto de apresentação do dossiê temático "Qualidade da democracia".
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, 2008
A tentativa de reconciliar desempenho econômico com segurança social não é algo novo para na cons... more A tentativa de reconciliar desempenho econômico com segurança social não é algo novo para na construção de Estados de bemestar social.O Estado de bem-estar social procura a igualdade material acompanhada da igualdade de direitos civis e políticos,por este motivo tem como desafio desenvolver a economia enquanto assegura os direitos do trabalhador.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Jan 13, 2023
Latitude, 2018
O proposito deste artigo e discutir os elementos de mudanca institucional no desenvolvimento indu... more O proposito deste artigo e discutir os elementos de mudanca institucional no desenvolvimento industrial no Brasil na primeira decada deste seculo a partir do conceito de capitalismo organizado. A abordagem de capitalismo organizado (Kamijo, 1978; Offe, 1985; Hopner, 2004, 2007; Allen, 2010; Hopner e Callaghan, 2012) serve como um quadro analitico e conceitual mais amplo para entender o debate recente sobre a construcao da coordenacao entre empresariado, Estado e, em menor grau, trabalhadores nas politicas de transformacao industrial. A continuidade se refere tanto a persistencia da forca politica das elites clientelistas e rentistas quanto a adaptacao das instituicoes do periodo desenvolvimentista, assim como das ideias favoraveis a atuacao mais ativa do Estado por parte do empresariado industrial. De outra parte, houve mudancas ensejadas pelo aumento de investimentos destinados a inovacao combinado com avancos sociais como a reducao da pobreza e maior consumo das classes trabalhado...
This dissertation is a comparative study in Brazil and Canada on the relationships between innova... more This dissertation is a comparative study in Brazil and Canada on the relationships between innovation, learning and social capital in the context of the innovation networks. The main objective was to understand the role of social capital, within an institutional context, in the learning and cooperation among innovation networks actors. Based upon the study of two networks related to the technological development in the oil and gas industry in Brazil and Canada, this dissertation indicates the limits to operationalize the concept of social capital when the institutional environment, in which actors are embedded, is not taken into account. The formation of the Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada and Rede Petro RS stemmed from the combination of an enabling institutional environment and the action of pre-existing social networks. The dissertation identified the need to anchor the concept of social capital in a broader theoretical context such as the economic sociology in order to better understand the actors' strategies to access and acumulate social capital as well as to understand the enablers and constraints of the institutional environment. In relation to learning, there was evidence, in the qualitative research, that the social capital is positively associated to knowledge exploration and innovation. Another finding that has contributed to the topic of innovation networks was the differentiation between innovation networks and the organizations that facilitate the formation of such networks. The data used in this disseration resulted from the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. A survey with questions about innovation, learning and social capital was carried out with companies from PTAC and from Rede Petro RS. Besides that, indepth interviews were carried out with companies and other actors from the two networks. The dissertation concludes with the need to shed light on the limits and contributions from social capital to an economic sociology of innovation.
The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies f... more The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies for family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The main hypothesis of the research is that the South-South cooperation reveals a 'hybridisation' of several forms of policy internationalization: the policy-transfers; the transnational circulation of norms and standards through international organizations; the regionalization and regional integration, especially through civil society and social movements. The research focused in two processes: the characterization of the policy models in Brazil and the transferred policies in the recipient countries; the identification and profile characterization of the main vectors and brokers of the policy diffusion. The diffusion of the public food purchase model refers to the cases of Colombia, Haiti and Paraguay and the diffusion of territorial policies refers to Argentina, El Salvador, and Uruguay. The results of the study confirm th...
Editora Universidade de Brasília eBooks, 2021
Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser armazenada ou reproduzida... more Todos os direitos reservados. Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser armazenada ou reproduzida por qualquer meio sem a autorização por escrito da Editora. Esta obra foi publicada com recursos provenientes do Edital DPI/DPG nº 3/2019.
Revista da Escola de Guerra Naval, 2023
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Mar 1, 2009
The political and economic histories of Argentina and Brazil reveal similarities and differences ... more The political and economic histories of Argentina and Brazil reveal similarities and differences that favor the understanding of the evolution and institutionalization of capitalism in Latin America. Based on this argument, this study focuses on a time frame (1956-1978) of the stories of industrialization in Brazil and Argentina, with a view to exploring the relational field between the state and industrial business associations in both countries, with emphasis on nature of industrial corporatism of that period and its contribution at process industrial modernization. So, were listed as objects of analysis, in Brazil, CNI and FIESP system and, in Argentina, UIA. The research is characterized as qualitative and documentary, and uses the historical method for the comparative analysis of the results. The findings indicate that industrial corporatism, present in Argentina and Brazil did not represent factor of the importance in the process of industrial upgrading.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Sep 28, 2018
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, Nov 21, 2018
The paper analyzes traits of developmental state in the post-neoliberal era in Brazil and Argenti... more The paper analyzes traits of developmental state in the post-neoliberal era in Brazil and Argentina. The emergence of a postneoliberal era in Latin America is associated, under different ideological shades, to the strengthening of social policies and to the resurge of the state in the design and incentives to foster economic development strategies. Institutions and organizations Instituições do Estado desenvolvimentista na América Latina... 83 politically and economically committed are a fundamental tenet for the efficacy of development strategies. As of literature, the challenge of building a developmental state requires the combination of an enabling state carrying out a industrial upgrading strategy together with greater social inclusion. A relevant difference in the Brazilian case towards the Argentinian was the survival of developmentalist institutions from early industrialization period with a special emphasis for BNDES. By verifying the relationship between state and development in both countries, it was possible to identify four major differences between Brazil and Argentina: a strong financial development institution and strong public financial institutions, a greater state capacity with a stable and meritocratic bureaucracy in Brazil, long term social policies and a more cooperative relationship between business and the state.
<jats:p>Este livro é fruto de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação e... more <jats:p>Este livro é fruto de pesquisas realizadas no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Rural (PPG-Mader) da Faculdade UnB Planaltina (FUP). Os 13 capítulos analisam o desenvolvimento rural brasileiro e seus impactos sobre o meio ambiente, estudando temas como financeirização, privatização e mercantilização da terra e natureza, especialmente conflitos territoriais envolvendo povos e comunidades tradicionais. Na contramão de processos de apropriação e expropriação, abordam a sociobiodiversidade do Cerrado, reconhecendo e valorizando produtos agroextrativistas e experiências de conservação. Analisam políticas públicas, discutindo conceitos e práticas com base na agroecologia e contribuições interdisciplinares e territoriais na integração e sinergia de políticas de desenvolvimento rural sustentável. As pesquisas tratam também da relação entre políticas de gênero e protagonismo das mulheres (suas reivindicações e lutas por autonomia, visibilidade e direitos), lançando olhares críticos sobre o sistema capitalista e patriarcal no campo. Esses olhares incluem, também, estudos sobre a juventude rural e a educação do campo como elementos fundamentais na construção do futuro e superação dos graves problemas ambientais e das desigualdades sociais e de gênero que assolam o campo brasileiro. As reflexões deste livro, para além de utopias, explicitam trabalhos engajados que, no cenário atual de rupturas, descontinuidades de políticas redistributivas e retrocessos sociopolíticos do país, vislumbram um campo menos desigual e mais sustentável.</jats:p>
The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies f... more The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies for family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The main hypothesis of the research is that the South-South cooperation reveals a "hybridization" of several forms of policy internationalization: the policy-transfers; the transnational circulation of norms and standards through international organizations; the regionalization and regional integration, especially through civil society and social movements. The research focused in two processes: the characterization of the policy models in Brazil and the transferred policies in the recipient countries; the identification and profile characterization of the main vectors and brokers of the policy diffusion. The diffusion of the public food purchase model refers to the cases of Colombia, Haiti and Paraguay and the diffusion of territorial policies refers to Argentina, El Salvador, and Uruguay. The results of the study confirm ...
O corporativismo em sua relacao com o Estado foi decisivo para a construcao de um Estado de bem e... more O corporativismo em sua relacao com o Estado foi decisivo para a construcao de um Estado de bem estar social no contexto europeu. Em que pese seus limites dado o controle estatal, ele foi tambem crucial para a construcao e manutencao dos direitos trabalhistas no Brasil. O argumento apresentado no trabalho e de que a coordenacao nas relacoes politicas da acao coletiva entre capital, trabalho e governo pode contribuir para a maior efetividade das politicas de qualificacao profissional. Seguindo o conceito de complementaridade institucional, a ideia e que a existencia de coordenacao entre os tres atores do tripartismo teria efeitos positivos sobre o desenho e o funcionamento das politicas de qualificacao profissional. A complementaridade institucional na abordagem de variedades do capitalismo (varieties of capitalism) pode ser sinteticamente definida como o melhor funcionamento de uma instituicao diante da presenca de outra. A coordenacao, como um processo politico, pode facilitar a am...
The paper discusses the relationship between tripartite governance and labor market policies. The... more The paper discusses the relationship between tripartite governance and labor market policies. The social dialogue and the idea of tripartite governance in capital and labor relations is relatively recent in Latin America. Paradoxically, the onset of the neoliberal period in Brazil coincided with the beginning of the Unemployment Insurance Program which set the grounds for the tripartite social dialogue concerning employment policies. The Program was created in 1990 and, for the first time, has legally assured a stable funding for labor protection in the country with the creation of the Labor Protection Fund (Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador-FAT). Only four years later in 1994, the tripartite council for the fund management was created (Conselho Deliberativo do Fundo de Amparo ao Trabalhador-CODEFAT). Drawing on qualitative and quantitative data from a wide national evaluation research of the Unemployment Insurance Program, the main argument of this paper is that employment policies in the realm of the Unemployment Insurance Program, despite its major governance shortcomings at the grassroots, can play a crucial role in the institutional development of tripartite governance in Brazilian capitalism. The connection between little concern for vocational training on the party of employers and employees within the tripartite governance of the Program is in accordance with the Hierarchical Market Economy (HME) (Schneider, 2009; Schneider and Karcher, 2010). However, there seems to be a slow but persistent loss of legitimacy from the oligarchic representation from employers and employees opening up an opportunity for the advancement of tripartite governance. Tripartite governance and employment policies in Brazil: the case of the Unemployment Insurance Program
Globalizations, 2017
ABSTRACT This article argues that economic growth relying on commodity-based exports – combined w... more ABSTRACT This article argues that economic growth relying on commodity-based exports – combined with domestic market expansion for consumption, an overvalued exchange rate and high interest rates – constrained national development as much as it did Brazil’s status as a regional power, particularly in the 2000s. The Brazilian ‘neo-developmentalist model’ – pursuing export surplus in the balance of trade and foreign investment – was based excessively on government incentives for the export of natural resources. With regard to agrarian issues, Brazil again played an uncertain role as a regional power during the governments of both Lula (2003–2010) and Rousseff (2011–2016), despite important differences between the two administrations. On the one hand, the country encouraged the transfer of family farming policies to other Latin American countries. On the other hand, the government’s ‘national champions policies’ were also paramount in forging the expansion of agribusinesses and other multinationals across the continent. The very nature of this ambiguity rests on the contradictions between the narrative of a national development project and the reality of deindustrialization and commodity-based economic surplus. By drawing on aggregate data and secondary sources, this article explores the limits and contradictions of the Brazilian development path in becoming a more influential regional power in the 2000s.
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, 2013
Texto de apresentação do dossiê temático "Qualidade da democracia".
Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas sobre as Américas, 2008
A tentativa de reconciliar desempenho econômico com segurança social não é algo novo para na cons... more A tentativa de reconciliar desempenho econômico com segurança social não é algo novo para na construção de Estados de bemestar social.O Estado de bem-estar social procura a igualdade material acompanhada da igualdade de direitos civis e políticos,por este motivo tem como desafio desenvolver a economia enquanto assegura os direitos do trabalhador.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Jan 13, 2023
Latitude, 2018
O proposito deste artigo e discutir os elementos de mudanca institucional no desenvolvimento indu... more O proposito deste artigo e discutir os elementos de mudanca institucional no desenvolvimento industrial no Brasil na primeira decada deste seculo a partir do conceito de capitalismo organizado. A abordagem de capitalismo organizado (Kamijo, 1978; Offe, 1985; Hopner, 2004, 2007; Allen, 2010; Hopner e Callaghan, 2012) serve como um quadro analitico e conceitual mais amplo para entender o debate recente sobre a construcao da coordenacao entre empresariado, Estado e, em menor grau, trabalhadores nas politicas de transformacao industrial. A continuidade se refere tanto a persistencia da forca politica das elites clientelistas e rentistas quanto a adaptacao das instituicoes do periodo desenvolvimentista, assim como das ideias favoraveis a atuacao mais ativa do Estado por parte do empresariado industrial. De outra parte, houve mudancas ensejadas pelo aumento de investimentos destinados a inovacao combinado com avancos sociais como a reducao da pobreza e maior consumo das classes trabalhado...
This dissertation is a comparative study in Brazil and Canada on the relationships between innova... more This dissertation is a comparative study in Brazil and Canada on the relationships between innovation, learning and social capital in the context of the innovation networks. The main objective was to understand the role of social capital, within an institutional context, in the learning and cooperation among innovation networks actors. Based upon the study of two networks related to the technological development in the oil and gas industry in Brazil and Canada, this dissertation indicates the limits to operationalize the concept of social capital when the institutional environment, in which actors are embedded, is not taken into account. The formation of the Petroleum Technology Alliance Canada and Rede Petro RS stemmed from the combination of an enabling institutional environment and the action of pre-existing social networks. The dissertation identified the need to anchor the concept of social capital in a broader theoretical context such as the economic sociology in order to better understand the actors' strategies to access and acumulate social capital as well as to understand the enablers and constraints of the institutional environment. In relation to learning, there was evidence, in the qualitative research, that the social capital is positively associated to knowledge exploration and innovation. Another finding that has contributed to the topic of innovation networks was the differentiation between innovation networks and the organizations that facilitate the formation of such networks. The data used in this disseration resulted from the combination of quantitative and qualitative research. A survey with questions about innovation, learning and social capital was carried out with companies from PTAC and from Rede Petro RS. Besides that, indepth interviews were carried out with companies and other actors from the two networks. The dissertation concludes with the need to shed light on the limits and contributions from social capital to an economic sociology of innovation.
The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies f... more The chapter presents results of Transbrasil project “Dissemination of Brazilian public policies for family farming in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The main hypothesis of the research is that the South-South cooperation reveals a 'hybridisation' of several forms of policy internationalization: the policy-transfers; the transnational circulation of norms and standards through international organizations; the regionalization and regional integration, especially through civil society and social movements. The research focused in two processes: the characterization of the policy models in Brazil and the transferred policies in the recipient countries; the identification and profile characterization of the main vectors and brokers of the policy diffusion. The diffusion of the public food purchase model refers to the cases of Colombia, Haiti and Paraguay and the diffusion of territorial policies refers to Argentina, El Salvador, and Uruguay. The results of the study confirm th...
O mundo rural no Brasil do século 21: a formação de um novo padrão agrário e agrícola., 2014
Nesse cenário, também é importante destacar que a entrada de grandes empresas transnacionais em s... more Nesse cenário, também é importante destacar que a entrada de grandes empresas transnacionais em setores antes dominados por empresas familiares (como a produção de etanol em usinas) e a quase completa dominação da cadeia de valor de insumos (implementos e equipamentos agrícolas, fertilizantes, defensivos agrícolas e sementes) por empresas transnacionais contribuem para a competitividade do agronegócio brasileiro,
pois tais empresas tendem a investir mais em pesquisa e desenvolvimento do que suas contrapartes nacionais e oferecem tecnologia de ponta aos produtores rurais, contribuindo para o aumento da produtividade agrícola.
Outro elemento relevante seria a maior abertura de capital, no mercado de ações, dos grandes grupos econômicos brasileiros, que se tornaram multinacionais importantes em produção de carne processada (entre os casos emblemáticos, citam-se a JBS e a BR Foods). Em função de suas estratégias, essas empresas foram consideradas campeãs nacionais pelo Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), política
que foi deixada de lado em 2013 pelo banco e pelo próprio governo1. A forte presença dessas empresas no mercado de capitais e a elevada concentração do varejo de alimentos de grandes redes, com abertura de capital e forte alavancagem de recursos financeiros para aquisições hostis e transferência de controle acionário2, são partes importantes do processo de financeirização.
Untangling industrial policy ideas and coordination between state and business , 2019
Os direitos de todos os textos contidos neste livro eletrônico são reservados a seu autor ou auto... more Os direitos de todos os textos contidos neste livro eletrônico são reservados a seu autor ou autora, e estão registrados e protegidos pelas leis do direito autoral. Esta é uma edição eletrônica (e-book) comercial. Este livro eletrônico não pode ser impresso.
The rise of large emerging markets such as China and India has made the debate about the role of ... more The rise of large emerging markets such as China and India has made the debate about the role of the state in development very lively again. Several scholars argue that the role of the state in emerging market capitalist dynamics can be better grasped under the umbrella of state capitalism. This mirrors-and threatens to repeat-debates about the role of the state during the East Asian miracle in the 1980s and 1990s. Debates on an active role of the state in economic development need to avoid the danger of reinventing the wheel. More importantly, the dominance of the modern Anglo-American debate leads to a neglect of important older contributions from other national traditions. Our excavation of classical Japanese, German and Latin American contributions demonstrate the rich contribution of these alternative traditions. In contrast to the somewhat economistic, micro-economic and often supply-side focused contributions of the dominant Anglo-American debate, the forgotten traditions much more strongly highlight the importance of a common national vision for catch-up industrialization, a macroeconomic and a demand-side perspective.
By discussing the more recent contributions on the financialization phenomenon, this article pres... more By discussing the more recent contributions on the financialization phenomenon, this article presents evidence of how financialization is emerging in the Brazilian agribusiness. Following Epstein (2006) and Grippner (2011), financialization means the increasing role of financial motives, financial markets, financial actors and financial institutions in the agribusiness and agrifood systems. It is possible to see the presence of financialization in agribusiness in Brazil with the growth of financial assets associated with agriculture, a more prominent role for institutional investors, and a more prominent role for financial activities in agribusiness corporations as well as the growing importance of financial instruments. We argue that this process implies an institutional change in the Brazilian agribusiness with changes in the ownership from assets and in the logics of action.